The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 11, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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    i a.
The MKtilllml'.rc of KiimIii Si'tiilliic mi
l'nihtiMmilor t Aim-rlrtt Will lr:mt
Any (.'oiiri'Mliiii In Ki'liirn fur the ."Mural
Support of the I'ulleil MutiM.
V.nm.VOTON I'd). R.-"The United
States is more of n factor in tho game
of international politics which Is now
In progress over affairs In thu Ihist
linn Is generally understood.
"All tho grout European piwers arc
'.coking to useort.iln thu uttituilu ol
this country tin thu gr.'at Eastern
problem, mid until Unit is known there
will hu no move on tho international
chess hoard.
"Your country thu.s has a com
manding position In tho big tiyht thut
is going on, tinil hy u shrewd dliiln
macy ought to hu nhlu to ohluln
nlmosl any eonojssions In thu East
that uru desired "
Those declarations wero inailo hy
one of thu oldest nioiuhi'r.s of tho
diplomatic eorpt In Washington,
u man whoso country occupies a luii
tral position in regard to thu
Eastern question.
"There can hu no doubt," this dip
lomatist coutlnuL'd, "that tho groat
European powers uru planning for
further acquisitions of territory In the
East How much further they will
go depends, In a largo measure, upon
the position of this country.
"It is a contest on nnuhnud between
1'ussla, Germany and Prance to secure
n distinct declaration that the United
Slates will not concern itself about
tho opening of any morj new ports by
foreign countries, and Knglund null
Japan on thu other hand to protest
gninst n policy which will give any
nation or group of nations superior
rights in any port.
'The head and center of the fight
is just at present right here in Wash
ington, tinil it will hocomu oven 1110:0
exciting upon the arrival of the now
Kusslau ambassador, tin til his ar
rival you need not look for any now
move by Kussiu in thu Mast. Tho ac
tion of llussia in raising tho legation
in this city to an embassy and trans
ferring to this post Count Casslni di
rect from China, is, to my mind, very
signilleant. llu will oomu hero pre
pared to explain in detail the exact
state of aiVnlr.s in China and with In
structions not only to sound thu
United States on its position in the
matter, but to ntnku advances looking
to an understanding which will glvo
this country almost anything that
may be dcslicd In 11 commercial way
in return for its moral nupport in fa
vor of thu schemes of those countries
which have arrayed themselves
against England and Japan in thu
fntmno Intercut lit tho Author' Trlnl
for lilt Dri'yfin I.i-tlrrt.
Pa ins, Feb. li. Thu tral of M.
Kmllo Zola, who Is being prosooutsd
by tho government n:i a result of a
letter written by him in Dueumbcr to
tho Aurore, strongly relleotlng upon
high ollleials connected with the
Dreyfus ense, opened to-day in tho
ihsIzo court of thu Seine. Keen pub
lic interest is manifested in tho case,
hundreds of people kui rounding tho
court anxious to gain admittance.
M. Zola, who arrived in a carriage,
was greeted with vehement shouts of
derision ami an individual who
shouted "Vivo Zola" was promptly
hustled and suppressed.
Whilo tho jury was being selected
M. Zolu entered tho dock. Ho wus
pale. A few cries of "Vivo Zola"
woro promptly suppressed by the vig
orous protests of the majority of tho
After the reading of the indictment
tho advocate general explained that
the chargu was strictly limited to tho
passage in M. Zola's letter denouncing
the Lsterliuzy court-martial.
the an t'riinrlcn Con 'onion Itrpnittml
to it lito Cniicri'cutlciti n ( Wo,,;;,,,
Ciiiuaoo, Feb. S Tho Iluv. C. O.
Crown faced his congregation at the
(ireun Street Congrogationnl church
Sunday for the iirst time since ho made
his confession in Sau Francisco, The
little church was filled at both morn
ing nnd evening services.
At tho evening servue ho made a
lengthy statement, somewhat to tho
same effect us that hu road at San
Francisco, After tho meeting of tho
trustors it was given out that in all
probability the action to be taken
Wednesday night will bo in favor of
retaining Or. IJrowu as pastor ami re
turning his letter of resignation,
Itut I'olioii Lit thu T. Itotttn.
