it Li M u I K r A LITTLE SUFFERER Face, Hnnds end Arms Covered With Ssrofulous Humors How a Curo Wns Effected. "When live yea r-t old my littla boy hail ecrofuln on his (nee, linmM and nrniH. It wns wornt on hln chin, nit hough tlicHoroa on his checks mid ImniN were very bad. It appeared In I ho form of red pimples which would fester, break open nnd run mid then scab over. After disappearing they would break out ngiiiii. They enured Intense Itching mid the llttlo Hiiffercr lind to bo watched continually to keep him from scratching tlio Hores. Wo beenmo greatly alarmed nt his condition. My wlfc'fl mother had had ncrofula nnd tlio only medlclno which had helpd her was Hood's Harsnpnrllln. Wodecldud to glvo It to our boy nnd wo noted mi Improve ment In Ills en so very hooii. After giving him four bottles of Ifood'H Snrsnparllln the humor had nil been driven out of his blood and It has never hIiicu returned." William Hautz, -11(1 Houth Williams at., South Ilend. Indiana. Vou can buy Hood 'h Harsnpnrllln of nil (IrugclstH. Ho Hiiro to get only HooiI'h. 1.1 1J- I1MI,. ninil.UiT llhiriwytnt.iku, IIUUU a I inn '.y i(ninr.iiu. .'i tciiit THE CHIEF I'lmi.ipiuni nv W. U. MuMIl.LAN. Olio yenr .. Jlx month IJ IK) Ml PUHI.ISHKI) KVKI1V KUIIIAY Entered nl tlio jhiH nlticunt KimI Cloml, Neb.HH iccontlclnmirmll mnttrr. The lied Cloml, Xcli., CIUE1 weekly, in credited with the lurycU circulation accorded to any paper in Ikd Cloud or in HI: Mir county or in the Fifth Conyrctmional District. Printer's Ink, July 'JS, IS!)7. WASHINGTON NOTES. Has tlio predicted industrial war be tween America and Kuropo buRan? Quito a number of well infoniiwl per sons aro disposed to ict,"ml tlio partial knitting out of American fruit and tlio threatened shutting out of American horses by (Jornmny as tlio Hist blow in that war. Tho administration, how ever, docs hot tnku that view of it. It is rather inclined to treat tlio mattur lightly pending an investigation which is being iniulu. Congress is disposed to treat it inoro seriously, tho souato having adopted a resolution calling upon tlio department of state for infor mation. Tho totul value of all tlio American fruit sent to (iRi'innny has not in a singlo year oxeceded ono mil lion dollars, but tho outlook for in creasing it very largely was considered very promising before the Oormnn government began to hamper it. Tin trade in American horses in Germany although comparatively uow, has al ready grown to largo proportions, and Is rapidly growing. This government is slow to boliovo that Germany is ac tuated by a spirit of retaliation, but should it bo convinced by its investi gation, it will speedily show that re- retaliation is a two handed game. There is said to bo a iliiTuronco of opinion between President McKinloy nnd Speaker Heed as to tho advisabili ty of tho house passing a financial bill at this session. Mr. Heed thinks that tho voting down of tho Toller resolu tion by tho house was sullieieut to put the party on record against silver, and that it would bo wiser to liavo tlio house finish up tho regular business of tho .icsiior aud;adjouru as soon as pos sible, than to liavo tho llnancial debate that would bo nucussiry to put through a financial bill along tlio lino recom mended by tho president's message; while Mr. Molvinley thinks that it would bo better for his party to fur ther emphasize its position by having the house pass a llnancial bill. Al th ugh some pei'Miiis arc predictii g that this tlillcrciii'o of J opinion will lead to trouble, tho chances are that ii will not. Mr. Heed's position is on doised by tin strongest men of hi-, party in tho house and the chances aro that ho will liavo his way, and that tlio president will not insist upon hav ing a bill passed. It is now known that Jerry Simpson'.-, speech about tho Condon label in Hcp resentatlvo Dlngloy's hat, which that goutloman said was put there by tho American maker to catch tho dude. who woro willing to pay extra for anj . tliitg labeled Iiju.lon, was prompted by Hopresoutativo Hepburn, of Iowa, who never loses an opportunity for a joko. Ho accidentally saw tlio label iu the hat and told Jerry toginml look at it, knowing that ho would be uuro and make a speech about it. Jit. did, and uo'w some of tho lopublieaii numbers aro expressing fear that the Loudon label iu Mr. Diugloy's hut will bo heard from oftunur than his uxpb uatioti, osposially in tho rural poiiioi s of thoir districts. V Iiutcad of being oU'undcd at tlio Hu morous jokes that are told about the ntitocratiu manner iu which he runs tho house, Speaker Hoed is constantly adding to ilirtn. His latest was you n olf in a street ear on Hopresoutativo Hicks, who was absent when the house voted on tho Toller resolution. Mr. Uoed was iu the cur when Mr. rf,.. ...