THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JAN. 7. 1898. H rif 11: Cure nil liver Mi, bilious ness, headache, sour atoin ncli, ImllRcstlon, cumula tion. Thoy net rnMly. with- out pfilnor crlpc. folil liy nil iInifrIOs, 2 rents. Tho only l'lll to take with Hood's farfii.irllla. s Pills STATE CR12EK. CIiih. Isom Inn lierii very siel; but is improving fast. Miss Curry's jiiliool coiiiiuuirmmI on lust Moiuluy at Ml. Hope afii'r a two wcek't) vacation. .Snnutol Momitfonl .sold m-voii loads of .sholk'il corn to A. Mi'CJall, or a littlo over 950 worth, at 1 lo per bushel. Times seem lo l)o 1,'t'ttinK better at the beginning of the new year. IIors 811.10, corn loj, fat cows Si), butter 18c, i-RgH 18c to SOe. A pleasant New Year's dinner was given last Saturday by James Mount ford last Saturday. Only relatives were in attendance. Young men .should not sit up in a ilnrk room with a young lady. Men have been known to get their arms out of place by doing mi. Wo hear of men paying !' for corn husking. Where is some of those fel lows who say they can s;et out one hundred bushels per day. Mt. Ilopo will reorganize her Sunday hchool next Sunday, tho Dili, tvorj one eoinu out. You have a choice who you will have for superintendent. A great many on this creek have lost their liogn with the new fatal disease, but since the cold weather the plague ucems t have abated to a considerable extent. Somo of tho corn gathorer.s In this part nro making $1.-10 per day at two cents per bushel. That is bettor than working for board as somo have been doing tho past three or four years. Mr. Momitfonl has been on the siok likt for tho past wuek. Ho received a letter from London stating that his brother Samuel was dead, and that his mother was still alive and over eighty years old. The boy king of Spain was born a king, his father having died before his birth. Alfonzo XIII, who is now ton years old, will in eleven years more take the place of his mother, who Is now queen, if ho lives and his country does not belong to somo other nation. The Christmas tree at Mt. Hope and Andcrsonvillo was a grand success ex oopt poor order at Mt. Hope. The ex ercises were splendid, the recitations good, tho choir did woll and tho Mhscs Sallio Stevens and Kmma Mouutford were hard to excel as organists. Old Santa was a tine looking chap. OCCASIONAL) ablo time wan had. Many happy re turns Will. If those two young men who went lo Red Cloud to get girls for the parly Ntw Year's night had kept their eyes open while around homo they would not have had one half the trouble nor got so badly loft. Sunday school was dismissed last Sunday for want of attendance. Wheio's that Sunday school we were going to run all by our Uev. Hewitt, the new United Breth ren minister, and family arrived licio Tuesday evening. They drove through from the eastern part of tho state. When You have a Bad Cold. You want the best medicine that can be obtained, and that Is Chamberlains Cough Hemedy. You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but ell'ect a per manent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will coun teract the tendency toward pneu monia. You want a remedy that is pleasant anil safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy is the only medicine in use that meets ill of these 'requirements. This remedy is famous lor its cures of bad colds throughout tho United Stales and many foreign countries. It has many rivals, but, for the speedy and perma nent cure of bad colds, sttntls without a peer and its .splendid qualities are everywhere admired and praised. For sale by II. E. (Jriee. MB. STABLER SATS, vBrff Local Treatment for Catarrh Does no Good. Mr. E. M. Stabler, Payne, Ohio, writes: "I had catarrh of tho head. I tried a local catarrh remedy and it did mo no good; 1 tried two different cat arrh snuffs and they did mo no good; I tried a catarrh balm and it did mo no good; our homo doctor and his modi ino