THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, DEC. B. 1897. s nncxDinaDnimm H j s icii D h n i-: i IV .a- I 5' 1 1 f I I'M tt . 9 Aro Raining fit or rnplilly. Burltwi men unci travel lers carry them In c;t mckfti. Inillrn rnrrr tlirm Pills in l'urif, linuM'krcpvra keep them In inixllrlne clotcU, friends recommend them to friends. V. STATE LINE. Wo conns nrthi after n hnir, ili'ltty. llu.MvliiK corn is tlm order of tin; thy. Mi Annie Potul of Hun Oak .spent S ttiinltty ami Suml'iiy with tliu Tolmiil Kills. Mis. DulluC. 11. (Jox, who litis bueii visiting hor sWtiir Mrs. Davis of this iIshju ami ittKiinliiit thu W. C.'l'. U, umiviiiilioH at HiilTttlo, Now York, iu Ttirnuil iiiunlay to Mr. Davis' and, left Tliiii'Mliir fi' her homo at Now lung, Oregon. Euiiuii Tuliinil uhtsetl a lliiooinontli'.i term of .school Friday ami is enjoying n vacation. Mr. Wallace Clino who touches in Dint No. Ml, is enjoying a vacation. From the looks of tlm buildings going up Iisccins as if ho did not always in tund to Vouch school. Ho lias hay onoiigh stacked up to last n year or two. Miss Ednti Davis is having a vacation, Thu frco Methodist minister will preach at thu school house in district JJ, 188 Sattuday evening. Btatk or Ohio, Citv ok Tomcdo, ) LUOAH COUNTV. J Frank J. Chenoy inakus oath that he la the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chenoy & Co,, doing business in tin. oity of Toledo, eounty and statu afore aid, and thrt said linn will pay thn twin of One Hundred Dollars for each mid ovory case of catarrh that cannot beciirotl hy (ho use of Hall's Catarrh Cur-o. FltANK J. ClIl'.NKV. Sworn to In fore mo an J subscribed in my presetted this flh day of Decent' ber. A. D. 1880. A. W. (.i!j:akos, skai. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curt) is taken Intern ally ami acts directly on the blood ami mucous surfaces of thu system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chi:nkv & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills mo the best. ' LESTER. Another coht streak. Joo Snlntlun and family worn hmno Sunday. Thu uuty dwellings of this place will Dwon be occupied. Ilarvoy Cox returned to his school at Uunuvn Sunday. The party at J. V. Saladon's Wed esday evening wait enjoyed by all. Thu Ladies' Union Society mot with Mm. Chas. Knsser Wednesday after oon. G. W. Baker lost a cow by poison of thu stalks. Thu party at the homo of C. C. Cox n Saturday evening was well attend eU. Everyone, reports an enjoyable (into. Somo of the young people aro on joying tbo skating. Miss Ida Maker is conliued to the house with throat trouble Mrs. Jackson is visiting in Missouri, Jiuuniu Carpenter was visiting hero last week. According to a eolobrated anatomist there are upwards of 5,000,000 little glands in thu human stomach. Theso glands pour out tbo digestive juices which dissolve or digest thu food. In digestion is want of juice, weakness of glands, need of help to restore the kealth of these organs. The host aid most natural help is that given by Shaker Digestive cordial. Natural be cauwo it supplies the material needed by tho glands to prepare tho digestivo Juices. Because it strengthens and renovates the glands and the stomach, until thoy are able to do their work alone. Shaker Digestivo Cardial cures indigestion certainly and permanently. It docs so by natural means, and there in lies the secret of its wonderful and unvaried success. At druggists, prioo 108 to HW per bottle. Sckool Report. Monthly report of school in district No. 84, Webster county, Nebraska, for tho mouth ending November 20, 1807. Term began September 6th, and ends Docembcr 24th. No. of pupils enrolled, males, 13; fe males, 14; total, 27. Average number of pupils in attend ance, males, 9; females, 10; total, ID. Number of pupils not absent during the month, males, 2; females, 4; total, fl. Namely, Mao Throckmortou; Dora Throckmorton, Johu Throckmorton,! Hutu Mclntyro, Lloyd Mclntyro, Ktlna Mclntyro. Those not absent more than two lays, Curt Wilson, Etta Hoyco, (icorgo liuyco and Joo Saladeu. One visit from superintendent. Miss CM, IIUMMI.I.L, Teacher. ' Catahkii iwthk Head, that trouhlu some and disLMUtinp; disease, may bo entirely cured by a thorough course of Hood's Snrsnpi.nllnl the great blond purl Her. Hood's 1'im.h tyuo naii,"ea,flik head nclw, liidfittioii, hlHiiniiH' . All diMitftfNts. 