fl THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. FEB. 25. 1898. ; a 8 i.'t I'-.. . SSOME RAMBLING THOUGHTS.J i 4 4 4 IIY "NK.MO." (Copywrlghlod liy lnwt ft Tnbor.) -- . F W WlA As to Washington: Spuakliifr with a cot tain nniounl of reserve, it It genur nil' tniu that our iiiider.HtiinilsiiK of an cvont in its relation to oiher events is increased by distance. For install 'e, let mo suggest that we understand the vovneo of thn "MaMlower." the set tie- Dicntof Mnsiaehtisett, the expulsion of Kogi'r Williams, tlio inlratl(iiis weslwaitl from Viiginiii atitl New Kng land all tlieso tilings, in their relation to other vents in their HI eel, much hotter than did the actual participants So also of men. In thu case of really grunt ones it needs a century almost to measuio their works to strip them of any false glamour of praise or gloom of blame. As with a general in the hands of his valet, those in constant association with thegt eat feel too often that clothes and ehiincnmake the hero; or if they do see greatness in their ad mired one, they fail to sio any detrac tions from his loftiness, for both love and friendship are blind (many of us enn thnnk fortune for that, or else wo had been reckoned as naught long ngo.) lly renson of the investigation of the later students of Washington, we are now ready to concede tnat many of tho violent assaults upon his character and purpose made dining his lifetime aed shortly thereafter weie uigeneiom and unfounded. Thanks alio to the candor of model n historians, wo can now see further that lie was bj no means n doini-god striding along on lofty mountain tops, but a humble un assuming, ordinary citizen, whoso de votion for his cause made up full often for tho scampering, runaway lighting that ho was obliged to resort to. Wo tee Hint few of tho stnrtling victories of the Revolution were gained by him. Wo also sco that his Kahian policy; hero ono day nud away tho noxt; but scnrcelyover venturing on a pitched battle, wore out tho enemy by ignominious llonn darings rather than bj armed resist ance. His greatness was more in bis noble courage in clinging to an endan gered cause, in tho face of the mutter lugs and discontent of many of the in fluential people, who, like tho loyalists of Cuba nt tho present moment, were a most serious inlluenco to combat. Washington, tho Keeonstructor, is far greater to tho mind of a nrin of pence like myself, than Washington, the Revolutionist. Then his calm mind, freed from the blood nud bustle of the battle Held, rose to its highest. Made n commander of the men by the trum pet call of patriotic duty; ho remained n commander of men after the turmoil was over. His genius was in tho selec tion ot advisers, in tho judicial cast of mind that weighed tho pro und con most carefully, in tho power shared by many of his compeers of seeing into tho future, ho that wo who are now nlmost ready to turn thu corner of another century, are forced to marvel nt tho foresight of a group of men, who so admirably laid tho foundations of a western oimiro that tho strain of ni unexampled expansion has never yet succeeded in rending asunder the work thoy cemented with their wounds, their lives nud their sacred honor. More glorious than war are victories of pence. The sweeping out or wear ing out of enemies, remarkable though it nppcars when wo look back nt the niiserablo equipments ami tho inner dissensions to bo contended with; these would have availed us no more than a successful revolution seems to avail h Central American republic, had the garnering of tho fruits of tho victory been left unattended to. Tlie.se patri otic statesmen planted our glorious tree of freedom. It was plauted ouco and onco only (please God, never to