JT'-V ' J ' W t ft ft it it I '.IS ' I hf- rt. ir a F Dizzy and Faint Troubled With KUnuy Dlfflcultyancl Mo Appotlto-lmprovocl In Every Way Slnco Taking Hood's. "I waBtnki-n HUriufiily wllh dizziness nnd fnlntncBS nt thu stomach und hIho with kidney troubles. My whole body Bccnicd lo bo out of order. 1 Bent nt oucu for ft physician and followed hlsdlrcctlons with but llltlu change. Ho mild I hadn coinpllcntlon of diseases nnd my case wns bard to ninimge. I would get better for a day or two and then would bo worscngnln. My appetite also failed nnd 1 had n eovcro headache. After the doctor Hald ho could do nothing moro for mo I determined to glvo Hood's Sarsnpnrllla a trial. Inn short tlmo niter I boRnn tnklng It I could do n fair dny'fl work. It la now thrco years ninco I wna cured by Hood's Sarnnparllla nnd I nm still In good health. I have n good nppetito nnd nm full of life." Mlts. EVA IlKACH, Box 101, Lincoln, Knnsnu. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tlio lost-lii fact tlio One Truu Wood I'ltrlflcr. Sold by nil ilniwItK $1 ; six for 35. "..' T, n.,t are the only pills to tnku HOOdS PlllS with Mood's Siirsaiwrllla. THE CHIEF I'Ulll.lnllEU II V W. I,. MCMILLAN. Ono your 'I"" jlxmnntiu w PUIIMMIIKIl KVKItV KIIM1AY Biitercd at tlio pout ollleo nt Itcd Cloud, Nob.as locondclftumftll mnttcr, The Jtcd Cloud, Neb,, CHIEF, weekly, is credited with the larycut circulation accorded to any paper in ltcd Cloud or in Webster county or in the F(f1h Cony rational District. Printer's Ink, July '28, 1307. WASHINGTON NOTES. Tho president and tho lenders of the sovcrnl patties in congress nro just now engaged in playing tho old and fascinating gatno of politics. Tho sil ver men lmvo been making thoir plays with thu object of making the con gressional campaign a siptaro light be tween silver anil gold, and for n time tho administration appuared to bo will ing to aid ilium in bringing tiiat result about. Hut theru has been a changu, nnd now thu administration lias mado plain its pttrposu of sticking to thu in ternational bimetallism plunk of the St. Louis platform, at the snmu tunc dcclaiing its intention to maintain tho present gold standard until interna tional bimetallism is secured. Of cov.rse, tho silver men Bay that this is merely nn attempt to befuddle tho issue. Tho senate, which is controlled by hilvcr men, II red Its lirst broadside when it adopted thu Toller resolution. It was at lirst intended that this reso lution should be quietly smothered iu tho houso, but upon consideration, thu republican lenders decided that as .in offset to tho action of the senate, thu resolution must bo defeated by a voto of the house, and that notion was taken Monday. Tho silver republican sena tors havo decided thnt tho country must havo sonic explanation of their support of thu Teller resolution, and they will bo given through speech on thu tloor of thu senate. So a fresh Hood of lluancial oratory may bo ex pected, as it is not likely that tha other side will allow tho talking to bu mo nopolized by tlio oxplainois. V The Cuban situation iu congress was eased fur tlio time to a marked extent by the sending of that warship to Ha. vana, lnr. tho advocates of niMion are gutting restless again under the nu merous reports that the warship was merely a trick to gaiii further timi;, and they may start miiiio sort of a move any day. Theru i- a disposition mi a consider able number of the senators who strongly favor some positive- action on tho part of this government in huunlf of Cuba not to allow a vote to bo taken on tho treaty for the nnnoxatii n of Hawaii until the administration has made a plainer showing of its Cuban policy. Nothing positive lias been agreed upon, but it is significant thai tlio senators who aru agitating tho matter aro in political accord with President Mcltiuloy and in favor of thu annexation of Ha vail, but aro im patient at thejslowness with which tliu administration's Cuban policy is de veloping, and anxious to hurry it up a little. An intimation of their feel ings has been given tlio president. The senate has so often shown its sympathy for Cuba that there is litllu doubt of thu success of a motion to postpone in deliiiituly the consideration of thu Hawaiian treaty, if it were inadu iu connection with a statement that it was done to help (Julia. President