The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 17, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    rHJfl RED CLOUD UHlflF, jmiDAlk., DjiO. 17, IWi.
r '
's ,
Ivy Poison
Child Suffered for Throo Ycnra
Without Rollof-Terrible Itching
and Burning Skin Disease
When thrro months old our boy was
polsdned with Ivy. He suffered lor three
yiars without ccttliiR relief. I naw
one ot the advertisements of Hood's Sor
wiparilln, consisting 'of n testimonial
where n child wan cured ol Ivy poisoning.
My fnltti was very wrnk nt llrst, but I
lold my husband I would like-to try n
hottlo ol Hood's Hnreitparlllit. Doctor's
medicine hnd failed to help liim In tho
least. Wc concluded to buy live bottles
of Hood's Snrcapnrllla mid tho child be
gan tokliiK It. lleforo bo hnd finished oil
tbnt wu had purchased ho was cured. I
have also been cured o! skin dlsenBo by
11 ood 'h Hnrnpnrlll.i. I was In mich a
condition that I conld hnrdly cntluro tho
itchliiK nnd luirnliig. I felt that 1 must
give Hood's Hiirnnpnrlllnu fair trial, which
I did. I took four bottles nnd It cured
me." Ciimstina Ohki:n, Cannstota, S. 1).
Hood's Sarcnparllln Is sold by all drtiK
clets. ft; six for $5. BoBUroto(;ct Hood's.
ri'iiuiir,t nv
3nc your ! W
jlimontliK M
Entered at the poM otllcc nt Ited Cloud, Neb. at
locoinlcUaamall matter.
The lied Cloud, Neb., Vllltil',
weekly, is credited with the Utrycxt
circuliition uceorded to any pter in
lied Cloud vr in W'tMer county or
in the Fifth Congressional District.
Printer's lid; July '28, 1807.
Democratic opposition to tho unnox
ntion of Hawaii, which litis hecomo so
pronounced Mneo tho reassembling of
cougress, is fully explained by :i story
that lms been told by tho Knowing
ones in Washington. According to
this story, tho democratic party bus
boon sold by its leaders in congress to
the sugar trust, which ail tho world
knows is willing to spend an enormous
amount of money to prevent tho an
nexation of Hawaii. Tho sugar trust
has agreed to furnish a corruption
fund which tho democratic loaders be
lieve to bo largo enough to enable them
to elect a democratic majority in tho
Irausa next year and adomocratlc pres
ident in 11)00, If tho democratic leaders
aausucccod in. preventing tho annex
ation of Hawaii,' either through the
ratitloation of the treaty or by direct
legislation. That is why tho domo
ttratio senators, with two exceptions,
aro all working against tho ratification
f kite treaty, and why the domocrats
of tho house will this weok, in caucus,
declare against annoxatlou. But this
disgraceful deal cannot, bo carried out,
became tho domDcratsJoannot prevent
tho annexation of Hawaii.
Chairman Dingley's emphatic state
ment in the homo about the prospect
ive revonuos ami expenditures of tho
government, disposed of tho whole
batch of mhrcpresimtations as to re
publicans seriously considering legis
lation to furnish additional rovonuc.
Of wourso, everybody in Washington
know that those stories were purely
imaginary and that tho only object in
circulating thorn was to dWci'udlt the
admlnlitration untl tho republican
partv. Mr. Dlngloy did not simply
make tho assertion that tho revenue
to tho 'government would; uxccctl its
ovp.'ndlturos "by out least J?U),O00,lM0
during thy iiju Usual yu ;r, butjb.icked
his assertions with figures which had
tlioiuiqu illudd endorsement of lYcsi
dent MeKinley and Secretary O.ige.
No loi'latl mi providing for revenue is
ointoiwplatml by the republicans in
oomgiMss, for the simple jreason that
none is uoodi'd; jtltu l)Iitly law is
steadily Increasing 'the revenue and
will provide all tho money necessary
to uuonumlo.illy administer tho gov
ern nieiit.