be uprooted!) but its fruits arc pereuuial unit arc still ours to gather. Wo are not called on to nourish that tree with our dend bodies, but our living ones must bo devoted to its service. To a jealous regard for all that it represents wo are summoned each ono of us that names tho namo of "American." They who gather from every tribe and nation under Heaven; joining bands with us in devotion to freedom all from tho least to tho greatest may servo tho cause that Washington and tho Revolu tionists brought into our history. For saking tho strain of our necks, looking backward to tho beginnings, lot us look around and forward. Let us grapple with ovil, wherever wo find either tho designs of wealth or tho worso crimo of indifference threaten ing our heritage; nnd lot us further understand that sincere watchfulness ia tho only way to tnsuro for our chil dren's children, ani theirs niter them n government that is in a decided meas ure based upon tho will of tho people. Tho lives of great men, when thoy fail to stir us ordinary ones, nro waste and unprovable, so far as wo nro con cerned. But in every noblo rosolvo that n great lifo inspires in n lesser lifo thero is tho living again of tho dead. Mny tho dogged devotion of Washing ton bo resurrected by ench of us in these torriblo times, when men would seek to confuso us by loud warlike noises that nlmost drown the gentle pipings of peace. Thowid'nlng river that toward the pen Kcslstless rutin. Hill swelling constantly, Does not derive Its forco and fullest flow From any sudden sweep of storm or snow; Hut draws Hh certain strength from constant wells. Cradled on stainless heights whero stillness uweiis. bo dotti Columbia's ever swelling tldo of luBty life and freedom, spreading wide, Take Inspiration from that noblo force. George Washington, and shapo lH ktCB(jr course From him whoso tireless soul stood Urm for peace, And planned and fought only that war might cease. Let us then rightly Judgo our great Ideal, And Ioto his tender thought for public w Leaving tho mighty warrior to Inspire only when threatened hearts our spirits fire; Mindful that Hoods, though they ma ,y purify, k dregs of wio u lueir YinsiuiK iruiu uari misery. Many People Cannot Drink cofNo at night. It bjiolla their sleep. You can drink drain 0 when you pleiiFo nud sltep like a top. Tor Grain O dois not Hlmuhile. It nour ishes, cheers nnd feeds. Yet II looks and tatteti like colTee, Tor ncnotik eron, jouni; people iiiut children (Jruln O Is n perfect drink. .Mnde from puio Kralut-. (let n psrkuge fioin ii'iiniiii ' 1 'V " 1 .1 . n "-iifiunwrov wiys'wajRu-r mit ku..-,-,Mk, ...wn.. - s rifii: Aro much In little; always ready, efficient, satisfac tory i prc cut a cold or fever, euro nil lln-r III, sick brad- Pills actio, JnuiKltCP, cniitlatlnn, etc I'rlco !5 cents. Tlio only 1'llls to tnko with Hood's Hariuimrllla. Resolutions ol Sympathy. WnciiKAS, It has pleased our Ileav ly Father to lemovo from earth to His heavenly home our beloved sister, Mrs. Lizzie ,1. Willis, therefore bo it, Resolved, That we, the members of Cm Held W. R. (J., No. II, extend our deepest .sympathy to tho bereaved husband and friends of the deceased in their hour of trial and may lie who has nlllieted give tliem consolation. Resolved, That while we deplore our loss, we bow in .submission to the Di vine will, knowing "He doth nil things well." "The workman fulls hut her work proceed-, Tho silent growth of her thought mid deeds; And though hertoll In thu Held s be done, A harvest which In the selling cull." Resolved, That n copy of these reso lutions be sent to tho husband of our sister, nnd that they bo published in tlio city papers and spread on the rec ords of Garfield Corps. Lvima