.tmzmiLtomtomti'lfTjw4 A. , S" THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. OTTO. A. inttft M H i" ft A POOR Alicrrlrt In n l'liirc Wlilt'li Lolonlata Mi on lit Atnlil. According ton IYuiicIi correspondent, Algeria Is about tin" Inst plncc In tin whole world that u colonial oiifcht tii(Mt to. The temperature manes lotli ngrl cultural mid (M)iiiiin'rt'hil mirccMH iinpiih slule. Thu country In ii liiiHtiinl region, neither Kuropcnit nor colonial. If it were two degrees further fouth, or ten decrees further nortli, all would lie eliiinged. In tin former cum it would bo an Industrial piirntllse t lift t would boat St. Domingo, (Vylou and India, bo cntisc, being at the very doors of I-'ivmioc, it would hen suburb nf Kurope, whither 1.1,000,000 or 20,01)0,000 emigrants would go to cultivate cnlTpc. indigo, nnilla, Niignr, cotton, pepper mid otlicrcolnnlal productH. If Algeria were niocd fur ther north, Kb mineral wealth, at pres ent Incapable of exploitation, wou'd en able, it to r!nl Xorinnndy, Auvergne, Henunnc and l'icnrdy. An il 1h, every thing is Masted by the climate. The sugar cam1 has no sugar,' it is inferior bamboo. The colVee berry is empty. Thu ('(1(1011 Is too short for spinning. The cocoa palm bears no fruit; the in digo plant, comes to nothing; the pine apple will not ripen; and the vanilla matures only in a hot-house. Xone of the spices will compare with the prod ucts of llrazll or India. Corn becomes hard in the third year; a mealy potato is unknown. Oxnn In four generations dwindle from 700 or H00 pounds In 300. Fowls are poor; fruit is wormy; and oven (ho banana is flavorless and pasty. There are a few good oranges; but the wine is acrid and rough, the sugar of the grnpo not being nmennble to entire conversion into alcohol. Even the hu man race Is subject to the universal de generation. ,, THIS WAS HIS MESSAGE. The Yonnsr Womnn lllnalipil In Antici pation lint Needn't llrtve Done It. In ptirchaslugn present care should be taken that the price tags and charge checks do not. accompany the gift, thereby causing temporary embarrass ment. A young woman of this city re ceived among her Christians gifts last year a handsome pocket book, of em bossed leather, which had been sent her by n young man who was supposed to have a tender feeling toward her, but had never expressed It, says the Chica go Times-Herald. The whole family assisted in the cer emony of opening the small package, and when the wrappings were on" nnd the nature of the present revealed, there was much merriment over the gift. The pockotbook was apparently empty, but in searching it a small card was discov ered in a secret compartment. "A proposal!" shouted the one who had found it. "(lite It. to me Instantly," demanded the annoyed recipient of the present. "Head it aloud, sis," suggested a mis chievous brother. "Here," said the father of (he family, with mock sternness, "the young man has not consulted me If anyone, reads the message- I should." And without more ado the head of the family seized the tantalizing bit of pasteboard, and while his daughter hung her head In nbushed silence he read aloud: . "All the trimmings on this pockot book are. of Btcrling silver." It was the manufacturer's printed card. CLAMS AND OYSTERS. Am Interratlnsr Kxhlblt In the Salt Water Tank at the Auanrlant. One of the- gallery tanks on the snlt water Bldo of the Aquarium has lcen tooked lately with o.vntors and hard Hhoirclanis, showing the clams on they appear In nature, says the New York Sun. The hnrd clam docs not bury It self completely In the mud or sand which It may inhabit, but only to the depth of half or three-quarters of Its shells. It opens its shells to feed, living upon minute forms of nni mal life floating in the, water, nnd inks or raises itclf in the mud with the aid of its foot, the wedge shaped part of the body that is iwarest the opening of the shell. With itb foot the clam pushes away the sand, and so lets Itself sink deeper nnd