did tuo no good; I tried a Fort Wayne doctor and ho did mo no good. I gayo them all up for thoy wero doing mo no good. All thoy .wore after was my monoy, and thoy got it, and that was all thoy wautcd. Then I got a Po-ru-na Alma nac. I read it all through and saw that Po-ru-na was highly recommond ed for catarrh. I took eight bottles and they cured mo sound and well. I am 50 years old and can do a good day's work right along. I think Pe-ru-na is tho best medicine that was over got up for catarrh. I think every ono that has catarrh should use it, as I beliovo it will do tho sume for others as it has dono for mo." Send to Po-ru-na Drug Manufactur ing Compamy, Columbus, Ohie, for Dr. Hartman's free book on catarrh. Ask your druggist for afrco Pe-ru-na almanac for 1808. LINE. Row Prosser has "rung oil" at Dutch Flat. L. A. Haskins is hauling off his rent corn this week. Earnest Haskins iinished husking corn New Year's day. Rev. Hewitt dolivored two sermons at Lower Penny creek school house Sunday. A party of town peoplo wero out in this neighborhood chasing jack rabbits Now Year's day. Roscoe Burton and Sol Drake of Franklin visited with R, D. Carpontor and family tho lir.t of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Peak and Will Pealc and family of Franklin, visited their sister, Mrs. E, A. Carpenter Now Year's day. Will Aubushon gavo an oyster sup per nuil party at Ida homo New Year's night. A goodly number of young folks wero prcsout and a very enjoy INAVALE. Will Iron again supports a bicycle. A good many are losing hogs around hero yet. Will McChntocK is husKing corn for A. E. Woleott. II. (J. Sawyer is buying a good deal of corn theso days. Our blacksmith, Mr. Ward, has put up a new windmill. Mr. Rroomlield bought a team of horses one day last week. Miss Meud Knight is homo from a visit with her sister at. Alma. Charley Olmstead has been lai I up with ono of Job's comforters of late. Mr. Frank Frisbio and wife of Lester visited friends here Saturday an J Sunday. Oral Oarner, who has been quite sick, is very much better, wo are glad to say. Mrs. E. P. Walters has returned from a visit with friends at Denver and Ak ron, Colorndo. Miss Mary Nyo of Hastings, Nebras ka, visited at S. E. Wolcott's a few day? last week. S. E. Woleott and Rob Mooro wont to Red Cloud Wodncsday night to at tend tho M. W. A. lodge. Miss Ethel Harvey came, homo from Endicott Tuesday ovening, where she went to spend tho holidays. Mrs. Uroomlisld and children and Mrs.uEddy spent tho holidays with rel atives at Indianola, Neb. Geo. Hummell gavo a tlanco in bis liouso last Friday night. Thero was a nice crowd and all report a good time. BLADEN. Have you got it 18U8. Dr. Koohler drove over to Campbell Tuesday. - School began Monday after a week's vacation. Mrs. II irtlett is visiting her son W I linm at Campbell. Thos. Snyder and wife drove over to Rlue Hill Sunday. Prof. Dresbback spent Now Year's with friends in Cowles. T. W. Ualley k. Son transacted busi ness at Red Cloud Monday. Mrs. Ed Hoffman visited with friends in Red Cloud over Sunday. Lute Warner and family were the guests of V. S. Hall Sunday. Frank Whuolaii and wlfo Sut.daycd with her parents north of Campbell. Tho Misses Thorno gave a party Fri day evening to their intimate friends. Hilly Whilten of Rlue Hill was doing business with V. S. Hall New Year's day. Thos. Rurileu drove down to tho county scat Sunday, returning Mon day. L. R. Wylder has taken the place of J. E. Yost as grain buyer for II. (iiiuil ii Co. J. S. White and Duputy Sheriff Con rad were iu tho city looking after taxes. Miss Laird returned Monday morn ing after a week's visit with her pa rents. A lodge, Supremo Court of Honor by name, will bo organized at tills place. A.P.Johnson invoiced last week. Hyi nc Bros and C. E. Hicks arc at it this wctk. Tho Umatilla Medical company is again iu this city giving ten cent enter tainments. Mrs. Marshall and Miss Abblo Wyl