F. Hoiiukii. Cauku: Wkst, FanikS. Dow, Committee. The following resolutions were adopted by Charity Lodge, No. 17, () K. S upon the death .of Mrs. Li..io .1. Willi who wni the First Worthy Mat ion of this chapter, and re-elected for tho second time and who was tin hon ored member ot tho Star up to the time of her death. WiimtKAS, The ruthless hand of death has invaded Charity Chapter, No. 17, O. K. S., of Red Cloud, ami re moved our much loved and highly es teemed sister, Lizzie J. Willis, nnd cast over nil a pall of deep gloom and sorrow. In her death ono of our gold en links hits fallen out to be joined in that everlasting and endless chain in thn world to come. Resolved, that tho sisters and broth ers of Charitj Chapter do hereby ex tend our most heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved husband and relatives. Resolved, That wo mourn tlio loss of Sister Willis front our midst nnd pray that Our Father may sanctify this be reavement to the good of us nil. Resolved, That tlieso resolutions be sent to thu local papers nud a copy to tho husband ami her father, and that a page of the records be set apart to her memory. Our Clubbing List. Uolow wo present it list of a num ber of tho lending magazines, nows pupors, farm papers, etc., witli prices they can bo had in connection with The Red Cloud Ciiiep. Wo must linvo ono yearly .sub script ion to tlio Ciiiep with each peri odical ordered, but both need not nec essarily bo sent to tho sumo udtlresH. I'RICI Oinalm Itee w il.uo ('arm nnd Fireside, n in Ml I. allien Home Companion... Ml SI. Louts (Hobo Democrat, s-w. I ix) Loulsvlllo Courier Journal, s-w 1(0 Cincinnati Times Star, w Philadelphia Press, w I Otf The Chicago Tribune, w 70 The ClilniKO Tribune, d 1 00 Koeky Mountain News, w 1 m Hocky .Mountain News, d 7W Cincinnati Knqtilrcr, w T5 I.lppllicott'H Magazine, in..... UtO Oodey's Magazine, in 1 U) ncniorcst'HKninllyMngazlne.m 1 00 Leslies UluMralcd Weekly, w. 4 HO Atlantic Monthly, m 4 00 Kaunas Clly Star, w 35 Orange Judd Farmer, w too American Wotuaus Illustrated H CHIC DOTH im !.. 1 00 UO t (XI 1 III 1 J IN) l oo i w i oo i i'. too i2 1 U) 1 ft 1(0 I oo 100 1 60 101 7 CO 1(0 I !T l cm a i io 1 00 INJ loo ico 110 3UI l on 4 oo 1 00 1 00 100 l,1' 100 3M 100 200 100 070 1 00 3 IS 100 100 World, w 4 00 San Francisco Chronicle, w 1 50 San Francisco Chronicle, d...... 6 70 breeders Qnzette, w. a 00 Nebraska & Kansas Farmer, in. 23 Tlio above odors nro mndo only to now Nubscribors who pay ouo full yenr iu advauco. Tue Red Cloud Chief, Rod Cloud.Neb. Klondike. What does it cost to got there? When anil how should you go? Whnt should ono take? Whom nro tho mines? How much havo thoy produced? Is work plentiful? What wages nro paid? Is living oxpensivo? What aro one's chances of "making a striko"? Complete nnd satisfactory replies to tho above questions will bo found in tho Uurllngton Route's "Klondiko Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information and an up-to-dato map of Alaska and tho Klondike. Free at Durlington Houto ticket otllces, or sent on receipt of four cents iu stamps by J. Francis, Gon'l Passenger Agent, Burlington Uouto, Omaha, Nobr. Livor Complaints and Norvoubnoss Curod. A torp'dliver always producer dull- ness, irritability, etc. You aro all clogged up and feol despondent. Per haps you have treated with physicians or tried somo other recommended med icine without bonclit. All that is no argument against "Dr. Fcnner'6 Ulood and Liver Remedy and Norvo Tonic," which wo iusist will euro nervousuess and liver complaints. If not satisfied after using ono bottle your money will bo rcfuuded by O. L. Cotting. m Iton't TobsrroSiit and Nrauie lour Lire Ana;. To quit tobacco easily and forovor. bo man oetlc, full of lifo, ncrro and lgor. take No-To-llao, tho wonderworker, that makes weak men btrong. All ilruilst3,W)oorll. CuroRuaran-t-"d Ileoltl-jt l'l-t p-tipin free. AiMrt-Ht Sterling Itcmedy Co , Chlcauo or New York. ' To Curo i:oii4tliiition I'oriivt-r. TakoCtthnirelH CandvCuthiirtlo. 