The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 28, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    v),fw "fliarw
V u
Royal makes the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
F. 1'. Hsitlluy carriage painter.
F. H. P.utchy of Hastings was hero
this week.
Fred (Snnd of Miio Hill was down
tho llrst of the week.
See those lino.siiireys at Peterson's
and note tin- low pricey.
John S. Marsh and wife of (initio
ltoek were hero this week.
Mrs. J. A. Ttilloy returned cdncs
day uvcnlnj; from u short stay in Lin
coln. I Frcymark left last Monday morn-1
hiR for the east to buy his spring stock
of clothing.
Mrs. Saitine! Temple and Mrs. Wcid
eman returned from Atlantic, Iowa,
Saturday evening.
Foi: Sam: A Rood Knahe piano. A
good instrument for sale cheap. En
quire at this olllco.
Mrs. Lama Downcn of Uatoon, New
Mexico, is hero tho guest of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hcmsberg.
I can give you better btigpics for the
money than anyone else. I get them
in carload lots. .Iamv.s Pktkkson.
"Economy lloneset Cordial" miule by
tho famous old Harmony society,
greatest of all appetizers. For sale by
C. L. dotting.
Our correspondents should remem
ber that all correspondence should be
nt this office bv Thursday noon in or-
to insure publication. Please bear this
in mind.
When you cannot sleep for coughing
tnko Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
always gives prompt relief. It is most
excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex
pectoration, relieves tho lungs and pre
vents a tondency toward pneumonia.
Forsaloby II, E, Grion.
When a new man comes to town and
enters into business or a professional
vocation there is always a crowd who
immediately flattor him and by so do
ing succeed in getting a good sized bill
placed on tho books and tho now man
wakes up sumo fiue morning to find
that tho bill is not worth the paper it
is written on.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
nt tho postollico nt Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week endingJan. 27th,
Miss Valley (iarlinger.
Theso letters will be sent to the dead
letter ofUcii Feb. 11th, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say advertised. V. W. Cownr.N, P. M.
William Clcniinons of Hastings took
posossiou of the eating house here the
last of the week ami is already lilted
up in nice shape and doing busi
ness, lie has u reputation of being a
first olns hotel man. S C. Dilloy, the
former landlord has removed his
g Is to Hastings where he will store
them for the piesent. Ho has not de
cided what he may do in the future but
will perhaps engage in the hotel busi
ness elsewhere.
The lady at the opera house the other
night, who tapped her husband on tho
shoulder and said, "Love, it is growing
t .. i ii
lato; I think wo had lienor go iionio,
is tho Biinio ono who after getting homo
shook tho rolling pin under his nose
and said, "You infamous old snuggled
tooth scoundrel, if yon ever encore
such a mean, hateful, Indecent, calico
faced, mackerel-eyed old thing ns your
eyes were riveted on tonight, again,
I'll bust your cocoanut wido open for
you. Sec !"
M 12 It 12 MENTION.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
hton drape Crea ! Tartar Pa wJec.
See Hadley for paper hanging.
C. F. Cather of Lincoln was here
this week.
J. A. Hattm has taken a position
with E. McFarland.
Will of Missouri, son of Samuel
Kizer is visiting his parents here.
C. C. Cowden is limping around this
week troubled with rheumatism.
A new awning has been placed in
front of the store of E. McFarland.
C. W. Kaley and wifo were visiting
in Heatrico and Lincoln this week.
Tho dancing club had another very
delightful dance on Tuesday evening.
Cotting the Druggist can supply
you with any kind of sewing machine
For a first class shave or hair cut
call on !. W. Fentress one door south
of Calnies bakery.
The Inter-State Swine Hreedeis As
sociation meets in this :ity next Tues
day and Wednesday.
Miss Lulu Pease of Hastings was
here this week viciting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Jos Warren.
The way that the buggies go out
from Peterson's denotes that he has
tho goods at tho right price.
James Peterson has just received the
finest carload of buggies ever brought
to this place. Call and see them.
Thos. Auld was in Denver this week
attending the meeting of the National
Stockmen and Urecdeis association.
Tho Duroc Jersey hog sale held ono
day last week by A. N. Godwin was
well attended and tho animals brought
good prices.
Perfectly harmless, but very power
ful is "Economy Honeset Cordial," a
remedy par-e.eellenco for all foi ms of
mligtstion. For sale by C. L. Cotting.