FAHtrtKi.t). Cul., Feb. M. Fran"'
Ilelcw, under arrest for tho murder .if
his brother, Louis, nhd sister Sus ,
in the little town of Dixon, November
t), has confessed. Ho told how ho
placed rat poison in thu tea kettle
used by his brother and sister and
when tho news eamo to him thut they
wero dying, how he had gone to tholr
homo and witnessed tho dying strug
gles of his sister without a pane; of
Hotel lluriM with hi in, 000
Aiiu'.n, S C Feb. r). The Highland
Park hotel at this plaeu was destroyed
by tiro early yestordu, morning. The
los Is Si 1 ),0dJ, with 8'JS.OJU insurance.
One hundred and sixty-eight guests
were sleep. tig in tho building, but
they hud 110 trouble In getting away
with tholr baggage.
tt'J7,000 for it Wrou-j Hittliij;.
WAititr.Nsnuun, Mo, Fob. 8. The
caso of Mlnter brothor.s. who sued
Hrudstroet's for damages duo to erro
neous ratings, resulted in a verdict In
favor of plaintiffs for S:J7,000.
(jjrs tr - . eJSBBPWBWW- ft11 "JW-t--' """ "M
Arc In I'omi-mIoii f W. 12. I). Stoke To
Write Itnolt on Them.
New Voiit;, Feb. S. Thoro is tit
least one man In New York who holds
tho happiness, honor and fortunu of a
great many people In tho hollow of
his hand. This man is W. II 1).
Stokes, tho Now York millionaire and
horseman. Mr. Stokes came into
possession of till the private papers of
Will am M. Tweed several years ago.
Hu has made a thorough study of
them with the Idea of writing a book
upon the subject.
According to his story, moro than
SI 1.000,00.) was paid out by Tweed for
bribes that other people to tills day
know nothing about. Tho evidences
of these pay incuts tiro still In exist
ence, with tho indorsements of the
parlies directly concerned.
Tho surrender of Tweed by tho
Spanish government after his escape
from I.udlow street ja 1 Is described
by tho papers in possession of Mr.
Stokes as political woik to secure tho
election of a Republican President.
Mr. Stokes says, also, that thoro is a
real confession of Tweed in existence
which is likely to be published and
which Is bound to create tho liveliest
kind of a stir, lie says 'J' weed's diary
is the most interesting of nil papers.
It contains references to every 0110
that called on him and his business,
showing that nearly all of them could
bo treated with on a cash basis. Tho
pa pent wore delivered to Mr. Stokes
by a miin whom ho had befriended.
Tweed's real power in Xew Yorlc
municipal politics began in IH.'tV. Al
though often temporarily overthrown,
hu nover failed to regain his power,
until thu dual exposure of tho "ring"
in 1S71. Ho was then arrested and
furnished ball In Sl.OOU.UOO. Hu was
given a twolvo years' sentence, and in
1S7.i was sued by thu city of Xew York
for tlio recovery of 8(1,0011,010. in de
fault of fill, 000. 000 bull he was placed
In Ludlow Jail, but escaped December
I, IST.I, ami tied to Culm, and thence
to Spain. The Spanish government
arrested him and delivered him to tho
United Status, He was returned to
the Ludlow street jail, whore he died
in 1416.
Tho Ihlril OfTrr of .Mediation Kufme.l
Strong I'relliii; Az.ilmt Atni-rU-iitn.
Washington, Fob s Premier Sa
gasta has declined tho third oiler of
trleudly mediation on the part of the
United States. This information was
conveyed in a cipher message received
from Minister Woodford by President
McKlnley mi Friday.
Thu message was a most unusual
one. Instead of being addressed to
tho Secretary of was addressed
to tho President, u tiling which has
not happened since Consul General
Leo's famous cablegrams to President
Cleveland of nearly a year ago.
