The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 18, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' ','ffyr"1"" ' "but." "
Koynl makes the loot! pure,
wholesome and dfllcloim.
Absolutely Paro
L Haimi of Chicago is here.
K. 1'. Hadley carriage painter.
Hoar tins Imperials on the 21st.
Murder! murder!! murder!!! Help!
F. 1$. D.uichy of Hustings was hero
tills Week.
(Jo to Utttler for tins bust in saddlery
ami harness.
Seo those lino surreys at Peterson's
ami note thi' liw prices.
Now it is our tuno to laugh when
Hilly hit him ami ho rati.
J. J. Hakor of West llraueh, Iowa, is
here visiting relatives and friends.
The eating house at the depot is be
ing painted and otherwise fixed up.
Who struck down the abuser of do
feiiseless women Hilly Hayes did the
Mrs. James, mother of the Turnuro
hoys left the first of the week for Mary
villc, Missouri.
On another page of this paper will
he found a hook oiler which every sub
scriber should read.
1 eau give you better bugpies for the
money than anyone else. I get them
in carload lots. Jamks I'htkiwon.
Wo call your attention to the adver
tisement of Chas. Schaffnit in this issue.
Read it and when you wish insurance
call on
"Economy Honeset Cordial" made by
the famous old Harmony society,
greatest of all appetizers. H'or sale by
C. L. Cotting.
Geo. W. Koehler, who was appointed
odet from the 5th district and is a rel
ative of the Koehlers of lllue Hill was
on the ill-fated Maine.
A pleasant party was Riven by Mrs.
livo. W. Liudsey on Monday evening
Th honor of Mrs. Damorell of Hastings,
acd Mrs. James Glass of Kearney.
A now subscriber, or an old subscrib
' or, who pays a year in advance of Fob
ruary 14th, 1898. will receive two good
books. Read mlvortisoitent on anoth
er page.
J can give any spring on a buggy
that you want. Come and see the dif
ferent Btvles. Singlo leaf, double leaf,
long leaf, in fact any kind. Jas. Pet
kuson. Fou Kent Stock ranch of OGO acres
ten miles north of Hod Cloud, known
.. tim Kuotta rnneh. with buildings.
Also a 500 acre river bottom pasture.
.. it 1 !!.. .1 KT,L.
C V. K.AI.EV, ttOII VjIOUU, iiuu.
Walt Mason is authority for the
statement that the following inscrip
tion whs found on an ecir which came
into a Huatrico wholesale house: "Man
wanted; Helen Hoby, dry goods de
partment Neb. Mercantile Co , lied
Cloud. Age, just sixteen. Nebraska
State Journal.
The suako editor of th( Florence Bul
letin says: "A Florence man has a
dog with almost human intelligenee.
Tiui dog's master has several daugh
ters. The dog has been taught not to
permit two people to sit close together.
He is placed in the parlor every Sun
day night. A brave young man had to
order new trousers this week."
He sure that you go to the Shaker
entertainment and see the wonder of
tho nineteenth century, the electrical
marvel, the great X-RAY. This is tho
chance ot a lifetime. It enables you to
see through solid substances as easily
as through n glass bottle. Rcinoiiiner
this will ho the only public exhibition
of X-RAYS, at the opera house in Red
Frank Sherwood was down town to
day for tho lirst time sinco he had his
tusslo with cholera morbus. Ho says
lie drove thirty miles after he was ta
ken and never came so near dying in
his life. After this when ho goes out
in tho country ho will take a bottlo of
Cliambjrlain's Colic, Cholera and l)iar
rhoea remedy with h m.-M ssouri i Val
ley (Iowa) Times. ror salo by II. h.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal Midwinter Fair.
A lure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
And he hit him in the neck.
A. II Kaley Is in Teemnseh.
See Hadley for paper hanging.
R. L. Tinker of McCook was here
Webb Josselyu of Orleans was here
Wm. Cropp of Republican was here
Trainmaster Kcnyon of McCook was
here Wednesday.
James Peterson was in Omaha the
first of the week.
P. A. Wells nnd wife of Hastings
were here this week.
qCoiiio in and seotho ear of buggies
that I am just unloading. Ja.mks Put
Kuans. Cotting the Druggist can supply
you with any kind of sewing machine
W. P Shea of Orleans was here the
first of the week shaking hands with
old friends,
N. K. Harvey of Inn vale was a caller
Mon lay and gnrc us a dollar on sub
scription. For a first class shav' or hair cut
call on (J. W. Fentress one door south
of Calincs' bakery.
