The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 11, 1898, Image 1

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Rj,rtI5OTmvnT'ry0"l'" ' rr' fnvf vvrv vvv !' fsvA" ." vij , rf
Embroideries, j Groceries.
Duo special lol
t It It
worth 12Jc
worth 15o.
Corn (! Gloss slniuli, per packugo Be
r cm 9 Corn 25c
p2j Stamped Linens.
A lino lino. Wo carry
tho most complets
stock of these goods in
tho citv. A complcto
Hug of silks.
! r pounds Rice, nood value,
B packages uut ring Tobacco. . . .
(I pou nils Lima Beans
Sopolio, per cake
Good Baking Powder, pur can....
Standard lemon extract
Standard vanilla extract
12 boxes Parlor Matches
Puck up) Coffee
Old Stylo smoking tobacco per pk
12 bars Laundry soap
10 " " "
India Linen.
Special values at 10c,
12c, lfic, 20c, 25c, 30c,
and 50c.
In black at 12Jc and 10c.
30-inch Doilies, Swiss, worth
75o for COc.
Linens for fancy work 35c to
Ly Organdies.
Special values at 10c,
12ic and 20c.
Cotton Goods.
Southern Silk shirting
sold everywhero for
10c at 8c.
Amoskcag Standard
Cheviots at 10c.
Ranchman's black and
bluo twills 9c to 12Jc.
Eastlako Fancies, suit
nblo for boy's wnists
at 10c.
Yard wide unbleacded L.
L. mucin, good value.. 8Jc
Yard wide nnbteached L.
L. muslin, ;o id value. Go
Farmors Use bieached, ex
tra value 0c
Lonsdalo bleached, sold
every whoro for 9c 7c
Fruit of tho loom bleached
soli everywhere for 9c. 7c
Special values in blcashcd and
unbleached full width
5 c
ii " li Otjy
fi cans sardines 25c
It lbs tapioca 25c
Making Cln. late 40c
3 21b cans cove o.'tcrs 50c
01b Raisins
(Mb Prunes 25c
41b Peaehe" 25o
L'irge size can of Lye 0c
Miner's No. 1 Flour, wariantid .. 1 05
Miner's No. 2 Flou, " . . 1 00
Try our c.irpi t broom 25e
Citron and Oi tinge peel 20c
Whole spices, absolutely pure.... 40c
Hiincl salt 1 !!.")
One can of
and a 5 foot
7 5 cents.
Full lino of WONDER Tubs, Pails,
Wash Boards, and Clothes Baskets.
10 yds staiidurd prints.... 30c
Black and Whl'o pi hits. . . 4c
Simpson' mournings and
grays 0c
Guaranteed fhst colors,
ltd and white 0c
Dress Prints 0c
Drcs Prints 7c
Picrclineyard wide fancy
diess pi hits, very suit
able forchildreus waist 12 o
F.iiipv Novelties in Drco
Prints 12o
in "m;.mu "
(t op uriKliii' li llawi' A. Tninr )
Lace Curtains.
Spechl values, 47c to t-
sa.uu, per pair.
Wo aro selling agents for John Stroot
man's Ladles Shoes.
Ladies' Shoes f 1.00 to 13.50.
Children's Shoos 60c to $1.00.
Men's Shoos $1.25 to $3.00.
Try our Men's Iono Calf shoes, $2.00.
1000 yards PERCALES
and DIMITIES at 12Jc.
All full sio, 72x81 inch
es, 00c to $3.
Table Linen.
Bleached, 23d to $2 per
Red 12Jc to 75c per yard
Napkins, bleached COc
to $4.00 :
X '
Dress Ooods.
L'irlii". wishing to pin
.hnsi ii nice pii"g
suit will be repiid by
waiting to select from
mir new line now on
i lie load from Chicago.
We aleo vih to nil your at
trillion ii mir nice now lino
of Spring wiuh goods of
which wo have received a
Eart of our spring sbspment.
atost patterns in Dimities.
