J.k -Kpfy A THE 11ED CLOUD CHIEF. 2 i fc k" t' I FOR A 2-CENT HATE. GOVERNOR PINCRER WINS HIS FIGHT. NirhlRan Central ltncn .State Tin tho Right to Itccuhito Itnllroittl I'nrr lly Ilrnnoii of It I'ollco l'owurn Itnllnrn) Cannot 1'lx Itittr. Detooit, Mich., Feb 7. Judge Don ran of tlie circuit court to-day or dered lssuanco of a mandamus against the Michigan Central railway in tho nit brought by Governor Plngreo to compel the railway company to soil liltn a 1,000 mileage- book good, not only for himself, but for any mom bar of his family, for 20. In hln opinion Judge Donovan re rlt wed tho rallrond company's conten tion. Ho held Unit under Its special charter tho company was granted tho prlvilegof fixing its own rates of fnrcs. This prlvllogo, howovcr, was claimed by the stato to be indefinite, as the road's charter merely gave the com pany power to fix fares by by-laws. In that case, under police power only rcasonnblo rates could bo fixed, as under such power all rules touching the welfare and duty of citizens, tholr property, comfort and happiness can bo regulated by law, tills being true of hackmcii, millers, toll roads, com mon cnrrlors, liquor dealers and all others doing public business. "It Is nlso," said the court, "clnlmcd for the stuto that tho Michigan Cen tral secured control of various branches and reported to the state vast holdings with these roiuls, amount ing in fact to a consolidation with ome six or eight lesser llnea That these branch Hues were built by the Michigan Central, or aro held by stoclt or mortgages in various wars by the company, is not cleat ly designated lu their s'.ato reports." Judge Donovnn recited n recent New Jersey case, in which it was held that similar acts menu a consolidation, nnd pointed out the fnct that tho federal courts have held in a enso from Georgia, bearing on exclusive rights by charter to charge n flvo cent fare, that tho legislature still has power to govern tho rate. Ho also quoted Chief Justice Waito as having said that when onu devotes property to a public use ho nui3t ba controlled by the publio laws. Alluding to a section of tho com pany's charter under which tho state reserved tho right to buy tho road, after thirty years, the court said coun sel for defondnnt had not shown a way out of a situation where by vastly en larged holdings in other roads the Michigan Central had placed the state in a powerless condition to alter its bartrntn hr WAV of n. nuri-hn.su nf tho defendant compauy und to pay dum- ages therefor. Tha railroad's counsel had not ex plained the impossible part of now re Vising the charter, which Is urged to b perpetual, mado so by tho very conditions It has brought about by now franchises and changed relations with the state. Judge Donovan quoted several de cisions of tho United States supreme court, undor which the right to regit la to fares and charges was reserved to tha state. Ho concluded that tho Michigan Central is still under police power reserved to tho state, and that 'tho company cannot fix rates by by laws repugnant to the lawn of tho tatc. "Tho company cannot even tender to this stato what It purchased in H4fl and which the state could buy back in 1807. Tho holdings nro so vast that eventually either tho company will control tho stato rallwuy system or ihat function must nuialn in the state. In case of doubt tho stato Is entitled to the doubt. "Tho mandamus will issue." BAD BILLS FROM CANADA A Clue as to tha Origin of the S1O0 Bltvtr Certlllcatc. Nitw York, Feb. 7. There is strong reason to believe tho counterfeit S100 liver certificates recently discovered were made in Canada, becret servico agents, aided by Canadian police, nro now searching through that region, their efforts being principally directed to the province of Quebec. It la understood that every engravet who has been employed In govern ment offices both hero und in Canada, and who Is known to bo of bufllclent ability to liavo dono tho work, is now under constant survollanco. It is be lieved another counterfeit will soon follow, unless tho criminals shall be run down and arrested. About 8a, 000,000 of the SIG.OOO.GOO of 9100 .certificates originally outstand ing have been turned into tho treas ury for redemption and nineteen coun terfeits have been found. Italmloar ou (hi- Wuy. Wabhihoton, Feb. 7 -A cablegrnm received at tho war dpartment from Dr. Jackson tit Alton, Norway, an nounces that tho steamship Muni to ban, chartered by Lieutenant Devoro for tha government, ha just sailed from that port for New York with 530 reindeer nnd -jjfhty-sovon Lapland men and women to caro for the ani mals and drive them on tho govern ment relief expedition when they ar rWo in Alaska. SIX FIREMEN PERISH. UorUd by tho Collapi of llurntas Factor