The way that the buggies go out
from Peterson's denotes that he has
the goods at the right price.
James Peterson has just received the
finest carload of buggies ever brought
to this place. Call and see them.
Good workmanship and material
in harness is the same as in other
goods. J. O. Hutler's goods have both,
Llewellyn King, living south of tho
river hail his shoulder dislocated by
having a horse fall with him last Sun
day morning.
K. J.Luce formerly of this county,
now of (Juthrie, Oklahoma, was mar
ried in that city on February 7th to
Nora K, Sharuni.
ViMnttiltj tii tltit till 1'iinni iml i t ii In.
gram announcing the sad intelligenee
of the death of John Patmor who for
merly resided nere.
A new baby girl will make things in
teresting in the household of Road
master T. A. Wilburn for some time to
come. It arrived on Tuesday morn
ing. V. 11. Surivner, real estate man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H.Scrivuer, Red Cloud, Nebr.
J. 11. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of five years at 3 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on the Installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb.
Notice. I 'have disposed of my oil
business toWm. W. Tulleys who will
in the future run the yellow oil wagon.
I desire to thank my past patrons for
their patronage and support. E. L.
Rend the advertisements of tho
"Shakers" and then go to their enter
tainments and see how carefully they
fulfill all promises. Thoy are tho only
company that can do all they adver
tise, and nioro too.
Dr. J. R. Williams, associated with
Dr.) W. L. Dayton of Lincoln, Nebras
ka, jwill bo ii Red Cloud, Friday and
Saturday, February 18th and 19th, in
tho-ofllco of Dr. L. II. Heck for the
treatment of diseases of the eye, ear.
nose and throat and tho fitting of
Tho "Shnkers" will give a series of
their peculiar and interesting enter
tainments at the opera house beginning
Monday evening, frouruary '.'1st, tor
ten days. They come highly recoin
mended and thu admission is free to
all grown people.
Ho sure yon go to tho Shaker enter
tainments next week, every night.
There is u complete change of program
nightly and the show is free to grown
people. Special attention given to re
serving good seats for the ladies. An
enjoyable time and lots of fun guaran
teed to all who attend. -
"Thu New Woman," a farce in one
act as portrayed in a session of the one
huudrcih (woman'.-) United States con
gress ISHO (illustrated with two tab
leaux) will he given at the opera limine
in Red Cloud Tuesday, March 8, 1SDS,
under the auspices of the Degree of
Honor a beneliciary society auxiliary
to tho A. O. U. W. Watch for further
announcements next week.
The many frionds of Mrs. R. P.
Hutchison were pained to learn of her
death which occurred on Thursday
morning fiom that dread malady ty
phoid fever. The deceased had not
been sick long and thu announcement
that she had passed from this earth
camo with Midden shoos to many who
wero not aware of her scrims sicKiicss.
Mrs. Hutchison had lived here for
many years and hold tho esteem of all
who knew her. Shu vas 30 years, 3
months and 0 days old and leaves a
liusbuud and tvo children to mourn
her loss. Tho funeral services were
held from the rcsidonce this afternoon
at two o'clock, Rev. Darby saying the
last sad rites of burial.
Tin1 committee on memorial services
met Saturday, February 1'Jth. Com
rade J. W. Warren was chosen secre
tary. On motion of Comrade J. S.
White, and seconded by Comrade 1)
L Croat, Jos. (Jarber and J. W War
reu were chosen as a committee to
procure a speaker for Memorial D,i
Comrades L-uld and (Jroat were ehos u
as a committee on transportation.
Comrades White, (Jroat, Ladd Wolo-.t
and Warren were chosen a commit
to confer with mayor ami citizens.
Chairman (Jarber was appointed com
mittee of one to confer with schools J
S White, R. H. Fulton, C. L Citing
and L P. Albright were named as u
committee to visit the Sabbath school
for the purpose of working up an in
ttiiest in memorial day. Meeting thu .
adjourned to meet again Saturday,
Frtrtiarj 19, 1898.
See our book oiler.
Hadley paints buggies.
Hear the Imperials, the best quartet
in the west.
