The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 04, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Impntlenlly Awning Hie Itenlt of the In
inlrj- of the. Mulne lllmihtcr -Cuptnlii
Siiinpon'n Itourd Held In In- TrjInK
I'rorr I'oiil I'luy.
Nkw York, Mnrcli 2. Tho Tlnrnnfi
forrcspoudoiit of tlio New York Tri
bune says: "Officials of tlio govern
merit nro praying for relief from n
strain which they cannot endure much
longer. It is not encouraging when
officers of high rank in the iinny, who
deplore the Maine cutastropho ar.
deeply and sincerely as do tho Arncri
ran people, beg to demand that If the
United State intends to mako tho dis
aster a causo for going to war, It shall
do ho quickly.
"These expressions do not represent
the settled convictions of those by
whom they are uttered. They tiro the
utterances of men overburdened with
anxiety and uncertainty. In their
rainier moment thcao officers would
he the flrt to accept the mediation of
the United States as the best meant
for helping Spain out of her desper
utc situation In Cubit. Under the
present btruln they do not ac
cept It. They complain that
the thorough and comprehensive
Investigation which the naval court of
Inquiry Is making is too slow, and
they profess to believe that Instead of
impartial investigation to learn the
facts the court is seeking to make out
a case, of foul play. The is nro rcprc
tcntatlvcs of the military arm of the
government who do not believe imy
thing of tho kind; they only talk to
relieve their overburdened minds.
"If the clouds which tho Malno dis
aster has thrown over tho relations of
Spain and the ''tilled States were
cleared away the internal complica
tions would not bo lessened. The loss
nf tho American warship and its crew
had nothing to do with the 6erles of
minor successes which tho insurgents
nre gaining in all parts of tho Island.
This Is duo to tho demoralization
of tlio Spanish troops Homer, keeps
almost within range of tho railroad
and tho telegraph in Sunta Clara
province. He could not do so if Spain
wero ablo to carry on an effective
campaign. The so-called crisis in tho
autonomist's cabinet Is another thing
with which tho United States has
nothing to da
"The crisis Is not a dangerous one,
tiecuuso Uovln and Ills radical col
leagues havti the secret support of the
Hagastu ministry. Halve Montoro
and Zuyas, who r.Vc all that remain of
tho Conservative nuto.iuuiist.s, may
not indorse the plan to cpen negotia
tions with tlio insurgents and tooll'er
Home, a place in thu Cuban govern
ment, but their resignations nro not
expected. Tim Sngustu ministry ap
proves tlio hi'ht'itu of making further
concessions to the Insurgents and with
this knowledge members of the auton
omists cabinet who dlsapprovo it arc
likely to be passive.
"Tlio junta In New York has al
ready rejected the propositions. That
la not so important as tlio repudiation
of them which will como from (!omc7.
Then nothing will remain for tlio gov
ernment of Spain except to confess
the failure of autonomy and more
than autonomy, to restore peace rind
buvo her sovereignty in Cuba. This
confession cannot await the election
of tho Cortes in April. In llicso con
ditions that war with Iho United
Statos should be preferred to media
ton seems incredible, but tho ultra
loyal populnce wants war."
Meamret Intradural! to I'rnvlile for liny
Ins Wnrahlp- nml Kqiilplnz Arniloi.
WAHinxnro.v, March :.'. Represent
ative llromwcll, Republican, from
Ohio, yesterday Introduced In the
House the following resolution:
Thnt the secretary of the navy bo
nnd is hereby authorized, whenever
in ins judgment it shall becomo ex
pedient for the best interests of thu
country to do so, to secure options
upon and consummate the purehasaof
such battleships, cruisers, rams, tor
pedo boats or oilier foi m of iinvnl ves
sels ns are of thu most modern type
nnd ready for immediate use; together
with tho nocsmry unn.imiMit and
equipment for tho same, as In his
judgment are necessary to pines the
naval strength of the country upon a
proper footing for immediate hostili
ties with tiny fiielgn power with
which the samo may bo threatened;
nnd that for the purpose of consum
mating such purchase there is hereby
appropriated the sum of S'.', to
Iks Immediately nvollablo. Tho reso
lution was referred to the naval com
mittee. Mr. lliomwoll said he introduced
the resolution to call the attention of
the naval committee to tho necessity
for providing such a contingent tnd
in Hie naval appropriation bill. If the
committee decs Include such a provis
ion In the bill, when it is reported, ho
will offer it us an utneiidnient. in the
Representative Hlbsmi of Tennessee
introduced a bill appropriating 8:0,
000,001) "for tlio maintenance of na
tional honor and defense."
