The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 04, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Royal makes the looii pure,
wholeaorae and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
.fringe painter.
is on tin; sick list.
F. 1. lladloy.
Clnyil Cuinniin
Dr. D.iinercll was here the hil of tlio
Kriink l.ind.-ey is homo trom his visit
in Kansas.
Art MeKeo and wife of Cuiipbull
were hure this week.
G. W. Dow gave us a pouulu of eases
on subscription Saturday.
Geo. 1. Kolley rcinciuboied us with
money on .subscription Saturday.
,1. M. llacon of Hogc, Kansas will the Hig Injun until March, ISO'.).
Go to Butler for tin- best in saddlery
:uid harness.
Seo thoso line surreys at Peterson's
and note the low prices.
Head our free hook olTer.
See lladley for paper hanging.
Mark i'arkes of Campbell was liero
this week.
Henry S. Nyberg gave us money on
subscription Saturday.
Win. ilurd of Cowles remembered us
with a dollar Saturday.
Miss Georgia Macktnore went to Su
perior Wednesday morning.
Fom. Salk
Kiuiuireof D.
Two good work mares.
Charley Gather was down from Mc
Cook this week visiting with friends.
L. Auhushon came in the last of tho
week and gave us a dollar on subscrip
tion. Cotting the Druggist can supply
you with any kind of sewing machine
For ti first class shave or hair cut
:ill on (i. W. Fentress one door south
of ( 'alines' bakery.
Come in and see the ear of buggies
Unit I am just unloading. James Pkt-
Samuel Temple has sold his residence
lironerty on Cedar street to Mrs. C. H.
Odcll Moushaug a prosperous farmer
of Cowles gave us money on Subscrip
tion Saturday.
On another page of this paper will
bo found a book otTer which every sub
scriber should read.
Mrs. C. II. Kuley arrived homo from
Liucolu Monday night after a three
week's visit with relatives.
Randolph McNitt returned home
this week trom a trip to Washington,
Chicago and other cities east.
Fred McAvoy formerly of this city
but now a resident of Wyoming is here
shaking bauds with old friends.
I can give you better bugpics for tho
money than anyone olso. I get them
in carload lots. James Peterson.
Godfrey Monia of Guide Hock was
doing business nt tho Gate City on
Monday and while hero left us money
on subscription.
Mrs. Dieul of St. Louis, sister of Lew
Clapp passed through tho city the lirst
of tho week for u visit at, Mooinmgton.
She will visit hero on her way homo.
A now subscriber, or an old subscrib
er, who pays n year in advnnce of eu
ruary 14th, 1898, will receive two good
books. Head advertisement on anoth
er pngo.
L. 11. Hust says he will havo a nico
line of nursery stock for spriug trade.
Apple, cherry, plum, peach, small
fruit, nml ii nice lino of II. P. roses.
Good stock for sale cheap.
A real est tit o agent recently received
tho following postal card from a ten
ant: "Mr. I want them seler
stares lixt rite off my wife fol done last
r.ito anil lik to brak her dam nek.
Yours trulie, A. N ."
A cigarette factory has put on the
market a new brand of cigarettes.
Each pack is contained in a unique
box, and every time the smoker pulls
out a cigarette it plays a tune, en
titled "All Coons kook aiiko io mv.
A pertinent exchange remarks that
"Nearer My God to Thee," would be
nioro appropriate.
List of letters remaining uncnlledfor
at the po-,tolllce nt Hod Cloud, Neb
raska, tor the week ending I-ob. SMth,
, (LA. Adams. Miss A. It. Murphy.
Geo W. Hrown. Mike Ryan
These letters will bo sent to the dead
letter office Mar. 11th, if notcalieu lor
before. When calling for above p ease
say advertised. -F. W. Cowiibn, P. M.
Kov. E. Ed vards, pastor of the En
glish Huptist church at Mincrsvillo,
Pa., when suffering with rheumatism,
was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. Ho says: "Afc-w applications
of this llnimont proved of great service
to mo. It subdued tho In) animation
i ..oiLivmi tho nnin. Should any
sufferer prolit by giving Pain Ilalni a
trial it win picas'"
The way that tin1 buggies
from Peterson's denotes that
the goods at the right price.
rjC. II. Wiggins of Guide lloek was
here Thursday and remembered us
with a dollar on subscription.