Mrs. Will Graham sister of Mrs. Jay
Olney is here.
K 1. Heycr and wife of McCook wero
hero S'lturday.
Mrs. John Foster
for some time past.
has been iitlte ill
Mrs. MeGinnis sustained a broken
wrist the last of the week.
The many friends of Richard Ferris
are glad to see him out again.
J. F. Hasslnger left us a couple of
shinurs on subscription Saturday.
J. II. Kellogg was in Tuesday and
gave us a couple of dollars on subscrip
tion. Rev. Geo. Hiiiiiincll left Monday for
a two week's visit at his old home in
Here's to your got d health ! Un
"Economy Honeset Cordial." C. L
Otto Stocke of Grand View, Iowa,
sent us a couple of dollars on subscrip
tion this week.
II. P. Sowtcr has moved to the new
homo iceently purchased by him on
upper Cedar street.
Hen McFarlaud has resigned his po
sition as message boy at the depot and
Ralph Foe has taken his place.
Every lover of good music will hear
the Imperial quartet at the Congrega
tional church on the 21st.
Tin: Ctiin
i set of Christy
Christy pattern
knives, ami
scribe now.
a bound bo k, all for one
paid in advance. Sub-
Tho Union Fire Insurance Company
is the best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 3 per cent. J. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
Walter Roby who is in the employ of
tho Colorado Midland railroed with
headquarters at Hasalt, Colorado, is
hero visiting friends.
"Wu drank," writes a Kansas editor,
"1,002,1)!)!) bancls of beer less last vear
than in 180(1." The Kansas editor is
making a heroic effort to reform.
J. 11. Kellogg was in Tuesday and
gave us a couple of dollars on subscrip
tion, renewing foi himself ami his
father, K. P. Kellogg, of Lumert, Ohio.
Keep it in the house, whenever you
got "blue" or feel "shaky" or indis
posed, one small dose of "Economy
Honeset Cordial" sets you right. For
sale by C. L. Cotting.
The "Shakers" have the most, inter
esting conctrt company on the road
ami will give a serius of free entertain
ments at me opera house lor ten days
or more, commencing February 21st.
Go and enjoy an evening of pure and
refined amusement.
Dr. J. P. Williams, associated with
Dr. W. L. Dayton of Lincoln. Nebras
ka,- will be in Red Cloud Friday and
Saturday, Februnry 18th and 10th, In
tho office of Dr. L. H. Beck for the
treatment of diseases of tho eye, oar,
noeH and throat and tho fitting of
glasses. '
(Jo and seo the biggest, best and
strongest eutertaimncut of tho season
at the opera house next week every
night. The best and most artistic com
pany on tho road ami free to all grown
people. Special attention given to the
comfort of thu ladies and the best scats
reserved for them.
A Logan township correspondent in
tho Smith County Pioneer says: "Look
out for the agents, and especially the
feather bed cleaners. Ouo of our
neighbors says that her sister lot tlfem
take three beds to renovate and they
have taken them so far away to do the
woik that sue lias never seen their
since "
Down at Leavenworth they some
times have a queer way-of doing
tilings, as the followingcfin tract, tiled
for record with the register of deeds of
that county wUMniow. "Hy mutual
consent, bcijigfJf lawful age and sound
miiid.jwllo hereby agree to livo to
gether as man and wife ami to be
known as Air. anil Mrs E C. Quick,
until death separates us from each oth
er, regardless of all divorce proceed
ings and to pay no attention to decrees
of courts." Smith County Hulletin.
i Children
Who would prescribe only
m tonics and bitters for a weak,
m puny child ? Its muscles and
$ nerves are so thoroughly ex- $
T hausted that they cannot be S
JJ whipped into activity. The
m child needs food ; a blood- w
m making, nerve-strcnpthenine
m and muscle-building food.
I Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this,
and you still have a tonic in
the hypophosphites of lime
and soda to act with the food.
ror mm ana aeiicate cmidren
k . J- J.. !.. u
mcib I a uu iiiituy superior ill
to it in the world. It means
growth, strength, plumpness
and comfort to them. Be sure
T vou vet SCOTT'S EmuIsJnn. 0.
4p trwr. and xtl ifrucrtrUt W
50c. mil fi.oo, atl druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Ckimlsta, Nw York.