Tho fact that seventy-two republican
Kiembors of the hoiipariiolpatcd in
u eonferoneo called after they had
each signed a papurjjth it the eonfer
oneo should consistent such republi
can mumburs asJiavor;thcliiiodilieatlon
of tho civil service law, or a more lion
eUonioreemoiitof Its provisions, or a
xioio curtain doinltiou ofjtho extent of
its iippliiMtlon," convinced even tho
most iloubtlng that therejis serious re
publican opposition to a contiuuaiico
of the prosunt elvll;sorvico situation.
Those republleacs believe in real civil
kurvlee reform, but notjin tho sham ar
tide for which Mr. Cleveland is re
sponsible, which covered with tho pro
tecting cloak of civil Jsorvii'M reform
thousands of democrats who entered
the piibllo service by,jlho;disniissal of
lepubllcaus, for no 'other; cause than
their republicanism U'dueed to what
they consider its legitimate function
every one of these republican represen
tatives would vote for a continuance of
tho civil service law, Jbut rather than
see It continued in Its present shapo,
they will will work foists repeal or
crippling in any manner within their
power, and they will not lack for
staunch supporters among tho rank and
lileiif tho party throughout tho coun
try. V
If tills isn't tho short business session
of congress that it ought to be, tho re
publican leaders of the house are fully
determined that no blame shall be laid
at their doors. Since tho first day of
the session they have been hustling.
Last week tho pension appropriation
hill was reported ami passed, and this
week tho legislative, executive and ju
dicial appropriation bills will be put
through. Thu disposal of two of ho
regular impropriation bills before tho
Christinas recess will be a record of
which the republicans of tho house
may well feel proud.
A little thing like a fact never both
ers those who lie through " choice.
When senator Hoar pnsonled tho pe
tition of Mime native llawaiiaiis against
annexation to the sunate, the liars all
rushed a statemeti oil' that ,ho had
became, tho champion of thu pe
titioners and Intended to light annex
ntion. Now where do you suppose
Senator Hoar got thai petition? From
Secretary Sherman, one of the stanch
est advocates of annexation. It was
taken to tlte state department by the
llawaiiaiis, and Mr. Sherman told
them ho would have it laid before the
senate, which had the treaty un lor
cons deratson, and he asked Senator
Hoar, as a member of tho committee
on foreign relations, to present It.
Every day senators present petitions
with whlehtlioy have no sympathy,
and nothing is'said about it, but in this
case the paid lobbyists lied in order to
impress their employers witli thu idea
that they woro earning their pay.
Don't think that your liver needs
treating if you are billions. It don't.
It's your stomach. That is, your stom
ach is really what causes tho billious
uess. It has put your liver out of order.
Sco what's tho matter with your
Sick slomnch poisons liver and then
there's trouble. Shaker Digestive Cor
dial cures stomach and then nil's well.
That's the case in a nutshell.
Shaker Digestive Cordial Is no so-
crot. Formula's on overy bottle, lint
it's tho simple honest way it's made
tho honest Sluuer herbs and other hi-
gredleuts of which It'i composed that
makes it so efllcacious.
Any real caso of indigestion and bil
llousness can bo cured with a fow bot
tles of.Shukcr Digestive Cordial.
Sold by druggists, prico 10c to $1 per
Notice t Firemen.
Meiubors of tho Rod Cioud Firo De
partment will take notice that their
presence is desired at n mooting of tho
department on Monday evening next,
December 20th. Matters pertaining to
a representation of tho department at
the State Fireman's association which
meets in January at Kearney will be
talked over.
ft wL
District Court.
The district court convened in this
city last Monday, but owing to tho ab
sence oj numerous witness, adjourned
on Tuesday to meet again on January
10, 181)3. The following cases wire
disposed of:
Laura L. Gilbert vs Catherine Gar
be r, et al. Foreclosure of moitgngc.
Defendant given 'JO days to answer
cross petition.
Marian Alexander vs M.tiud Lalna
Kiney, ct al. Foreclosure of inoi tgoge.
Dismissed at plainttlTs costs.
State Hank of Hartford v.s .lohaiin F.
Peterson, et al. Foreclosure of mort
gage. Continued for service.
Kd viu II. Hodgo vs Abraham Scctt,
ot al. l'cttitiou ir foreclosure. De
fendant given 20 days to answer cross
putltion of Howard lievons. Case to
be tried next term.