The (Invi-rnuiciit Mill 1'rot'pnd Asutml
Another I. ml (irniit
Nkw Yoittc. March ','. Word comes
from Washington that Attorney Hen
oral Uriggs Is preparing to bring tin
action against the Central Puelllc tall
read in tlio near fnturu to recover tho
defaulted bonds which became duo
.January ), Is'.m, It Is understood that
Hcorgo Hoadly, special counsel, will
bo Instructed by tho attorney general
to appear before a federal judge, pos
lbly .ludge Sanborn, nnd ask that thu
road be told at foreclosure proceed-lags.
Ills Letter for Apology I'rom McKlnlcy
Its Text Miuln I'tildlc.
Nnw Yoiiit, March 2, -Ucncral Wcy
ler's petition to tlio queen regent of
Spain risking her to demand from tho
United States an iuimcdlnto apology
for 1'resldcnt McKlnley's allusions in
his message to Congress to Woylcr's
methods of warfare Is now mndo pub
lic for the first time. In Spain tho
press was strictly forbidden to pub
lish tho text of the document for feur
that It mlghtglvc rise to international
The letter was written In December,
when General Weyler personally pre
sented It to the queen after the text
of the American I'tcsidcnt's message
becamo known in Spain. Here is tho
full text:
"Madame: I come to-day before the
highest representative of the country
nnd the army, begging with tho great
est respect from your majesty u boon
which 1 deem necessary to tho Span
ish army and to my own honor us a
"From his high position, the exec
utivo of u foreign power, nt tho sol
cum moment of the opening nf Its
Congress, has uttered insults against
tho army of Spain of so gross a nature
that 1 can hardly believe tliey will bo
permitted to pass without tho crier
gctic protest of tlio government of
votir majesty.
"Tho heroic soldier? who aro shed
ding their generous blood in the ileitis
of Cuba to defend the sovereignty of
Spain have been Insulted in a coarse
and cowardly manner before the
wltolo civilized world and treated ns
though they were on tlio same level
with rebellious hordes of bandits who
;lo not deserve tin honorable mention.
"The military measures, uindame,
adopted in thu Cuban war with tlio
full knowledge nud consent of one of
Your Majesty's governments, a gov
ernment of Spain, nro criticised us in
famous nnd unworthy of civilized peo
ple. Tho orders of the Spanish gen
eral who commanded that army arc
dually qualified, tuadame, as brutnl,
and calculated to fill the clvllizid
world with horror. If such insults
were given only to tho soldier who
lias the honor to address Your Maj
esty, ho would not complain of tho
weakness of the government in per
mitting tlicin to go unrebuked. Ho
would, in fact, bo extremely gratified
to have called forth such an opinion
concerning himself from n people
whom ho considers to be tlio open ene
mies of Spain
"ltut when these Insults are also di
rected at the entire Spanish army,
when thu opprobrious words nro di
rected against tins honor of tlio Invin
cible, noble, courageous soldiers of
Spain, tho general who has fought
s.ilu by side with those soldiers, the
general who hsw shared the hardships
of the t- lives, tlio general who has
honored himself by commanding tlio
most heroic and largest army of mod
ern times. 1 cannot tolerate without
protest thu injustice of such grave
words. Ail my orders in the Held,
Mud nine, wero Inspired by the noble
cry of 'Viva l'spana.'
"No, I cannot leave my companions
in arms alone. Tho man who has in
sulted us has spoken his words nt
such n (list iin co thut I caniiot person
ally punibh him. I come, therefore,
to your majesty demanding repara
tion for our military honor trampled
upon by tho foreigner.
