The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 28, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Tlir Toiirlilnn l.raaon "f Very Chnrl
tnlilf I. Iff.
Tho story of (li-orgo I'miiels Train
fitting In I he tinrlt Mirroiinded by birils
nml children h n familiar one. It Is
not so generally known (hut North St.
Louis was tin? lirn.c f n clilltl mid lilril
lover who died some years ago, says the
St. I.otils llopnlille,
It was this gentle Old man's eiistoin
to loai linme every morning dlreutlj
after breakfast with his pockets full of
bread crumbs and rock candy. He
would go to one of the parks near his
home anil bit (low n on one of the bench'
es there. Xo mutter how cold It was
lie never forgot tlne bread crumbs.
At sight of him the birds would h
toward hlin. There weic not so man
sparrows then a.s now, but sometimes
hundreds of them would flutter about
him. lie has often been seen sitting
there quietly with the little birds
perched on his lint and shoulders.
When the birds lmil collected he
would bring out his store of bread
crumbs, anil then there would ben feast.
The rock candy he kept, for children
and poor people. Jle wnsalways gener
ous with it. Ho would say that It was
pure and would help the poor wretches
to keep warm.
It Is told of him that, he mice paid a
debt of $150 for an old friend. The
creditor was told to say to inquirers
that the bill was paid by "one who loved
him." When Hiey askod the, old mnn
about It he smiled, butdld not ncknowl
edge that lie had paid It,. He merely
"Ah! Love has paid many n debt."
Th Ulil Flintier round Tlutt He II ltd
llccii MImOiIccii.
There had been rathera bad runaway
accident In a mountain town. Several
persons had been Injured, nml the doc
tor wan miles away. Hut, as good' luck
would have It, a clever young medical
Muilen t hapix'tied to be on the ground
and did excellent service, sns the
Youth's Companion.
When the doctor came there was
nothing to be done, but lie listened with
great Interest to his young collengues
exposition of the cases. They talked
for a long time on the hotel piazza. Tho
farmer who had Ih'imi driving the hordes
anil was himself unhurt listened with
eager interest to explanations wherein
"capula, humerus and clavicle played
prominent parts.
I'lnnlly lie took 1111 the reins sadly and
drove home to his wife. As soon as he
entered the yard she threw her apron
over her ImmiiI anil hurried forward to
meet him.
"Hphrnini says some, of tho follu was
hurt," she called. "How much was it?
Dili they break their legs or their arms,
The, farmer drew in Ills now pacified
Jitwulw at tho pout nud lot tho reins
slacken in his- grasp.'
"Well," ho wild reflectively, leaning
forward, lioth cIIhitvh on Ida knew: "I
thought onu of 'cm broko IiIh leg nnd
another a collar lione, an' ho on, but I
guew I didn't hit. It right. I stood by
while the doctors were tulkin' on'tovcr
and 'cn-rwl to me tut If, nrtor All, 'twas
otily Home of them Lntfn port."
Hand for 1,1 fo Snrlnsr lervloe On I jr.
The telephone line tieftwocn the
United StAttw llfe-wiving ntntlonn along
the Now .Tomy cont will no longer be
vood for any other than ofllolal bttai
new, orders having Ixvn IkhiumI from
the department lusulquarters to that
effect. This will end the rivalry be
tween several pnmimntmluitcr,who
have from time to time, been preaching
to the crowH of the. Ktivtionn by Uio aid
of tho 'phone.
We have, returned from enr Kansas
ity trip, and were never "touched."
Two years ago a follow touched us for
about $10 while in tlwit bloomin' town;
but wo supposo ho was not awaro of
tho fact of our prcsonco iu tho city yes
terday. Ilowovor, our money wns dis
tributed ns equally as possible about
our clothes this time, having secreted
fifteen onts in onu vest pocket and
ton cents in another, while a quarter
in silver was hid away in tho roeossos
of ono trousors pocket ami in the oth
er wns half a dor.on sixpenny Hails
which wo would stir up every time a
auspicious looking elmractoi' brushed
up against us, in order to attract his
attention from tho real hiding places of
ur wealth. And whilo in tho business
part of tho city wo walked in tho mid
dlo of tho streets, nlthougu it kept us
dodging tho streot cars. It's a good
thins to bo careful. Whilo wo loitered
along down Main streot, looking at tho
magnificent display of holiday attrac
tions in tho big show windows, tho
newsboys kopt saying something about
rubberneck as thoy eamo to whero wo
woro standing; ono of them in particu
lar standing right behind us nud
scrcamlug out: "Last edition of tho
Kansas City Times 1 All about tho
triple haugin1 in Alabama. Rubber
neck I" Wo inquired of n policeman
ns to whether Rubberneck was tho
man that got hung, or whother ho
hung tho other follows. Tho ollicer
only smiled ns ho picked a fow hay
seeds from our overcoat collar, and
brushed some silicate dirt from tho
left shoulder. Aurora (Mo.) News.