llollitln:. Boston, Feb. 7. The bodies of bIx firemen have been taken from tho ruin of the Ilent building, which took fire at o'clock this morning. The dead are: John F. Egnn, district chief; James Victory, captain; George J. Gotwald, lieutenant; Patrick II. Disken, hosemnn; John J. Mulhern, fireman; W. J. Walsh, hosoman. Four other firemen were burled in ,the mini, but they escaped with more Mr less serious Injuries. KANSAS PACIFIC DEBATE, Mr. Fleming of (Iporc'a l'reclnltntet DUcmilon Genntor ItarrlV Flgur. Washington, Feb. 7. In the llouso yesterday an Interesting discussion of the npprnachlng sala of tho Kansas Pacific road, set for February 17, was precipltafed by Mr. Fletnlng, Demo crat, of Georgia, who, with his Demo cratic collengues, desire legislation to require the president to bid tho full amount of tho debt, principal and in terest. Mr. Fleming, Democrat, of Georgia, during tho consideration of one of tho pension bills, took ad vantage of the latitude nllowed for debate, to discuss tho question of protecting tho government's interest at tho approach ing sale of tho Kansat l'aclllc road. The claim of the government, he said, was ovor S13,000,t-00, and, while it wa3 claimed that tho road could be par alleled for S3 ,000, 000, ho said that the engineer who built tho road, Senator Harris, of Kansas, estimated its value nt from 825,000,000 to 530,000,000. Tho average earnings of tho road for tho past ten years, 81, 255, (175, were 4 por cent interest on 30,000,000. Mr. Shattuck, Republican, of Oltlc said that, whllo Senator Harris might bo a very competent civil engineer, ho know no more about computing the earnings or valuo of a railroad than the portrait alongside of tho Speaker's chair. "Did you hear his speech on tho l'aclllc roads" asked Mr. Shafroth, (diver Republican, of Colorado. "I read It, replied Mr. Shattuck, "and there Is nothing in it. It was wind, nothing more." Mr. Fleming said Senator Harris, by tho facts ho had furnished the govern ment, had saved the treasury 827,000,- 000 on the sale of the Union Pacific. "Tho press of the country built a lire under the administration," said he, "and forced it to act." Mr. Fleming said ho had appealed to tho speaker and to Mr. Powers, tho chairman of tha l'aclllc railroad com mittee to aid the consideration of tho measure reported by tho committee. "They were both courteous," said Mr. Fleming, "but I failed to get tho speaker to uso hi Influence- with Mr. l'owors, or Mr. Powers to uso hla in lluonco with tho speaker. Yesterday 1 tried to get recognition from the spenker. To-day when I did gist rec ognition it availed nothing, because tlie chairman of tho committoo, Mr. Powers, said ho would object" Mr. Powers, Republican, of Ver mont, chairman of the Pacific rail roads committee, denied that he had staled earlier In tho day that tho ad ministration desired no further legis lation. Ho alleged that the whole purpose of thoso who wsre opposing the sale was the government owner- "-"'P tl"d operation of rall-iuls. CHILDEKS "SEES THINGS." Tim Awful (Ihjt-cl of n New Mexico Secret Orctiulz itlon. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Wyllo 11. Childers, United States attorney for the territory of New Mexico, has just written the Department of Justico the details of what he consider n danger ous conspiracy. He relates in precise official form that a becret agent of one of tho big railroad corporations has just In formed him with every particular that a secret organization, known as tho American Patriotic league, Is gaining headway In tho towns of Uatoti and lllossburg, N. M., and Trinidad and La Junta, Col., and in the surround ing country. This organization has for Its motto, "Liberty, Land and Leisure," In tho dihtrlet represented by tho towns men tioned thoro ure about 10,000 miners nnd small farmers. During tho Amer ican Hallway union strlko it was ono of tho most turbulent portions of the country. Regular troops wero sent there. Tho strikers were reduced to subjection, but they bitterly resented tha invasion of the troop and hnvo always threatened that when the next str'ko should como they would teach the soldiers a lesson. Mr. Childers represented that tho oath taken by the meinbors of tho American Patriotic league provides that each member shall, within sixty days of his sweariug allegiance, equip himself with a 45-callbor riflv) and bo ready for nn emergency. The oath also contemplates, says Mr. Childers, n struggle with tho na tional government, as each member Is pledged to proceed ou orders to ac complish tho death of tho President and his cabinet by tho uso of dyna mite. As part at their program, tho members of tho New Mexican con tingent have applied to the adjutant general of the territory to be enlisted In the national guard of New Mexico, to bo supplied with arms nnd ammu nition, nnd ono or two gatling guns. The adjutant general has replied that until tho various companies aro fully enrolled and organized no arms can bo issued. Mr. Childers informi tho depart ment that the threats of thoso men, high llown they bo, aro not to bo treated lightly. (Knxltnl lit lulluuiii un.l aiaailea. London, Feb. 7. Influenza and measles are epidemic in England. Tho former is so severe in Cornwall that business Is sorlously Interrupted and many bchools are closed. Dun' Trails Ilo-lew. Nltw Yoitic, Feb. 7. R. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says: "Actual payments through clearing houses In January mado n remarkable showing, being much lurgir than In nny previous month, 30. 3 per cent larger than tho same mouth last ve.-ir, nnd 7. 1 per cent larger than in 1802. Tho failures in January were smaller than in any previous year of which thoro Is record, and wero probably smaller than in nny othor Junuary since 1S31. Tho state ment by brunches of business given this week shows n surprising gain in most departments of trade," CONGRESSIONAL CHAT WEEK'S DOINGS OFNATION AL LAWMAKERS. A Ornrrnl ItrMimr of tho Mont Import nut I.ulxirH of tin- IIoiiko iiiiiI Scniiti Kmrutho unit Departmental Action Noted Ilrlell. In njfour-hour .speech Monday, Sen ntor Teller talked' for lliiwuiiim an nexation. C. A. Atkinson of Lincoln hns se cured a 8.1, .100 position lu the depart ment of justice. The house committee on labor has reported favorably tho bill for u com mission to inquire Into tho conditions of labor, iigriculture, etc. Tho attention of the senate this week will be devlded between the Hawaiian annexation treaty npnropul ntlon bills and the right of Hon. II. W. Corbett to a scat in the senate from Oregon. Mrs. Lane, the daughter of ox-Senator llhiekburn of Kentucky, who wits accidentally .shot home time ago, is much worse. Sim recently MilTored n setback, from which she barely ral lied. S.1 io takes practically no nourish ment, und it is feared never will re cover The populists in congress have com pleted mi organization with Represent ative Hell of Colorado as chairman of tho joint caucus, Representative Shu ford of North Carolina, as secretary nnd Senator II arris of Kansas lis chair man of the congressional committee. S The president has formerly tendered to W. .1. Calhoun of Danville. 111., the position of interstate commerce coin mission tiiadu vacant by tins expira tion of the term of Judge Morrison, tnd Mr. Calhoun has untitled the pt.s itlent of his willingness to accept. Tho house committee on public lnnds lias .submitted a favorable reportntt the hill known ns the "free homes" bill, which opens to free homestead settle ment lands acquired from the Indians. An amendment is made ommitting mili tary reservations from tho operations of the bill. Mrs. Frederic Emory, chief of tho bureau of foreign commerce depart ment of state, has been temporarily designated as director of the bureau of American. republics and took charge of the bureau recently. She will hold tho position until u successor to the late director Joseph I'. Smith is mimed. Tho United States supremo court has adjourned until February -1. Tho anxiously awaited decision upon the Nebraska maximum freight rate ease was not handed down before tho recess was taken. If it is not given out at the next meeting of the court, tho chances aro decidedly in favor of an even division of the court and that an other hearing will be called for. Senor Moron, the Argentine minis tor, and Mr. Hoshi. the minister from Japan, tho other day in Washington signed a treaty of anilty commerce and navigation in hohalf of their respective governments. Tho signing of tho treaty is significant, inasmuch as it probably will result in tho establishment of diplomatic relations through ministers to each country. Judge Strode visited the interior de partment nnd made u request that tho government cause a rosurvey to be made of a strip of land in Frontier county, Nebraska, said to be ninety one rods wide and six miles long either because it was ncer properly Mir vcyed or if so the corners had been lost. Judge Strodo was promised that an investigation would he muilo to as certain the facts in the ease. The most elaborate, entertainment of the present official season marked the welcome of President Dole of Hawnil at the White house Tuesday evening. The decorations were extremely beau tiful and in the, most perfect artistic tasto. In the oast room the president and Mrs. McKinley, tho. vice president and Mrs. Hobart, the guest of honor, President and Mrs. Doio, and thu mem bers of the cabinet, received the other guests for a short time before repair