Dole, nt Hawaii, has been iu Washington nearly a week, the guest of tho nation. On every sido he is praised tor the dit-oruot manner iu uiii-li ho is conducting himself, as well as for his modest and unassuming ways. Although lie U mutually deep, ly interested in seeing the anuuxatiou treaty ratilied, ho asks no questions of thu senators who call on him; content- or. Price's Cream Baklag Powdtr 4 Fw On 8r Tartar Vtw w Ing himself wilh giving full Infonna lion iu reply to questions asked him. He shows wl'doin, for tho least bit of oIllcinusucHS on his part iu behalf of annexation would ho exploited by tlio a litis us ollensivo meddlesomeness, Ttio moral cowardice displayed by some senators iu thu votes upon the several amendments to tho Teller reso lution, declaring bonds payable In sil ver at thu option of thu government, which was adopted by ti majority of llftecn, was not calculated to increase tho esteem felt for them by their con stitmnts. Although a v to against tho Teller resolution wns iu effect to en dorse the presont policy of paying bond in gold, theru weru only twenty four senntors willing to go on record us voting for thu Lodgo substitute, which specilically stated that all bonds should bo paid in gold or Its equivalent, whllu thirty-two voted against tlio Teller resolution Can anybody blame thu constituents of tliusix senators who voted against tho Teller resolution anil either declined lo vote or voted against the Lodge sti'jslituU' for calling them lluancial hair-splitters. TliuCoiigioss ioual Kccotd, containing tlio votes iu detail on the Teller resolution and the aniendmeuts ollered thereto is likely to be carefully studied in inoii than one Mate, and to mako trouble for more than one senator. The house has passed a hill appro priating $288,000 for tho relief of tlio Hook Publishing Company of the Southern Methodist church. This claim, which rosu from losses to tho company incidental to thu war, lias bcun before congress iu one or nuothor shape for twenty odd years. Tho bill passed by tho house was a substitute for a senate bill, which authori.cd the claimants to bring suit for the money in thu Court of Claims, and will, there fore, go back to the senate. - Livor Complnints and NorvoubncBs Cured. A torp'd liver nlwnys produces dull ness, Irritability, etc. You nro nil clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you haw Heated with physicians or tried some other recommended med icine without beuelit. All that is no urguniunt against "Dr. Fanner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Ncrvo Tonic," which wo insist will euro nervousness nnd liver complnints. If not satisfied after using ono bottle your money will bo refunded by C. L. Cotting. STATE CREEK. Frank Graham hns got to trading horses. Wo learn that Mr. Milt Guthrie will start to Oklahoma soon. Bert Carpenter hns gone to Franklin to work on thu paper of that plnco. The Perry & Reubens corn shelter did a good job lor Ed Anderson last week. Miss Bessie Carpenter wns homo Sunday. She is teaching school on Walnut creek. Wm. H. Roaoncrans sold two loads of fat hogs Inst week at $3.40 and tho; nv eraged 354 pounds. Harvoy Graham, tho populnr old bachelor of Logan township, was over on our creek Sunday. Dave Carpenter will go to Franklin tho lirst of March to take chargo of tho paper theru nnd run it. A brother of Mrs. L A. Haskins who slio has not seen for seventeen yiars is visiting her at present. Wo are all right up this way if the snow would oniv go on anil let us finish gathering our com. Unclu Win. VanDyko visited tlio Mt. Hope Sunday school last Sunday ami gave lliem ijtiitu a lecture. Allen Carpunter of Red Cloud will move on his Maple Grove Farm at An (ler.souville about March 1st. Leu Guthrie, formerly of this creek but for the past three years a resident of Muscatine, Iowa, is married. John Davis lias got to be a horse jockey. Ho and Al Scrivner madu 10or$50olV of each other lately by trading. James York, Andrew Upp and Mr. Goldsworth bought four of tho Man- delbaum ami Gross lino hogs thai were sold at Red Cloud last Monday. Rev. Hussougs meetings at tho Geo. Heaton school .house wns a success. Tlio week ho hold thoni eleven ad ditions to the church was the result. Rev. Campbell of Womer is at present conducting the meetings. Unclu Billio VanDyko is