deep er; and with its foot itcan roll the sand in under itaelf and thus raise itself. Oysters must have something to grow upon, shells or stones or something. In this tank oysters are seen growing on a. bottle, a familiar manmer of growth, but always Interesting. There are four or Ave oysters on the outside of this bottle, and there is an oyster growing inside the neck. Oysters inside bottles nre not uncommon. In the tank also there are. seen oysters growing on clams, but so attached that they do not in any way interfere with the clam's existence. In this tank also are a stono and a bot tle, each covered with what look at a distance, like pieces of gray calico with small dark figures. These coverings or Incrustations are formed by colonics of little animals known as ascldlons. I'ut'a I'nnthrr. Three northern men were, hunting in Missouri, nnd had with them an Irish man as cook. One evening, after dark, the cook took a pall nnd went to a near by stream for wntcr, and in less than a minute ho came running back, nil in n tremble. When he found his speech, lie explained that he hod been dinned by a panther. The. hunters set "out to Investigate, but could llnd no trace of the beast. The next evening the cook was at work when there came a wild, unearthly scream, nlmostoverhishend. "Panther!" howled the cook, letting the pot drop into the fire. There wn a gen eral about of laughter. "You goose," cried one of tho hunters, nt. length, "your panther is a screech owl!" Colonial 'Silverware. IteproduationH of colonlnl silverware are this season represented not only in tea nnd coffee services, but in trays, wntor pitchers, candlesticks and other CATCHING CONDORS. A I'rlce Upon the I-Vroclona Mini In Chill. Chili offers a bounty for condor head, and sin American in that, country has made from $700 to $300 a mouth killing this bird of prey. One month he got u warrant for $1,0S0. Condors steal sheep and calves, lie writes, says the Chicago Chronicle: "How did wo capture these ferocious birds? Our first job ccry morning be fore we had even a peep of sunlight (nor the mountains was to carry the carcass of a dead animal a horse or a cow -out on the plain, where it could easily bo seen from all Mlnt of the compass. Wo soinot lines made a ('areas.-, do sen loc for si fortnight, but it required a strong stomach and indiffer ence t' stench, Wo moved about every few days from one locality to smother, and never put the rotting body twice In the same place, because of the extreme suspiciousness of an average condor, (lonorally wo would nunc three or four miles every S!l hours. "After we had placed ourbalt carcass we set up our tents aud the canvas flies that concealed us and our horses from the view of the condors. Hronkfast was no sooner over than we could we from the peepholes in the canvas that hid us several condors coming down through the clouds from the mountain, crest straight toward our bait. When the bltds bad eaten heartily wo sprang to our horses, which stood near, bridled and saddled, ready for tho chase. When a condor lias gorged itself with food it cannot rise without running to give it self momentum. An expert lasflocr could send his rope over a condor's head and so manage It that it was slipped down until it touched the shoulders of the wings before it would be tightened on the bird. Then the rider would turn the hor.se about and lead the chase him self, forcing the unwilling bird along until tumbled, spent, io the ground, nnd was dragged to death at the horse's heels." A HEALTHY WIPE Writes of Dr. Hurtman's Free Homo czj &""'C Troatmont. ; Mrs. M. F. Dadgott, 810 Now Street, Kuoxvillc, Tennesson, writes a letter for publication, which sho desires nil her suffering sisters to rend. Sho writes: "When I was sixteen years old I suffered with female, weakness of the worst kind and spont nil I had trying to got cured. I tried sorcrnl of tho best physicians but they nil fnilod to euro uio. I gave up nil hope of re covciy. Finally