IMMMMIIIIMWIMHr aiitkiBK." r ! J jno. 1 w
Reatl our free book offer.
J. O. Hutler's goods ave up-to-date.
Go to tlu
next week.
'Shaker" entertainment
Jake Maudclhatiui
of lllue Hill was
here Saturday.
Hobt. Potter left Sunday morning on
a trip to Chicago.
Mrs. J. II. Keinsherg who has been
very ill is convalescing.
Samuel (Jarber of McCook is here
this week visiting with his family.
Kd. Hall formerly operator hero has
returned again and taken his old posi
tion. You have all heard of 'tShakers."
Now go and see who and what they
J. R. Vaiillorn remembered us with
a dollar on subscription the last of the
poil us a
Tuesday .
Strohle came in and drop
dollar on siilncription lasi
IIarncs that will
shape and look neat i'
wear, keep its
i the kind made
by J.O. Hutler.
Hear the ocarina quartet at the Con
grcgatimal church Monday night.
Tickets at Cotting's.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
served oysters at the home of W. It.
Roby on Tuesday evening.
The postollico will be closed Wash
ington's birthday, February 22d, from
1 p.m. to 7 p.m. F. W. Covii:n, P.M.
Rev. James Mark Darby will speak
Sunday evening on "The Kind of
Preaching for Our Times."
What do you know about the "Shak
ers?" (Jo and sec them at the opera
hotiso every night next week.
Drop in and seo what I have just
bought in thu buggy line and note how
cheap you can buy an A grade buggy.
Jas. Pkti'.hson.
Don't miss the piano solo at the
Congregational Church Monday even
ing. It will he well worth your money.
TioKots at Cotting'u.
Perfectly harmless, but very power
ful is "Economy Honeset Cordial," a
remedy par-excellence for all forms of
ndigthtion. For salo by C. L. Cotting.
Our correspondents should remem
ber that all correspondence should be
at this office by Thursday noon in or
to insure publication. Please bear this
in mind.
S. E. Prentiss who has been living in
Denver for a year or two past was hero
this week lie lias moved his family
hack to this county and will rusido on
his farm near Inavale.
The Imperial quartet is making its
western tour and will sine in tho Con
gregational church next Monday night,
the 21st. An entirely now and inter
esting program. Tickets on sale at
Cards havo been received by friends
announcing tho coining marriage of
Mr. Walter W. Curran, formerly of
this city to Vina Gardner of Edgar,
this state. The wedding will bo sol
emnized on February 23d.
Tho Shaker doctor carries tho finest
X-RAY machino in the country. It
was made oxprcssly for him and ho
will put it on exhibition some night
during the Shakor engagement her.!.
Don't miss a singlo n'.ght of tho show
or you may miss tha greatest sight of a
A country editor puts tho old ques
tion in a now shape and says to his sub
scribers: "Hrothor, don't stop your
paper becauso you dont agroo with tho
editor. The last cabbage you sent us
didn't .agree with us eitlier, but wo
didn't drop you from our subscription
lht on that account." Ex.
Thero was recently issued at a neigh
boring town invitations to a wedding
which contained a lino at the bottom
announcing "Children not desired."
An old lady who received one of the
invitations was heard to remark. "Well
they may not want 'em, but I'll bet a
cookio they'll gut 'em just the same."
Don't usti bill heads or statements In
which you havo to write your own
name. (Jet them printed in an tip-to
date style. There is nothing which
u-lll miiko vour customers think you
are of the disposition to be penurious
so much as this. If you are stingy in
one way what reason is there to bo
liovo that you wont be in other ways.
Get your printing done right at tho
CiiikV office.
List of lot tors remaining uncalled for
at tho postollico at Red Cloud, Nob
raska, lor the week ending Feb. 18th,
M'ss F. Havso, Mis. Merty Riggins
Mrs.L W.Roberts
Mrs bynoi Wooleott.
'I best) letters will liu sent to thu dead
loitni-iifflne Mar. 4th. if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say ndveiilied.-F. W. Cowiu'.n, p
IMltli Hlll-Miioki r l- dei.verlng
a loMuro through Kniins on "What Is
Man" Mid the New Yoik Press an
swers her inquiry repining- "a.
man, dear Kdlth. is a tender, shrink
ing eeature, whose wide fnv eyes
look out into the great whirl about
him with Martlcd inquiry an innocent
trii-liug dove nestling upon thu neck of
a haul world -a sweet Held Mower lift
ing up its fiico for the Minlliiht of your
WMiitihly affection. That is what a
man is Kdith. You yourself are the
stiudy oak. Don't fmgist that."