-. v. .- . Hicks eaiiie iu, As soon as he saw him the speaker said; "Hicks, come lien ," and when Mr. Hicks s'ood before him ho continued, using tho tone of an irate school master, "Hicks, you didn't rouio to school last Monday afternoon, Have 3011 brought an excuse from your mother?" Tho joko was so ap parent that everybody iu the car, in cluding a number ol congrcssmei , joined in tlio .shout of laughter that followed, and Mr. Hicks forgot to an swer the question. 'I'he house committee on labor has favorably reported a bill amending the eight hour law iu suoh a way that It can bo enforced (for various reasons, piincipally lack of jurisdiction, the Inw has only been enforced in spots, and do where very rigitllj) to tho house and will try to get the bill voted upon. H- Commissioner Kvans, of tho pension but can, lias the courage of his convic tions as shown by his attack on the present system of medical examination of applicants for pensions and of pen sioners, of which ho said: "Tlio ex amining boat ds aro expensive, inef lieieiit, and swayed by political and local Inlluenees. There ought to be only one corps of examining physicians am! surgeons that would travel from one state to another at advertised times to examine old soldiers, then they would not bo swayed by local likes and dislikes, as they aro now, nor by the "ongressineii, as the local boanh aro now." As an exainplu of tho kind of woik done by these boaids Mr. Kvans cited tlio ease of an old sol dier that ho personally took to Phila delphia nnd had examined by four boards, no onu of thorn knowing that ho was to go before tho other. Thoy each rated him ditTercutly, tho ratings running from nothing up to $!M per month. Asked whether there would bo a light if he tried to get tho present system abolished, Mr. Kvans replied: "Well, I guess there would. Congress as a whole would sit down on the idea so (iiick it would make my head swim and only congress could bring this change about " - - - How's This. Wo oiler Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CiiKNiir & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for tho last fifteen years and boliovo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and linnncially able to carry out any obligation made by their lirm. West & Tuuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Rinnan & Makvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken intern ally, directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tlio systom.frPricc, 70c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Toitinionials free. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. Resolution of Thinks. Euitou Chikk It is the unanimous wish of tho ladles who compose tho Aid Society that tho following reso lution bo published. Wiiehkas, in our lato entertainment wo were so ably and satisfactorily as sisted by tho gentleman's quartet, Mrs. Heal, as pianist and Mr. Albright as manager, therefore bo it, Hesolved, that wu tender to each of these, ami all others who so kindly as sisted us, out hearty and sincere thanks, accompanied with an "old maids" blessing. Mrs It. II. Husr, Slits. J. M. Da uii v, Mus. K. J. Duckkk. Took a Sovoro Cold Aftor tho Big Firo. After the big lire in Cripple Crook, I took a severe cold and tried many remedies without help; tlio cold only becoming more settled. After using three bottles of Chaiiibcii.iin'.s Cough Ucmedy, both the cold and cough left me, and in this high altitude it takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any good. (J. W. Hkniikuson, Kditor Daily Adveitiser, Cripple Creek, Colo rado. Sold by 11 K. (irice. School Report. Hepott of Inavalo school, Dist No. 0, for month ending February 1, 1808. Number enrolled, 'JD, - Average attendance, !i5. Number cases of tardiness, -lb. Following are tlio names of the pu pils who were neither absent nor tardy dining tho month; Kdith Hroomliold Lizzie Henkol, Daisy and Halph Hunt er, and Stella and Lizzie Deisley. W.M. Hkfi'i:i,hovi:u, Teacher. m School Report. Heportof school in Dist. DO, Webster county, for month ending February 8th, 1808. Number enrolled, 18. Average attendance, 15. Those not absent during tlio month were Julia Walstcad, Klla Skjelver, Christian Skjelver, John Holt, Oscar Hanks and Dora Skjther. Kmii.v Hoiiinson, Teacher. - ur. D'outiora uyapopam Curo ; boon all over the oM c.uiitiy and As tlio iiaiiio iniiliis, is simply for1 a good deal of this coini ry but dyspepsia or indigestion. This prcpa- having a door steal, run iu the heart of ulioii i tho piuauiiptiuii of one of tho big wild mountains, ,(,., jh America' mo-a eminent physicians, canyon i-i an old log eabin i must con whose writings on iiicdicu. tuostions fess I never hud before. At nine aio accepted as authority. It not 8t.ll.1,ini,t Ull w ,(1 , , ........ isiactory alter using one bottle your money wilt bo refunded, by C. L. Cot- iug. ... . - -.-.-, I'M hi RED CLOUD CHli&lf, KElBIBUSm SHALL WE ENDURE OR CURE ACHES PAINS? A8K THOSE WHO HAVE USED ST. JACOBS OIL, FOR THEY KNOW THECOMFORTOF PROMPT RELIEF. From an Old Red Cloudite. Missoula, Mont , Fob. (), 1307 Kditoii Ciiikf As I receive a paper containing all the news f'oni Hed Cloud every week from you, I don't think it would be more than light to lot you know how I am getting along, and hoping to bo excused for not writ ing to you bcfoie. My wife and I loll Hed Cloud November 1th and arrived hero November 7th. Wont from Has tings to Auroia and there (aught the flyer 11 II p. 111 Tho next morning we got to the Black Hills and stopped at Newcastle for llftecn minutes. New cattle is a very line town and lias lots of beautiful scenery Here I met lots of my tail road friends and also Mr. Hirdsall, who used to bo a conductor and is now trainmaster. We went through Sheridan and Fort Custer and arrived at Hillings at I) p. m. This is also a very nice new city, hots of lino brick blocks, el.ctric lights, etc. Wo waited hero about two hours for the Northern Pacilic llyer. At last she came but we had a hard time getting a seat, as all were crowded full of pas sengers. However, wo made tho host of it and got to Helena tho next morn ing about eigiit o'clock. Wont from there through a big tunnel and up and down and between tho big mountains arriving at Missoula at lUiUO p. 111. Of course all tho big and little children were there to meet us. Now I have to stop as it is impossible for mo to write about how happy everybody was. It was just as it always is iu such cases, overybo'Jy wants to talk and it seems that everybody talks at once. Wc were pretty well tired out by tho trip, and it took us about a week to rest up and talk. After nWout a week overybods seemed to !iav emptied themselves of talking so wo began to visit. We took a livery team and went out, or up thir teen miles in tlio mountains. Part of tho road was cut iu tho side of tho mountain and not over eight feet wide. To tho left side runs tho Hitter Hoot river and tho railroad track. About every half milo or so is a turnout place for teams to meet and pass, but of course tho ronil is so crooked on tho mountains that you cannot sco more than a fow rods ahead. Hefore leaving a turnout place you stop and listen a while to Hud out if jou can hear any body coming from tho opposite direc tion. If not start up on a fast trot but remember to keep your eyts on tho road as it may rot bo pleasant to roll ti few hundred feet down tho hill into tho rlvor below. Everybody in the wngon keeps howling like Indians on the warpath until you striko tho next siding, and so on until you get to the journey's end. If it happens that you meet a wagon between turnouts tlio ono that lias tho shortest distance to the siding lias to back up as it is im possible to pass any other way. We had good luck as ws only met ono u am and ho was ahead of time and already iu tho side track. He said lie heard us howling all right. At last wo lauded in a canon between big mountains covered with snow, and all heavily timbered. Hero wo found a nice new frame house, tenor twelve log,houM', f-tnbles, .sheds, f Ino orchards, big cel lars iu the sides of the mountain full of fiuit and potaloe.