James Peterson has just received the
linest carload of buggies ever brought
to this place. Call and seo them.
Samuel Temple is preparing to put
an addition to his residence on north
Seward street and otherwise improve
Mrs. Laurti Dounen after a visit with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Items
berg left for hoi home in New Mexico
M. W. Dickerson has moved from his
farm and is now located in the resi
dence formerly occupied by him on
Third avenuo.
The ladies of tho Degreo of Honor
personating the United States senators
at the opera house next Tuesday oven-
See our book oiler.
Hadley paints buggies.
J. O. Hutler's goods are up-to-date.
of Lincoln was here
C. F. Cuther
this week.
ing, March !28th.
A telephone lino has been put in
from tho depot by L. M. Crabill which
will connect with the- residence of T.
A. Wilburn and the Holland House.
I can give any spring on a buggy
that you want. Como and seo tho dif
ferent stvles. Single leaf, double leaf,
long leaf, in fact any kind. Jas. Pet-
V. II. Scrivncr, real estate man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trade your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
II. Scrivncr, lied Cloud, Nebr.
'mo." For sale by
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
J. II. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of five years at 8 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Hod Cloud, Neb.
For Homcseoker's excursion dates
via tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas rail
way, and information of their tourist
sleeper arrangements, address G. A.
McNutt, D. P. A., 1044 Union avenuo,
Kansas City, Mo,
A peculiar freak of nature wns that
of a rabbit shot by C. H. Wiggins and
exhibited to us this week. On tho
right sido of its head a short distanco
from tho noso protruded a horn about
ono inch in length aud about a half
inch through at (no baso.
Tramps havo been numerous in tho
cltv of lftto. Wo understand that sorao
of thorn took a lunch from tho waiting
room at tho depot belonging to a youth
who was going west. Tlioyjmust think
lted Cloud is nn easy plnco to' lay over
nt now. Thero was a time when they
all had a danger flag out against this
During tho windy weather which al
ways occurs during this month it be
hooves peoplo to bo careful in setting
out (ires or leaving coal ashes with lire
in them in tho streets and alleys. This
month tuul noxt aio generally the
times whon fires occur. Don't burn
down your own and your neighbor's
property by a little carelessness.
Don't use bill heads or statements in
which you have to writo your own
name. (Set them printed in an lip-to
date style. There is nothing which
will make your customers think you
are of the disposition to bo penurious
so much as this. If you tiro stingy in
one way what reason is there to be
lievothat you wont be in other ways.
Get your printing done right at the
Chief office.
I hnve been afflicted with rheuma
tism for fourteen ynars anil nothing
seemed to give any relief. I was able
to bo around all the time, and con
stantly suffering. I had tried every
thing I could hear of and at last was
told to try Chamberlain's Pain Halm,
which I did, and was immediately re
lieved and in a short time cured. I
am happy to say that it has not since
returned. Josh. Edoak, Gormantown,
Cal. For salo by H. E. Grico.
A very successful ghost social was
given nt tho poor farm school houso
last Friday night to raiso funds to buy
a library for tho school. Ten of Web
ster conn .y's best locking ladies were
sold at auction ny mo leacner, air.
Otto Pope, for tho snug sum of 814 85
A cauo baked by Mrs. E. W. Copolan
was voted to tho prettiest girl for $7.50,
makinir tho total receipts $21.85. Miss
Eva Matkins was voted the prettiest
girl in the houso. A grand time was
eiioye(i ny tin present, xne iiuues
soid as high as $2 each. Thore is a tariff
on our poor house .voinon.
The Wilsonvillo Hoviow says: "Wo
newspaper men aro suckers, no ques
tion about that. Just think of it, we
will, at till times, sit down and write a
half column editorial cautioning the
fanner trom dealing with some shark
representing a grocery house, and ad-
visum ineui io sutmi oy mo mem mer
chant and then in return for our work
wo lind that the local merchant is send
ing to s mil) of tlie clliis for lis jib
printing. Oh, we have an excellent
opportunity to cultivate Christian for
bearance and wo ought to bncomo
good, real good, soon." Ves, and oft
en Rome merchants nro not advertis
ing a penny's worth, yet we go ahoad
just tho same and light their battles.