Dr. Hnrtman'fl treatment was recom mended to mo by my teacher, who lont mo tho monoy to got tho medicine which Dr. Ilartman prescribed. I took tho treatment nnd it cured mo. I am now n henlthy woman weighing 104 pounds, nnd I owe it nil to Dr. Hnrt nmn's trontmont. I am suro I would not bo living now it it had not boon for this trcnttnont. I cannot holp rec ommending it ta nil sufforors, nnd will aoswor nil inquiring letters." Any woman wishing to apply for Dr. Hnrtraan's freo homo treatment tins only to sond ago, symptoms, duration of disease, whon tho doctor will pro scribe tho proper troatmont. The med icine can bo obtained by each patient at tho nearest drugstore Each wom an should havo n copy 'of Dr. Hart man's latest book on tho diseases pe culiar to womon, called "Health and Beauty." Sent freo to nny woman by tno ro-ru-na Drug Munufacturing Co.. Columbus, Ohio. Laxarlona Imperial Traveler. The height of luxurious traveling ha been reached by the czar and czarina. The empress' private car is upholstered in pale blue satin. The electric lamps are all in the form of lilies, and it con tains writing nnd ten tables made of mother of pearl. The nursery is the next apartment, nnd in as comfortable and handsome as the same rooms in. nny of the czar's pnlocca. There are dining rooms nnd drawing-rooms nnd several sleeping npnrtmentA In fact, this train Is n miniature palace. The wheels nre covered with India rublnr tires. Notioo to Toaohora. Notice is horoby given thnt I will ox amino nil persons who may dosiro to offer thorasolves ns candidates for teachers of tho public schools of this county, at lied Cloud on tho third Sat urday of each month. Tho standing desired for M nnd 3d grado cortitioato is tho same no grado below 70 por cont., nvornge 80 per cent; for first grado certificate no grado be low 80 por cent., avorago 00 per cent in all branches required by law. Mrs. E. J. Cask, County Supt. National Croamory Buttormaker's Association. Topoka, Kansas, February 21st to 20th, 1808. For tho abovo occasion tho Burliugton will sell round trip ticKots for ono first class faro for tho round trip. Tickets sold February 10 to 24 inclu sive, with iinnl limit return of Fobru ury 23d. A. Conoveu, Agent. Hon't TcUrto Spit and Kmoi lour Mfe Away. To ('ilt tntwiren nnstly and forever, ho mas tittle, full of life, nerro und vigor, take No-To-Iiao.tUownnilor-worker, that makes weak men strong. All drugglBUi,C0oorll. Curo guaran teed. Ilooklct and s.itnplo free. Addrcna Sterling Kcmody Co., Chlcouo or Now Yoilt - . IMnrnto Your INmvkU Willi L'itir;irctH. fiiMv int.-irt, cure ioiimHi I'lnn t ,-, , . 1 i ( ,il, ijru. , ' , s utir llcitore full, regular nctlon of tho bowels, do not Irri tate or tannine, bat loavo II the ilcllrnte illgnitlvo or Pills Trr fllpm 94 r.nl. ganism In perfect condition. ITcparcU only by (J. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Man OIIURCK NOTKS. MKT1IOIM8T Tim services for the following week ate as follows. I'll ai'hing Sunday nion.ing at 10:30. Subject, "Tlio Ark Brought to Zlou." Sunday School nt 11:30, conducted by I). B. Spanoglo, superintendent. (Impel Sunday School at ii p.m. Pioiiehihg nt Amboy at il p.m. Junior League at 1 p in., conducted by Miss iMcClollnnd and Miss Duckur. Senior League nt0:30 p.m., conducted by Charles Perry. J'.vci.lng service at 7:30 p. m. Sub ject "The Church and the Yourg Peo ple." Prnyor meeting on Wednesday even ing at 7:30. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. The month of march will bo dovoted to evangelistic or revival work. You are earnestly invited to attend these- services. Strangers madu wel come. Rev. J. M. Dakuy, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CUUKCII. Regular services at tlio Christian Church next Lord's Day, Fobi nary 0, as follows: Morning sermon nt 10:30. Subject, "Buying nud Selling." Bible School nt 12 m. Junior Christinn Endeavor nt 3 p.m. Senior Christian Endenvor 0:30 p.m. Evening sermon nt7:30. Subject, "Our Debt to tho Denomlnntions." Special music for both services. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Au(irdial invitation to tho general public is extended. L. A. HL'HSoxa, Pastor. conuheqational. Sunday School iitlldG. Y. P. S. C.E.ntO:80p. m. Kidnoy nnd Blnddor Troubles. If you suffer from kidnoy, blndder or urinnry troubles, or from too frequent or scanty urine, Dr. Fcnners Kidney nnd Backache Cure is what you want. Bed-wettiug by children is generally cured by ono bottle of this powerful remedy. Testimonials aro disregarded many people doubting tho honesty or sincority of them, wo theroforo avoid giving any here, but will furnish them on application to dealor whoso name is given below. If not satisfied after us ing ono bottle your money will bo re funded by C. L. Cotting. From Baby in the High Chair to grandma In tho rocker, Graltio O in good for tho wholo family. It Is tho long deMred suh stltate for colTce. Norer lipids the nerves or Injures tho digestion. Mndo from puro grain tt la a food In Itiolf. Has the taste nnd appear auco of tho best colToo at one-fourth tho prlco. It Is a genuine and acletiUflc article and ha come to stay It makes for health and strength k your grocer forOraln-O. Etcrrhody Say So. Cnscarcta Candy Cathartic, the moat won dorr ill medical discovery of the aire, peas ant and refreshing to tho tasto, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver nnd bowels, cleansing the entlro system, dispel colds, curoJ.'fia(,nono fever, habitual constipation and blllousnoas. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 2ft, 60 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Suffered 20 Years. MBS. MARY LEWIS, wife of a proal. nont farmer, and well known bj all old resldonta near llolmont, N. Y,. writes: "For twonty-eovun years I had been a constant sufferer from nervous prostra tion, and paid largo aums of monoy for doc tor and advertised remedies without bene fit Throo years ago mj condition was alarming; the loast noise would stortlo and unaerre me. I was unable, to sleep, bad a number of sinning spells and slowly grow worse. I began using Dr. Miles' Restoratlfe Ncrvlno and Norvo and Ltver Pills. At first the medicine seemed to uaro no effect, but after Uklug a few bottles I bciran to notice achangoj I rested bettor at night, my appe tite began to ImproTe and I rapidly grew better, until now I am as nearly restored toheaUnasoaooiaTacainavniiwt. anA ( uioaawr.Diiics nervine. ur. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottle bonofiu or money ro funded. Book on dls easos of tho heart and norvctfrcc. Address. DR.MIIF3MEDIOALCO,,F.llinrt,lnd. H ENervihttl ErrjtflMtorM J Our Clubbing List. Below wo present it list of si tium bor of tho loading magazines, news papers, farm papers, etc., with prices they can bo had in connection with The Kno Cloud Chiei Wo must havo ono yearly sub scription to tho Chief with each peri odical ordered, but both need not nee- esHiiriiy bo sent to tho sumo nddress. Oinnlm lleo w u.oo Fsrm mill rircnldu, s in m Ladles Home Conipniilon 60 St. I.ouls Ulotio Democrat, n-w. 1 IK) I.oiilM'llle Courier Journal, s-w III) Cincinnati Timet Slur, w Philadelphia Pren, w on The Chlrapu Tribune, w 70 The Chicago Tribune, d o) Hocky .Mountain Xctrx, w I an llocky Mountain Xcvs,d ,m Cincinnati Kiiqulrcr, w T6 Mpptneolt's Magazine, in :hi Oodej'n .Magazine, in loo Ionioref.l'H Family .Magazine, m 1 no OHIir DOTH l.