83o. GARFIELD. Tho weather has buon quite cold for tho past fow days. Mr. Thornton has built a new corn crib. John Earner is busy hauling corn. James Amuck pulled twelve miles and shoHed 10(H) bushels of corn Mon day for C. Wiggins and A. Han is. Jim is an old hand and understands his business. C. Wolf had the bad luck to lose a linn cow and horse front eating corn stalks. J. DeWittand son marketed tighty head of hogs last week. Tim Kclsey pulled in front I ho west last week. L. Potter had a line horso die this week. Too itiach second growth cauo. Frank DoWitt is buying corn to crib. AUkauf.b. Skin Diseases. For, the speedy and permanent core of tetter, sail rheum and eczema, Cham berlnin's Eye and Skin Ointment ia 'without an equal. It relieves the Itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued nso effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, burner's itch, scald head, pore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic soro eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady's GtndltleB Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 33 cents. Soldby There is a Class of People. Who are Injured by tho uie of coffee. Recently there has been plaucd In all urocerv ttoret a now preparation called GIIAIN-O. made of pure Kralna, that takca the plaoe of coffee. The raoHt delicate atomach recelven It without ilMreu, and bill few cau Ml It from coffee. It doea aot coit one fourth an much. Children may drink It with benefit, lie A o per packaKe. Try It Aak for QKAINO. RHEUMATISM la caused by Urle Aoid and other im purities lingering in the blood, which nave not been filtered out by the Kid neys through the urine. Tito neat of the trouble is not in tho bkin or mus cles. It's Hick Kidneytt. Electricity, liniments or plasters will not reach the case. Hut the disease can bo CURED 1 liavo suuered for several years with chronio kidney troubles, and a part of tho time I was also troubled with rheumatism. In fact until I got somo of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills from the drug store of Niols P. Hansen some time ago, I have never been free from pain for several years. 1 am now glad to state that the medi cine lias holped mo, ami take pleasure in recommending thorn to anyone af llictcd with kidney disease or rlunt matins as they are sure to help them Kn (iAimnKit, Dairyman, Kearney, Nuhrniku HOBBS Sparagus Kidney Pills. UCHUSRK.Mi.DY CO, I'tioi'i'icTOHS, Cmi'Jtot p M " I"" 1 by l ni'D, M.b ATTENTION FflKPRS I TURKEYS WANTED. In large quantities. I will guarantee to pay, CASH, 7 cents per pound for Young Turkeys and Hen Turkeys and 6- cents for old gobblers, de livered at my plant in Hastings, Nebraska, on or before Friday, December 17, 1897. C. Corner Burlington Avenue rnu.WATiox or summons. Iii tliu illKtrlct court of WubMcr county, No Imukii. M.A. Ilurtlgmi. riniiitiiT, V Minute A. Driike. Oi-orno W, DruWi', tier hiihbtiud, .lolin Ucniiclminp. Mr. John tii'nuuhauiii, his wife, ami It. It. Hilton, tlrM full nnine unknown Defendant M.IIVICH Of HUMMONH IIT I'tlni.U'ATIUif, .I0I111 lU'iiuclmiiip nud Mr. John llemiehnmp. hlh wife, defendant, will take notleo Hint on tho sath tiny of November, 1W7, M. A. llartlK-in. idaliitlrT licrclu, tiled till pi'tlllon In the district court of Webster county, Nebraska, HKiilimt the raid defendant Impleaded Willi others; the oliliTt and nriiver of which aro to foreclohd