Rev. James M. Darby left yesUrday
for Geneva whero ho will this availing
deliver his famous lecture "Wit and
Humor" before tho high school of that
V. II. Scrivncr, real estate man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trade your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
II. Scrivncr, Red Cloud, Nebr.
J. II. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of live years at 3 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb.
Sinco tho now depot has been opened
up horo tho last week in October, 1897,
about tbrao months, tho B. ft M. have
had just five different night operators.
It is to bo hoped that tho tiruo will
come when thoy can kaep an operator
hero long enough tor the people to find
out what his name is.
Tho mnrriago of Mr. Archio A. Boron
and Mrs. Emma Dodge was solemnized
by tho Rev. James G. Day of tho M. E.
church at tho nomo of tho brido's par
ents on last Thursday. A uumber of
relatives of tho contracting parties
wero present to witness tho happy
event. Tho Chief extends best wislies.
An alarm of lire was turned in Thurs
day morning about eleven o'clock, lire
having been discovered in the residence
of Miss Nora Young in tho east part of
tho city. The lire originated from a
defective lino in the kitchen. Tho
lioiisi) was occupied by Geo. Riekards
and family. The damage was small
and fully covered by insurance.
The Industrial social held at the Odd
Fellows hall by tho ladies of tho Chris
tlan church was fairly well patronized
notwithstanding other counter attrac
tions. In tho button sewing event of
tho evening Rev. Hussong, carried oil'
tho prize, a silver handled pearl letter
opener, by sowing on nineteen buttons
and Jess Beau received a paper doll as
booby prize in this contest. In the
nail driving contest Miss Baker re
ceived a celluloid bound book of poems
having driven 102 four penny nails into
a block of wood in livo minutes. Mrs.
F. S. Ilonderson received' tho booby
prize, a Chinese peanut doll.
A Colorado Springs special to tho
Rocky Mountain News is the author of
a story to tho effect that a Red Cloud
man who opt rated a sawmill on tho
Cheyonno Mountain road near Camp
Seward was placed under arrest by the
sheriff for arson. Tho building burned
was a resilience ocoupieu oy ino ac
cused and It was while out there on
business connected with the insurance
that the accused was arrested, tho in
surance people bolievijg tho building
was sot on lire. Anothoj- Red Cloud
man is mixed up in the deal and claims
a considerable loss. Wo do not know
anything in icgard to tho merits of the
ease; wo do know that at one time this
oiing man had tho respect of tho citi
zens of this city and filled positions
of trust and honor. Wo lioliovo'that it
was the company ho kept that led to
l ! . I t .It 1...... .. v,.lllli. 111.. II li.iu
I lllrt iimviijtiu. ..Aiiiij ii j"""f. iii.iii tiioi
I Iieeu iturtcil oit nit! (hiwii roan in mis
jwuy uuil '"is learners have generally
iM-apt"l We behove that had tho
Adonis t .iced beauty from New York
iived there ami manipulated his Tain-
nmtiy ideas there many people of this
city would have been spareu great
! trouble.
Hadley paints buggies.
Uncle Todd Paul of Cowles was here
this week.
The father of Mrs. J. A. Baum is vis
iting witli her this week.
Miss Lottlo Reigle is home after a
visit at Beatrice and Hebron.
A. 11. Kaley is looking after business
matters in Tecumsoli this week.
Mrs. Ed Bohanan left Wednesday
morning for her homo at Lincoln.
Med Lavallce and wifo of Riverton,
wore horo Sunday visiting friends.
Miss Rctta Ablu left Wednesday
morning for Odell, this state, on a visit.
O. C. Teel was looking after insur
ance matters in Guide Rock Thursday.
Here's to your gord health I Uis
"Economy Boneset Cordial." C. L
Miss E. A. lladell has moved her
millinery store to the building south of
J. O. Lindleys.
Win. Malcom, a former old resident
of I Ins city is here again looking after
property interest!'.
Mrs. A. G. Willis was taken to Lin
coln Thursday morning where she will
undergoan operation for dropsy.
The Union Fire Insurance Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments !1 per cent. J. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
Editor Warren and wifo are in Lin
coln this week visiting friends and tak
ing in tho meeting of the Nebraska
Press association.
Keep it in tho house, whenever you
get "blue" or feel "shaky" or indis
posed, one small dose of "Economy
Boneset Cordial" sets you right. For
sale by C. L. Cotting.