-, as grow here in abundance. Of coin so we had a good lime here. A nice table was set of wild game and fruit of ail kinds. We did not have to go far to lind line scdiery. Standing in the doorway we Ii id it all around us, close to us, all mountains and timber. After resting up wo went back to Missoula al a late hour. As it is customary to go hunting when in the mountains, so all young people do, so why should not I also try it. So my soii-in law, Valentino, and I made up our minds to take a trip up in tho heart of tho mountains on a hunt. Wo staited in the afternoon w ith a couple of good Winchester rilles ar.d auiiiuilion enough to clean out all the wild game iu the mountains funn a jack rabbit to a grizzly bear. Wc walked about eleven miles ur Potty and Deer oanwins. It began to u-t dark, and we stopped at a wood chop pers cabin over night. Tlio owner of the cabin was not at home, so we made ourselves at home as everything to m.ike a tired hunter feel good was I hole. Wo started in to conk coll'co and potatoes, but on investigating the cabin laidcr I found a nice fresh deer ham and we went for it in a nice way ! ami .soon had a lno supper. I have - - nm coUl as l,, Im",1,j Wu" "ll1 lllul ful1 ' t cracks, and it was too cold tu got up - - - " Jb'KlDAY, FEB. 11. IBMUM MWIg"'""1 mid ktep lite going in the old stove, .o I lay and lUt tied to the wind whistling through tho ttees all around and above the cabin. About live o'clock wo got up ami made a quick breakfast, and started again on our limit It had been snowing dining the night and we uow had it about three or four feet deep to walk in. We went over several mountains and canyons, but in wo did not see any deer or bear wo got enough of hunting and started for the nearest railroad station, caught the lirst train, and iu 11 few hours tin hunters were home again behind the warm stovo talking about tlio fun they had hunting in the mountains. 1 know 1 had a pain iu my legs for u couple of days. Not being fully satisfied with my hunting trip 1 thought of trying it again. Lots of engineers had been out hunting and returned witli two or three Jeers after being out a couple of days, but they told 1110 there was too much snow in tlio mountains, so 1 think that was tho reason we didn't get any. One lino night 1 look the train for Hope, Idaho, 17'J miles not 111 est of here, but again 1 had bad luck. It rallied for thrci days mi 1 could not get out of tho house. The fourth day was the M1I1 day of Jani.ary, and also tho last day of the game season. It isn line after that day of $."it) or live years in j.iil to hunt. I went, out iu oriioou but eaiiie bu:k in a few hours witli not a dry .stitch of clothes on me, and empty-handed. So that endid my hunting for this year. Tho next duy being a lino one a conductor and I took a trip out on the nice big lake. Ho hired a steamer for a few dollars and wo crossed tho lako.JJWo saw lots of ducks but wo didn't'Swiint any. Hope is a nice little village. It.lays very romantic like, witli mountains around it, and also a lake. All houses an built on the side of tlio Jniountain, and tho streets aro cut iu the mountain side, ono over another like shelves. A big island iu the lake is used as a summer resort. Of Missoula I can say it is a lino city of about scvonthotis and Inhabitants, j. Mountains all around, river running through the town and finely built, mostly with brick blocks. About four miles from town is Fort Missoula, with about live hundred colored soldiers. There is lots of business 011 tlio railroad here. Passenger trains aro al.vays full of Klondike gold hunters. Wo are hav ing lino weather just at proseut. Just like spring witli not much snow, but I think I like Nebraska best, especially Hed Cloud of course. It is nice to sco tlio mountains, but that is about all ou can sco, mountains, timber and rocks. Give mo a nice cornfield and prairio whoro you can .ook around for miles. This is too much shut up. Also everything is very dear, butter 30c, eggs 40c, a four room houso rents for from $12 to $15 por month, and so on. I liavo got almost enough of Montana and wo aro thinking of starting back soon. Would already bo back but tho children would not let us go. Hegards to you nnd all Hed Cloud friends I remain, Yours respectfully, John F. Pktkhson. - Chamborlain'a Cough Romody Al ways Proves Effectual. Them aro no bettor medicines on tho market than Chamberlain's. We liavo used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and in every instance it proved elleotual. Almost daily wo hear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex tolled by those who have Used them. This N not an empty tiulT, paid for at so much a Hue, but is voluniaiily given in good faith, in the hope that sillier ing humanity maj try these remedies and, In.e tho writer, bo bonelitted. From the.