100 orila If C. U. O full to cure, ilrui,'Blst refund mom v A'o-Te-'tin- fir l'lft C'i-iiIh. Burlington Houto California Excur sions. Cheap, (iiick, comfortable. Leave Omaha 1:!J5 p.m., Lincoln 11:10 p.m. and Hastings 8:f0 p.m. every Thursday in elt an, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the scenicrouto through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats am! backs nnd nro jirovid ed wi'h curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. Uniformed porters and experienc ed excursion conductors accompany eaeli excursion, relieving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob jects of Interest and iu many other ways helping to make the ovciland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Herths $.". For folder giving full information, call at nearest liurllngton Route ti 'kel olllce, or write to J. rrnncis, (. !'. A Omaha, Neb. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tnko Laxative itromo Quinine Tab ets All druggists refund the money f it fails to cure. 'J5c. Everybody Fii)r .So. Taparcts fntKlv Cntluirllc. the tnnM won dcrfiil medical tlicocrv of tie npe. pins tint and rofreslniiL' to the tii'iio, net i-'intij anil positively nn kidneys, liver mill liowt Is I'lcanvlnir Ihe entire svt"in, dispel i-cmli cine lieamielin, fever, habitual con-'li ntioi und lilllouxnes. IMi-nsu buv tied in a box Of (J, (' loilnv; 10. -.'.I, r.O.en.' .Si. illlllU irimr.iiitrrd Incur liv nil lnn M ti MANY THINK!; when tlic Creator said to woman, I "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," that a curse was pro nounced against the human race, but the joy felt by every Motlier wlirn slie first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger 3nd suffering lurk in the pathway or the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when the hope of her heart is to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. MOTHER'S FRIEND so relaxes the system and as sists Nature, that the nec essary change takes place without Nau sea, Headache, Nervous or Gloomy Fore boding of dan ger, andt he trying hour is robbed of its pain and suffering, as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but Mother's Friend" docs this. Don't be deceived or persuaded to use anything else. "Mother's Frlcnil" Is tlio crentcstremoilyprpr fuit on tlio market, nnil all (mrciistoincrAiir.ilfin It ilglily." W. II. KINO A Co., Whltemrigut, Tex. Of druKKlsts nt M.00, or hunt by express on re ceiptor price. Wrllu for Ixiok uoniulnlnu' alua bio Information for all Molhors, mulled free. Tub Uradflfld lU-KuIstor Co., Atlanta, tl. THE NEW WAY. WOMEN used to think "fe male diseases " could only be treated after "Ic c a I examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The In troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at alt. The simple, pure mmm taken in the privacy of a woman's own home Insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re quires no humiliating examina tions for its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them yeung by "keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advtaa In cms requlrlnr special dlractjons, address, tfvlnr symptoms. th "Ladles' Adrliory Department." Tho Chittinoora Medicine Co., Chatta nooga Tenn. W. I. ADDISON, M.D., Car y, !., sayt: "I use Wlna or Cardul attentively In myprastloeandnndllamoiteieellent preparation for female troubles." jfciit,vm Caretts, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Fat eat Dullness conducted for mookratc Pecs OuiiOrricciaawosiTEU.B. patent Office and we can secure patent in leu time tbaa those remote from Waihinzton. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advllC. If internal,!., nr nnl Irrm nl charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. ! A Pamphlet, " I,ow lo Obtain Patents," with cost of same In tho U, S. and foreign countries cub i((e, siuuicu, C.A.SNCVV&CC Opp. Patent Orrice. Wabhinqton. d. c. EMaKtlsvMtlltlaWJ1;l bUHti VYMtHt All tlbt rAILS. EH llit touKliBjrup. Timli-sdiKMl. IIhM In time tli (trunilotK. fJ r yt ,vrrt'VTrirvTrT'!''vTTi,,V( WmiimL WMMMmm MIR -V4 Railroad Engineer Testifies to Benefits Received From Dr. Miles' Remedies. .-ijy J $fii THERE Is no more responsible position on eiirth tuna that of urnllrond engin eer. On his stonily nerves, clear brain, bright eye nnd perfect Hulf command, de pend the Htifetyof tho train nnd tho lives of Us passengers. Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno nnd other remedies aro especially adapted to keeping tho nerves steady, the brain clear and tho mental faculties unimpaired. Engineer I W. McCoy, formerly of 1323 Uroadway, Council ItluiTs, but now residing atllllt Humboldt St., Denver, wnltcs that ho "suffered for years from constipation, caus In.T ..loir, iir-rvniHanil bilious liendnrlicsnnd lea fully ic. (ored to health 1y Di. Miles' N rve .V I.lver I'llls. I heartily recommend l)r .Miles' Ketnedlcj.' Up. Miles' Ketncdlcl KI'M aro sold by nil dtui;- ur. '- gist;; under a positive f Kiturantee, first liottl-jl Miles' tcmcdiesl hcnellts or money re funded. Hook on dis Restore cuses of tho henrt nnd I Health nerves free Address, UK. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. RANDOLPH AlcNsTT, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Speeinl intention to Coniinereinl tint! l'robiite Litigation. MOON lil.OOK, KK1) CLOUD. XK1H1AS v - 0 in I? I J SAMPLE ROOMS. 1 JOHN POLNICKY, PKUPltlETOK. DEALEIt IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City nnd country cnlls promptly nn- swered dny or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Okkick ovkk Cottino's Duuq Stouk. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown g Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates. POItOBLAtN INLAY And all tho latest improvement la dental mech aulom LEGAL NOTICE, Ezra II. llalley 1 I'lulntllV I Daniel McLaughlin Defendant. ) Tho ntiove named dofciulnnt, Daniel Mc I.uiiKUlIn, will tnko notice that on the2Alhday of Fehruary, 1808, Kzra II. llalley, plaintiff here In lili-d his petition In tho district court of Web ster county. Nebraska, ukrIiibI said defendant tho object and prayer of which aro to forecloso a certain morteaEo deed executed by the defend ant to tho plalnilfT upon the east half of the northwost quarter (E y, of N. W. Or.) of Soctlon Seven (7.) In Township Two (2.) Iu Hango Twelve (lit,) westof thoslith principal meridian containing Klghty (HO) acres according to tho United States survey, to securo tho payment of a certain promissory tioto dated July 18, 1895, for tho sum of Hoo.oo duo and payablo In ono year from tho dato thereof; that thero Is now duo 11D01I bald noto ami mnrlifncft Dm mim nf ITS8.fi5. for which mm, with Interest at tho rate of "per cent per annum from tho lth day of .mi, lollo plblnllu iu fill 11 ikcrCu limlut- fcmlantto retiulred to pay tho mme, or that said prcmUes may bo Fold to satisfy tho amount IUII1MI IlliU. You are reunited to answer said petition on or beforoiho Uilidiiy of April, lww, or tho mine Mill bo lukc-ii 11s truo nud judgment rendered no cordliiRly. Ii.ui"! 