der returned to Harvard Monday where the latter is attending .school Willie and Rose Thorne and Miss Lute returned to Lincoln Moudav to resumo their studies at tho university. Rev. Fly, a Holy Saint preacher, tilled tho Baptist church pulpit Mon day and Tuesday evenings of this week. Miss Blanche Cox was greatly sur prised when she arose Chris .mas morning and found a new organ iu tho house for herself. JTho Now Year's tree at tho Congre gational church was a decided success, as it was given mostly for the benelit of tho Sunday school children. They art) the ones who enjoyed it. Burlington Bouto California Excur sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Omaha -i:!$fi p.m., Lincoln (5:10 p.m. and Hastings 8:50 p.m. every Thursday in cltau, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; ears run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over tho .scenic route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and backs and are provid ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. Uniformed pollers and experienc ed excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob jects of interest and in many other ways helping lo make tho overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets uin honored. Berths $T. Kor folder giving full iufoi mutton, rail at nearest Burlington Route ti'ket olllce, or wiite to J. frnncis, O P. A Omaha, Neb. ft Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, halt rheum ntul eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without nn equal. It relieve! the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, Itching pilc3, chapped hnnds, chronln sore eyes anil granulated lids. Dr. Cady'8 Condition Fowlers for homes nre the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Prk-o, 25 cents. Sold by What Do the Children Drink. Don't (,'I.e tlii'in tfii nreulfce lUvo ou tried the now fond ililnk culled (ill.UX-O. uindoof puiw khiIih Unit lukes tho place u coll'ee. The nioroiiiulii o )oii give your children the more Iiciillli yuii dlMrlhtite through their )Menis. Grain O In iiiinlc- of pure urn Ins and u holt properly prepared tnste-i lll:e the choice (jrndfji or colleo hiilcokW at. out one fourth an much. All Krocors tell It. 15c and iA'e. Try Grain-o I Tiy Grain-O ! Ask jour grocer todny to show jon n pnekneo or UltAINO, the new food drink Unit tfikcs the ilncu of coll'eo. The children tuny drink It ulllnmt Injury ns well ns; thu rulult. All who try ll like It. UHAIN O' bus thnt rich ccitl (iron it of .Moclm or .Invn.'but It Is mnde from imruumitis. nod the mut delicate Moinnrh re- ceUes it without dlMrcx. lfie nud Kc per pneknue. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. . In tho illhtrlct court of Webster county, Nc hrni-kn. M. A. Hiutlgnn, i Plaintiff, VS Minnie A Drnke, George . Drnke, her hii'-bitud, .tolm Uenuchinni. )!rs .lolm iiciiuchnuqi, his wife, mm II. I), button, lir-t full liiimo iinknuu n Ucfcildltllts SfcllVICK Of Hl'MMO.N UV l't'lll.ll'ATION. John lieniit'linniti mid Mra..lohn llenucluiinp. hli wife, defendants, tnke notice thnt on the atith iliiy of November. Irtff.M. A. Ilnrllgiiu. Pliiiutirr herein, tiled his nctltlnli In the illMrlcl roi.rt of Webster county, Nchni-kii, ii;iiliit the siild dtfi'inUuts liiipleiidcil with otheri, (he object nml pntyer of which lire to foreclose u eettnlii inortKiiKe deed executed by the defend nnt .Minute A. Drake and (Home W. Drnke upon the northeast iiimrler (ne i or section nineteen (ill), town one tli ruiineteii (loj. Web ster county. Ncbrnskn. snttie ns purchased rroin nn lltirhiiKlcn itnd .Missouri lllver Itnllroml i fiipnii) iu Nebraska l the cnM (leorge W. Id ike. m !