Coat of niephiint Transportation.
Elophanitfl on Indian railways pay at
tho rate of six cents a mllo. Tho bag
gage cars hav compartment for dogs,
cats, guinea pigs, rabbits nml monkeys.
Aatec In Mexico,
Among tho natives of Mexico thcro
are, according to Lumholtz, about 150,
000 survivors of tho A7tcc race.
educate Your llowels With CitHrnreta.
m Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forovor.
J0e,!c. It O. O. O. tall, drucclsta n tuna money.
To Curt) CoiiHtlimtlon I'nrovnr.
TnUii CUffurcts Cundy Cathartic. lOo orKa
It C C V full loi'iur, tlr " i Unltu I . i
On Wednesday ovoning, January 19,
at the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Tnttlo of lllndcn, Nebrnska,
Miss Dolln K. Tnttlo to Mr. John U.
McCallum, son of John McCallum. Sr.,
Rev. (1. W. Huinmcll of tlio Rluo Hill
chaigo officiating. Only relntlves nnd
a few intiniato friends wero present.
After tho ceremony and congratula
tions most delicious refreshments were
set veil. The house docoratlons and all
arrangements wero in most exquisite
tasto. The brido is an excellent ami
accomplished young lady and one of
Webster county's successful school
ma'ams, where she lias performed her
duties with osuch faithfulness aa im
pressed all who know her The groom
who is a successful young farmer of
this county, is also well known to the
peoplo in and about Hlndon. John is
n popular young man, highly esteemed
by all who know liitn. Roth of the
contracting parties liavo been lifo long
residents of;ithis county. Miss Nollio
McCallum, sister of tho groom, and
Mr. Ernest Williams acted as best lady
anil man, g Much excellent music was
rendered during tho evening. Many
valuable and useful presonts were re
ceived by tho happy couple. Wo aro
confident that the citizens, and es
pecially the teachers of the county
unite with Tiik Uiliiu- in its hearty
good wishes for Hie future of Mr. and
Mrs. McCallum. Their future homo
will bo near Rladun,Neb.
Eidnoy and Bladder Troublos.
If you suffer from kidney, bladder or
urinary troubles, or from too frequent
or scanty! urine, Ur. Founers Kidnoy
nnd linckacho Cure is what you want.
Red-wetting by children is generally
cured by ono bottlo of this powerful
remedy. Testimonials nro disregarded
mauy peoplo doubting tho lioncsty or
sincerity of them, wo therefore avoid
giving any hero, hut will furnish them
on application to dealer whoso name is
given below. If not mtislicd after us
ing ono bottlo your money will bo re
funded by C. L. Colling.
Written by Mrs. Naucy Hilton on tho
death of Mrs. Ank, who died in this
city on Monday, January 3d, 1808.
Our mother's face, no more we'll fccu,
Her voice Is ever still,
And tho' our hearts n 1 tit sorrovr bleed,
We must ny thy will.
Her faithful head It now at rent,
Her troubled heart Is ntlll,
Thoso yellow hands bo used to toll,
Aro folded now and still,
A sister from our church Is gone,
Her vacant place we sea,
Silie has Joined tho church above.
Where all Is peace and Joy and lava.
Oh, mother dear, we would not waop,
Forjons to bloat at toast,
Fsr aa wo lay thy faro away,
Wo say, dear mother, rost.
Pumpkin Pie.
Tim Sedgwick, editor of tho Tork
Times, reeeivod a load of pumpkins on
subscription lait week and then wrote
tho following: "Keep your eyo on tho
man who doos aot like pumpkin pies.