certain mortKaKC deed executtd by tho defend nuts Mlunlo A. Ilniko mid Ucoruo W. Drukc upon tho quurter (no l of eetlun nineteen (iw. ion 11 one (l) rniiKe ten tiuj, Mcr county, NubrHkn. sumo as purchased from the IliirliiiKtou ii.d Mlu-ouri lllvcr Itullrimd C'ompuiiy In Nvbrankn ly tliucald (leorKe . iirakc. to necuro ino imymcni 01 onu vriiuii proinliMiry note dated Auk'iiit lHtli, IM'JO. for the Kumof Two Hundred frwo 00) dollar, duo and paj oblo on September 25th. M7, after the date thereof: That there In how due, payable and unpaid upon hI(1 note nutl tnortKK0 tho man of $22.1.60 for which hhui, with IntoreKt from tho Mm day of November, 1W7, plaintiff prayv n decree that defendant!! are reiiulred to pay the name or that tlm fcald premlsca may bo remicti may vo t-om amount i ouiid lino. Platntltr turther prayn that the Mild pretended deed ai now ai)iam of record from the defend fint Mlunlo A. Ilraktand (lcorie W. Drake to their co defendant John Braurhamp bo can ceiled, vacated, not aaldo and held for nauicht to far an the namo In any Banner effecta the itald mortgage deed aalut the utld landa You are required to anawur tho raid petition on or ourore .Monday tno turn day or January, 1HUH, ortho pctlllon of tho plalutllT will be taken ax truo and the court move for tho relief therein p ajed. Dated Novembers: 1897. M. A. Hahtkian. lly Ioiin M. Ciurrm, IiIh attorney. SIlEltlFF'ti SALE. Second publication Dee. H. Notlao la hereby irlvoii Ikat under and by vlr luo of an order of ralu IbHiied from tho ollce of Jamea Uurdiai, Clerk of tho DiMrltt Court of the Tenth Judicial District, wltiiln and for webticr piiiuuv. Ncbraxka. iidoii a decree In an action pending therein, wherein P. K, Dodcrlck U plalnur and nicainit Albert Henry. Dona iieur; nn wire, nm national nana or uiue inn, Nebr.. aud Ntark Urotuer, defendant. 1 ahall offer for talo at public vendue tolhohlRhekt bidder for caah In hand, al the eaut door of the court house, at Hed Cloud, In aald Web iter county, Mebsaaka, (that being tho building wherein the taut term of tiald court waa holden) on tho SOth day of November, A.D. 1807. at two o'clock p.m. of paid day. tho following do Hcrlbed property, to wit: The uortbcaat nuartor of aectlan four (4), townnhlp four (4.) north ratiKO nine (,) wemor tnooin t. n, in wcunier couuiy, pieo laika. Olvcii under my hand thin SHfti day of Octo ber, A.D. IK97. . . ,i. v, KUNcmr, anernr. n. T. 1'oTTKit. Plalntlff'a Attomev. Thin aale li ronttnuail for want of blddero until January 4tn, ihvb, at one o'clock p.m. uiveuiuiaermy nana inn latuayor ucceuv ber, 1V7. J. V. HencuKT. eiierirT. &9&&9W8QS'&iQSSW99&8'9 P M mmm-, ,nrMui uuirfai jvatanfTB wawtjiip, Kiwrb-nrs not wee Mary. Kor prlcra ami par llcuwrB wrilD lut j,iauuin,iuicii, ukt ., nu ii. m. esee9esesfrs9si Kvrrvboily Says So. Cncurot8 Cnmlv Citllinrtli, tlic innnl ww dcifnl mwllciil illti'iivcr.v of tliu upo. p.i nut hihI lofii'sliunr to tho tabic. mt n-"i r.r.l p....Uivi )v en IrMt.j-t, ' v-i-V h" rlcmihinv llui rntlro h.Mti'tu, illhpol tnd euro IipiiiIiiuIio, fi'vov, liiililtinil consul. f unit ulilimswHA. Pli-iiin buy ntul try t1 t oft', ci. (' tniliiv; U. !i."i. Miicnt. rinii nt. ' guuriinli'i (1 to i'ui'0 by nil ilnu'i;isU. ICiiiliiiir iur Hum rli Hi lSM0t.r"l-' hju , i iliw'ili-, rr MjntijU. fornor . . I. t'l I .ii. tirui 'tMl-i-fuiHi dti.ti" ' H. RU7VTPP, and A streets, Hastings, Neb. SIIKIUFF'S SALK. Notice In hereby rIvcii that under mid by virtue of nn order of culu IfMicd from the nlllcc of Jmnci llurdcn. clerk of the ItMrlct Court of the Tenth .ludlclal District, within mid fur Wubtiter county, Nchraka. upon n decree In nil nctlnii peudliiK thcrdn, wherein. ,1. 