1 1 rtum th. it-OM, I -t' 'i I i v i J." - " Cheap - Farm Insiiro your farm Farmers Mutual OF LINCOLN, OVER : $20,000,000 : INSURANCE : IN : EFFECT. liisiires I'linii Property, Churches nud School Houses nt less tlmn one liulf the old litioriito Don the deceived by nny one. 'I here is 110 better coni pnliy in thu word. For iiisiirnnee apply to Cnas. Sohuffnlt, 1 t. miticl. 1 , . ,. . l)lhT"1("r Anc.NT. Ui:n t't.ot i). .VimuASK.v. A U DAVlb, Aent, lliiivnie, Neb Olllce over Mier A- .MeArturs sloro C. K. VAUCJUAN, AkoiiI, (Jttide Kock, Nobrnskn. PLATT & FREES OO., Ghieagoltumbep Yard, RKI) CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, r t:E21N(i WITH DESTINY. I M No m. 111 can tell wlicn it will 1 n come aloiij;. Oflcu It slarts " up before us in uuccpictcd times and places. Hxeii nn afternoon stroll u Hit a friend ntidn thauce Introduction may shapo nil tlic course of one's after lire. To be nlunys at your best nnd not nshmned of jour destiny you siniNt drca like 11 true Konttcmiin. Thlt can be done by ordering your Suits nnj Oicrcoals or M. BORN & GO., The Great Chicago Merchant Tailors Vlio am imrlvullcil :tl:ivtorwof tlm Tnllorhitr Art. 300 NEW Patterns l'lne't Material Tercet Fit. New Stock. Latent Slylei. llct Work mauslilp. Thrifty I'rler. A Choory Quarantoo With AH. Colt on IllNER BROTHERS. RED CLOUD.INEBRASKA. A MODEL MARKET Is always best MEJAT, PISH, A.!Sf E Oysters, mil unit n-omptly l alVairs at A. R Reynold's NOTICE TO NON-IIESIDENTS. In tho district court of Webster county, Neb rn-kn. Andrew Arterbiirn, I'lalnilff VH Scott Arte rbutn and Wll llnm Arterbiirn Di-fptlclfllltK. Srnit AitHrbum and William Aiterburn. do feudnnts,wlll lake notice thnt on the lRtbdnyof Kebrunrr. mix. plaintiff herein llled his peti tion In the district court of Webster county, Ncbrnskn. agnlust said defendants, the object nud prayer of which aro to obtain a Judgment ncalnstthem fur the sum of 977and Interest thereon and also to proceed In attachment ngnlnst tho personal and real estate of the de fendant Scott Arterbiirn In said county, and stato, for tho collection of said sum of lu?7 and Interest thereon as aforesaid. You and each of you nro required to answer said ictltloii on or beforo tho 4th day or April, 1898. ANDRKW AllTRHBURN. Ily John M. CHArriN, Attorney. Dated Feb. 21, 1898. First Pud. Feb. g. I80S. LEGAL NOTICE. J. fl. Pcttlbone and Samuel! B. Nixon, partners doing business under tho firm name and stylcof Pcttlbone & Nixon, Plslntlffs VI Adna Drown, iieiciiuaiii. 1 The abovo named defendant, Adna Drown will tnko notlco thnt on the Ulth day of Febru nrv. 1898. Pettlbone A Nixon, plaintiffs herein, tiled their petition In tho district court or Web- Kter county, Nebraska, ugaiust said dereudant the object and prnyor of which aro to foreclose n ccrtnln tnx cerilrlcato Issued by the Trcns urcr of Webster county. Nebraska, on lots mini bercd nlno (9.) ten (10,) eleven (11.) nnd twelve (13.) Iu block numbered twenty-two (ti,) In smith & Moore's addition to tho city of itcd Cloud, Nebraska, on tho 5th day of November, lhftl, to Pettlbone A Nixon, plaintiffs herein. Plaintiffs allego thnt they psld therefor tho sum of f 19.90, and that ontho first day or May 1893, they paid other taxes duo on snld lots amounting to tho sum or I10.6H. and on tho 1st dny or May. 1890. they paid tho further sum of I14.8J; that there Is now duo on said tax certlll llcatcs the sum of ;.o.G0 together with Interest nt tho rato or twenty per cent per annum on 119.20 thereof from tho 6th day of November, 1894, to the Mb dny or November. 