D. M. Osboru & Co. vs W. J., Jones.
Appeal by stipulation. Plaintiff given
leave to lilu petition instauter.
Statu Hunk of Hltic Hill vs .). S.
White, treasurer Webster county. Ap
peal. Motion to dismiss appeal for
want of prosecution sustained. ,
Wllholm Husking vs Joseph Kceso.
Petition. Dismissed forjwnnt of pros
ecution without, prejudice.
Albert Whiteside v.s Abraham JHnrt
man, ot al. For coutiriuution.SS.ilo
confirmed and deed ordered.
City of Hod Cloud vs J. W.Moon.
Petition in attachment. Dismissed
without prejudice
Harrow Kellov & Co. vs State Hank
of HI ue Hill. Motion to dismiss for
want of prosecution sustained. Plain
tiff excepts.
i John C. Rose vs Joseph Reese. Ap
p'eali Petitionon error sustained.
Caso held for trial. file
petition in twenty days. Defendant
ten days thereafter to plead.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs A. M.
Walters, et nl. For confirmation. Sale
confirmed and deed ordered to which
defcudantoxcepts. Exception allowed
and given forty days to prepare bill ot
exceptions. Supersedeas bond fixed at
George H. Harris vs Samuel U. Shir
ley, otal. For confirmation. Time to
show cause why sale should not bo
confirmed given until January 10, 1898
David Wise & Co. vs Onno Goos.
Petition in attachment.' Judgment
trial t court. Court finds there is duo
plaintiff from defoidant $489.24.
Mary Vroom vs A. W. Matters, et al.
For confirmation. Timo to show causo
Post Office Hours.
December 23d and 24th postolllce
will be open until U.-3U p.m. jor accom
modation of patrons who receive pres
ents through the mails. Ullico hours
ChrislHiasfromSa.m. to 12 ami 7:30
p.m. to 8 p.m.
F. W. Cowukn, Pus '.muster.
why sale should not bt confirmed giv
en until January 10, 1808. CTi
fcGeorgo F. Lewis vs Douglas J. Myers
Objection to
Miraculous Benefit
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure.
Dr. Price's CrMM Baldsg Powdai
WsrU's Psk Wtfcsrt Awsrl
Ll V. UAnCOOK, of Avoca. N. Y., a
veteran of tho 3rd N. Y. Artillery and
for thirty years of tho llubcock &
Munsul Carriage Co,, of Aulmrn, nays: "I
wrltu to express my Rralltiiilo fortliumlrtic
Inns benefit reculvcd from Dr. Miles' Heart
Cum. I suffered for yeum, us result oturiuy
Ufo, from hclutlea wlilcli utToctctl my heart
la thu worst form, my limbs swelled from
tho ankles up. I bloated until 1 wti.s unrtblo
to button my ulnthlnir; hud sharp pulus
about tho heart, Hinotlierini; spells und
shortness of breath. I'or three months I
wnsunublu folio down, und all thu bleep I
liot was In tin armelmlr. I Wil treated by
the best doetors but gradually grow wurao.
About a year n?o I commenced tuklnx Dr.
MIlnV Ni'v Heart Curo and It saved my llfo
as If by miracle."
Dr. MIlis' llimedles
aro sold by all dru
gUta nuilor a ixiiltlvo
-.....w IIm.. 1. ...I..
yiitiiiauivt i in-b imiwu
benellls or money re
funded. Hook on dis
eases ot tho heart mid
nerves free. Address,
Dlt. MHiES MriUCAl. CO., Klklmrt, lud.
BSs Dr. vaB
IS Mlica' -J
llett Uub tfrup. TMte Ooud. Cm H
M lotion. Bold by dnigjttU. M
ct al. For confirmation.
confirmation overruled, Silo confirm
ed and deol ordered to which plaintiff
oxecpts. Exception allowed nnd giv
en forty days to prepare bill of excep
tions. Supersedeas boud fixed by tho
court at tino.