ing to the, table. Ambassador White of llerlln, by cn blo to the htato department, has con firmed thu press reports of tho modifi cation of the decree of tho German government rolntlvc to the importa tion into Ciormnny of American fresh fruits. It is said that there is now nothing to do on our part but to wnteh the workings of the decree as a means of testing the spirit in which it was conceived; whether it was framed with tlie single purpose of keeping- out diseased fruit or whether it was not a mere pretext to prevent the competi tion of our fruit with that of (icrman production. The monthly statement of the pub lic debt, issued February 1, shows that tho debt, less cash In the treasury, at tho closo of business January ,11, amounted to SI, 011, 701, I'M, an Increase for tho month of S12..18!i,771. This in crease is accounted for by the deerense in the amount of cash on hand. Tho debt in recapitulated ns follows: In terest-bearing debt, 8347,305.810; debt on which Interest hns censed since ma turity, 81,328,540, debt Injuring no In terest, S3!irt,878,774. Total, SI. 235,573,- 124. This amount, however, does not Inoludu 8581,21.1,0,11 In certificates and treasury notes outstanding, which nro offset by an equul amount of cash In tho troasuYy. The trensury cash I classified as follows: Gold 8200,571,551; silver, 5510,515,100; paper, 8100,152,000; bonds, deposits in nntional banks, dis bursing olllcers' balances, etc. ,811, 338, 100; total, 8853,11)8.008, against which there aro demand liabilities outstand ing amounting to Sr20,32(',222, leaving a net cash balnnco, Including the gold reserve, of 8223,871,788. Attorney-General Griggs, late gover nor of New Jcrsoy, took charge of his new otllce Tuesday morning. Later he attended the cabinet meeting. A majority of tho members of tho senate committee on interstate com merce oppose the creation of n now cabinet department to bo designated as department of industry and com merce. The monthly statement of tho di rectors of the mint shows the total coiniitfo at the United States mints during Jruunry, 1808, was 85,120,010. The coinage of standard silver dollars during the mouth amounted to 81,250,-000. Thu house committee on Interstate nnd foreign commerces gave nn ex tended hearing on the Hepburn bill to create n department of commereo and Industries. Prominent men wero heard In favor of its establishment. It is stated in congressional circles that the prospcett; of ratification of the Hawaiian annexation treaty have greatly improved. It is believed that sixty senators whose votes aro needed for a two-thlrdu majority will vote for the treaty. Senator White of California con cluded his three days' speech in opposi tion to tlie annexation of Hawnil in the executive session of tho senate Friday. He made some additional poltith against tho avail lability of Hawaii for defensive purposes. Lester A. Iteardsloe, rear admiral, I'. S. N., has retired on account of age. He was the .second ranking officer in the navy und tit the dale of his retire ment was stationed in Washington us president of tho examining and retir ing boards. Ills last sea service was at Honolulu when the crisis cuuiu lu thu islnttd government. Secretory Wilson of tho ugrlculturnl department will leave Washington in u week or ten duvs for n visit to the south, his objective points being North nnd South Carolina and Florida. Prob ably most of his time will be spent in tho hitter stato. where hu wants to look personally into the question of the raising of high grade tobacco. The postolllce department has author ized the removal of tho postofllec nt Toouiiisoh, Neli.. to the building owned by Allen .(itr'utidago at an sinnual ren tal of 8210. The otllce has boon In the tdd site owned by democrats and occu pied in part by the democratic, news paper. The new building is said to be tho best in tho city and is occupied In part by the Teeuniseh Chieftain. The consideration of the naval ap propriation bill before the sub-corn-inittoo now framing It has drawn at tention to thu dissimilarity of anus used by the army and navy, and Rep resentative milium of California, u member of the committee, feels that stops should bo taken to bring about uniformity in the arms of the various braneheu of the government service. Senator Allen has presented in the senate a petition numerously signed by the residents of (irnnd Island pray ing for the ratification of the Hawaii annexation treaty und urging the two Nebraska senators to do all in tholr power to secure annexation. This petition, however, will not succeed in turning the two Nebraska senators from their determined course. Roth oppose annexation. A rumor litis reached Washington from Lincoln that Attorncy-tionernl William Loose has been appointed