Ho is fit for treasons, stratagems and
that kind of businon, but not for good
society. But this does not apply to all
kinds of pumpkin plos, only those that
nro mado rif lit. Thero aro pooplo who
cannot make a pumpkin pio any more
than thoy can mako a watch and when
thoy undertake it, thoso who shore it
sadly aside are to bo pitied ratkor than
condomnod." Boavor City Tribune
Netioe tm TeMhrs.
Notice is hereby given tkat I will ox
amine all persons who may desire to
offor thcmsolves ns candiiUtts for
teachers of tho public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on tho third Sat
urday of each month.
Tho standing desired for id and ad
grade certilieato is tlio samo no grado
bolow 70 per cent., average 80 per cent;
for first grado certilieato no grado bo
low 80 per oont., avcrago 1)0 pur cent in
all branches required bylaw.
Mas. K. J. Cask, County Supt.
Cloud Markot Hoport.
llutcher's Stock 2.503.00
Cattle Feeders . ,
Wheat, No. 2
Ducks nnd Gecso
51 fl
Dr. Fonnor's Dyspepsia Curo
As tho namo implies, is simply for
dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa
ration is the proscription of ono of
America's most eminent physicians,
whoso writings on modieal questions
aro accepted as authority. If not sat
isfactory after using one bottlo your
iiiuiiuy win uo reiumieii oy u. 'I. Cot
ing. The Man Thing.
A Council (Jrove wife told her hus
band before Christmaas that alio didn't
want him to go and blow himself for n
lot of useless presonts. If ho bought
hor anything sho wanted him to got
something that would do hor somo
good. Ho did. Gave her a box of
pills. Council Grovo Republican.
Iion't 1obfcoSilt and Amukt luir Life Amy.
To quit tobacco easily nud (orovcr. bo mac
netlc. tull ot llfo, nervo it ml vlyor. taiio No-To-llac,
thu, that maltes vvenU men
fctroru,'. All druggists C0oor$l, CuroRuaran
toed Ilooltlct rn 1 n'Tp'o trcn. ArlilrpKi
. " it1 1 i'i 1 njNi.r u ,
Arc gaining favor rapidly,
liiisliicsi men and travel
lers carry them In vest
rocket, ladles carry tlicm
In imrici, housekeepers keep tlicm In mcillclne
cloicli, frlemli recommend them to frleudi. 25c.
I'mudiing Sunday mot-ting nt 10:00.
Sunday School ut 11:30.
Chapul Sunday School al It p.m.
Preaching at Amboy at !) p.m.
Junior League at 1 p in.
Senior League at 0:i)0 p.m.
Kvci.lng .service ill 7: 80 p. m.
I'raynr meeting on Wednesday even
ing nt 7:oU
Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon.
You nro earnestly invited to attend
those services. Strangers made wel
come. Rev. J. M. Dakiit, Pastor.
Regular services at the Christian
Church next Lord's Day, Decembet 21,
ns follows:
Motning sermon nt 10:30. Subject,
"The Three Graces."
Rible School at 12 in.
.Junior Christian Endeavor al 3 p m.
Sonic r Christian Rndeavor 0:30 p.m.
Evening sermon at 7.30. Subject,
"Cub i Her War, Autonojiy ami Her
Mis Graves will sing in tho ovoning.
Special music for both services.
Prayer meeting Wednesday ovoning.
A cordial invitation to the general
public is extended.
Li. A. Hussono, Pastor.
Sunday School at 11:15.
Y. P. S. C.E.ntO:30p. in.
Burlington Houto California Exour
Cheap, quick, comfortublu. Leave
Omaha 1:1)5 p.m., Lincoln (3:10 p.m. and
Hastings 8:50 p.m. every Thursday in
clean, modern, not crowded tourist
sleepers. No transfers; cars run right
through to San Francisco and Los
Angolcs over the scenic rottto through
Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars aro
carpeted; upholstered in rattnti; have
spring seats and backs and aro provid
ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap
etc. Uniformed porters nud experienc
ed excursion conductors accompany
each excursion, relieving passengers of
bother about baggage, pointing out ob
leeta of interest and in many other
wnyi helping to mako tho ovorland
trip a delightful oxporienco. Second
class tickets aro honored, llerths $5.
For foldor giving full information,
call at nearest Burlington Route ti:kol
oBc, or writo to J. f rttneis, G. l A.