"Until the President of tho United
States makes a complete apology to
Spain I think that the Spanish sol
diers cannot wenr their uniforms with
"Pub'.lc has been the Insult. Public,
complete and immediately ought to bo
the apology. I do not nlono demand
It. With me nro tho honor of Spain
and the honor of tlio Spanish army,
which represents tho country, and
whose highest dignity inheres in tlio
aiigiiit pat-hon of his majesty, the king.
"Therefore, not ns a favor, but as
an act of justice which your majesty
cannot refuse, tho undersigned de
mands your majesty that you advise
your government to nsk tho satisfac
tion that is so necessary to tlio honor
of thu Spanish army, Mud 1.1110. at the
royal feet of your mujeity. V.u.wi.vo
W i:i.iut "
Jui!;o HoilsrrVn lleclilnn That tlin Law
1 1 Void Won't Slop It,
Wamii.noi on. March 1.'. The decision
of .ludge Rodgors rendered at Kansas
City yesterday, holding tlio United
States federal meat inspection law to
In unconstitutional, apparently causes
no concern to tho officials of the Agri
cultural department, under whoso
administration the law is executed.
They regard tlio decision ns one large
ly technical in character, which will
not affect the practical operation of
tho law when applied to inspection of
meats intended for interstate truflle
or export to foreign countries.
An tngrnlii Curpot Trim.
Rostov, March '-The Roston
Transcript prints nn interview with
Arthur T. Lvmnn. treasurer of the
Loxvull Manufacturing company, con-
cernlntr a promised commission of
manufactures of ingrain carpets in
tills country with a view of control
ling that niHr.tet,
lliinilrmu MtU for AUiita.
VirroiiiA. II. C, March 2 Tho
iteamers Aiutrnli.i ami Xoyod sailed
yesterday for Alaskan ports, the
former with 1 13 passengers, including
Ids' fcoldler.s foi Dyoa, and tho lutter
with '-'(JO passengers. To-day tho
ktoaincrs Allium. Ikiscnwitz uiid Vic
toria will sail, all crnvd.-d.
A KurpliM for I'elirintry.
WAMiixnro.v, .March "J. Treasury
Hllelals were highly elatjit yesterdaj
over the results of the revenuo law,
for the total (Iguics show a surplus
over expenditures of nearly S'51,001),
000 for thu mouth.
Mont Iliiiiir(iilil i:cnls of I lie I'hM Sit
Hit) Carefully Collected mid Condi-nurd
I'nri'lgn nud lloiiii'xtlc Doing (Jlirniil
rlcd for Hn' Tropin to Item.
'.evident Hole of lluwiiii has sailed
The Spanish innii of-wur Viseiiyn has
sailed for Havana.
Much anxiety is fell at the non-iir-rtvul
of the stctitiii'i' ha Champagne
from Havre to New York. Site hi six
days over title.
Many London women active in tem
perance work, in u meeting at St. Jo
seph's church. Westminster, euloglcd
Miss Francis Willurd.
The remains of (leorge W. Ferris of
Ferris wheel funic, are held 11 1 the ere
niutory of Undertaker Sampson, Pitts,
burg, Pa., for unpaid funeral expenses.
One of the men who attempted the
assassination of King Heorge. of U recce
has been upprcht'iidcd. lie is 11 minor
employe in the olllee of the mayor of
Senator White of California has
stated that he wilt not be it candidate
for re-election to the senate. Ituslness
considerations nf a personal character
are his reasons.
The steamer Canning, which arrived
nt New York from ports,
brought the largest cargo of colVee
that ever reached that port, consisting
of s.",7."5 sucks.
Kvideitce has been unearthed which
proves thul the two Indians burned nl
the stake tit Minnie. Old., for the mur
der of Mrs. Li.ln! were not the ones
guilty of the crime.
Mrs. Cellu Wallace, widow of the
lute wealthy lumberman. .1. S. Wallace
of Chicago. 'bus purchased the second
largest diamond in the United State
paylngS'.' I, ."iOD for It.