Mrs. Frank Smith has returned from
a visit in Kansas.
Geo. Ulair was out to Notion county,
Kansas, the lirst of the week.
J. W. Wallin left Tuesday morning
on a business trip to Lincoln.
Clare Cox left Tuesday night for a
visit with relatives in MeCook.
C. W. Kaley returned Sunday oven
ing from his trip east and south.
Geo. J.Warren and wife and daugh
ter Nellio are home from their trip
Don't miss seeing "The New Wom
an" at the opeia luut'c next Tuesday
Harness that will wear, keep its
shape and look neat is the kind made
by J.O. llutlcr.
When, will all the A. O. U. W. be
next Tiiesd iy evening? At tho opera
house rain or shine.
C. S. lii'iinett has purchased the resi
dence property next door north of Mrs.
Talbot's on Seward street.
If it hurts you to laugh don't get
within hearing ilKtauce of the opera
house next Tuesday evening.
Good workmanship and material
in harness is the same as in other
goods. J. O. Hutler's goods havo both.
Tin: Cnir.r, a set of Christy pattern
knives, and a bound book, all for one
subscription paid in advance. Sub
scribe now.
Mr. Smith the gospel singer for tho
meetings nt the Christian church has
gone to Humboldt to sing for Evangel
ist ucuumg,
Tho Union Fire Insurance Company
is tlio best mutual. Uommnu risks; in
installments U per cent. J. 11. Smith,
Special Agent.
Oscar Yarger expects to be able to
resume the agency at Hartwell next
week, as his health is (juito restored.
MeCook Tribune.
Drop in and seo what I have just
bought in tho buggy lino and note how
cheap you can buy an A grade buggy.
Jas. Pktekson.
You never fail to got tho worth of
your money when you attend a home
entertainment. Come out nnd hoar
"Tho New Woman" Tuesday evening.
Our correspondents should remem
ber that all correspondence should be
at tins ollico by iiiursday noon in or
to insure publication. Please bear this
in mind.
There will bo n basket supper at tho
Wobbernian school house on Saturday
evening, March 12th. Proceeds go for
the benefit of the Sunday school. Ev
erybody cordially invited.
Miner Bros, havo lot tho contract for
the excavation of tho collar for their
new building to Pap Barkley and work
has already beor. commoncod. Work
on the foundation will begin about tho
Georgo B. Sccord, tho woll known
contractor of Towanda, Now York,
says: "I havo used Chnniborlain's
Cough Keinedy in my lamtiy lor a long
time aud have found it superior to any
other." For salo by II. E. Grico.
Wo wish our correspondents would
be a little more regular In sending in
the nows from their various localities.
Wn would he pleased to publish cor
respondence from every locality with
in the county every week, or at least
once in every two weeks. If tho news
of your neighborhood is not in The
Chief write it up aud send it in. Wo
would be pleased to publish it.
Stolen from the loin Sentinel: Many
people are not aware that printers
have a language of their own unintel
ligible to the uninitiated. The follow
ing "up-to-date" ordor give an idea of
printers lingo on a country newspaper.
"Hilly, put (!en. Weyler in the g.iiley
and finish up that murder you com
menced yesterday. Set up tho ruins
ot roil Aiinur aniMiiMiiouie ine yet-
ow fever. Lock up Lou Stevens and
slide Bradley into the hell box. Put
tho Indies form to press, anil go to tho
devil and nut him to work on Deacon
Fogg's iirlieie on Eternal Punishment."
W K, C Mrmorlal
James A Gailield W. U. C. at their
last meeting held last Saturday, Febru
ary 20th, held a memorial service fir
their deceased member, J. Willis.