(J0 11.29 I 00 1 10 t W I 10 100 160 i oo i r 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 29 I 00 1 29 100 100 t no i ro 1 01 7 00 1 (O 1 i9 ti4) :i(m l oo 1 W) 1 00 1 60 100 .11 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 l oo i :i9 100 350 l oo 2 no 100 070 1 00 U 13 100 too LenllcN Illustrated Weekly, w. I (H) Atlaiulu Monthly, m oil Kniimif, city Star, w -, OrangoJiidd Farmer, w loo American Womans Illustrated World, w 4 oo San Franehco Chronicle, w i &o San Francisco Chronicle, d 0T0 HreedcrsOazette. w 3 00 Xcbraska & Khiimhh Fanner, m. S3 Tho nbovo oilers uro mndo only to new subscribers who pay ono full year in advance. The Red Clodd Chief, Red Cloud.Nob. Klondiko. What docs it cost to get there? Whon nnd how should you go? What should ono take? Where aro tho mines? How much havo they produced? Is work plentiful? What wnges nro paid? Is living expensive? Whnt nro one's chances of "making a striko"? Comploto and satisfactory replies to tho abovo questions will bo found in tho Burlington Route's "Klondiko Folder," now rendy for distribution. Sixteen pnges of practical information nud an up-to-dato map of Alnska and tho Klondiko. Freo at Burlington Route ticket ollices, or sent on receipt ot tour cents in stumps by J. Fi illi'l 1,1,1 licn'l I'.'iNMitigcr Agent, liurliLgt-.u Route, Omaha, Nobr. Many People Cannot Drink cofTco at night. It njiolls their tlce. Yon can drink Oraln () when yon pleane and (deep like a top. For amino doeo not stimulate. It notir Ihes, cheers and feeds. Yet It looks and tastes llkocofTco. For nervous pcrions, yoaiiK people and children OralnO Is a perfect drink. Mndo from pare grains. Oct a package from yoar grocer today. Try It In place of cotree. 19c and l!5c. GETTING READY Every expectant mother has A trying ordeal to face. If she does not get ready for it, there, is no telling what may happeo. Child-birth is fuU of uncertainties if Nature ia not given proper assistance. Mother's Friend (a the beat help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months beforo baby comes, it makes the advent easy nnd nearly pain less. It relieves and prevents " morning sickness," relaxes tho overstrained mus cles, relieves the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-effects. Mother's Friend is good for only one purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of danger and pain. Ono dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by express on receipt of price. Fail Books, containing valuable Informa tion lor women, wm do seni to any aua; uyuu application io THB BRADFICLD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Oa. CANADA Remirk able Yields of Farm Products rfi!. ..urn i- JflrU iff Jvt l i VhifMij "E grown by Urmeri (n that District in i&n: "The irrowth o( wheat on the plain will bo from HO to 65 busheli to the acre. James Munrue pot BOO bushels from about 1 8 acrei U. 1J. West 1360 bushels from 85 acres i Mr. Itost 035 bushels from 14 acresi McKernan and Stephen have a yleldof 85 to ;9i"1JllelJPercrlJ5.Toneof Agrl cola trot 1500 from 30 acresi D.McUachran.of llorso Hills, has 45 bushels to tho acre and II. Irwin ot Actlcola had B bushels to the sere. Oats yielded from CO to B'J bushels to tho acre, some welghlnar B t pounds to the bushel. nMPSHSn the Edmonton District yield 340 to 4B0 bushels to the acre. Cattle raising, ranchim; and Dairying havo proven equally successful." farm lande In thla District are still open to settlement, and the head of a family can get tcoacreaof land free on application. Infor. (nation can be had from the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada, or on application to W. V. BENNETT, New York Ufa Bltfg., OMAHA, NEB. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdei srvni Eczema All Her Life. Mr. K. ID. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga says that his daughter, Ida, inherited a severe case of Eczema, which the usual mercury nnd potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by year she was treated with various medicinci, external appli cations aud internal remedies, without Result. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily worse. All the so-called blood remedies did not seem tc reach thedis ease at all until S. S.S. was given, when an improvement was at ouce noticed. The mediciue was v couunuccu wuu lav ? orable results, ntul fx K &7K uow s,,e 's cured ' N'") sou"d t"l well, her "rtTJVJAWL'T'r skiu is Perfectly S 7 !' I PW ca'ar aua Pure auu ' ' 1 ' ,j she has been saved from what threat ened to blight her life forever. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) cures Hczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu matism, or nuy other blood trouble. It is ureal bloc d remedy and always cures even after all else fails. A Real Blood Remedy, Take a blood remedy for a blood diseaciv a touic won 't cure it. Our books on blood and skin diseases mailed free to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. sss MASTER'S SALE. Notlco Is hereby given that under and by vlr- Vi.'iP or,l,Cr im e lBi",t'a fron o ol"co of .lames II irden, Clerk of tho District Court of Hi0, Tenth Jiidlelal District, within and for Webster County. Nebraska, upon a decree la an nctlon inMidlng Hietelii, wherein Tho I'hoen x nsiiraneo Company of Hartford, Conn., Ih plain till and iirlnst Wflllam II. Howe. Martha M. Howe. Jominna Tatt. tnndwlch Enterprise Co Kansas Mr. Co I'f.itt, Frees Co.. Ffrst Nat' wiV.SmmNi. .M,chV """ ".. I'ork is Windmill Co.. Joseph (Iravcs, Geo. W. LIndsey nud U W. Tnlleys, trustee for E, 1 lain. . . i ii "'-, . rum, iinrr inr mm i lit paUlu vuuiliic to Uid hlgliest Milder fur ni,li mi ii'Ui'i. nt tfe onstunnroi lliu court Iiousp. al iii'd (.ijud, in Mid "A cbtir county. NlLmo-i (that being the building wherein tlm last term of said court was holden) on tlio 1st day of February. A. 1) m. at ono o'cb ck p. m. of said. day. tho following described property to The southeast niinrtnr nf kvntlnn lin.,.n n i cember. A.'d?!.5" h"nd Mb 2th d"r f D- V. F. KEM.oon, Master Commissioner. Whioiit & stout, l'lalutlirs Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska, Webster county, ss. In the District Court thereof, of the Tenth .In illclnl district. Nebraska Dtiiu fc Trust Company rialntllf. t Alfred i '. Jackson, Jackson, his wife, lirst name unknown. IV-tt boneA:NIxiiii..I. W. Whlflln i A Son. C. II. Jackson, Jack son his wife, first name unknown Defendants. J notice or SUIT. The above named defendants Alfred C. Jack son, Jackson, his wife, llrst name unknown, and retllbone & Nixon, aud each of them aro hereby nottllcd that tho abore named plamtlir has filed In tho abovo named court Its petition ngnlnst them and tho other defendants nnmed above; that the object and prayer of Mid pe tition of the plalntlir sre to foreclop a mortgage bearing dam the 1st day of October, 18W, ex ecuted to the plalntlir by the above named do fondant Alfred C. Jackson on the following de scribed real estate situate lu the county of Web ster In tho Blato of Nebiaska, towit: Thesouth cast Quarter U) of section twenty six (2fl) In wjwnsnipiwoisj norm, range ten 10) west of theCthP. M. The said defendants Alfred C, Jackson, Jackson, his wife, first name unknown, and Pettlbono & Nixon, are further notified that they and each of them, aro required to appear anil answer said petition of plaintiff on or before monnay. int roiirttentn day or February, 1898. or said itltlon of plaintiff will bo taken as true nnuanerrre win oe rendered against them, the aid defendants, and the other defendant nam ed herein, decrotlngthatthetaid mortgages and each of them, be foreclosed; that all theabOTe describe real estate shall be appraised, adver tised and sold at public auction by tho sheriff of sxia vteustcr county, to make and raise the sum of MOnTO duo to plaintiff on Its said mortgage, together with interest on said sum, at tho rate of ten per cent from the first day of December, 1897, and the costs of this suit and such sale: and said deeree will furthor provide that you, the snld defendants, aud the other defendants ramed herein, and each of veil, shall be forovcr tarred and foreclosed of alf equity of redemp tion and other Interest la and to said real estate and every part there.'. Nkbrisea Loan A Trust Co. ly Gto. F. Woiik, thilr attorney. Pennyroyal pills VfCftw ! 