( ore the pajtnent of one lertiitu pi mlwny not'! dated August 1Mb, s'h), ror ii" Mini 'if Two Hundred (Mjonm dollar!', due mi'! pajuble un epteiiiber 25th. HiT. after the d.itn thereof I'hnt theie lh now due. p.tynhlc and unpaid iipnii said note Mid inoilgiige the sum or S'lli.M ' i which mm. with lnteiet from the llrst day of Noxeinber, isu?, plnlutilV pni it decree Unit d'fen ant" ate reiilicd lo pay the iiliie or Unit tlio Mild jircinlK's nuiy be Mild to satisfy the amount found due. I'biliitlll further prnj that the mid pretended di eil n now appears or record from tho dercuil -.iit .Minnie A. Drake and George W. Drnke to their en ilefemliiiit .lohu lleauehninp be can i idled, vacated, set aside nml held ror naught mi fnrns the fiiino in any manner clTeels the Kiibl inortgiiHC deed agalnrt the said lauds Von are reunited to answer the said petition m or before Monday the 10th dny of .lanuary, lv-i, orthu petition of the plalutlll' will be li.lsMi as true and the court move for the relief 1 .. rein p'njed. Datid November !fti 1M7. M. A. llAl'.TIIIAN. Ily Inns M. ciiAt'FtN. his attorney. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. an- City and countiy calls promptly swered day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Okfici: ovr.u Corn no's Uuuo Stout: J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK VOIf WANT IT. Crown llriilge Work or Teeth Without i'latu. I'OHl'Kr.AlX INLAY And nil the latest Improvenfent Is dental mccb aiiNn KANDULl'll JIuMTT, AHOHXEV und COUXSELOK AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and 1'robato Litigation. MOON lil.OCK, RKD CLOUD, NBUltAS v ". U the price or roilce 'kulil by ad Krocers. Rheumatism SlltilllFF'S SALE. - cond publication Dec. .1. No'lre U hereby Klven that ninb'i mid b lr tue ol an order of miU; I-ued from theothieof .lames llurden. Clerk of the District ( ourt of the Tenth .Indicia) District, within and tor Wctislrr county. Nebraska, upon a decno In an action pendlui! therein, wherein 1'. K. Dederlck W plalutltr and aalnst Albett Henry. Delia Henry tils wire, Tlrst National Dank or lllue Hill Nebr.. and Mark Hrothers, defendant. I shall olTer for sale at public vendue lo the hluheit bidder for cash In hand, at the east door or the court lioute, at ltcil Cloud, In mid Web Her county, Ncbraxka. (that btrfiiK the hulldltiK wherein the last term or suld court was lioldeu) on the :wth day or November. A. D. ISO, at mo o'clock p.m. of Mild ilny. the following de scribed property. to wit: The northeast quarter of section four (1). township four (I.) north range nine (it.) west or the fllli l. .M. in Webster county, Neb taska. (ilvcii under my hand this 'JSth day ofOcto ber, A.I). IV.iT. .1. V. Iti'NriiRY, Sheriff. it. T. 1'oTTiai, I'laliilllt's Attorney. This Mile U continued for want of bidders until .lauuarv lib, 1MK at one o'clock p.m. rilven under my hand thN nt day of Decem ber. 1KI7. .1. W. ItesiHKY herlft'. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. Kidnoy and Bladder Troubles. If you sutler from kiduey, bladder or urinary troubles, or from too frequent or scantj urine, Dr. Fenuers Kidnoy and Backache Curo is what you want. Hod-wcttinR by children is generally cured by one bottlo of this powerful remedy. Testimonials are disregarded many peoplo doubting tho honesty or sincerity of them, wo theroforo avoid givittg any hero, but will furnish them on application to dealer whose name is given below. If not satislied after us ing oue bottle your money will bo re funded by C. L. Cotting. i ECKLEY. Weather line. Happy Now Year to all. Farmers still gathering com. Miss Anna Orr spent her vacation at home. Mr. and Mr.s.Davidlludson expect to start tor Oklahoma soon. Some of our folks took supper with Mrs. Cook New Year's evening. liossio Middloton is visiting frieuilB and relatives in this community. The children of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Miller took dinner with them Now Year's day. Quito a largo crowd attended tho Christmas entertainment attko church Chri6tmas ovo. Kveryono was highly pleased with tho lecturo given by Kov. Darby on "Wit and Humor." Mr. and Mrs. NT. G. Orr of Ft. Col lins, Colorado, and Mr. J. W. Purvis of Hortrand spent the holidays with A. Orr and family. Tho nflkors elected for the Eckley Sunday school are, Superintendent, A. Howard, assistant superintendent, S. . Hall; Secretary, Kdwin Vancu; treasurer, Alox. Monier; librarian, Warren Vance, organist, Miss Ann (ircenhalgh. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Ilromo QuiniuoTab let All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 25o. Livor Complaints and NorvoubncsB Cured. A torpid liver always produces dull ness, irritability, etc. You are all clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you have treated with physicians or tried some other recommended mod icino without bouelit. All that is no argument against "Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Ncrvo Tonic," which wo insist will curo nervousness and liver complaints. If not sutlslied after using ono bottle your money will be refunded by C. L. Cotting. Klondike. What does it cost to get there T When auil how should you go? What should ono take? NVhero are tho mines? How much Iirto thoy produced? Is work ploatifulY What wages are paid? Is living expensive? What aro ouo's o.hnncc.4 of "lHakinir & gtrlkn" Comploto and satisfactory replies to tho above questions will be found in tho Burlington Route's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information and au up-to-ualo map of Alaska and tho Klondike. Free at Burlington Route ticket oflices, or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Frauds, Uon'l Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Nobr. m Pon't Tektrro (ipit and Smoke lourl.lfo Amr. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac netlc. full of life, nervo and vigor, tako No-To-Ilnc, tho wonder-worker, that umUcs weak men Htrong. All druRKUts, SOoorJI. Curo Guaran teed. Hooklet and H.impio free. Address Sterling Hemedy Co., Chlcuk'O or Now York. Kdarntd Vour nnireN With CitsnirctK. Unnily ratluirtlc. cure rnnptijui'm fora'cr iOc.SJc. ItCCC fail. ilPi'ireistriifn"ii "onpv mm i'tjhbt Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best arc only tonics anil cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Grecncastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which thebest physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I was soon able to move my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegeta table) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. NVe will end to anyone MASTKli'S SALIC. Notice N hereby kIx en that under and by vir tue or an order or mlc issued from the olllce of .liiinus llurden. Clerk or tho District Court or the Tenth .Judicial District, within and for Webster County. Nebraska, upon a deciee In an action penilhiK therein. wlmrelnTliu l'hoenlx Insurance Company or Hartford, Conn., Is plain lltVnnd iii;ilnt William II. Howe, .Martha .M. Howe, .lohiinnu Tall, biinihvleli Enterprise Co.. Kansas Mfjr. Co.. I'lntt, r'lees Co.. VirM Nat'l Hunk of Nile, .Mich.. Ilarurcave" llros,, Perkins Windmill Co.. .loseph (Jraves, (leo. V. I.lmUey and I.. W. Tulleys, trus'ee, for E. I'. Ham inotxl defendant", I shall oiler for sale at public vendue to the highest bidder for audi In liiiiiii. in the east door of the court house, at Ilea Cloud, in said Webster county, Nebraska, (that bcliiK 'be hulldliiK uhcrclu the Int teim of hrIiI court was holden) on the lt day of February. A. I). ISS-S. at one o'cb ck p 111. or said d-.iy, the following de.-erlbed properly lo wit: The soutUcHt quarter of tevtlou fourteen (I I.) township three (.'!,) north, ranee leu (ID) west ilth I' M. iu Webster eounly, Nebr. Clxeu under my hand this 9th day or De ceuiber. A. I). 1W. W. K. Kr.Li.nnii, Matter Commissioner. WniniiT A stout, l'lnlntlirn AttomeyH. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. I JOHN POLNICKY, l'KOl'UlKTOK. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. Ml' m Hold Fast Clothes Line HANGER. A new and useful device which every family will buy, Ik sold only through local HKepts, Mmple and ntroiiR; can be rut up anywhere; iccurely holds rope or wire: Instant adjustment and removal of line; no props needed. Sulln 011 (debt. Popular price Agents wanttd every where. Exclirelvo territory. Attrectlvu terms. 1'rtmiumt ami nroJU-tharlmj. Anyone may be come nh'cnt. isAsn-LK l'Ain. by mall, i'ic. KELSO NOVELTY CO., 338 Locust St. Philadelphia, Pa. ALWAYS ON TAP. 99 TIMETABLE. B. & M. H.T RED CLOUD, NEBR. our valuable books. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. sss Pennyroyal pills Ik JVii y'w wf eilall as Onto OoiaUe. r ! XMm Uraialit Mr CktcJtmttr mtmdMn .w M jrniiia Dt-Arl SoUatUlUiWMW IkbdV . MrmndltttlAI urn. mM with Mac ribboa. AlhBk JlBlJUimiMilflflli miaikHMitmltiMi AiDrmtlMi.f imAAa. 1 mbi tor .wnltilv, tcttliiwUU u4 ttMlUt fbr taMtm." m htltr. br ntan !. !U.MIOTMtlBMlIi. Namu Pmr. at.thmMekmtmlCmMmAUm Plan. UMlOfuuML rillLAIM.. PA. y&&&9QWSSWSSWS'SS&3W3-i& BED WETTING is rarely tho fault of children. They can't help It, because of thu weakness that causes it, and they aro too young to exerclsp tho will-power of a grown person to arise out of sleep when troubled with irritable bladder or weak kidneys. Parents can help and prevent it, so they tell us in their letters, because it can be CURED Tho box of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kid noy pills obtained by mo from John HcinriU & son's drug store I tried on my daughter who could not hold ber water. At times wo wero obliged to tako her up four or live times a night, She lias used them sinco, and wo very seldom have to tako her up at all, and never more than ouce. She Is five years old and is greatly improved. V. O. Elms, IS View St., llolyoke Mass. HOBBS Sparagus Kidney Pills. HOBBS ItEMBDY CO., PnorniETOBi, Cutciot Dr. Hobbs 111I For .Snle in UK1) CLOUD, NKU by C. Li.COTTINU, Dmlst. LEliAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska, Webster coiiutv. m. In the DUtrlct Court thereof, or die Tenth Ju dicial dUtrlct. NthruBka Loan A Trust Company 1'ialutitr v Alfred C. Jackson, - Jacksvn, his wife, llrst name unknown. I'elllboneAiN'lxou.J.W.WIiimu .v Mn, 11. 1;. .unman, jni.'k 1 bonhls wife, first umno unknown Dcfeutinnls, j NOTICE Of WHIT. The above iiuuiwl defcndiiuti. Alfied 1: Jack son, Jackton, his wife, llrst tianio unknown, 1 and l'cttlboue it Nixon, and eat h of them arw hereby uotltled thnl the above named plaintiff I has tiled In tho nbove named court lis petition against them and the ortier dcfeiiduntH named above; that the object and praer of said pe tition of the plalntllf are to forecloi-e a nu'rlgaKu bearlni: dale tho lt ilnv of October, isu-.'. ex Cfiitcdby tho above named defendant Andtew U, .laekxiii on tue ioiiowiiik dehcrird real v. tatehltuato in tho county of WcbMcr In the Slate of Nebiiuka, to wit: The KOtitheKt inmrter (U) of Kectlon twenty six (id) Iu tun 11 ship two ti) north, rniiKo ten ill)) west of thu eth I'. M. Thu said defendants Airrcd 0, Jackson, Jacktaii, his wife, llrst name unknown, and l'cttlboue A Nixon, are further uotiilcd that and each of them, aro required to appear and ansMcr said petition of plalutlll' on or before, .Moudav. the fourteenth dav of February. 1S1W. or said petition of plaintiff will be iakeu us truo and a decree will bo rendered acalnst them, tho said defendants, aid tho other defendants named herein, decrceliiK that the said mortKUKCs nud each of tbcm, be foreclosed ; that the abovo described real state anal be appraised, silver Used and soU at public auction by tho sheriff of suid Webster county, to inane and raise tho sum of ttiOfi.iUduu toiilalutiif on its said mortiratte together with Interest on said sum, at tho rate of ten per cent from the llrst day of December, lttrr, and tho costs of tills suit and such sale; and said decree will further provide that you, the mid defendants, and the other defendants mmied herein, and each of you. shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all cnuitT of rcdsmti- tlon and other Interest In and to said real IX Nehbadka Loan A Tiiust Co, Ily Oho, V. Wohk, thtlr attorney. ; HYQEIA CORSETS.