Omaha, Nob.
What doos it cost to get thero? When
and how should you go? What should
ono tako? Whom are tho mines? How
much have thoy produend? Is work
plentiful? What wages aro paid? Is
living expensive? What aro one's
chances of "making a strike"?
Complete nnd satisfactory roplies to
tho above questions will bo found in
tlio llurlingtou Route's "Klondike
Folder," now ready for distribution.
Sixtefl page of practical information
and an up-to-dto map of Alaska and
the Klondike. Fruo at Durliiigtou
Routo ticket offices, or sent on receipt
of four conts iu stamps by J. Frnnnis,
Gon'l Passenger Agent, Burlington
Route, Umatia, Nebr.
Liror Complaints and NwrouMtoes
A torp'd IrYor always produce dull
ness, irritability, etc. You aro nil
cloggod up and feel despondent. Per
haps you have treated with physicians
or tried somo other leooinnicnded Hied
icino without buiiutit. All that is no
argument against "Dr. Fonnor's Blood
and Liver Remedy and Nervo Tonic,"
which we iiuist will curo nervousness
nnd liver complaints. If not salislied
after using ono bottlo your money will
bo refunded by C. L. Cotting.
My farm seven miles north of Rod
Cloud, consisting of 100 acres, 100
acres in cultivation, houso of threo
rooms, barn, orn cribs, and granary,
fenced on threo sides. The uei, sec
tiou 31, township 3, range 11 in Web
ster county, Nebraska. Posession giv
en by March 1st, 1808. For further
particulars address,
L. Baum,
71 Potomac av., Chicago, III.
From Baby in the Hick Chair
to Kriiiiiliim In the roller. OriilnoOh K''d for
thu whole fnially it Ik tho hum OfHlrcil uh
ntltute for roireo. Nevir iieih lie ntivcbor
Injures tho dlKentlou. Made from pure uralim
it In a food In Itteir, link tho intte and appear,
aiice of Hie bent colfee at one fourth the price.
It Is a iciiulno and eclcnllQc article and ha.
como to btay It makcH for health and BtrentttU
Bk jourRroccr for Grain O.
r.Tcrybody Huya 80.
Cacarots Cnmlv Oatliiirtli', the most vn
ilotfiil incilliial dlscuverv of the uire, p oua
ant and rcfrcalihiK to tin) taafe, ur i" n'ly
nnd positively on kidneys, llvor nnd bowels,
ileaiialni; tlio entire ayatetn, dlapel colds,
curo liendnolio, favor, Imbltunl confctliatloti
ami biliousness. Pleaso buy unit try 11 box
of C. C. C. to-day; It), S3, M) lonls. Hold and
(,'uurnntei'd to euro by ull ilrufulbts.
Or. Price Cream Bnklnp Powder
WnrUl'c Pair Uixhest Award
Our Clubbing List.
Uelow wo present n list of n niim
ber of tho leading magazines, nows
papers, farm papers, etc., with prices
thoy can be hud iu connection witli
The Run Cloud Chief.
Wo must have one yearly sub
scription to tlio Chief witli each peri
odical ordered, but both need not nec
essarily bo bent to tho same address.
Omaha lice w 11.00 ?1 00 11.25
Farm nud rirclilc, h in Ml 1 00 1 10
Ladles Home Companion... Ml 100 110
SI. Louis Globe Democrat. -w . 1 00 1 00 I M)
LoiilhV lllo Courier .tournal, h-w 100 100 12.1
Cincinnati Times blur, vv . . 1 00 1 25
Philadelphia l'rc, w.. I 00 I 00 1 25
The Chlcaifo Trllmnc, vv TO 1 00 1 2ft
Tho CIiIi'iiko Trlhiuie, il . 1 00 1 00 1 00
ltucky .Mountain News, vv 1 on 1 00 160
Kocky Mountain Xeivx.d .. ?W 100 7 00
Clurliiunll i:iutilrcr, vv T5 1(0 1 '-'5
I.lppIiieolt'iiMiiKnrlne. in .100 I wl am)
Oodev'n.MiiKiiJllio, in 100 100 1 fiO
Deiniirest'n finally Miis'iilue. in 1 00 1 00 1 GO
Lccllet llluMrnled Wceklv, vv I no 100 3 Ml
Atlnntlu Monthly, m . 1 00 loo 1 00
KniiiisC'ltybtnr, vv a'i 100 1 mi
OrniiRcJutlil farmer, vv loo 100 1!B
Aincrlcnn Viiiiuih IlliHtrutcd
World, vv 4 00 100 350
Snn Franclco Chronicle, vv.... 1 W) 100 2 00
Hah frnucUvo Chronicle, d 6 TO 100 (5 70
Breeders Gazette, w '-'00 100 a 15
N'cljrajltiiAKniwaB t'nrmur, m. :s too 100
Tlio abovo ofrers uro mado only to
now subscribers who pity ono full year
In advance.