She became a member of this corps in
18H0, and was elected senior vice pres
ident In the year 18U2, and served ac
ceptably. When in good health she
was promptly in her place In the corps
rioin and ready to do her part. She
was always ready to assist in any
work, but more especially in literary
entertainments, in which she delight
ed. She was a good friend to the vet
erans. Since her health failed she
had not been able to attend the corps
meetings but few times, but she was
always careful to keep her dues paid
so that she could be a member in good
standing. We sorely miss her face
from amongst us, knowing we shall
...! ! tw imifii mi llitu utiln ff tint 1'ivnt
but aro comforted by the thought that jiT'j
"What is our loss Is her gain." This
memorial service is the only one we
have had occasion to hold in twelve
years for one of our own members
Mis Mubel Tronic- is vWiting friends
at Juniata.
Louis Anderson moved mi his farm
north of Cowles.
A. Picice moved mi a farm south of
Blue Hill.
Win. A. Majors moved into his new
house Monday and is now :. resident of
this tity.
Haillio it ' Uodstroin have done so
well here that they extended their slay
one week, leaving here Monday the 7th
Tho Oldlields Comedy company en
tertained the people ot th'n place last
week. In their contest Miss Laird
was awarded the silver set for being
the most popular lady.
Prof. Fields of Shenandoah, Iowa,
has organized a singing school with
lifty two ineinbess.
C. E. Hicks is receiving quite a stock
of implements, and he says he thinks
trado will be pretty good in that line.
A now linn has embarked in tho im
plement business, Hoffman & Cutter.
Mr. Crarv who has been lying ill at
John McCalluin's is slowly recovering.
Win. McCalluin expects to erect a
now dwelling on his farm south of
Mr. and Mrs. ;Koith .of Hastings aro
vlsitine: with " their daiiirhter Mrs.
Grandstnff, md while there Mrs. K.
was taken down seriously ill, but at
this writing is improving.
Jas. Burden and wife were up from
Bed Cloud Sunday.
Jas. Burden has purchased tho farm
known as the Hyde place.
Some of our farmers havo began to
cut corn stalks.
Emorv Bean botiiiht somo cattlo of
J. B. Wisecarvcr Monday.
Dr. Fred McKooby was in this vicin
ity on business Monday.
Otto Jensen has completed a largo
granary for Wm. Crabill.
A. N. Wilson is hauling matorial for
his now houso.
Sheriff Wolls was transacting busi
ness in this locality Friday.
Johnson Wisocarvcr bought twenty
head of cattlo last weok of A. N. Wil
son. Ely and Nick Sorgonson havo ro
turnod from their trip to Missouri.
Mr. Reihor bought sovoral head of
steers from parties residing in this vi
cinity. A number of our yount; folks attend
ed tho Shaker show at Bed Cloud Sat
urday night.
Wado KoonU was shelling corn for
soveral of tho farmers hi this vicinity
this week.
About seven dollars was cleared at
tho basket supper at Now Virginia last
Friday evening.
.?:' o
. .,.
' .I.'....' i
i !
There is still some doubt of war be
tween the United States and Spain,
But there is not the least doubt about
us keeping up the Clothing Wa.r in
Red Cloud.
Gents' Furnishings,
Hats and
which has boon recently bought in the east
For Spot Cash
by our Messrs. Wiener and Freyniark is ready for
your inspection.
Spot Gash Means Baying Cheap.
Cheap Bought Weans Selling Cheap.
We will be happy to demonstrate the correctness
of our statement to you. and beg to assure our
patrons that we are at all times wide awake
and cannot afford to be undersold.
(Successors to C. Wiener,)
Red Cloud's Reliable Clothing House.
We Buy to Sell
THE NEW YEAR finds us with
complete and up-to-date line of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
and Silver Plated Ware,
K Modern Treatment of
The latest work on the
fatmnt nf AisrAKP'L. wtitte.n w
$ by forty eminent American
m physicians, says: "Cod-liver
$ oil has done more for the con
J sumptive than all other reme
$ dies put together." It also
says: The hypophosphites
m of lime and soda are regarded
m by many English observers as g
I Scott's Emulsion
Very nieo weutlier nguin.
Miss Muy Suiiborn wus visiting Miss
Kiiuini iMoiisliung Siitunliiy unil Sun
day. Mr. Geo. Hoyt Is talking of moving
again. Wo are .sorry to lose Mr. Hoyt.
