kJCi" . nK RED CLOU J) (JHUjJir, JtfKJLDAX, JAN. 28. 1SU8. fit If ti Ivy Poison Child Suffered for Thrco Years Without Rollof-Terrible Itching nnd Burning Skin Dlocaso. "Whon thrco months old our hoy who poisoned with ivy. Ho Buffered for throe years without (jcttlnK relief. I hum one of IhondvcrtlficniontHof llood'fl Bar Bannrllln, conclstliitf of a UMtlmoiiinl when) a child wns cured of ivy poisoning. My faith wui very wenk nt first, but I told my husband I would like to try n bottlo of Hood'u Snnmpnrllln. Doctor's mcdiclno had failed to help him in tho least. Wo concluded to buy five bottles of Hood's Barsapnrllla nnd tho child be gan taking it. Iioforo ho had finished nil that wo had purchased ho was cured. I h.i;o also been cured of skin diucaso by iiOod'H K.trwipnrllla. I was in such a condition that I conld hardly enduro tho Itching nnd burning. I felt that I must give llood'H Harsaparillan fair trial, which 1 did. I took four bottles nnd It cured mo." CnnibTi.VA Uuckk, Caunstotn, B. D. Hood's Bnrsnpnrillft is sold by nil drug gists. ?1 ; bIx f or G. Ilosurcto t,t lJooil'u. THE CHIEF rum.mir.i) nr W.I,. MoMILLAN. Ono your... 3lx months 1100 6(1 PUIIUSIIKI) KVKltV HIIIPAY Kntorcil at tho pout olllcc nt Hod Cloud, Xob.n IccondrlRMimnll mntlcr. The lied Cloud, Neb., CHIEF, weekly, is credited with the largest circulation accorded to any paper in lied Cloud or in Webster county or in the Fifth Congressional District. Printer's Ink, July '28, JSU7. CATHERTON. Oh, but tho roads tiro rough. Tho rniu nml ico has stopped corn husking. Ncntiy everybody is complaining with a bad cold. Mrs. Hanson a ml father tiro visiting relatives in Kntisas this week. K. J. Peterson bought n cow from James Peterson ono day last week. The cause of Mr. John Stein's smiles is tho arrival of u brand now daughter. Misses Uertiu and Jennie Larson are home from lloldrege on a short visit. J. Watson, successor to A. Fois, shelled corn for Win. Mathony last Saturday. Henry Fois has moved onto tho old Stoughlou placo which ho will farm tho coming year. B. F. May, ono of our prosperous farmers attended the rod hog sulo near Cowlcs last week. Tho shooting match hold at Mr. Limlgrcon's last Saturday was a sue. oosi for tho pigeons. Tho disoaso which has taken off so niauy hogs in this locality seems to haru come to a stop. Mrs. llopkoy and daughter from near Hickman, Nebraska, weru pleasant callers at II. Feis's last Sunday. Mr. August llonkcl has greatly im proved his placo by building a new corncrili, granary ami barn this winter. Many of thu young people are hav ing their pictures taken by tho. new photographer who canto to Campbell Thursday. Krie Uergman is able to be around after thu accident. l).ear, too, is up and around after having beun in bed for about tour weeks with tho lung fever. Missionary Hussull will address the people of the Cathertou Sunday school next Sunday at 10 a.m. In tho even ing Mr. Anderson, tho Free Muthodisi speaker will addnss the people at the Hime place. It is hoped that the hoiuc will bo well tilled both times. - MoniEits MuisK Hood's Sarsaparilla because of its great blood enriching qua'ities it gives rosy cheeks ami vig orous appotitos to pale nnd puny chil dren. " Hoon'i Pills nro thu favorite fami ly cnthnrtio nml Hvor medicine. Prieo, .rif LINE. Weather cold and stormy. Charley Isom is up and around again after a long spoil of sickness. L. A. Huskins lost two cows last week by running in tho corn stalk. Tho Kudil boys raised eight thousand bushels of corn on the Marsileu placo last year. Hurt Carpenter has aecopted a po. sitlon in the printing olliceat Franklin, Nebraska. Mr. Hrulley has rented his placo for $100 per annum to Mr. Wilton of North Hranch, Kansas. Kldei Austin and wifo of York, No braska, were the guests of Mr. Alt bunion last week. A. McCall and Hoy MeCall shelled eight hundred bushels of