About :iO() citizens of Miiyfleld. ICy..
lynched Richard Allen, colored, whom
they declured was responsible for the
numerous robberies which have oc
curred in that vicinity.
The uiaiumnuth plant of the Louis
rllK, ICy., brunch of the American
Tobacco company was destroyed by
lire, entailing 11 loss of over g:i5(,000,
fully covered by Insurance
Albert A. Henry traveling agent for
a Philadelphia cold storage concern
lumped from the middle span of the
Vj.'ids bridge at St. Louis and was
drowned in the Mississippi.
l!ay Fry and Hugh Sewell. promi
nent young men of .liiuuvstnwii. X. Y..
quarreled about 11 young woman nud
Sewell thrust u knife through Fry's
heart, hilling him instantly.
The president bus signed the resolu
tion of congress appropriating S'.'oi),-
owl for the work necessary to recover
the remains of the men and property
from the wreck of the Maine.
Lyman Dart, tin 17-year-old boy in
Truro. Nova Scotiti, jail under sentence
of death for the murder of 11 peddler,
is free, evidence, recently discovered,
showing the shooting to have been ac
cidental. In the case of F. F. Hidden against
the sheriff of Milt Luke county, Utah,
involving the constitutionality of the
territorial eight-hour law, the United
Ststtes supreme court lias held that It
was constitutional.
The Itritish ship Hnrpiii, Captain
Dakin. from Manila for U, S. port, is
supposed they have been wrecked on
.Nantucket sliouls during the recent,
storm uiul her entire crew of probably
twenty-live men have perished.
Ktnilu Zola and M. Pallieiix have
been found guilty of the charge of li
bellous comment on the conduct of the
Fsterha.y court-martial. .olu was
sentenced to one year's imprisonment
mid to pay u Hue of .'1.000 francs.
lleux to four months imprisonment
and to pay a similar Hue. olu will
The homestead of the late ex-P.osi-dent
II. II. Hayes at Fremont. ().. was
levied upon by the sheriff recently to
satisfy a judgment obtained in com
mon pleas court for S5.00I damages bv
Mrs. Addle M. Smith of that city for
Injuries received in a runaway caused
by a dog owned by tho Hayes estate.
The costs amount to Sl,0'.i,"
The ISoston Herald s'lys; "Fn 111 tin
Interview with Congressman Walker,
chairman of the committee 011 tiiiiince.
it would uppcar that tlie bill for the
Indianapolis monetary convention has
nothing to hope for nt his hands. The
congressman, in fact, is unalterably
opposed to the measure. He suys it
would not afford tho desired relief.'"
Tho entire system of government In
spection of meat established in the
packing houses of the United States
has been declared unconstitutional in
an opinion bunded down in tlie United
Stutes district court, lit Kunsiis City by
ludge Rogers, federal judge, in ' the
cusu of Harry lloycr, charged with at
tempting to bribe 11 government meat
inspector. The judge said the mutter
was one of state, not federal, control.
The London Dally News, comment
ing on the relations between the
United States and Spain says: "Spain
can expect no support, moral or other
wise, irom Liiglanil mm list the United
She lias ruined Cuba, as she
has ruined or lost evere utln.r colonv.
j ' the grossest corruption, cruelty mid
maladministration mitl she must be
left to settle the tiecouut for it with
those whom it may concern without
tiny aid or sympathy on our part."
The burning of a tenuincnt building
in Charleston, S. ('., caused the loss of
ulne lives.
The special sestion of tho Illinois
legislature has adjourned siuu dlf . It
missed most of the measures mentioned
in the governor's call, including new
revenue nnd primary election laws,
but failed to pass the metropolitan po
lice hill by which it win sought to
place t lie Chicago police force under
the control of n commission appointed
by thu governor, Tlie senate police In
vestigating committee, liowevc-, was
authorized to continue its Investiga
tion and report nt tho next regular
session of the legislature.
A decree has been issued dissolving
tlie .Spanish Cortes.
Hob Flt.sliiiiiions has expressed u
willingness to light Kid McCoy.
In it recent interview Senator llunitn
scouted the idea of war with Spain.