Eliewuaru In this issue will be found
a call for a Farmers Instituto to bo
held in this city next Wednesday.
Good speakers will bo in attendance
and tho farming community should
tara Mi to mm and raaka It a grand
Tho "Si Plunknrd" Comedy company
held forlh at tho opera House last Mon
day evening to ono of tho largest audi
onccs that him congregated in that
popular place of amusement for sev
eral years, lho tret parade in tho
afternooL drew as largo a crowd, if
not larger, than taa show in tho evening.
.Wo call your attention this week.'to
tho now advertisement of A. R. Rey
nold's meat market. Sinco tho advont
of Mr. Reynolds in this city our citi
zens have appreciated tho fact that
thoy could get what thoy wanted, and
hfvo it delivered when they wanted it.
Ho has built up a good trade which is
daily increasing on account of the f sot
that ho is obliging ami keeps good
In connection with tho Inter-State
Swine Breeders association next wcok
will be held a Farmer's instituto. Sev
eral gentlemen of note will bo present
and address tho meeting on various
subjects of interest to farmers and
breeders. Tho institute will be held
nt tho court houso on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 2d. Hon. E. F. Stephens of
Oreto will address tho people on "Hor
ticulture," a subject that will bo of
great interest to our farming classes
and all others who are interested in tho
development of tho great state of Ne
braska. Tho Swine breeders meeting
will bo addressed by several gentle
men among whom will bo Prof. A. T.
Peters, D. N. S. of the state univo'Mty.
.Mr. Peters will be in attrndanee at tho
meeting both days. W. A. Points of
Albion, I). P. Aslihurn a nil other speak
ers will be present. A general invita
tion is extended to all to be present.
Itnlli meetings will be held in the court
house, tho breeder.s meeting February
1st and '2d, and tho Farmers insti
tuto on tho second.
.'.". ".''"' '.- e" .'". e".v ' !' ".'"'"'' ;'' ;' .' t '.!
; j
Just as
as Scott's and we sell It much
cheaper," is a statement sometimes
made by the druggist when Scott's
Emulsion is called for. This shows
that the druggists themselves regard
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos-
hites of Lime and boda as the
standard, and the purchaser who
desires to procure the u standard "
because lie knows it has been of
untold benefit, should not for one
instant think of taking the risk o;
using some untried prepa
ration. The substitution
of something said to be
"just as good" for a stand
ard preparation twenty
five years on the market,
should not be permitted by
the intelligent purchaser.
I!o sure you get SCOTT'S KmuUlon. Seo
that the man and flsli are on Hie wrapper
50c. and f 1.00, all drugglit.
SCOTT DOWMR, CaaaUta, New Yoafc.
For Honicsi'okor'.s excursion dates ..,
via tlie Missouri, Kansas & Texas rail
way, and information of their tourist
sleeper arrangements, address G. A.
McNtitt, 1). P. A., 1011 Union avenue;
Kansas City, Mo.
J. A. Baum has accepted a position
in MoFarland's store at Red Cloud and
will quit work in Douglas' drug store
next week. Ho has made many good
friends during his residenco In Super
ior who wisli him success wherever hu
goes. Superior Journal.
PosTi'ONr.D; Owing to tho fact that
Dr. Peters, professor of veterinary
science of tho State University of Neb
raska will liu unable to attend tho an
nual meeting of the lutcr-Stato Swine
Breeder's association at the date set,
tho meeting lias been postponed until
February 1 and '.', isy.
Tho appointment of a postniasti r for
Blue Hill, to Miccccd our genial friend
Josh Martin, has been made, and our
friend Col. John S. Hoover will be the
new postmaster, he having received
allleial notice of the appointment tins
week. The colonel is quite popular
here, and his appointment will give
satisfaction as far as we can learn.
Hluu Hill Leader.
James Carter recently wont to a
drug store and purchased some pills
for insomnia. Being unable to sleep
again that night lie groped aboat in the
dark until he found what ho supposed
to bo tho pills and gulped down three
of them, after which he slept soundly.
It was discovered the next morning
that ho had vwallowad three of his
wife's shirt waiht buttons. Goodlaud
Don't use bill heads or statements in
which you have to write your own
name. Get them printed in an
date style. There is nothing which
will uiaKo your customers 111111K you
are of thu disposition to bo penurious
so much as this. If you are stingy in
one way what reason is there to Ihi
Hove that you wont bo in oilier wnys.