to a bank OMiminership in one of the .southern states by Comptroller of the Currency Dawes. Inquiry at the treas ury department shows tliat the infor mation is not true. Mr. Loose has not been appointed to any position, and Comptroller Dawes stated that he was not contemplating giving him an ap pointment. The president has sent to the senate the name of "John" W. Johnson to be register of the land olllce at Lin coln. This is. of course, "Jo" Johnson whose peculiar way of writing hi name has given the error in making up the papers. Mr. Johnson has known for some time that his name would go into the sonuteasthe president's choice tor this otfico, us he was assured by Senator Thurston months ago that he would name him. It is understood that the Union Pa cific committee has qualified as a bid der for the road at the sale of the Kan sas l'aclfic February 15, and at the con ference, recently, it is understood, an effort will be made to secure a modifi cation of the purpose of the govern ment to bid nt the sale, at least up to the full amount of the principal of tho road's indebtedness to the government, which amounts to about 80,303,000. The stato department has not yet been Informed by Ambassador White of tho deereo against the importation of American fresh fruits into (ieruinny nnd the official statement of the mat is uwalted with anxiety at the depart ment, which desires to know just how far the (icrman government Is willing to yield to the wishes of the agrarian party, which insists upon tho exclu sion of all American farm product when they enter Into competition with the German farmer. The number of public building bills has been added to by Senator Thurs ton, providing for the purchase of a site and erection of a building at Hast ings. There is a bill pending in the house for a building nt Hastings, but It was evidently decided that owing to the impossibility of getting It through the house, it would be well to let the senate pass it and then have it go over to the other cud of tho capitol ns u senate bill. Speaking to n question of a personal privilege In thu senate Mr. Lindsay idem. Ky.) commented shnrply on the motives of the author and promoters of tho resolution recently passed by the legislature of Kentucky demand ing Ills resignation ns senator. Mr. Lindsay, after defining his position upon thu financial question, inndo it clear thnt he was the representative of tho whole people of Kentucky and not in any sense thu ugent of thu Kon- tuclty lRglsluturo. The state banking loard has re ceived official notice from Examiner Wilson who wiui sent to take charge of the State Hank of Crawford. Ex aminer Wilson took charge of the bank on his nrrivul at Crawford. The bank did not open for business Friday morn ing, Februury 4. F. C. (Jrable, the now noted western boomer, was at tho head of tho bank. His brother, Charles J. Grublc, was enshior, and A. E. Hobson was assistant cashier. When the bank made its last quarterly report on No vetnlicr 30, the deposits were 833,874. Favorable reports in the senate wero made upon Senator Allen's proposed ntucnumctits to the 1 ml tun appropria tion, bill looking to the assembling of the Indians at tlis trims-Mississippi ex position and for tho repayment to tho Santce Sioux Indians of tho annuities taken from them by act of congress. The somite will doubtless pnss the amendment for the Indian exhibit nt the exposition, and Representative Mercer is confident that he will bo able, despite the opposition on the tloor, to slip it through when the bill conies over to tho house. Its only chance is us a rider In tho appropria tion bilL NEBRASKA IN BRIEF ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM OVER THE STATE. A Complrtp Hctli-w of the I'nut IVrrlt'n Ilttliprnhit-fi In the Tren I'liintiTH' Ktutt- Hurclurt Nummary of the Moat Im portant Nruni Henry Olson, of Nebraska City, on his wuy home Wednesday evening quite lute, was relieved of some S23 In cash. The thugs were not recognized by Mr. Olson. Christ Llonberger, n farmer near Humboldt was caught in the machin ery of a horse power wood saw and was badly braised. One finger will have to be amputated. John Mo.Pherson of Nebrnska City wns trying to drive a wild boar, when the hog turned nnd attacked him, cut ting a deep gash In his side six inches long, which required twelve stitches o close. I. lT. Hudson, a 11. &. M. brakeman living at Nebraska City, while coup ling ears at Rulo recently had his right nrtn caught between the butnpjrs and so badly crushed as to necessitate am putation. The better element of the republican party in Lincoln has formed tho Hamilton club, the main purpose of which is to aid the "Loxow" committee in its investigation of the municipal administration. Deputy