In our neighborhood he was honored
and esteemed by all who knew him.
Some of our young folks went to tho
revival meetings at Alt. Hope, but did
not get there in time so did not go in.
I'orone Sunday Charley Dickerson
was not on Willow creek.
Miss lksio Wilder and Miss Louise
Vance were the guests of Aliss Hon
Miss .Tosio Godwin of Cowles wns
visiting on the creek Sunday.
Wminilerstiuid Unit Geo. Middkton
ima iini-(.liis(!(l tho old lirubakcr place.
If any ono wishes to trado horses just
come to Willow creek.
Miss May Kwings of Pawnoo county
who 1ms been visiting Miss Nellie Hon
returned homo Inst Monday.
at popular Prices. Our repairing is continuing to
give satisfaction, the reason being that we do all
work properly and give a guarantee that means
something. II we have not your patronage we
would be pleased if you would give us an op
portunity to demonstrate that what we say is true.
Newliottse XSiross.
frvvvvv wwvvvv w w w wrv w w w w w wwwwwwwwwv
i.i I 1 1. if
I V l)w
- 't Jirfd t'j lliecon. fur 2& jnn l ho!.
n I-riKi, iitidc kirn mo
i aler tyntila, SLIpaaj-.
Tucro iir cxamioaiion,
hrarjiliiDit wtrraatol,
. lMitjIostf Velildci,
( (iriti oi iiirniru.
nor: 1'utulU'i. Crri-
ftl, I'liMtoni, Trt4, Wutoa.
Surn-ri, i'utull
nu,i, Siiriug-Il'iwl ud Kllk
Strrtj ntriHi. Plo. lie 00. Wupjbi. fknJ for lirj. frw
. iw. . mi, lor f.s. w.ivbuv i mil gur llltl.
Ko. C00 Sam T. Prico. wllh eurt&lm. Iftiin.. .as.
hide, aproa ml Icalin, t X. Ai cool n t Mi for J0.
contains the best cod-liver oil
in a partially digested form.
$ combined with the Hypophos
$ phites of Lime and Soda This
remedy, a standard tor a
quarter of a century, is in
exact accord with the latest
views of the medical prof ession.
Be sure you get SCOTT'S
AH drueettts : soc. mdtl.oo.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmliti. New York
Weather warm.
Gathering corn is a tiling of the past.
Tho farmers are making preparations
to mil out a largo crop this spring.
Hiram Hasklns of Guide Hock has
moved onto tho Leigh farm.
Tho sale of Mr. Reeves wns largoly
attended aud everything sold high as
ho gave a credit of ten months. Horses
sold from $50 to $70 a head.
L. A. Hasklns has built a large corn
crib on the Sherwood ranch,
Tho Pleasant D.ilo Sunday hchool will
reorganize a union school on March 0.
The United Hrethron will organize
a sectarian Sunduj school March llith,
nl Penny creek school house, district
Ernest llasklus' team ran away with
u load of hay, turned it over and caught
ho and his hired man unucnieiuu. iu
one wns hurt but they were badly
Wo will pay ii Milnry of 810.00 per
weok and expenses for man with rig
to introduce our Poultry Mixture and
Insect Destroyer in tho country. Ad
dress with stamp Pbiifkotion Mko.
Co., Parsons, Kansas.
Building: material Eto.
red Cloud,
4MXr -- O X'O
io mrAir-ffS?
i ii iiii-i in i i i l n i 1 1 " i im hi 1 1 w
iMtA" . " i u m ..i,,l p n I lhi m mv--
JSHiJf Aw &rV T Tim ifliUfi mP
25 50
f inn at nnnin nnin t iimnnn tn nr. mr rainnrrnntllnitlnn. FunrtU are lh IJll Lait
BDOULUlCiLI UUflHflniLrjU n,r. nMrr Krp (ir itrlpe.imt rauu naa natural malts. Hu-l
Uti4 koiltfrM. ii. STKKMNO UKMKUV IO., Chtcairo. Moitrtal. Cu., y Naw 1m. Jll.j
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