Carleton K. Mann vs Henry O. Cut
ter, ct al. For confirmation. Time to
show cause why sale should not bo
confirmed given until January 10,
Rebecca A. Vroom vs F.dviu U.lDui
din, nt al. For confirmation. Time to
show causo why sale should not be con
firmed giren until January 10, 1SD8.
Kmma J. Ducker, et al v.s Fannie H.
ltronl;n, et til. For confirmation. Ob
jection to continuation overruled.
Salo confirmed and deed ol dered. Do
fendant excepts. F.xccptlou allowed
and given forty days to file bill of ex
ceptions. Super.-edens bond fixed at
German Insurance Co. -3 liort Tip
potts, wt al. For coiillriuttlon. Salo
confirmed and deed ordered.
Jennie It. Clapp, nee Atherton vs
Moses M. Miller, et al. For confirm
ation. Time show cause why salo
should not be confirmed given until
January 10, 16(13.
Parker Hanishiro vs .lames Connor,
ot nl. Sale confirmed and deed or
dered. ICnut Knutson vs John Holverson.
Appeal. Plaintiff glron leave to file
amended petition instanier or caso to
bo dismissed on fniliug to do so.
Hurlburt Ward Drug Co. vs C. II.
Law. For confirmation. Sale con
firmed and deed ouloicd.
Itylaud D. lleilfoid, ut hI vs Wm.
Snwaid Garbcr, et al. For confirm
nthm. Salo loufirmed and deed or
dered, Hyltiud Dillaul lK-dfrd vs ltetl
Cloud Power' Jo. ct til. Petition. De
fendant given 'cave lo plead iislniiter.
City of Red Cliiud, Nebraska, vs Ihe
Farmer? & Merchant's H.uikiiigCo., of
Red Cloud, Nebraska. Di-fiidant giv
en five days to tin'-wer,
Traders Lumber Co. vs Solon It.
Carpenter, ct al, For coiillrmatinu.
Sale confirmed and deed old e ted. De
ficiency judgment for plaintiff igafisl'
Carpontor fortl,720.CO. ,....
Tesslo Llghtfootvs Lafayette Light
foot. For conllrinatlon. Clerk onler
cd to pay to plain till' or her attorney
balance of money remaining in his
hands less his costs by virtue, of garn
ishee proceedings against Dr. D.ttu
crell. Pcttibono & Nixon vs Katurali Heal.
For confirmation. Sate confirmed nnd
deed ordered.
Van Itcnson vs J. W. Kuiichey, et al.
Petition for damages. Case dismissed
without prejudice.
Dorchester State Hank vs A. D. Gil
bert. For confirmation. Sale con
firmed and conveyance of stock or
dered. Deficiency judgment for plain
tiff against defendant for 83073.
F. G. Hlakeslco vs A. 11. Kaley. Ap
peal. Motion sustained. Plaintiff
takes leave toameiid petition institute!.
Wheeler C. Wicks vs C. A. Robert
son, et nl. Foreclosure of mortgage.
Default of all defendants taken. Duo
plaintiff from C. A. Robertson, Tilly
M. Robertson anil Angelina Rows, S'.'TO.
Decree of forcclosuio and order of
Nebraska Loan & Trust. Co. vs Geo.
L. Gulliford et al. Foreclosure of
mortgage. Motion confessed and
plulmitl given leave to furuisb boud in
twenty days.
M. W. Iforiiberger vs Win. S. Morris
et al. For continuation. Salo con
firmed and deed ordered.
Sarah P. L. Nasu vs Marv A. Wood-
side and Jas. M. Woodside, et al. Pe
tition in chancery. Chancy & WiihUn
enter appearance for all defendants
nnd given leave to auswor in twenty
Aunu It. Dana vs John Honker. Pe
tition in equity. Judgment on finding.
W. G. Callady vs Win. Hritton and
Eusebia A. Uriltou. Potiliou in equity.
Default of defendants taken. Duo
plaintiff on note and mortgage from
Win. Hritton and Eusebia A. Hritton
$l;135. Hist lien draws 10 per cent.
Decree and order of sale.
Umaha Loan &. Trust Co. vs Augusta
Kuhu, et nl. Petition in foreclosure.