This cablegram from Woodford was
not long, but recited the fact that
Premier Sagastii refused to admit that
Spain had reached tho cud of her
ropo in Cuba; that she was unablo to
suppress the Insurrection; that auton
omy was a failure; or that she needed
tho assistance of tho United States in
bringing tho Cuban struggle to an
London, Fob. S. Tho Madrid cor
respondent of thu Standard says:
' Senor S.igasta's response to tho of
ficial note presented Saturday bv
General Woodford, the United States
minister, complains of filibustering
expeditions, and declares that Spain
cannot entertain tho suggestion for
fixing n dato for the completion of the
paellieatiou of Cuba.
"Pessimistic expressions nro now
current regarding tho relations be
tween Spain and tho United States
and have depressed thu Madrid and
Harceloua bourses. Publtu feeling
among all classes is strong against
ratal Tnt-jedy nt Mercer, Mo, Ovor a
I 11 it 1; 111 v tit lli-lit.
Mkuckii, Mo., Feb c Peter Kin
dred, a blacksmith, shot J. A. Alley
and A. A. Alley, jr., two morehants,
Saturday afternoon. Tho troublo
arose over a judgment held by thorn
agnlnst Kindred. Kindred hadibeeu
drinking and entered the store In
fight luir mood. Ho mudo insulting re
marks and was ordered out He went
anil A. A. Alley followed him. Alley
turned back at tho door. Kindred, in
stead of going out, turned and shot J.
A. Alley, who was in the back of tho
store. Kindred then shot A. A. Alley
in tho back. Alley turned anil Kin
dred shot him again, hitting him in
tho neck, breaking it und killing him
instantly. .1. A. Alley is in a critical
condition and is not expected to live.
Kindred was arrested by tho sheri.T
and placed in jail in Princeton, to
which ho was followed by an angry
mob. Sentiment is strong against liluj
and lynching is threatened.
Ilrml Torn from t'oitjr.
WirniTA, Kan., Fob. 9. Yesterday
afternoon Dick Langdon, a 14-year-old
boy, whilo trying to got olv a Hook
Island passenger train, was thrown
between two coaches and his body
torn to pieces Hu fell on his faeo
nnd was dragged over tho ties till hi?
head was torn from his body.
One Doctor Kill "Aniithnr.
Pkiiuv, Ok, Feb. . Dr. William
McCoy, a physician from Lincoln,
Neb., was shot and killed nearSpanor
postolllco, sixteen miles southeast of
here, yesterday. McCoy and his tan
tint, .John V. Craudall, were living In
the same house. Craudall had been
away from home much of tho tluiu
lately and on returning his wife told
hlra of thu many acts of cruelty that
Dr. McCoy had heaped upon her. Dr.
McCoy lived in thu uppsr story of thu
tamo liouso that Craudall lives In nnd
tho first tluiu that McCoy canio from
his room Cruudall shot him duad.
- tii iiiii'iMiww1.raT..iwiiJMmHtTt jtVBrJWHiitmWMwwi
Ths Situation In the Ilrltlnli Wet Indies,
l!l!jil anil tmllii AKri-einents of Viirl
iun NutloiiH Will Cmmi t'liprrcrdrnUd
I'ipenilltiires I-'or I'rotcrilon.
London, Feb. a Tim fourth nes
(.Ion of the fourteenth Parliament of
Ouecn V.ctorla and the twenty -six til
of the United Kingdom was opened,
by commission, at "J o'clock this after
noon, with the customary ccrrniotiiei.
Previous to the reassembling tho
usual party of bjof eaters, accom
panied by a ttuinb.-r of ollleials and
headed by Chief Inspector of Police
llerstcy. made tho customary search
for imitators of Guy Fawkes, form
ally uscrtuinlng that tho vaults of
the houses of Parliament did not con
tain anything inimical to tho safety
of thu members.
Tho queen's speech, In part follow):
"My Lords and Gcntlonicn: My re
lations with tho other powers con
tlnuo friendly. Tho negotiations be
tween tho sultan of Turkey and tho
king of (Sreece have been brought to
a conclusion by the signing of a treaty
of peace, under which thu territorial
rolatioas between tho two powers nro
practically if changed.
"Tho question of the autonomous
government of thu Island of Crete has
occupied the attention of thu powers.