The monitor Terror is now uiichorcii
off Toinklnsville, in New York harbor.
A crowd of n.ooii at Siilamanca,
Spain, paraded the streets ilemaudiu
bread or work.
Spain Is pushing the work of nuvul
construction nnd iiriiiiimeiit with the
greatest activity.
Costu Rica uiul Xicnrugiiti want to
light nnd it is till Htia'cmulii eiut do to
keep (hem from it.
The Chinese government has agreed
to open Yiien-Cliiiu on lake Tung-Ting-Tit
ns u treaty port.
Lord Salisbury is eonlitied to libs
room at Hattich'l house, London, with
a slight indisposition.
Frederick Tennyson, the poet, elites',
brother of the lute poet laiircnte, Lord
Alfred Tennyson, is dead.
X bus filled with pleasure seckcr.-t
was struck by it t.'iiln at Chicago and
six persons were instantly killed.
Heorge Collins, uged 1'.', of Parkers
burg. W. Vtt., .stubbed his mother to
death because she attempted to whip
Heorge R. ("niton of David City, Neb.,
has been appointed haul; examiner for nliice of Fviiminer I lower,
who resigned to enter into active bunk
ing at Tien trice.
Win. Kelley, who lives near Wyniore,
got his li i ml caught in a corn slieller
and all the lingers were taken oil'
down to the llrst joint. It. will make
him a cripple for life.
lion. Henry W. Corbett. bus been
denied admission to the senate as 11
senator from Oregon on the appoint
ment of the governor by the decisive
vote of fifty to nineteen.
The steamer Legislator, from Colon
to New York, burned ut sea February
Hi In latitude :il.'.':i N.. longitude 1 1. HI
W. Five men were lost, the rest weiv
rescued by the steamer Flower Hate.
Chillies A. Thielniun. grand presi
dent of the Arbeitei- Mttetitng Verein,
(Worklngmen's Mutual Aid society)
dropped dead in Chlcigo just after
having completed installing o' of
11 lodge.
The entire business portion of Cor
tez. Colo., was destroyed by 11 lire,
which originated in P.lnckmore's ho
tel. The loss cannot be estimated at
this time, but it is thought it will ex
ceed $."(,0(I0.
Tho cruisers Columbia uiul .Minneap
olis, the double Itii'rctcd monitor Ml
oiitonomah nud the ram ICutitluliu
have been ordered to go into commis
sion ut once. Work on them ut Long
Island navy yard was pushed all day
'Plw l.milnml ri'iiidiir foe thp Ynlrm
relief expedition have ivaclic.l New
York on the steamer Aluuilnhun. The
cargo consists of 111! immigrants. .1:17
reindeer, IIS reindeer sleds. .Ml .set-, of
reindeer harness and between :i.(i0(l
and LOOO bags of moss for feeding the
reindeer euroule.
The Madrid correspondent to the
London Standard says: "Spanish
statesmen of every shade of opinion
are simply auuicd ami indignant ut
the idea that Spain would ever consent
to sell Cuba. The suggestion would
expose the monarchy to tin irresintable
movement of populur feeling shared
b- the army nnd navy. From a finan
cier's view it is equally impossible, be
cause tht price suggested would not
half cover the Cuba debt, which is al
most entirely held by Spaniards."
The delay in the arrival of the liner.
Lu Champagne, lias been found to In
due to the breakage of the ttiil-c ml
shaft. The third otliccr and nine sea
men, who hud set out for assistance in
tlie life boat, were picked up bv the
steamer Rotterdam of the Holland
American line. They had been in the
open boat six days and wen almost
helpless. Tlie Chunipugiie was com
pelled to anchor, but 11 lieree gale
sprung up, snapped the hawser, ami
for five days the big liner was at the
iierey of the elements. She wits res
cued from lie perilous predicament by
the steamer Roman, nml towed into
port at Halifax, Nova Scotia. A purse
ef 5.0011 francs was made up for the
suitors who had manned the life boat.