Get your printing done right at tho
Ciiikk olllco.
"I take pleasure in reeoinmendir.1:
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea remedy to all who sulTur from
pains in the sUmach," says Mr. Milt
McKinloy, editor of tho Rawson, Ohio,
Herald. "Until I used this remedy It
was, at tiniei, impossible for 1110 to bo
in my oflioe, owing to attacks lasting
from one to frwo days. My taking it as
soon as tho first symptoms of the at
tack aro felt, I no longer suiter ihisun
plewsaat sickness." for salo by R. Ii.
A barbor at Millor turn tha follow
ing ad. in Cawatto ! thai villaga:
"Whiskors amputated without pais (t
tho barbor) while you wait. Mair cut
in any style, either frescoed or plain.
All work guaranteed. Wo also carry a
full lino of foreign and domestic cigars
and candies both plain and varnished,
Fruits of all kinds May apples, pino
apples, Mushrooms, etc. Lunch of all
kinds, both hot or cold, with or
without. Call and seo us, put up
tho mon and tako tho stuff." Beaver
City Tribune.
Hero is a problem for readers to
ponder over: A tralu one miio long
starts from tno nrsi station to 1110
second with tho caboose at tho first
station, tho engine, therefore, bolng
onu mile from tho lirststation and four
miles from like second. A man starts
from tho caboose at tho first station
and walks to the engine, a distanco of
one mile, arriving there just as tho en
gine arrives at tho second station
Question How far did the man ride?
Some argue that tho train only went
four miles, he could not possibly ride
any further than the train went, but
on tho other hand ho rode from ono
station to tho other, a distance of live
miles. Ho was walking during tho en
tire trip. How far did l.o walk!
There are a few members of tho two
cent aristocracy in evi-ry town, that
look down on tho fanner as an inferior
animal. Thoy part their hair and
their names down the middle, wear
ctiu Iw.iiv.IkiikIs and no nocks in the
summer, fur trimmed overcoats and no
underclothes in the winter, anil mi idi
otlo stare tho year round. Thank
heaven swh animals me scarce. The
farm and city people in the west are
one people. All tho good stock liaees
Its line age to tho farm, uenerally to
thohome'ead. Take any of tho rust
ling busru's men, those who gel along
and iiip' ;i success in life; their folks
farmed, and probably thej have milked
n few bales of hay and cunicd a rea
hunuuiv luigo number f liogs them-
solve.. 'Ihey nvi 1 very respect for
then fi iend and relative, tlio tanner,
and noniiiig but contempt for the iui-nilc-vs,
brainless, mannerless whipper
snapper wlm stands on the corner and
you "0O1 Kb"'." nt 111 honel tiller
of the .-il, whoso denims contain more
doilaithaii the dude over earned in
his lift wl.ti-e sloiuucii contains better
t 1 ..1. ..s.-i-uat sleeve eoni-iiiis more
nitfc'i , whose skull
I. .-.Mil whom henl'l
kindtu"ai.d whose wh
Fof Yoo.
Dcesn't make a particle of difference
whether you are a buyer or not.
Just take a
Look at Oar Suits.
tl e
You'll do the rest.
We are sale agents for
The best shoes in America for the money.
We still have a few
left. They'll go at cost prices. Do not miss such
a rare opportunity
(Successors to C. Wiekkr,)
Red Cloud's Reliable Clothing House.
t ?.
' nwAWZL.' Tirrr-r -ri-iwr'n-i'ir arii
;. riz(i ?.. v 3K?5: .-i n.rj.m'.Mn.jxm-Jmmrmmim a.:
Jmfm it.vw
Bfrc&ildLinis VXuLterial, Bto.
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees.
Is alwaVH cool, clean and neat, and has only tho
and oysters taken thorn aro pccnratoly llllod nnd
promptly delivered. That Is tho condition of
affairs at
A. ft Reynold's Moon Block Market
contain more
cumulus more
i' i-oiistituiion
i . . ... ,.,..,,1 ! 1 ii' i uiii'is. in in 'ii'- in-
ci.ihii toenail on his loft font to the
mole over his riKhi eyo-hrow. Ihey
aro harnilei-s whelp, thoimh, and
rather amusing In a way. Hastings
Job Work
of all kinds at
This Office.
-"- -' '"pw reMPip
tmnwi-M. . rWinma
wai bmen&ER