Thu ditliculty of arriving at u unan
imous agreement 011 somu points has
unduly protracted tho deliberations,
but I hopo these obstacles will before
long bo surmounted.
"Intelligence, which is apparently
trustworthy, was received of thu in
tention of the khalifa to advaneo
against thu Egyptian army in the
houdan, nnd I have therefore given
directions that a contingent of Rritish
troop 1 should bu dispatched to IL-rbcr
to the assistance of
his hlghncn, tho
It lied he.
nisTiiiws in tiii: wkst indiks.
"The rape t of tho commission I ap
pointed In December, H.ui, to inquire
into the condition of certain of my
West Indian colonies has conclusively
established the existence of severe de
pression in thoio colonies, caused by
tho heavy fall in the price of sugar,
which Is mainly tittributub'.o to thu
cost of production and the great in
crease in its extent of recent years,
i'.nt tills fall has been artificially stim
ulated by the system of 1. to
producers nr.d manufacturers of beet
root sugar maintained in many Kuro
peun states. Thoro are signs of grow
ing opinion in those states that this
system in Injurious to thu general In
terest of their population, and com
munications arc now in progress be
tween my government anil the govern
ments principally concerned with 11
view to conference on tho subject,
which I trust may result in the aboli
tion of tho bounties. In tho mean
time measures will be proposed to you
for tho relief of tho immediate neces
sities of the West Indian colonies, for
encouraging other industries nnd for
usslstlng those engaged in suirar culti
vation to tide ovor tho present crisis.
Her Majesty then rejoieci at the
fact that there is reason to anticipate
a prosperous year both for agricul
ture and commerce throughout India.
Continuing, tho address Is:
MoiiB moni:y than kver.
Gentlemen of tho House of Com
mons: Tho estimates which will be
laid before you will b; framed with
the utmost deslro for economy; but, in
view of tho ntrrcetnents now main
tained by tho various nations, tho
duty of providing for tho defense of
tho empire involves an expenditure
beyond former precedent."
l)eallng with tho proposed legisla
tion, the speech from thu throne says
that measures will bu Introduced for
tho organization of a system of local
government in Ireland, substantially
limilar to (treat Itrltnin's, to secure
tho increased strength und efficiency
of the army, amend the present con
ditions of military service, to enable
uccuscd people to testify in their own
defense, to facilitate tho creation of
municipalities in London and to pre
vent recognized abuses in connection
with church patronuge.
Ujirltln; of
Tlirc.ttciieil lu
Litti.i: Rocic, Ark., Feb. 0. An up
rising of moonshiners is threatened in
the mountain district of Cleburn
county, and tho United States author
ities liuvo been appealed to for assist
ance to protect, tho law-abiding citi
zens of tho locality. The troublo is
caused by ti lawless element wlioic
chief occupation is tho unlawful man
ufacture of whisky, nnd was brought
about by a raid last week by deputy
United States marshals.
Victor, Col., I'olloo Poroo Dltolisrnd.
ViCTon, Col., Fob. 9. The city coun
cil has dismissed tho entire polleo
forro and appointed new olllcers. This
Is tho result of a mass meeting of cit
izens hold to consider tho fatal burn
ing of four inmates of tho city jail
Saturday morning. It is claimed the
fatalities wero duo lo official negli
gence. rrnhtni; it Clt-nrotta llooilla.
Napiivii.i.k, Tenn,, Feb. 0 Charges
of attempted bribery to inlluenco leg
islation affecting tho American To
bacco company, commonly known as
the "Cigaretteo trust," huvo caused a
sensation. A joint committee of tho
legislature is engaged lu probing tho
.7 up I'loiidlknrt loinliirc,
San Fiiancibco, Fob l). Japan is
oluir to luvado the Klondike. A
stunning army of 5,000 ubtebodled
laborers is being got together for tho
gold fields, und in a mouth or so they
will make a descent upon Dawson City.
I-'innrr, IJuwa'ii a it (teiinuiiiy I.oiiUuil to
Air lull of i:if-ctrli-lt.v.
Xr.w Yohk, Feb 0. A dispatch to
the Xew York Herald froii. Madrid
"Tho political nlr is full of elec
tricity. The stock exchange, thiitueut
of barometers, marks strong slumps.