siiperinten dent of Audursouviilo Sunday school, They meet at 10 a.m. and several of thu school attend at M . Hope at 2 p.m. Rev. Campbell of Hildreth will preach there again next Sunday. Occasional. Charaborlnin'd Cough Iloraody Al ways Proves Effectual. Tliuro aro no better medicines on the inurkut thuii Uliiuiibi-iluiii's. Wo liuvu iisi-il tlioUoiitfliKi'tiii.'ily wliuiiallnlliiTii tailed, mul in uVi'iy iiiatiuit'o it proved t'lli'L'tual. Aiimiil dally ivu hear thu virtues uf C!liaiiilKi'laiir roiiiedli ex tolled liy Ihim who have ued thein. I'hi-. is nm an i)inity nun, )niii ii at mi much a lino, hut h voluntatis ;l. 11 in ('nod fuitii, in thu ieiin iiiiil f-iitlfi. ing humanity may 11 y iiu-d ununilio ami, liUti till) writer, be in-llnlitted, From tlu'ldli-iivill.) (W. Vu ) r.iil.liuder. For sale- by U. K. Grice. 1'HK RED CLOUD OHJLUJU Tho misery of It Is awful use ST. JACOBS OIL TO CURE SCIATICA You'll fool It Is worth Ita weight In gold. BLAr KN. L. R. Wylder will havu a public sale on thu 8th. W. C. Moore has put tip another coin crib 200 feet long. Thu Wuoster county shcrill' was in tins city Tuesday. John 11. Crary of Guide Rock was iu this city Monday. Thu carpenters have Mr. Majoi's house tip and enclosed. John Uakei purchased of J-uiies Hut dui the lot north t,t Hie hole). Our stockman, Vosi, inadu a ship ment ot stock the lirst of the week. Robert Miller made a trip to I'.dgar Satuiday returning thu foiu pari ot thu week. Mis. A. Caullmaii and dMighier, Minnie, visited at thu homo ot S. J. heeler Saturday. Mr. llulViiian'ri sister returned to her home in thu eastern part ot the stale thu lirst of thu week. Wallace Ray was a passenger to Omaha Monday, whero hu will visit friends a week or two. F. N.Tjothaoio lias resigned his po sition with Byrne Bros., and has gone lo work getting out his corn. P. Sailor, V. S. Hall, W. II. Hoffman and 11. 11. Watson transacted business at tlio county scat last Friday. James Burden and family and Mrs. Lockhnrl of Red Cloud, Sunduycd with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas lurden. A. P. Johnson and family, also C. E. Hicks and family, spent Sunday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cauirmau. Rev. C. E. Thompson is holding re vival meetings at thu Baptist church this week. Come, yo sinners, and re pent. Mr. Win. Lewis gavu n birthday party Saturday to thu members of Burusidu Post. There wure about sixty prcscut and nil had a jolly good time. Mrs. Bud Baker of Holdrego and her sister, Mrs. Kenndy, who hns been staying with her visited their pnronts Mr. and Mrs. Win. Keuady of this plnco tho fore pnrt of tho week. The school entertainment at the Hull Saturday evening wns largely attended nnd they seemed exceedingly please 1 at the efforts of thu children all doing their parts well. Took a Sovoro Cold Aftor tho Big Firo. After tho big lire in Cripple Crook, I took n bovero cold and tried many remedies without help; thu cold only becoming moro settled. After using three bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, both the cold and cough left me, and iu this high altitude ii takes a meritorious! cough remedy to do any good G. B. Ilr.NDV.itsoN, Editor Daily Advertiser, Cripple Creek, Colo rado. Sold by II. E. Grico. GARDENVALE. The usual annual revival meetings at Amboy are under full blast. Rev. Darby is shuttling the sacred shells. It U to be hoped that Mr. Dai by will cause tno Ainboj people to see the Klit. Guy Hutchison, representing the T. McKinnoy commission turn of Ran- nas City, is here Inning all the onions ' in sight at a price highly remiineri.tlve to those farmers who have any. The result is that nearly all the ground on Elm Creek avail: bio for raising onions has been rented or leased and what re mains is appreciating iu value every day. Conservative estimates place tho price at which onion grounds may bu rented in the spi ing at $200 per acre, crimps tho most important society event of thu new year in Gardeuvalo l occurred last Sunday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, when wore solemnized tho nuptials of Mr. George Clttcrilcn Mann and Miss lies Mo Cockiall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cockiall of this place. The contracting parties am widely and fa vorably known. Mr. Maun is a digni fied and polished gentleman, a line scholar and a native of thu old Blue Grass Mate, a country that has pro duced some of the most distinguished men the world lias ever known. Not only has Mr Mann tu rived at that ma ture age at which men make kind and indulgent husbands, but he has thought 1 nm mul mor" "" ,1,l "Jt f i""'' iliiK than any oilier two iiuui in thl eotiiitry, hi- (iiiieiitiuii lieitr that 11 tatu of "iloiili.it lileednef,s" in to bo iivftil'l oil to one of ".sit i!