The Red Cloud Chief,
Red Cloud.Nob.
Bowaro of Ointmonts for Catarrh
That Contain Morcury,
as mercury will surely destroy tho of smell mid completely derange
tlio whole system when entering it
through the inucoits surfaces. Such
articles should never bo used except
upon prescriptions from reputable
physicians, as the damage they will do
is ton fold to the cood vou can nossiblv
derive from them Hull's Cntnrrh our-r
iiLimj iiiiitt ilium, iiiui luiiiitt tin
inamifacturcd by .). l. Clicnuv
Toledo. Ohio, contains nv ' "ianco
. ' ' .. lurunv, not tr
is taKcn internaiiyj,, tlll. tioUi j,,., 'up
on the blood argh it is siinvfaces of
the system, hi o'tiying Hall's Catarrh
Cum L -uro you get thu gMiuiiu. It
i- taken ItULnuuli nml made bj J F
Cheney & Co., in Toledo, Ohio. Testi
monials free.
Sold by druggists, price 75 cents per
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Many People Cannot Drink
coffee nt night. It upoIlM their Meep. You can
drink drain () when you plcatc and Bleep like
a top,. For drain O does not stimulate, it uour
Jeties, cheers and feeds. Yet It looks and
taitcH like colt'ec. For nervous pcrons, jouni!
people nud children Craln O 1h a perfect drink.
Mado from pure ruluv. net a package from
your grocer today. Try It Iu placu of coffoo.
15c aud USc.
to which the Expectant Mother ia
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for
ward to the hour of woman's
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes fop
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations she passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without pain is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of "Mother's Friend,' and
the time of recovery shortened.
"I know one lad v. tho mother of three
children, who stitfered greatly in the
birth of eacli, who obtained a bottlo of
'Mother's Friend' of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that their I
labor was Bhorter ami loss painiui
John G. Pom ill, Macon, Oa.
9 1. OO PER BOTTI.H at nil Drue Stores,
or sent by express u reoalpt of price.
BOOKS Containing Invaluablo information of
roFP Jntwrcat to all women, will be aant to
rnfct any address upon application, by
Thc bradfield riqulatorco., ATiawra, Oa.
Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta,
That means that in any of these four
great Provinces of the Dominion of
Canada you can secure 160 actes of
agricultural land, yielding from $15 to
Sao per acre yearly, if you become an
actual settler. Their resources aro
agriculture, timber and mineral.
Writ for experience of farmers to
New York Lite Bldg.
Mention tltls paper.
Blood Poison.
Contagious B'ood Poison has been ap-
Fropriately called the curse of mankind,
t is the one disease that physicians can
not cure; their mercurial aud potash
remedies only bottle up the poison in
the system, to surely break forth in a
more virulent form, resulting in a total
wreck of the system.
Mr. Prank U. Marti, a prominent
jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave., Wash
ington, D.C.says:
I was for a long
time under treat
meut of two of
the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
but my condition
grew worse all
the while, not
withstanding the
fact that they
charged me thrca
f,f. ' hundred dollars.