General Woodford wears a dissatisfied
and despondent look. He Is evidently
not pleased with tho way tilings are
"Sonor Sagasta again comes out In
Kl Liberal with thu statement that
there is absolutely no cause for a war.
"Kl Din prints Impassioned articles
against the falsa reports concerning a
perfect understanding in the Cuban,
cabinet, und takes as its text thu Cor
respondence do Hspanla, whicli says
that the rumor about Sonor Covin
have lost the consistency In which
thev weru held.
"Theru is a certain attitude of rigid
ity expressed in tho official press of
the last forty-eight hours which gives
ground for a report whluh says that
Germany, Franco and llussia support
the position taken by Spam, whereas
Kngland gives a neutral reply. In
the meantime you can take it us most
probable that Spain will, In tho course
of time, nond war sliip to Cuban
waters, to Havana und other places,
to sustain tho authority of General
I'lnneo and prevent with certainty
such outbreaks as, It lias been assert
ed, President McKinley fenrs. Tho
Vlscaya, after hiking aboard i')0 tons
of coal l- twenty-four hours, loft La
Palinas amid an onthusiastic ovation.
"There Is much pessimistic talk
here. Letters reaching here by thu
last mail from respons.blo business
men in Cuba proclaim, autonomy u
success, yet a terious paper like Kl
Kpoea heads its leader 'Moments of
Crisis,' and says Spaniards of all colors
must stand shoulder to shoulder to
defend the nat'onal honor if inter
fered with in Cuba."
Ilonder.n Coiii'I'shIoiis Proinhe Murli
I'tiin-i of the S-rliilli-iite.
Xr.w Yohk, Feb. '.)' Ono of tho
largest concessions ever obtained by
Americans from a foreign government
hits fallen into the hands of usyudicatu
of Xew York capitalists, who have
completed the organization of a com
pany to control the exportation and
Importation of cattle and live stock of
all descriptions from and to tho re
public of Honduras. Tho concession
is for twenty-llvj years.
This concession was granted in Au
gust, lS'J-l. by tho government of Hon
duras to Mr. Otto Zurcher, a eiti.en of
'Switzerland. His labors resulted in
tho formation a few days ago of tho
Honduras-American Cuttle, Agricul
tural und Colonization company. P.
T. llar'.cw of Xew York is president
of tho company, .losu Antonio Lopez
of Guatemala is vice president, James
Yahlen of Xew York, secretary and
treasurer, nnd Captain J P. Imbodcn
of Xew Yorlc general manager.
The company is to bo capitalized at
S:.,00i),()i)i). Tho exclusive right to
establish and operate slaughterhouses,
refrigerators, canning factories, pack
ing houses and other establishments
of like nature is granted, as is exemp
tion from all taxation on tho com
pany's business, property and pro
ducts. About 300,000 acre of public
land will bo granted to ths company.
The concessions, it is believed, will
place tho now company in a fow years
to tho front, both here and in Europe,.
Tho price of beef on tho hoof In Chi
cago is about 4lj cunts per pound. To
this must bu added the cost of railway
transportation to thu Kast and of
shipping to Kurope. The cost in Hon
duras is S'j cents a pound, with only
tho cost of uhlppiug by water to bu
added. Tho projectors of tho com
pany expect to capture the entire
Cuban trade at onco, after which thoy
will try to gain tho Gorman trade and
then thut of tho United States.
Colorado Sonntor Knjm Ilntrnlt Should
tin Dlncimpil In Open Srttlnn.
Washington, Feb. I) Senator Tel
ler of Colorado occupied tho entire
four hours of yesterdny's executive
session in tho Senate in discussing tho
Hawaiian annexation treaty. During
tho course of his sneech Mr. Teller
took occasion to say that ho would
havo been glad to discuss
the treaty in open session, and
to tills remark hu added tho
opinion that tho timu had nlmost
come when thu question of annexation
should bo dobatcil upon u bill looking
to legislation by both houses of Con
gress rather than upon tiio basis of
tho treaty. Whilo he thought there
might bo u bure possibility of securing
thu sixty votes necessary to ratify the
treaty, ho conceded that, under tho
present circumstances, this was ex
ceedingly doubtful, and ho thought
thu sooner this fact should bo recog
nized und u clinugo of front made, tho
better it would bo from all points ol
Senator Teller advocated tho ratlfl
nation of the treaty, basing his .rea
sons for this position upon tho grounds
that tho annexation of tho islands
was in tho interest of our commerce,
and in line with our national poll;
for the past half century.