corn forChus. Isom one day this week. Preaching at Penny creek school house, Dist. No, 8, at 11 o'clock a. m. by Kuv. Con Hewitt of Walnut rretk. Hiram Iliwikins of Guide Kock lias rented thu Tommy Leigh place for ono hundred and seventy-livo dollars per annum. NORTH INAVALE Much delay in coin picking. Once more we havo been visited by a cold wave. Albert Scrivner takes tho enko when it comes to swapping horses, having turned tliem four times in ono day last week. Kil Sliorcr lost two steers ono day this wisk. Too much poison in the stalks. Mr. James Overman was seen in theso parts buying hay for tho Has tings asylum. Wo understand that tho linn of Har vey Hros. is soon to be strengthened by tho addition of a secretary. There are lots of men in these parts hiintiiigeornto husk and praying they won't liiiil it until it gets warmer. My, what a scramble among renters to rent fat ins. Why don't speculators build on their laud to people can have houses to live in. Tho danee at John Myers was a great success Tho boys know where logo and have a good time nml don't you forget it. Come again in two week'. On Fiidny Miss Kills Hayes closed a very .successful term of school at Ml. Hope. The ladies quartet from Cowles rendered a few selections which were greatly appreciated by all. DR. HAHTMAN SAYS Po-ru-na Cures Catarrh Whorovor Locatod. All classes and conditions of people havo chronic catarrh. It spares neith er strong or weak, old or vounu. healthy or sickly. All ranks of pcoplo havo chronic catarrh, llich men, poor men, beggar men, thioves, lawyers doctors, mer chants, priests. Not only catarrh of tho head but catarrh of thu throat, catarrh of the lungs, catarrh of tho stomach, ca tarrh of the liver, catarrh of tho kid neys, catarrh of tho bowels; and a number of women are ulUictcd with catarrh of tho pelvic organs. Wlion it is said therefore that Po-ru-na cures catarrh wherever located, a much larger fnct is stated than at first appears. Who is it that says Po-ru-na will euro catarrh whorovor located? Doctors say it, lawyers say it, preach ers say it, a vast army of raon and womon say it who huvo tried it. Tho old and tho young say it. They say it in ths oast and in Uts wet t. Tlioy say it in tho north and in tho south. All these say that Po-ru-na will euro catarrh wherever locatod. Sond for a frco copy of an illustrated book of testimonials ontitlod "Facts and Faces," sent by tho Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. ECKLEY. Mrs. M. M. Miller is on tho sick list. A. L. Isom is visiting relatives and frieiuis in Illinois. Mis. J. W. Smith ha returned from her visit in Illinois. Why don't Kckloy havu some kind of an entertainment? Some of our young folks visited at I). Cook's Friday evening. Our minister, Kev. Day, is holding revival meetings in Cowles. Mr. and MKs Forsytlio are the guests of Mr. aim! Mrs. J. Vance. Mr. Henry Hritton is visiting his pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hritton. Miss Jennie Hall of York, Nebraska, was the guest of MUs Nettie Orr last week. There will ho communion services at the Kckloy church next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Klder Alexander will bo present and conduct thu services. About S o'clock last Monday evening about twenty-live of our young pcoplo took possession of tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Miller and reminded Miss flora of thu fact that it was her birth day. Tho evening was spent in kroki nolo and other games. Refreshments were served consisting of ico cream, enko nnd coffee. All report a lino tlmo. LESTER. Anthony Green is hero agniu husking rorn. Wm. MeKinniy and family spent Sunday at Hed Cloud. (. W. Hnker and family untertnined Mtvoral of their friends last Friday. Several fioui this place attended tho show at Hed Cloud Saturday evening- I. W. and A. It.Siladen and families took dinner at John Kinick's Sunday. Protracted meetings will eoniinonco here Monday evening, January itlst at 7'.:io. M' Klislm Hirry, of this place, says In- never had anything do him mi much g !'