Developments in the Malno disaster
tend to strongly disprove the theory
of accident on board ship. F.vcrything
points to the deliberate explosion of a
mine or torpedo. The court of inquiry
is now on the scene, but their llnilings
are kept profoundly secret. The gov
eminent is tubing all steps needful to
prepare for tlio worst In case of eon
llict. Army uiul navy headquarter
are stencs of unusual activity. It is
not dcllinitcly known when the court
of Inquiry will make its report, prob
ably not until the llrst week lu March.
What the report will be will not be
ciiowii until It Is matin ollleially. It
cannot be denied, however, that the
evidence collected is of 11 character
that must call for reparation from the
Spanish government in the shape of in
deinnitv. failing to get which, war
will be inevitable. Spain sees tlie dull
ger ahead and seini-otllelal organs are
urging preparations for war. Tho pro
gram of this government, in case it is
determined Spain is responsible for
the wrecking of the Maine, will be to
detniiud indemnity in thu sum of 815,
000,000. If Spain refuses to pay tills,
the White squadron will look after
Cuba, the Pneltlu squadron will do the
same for the Phllllplnes, while the
other squadron will tend to Spain.
Saturtluy morning. February 'M, the
New York Herald has a dispatch from
Havana which says that the keel of
Maine was stove upward, which could
oniy lie done by an explosion from be
low' and on the outside.
Win. M. Slngerly, editor of tho Phtl
udclphit! Record, and president of the
Chestnut Street National and Chestnut
Street Savings banks and also of tlie
Slngcriy Pulp nnd Paper mill, died
suddenly lust Sunday at Philadelphia
of heart disease.
London paper.-., commenting 0:1 the
Maine disaster, see tho serious side,
nnd delleve war will follow. They de
cline thut the ominous silence of the
court of Inquiry Is not a go.iil sign,
nnd say that If the accident theory
was tenable the court would bo only
too glad to let it. be known. They ex
prcsy. fuitlt in tho good judgment of
the president.
A Complete lletleiv of the Vnsl Week'
ltipieiilufrn In the Tree I'll! liters' Stute
- Niicelnct Siiiiiiniiry of the .Mont tin.
)ortiint Xcuk.
II. M. Hushnclt bus assumed charge
of the Lincoln postolllce.
Arrangements have been completed
for tlie building of a sanitarium at
Long Pine. A number of prominent
physicians being interested in the
enterprise. Work will begin immedi
ately. The banks and public schools were
closed, and the postoflleo und county
olllccs of many Nebraska towns en
joyed u half holiday In honor of Wash
ington's birthday. A number of the
business houses were decorated with
flags and bunting.
While driving to the school she wns
teaching near tjiilck, Frontier county,
Miss Wilson, a sister of County Clerk
Wilson of Frontier county, was thrown
from tlie cart In which she was riding
with a small boy und was drugged for
n mile or more, sustuinlngsiieli terrible
injuries that death resulted from
The other day us Mrs. Uriah Swigart
of Rent rice, was starting 11 lire in a
gasoline stove at the Auditorium,
where the Methodist church ladles
were preparing u supper, the flumes
suddenly rose up uiul enveloped her
head, severely burning one ear und
other portions of her face. She tilsn
inhaled some gas rind it was some
minutes before she could breathe with
any degree of comfort.
Wayne Is now likely to realize her
fondest hopes, a beet sugar factory.
Messrs. Connor and Hmul, of Ft. Scott,
Kunsus, representing a syndicate, have
been there the past ten days and have
submitted n proposition for 11 S150.
000 plant with n capacity of '.'HO tons
of beets dully. It has been iiccepted
by the citizens, who have had several
enthusiastic meetings the past week.
Postoftlce Inspector Mncluir is in
vestigating the advisability of burning
11 part or all of the old records which
have ucciimuliitcd in tin- Omaha post
olllce. The old records are said to be
a great nuisance, as they represent a
collection of twenty-live years service,
and are so voluminous us to render tlie
selection of anything from them til
most impossible.