United States Marshal Allen has placed undor arrest William Phil lips, William Drown, Harry Rusdall and a fourth man giving his name us "Dutchy." till of Homer, charged with selling liquor to Indians. Governor llolccmb litis issued n requisition on the governor of Illinois for the arrest of William ("rates, who will be brought back to Hebron to an swer to the charge of forgery and ob taining money under false pretenses. It has boon decided by the Seventh Day Adventlsts to erect a national and non-sectarian industrial home for the. blind at Dunbar, In Otoe county. The people of Dunbar hove raised a bonus of 84,000 to aid the institution. Phillip Ott and Samuel Schippert. two prosperous German farmers, of Ilnrlan county, were caught the other day in a lightning rod swindle. Two rascals agreed to rod tho house for 83.75 but when settlement came the contract they had signed turned out to be for 8H.1. Lee Pool, a boy seventeen years old, living some miles west of Rising City, was severely injured by being kicked in tlie face by a horse which he was loading. He was insensible when picked up. his nose broken tuid face horribly disfigureiL William Hiinlon, the young man who took SI5 in money and a gold watch from the residence of Fred Stuklhtit, the Nebraska City milkman, pleaded guilty to tho charge in district ootirt and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. The other day E. S. MeCormiek, liv ing a mile south of Nelson, discovered a baby, wrapped up In an old horse blanket. In his door yard. The child was apparently only n few hours old. Mr. MeCormiek turned the child over to the authorities. Developments are expected. James O'lirlcn, William Redman nnd Jnmes Peel, three of the five men ar rested at Wahoo on suspicion that they robbed the Rising City postolllce Thursday night, were bound over by Commissioner Hillingsloy. Unable to give 81,000 bail each, they nre in the care of John Tromp.-n mid assistants. Tho citizens of Wnhoo met recently at the call of Mayor Wilde to devis'e ways and means for assisting Congress man Stnrk in enrrying through his public building measure. A committee was appointed to collect whatever in formation required to assist Mr. Stark In milking his fight for the measure Mrs. Delia Conklin of Nebraska City was arrested on complaint of William Steele, charging her with stealing 818.25 f.-om a trunk owned by hltn, to which she had access. She pleaded not guilty and was sent to jail. Later she confessed to tlie theft imd some 815 of the money was found on her person. Tho state university authorities nro preparing to celebrate charter day on the fourteenth nnd fifteenth of this month in a manner worthy of the tiny nnd the Institution. For several years charter day has been a much more prominent university holiday than for merly. This year will lie no exception. The exercises will begin on Mondey evening and will then be In charge of the society of thu electrical engineers. Charter day proper will be fully occu pied. In the morning there will Iks an address by Dean Sherman, president of tho Phi Iteta Kappa society, at u mooting for tlie initiation of new mem bers and invltod guests alone. Tho regular reception at the various de partments will Iks given in the after noon. A review of the cadet regiment will nlsxi be held In the nf ternoon nnd in the evening, A. S. Draper, president of tho university of Illinois will doliver tho annual address. Flro, which started shortly before midnight Sunday, threatens to destroy much of the business portion of the town of Exeter. The west side of Mnin 6troct is on fire. Ucnrdsley Sisters store, Custollo's barber shop, Wilson's store, Wilson's restaurant, Zlska's store, Geo ,t Son's store and Kelly's meat market -are gone. W. n. Tay lor's store and Walloccit Co.'s bank ure sure to go, Exeter lms no adequate fire-fighting apparatus, nnd ulthough tho bucket brigade worked well it bus been unable to cope with the. flames. No estimate of loss or insurance can yet be (riven, Frank H. Johnson, Wm. U. Johnson, und A. E. Sharp, manager, ensnier nnd president of the defunct Midland State bank of Omaha, have been held for trial in the district court on a charge of fraudulent banking. They gtive bull in 82,000 each for appear ance. Dennis Welsh, tin aged gentleman living twenty-five miles northwest of Sidney, was 'struck by the engine of tin incoming passenger train here nnd received injuries from which he died. The cause of the accident is not known, but ns Mr. Welsh is somewhat deaf, it is supposed he did not hear the train and attempted to cross the track it? front of It. William Hanlon. the young mnnwhc the other day robbed Stahlhut, the Nebraska City milkman, of 545, a gold watch and ring, nnd who wns caught at Hamburg, when iirrninged before Judge Leigh, waived examination nnd was held to the district court in tho sum of 8500 bonds. 