! .i .. il li' -nit qiilv.. wlnf fni i lii'iiiiiiiitii ax Clrinibi'i'l ii'iN t'.iiu ilalill III) ttu. Imilii'lVil Hietli shooting pains fiom hip to kneo until he used liuiiuiMi , whi mi nlfordsiirotiint lelief H. F. Kaki:k, druggist, St. Paris, Ohio. For sulo by H. . Grico. HOW? 4" 4 By soothing and subduing tho pain. That's tho way JL St. Jacobs Oil Neuralgia.: 1 CURES I i i I t i i i i i i STATE CREEK. Com inc. Home demand. Mr, George Motintford is on the sick list. Win. Harrett and wife visited at Geo. Motintford's this week. Kd. Coopir has n new girl at his house only one week old. Hogs, brood sows, shouts or pjilts four to six cents per pound. Jesse Sapp and wife of Cora were visiting relatives in this part las-, week. Chus. Hai roll and wife weru visiting friends and relatives in this section this week. Mrs. James (J raves is conliued to her bed agaii: with a rather serious attack of rheumatism. Several State ereekites aio whiling away the time sleigh riding and tunn ing while they cannot gather corn. Tho hog cholera is wearing out to some extent on tills creek and it is to bo hoped wo will have no more of it. Mr. Wilmotof the Hepublicau I) Mom must havo .some attraction up in these parts as ho comes up regular weekly. Old Uncle Hilly VanDvkc of Penny creek was elected Superintendent of the Pleasant Dale Sunday school last Sunday. Tho school boys of this section arc having big rabbit hunts every Satur day. Tho farmers don't allow their quails killed. Miss May Koscncraus and Miss Heed tho popular teachers of Andersonville and Pleasant Dale visited last week in Campbell, Nebraska. Sotnu of our boys that went to Leb anon Inst week to sell horses and mules will not go again soon. Tho man did not oven look at some of their stock or make them an oiler on it. Our big snow is several inches deep er horo than in Hed Cloud or Inavalo. Wo have it from good authority that it is from ten to fourteen inches deep on the south edge of the county. Jas. Graves shipped two lino hogs from Missoiui, ono for himself and one for Mr. King. Hu sold his other lino two-year-old Missouri hog to Mr. Judy of Burr Oak for the small sum of 125. The Ml. Hope Sunday School has re organized by clouting Mr. Scrivner, su perintendent; Miss Lizxio Curry, assis tant superintendent; Miss Gertrude Davis Socrotary, Miss Myra Davis, trcasuror; and Miss Sallio Stovous, chorister. Occasional. When You have a Bad Cold. You want tho bust medicine that can bo obtained, and that is Chamberlains Cough Kemedy. You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but olieot a pel inaiient cure. Yon want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will coun teract the tendency toward pi en moiiia. You want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Chainber.nin'.s Cough Hemedy is tin only medicine in use tint meets t 1 ot the.so IrcquireinonLs. This ivutcdy is famous lor its cures of bad colds throughout the United Stales and mau foreign couutiies. It h.is nnij rivals, but, for tho speedy and peiun nent cure of bad colds, .stands without a peer and its .splendid qualities are everywhere admired and praised. For sale by 11. K. Grico. WILLOW CREEK. Tho roads tiro in a 'very bad con dition. A.N. Godwin had a hog sale last week. Chas. Dickcrson is working for Mr. Godwin. Hoy Wolf is working for Mr. Heal of Klin crook. Mr. Hobt. Adauuou is ..now moving to Cowles. Miss May Sand horn was in Hed Cloud Saturday on business. Mr. Martindale is talking oi moving to Inavalo next week. Mi.s.s Addle Adainsnn and Mr. Geo. llot were guests at J.T. L.ie.t's Sim Jay. How Deakiu of Cowle.s held eiiees in the Willow creek school luui-e mst Sundtii . Quito a number of our