I'tulnrM lllocU llnriiod itt Nrtv.innah, Jttn.
Savannah, Mo , Fob. 9 Flra nt S
o'clock thin morning destroyed a block
of business buildings. The losses
amount to 820,000, and aro borne by
II. Clark, grocer; Hawkins & Cobb,
shoes; J. Kuzlns, dry goods; J. P.
Cooper, drugs; Kooldruner, shoes.
JudUB (1, II. MuoFarlunn SvrlniMly III.
fTi'.w-i'.usfS.-t'Grrv.-MoA Feb? P. --Judgo
G. P. MucFarluno of tho supropio court
is seriously III with stdmach trouble.
His recovery is doubtful. Ho became
I ill w)
ill while at work in his oillco lust
ouiatlonnt X'vtilonco liofnre the Ohio
Itivcitlgittlii'; foninilttop.
Cr.r.Vilt.ANi), Ohio, Feb. 0. The stato
senato trust investigating commltteo
again convened yesterday. The Stand
tird Oil people wero nil absent when
thu committee was in session last
week, and subpoenas could not bo
served on them. It is understood,
however, that the sheriff subsequently
succeeded in serving the papers upon
several officials of thu company.
A numb.'r of wltnessci wero exam
ined, but little of value was learned,
except us regards the oil trust. John
Teagle, of the oil refining firm of
Scolleld, Schtirmor Sz Teagle, which
for yean hn been fighting tho Stand
ard Oil company, proved an interest
ing witness. He declared that thu
Standard was constantly and system
atically attempting to Injure his firm,
Mr. Teagle, who was under oath,
then testified that tho Standard hud
attempted, through a middleman, to !
bribe thu bookkeeper of his firm. ;
Tho bookkeeper, ho stated, was of- ,
fercd t-10 per month to glvo constant '
information regarding thu shipments,
tho prices and cost of manufacturing
of Scoticld, Schurmer fc Teagle. I
Mr. Teaglo testified that tho book- ,
keeper requested time in which
to consider the mntter, took S-.1
which tho agent tendered as '
pay in advance, and then laid tho
wliolo transaction beforo his employ
ers. The witness said that, he and his
partner, Mr. Scofleld, took tho 82.,
and, going to tho oillco of F. 11.
Squire, tho secretary of tho Ohio cor
poration of the Standard Oil trust,
laid tho money on his desk and told
him thut they always stood ready to
glvo him any information which it was
proper for him to know about the af
fairs of their firm.
Still under oath, Mr. Tenelo de
clared that Mr. Squire acknowledged
to him that he had caused the agent to
bo sent to see the bookkeeper. Tho
witness testified thut the Standnrdhas
about a.', per cent of the oil business of
the country.
Secretary F. J J. Squire was called as
a witness, und he denied the stnte
tuent of Mr. Teaglo witii respect to
tho attempt to brlbo thu bookkeeper.
ty. V. T. V. Women full ljon I.mlj
Soinvmet In I'xptaln.
Cttirwoo, Feb. a If Lady Somerset
had hurled a basket of champngnu
into the ranks of tho National Chris
tian Temperance union, sho could
.not havo created moro conster
dilution than has resulted from
her New Year's letter, in which sho
says that, although it may bo lato in
tho day, sho will havo no moro alco
holic drinks in her home. Tho head
quarters of the W. C. T. U. in Chicago
hare netnj- llooilcu by horror-stricken
inquirers, who thought alcoholic
drinks never had a placo on the table
of tho revered leader of the English
total abstinence movement.
"I should think it was lato in tho
day to make such a resolve," said a
Chicago member of tho W. C. T. U.