(Jlonville(W. Vu ) Pathfinder. For alo bv U.K. Grice. TOO Much Knife ! The use of the surgeon's knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpolc.of Walshtown, South Dakota, writes; "About three years ago, there came under my left eye a little blotch about the size of a small pea. It grew rapidly,and shooting pains ran In every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it can cer, and said that it must be cut out. This I would not consent to, having little faith in the indiscriminate use of the knife. Read ing of the many cures made by S. S. S., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. This after awhile ceased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy ( little scar remained to mark the place where thedestroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy. Cancer is in the blood and it is folly toexpect an operation tocureit. S.S.B. (guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real remedy tor every disease ott lie blood. sss Books mailed free; address bwift Spc clfic Co., Atlanta, . - - - MIm W!.Bkv tWWff IV 1W5J8 . mIK:ml,3nnmjs l')lV. -e- fHMIit,4444 ANBV 2Q1 r '? . 4&lS?mi??2E.,t.JIL!JJiV ALL 2550 ataaftM ABSOLUTELY GlIARAN f F.r !) '? "'" "r nuowuu luui uunnmi lnUU t ,P. pptor rlennjlwinklet free. Ail. MKUMMI KKMKIIV PL ATT & FREES CO., Ghieago Lambep Yard, KKl) CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, SWMV.V n EET2NG WITH w No ln.uicau t-.'.l nlica it will come fttoiifr. Ol. c.i It Mnrt3 u.licf.rc us u unexpected time r.tnl pl.ucs. i:c-n nil afternoon stroll with n fncs.d n ! a clnuce Introduction may shape nil the course or one's after life. To be always r.t jour best nnd not ashamed of your tlesi'iuy you uiunt drcs like a tnio (,'cntlc.-niti. This can be done by ordering your Suits nrd OucccaU or M. BORN & GO., The Great Chicago Merchant Tailors VI10 nro mirUall.-it UTr-stori. or llio Tailoring Art. 300 NKW l'attcrns I lncstMntcrTnt. Perfect Pit. New Stock. Latest Styles. Best Work manship. Thrifty Trices. A Ohoory Guurantoo With All. Call on WINER BROTHERS, RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. IIIIUINHIINIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIimillllMIUlU :Q1: ...the... :ai: jjjlj Weekly Inter OcERNiJi! LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THB WEST It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and carnestness,jt,jM THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEW8AND BEST It Is Morally Clean and aa a The Literature ot Its columns la equal to that of the test maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents i 'HE INTER OCEAN b and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and eives its readers the best and ablest l discussions of all questions of the day. it is In full sympathy l with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. J i.nn-PRir.F nuF nm 1 am-m - - -wr,.. . -.. . .. ,... a Ql THE DAILY AND SUKDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. I II I m Prlcoof nnlly by mail I M MX m t'rlcn of Suiuliiv liy mull ! Tl m nultynnil Niimliiv liy 11111II We Buy to THE NEW complete and Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Silver Plated Ware, at popular Prices. Our repairing is continuing to give satisfaction, the reason being that we do all work properly and give a guarantee that means something. 11 we have not your patronage we would be pleased if you would give us an op portunity to demonstrate that what we say is true. JVewhouse 13ross JEWELERSKND OPTICIHNS. eity Drav and Express Itine. ROSS Si. ripe;, pros, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR WE HAVE NO AGENTS but have boIiI runt uiirt ivIiottMalu ) iiii-ui nit-ui-uiirv V . f 2J,ll iiu. j-wii i r uuini;mi.'jii uo- A.rL bale. is cry thin? warrsntril. , iv 'Ll )uuiu!.8 or car- riaei-n.iaintylpiiol llnr- "'" ' TiiIMiui'iiW'naiilnw l'IIH?Uili Mirimr M ". ii.ith. orr.urnM-rricu(JO. iunui wuons. (JO. oo. .iwHwaminw iorwric,rrtiiaiofu. ntHiuikainiHl,.::'.'' . I.M1ARI CABJUABB AM -AS-SU MM, CATHARTIC ma; - druggists rpeorcontlpa1lon. rairnrcM nrr (tip Mral crip or crlt.chut mine e.ij natural multg. Sam. O.. Chlrasn. .Montreal. Can.. orcn lork. SIM ! M NKHHASKA. Goal and Cement. DESTINY. L yssuv. yiVAiWss&af,' ..MBut it can always be relied on for fair and honest reports of all po-1 litical movtmcnsJj JljtJtjtjtjtjt 1 OCEAN 8UPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, i m per ypir-si.od $4.00 per yrar 3 00 per yi-ur td.nil iirr rr VKxxia 1. m W WJMZMIM! I I iSOIall9IBlll0lllIR Sell. YEAR finds us with a up-to-date line of ADATS EXPRESS CO. direct to the lor 'it yiurs, al prices. w lug j)ru uuytwjeru hi low Wjurnnfl. aic. twna . Nt.M.,,,...,.. PAL Mim MT M MM. mm . ' C. W. . FBATT. SWf, EUMA.T, U 1 I ' 2i7 Jl7m Tv VlKJrm MBM.MMfMVi . (fS5SEc!IB2f2R!lk---i TTS. ttMi4iwik. "Hri!ftji(Ki)ritftf1rMmj A' - -TT-swwaataiBp