Ii. a ncent letter from Washington,
I) C, to an old friend. Major ,.A.
Studei. for twenty years United htnto
c(i,oi, itSinuapoie. sajs: "While at
Di-s Moines I became acquainted with
i Miiiionl known as Cliamlni Iain's
i'nti llaliii, which I ! mini xcellent
jig.urM liiiuniausin u well asiainst
niHssol tin- lliroat niidihciti (gUiug
mu much easier hicathing). I Inula
torn u of pneumonia early this week,
and two applications freely applied to
the and chest leliuvud mo of it
at ouco. I would not bo without it for
jthlg." Fr salt ly M. h. .ari.
'.'! .'!;ft .":,'. .W .'V ..''
m -r m,
Youii hina
It Here.
If it's just exactly what is correct for
men's wear, and a value you will find
it at our store. To secure a place in
our stock it must possess every requi
site for style, making and material
otherwise we pass it by.
We offer you must possess intrinsic
worth must bean interesting value
must be depenaablo. trustworthy mer
chandise. "Clothing Men Right"
is our study, but we make the prices
right as well.
Men's Ties
We have the newest and most correct
styles and colorings.
Men's and
Boy's Shoes
We have just what you want. Just re
ceived a large 'shipment from Selz
Schwab & Co., Chicago, the makers
of the best shoes in the U. S.
.. i v
(Successors to C. Wien'kr,)
Red Cloud's Reliable Clothing House.
flebraska - JWereaDtile Go.
Commencing MONDAY, FEBRYARY 21st and con
tinuing all week.
During tho lasi three months wo havo had vory littio time to moasuro up
ami mark RoiniiiintH consequently wo havu acoiimulatod 11 largo
number of them. Wo are going to place them all on sale
during this special remnant sale Many of them
wili bu placed on salo at about
fifty Gents on the Dollar I
As wo wish to sell them all during this salo in order to mako room to dis
play our largo spring stock which is now in.
Special Remnant Sale On
Komiiaiits of Wool Dross floods,
Ueinnants of Cotton Dross Cloods,
lieuiiiantsoi Calicoes,
Kemiiants of (linghnms,
Heiiiiiants of Linings,
Remnants of Table Linens,
Remnants of Outing Klannol,
Remnants of Cotton Flannel,
Remnants of Wool Flannels,
Remnants of Muslins,
RomtiantH of Shirtings,
Remnant of Jeans Pants Cloth
Remnants of Ticking, Etc.
Special Eemnant Sale On
Komuantfl of Ingrain Ingrain Carpotlngs,
Remnants of Lures and Embroideries,
Odds and Ends in Men's Overcoats at about 0O0 on tho dollar.
All tho lmlaneo of our lino of Ladies Capos and Jackets placed on biiIo at
half the regular retail price.
Odds and Ends in Cotton and Woolen lllankots.
Odds and Ends in Infant's and Children's Cloaks. .
Odds and Ends in Mon's Flannel and Winter Shfrts.
Special Remnant Sale On
Odds and Ends in Men's Underwear. W 0 find we have accumulated a
largo lot of Odds and Ends in Winter Unilorwoar. Wo lutond
placing them all on one counter and hollingtliomnt nearly
half tho usual prico. At this price it will pay you
o buy them for noxt season's wear if not
in need on hem now.
Odds and Ends In Ladles' and Children's Wool and Fleeco Lined Hosiery,
Gloves and Mittens. ,
Odds mid Ends in Men's Wool socks.
Spocial Remnant Salo on Odds and Ends In Ladies', Mon's, Hoys Uwl
Children's Shoes '
This is a Special Opportunity to Morjey Saving Buyers.
Iluv 11 sack of our warranted Hour and you will say it is tho best. ,
'Special premium to bo given away Tree to Hour purchasers.
Nebraska Mercantile Co.
ALFRED MADELL, flannger.
tSTWhllo attending our Special Remnant Salo wo invito you to soo our
ologaut now stock of SPUINO DRESS GOODS.
,.VV.J 'V.? ''"'.' '"'' i'W sW,
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