"Tho pledge sho took before sho could
wear tho white ribbon was not alone
a solemn promlso to abstain person
ally from tho uso of all liquors, but to
employ till proper means to dlscourago
tralllc In them."
Mrs. Susanna M. T). Froy, editor of
tho Union Signal, organ of thu W. C.
T. U., said the inattar needed a llttlo
explanation, which Lady Somcrsel
had neglected to explain.
Charcot of Inohrloty Anions Htnilnnts
to llo Ignored hy the faculty.
Nkw Havi.v, Conn., Fob. 0. The
Now Yorlc Voice- declares that 1,000
Yale men wero intoxicated on
tho night of tho last Princeton
game. A Yalo professor, who stands
cloio to President Dwlght, said yes
terduy, when asked ubout the allega
tion: "None of your Princeton Inn
troubles for us, thank you. Tho Voico
will not pull us into tiny row which
will causo one of our faculty to get ex
pelled from the church nnd our presi
dent to talk to our tiudcrcriiduatcs
ubout drunkenness two Sundays in
succession. We havo talked the mat
ter over and wo shnll take no notice
of these attacks. Let them delude tho
wenk minded and gullible; us for us,
wo shall turn a deaf ear to them."
Tho Yalo professor's word's express
the sentiments of tho entire fnculty.
President Dwlght wns nsked to say
som ethingou the subject und answer
ed: "1 haven't a word to say except
that wo aro not worrying ovor tho at
tacks." nnurdlns; tlm IIIII111011 dnry.
Tnpi-KA, Kan., Fob. U. Tho attor
neys for thu Mutual Life Insurance
company of Now Yorlc maduu demand
011 Goorgo Sharritt, clorlc of tho
United States circuit court, for a list
of tho jurors drawn for tho lllllnion
trial next week. Mr. Sharritt makes
pilblle tho lists of ordlnnry jurors,
but in this case he rofusud and told
the Insurance lawyers to nppeal to
Judge John A. Williams of Arkansas,
who Is to try tho case. To-day Judge
Williams ordered Mr. Shurrltt not to
permit any 0110 except the marshal to
tee tho list of jurors until tho case
shall bo ready for trial,
Ororula roitinnitor Hlnln.
Atlanta, Ga,, Feb. 9. J. P. Polk,
nged 70 years, and postmaster at
Goodwin Station, was murdered at
his homo by unknown parties ami his
storo robbed, There is no clue to the
perpetrators. Ho hnd S.'iOO on his pop
sou, which was loft undisturbed.
Shot till Swoettieart und lllmiolf.
Littlk Rock. Arlc, Fob. 0. Shortly
hofore mldulght Harry Grlebel, a
young printer, shot and probably fa
tally wounded Pertlo Lingo and then
killed himself. Jealousy was tho
tho Train Itobher U Accturil of Mnrilnr
roller- Ilnre Stroll)- Cane.
Kansao Cirv, Mo., Fob. 8. John
ICmncdy, tho train robber, will bo
turned over to thu county authorities
within thu next forty-eight hours to
bo tried for murder in the first de
gree, The police have evidence enough
against. Kennedy to ehnrge him with
tho murder of Emma Schumacher, tho
grocery woman, who was killed in her
store, Seventeenth and Campbell
streets, on the night of December 8.
Thoy believe they can send him to tho
William Handy, nn old negro who
was a slave for the Younger family
before Cole, Hob nnd Jim became
famous as train robbers, nnd who has
lived in tho fnmily of Mrs. Kit Hose, n
sister of tho Younger boys, lias told a
story that positively connects Ken
nedy with the crime, llo says that
Kennedy and James Hedmond, his ac
complice, confessed the murder in his
presence, llo wus at Hose's house,
1038 Sidney avenue, when Kennedy
and ltcdmoud drove tlrjre in n buggy
immediately after tho murder. Ho
liolpcil to dress the wound in Kcd
mond's faco, inflicted by a bullot
from Miss Schumacher's revolver,
llo says Kennedy took the buggy
uway aftor bringing Kcdmond to tho
house. Ilnndy's story is verified by
Kit Hose nnd by Suo Handy, his wife,
who is a servant In tho Koso family.