(- L-u-Mdlit'Sb" bill lilldillg Uil ilt'il'ts to re lllM riiigo a bttui-Kbs fi'iuii 11 pnuly tiuiireii-t-al alaiidpoinl of niv to he unavailing lie at last concluded to i iipiki with the real ihlng and deal Mm huu-, in stead of theories, Thu hridu Is onu of JbKJLDAi, FEB. 4, i iiwiiii th! most beautiful and ae 'ompllshed young women on Elm Creek or nnj other creek and is respected and nil mired by all who have the pleasure of her acquaintance. Their many frienOs predict for this young couple a long life of uninterrupted happiness. Full details of tho wedding will doubtless appear in thu columns of tho various county papers. Aniuikw Scoooin. How's This. Wo offer One Hundred Dollars for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CitKNKr & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for tho last fifteen years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by thoir firm. Wkst & TittTAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai.di.no, Rinnan & Mauvin, Wholesale Druggist", Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, at-iug directly 011 the blood and mucous s-iirfaees of the system.1"' Price, 7,"ic per bottle. Sold by all diuggists. Todiinonials free. Hall's Family PiHs arc the best. LINE. Weather cold and windy. John Parkinson lias rented a farm near Guide Rock. Frank Graham traded horses with Albert Scrivoner this week. Win. Rosencrans took "two 'loads of fat hogs to Red Cloud this week. Mrs. John Stroup was tho guest of Wi limn Van Dyke one day last week. There will be n farewell prayer meet ing at Mr. Guthrie's February 13th, at 2 p m. Mr. Ernest Hawkins ami his sister Vick, visited friends iu Red Cloud Sunday. Ernest Haskins has routed tho east eighty acres of the Carpenter farm for this year. William VanDyko and J. C. Fox vis ited the Penny creek school nun day this week. Mr. Mahard of New Muxioo was vis iting his sisters Mrs. L. A. Haskins nnd Mrs. Dan. Norris this week. Mr. GtUhriu has sold hisljcnttle to Alf McCall for $310, and will start, for Oklahoma some time this month. Bcnj. VanDyko attended tho revival meetings at tho Rock creek school house in Franklin county this week. Spoaks for Hor Mothor. Hendkiison, Neb , Jan. 20, 1803 Mr. Minta Aiuiucr of this place states that her mother was a sufferer from heart trouble and could not walk any distance without violent palpita.ion. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla she has had no more trouble of this kind. LESTER. Miss Susie Saladcu Is on the sick list. Protractod meetings aro still in pro gress. JooSaladcn, Jr., is visiting with his uncle. Robert Mitchell wns visiting Clare Cox Sunday. Will Mcltiunoy nnd family visited at C. L. Lewis' Sunday. Rev. Metcalf, nu old time minister preached at this placo Suudny 111011 ing. Thu Ladies Union Society will meet at Mrs C. C. Cox's on Wednesday, Feb ruary 0th. IV.'iss Martha Wilson and Miss Emma Muiphy of Red Cloud visited Miss Alta Biker the fust of the week. Wo aro pleased to announce thu wed ding of Mr. George Mann and Miss Be-sic Cock rail which occurred at the home of ihu bride's parents 011 Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Blnckwell. The bnde and groom have the best wishes ot their many ti lends. Dr. Fonuor'B Dyspopsia Curo As tlio iiiiino iinplie.x, is .simply for dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa ration is tho proscription of 0110 of America's mint eminent physicians, whoso writings on medical questions aru accepted as authority. If not sat isfactory after using 0110 hottlu your money will ho refunded by C. I.. Col in g. i.i 1 ma at 1 1 BATIN. Claud Wilson porls 11 new top buggy. Mrs (J. II. Wilson has bum on tho sick list but is improving at presnt. About '. was cleared at tho oyster suppnrat Now Virginia Kridai evening. Otto 1'opn has been employed to tinibh tho term of school iu District i)3. .Mr. Patterson from Cnmpboll was 11 pleasant vUltor at Mr. Markei's tho lirst nf tlio week. Mii ll-igerof Uowles olosed a very siicces-dul term of .