1 Is thought he will plead guilty and be sent to the penitentiary at the term of court now in bession. The postofllec nt Rising City wns re cently looted. The burglars secured over 8300 in money and stumps. They left not n stamp behind them. The safe was blown open by dynamite and completely wrecked. Five nieti giving their names as Clyde Dally, 0. Clark. James O'Rrlan, Hill Redmond and Jim Peel and having the look of hardened criminals, were arrested at Wahoo and are hold ns the probable looters of tha postolllce. The supreme court has handed down nn opinion upholding the validity of 8100,000 exposition bonds voted by the county of Douglas. Auditor Cornell had refused to register the bonds nnd had refused also to register SISO.OOO of Douglas county funding bonds. The authorities of Douglas county com menced lnandntiius proceedings to com pel the auditor to register the bonds. The suit was a friendly one brought for the purpose of having the validity of the bonds decided by the ccurt of last resort. Shipments of grain on the Darling ton from interior Nebraska points have become so brisk of late that consider able difiiculty is being experienced in securing sufficient box cars to handle the tratlle. The demand for cars is so urgent that it was found necessary in the Lincoln yards to unload over a hundred box cars filled with coal and dump the contents on the ground near the ice houses, the storage capacity or the coal sheds having ttlrotniy been overtaxed. Practically all of tho grain is destined for Chicago und St Louis, the division between those markets be ing about equal. Fremont's citizens held a mass meet ing recently to take up the matter of growing beets for the proposed beet sugar factory. The factory subject came in for discussion, and a contract was road which was drawn up by the Fremont licet Sugar company, pro vision being made for its assignee. Tho price named in the contract was 81 per ton, 50 cents of that amount to be donated to go towards the 850,000 factory bonus. Eight hundred acres, were contracted for at that rate. The eastern parties to the beet factory pro ject have been heard from recently, and they ure ready to carry out their part, and there Is but little doubt that the factory will be erected and be rcudy for business next year. Arrangements have been made by the committee of the Nebraska press, association for an excursion to New Orleans and Port Arthur, Tex., this, month. The trip will be made via tho following railroads: Rurlingtou ,fc Missouri River, Kansas City, Pittsburg ,t Gulf and Southern Pacific, leaving; Lincoln via the 11. & M. on Saturday, February 12 ut 1:10 p. in. The in tention is to go direct to Port Arthur, and after one or two days at this point go to New Orleans, where two or three days will be spent, returning direct from New Orleans, making the whole trip nnd returning to Lincoln in ten dnys. One or more Pullman sleeping cars will be chartered, and may bo used during the entire trip. The esti mated expense for the trip is 830 for each person. G. M. Hitchcock, editor of the World Herald has won In his celebrated con tempt case, and Judgu Keysor ban bunded down a decision freeing the publisher of the World Herald for having published tin resolutions of the fire and police commission in re lation to the rclntlve circulation of the two Omaha dallies after the court liutl made an order prohibiting the paper from referring to them or seeking to obtain the publication of liquor notices in the World Herald by reason of them. In an oninion covering six columns of a paper which prints It In full, Judge Keysor decided that the Injunction is sued by him was void and that Hitch cock cannot therefore bo punished for contempt in vloluting it because un der the constitution of this state no court has power to exercise a censor ship over tho press or to limit Its right to publish, and for the further reason that the World-Herald was not n party to the suit In which the order wub is sued and no Indemnifying bond had boon given to eovwr possible loss to It, Finding tlve opera house at Osceola a non-paying investment, the manager, A. O. Monson, has concluded to quit. Citizens who had subscribed for its erection five yours tigo were paid back thelr money, .and Mr. Monson will utilize Ui3 building for a clothing store. Lincoln hits a Ixjxow investigating committee composed of members of tho council. Ofileer Snell, a police man, testified to hnvlng paid 850 for his job, and was promptly fired by tho excise board. Tho end is not yet, Citkwns are Indignant, . ' sV. rcMiaaWWiaiwiaaMgqw ' ,, t " 4. tfc- isTTfnmtszMzmmszrt HWaMWffW IMWKfl '