Organdies, Lissn and Mull
in colors. Also Satin Strip
ed Lawn in black. We aro
still solling80-inch Cashmere
at 18o. The remainder of
our stock of 30-inch llannels
at 23c. Wo still have a num
ber of Plaids and Novelty
dress goods at 12 to 10c.
To closo out the fow wool
hoso wo have left of our win
tor stock wo have decided to
sell atjgroatlv reduced prices.
An id Lincoln,- b ntio of tin t iwei
itig pi-i -images of history possibly
fiuui urn iL'iiotaiii'K of tlieir duih lives
-m'uiii miiic like dciiii-godd than men,
am', we .simply marvel at tlicur, for if
the ftame of a great mini has elcuiouls
iu it that are walls befoio us instead of
steps we peep at it like children from a
distance, we long vainly for its altitude
ami we pass on neither aided nor on
com aged. It is true beyond dispute
that a touch of nature makes us all kin
and like the unexpected meeting of a
bulowd fiicnd is the effect upon us of
tho meat who have siiffeied as wo
have, worked long years unseen as we
do, and tiiumphcd in .some measure as
wo hope to at last. We ire cheered by
them. In them we discover tho linea
ments of ordinary, approachable hu
manity, their footsteps wen- no longer
thnn ours but .simply always led for-
ward, their hours weio no moro nu
merous than tho-o allotted to us but
all were made to bend to a purpose,
their hopes lemaining too often un
realizedlike ouifl but in leaching
upwaids towaid them came sublimity
to the lives that we can afey admire
and emulate.
Without slavish imitation of tills
piuo knot student, this Hat boat lawyer
this rail-splitting president, lei us learn
ft otu him.
It is a sign of greatness o do llie next
thing that conies to hand, without
wasting time lunger for gi eater things
to tin; to le evi ii laiger than our task
ami cl clit'iiful u'lilnil while doing if,
to be icady to acknowledge eiror in
self and to render plain to those who
excel ii-; to be magnanimous to thone
who bitterly thwart us iu our noble
put pose. All these did Lincoln ami
more also,
IK'titortt tiro we to the men uliolmo fought fur
Di'Mom to those who stood II rm for tho truth,
Dulilom lo those w tiu thruiiKh trlnU lime bought
fur iin
Freedom to cherlch utir strong, tobor )outli
fcolcmnl), solemnly, keep we their mem
In tho iiroml btnroti of nnmci Rrent In history
foremost nur simple oolite! ultlzcii see,
ClontliiK tho uthwii) to honor, from mjntery,
bhow Iiik how (toil like tlio hnmbloHt inny be
Joj fully, Joj fully keep wo hid memory,
I.Ike some pink shell Iu u ill-lnut scene muttering
Songs: of the occnu tlutt moulded Us life.
Mnnyn lonely heart. I.lncoln'ii prnlso uttering,
lichees hlDHtendfiiBtnuKii.NtroiiK nmld htrlfoi
Knlthfully, faltlifiilly, keep wo his mo in
Long mny IiIh spirit, engrnftcd, lctorloiiH,
Grow In Its fiiUneH until, like tho huh,
SpreailltiK at uvciiIiir Uh trennuroii nil Klorloun,
UcaTGti'K Unlit mcctH It im vnrtli'n ilay i uotio.
l,rn)crfully, prayerfully keop wo tits
JIIIJlEH BHOS., Hed Gloud, Nebraska.
That is the number The Chief desires to add to its Webster County and
Northern Kansas list during the month of February. Instead of pay
ing a solicitor a large percent to solicit these subscriptions we have
decided to give subscribers the full benefit of the solicitors per cent.
IMIE CHIEF and any on of tlxe 13ol
lowlnc Papers for $1.00 ner year.
Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean.
Omaha Bee, weekly.
Farm and Fireside, semi-monthly.
Ladies Household Compaaion.
Philadelphia Press, weekly.
Cincinnati Enquirer, weekly.
Kansas City Star, weekly,
Orange Judd Farmer, weekly.
Louisville Courier-Journal, semi w'kly.Neb. and Kansas Farmer, monthly.