-chool at Mt. Hope l'riduj ol last week. Mrs. Kly .SorgHUsen ami her brother, Morrii Sn-iip, started for Mi-soiiri on a Ui to tlu-lr uiiithei. Mori i.s Kills and Christian ilnspurson from I'lioinax couniy, lv i.i-a, 1110 liein on a iu v.itli old IrieliiN. Mir-. Kmorj lleaii and Mm. J. V. Hl'ooUs were visiting wilh friend- i. r Cowles the i.itler part of iliu week Tu ( 11 '1' "iiiHtlt'iitSuii riri)vi'v, TukoCaiucts Cuiiilv Cuthartlc. lOo urC'.a It C. C. C. full to cure, Uruglits rvfUDU niuucr- JLHJJ8. wii ii QioxixgMBCaxyA,jM.roTMgfMiacwaagm 444s4 &?. . ANDY v - !KKSk m Vrai rsV jv VVMIi CURG0iiSnRfiriOH 10 25 50 "SSBSWajsK A"m LtjS vi f SRRftUlTPr.Y RTIAR AtITFi?n " rnrn nnTcirnrrmisttn!itlon. Cmrnrcts nrolli Mud I.xa HDOUliUlEiUl UUHIMMIIjIiU tT(.. i xtr crip r irrlnclmt nunc rnf iiMurnlrmulti. Sam Mo and l-ooklct free. Ad. KTKIIMMI I1KMKIH o PLATT & FREES CO., GhiGago Lumber Yard, RED CLOUD, xiiimber, Lime, K?KVinr;nvi?;v;v.viv;v;uv.vi?i.,vir;v;;vv55i B PH EETING WITH DESTINY. 1 I No mnii can tell when It will come along. Often it starts u before us la uncxiKcteil times and places. Uvea nu afternoon stroll with a friend nnd a chance introduction may shape alt the course of one's after life. To be always nt your best and not ashamed of your destiny you iimnt drcii like a true gentleman. This can be done by ordering your Suits and Overcoats of M. BORN & GO., Tbe Great Chicago Merchant Tailors Wlio nro nnrlvnllctl HIrttrrn of tho Tallorluir Art. 300 NEW Patterns. finest Material. Perfect Pit. New Stock. Latest Styles. Nest Work tnanshlp. Thrifty Prices. A Cheery Guarantee With All. Call on AINER BROTHERS. RED CLOUD.' NEBRASKA. :Q: ...the... sftj: l Weekly Inter Ocean i LARGEST CIRCULATIOH OFJHYOLimL PAPER IN THE WEST I It a radically Republican, advocating I But it can always be relied on the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and carnestnesstXi! THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWSAND BESTCURRENTLITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature ot Its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents :w 'HE INTER OCEAN is a and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy S with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.) ii.nn-pRinp hup nm tk ..-- ...... w.. ........ .... ........ ...- m SI I THE DAILY ATID SU1TDAT EDITI0KS OF THE 1 IRTER OCEAH ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. , Trlconf Dnlly by mnll t4.00 pop year S I 1'rlco of Sunday liymnll $3 nn iir yriir j aii .rimy iiiiii .-.iiiiiiiiv ny until., 4 4 4 4 4 4 ( 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 We Buy to Sell. THE NEW YEAR finds us with a complete and up-to-date line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Silver Plated Ware, at popular Prices. Our repairing is continuing to give satisfaction, the reason being that we do all work properly and give a guarantee that means something. II we have not your patronage we would be pleased if you would give us an op portunity to demonstrate that what we say is true. Newliouse Bross JEWELBRSRND OPTIC1HNS. eity Drav and Express Itine. ROSS Si RIFE, PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR HAND MADE HARNESS ! hly Nets, Whips, Saddles, Etc. 1 Trim in ing and Heimlr Work uoatly anil CATHARTIC m hb WlTv .. UWlti MffraT'l ALL 4UH9 DRUGGISTS 1 O.. i hlrnmi. Jlc1ntre.1l. Inn.. orulork. 317, C(lt. NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. . .. -i!,'! for fair and honest reports of all po-1 Utical movements...' jjjjjj J 1 OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL Family Paper Is Without a Peer. : WESTERN NEWSPAPER, i in nn yfar-SI.qq ,, ifii.iiiF irr jt-tir m r j iff! TO lll JrH I'M 1 BaflSU9GOBSB0l0B0SailIll0iaBIW "I s ADAMS EXPRESS CO. Is tlio host bocatiso It is mado to nso in placs wln.ro enmmnn harness would not stand a test. I can mako you an all hi mado Imrnes nearly as cheap ns you can got iho common harness lion you want harness 1:01110 iu and look over Mock which cannot bo surpassed in tho Kopiiblican valley llnfaotov(ii7tliIuBUBUttllykiJitIn 11 lirst class lumioos promptly attended to. J.O.BUXrJECJR. Y jpKS , ' 'foKSjpiliSKi ' 'ASWWWMWW9WWtt' ifPviA3EijaTTtmii'waiiigTrffwr.iiwv , .