My mouth was
filled witli eating sores; my tongue was
almost eaten away, so mat lor inree
months I wns unable to taste any solid
food. My hair wns coming out rapidly,
audi wns in a horrible fix. I had tried
various treatments, and was nearly dis
couraged, when a friend recommended
S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I
bejjnn to gut better, and when I had
Gmshed eighteen bottles, I was cured
sound and well, my skin was without a
blemish, and I have had no return of
the disease. S.S.S. saved me from a life
of misery." S.S.S. (gum anttiki purely
vegetable) will cure any case of blood
poison. Hooks on thediscase
ks on theuiscasi
and its treat
ment, mailed
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
NotU;oJViierebyKlveiitlmt utidcr.nrjd.Jy vjr -
kfe? ."n,e.'''..FW.. !2 '' SM
il'',.1''1 Judla'i 'District, wltlitn nnd for
.. ': .ounViNehrnHka, upon iwlecrec In mi theteln. wherein Tlu Phoenix
rJWFifll Ik vH II 1 Il
T'MMLlf Ml'
'IIMW ''
w nw
until"-'' x'.iuco Company of Hartford, Conn., Is plain
,., till' and iiKrtlnst William 11. Howe. Martha M.
itowc, tiouanua 'ran. auiiwicit i;tucrii't. 'o
KatiKasMfg. Co., Piatt, Frees Co.'' , fr"
Hank of Ntles, Mich.. HiirKrcav to " lrf
Windmill Co.. .loscpli draw may thinl-1 w'
and I.. W. Tullejs, tru- . ,11 nt . Ham
inninl flcrctlilailts I WL" n' for mIc
al piilme vuitilito to I'.-t cpjrr bidder for tush
In liuti'l hi tin' cn.n -., of tlm court luiuc. at
Hcd tluitil, 111 nud WebMer county, Nebrahka,
(Unit being the building wherein the last term
of said court wan holdcn) 011 the M day of
February, A. 1). IbbS. at ono o'ch ck t. m. of
said djiy, tho following described property to
The southeast quarter of section fourteen (II,)
township three (:t,) north, range ten (10,) west
6th P.M. In Webster count-. J.ebr.
(liven under my hand this :'Jth dny of l)c
tembcr. A. I). 1WT.
V. F. Kki.i.ocki, Master Commissioner.
WmtiiiT & stout, Plalntlirs Attorneys.
Stat? of Nebraska, Webster county, m.
In tho District Court thereof, of the Tenth J11
illctul illHttlnt.
Nebiiulu Dteu k Trnsl C'arapauyl
riaintlff I
Alfrd ('. JMkioa, Jackson,
hi wife, frit nam unkaown.
Pitttbona M Ixaa. J. W. Whl fflu
ii Ion, 11. C. Jackson, Jaek I
sou bis wlft, first namo unknown I
mctici er iurr.
Trta arxiTO named defendanti Alfred C. Jack
son, .lackssu. his vrlfo, flrtt name unknown,
and leUlbone A Nixon, aud ivxh ofthrmiiro
heacby uotllttd tht the aboTv namud plaintiff
haa died In tbe abore named court IU patitlon
aKatnit them aud th ther defendanti naiaed
abT; lhattb oblet and prayer of nald pe
tition of the ylalntlt' are t foTclom a mrrtKaxe
Uarlun date tho 1M day of October. ltI, ex
ecuted by the atwva nameil defendant Andrew
C. Jackson on the fallowing deacrlbu) real
Utfl situate In Uia county of Webster in
the Slave of Nebraska, to wit: Th southeast
iiuarter(ti)of aecUou twenty six (tfl) hi town
ship two (?) north. raiiK Urn UO) west of th
6th 1. .
t he aalil defendants Alfred C, Jackson,
Jackson, his wife, first nume unknown, aud
I'ottlbone A Nixon, are further notified that
and each of theni. are required to appear and
knswcnald H'tltlou of plaintiff on or before
Monday, the fourieeuth ilny of February, 1KP6.
or said iftltlon of plalutllT will bo iaken 11 s true
aud a drrr will be reudrred aaalnsl them, the
said defendants, aud the other defendants
named herein, iWrMliiRlhatthesald mork;aRts
and aach nt ttism, b foreclesod; that Ilia abore
diMcr!ba4 leal sssaes shall b aipraisu, aivr
tlstMl sin! sold st pubHe auctinu by the si riff of
sld Wrlisier oiuity, to make and raise the miui
ut nfi Ttiitnutu plaintiff 011 lis mid niortKHKe.
lonelier n lib Intenst on ssld sum, at the rale of
li'ii per cent troai the first day of Uecainbcr,
I w.rr, ami the costs of this suit and such sale;
nud said deerof alllfurlht-r prntlilo that jtiu,
lliesnld defendants, nnd tho other (Icfindauts
1 iiuit-d hert'lu, and vach of oil. shall be forewr
I urrcd nnd f'M loed of all ciUlly of redmip
Hon and uilii-r lutesit In and to said real
itlatf anil eri-ry part there '
Nhikjiska Loan AThistCo.
r!) K. Wnws, ibtir attorney
Ji OMskasUt'a EaaMih TMaaMnd alraad.