Dr. A. T. Peters lias returned to
Lincoln from Wood Rive.-, where he
' ' invesligati
1 cattle disease
thnt had carried off about n score or
more of the herd of Hiram Dodd. He
found what he epeoted that the cat
He had been eating ergot in buy nnd
that then' was nothing infectious in
tlie disorder. He says lie never saw so
much ergot in n load of hay us in that
lving feil to these cattle.
The verdict of the jury in the case of
thu state against the bondsmen of ex
Treasurer Rurtley bus received noth
ing but condemnation from those who
know the merits of the case. Attor-ney-Ueticrul
Smyth suys he is able to
Miow that one juror expressed an opin
ion before the trial of the case. The
verdict is generally looked upon as ri
diculous. The jutwrs decline to dis
russ by what hocus poeus of reasoning
they arrived ut their conclusion.
A pyramid of corn in the car made
up of contributions of one bushel each
from tho farmers nf Missouri, will be
one of the features of tlie exhibit from
that state ut the Omaha exposition.
The pyramid will lie built in courses. representing the. number
of bushels annually produced lu the
state and the highest nnd lowest mar
ket prices which it sold at during the
same year. The courses will be separ
ated by layf r3 of red corn. Tins pyra
mid will be constructed on the Egyp
tian order, und the figures uud prices
will cover 11 peiiod of thirty years.
A mortgage from the Chicago, Rock
Island it Pacific railway to the Cen
tral Trust company of New York, the
largest ever filed in the county, wns
filed at Reutiice tlie other day. It
wnsfor SIOO.000.oon and draws ."I per
cent interest. The mortgage contains
J.'.VI.'iO words and the fee for tiling the
same was S-0, the largest ever known
to have been paid for u similar service.
For the convenience of county officers
they are proided with extra copies of
tlie mortgage papers for pasting In
the record books.
John M. Kreuder. sheriff of Dodge
county, whom criminals learned to
fear, punctured Charles Smith tlie
other day in front of the county jail at
Fremont. Smith, who Is known among
his associates in thiigdom us "Sloppy"
Smith, Is 11 witness for tho defense In
the cuse of tho State vs. Heorge Kvans.
who is on trial for burglurizlng Kd
Percy's residence. He. bus been on the
witness stand and was being ttikeu
back to jull, when ho inado 11 break
for liberty. He was commanded to
stop, but he had other Intentions.
.Sheriff Kreuder then drew his revolver
uud llrcd two shots high of the mark
to bcura the fleeing fugitive, but to no
uv.nil. He then took u plunk ut his
man and dropped him.
The house of Heorge llrlttell three
tulles of Rising City, was broken
into the other day in his absence uud
it number of articles stolen therefrom,
mostly mens' clothing. No clue to the
robbers has been obtained.
It has been suggested by n member
of the state press usujclation, and one
high in authority, that Inasmuch us
press headquarters are to be furnished
in the Nebraska building, thu associa
tion ought' to arrange to liuve a man in
charge of the headquarters to extend a
welcome to all comers in the nuiue und
on behalf of the state press associutlou.
Wayne will have a special election
to vote bonds to construct tin eleutrlc
light plant.
Hull county Mtgur beet raisers de
clare they will raise no beets until the
obnoxious Hawaiian clause Is stiiclteit
out of the contracts by thu Oxnttni
The jury in the case of the stale
against the bondsmen of ex-Treasurei
Hartley, which litis been in progress in
Omaliii for the past several wcekn,
found for the defendant bondsmen.
This means that the statu cannot re
cover the amount of Hartley's shortage.
The attorney-general will move 'for u
new trial, and as .ludge Powell suvs
he wilt let the verdict stand, the ease
wilt at once go to the supreme, court.
Ncls Lund, a workman on tho new
Oiniihu union depot, while standing
astride an iron girder on the third
story of the structure, fell forty feet,
striking face downward upon a pile of
structural iron and was instantly kill
ed. His neck was broken and his face
and head crushed. It is not known
whether his feet slipped or he was
struck by some of thu heavy irons
being swung into place. It is believed
that he has relatives a .lulesburg, uud
that place has been wired.