Handy says Kennedy and Hedmond
threatened to kill him if ho ever told
tho story of the crime. There is
plenty of evidence to corroborate his ,,
story. The police have found whoro
ho bought laudanum for tho wounded
and where he took burglar tools to n
blacksmith shop, llesidos, Kit Hoso
has udmitted that Kennedy and Hed
mond, the lattar wounded, camu to
his house tho night of tho Schumacher
tnurdar, and that Hedmond was cared
for there.
Kennedy does not boom at all
alnrincd about the ease the police
havo against him. lie says thut ho
can easily prove his movements und
whereabouts on the night of Miss
Schumacher's murder.
Slnco Handy tnado his statement
to tho ollleials the police have had him
In charge and kept him in hiding.
This Is done to protect him from Ken
nedy's friends and to keep him from
making his wholo story public.
Inspector llalpiu and Cassimer
Welch, deputy county marshal, who
went to St. Joseph, Mo., in search of
Hedmond Saturday night, returned
this morning without their man.
Tho police had received information
that Hedmond was in St, Joseph,
but Inspector Hatpin says ho could
not find him in St. Joseph. The sup
position is thut he bus gono to Kan
sas, and now the police havo notific 1
the marshals and chiefs of polico of
all Kansas aud Nebraska towns to be
on tho lookout for him. Tho polico
arc sending out n complete descrip
tion of Kidmond.
Connecting members of tholr family
with 11 band of robDors aud murdorcrs
will bo a hard blow to Colo and Jim
Younger. Thoy do not like Kit Hoso
and their relations with him wero
never very close. They are trying to
got a pardon for good behavior and
tho Kennedy oplsouo will reflect uo
credit on them.
Tyler Unvlott, Iteported Slurderod, Ro
turin AIItp.
Galena, Kan., Fob. 8. Great ox
rltemont prevails ovor tho nppearanco
in this city to-day of Tyler Gavlett,
who disappeared in March lust from
tho Windsor stock farm, ownod by So
lon L. Cheney, ono of tho most promi
nent citizens of tho country. Neigh
bors took charge of his crop and other
property, disposed of it nnd started
the report that Cheney had
murdered him. On tho strength
of these rumors County Attorney
Charles Stevens, In the dead of
night in tho nbsenco of Cheney
searched tho placu for tho body. This
act led to an assault upoa Perry Stev
ens, brother of tho county attorney,
by Cheney, for which a 830,000 dam
ago suit Is now pending. Upon his
arrival hero Gavlett employed Hon.
V. F. Knpp of this city nnd W. 15.
Glnsso nnd d I). Ashley of Columbus
and Fccured warrants for the arrest
of County Attorney Stevens and five
others, charging them with stealing
his property. Tho appenrance of
Gavlett removes tho cloud from Che
ney nnd leaves his accusers in u bad
predicament Tho opinion now is thut
tho wholo thing wns u scheme to
black mall Mr. Choney. Cherokee
county's legal nnd political frame will
bo shaken from center to circumfer
ence. Chillier imntiii too 1. otter,
Ai.iiUo.up.r.QL'K, N. M., Fob. 8. IV,
U. Chlldcrs, the Democratic United
States attorney for Now Mexico, who
is holding office under tho present ad
ministration, whon quostlonod in re
gard to tho sensational report ol
"coming riots nnd conspiracies" nt
Haton and Ulossburg, of which ho has
been credited with writing to tho de
partment of justico at Washington,
says that ho has had no correspond
ence with tho department of justlcf
on such a subject
"Iron Hrotlirrhood" I lixtlnot
Dknvkii, Col., Feb. 8 According to
dispatches received h(.ro from Trini
dad, Col., Albuquerquo, N. M., nnd
various other points in Colorado und
New Mexico, tho American Patriotic
league, otherwise known ns the "Iron
Hrothorhood," concerning which a re
port was made to tho department of
justico at Washington by W. H. Chil
dors, United States attorney for tho
Territory of New Mexico, Is now prac
tlcally extlnot In Haton nnd vicinity
tho organization was broken up by
enforcing against tho mombars tin
penalty for carrying flroarmh