1 9mr Ceaelae. WgIl!S. n. slwara nlUU. unit uk aV mtmiirmU la Ut tad oM BMtlUeay wiia use itMuo. Take T riilLAUA.. PA. Diseases. For the speedy and permanent curo of totter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham herlnln's Eye nnd Skin Ointment h without nn eqnnl. It relieves the Itch ing nnd smarting almost Instnntly nnd its continued nso effects a permnnonfc curo. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, soro nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic eoro eyes nnd granulated lids. Dr. Cady'g Condition Powders for horses aro the best tonic, blood purifier ttnd vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby lsssV"HIIIBBBVHBlllB,lHBlsHaVHHBBBIsPBl ll bmH Bi bB bbbM H bbV BxwbVv il V. H H iH V Bsl il wm m m M H BBH ! H pvH il --V m M B ibbH 11 H H J V smmB bH M LLV Ll bbbLs 1 )BssslsKsislslBLBsaslBEsssiiiBssKsaslBsssilBL.BBBk.ssBH Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat. ent business conducted for Moderate rtra. ou.n orricc ia Opposite U. b. PATCNTOrrieE J ana we can secure patent in icu ume uwn uose remote from Washington. , Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patsnuble or not. free of chart. Our fee not due tilt natent Is secured. i A Pamphlet, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost oi uuao in me u, o, ana loreujo couuincs. sent irec. Auarcss, , CASNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OfflCC, WASHINOTON. D. C. I HAIR BALSABM ?A M f7 ' 1 u 'i' .miit.iiu m JklBaeM mnmimtmvmt (rum limn, iiwibiiii.ii mi is. Jr (. jwtliUn. MMaoaltla af l) MJUUeY GUtm." n Utur. tT ntin itiuiaimaw, C16Shm( and UtatlnM' tbt hair. I'ruinotji a hnurisst (rrowth. Ilevor Falls to llrstoro Ory llnlr to Ur VoiKUffil Color. '' . 't,y, miuij W$fc fm Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros, Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THC. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WI8NER BUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR GARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Cents. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City nnd country cnlls promptly an swered day or night. XIGBT CALLS AT OFFICE. Okkick ovKit (Jotting's Ditpo Store. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTIRTrv IV you want it. Crowe 1 Bridge Work or Teelh Without Plalea. PORCELAIN inlat And all tho latest Improvement la dental mech anlsm RANDOLPH MoNITT, ATTOruW and COUNSELOR AT UW, ;! Special attention to Commercial and Probate Litigation. mook block, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SAMPLE ROOMS. UOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. ALWAYS ON TAP. TIMETABLE. B. & M. H.Y It ED OLOVD, NEBIi. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS nnd all points east anil south. DENVER HELENA RUT1E SALT LAKE O'Y PORTLAND SAM VMXC18C0 and all ;omfj west. THAINB LEAVE A8 TOLLOWB: 60. KrclKht, dally except Hunduy for Wymoro arid all point cast 8 :00 a.m IB. PaBBotiRer, dally for St. Joe, "'u, No. No. nausBB why. Aiuiimon, at. i.ouiB aim an i points eabtand SOUth- Nn. 143. Accommodation, dally ezce ..10:00a.m. Tt Biinuay. iibsuhkb, urami Ivnd, lime llllis and all Xolnts In tho northwest-.... i -ivi n m ccoramodatlon, dally except No. 141 nunuiiy, yuvriiu, nansas, and lutormedlato Btatlons, via Ito publican. ij.nir. . No. 64. freight, dally, Wymoro mi'd' St. Joo and Intermediate No. JIIIIL'MUII I'OIIIW......-. 13'inn n. 83. PretKht.Jalljr for iionubl irnn 4,,0p'm' Orleans .uxrordaiidallpolntii west... No. 15, ranaeuger, p'r "".I Yi .. ",;."": .' lOi.'Wa.m. ini.Tv.ir"'y ".i:"v " ifori;iav;:.: uian an" Sleenlnir. dlnliic. .u;;i'"'roVr.7i,:.""v?:!uP-mr . ..." "I ,t "' "- evviiiiiiiiK UIlHir . ,1ll'l)r,!,l!fn,,n,l,Vl, ""I0 "'''". maps or tlokeia I , or adilrnsH A Conovpr, Kot.H SOUTH SIDE tmmsm Beer 1 I A r 4 1 H i Wfc.-. 'a.miiM m,,0,tu,-.ymmm il,i 'Wllir - ltu WH"-. M waaewBCCTiwa,KwW' iWwiwWBiianswtniW aMbk>Maaaa's1u?." zzzx&x&smxT-m $&&&& r-- . - .i3 vivbnr tiAes. pniiwiiji tU t ma.VJ&cXitS Ji&A.ti?&41tilgWai33B2M w w WBMiiMtfSaqwwaw'w n i wgww a; w 1tWW.ww...!!;:::