young people attended til.' -inning at Willow in ok sl'llOO hollsi- S Hill il'l V OVi lil.IL, - TO CURE A COLO IN ONE UAY I ake Liuiiv llr ne) Qi iiliu Tali ct. All druggUts ivfm'l thu money f it fails to cure, 2ne, Or. Price's Cream Baklug Powaw ! I I I I 11111 From Across the Mountains. Oi.iu:, Cil , Jautiaij 'JO, '1)3. KltlTOK CtllKK As we have had n I rather dry winter vegetation is rather backward for this time of the year. Most small gram is in and some fields jnregieen. lucre lias been some cold weather here this winter tlio mercury running as low as thirty above. In some exposed orchards the oranges are hurt by frost. Oranges are selling at $1 15 to 8 10 per box. Tho rancher ,gets 80c per hundred for corn, oats 1 20, barley 7'ie, butter 20c, eggs 17c, dried fruits fijc, chickens $1. Olive is a milling station on the Santa Fe railroad, seven tnlloi north of Santa Ana. Wo have a school house, church, two stores, postolllce, and sonic very fine resiliences. A good hotel thai gets most of its patronage from health seekers, for as we are at the base of the foothills tho air is much dryer and lighter here than farther down in the valley. Oeorgo Hrown, a former resident of Hed Cloud, died at Santa Ana on the Mth of this mouth, and was hurled on the Kith by the Forrest ers ( f which he was a member. His death was caused by consumption, He was followed to his last resting place by a luge eon course of soriowing friends as lie was considered a model young mail. His relatives and friends at Ued Cloud may res. assured that lie was well cared foi In his sickness and his body now lies under a perfect bed of llowers. Tho funeral was preached by Kev Kilpat rick of tho U. H. church. Several of Hed Cloud's former resi dents are expecting to tako advantage of thu exposition rates this Milliliter and see Nebraska once more. A.N. Patmou. Miraculous Benefit , RECEIVED FROM Dr. Miles New Heart Cure. fetv ELI P. nAIICOCK, of Avoca, N. Y a vatcrun of ttio :ird N. Y. Artillery luid for thirty years of tho Hsibcock & Munscl Carrlaso Co., of Auburn, says: "I write to oxpri"-9 my gratitude fortliomlrnc lous benefit rocclred from Dr. Mile' Ilotrt Cure. I suffered for years, sis result of army ltfo, from sciatica which afTcted my kvart In tha wont form, my limb swullud from tho anklM up. I bloated until I wiu unable to button my clothing; had sharp pains about the hourt, Binotliurlni; s pel la aad shortnt'f of breath. For tliruo months I wasuuablo to Ho down, and all tho sloop I got was In au arm chair. I was treated by tlio best doctors but gradually grow wanto. About a year ago I commenced taking Dr. lilies' Now Hourt Cure and it savod my lifo at If by n miracle." Dr. Miles' Houn-dlcs aro sold by all drug gists umlor a positive guarantee, tint bottla benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, DK. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. -ALL WOMEN JJlNC-TEtmiS of all the pain andslcknessfrom which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement In tho organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman Is very seldom clck. miEM Is nature'3 provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all "female troublos." It Is equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Change of Life." They all need It. They aro all benefitted by It. For adrlee In cases requiring special directions, address, clvlne symptoms, the Udlej' Advisory Department,'1 The Chittanoosa Medicine Co., Chatu nooca, Tenn. THOS.i. COOPER, Tupcla, Mist., sayu "My thtor sutlorcd from very Irregular ana palnlul menstruation and doctors could not reliovohor. Wlno ol Cardul entirely cured her and also helped my mother through the Change ol Life." a A-u-.wSc3-2MMniKdni ll LUKta WrltHt Alt I Lit FAILS. .. 