- 4? B vHLwl b AOXIfTS 'WAHTXS. c h r.ipcrk nr nut neorswiry. Koc prices ami par- A C ttculurs wrlto tli Manufartnreia, J, g WI.WTKUN fwtm-.T CO.. Wt. Vo, Mo. x LINCOLN OMAHA CHIC AlW S'l. JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS aiul nil points cast and smith. DENVER HELENA IIUT'IE SALT LAKE fc'T PORTLAND SAM FRAXC1SC9 and all point wssl. TRAIN!) LEAVE AN FOLLOWS! No. 60. Freight, dally except Sunday for wymoreandall point east 8:00 a.m. No. 18. I'asseiiRer, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louts and all points cast and Bouth , .... JO :00a.m. Nn. 143. Accommodation, daily cxccdi Sunday. Hastings, Oraul Is- Illlts IBIlll. IllBCK IntH ill tho northwest i :00 p.m. and all poiuta in tuo nortuwcsi No. Ul. Accommodation, dally except sunaay, udcnui, Kansas, ana Intennedlato stations, via He No. iniblican. 01. Freight, dally, Wymore and No. 63, and Intermediate Junction points- 13:10p.m. . Frctght, dally for Kepubllcan Orleans.Oxfordandall ilms west 10 :30 a.m. No. 15. Vasaerwur. dally. Denver, all points in Coloiado, Utah and California 8:40 p.m. Sleeping, dining, and reclinliiR chair cam' (seats free) on through trains, Tickets sold aud baggage checked to any point in tho United States or Canada. Kor Information, tlmo tables. map or ticket cull on or address A. Couover, Agent, lied Cloud, Xcbr. or J. Viands, Geuetal Fasseugcr Agent Omaha. Nebraska. il B W . ! H ftH H m Bw ll 1 B pH HB LB &H 1 1 f9 m A M B H k w H H l M km H aaa MkS km v aal aaaVv ll H H H H Kl H HT il Baal H H L H VH I fj.vf.itiL and Trade-Marks obtained and all P cnt business conducted for MoDKRATK Feib. our Orrict is oppoain U, 8. PATtNTorric and we can secure patent to la time than those remote from Washington, NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS lied Cload. Neb., January 7, 1898. To Moses Meru. owner of lot I'-', block 4, orlgl mil town of Ited Cloud, nud to I.oun IIhx, owner of lolNhaml 0, block 10, Smith A Moore's ad dition to lied Cloud. You and eacli of you are hereby uotltled that pursuant to an order made therefor, by tha council of said City, at 11 meeting held 011 the 3th day of January, IMW, you aro required to repair or rebut m siuewams rromingon saiti ioin wnn In lUteen ilius froai receipt of tills notice or ninn will be, built bv tho C 111" and con of sa d repairs or building said side walk levied as a special tax ngalliM the lots. Attkst: (leo. ,1. Waiiiikn, Mayor. L. K.Tait, city Clerk. f 1 -.1.1 -7m s ntiAtrt . tfh Afn. CIaU IllUUCIa UiHKiUk wa ij.. ---.- tlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free 01; charre. uur lee noi uue 1111 raicm i sciuicu. A PAMPM rtt of AAme tent free. Address, Our (ee not due till patent Is secured. , ipmlct " How to Obtain Talents," with ame in the U. S. and foreign countries; C.A.SNOWdEpCO. OPP. PATENT Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. k Frouiol. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM . 1 Msuiin( u oatr. luaulani frawin, Merer Taila to Beitu Qray uair 10 ! id.iu ui vwiwr, Curci srilp duvsttt u hair t.IIUj, Aoe.sDiUlmiat Drufttu Kvi-rvbody fnya Ho. Cacaroh Cauilv Catlmrtlo, the tnout T.-nn- ,ii-,il im.wII.miI illu'nvnri' nf the UL'O. IllCllb- a-1 .mil rorrosliintr to tho taste, act Kcnlly ai.d luiBitlvelv mi kidneys, liver and Jioweli, cl-anMiiB tho entire nystrni, dispel colds, cuiiilipmlnuho, fever, hahltunl constipation ami blilnii).ni!"i. I'lciiau buy anil try u box ou:. (J. C. lo-tlnv; 10, J.'i.M) tents. Holdaau guaranteed to cure by all drugclsts. Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WMNER IUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR CABS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Cents. I i rl i f )4 G -y; - T-,T,iaJ