Remember this offer is is oniy good during the month of February.
Old subscribers who desire to take advantage of this offer are required to
pay up all arrearages and one full year in advance.
Among theso who do not discourage
nor da&.lo is our Lincoln. As tho
liereo light of the fevered hours in
wlilnli ho ton(i unmoved, subsides to a
gen ! i'iij wlntso pritgieis is guiltless
of intiiriieciue siilfe, ho shows fmth
evci more cleat ly as "the gieat com
mon i " He is a living proof of a ti nth
we too often ilottbt in our haste, that
neiihei the (nek of money nor of pedi
glee aliM'iujugh to keep in .subjection
thoso who "will" to shako themselves
freo from impediments. Ho stands as
an encouragement to thoso who strive
against discouraging odda by glorify
ing tho common placo affairs of life
into actual tests of character, and by
throwing his full powers unreservedly
into every task he takes up. Ho shows
that tho sum total expected of a man is
that ho should do the best he can: if
a great man in a small place, by tilling
it to overflowing; if an untried man in
a great place, by tilling it through the
might and tho growth that como from
modesty, humility, teachableness.
Ho is surely one with many of us uot
occupied with proclaiming his descent,
but having whereof to boast in his
ascent, not dandled by a luxurious
mother through tho proxy lovo of hired
urnis, but nourished by a rugged wom
an under those strenuous circum
stances that develop unsung heroes
along every bridlepath of our enormous
frontier. He is not bound within the
limits of any creed of man's inventing,
but throws out his broad soul Into fel
lowship with thoso of all natious who
do man-service as God-pleasers. Ho
does not stalk along in gloomy ab
straction, but is "hail follow" in a sun
shiny way with all thoso weary and
burdened ones to whom a laugh is
nioro refreshing than now wino. Ho is
not filled with thoughts of somo future
destiny, it is only onlookers who see
tho destiny of a man, for ho lp con
tent with tho npxt step each timo that
it comes, no matter where it loads, lie
is not even superior to repining and
gloom but from every hour of depres
sion ho rises to fling tho gage of De
spair Into the faco of Fortune, daring
her to tho conflict.
There is not ono great modern char
actor moro thoroughly human than ho
is. In fact in his day small men reach
ing no higher than his ankles could see
nothing but the mud on his shoes, and
failed utterly to raiso thoir eyes to tho
noble head, with its face seamed moro
than any man's through the frightful
soul-straining weight that was laid by
tho people upon this man of the peo
ple As tho ropes fall from a statue
at tho unveiling, so all his littlonosscs
traits of a humanity kindred to yours
and mine, who too often have no great
ness to vary our pottlncss :im no Idiik-
k v i i I I , ..! i i f(vf is
Wedding Bella.
Manied, on February 12, nt 12:15 p.
m, at the homo of the bride's parents!
Mr and Mrs. J. J. Shipman, ono mile
tiiiitli and niic mill iuu-hult miles west
of Ninth Id illicit, KaiiMis, Mr. Frank
R. Aiu.ick, and MNs Clara M. Shipman
Rev. Hiissong of Red Cloud ofllciating.
The groom entered tho room followed
by tlui minister, and tlio brido-to-bo
followed br Mr. Ernest Snipman and
Miss Lydid Carhill, as groomsman
and bridesmaid.
Tho ceremony was performed ac
cording to tho rituals of tho Christian
church. After tho wedding the guests,
about fifty in number, did Justice to an
ample feast which bad been prepared
for the occasion.
A largo number of bandsomo and
useful presents wero received by the
newly wedded couplo.
Another pleasant dinner was given
by tho groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
James Amack on February 3d, which
was a repetition of tho pleasant affair
of the previous day, and was enjoyed
by about sixty guests.
The Chief along with their many
friends unites in wishing tho newly
wedded pair a long and happy life.
Entertainment at Inavale.
Last Saturday evening tno people of
Inavale were entertained at the school
house, by an entertainmont in the
form of chemical experiments, by Mr.