12A ' SJ llctit Couuh tijrrui). Tulea (louU. UM Q Pa In time. Hold bj drumliU. IH. f )M0.ttWl, JjANDY CATHARTIC 104 25 so ABSOLUTELY GHSRANTRRD '? rnn anf flUWUU 1 iUI UUHItHfl 1 LLU t ,,.. nt-t, r puiannimoKift rrce. Ail. STKUMM1 IIKMKIIV iiiiH -T . iiriiiiiiV PL ATT & FREES GO., Ghieago Itamber Yard, KEI) CLOUD, -Lauiiber,, Lime9 "w5?E.!. J. V: i t"-i ii 5&0 mS';Jrl F:?:y.wC !.' ' , Hi, .HI t lXD yr?ir '7l t,i'' f CM.Ij on --v--.'KMr'.n; I AWAf-fc-k "M" v-, .tl. ' " '&jWtL jfA ' imm l& mm i "- ts n M A 'M IU I HVii 5 ( A mt y -a CS7!c: AVINER BROTHERS, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. :Q1: ....the.. m Weekly Inter LARGEST CIRCULATION 07 MY It is wdically Rrpublican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and eaniestncssJ fiie? iAt?K?ii iiLirrfs It Is Morally Clean and as a inc. ncEnui in i bn wcnri wwri-biKO nkb (ragjga THENEW8ANDBESTCURRENTLITERATURE V 2 The Literature ot its columns is equal to that of the best tuags zlaes. It la Interesting to ihe chil dren as well as the parents : THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and pItcs its readers the best and ablett discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. i nn-pniRE nvF nm v..w . ...v. wo- .wa.c.r... . --...- I TITE DAItT AMS OTHDAT EDITIONS OF THE ISTEK OCLAIf AHE BEST OF THEIR OMD. rrlriMifDiillv liv iu:ill I'rlcx ir Siiiiilny liyniiill lliilly nut) smiil-n liy iniill Boac!iauouCc;KoycA.-jjnicsD(53cscscn&20KoBa(5BH c 4 f 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 rV- We Buy to Sell THE NEW YEAR finds tts with a complete and up-to-date line .of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Silver Plated Ware, at popular Prices. Our repairing is continuing to give satisfaction, the reason being that we do all work properly and give a guarantee that means something. II we have not your patronage we would be pleased if you would give us an op portunity to demonstrate that what we say is true. Kewliouse Bros. JEWBLERSKND OPTIC1HNS, eity Drav and ROSS St RIFE, PROS, Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR HAND MADE HARNESS ! I- tho IhM hi'i"uiM it i.f iniuln to uso in pliti's wliuro uuinmon listruchn would nm st-inil u tot. I cnii mnko you tin nil Imnd intiilo Imiiii'.s iiciir.3 us I'litiip us you can get tlin ouuinion liurni"-s Wlion you want liurni'ss i-oiuu in ami look- ovur my stock wlOi'lii'uiiiiol bo stii'iiiihsi'il in tlio Kupiildiciin valloy. Fly Nets, Whips, Saddles, Etc. nml in fuot ovrrytltiiiR iisua'ly kopt in u lirst olasa litirucsa sliop. Trimming nml Hoimir Work uotitlj ami promptly nttonded to. ALL DRUGGISTS "wnrrniMtlpnllon. rcrft nre the Ideal Lax srlti or urine. hut rnu-e eaur natural renulti. (jam I O.. Chimin). Montreal. Cnii.. or!Sen lor. IM.i KKItKASKA. Coal and Cement. ""gr?- J- II Jj II lit y,? is well said that manners make the' man.but the more solid ingredient of character is also necessary to a true ' typs of manhood. If a man has these both, i and also has the good sense to dress welH nt wm mm me "laicusinng out" lor mm all over the world. FOR REALLV CORRECT DRESS In Material, Style, Fit, Finish, and Gentle ' ii.aniy eneci, you snouict order your tailor ing of M. BORN & GO.. The Great Chicngo Merchant Tailors for over 21) Yean llir r rail.n In ih. n..., Traile. "Vou can get n "BOHN" Suit or Overcoat lor less n.oncy than is usually paid for Inferior 1'IT AM) FINISH CirATlAivrKinn. Three Hundred Choice Sample to Select from. fiGfi POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WEST vBut it can always be relied on for fair and honest reports of all po litical movemenzJy'i''jjiJis nrrAU oiinm ik?b Family Paper Is Without a Peer. ES r,i :i'i tJ Kl n w m o M i in per YFlR-Sl.oO n M M O $1.00 ipr yrur B III , 3 I'd ior Jciir m Uf 2J .. $11.00 wr rnr 0 TT 2 7 , Express bine. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest ADAAS EXPRESS CO. J.O.BXJIMvJeK. (kRlNiP Q li cm f:1 m u f ) . v wt n . frps3jtffi8ra Twwua,wnmsfvn- fVMft,wiwww' -m.m-