Chairman Stephen 13. ltarton of the
central Cuban relief committee has
written to Secretary P. 11. Harry of
the Nebraska committee to inform him
that supplies from Nebraska can be
shipped free to New York tit which
place they will be transferred to the
Ward line or the Spanish-American
line and sent without cost, to Consn'
Uciieriil Lee. or some of the other con
suls in Cuba. I-Vee transportation
will be furnished from Chicago nml
St. Louis, and the Chicago, Milwaukee
v. St. Paul rallroa I has given the
same privilege from Omaliii to Chicago.
Other roads have done likewise.
AtTeknmah. the team of W. R
Thomas run away with II. .1. Pierce, so.
severely Injuring him that he died
about thirty minutes ufter the no',
dent. Mr. Pierce bus been workinj.
for Mr. Thomas for a number of years
and wus hauling wood to a farm south
of town. When below the Hrookling"
hotel something became wrong wltl
one of the lines und the old geutlcmat
got out of the front cud of tlie wagon
onto the tongue to fix it, when tin
horses became frightened und started,
throwing him down between them.
The wheels passed over him, breakiny"
ills buck uud shuttering his ribs. The
deceased was well along in years unit
lias lived in this county for sixteen or
seventeen years, lie leaves a wife and
three sons.
.lames Rlvett. superintendent, ot
buildings 011 the ISuiiiugtoti was ut
Atlanta, 11 siuull station just west ol
lloldree. in Phelps county, recently
In company with the Uuiiingtoii sla
t ion agent he took a surveyor's tape
line uud measured tlie corn cribs bui.t
adjacent to the company's track and
of the regulation width. He found
thut the cribs measured a mile and
100 feet in length and all were brim
f ill of the yellow shining corn. Two
large elevators close by were full to
the point of tiliuost overflowing of
shelled corn uud wheat. Atlanta bus
ti population of less than u hundred
people, but Its importance as n grain
center can be judged from Mr. Rlvett'-;
statement thut 5,(100 bushels of grain
are being hauled into it for shipment
or storage every day.
A most distressing trugcily occurred
ut Nebraska City tlie other day which
resulted in the killing of William IC11 by his seventeen- ear-old
daughter Mary. cume homt:
drunk and threatened to kill his wife
and other members of the family. He
was quieted ufter a time by Mary, who
was his favorite daughter, and went
to bed about 1 a.m., warning the fam
ily that there would be at least two
dead in tlie house before morning. At
about 4 o'clock the fiimily were awak
ened by a shot, to find Mary standing
with 11 shot gun In her hand and the
husband and father dead with the
front of his head nearly blown off.
The girl took nil the blame. The cor
oner's jury, after hearing the testi
mony, came to the conclusion that the
act was committed wiiilo the girl was
laboring under emotional insanity,
caused by repeated threats of the
father to take the mother's life, and
that she was not responsible, for the
net ut the time it was committed.
Insurance agents have sent 11 protest
to Auditor Cornell ugaliist insurance
companies doing business by mail. I
is understood that the protest is bended
by I'd Howell, state senator from
Omaha. Large business interests,
such as wholesale houses und tho
South Omaha Steele yards and packing
houses have been in tho habit of deal
ing direct with insurance lieiidqunrtcis
located in other states. It is claimed
cheaper rates are obtained in this way,
but Nebraska agents tire thereby cut.
out of commissions. Auditor Cornell
Is prepared to say that insurance cora
puulcs cannot solicit business by mail,
but he Is not prepared to hold that
property owners cannot apply for in
surance by mail or visit headquarters
In person and secure terms. He has
thu mutter under consideration. One ot
tlie big South Omaliii concerns recent
ly paid 875.000 In premiums to insur
ance, companies.
A two-ycnr-old son of Huns Runge
near Cairo, was burned frightfully in
u prairie lire.
Rather than stand impeachment, ex
ciseman Vtilll of Lincoln has :csigncd.
The proceedings ngalnst him huvo
been dropped.
A Union Pacific attache who Is no
many degrees removed from tlio throne
in uiithority for the statement thul
when Horace O. Hurt ncccpted the
IKCsidcncy of the road it was with the
understanding that lie would at once
proceed to bring about the discharge
of 1,000 employes.