Wm. Frazier of Otto, assisted by our
teacher. The house was well filled
and nil went home more than pleased
with tho instruction and fun of tho
evening. Tho following wero among
tho important experiments performed:
Tho preparation of oxygen and its
properties explained by the burning of
wood, charcoal, iron, magnesium, etc.,
in it.
Tho preparation of hydrogen and
its properties explained by tho hydro
gen pistol, singing flame, etc.
Tho preparation of nitrogen and its
properties explained.
Tho preparation of ctilorino and its
bleaching powers, etc., explained.
Tho preparation of carbonic acid
gas and its properties shown.
Tho properties of phosphorous, sodi
um and potoHsium shown by interest
ing experiments.
Several mirth giving explosions and
other experiments wero porformed.
Tho audienco was most impressed with
tho last experiment, the preparation of
hydrogen sulphide, and its all predom
inating property will never bo forgot
ten by any ono who was (hero. Mr.
Fraiscr certainly seems to understand
how to entertain and instruct nn au
dienco in tho mysteries of ohomistry.
Ttikn LiMtivo Hrnnio Quinine Tub-
' t'l I I I III! Ill J
Mrs. E. II. Jones is visiting with Mis.
Walt (itirner tintl wife visited at S.
E. Wolcott's Filday.
Miss Maud Knight pout Sunday
with Ed. Palmer's family.
James Overman and family visited
at George (S timer's Sunday.
C. C. flooding lef t Tttcsda) night for
his home nt Canon City, Colorado.
Win, Irons had somo corn shelled
Tuesday. Reynolds & Sou did tho
Tliu photo gallery draws quite a
trado on Sattudays. II. L. Luco is the
Mrs. (L W. Knight wont to Noifolk,
Nebraska, Monday to attend the W. R.
C. convention.
Oral (Junior docs uot gain strength
very fast. Dr. Damorell was called to
see her Monday.
There is strong talk of several now
buildings being built at this placo in
tho spring. Wo hope they will not bo
nil talk.
LouWalteiB and Dun Rarkor, ac
companied by thoir best girls wero
making good use of their new buggies
Sunday. They are pretty lino rigs
lames Lastly expects to start for
Washington in tho near future to ac
cept a position with his brother who U
uow residing in that country.
Elmer Simons has his ico houso well
tilled ami has also tilled an ice nous
for Mr. Ruuchoy, who is to live on
Richardson's ranch this year.
Tho oxporituouts at the school house
last Saturday night caused somo merri
ment and several bad odors. Alto
gather it was quite interesting. Mr.
Frazicrand Mr. Heffolbowor handled
the chemicals.
Thii is tho Time to Give Attomoa
to Your Physioal Condition.
The warmer weather which will Coni3
with tho approaching spring should find
you strong and in robust health, your
blood pure and your appetite good.
Otherwise you will be in danger of ser
ious injury. Purify and enrich your
blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla and
thus "prepare for spring." This niedl
cino makes rich, red blood and gives
vigor and vitality. It will guard you
against danger f rom tho changes that
will soon take place.
Dr. Miles9 Heart Cure
Ouri Promhttnt Attorn.
It. It. O. THEM'S, tho leading pension
attorney of Belfast, N. Y., writes:
"I was discharged from tho army on
account of ill health, and Buffered from
heart trouble, over since. I frequently bad
fainting and smothering Bpells. My form
was bent as a man of 80. I constantly wore
an overcoat, even In summer, for fear of
taking cold. I could not attend to ruy busi
ness. My rest was broken by severe pains
about the heart aud left shoulder. Three
years ago I commenced using Or. Miles'
Iloart Curo, notwithstanding I hud used so
much patent medicino and taken drugs from
doctors for years without being helped. Dr.
Miles' Heart Curo restored mo to health. It
Is truly a wonderful medicine and It affords
me much pleasure to recommend this rem
edy to everyone."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug-1
gists under u potIlle
guarantee, llrst bottle
boncllts or money ru-
funded, Hook on tlU-
easi'H of the lieurt ami
BO I. ftilii V
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