Duo plaintiff on note and mortgage
$2045.08. First lien draws 10 per cent.
Decree and order of sale.
Henjamiu F. vs Jos. Holtz.
For confirmation. Sale confirmed and
deed ordered.
Farmers & Merchants Hanking Co.
vs Silas Harbor. Petition. Plaiutiff
given five days to file petition. De
fendant fivo days thereafter to answer.
Case sot for trial January 10 by consent
of parties.
John C. Fctzner vs U. C. Kllngmau
iV Co. Petition. Leavo given agents
to nio petition tustantcr.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs Han
nah M. Springer, ct ul. Petition 'ir
foreclosure. Default of till defendants
taken except Albert 11. Springer as to
petition of plaiutiff. Due plaiutiff
from Albert H. Springer $154.09. De
cree of foreclosure and order of sale.
Ryland D. liodford vs Farmers and
Merchants Banking Co. Petition.
Trial to court. Court Bads there is
duo plaintiff from defendant $7,781.00.
judgment on itnuing
Equitable Securities Co. vs Patrick
and Lizzie Gilroy. Petition in equity.
Dofaultofall defendants taken. Duo
plaintiff from Patrick Gilroy and Lizzio
Gilroy, $423.00. Decree of foreclosure
and order of sale. Stay of nino
Mary O. Richards vs John Waller, et
al. Un mandate, for confirmation.
Salo sot aside. Mew salo ordered.
John 11. Wahrenbargervs Iowa Now
comer, et al. Petition in foreclosure.
Default of all defendants taken. Due
plaintiff on note and mortgage $1702.40
and on taxes paid $109.00. Decree of
foreclosure and order of sale. Stay of
nino months.
Elizabeth Potter ts Oscar Potter.
Petition for divorce. Divorce granted
as prayed for. Plaintiff given care and
custody of two children.
Georgo V. Cunningham vs Mary E.
Simpson. Foreclosure of tax lion. Do
fault of all defondouts taken. Duo
plaintiff on tax certificate and deed
and taxes paid with attorney's lieu
$40.00. Decree of foreclositso and or
der of salo.
Geo. O. Yuiser vs Jautia Uose and
Clnsts Rose. Foreclosure of tax lien.
Trial to court. Court finds there is due
plaintiff from defendant the sum of
18. Decree of foreclosure and order
of .sale.
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for
ward to the hour of woman's
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her. ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, lite. Uloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations she passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without pain is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the hitih and holy duties
now devolved vpon her. Safety
to life of both is abjured by the
use of 'Mother's Friend, and
the time of recovery shortened.
"I know one lad, tho mother of three
children, who suffered greatly in the
birth of each, who obtained a bottlo of
'Mother's Friend of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that their
labor was snorter and less painful.'
John G. Pomiill, Macon, tia,
81.00 PKUBOTTLE at all Drugstores,
or sent uy axpreaa on receipt or pries.
Containing invaluable information ol
Sensible, Durable,
Christmas Present,
such as an
Overcoat or Suit
cither in Men's, Boy's or Children's.
What's more
Suitable than a
Nice Pair of Shoes, or a Silk
Men's Ankle Gaiters.
Silk Muffler,
Silk Suspenders,
Nice Batli Robe,
One of our new and Correct
in Mats,
Dress Gloves and Mittens lined with
silk, lambs wool, etc.
Galusha & Wescott.
to urge their husbands to
buy them Christmas pres
ents, or at least to get
presents for the boys and
girls. We have beautiful
things at veey low prices
such as
Watches for Boys'
and Girls, Ladles and
Searf Pins,
Cuff Buttons,
Rings in band, plain or clmised and benuti
fulset rings.
Also some very interesting silverware novelties.
and many othur things to numerous to mention.
Quautv cossiumtr.o Piiioes tiii: Lowkst.
Jewelers and Opticians.
Building; IVXciterial, Jto.
vET??. all womea, will beeest to I
tmt ' any addrew - spo application,
it to I
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees.
W1 :"
WE fut,,'
fr$Aat4 " . Lfcwtwli'Wi''ii'ttWJ''"yNjiM,aaB?ftM-iflEaytert4Mw.v jip tfo.