1890, and ten per cent per annum thereafter; with Interest at tho rate or twenty percent per annum on (10.S8 thereof from tho 1st dav of Mny, IH'A to tho nth day of November, 1890, nnd ten per cent por auutimthcrearior; with Interest nt tho rato or twenty per cent per annum on J14.82 thereof from tho first dny or May, 1890, to tho 1st day or November, 1890, nnd ten por cent per annum thereafter. That thero Is now duo on said tnx certtticate tho sum or 178.93; plaintiff prays for a decrco thnt defendants bo reijulred to pay the same, or that said prcmlsos may bo sold to satis fy (ho amount due, and for allowance of attor ney rcesninountlng to 10 per cent of amount of You nro required to answer said petition on or beforo tho lltli day or April, 1898. Dated this 34th day or February, 1898. PRTT1110NK& Nixon. lty It T. PoTTKn, their attorney. NOTICEiOF SItEIlIFF'S SALE, Notlco Is herebv given that under and by vlrtuo or an execution Issued from tho ofilco of the clerk of tho district court of the Tenth Ju dicial district In and for WcDstcr county, Ne braska, upon a Judgment existing therein in favor of tho Parry Manufacturing Company and against II. W. aulllfurd, for tho sum of 1984 07, with Interest nnd costs, I shall offer for sale at publlo venduo nt tho cast door of (ho court Iiuufu !rt Itcd Claud In wild V.'ebsier 0 Jiir.ty, Nebraska, on tho tenth dny or March, I8!W, nt ouo o'clock p m. or snld day tho following de scribed property to wit: Lot ono In block ono of Wllllami addition to tho town, now city, of Ited Cloud, Webstor county, Nebrnskn. ..,.., , ., , (liven under my lininl ibis 7th dny oriebru nrs, lwts. I'-1. W ki.i.s. sheilll Pv If P t iii-on Jii-p 1 - Insurance ! propetty in tho Insurance Co., XEHKASKA NKIIItASKA. Goal and Cement. cool, de.in iintl neat, tinil lias only tlio 0.VrK fs taken there aio i-courately filled and dulivored. 'l'liat is thu cuntlitlon of Moon Block Market PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clttuwt tod totulltltl tin Stir. Promote ft lniuriant ffrnwth. Never falla to Ilcitore Oraj Cum ictip diwiu 1 u htir inline iOe,indliiuat llnnglrtt SENT FRG6 TO HOUSEKEEPERS, Iiiebig Company's Extract of Beef t COOK BOOK- Telling how to prepare many delicate and delicious dishes. Address, I.lcbg Co., P. O. Ilox '."718, New York. A CkkkMUr'a KacUtk Blaaa4 Bras. Peknyroyal pills ertalaal til O.W .ala. arc wwbtv fTiiBnia. uio uratiin tot ouctMUfi gMi menlamd lo 1U4 ud OoU im. mM wltb bloo rlSboa. Ini inniflfn aa. aiDrutlMm.rMi4a. mania k putlatUra. unlmwtUX u4 " hmiw nr laMies,- m uutr, Br rMua aflll. flOufMMlTMli&slAU. JVam f tajK rBlfiSiafMfTfc-"-'1 M-Jl Plarav Atir tSBUOrsKlsu. . rillLADA.. PA. CANADA AS HIS EXEMPLAR. Hon. P. S.Orosscup, Federal Judge, Circuit Court, recently said In an address: "Canada Is, In every prnctlcal feature of Inde pendence as self-governed ns If slio ncknonl odKCdnoallcKluncutotrio llrltlsh crown. Hho sends no ropresentntlvo to tho l'urllment hoaso on I ho Thames. (Ireat llrltoln Eends 110110 to tho l'nrllinonthousoontho Oltawn. Blie iiays no taxes Into tho llrltlsti oxcliequcri she re ceives nono from nny people out sido ot bcr own houndarles. HI10 Is touclied by no law rotating to tier trade, her dovelonomcnt. or bcr liberty, except suck ns comes irora tier own legislative assemblies. Hhe nxes her own Internal aDalrs. stands sponsor for bcr own internal pcaco and social order.. Her courts nro made up from her own cilliens, appointed ly authorities, tbemiolvrs of bor own cltlienafilp. in every syllableofhorpolltlcul constitution. In every square mllo of bor territory, b ho ) ahsolutcly a self-governed people. The llrltlih flag is her flag only br cbolco. tho Brilliri crown her sovereign only In namo. Farm lands are to be had free on application to W. V. BENNETT, New York Lite Bldg., OMAHA, NEB. Mention tbli paper J IMiiriitoYnur llowols Willi CiiHcurots. W3 WMvy I I ijBB . A. 1 ik m a. 4 SIS1 TtklVI rjwj I b. JMi l JP te t jii X.-J