CV OHfldnlf 0iiliis. Jk
WjfjlffiKK r. lji rBi. ipii ruk f
inmj Brand U lt4 ud buti lorttluA
IlrurrI If CkltktlUrl .IUft 2)U-i
.. 19iLh. AA.. JtmasriaiM muLltihl
Bmim, iniM vita blue nmn. I one
3Mnmnm.t lii.u4.i. Aillrnuii.erMtiia.
1 In IUIM lUt UtlCUlUl, ltlD0DtU 1
'BaBef tor Ka4U." In lilKr, tr rrtan
MalL 10.90 TnUnMDlftta. Nmf tafir.
C-ialcabilnslCa-iUUim I'Urn.
,.adL-MlUrusaMs. fll lb All A.. I'A.
Skin Diseases.
For tha speedy and permanent curo o
letter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham
berlain's Eye nnd Skin Ointment Ij
without aa eqnal. It relieves the itch
ing and smarting almost instantly nnd
its continued ubo effects a permnnont
cuio. It nlso enrea itch, barber s itch,
Eeald head, soro nipples, itching piled,
chapped hands, chronic sore eyes nnd
grnnulnted lids.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders for
horses are the best tonio, blood purlfiar
nnd vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby
r jvats. and Trade-Marks obtalaed and all
eat biuiatsa conducted (or MootaaTC Frts.
.ml wecaniccurt patent lo leas tiiae tbaa ihoM
MmnM frnm WaAhrnrtofl.
Scad model, drawing or photo., ulth descrip
tion. We adrlse, U patentable or not, Ires of
'charge. Our lee not due till patent is secured.
cost ot saae. In the U. S. aad foreign cooattUi,
tent tree. Aaaress,
or p. t(nt OrriCE, WasHiNaTsn. d. c.
Olrsnwi and bftulllln the luir.
l'rumotef lusuri.nt growth.
Novor Falls to Ilcetore- Oray
u&ir iu lie Kouiniui woior.
r aah
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros.
Through Service
1 RJOEVt? D&i
Fifty Cents.
City nnd country calls promptly an
swered dny or night.
Office ovei: (Jotting's Dkuo Store.
Crewn I Bridge Work or Teeth Without Pitta.
And all the latest IrnproTomcut In dontal aaaok
Specitil nttontion to Commorcial and
I'robutu Litigation.
nEAi.F.n in
California Brandies.
B. Ac M. B.T
S'l. JOE
S'J. LOUIS nnd
all poiiits aist and
nnd all point
No CO. FrclKlit, dally except hmiday
.. . .(or Wimoroaiidall point msi R'OOa.m.
No lt5. fahsciiKcr, dally lur ht ,Uf.
Kiiiisiih I'lty. Atcliliioii, bt
I.oiiIh and all polntN can nnd
HOtltll ... lO-Qfln m
Nn. 143. Acroinmodatton, ilall) I'xi'cpt w"1
Bi111111ty.111ibi1111.-N, urati'i is
iniitl, inacK iiiiih Hint all
points 111 tlio HorihwcHi 1 :on n m
Vs. HI. Accommodation, dally except '' ',m
Sunday, Oticrlln. Kaunas, ami
Intermcdlato station, via l(u
publican ' io.MitM
No. C. freight, dally, WymoVo'and P,m
bt. .Too and Intermt'dlate
No. 63.
finiciiuii liointS lil-inn m
tctKlit.iJally for Honnf Vein 4wm-
west ' in.-0 .
No. IB. I'ltkaeiiKer. dally. IJeuVeV.'ui ,10 m
KiV"1",.09'"'. Utah and
, nlllOrMlA fljnn -
BleepliiB dliiliiR, and reclTninT'c'linir caS'
;; ',ro,UR" ,rft,i,H Tiftcti'SWd
(anada1 '" ""' lM "' ,,1U l"""1
I '
JHflHflHHHjHHcniw rIv
or .1
K'ancI, (r ierHl 1'nkHi'" r
vmfm 'im
!-( -