11. l'cttl liuiie and S. K. Nlxou, arluer- iIuIiik biNncu. utiiler the tlrmniime ot I'cltllioiu Ai Nixon nn phiintlllf. mid uKulutt Katurnli M. Ilutl defend, ant. I hhall oiler for enlo at public vendue to tho hlKheisl bidder for oitdi In hand, nt the cn-t door ul the court lioiii., at Kcil t'luiid.ln halt! Weliur county. Neliriikka. (that belli); the biillillni: wherein the bin term of nU) coutt wan holden) on the "ill tiny of December. A. D. l&C. at one o'clock p. in , of Mild day, the fol low Iuk described properly, to-wlt. Lnth-.c-.cti (T). eluht (hi, nine (U). ten (III), clcvn (11) mid iwele (l'J) In block utiuibirlcii i in. i in sniini .V .Mooruh iiiiiiiiniii io the cllj of lied Cloud. NebntikM. (liven umler my hdiid IliU 'rli day of Ueio ber, A. I. lhH7. .1 W. Kiimiikv. ..hcrlir. It. T roTTKit. I'liiliitlir'H Allnrney. nWl.WATIUX OF HCMMUXS. In tho DUtrlct Court of WcbMcr count). No nruhkii. Alfred M.AulU. 1'liiliiUIV. VH I una K. AulU, Jll.'lt'llUtllll. ) Above named defendant will take notice thai on tho 10th day of November. 1W)T. plaintiff filed his ictllioii in tho above entitled court hIIckIiik their marriage and tlmlimbeiiiently defendant wltaout cuuo dencrted tdnlntlffnnd I remained absent for tho Kpaco of iilun yearn. and pmjIiiK for decree of nbtoluto divorce. IXfeiMlaut In required to aimwer nald petitlau on or before December Win, 1H97. ALrnenM. Aulth. ItANiioLru MoNitt, I'lalntlff'a Attorney. i.WKltlFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of an execution directed to me from the DlMrlct Court of Wchttcr county. No braskn, on the lQthday of.Iuly, IMiT. In favor of the Dankem National Hunk, of ChlciiKO, Illi nois, as laliitlir, and BKiiliixt State hank of IlluoUIII, cbrnBku. an defendant, a traimcrlnt of which Iiiih been duly Hied In the ollloo of tbo clerk of Uie District Court, for thu mini of Seven,' Hundred ami .Ninety nouari ana Klfly-nvo wont, and costs taxed at tevca and kcvetily huudredthi dollars, aud accruing oomn, and Intercut on t"0U so from the leth day of July, Ib'JT, I have levied upon the following real es tate taken an tho property of ald defendant, to ntufv aald ludirmcnt towli: vlllateof liOl iniriy reTeii wi, iii uiuck nine iwi in ino r lime inn, wetiiter county, ttebranka. And will offer the name for natetoUiohleheit bidder, for cash mi hand, on the ?.M day rof Do cember, A. D. 1897, at tho can door of taeoourt hoiint lu Webtter County, that being the build In it wherein the lt term of paid coutt waa held, at the hour of ouo o'clock p.m. of iiM d. y, when and where duo attendance will be ghen by the undersigned. Dated November nth. 1W7. J. W. IU.NC1ICT. Slmrln of Said County. SIIEIUFF'H SALE. Notice Ik hereby given thai under aud by vlr tiiii of mi order of tale Isnued from the ofllec nf Junies llurden, Clerk of the District Court of ttio Tetuu JiiiuciBi tiistrici, wiiniii aim tor WcbPtur County, Nebraska, upon a cl scree In an action pending therein, wberchi Htraw Kiln worth MauufaLturtiig Company Is plaintiff and Vinu(l Parker. Jessie 1'. 1'nrker, titalaUauk of nine mil, Nebrakka. John (1. Miller A Co.. M. J. Whltlen, Noycs Norman ft Co., ltlchanlsou ltobcrls. llrrneDrvdooilB Co.. Morse CooHhoo Co., Taylor Itros & Vo, (Illmoro A Huh I. Sweat i Orr A Co., are defendants, 1 ball offer for sale Htpubllo vendue to tno higtieet bidder rorcasn In hand, at the cast door of the court house, at lied Cloud, In said Webster county, Nebraska, (that being tho building wherein tho labt term of said court was holden) on tho aut day of December. A. D. 1H07, at one o'clrckp. m, of said day. tho following described property to wit: Lot number thlrtythree (3.1) In block number nine (01 In lllue lllll village. Webster County, Nebraska. (liven under my hand this 1Mb day of No vember, A. II. 1M. .1. W, ltUNriiET, Sheriff. A. SI. WALTKns. for I'lalntllT. Jas. .McNknv, for Stale Hank, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clttimi and bMutlnM tk. htlr. Ptflma A lumrUnl srowth. M.Ter !( o itenara Cunt tuo diM.K. itUin. jOc.sDdaiiiuit tiruatU. Ckt.kMt. r-a KMlLa Dlaasaaa Rraad. PENNYROYAL PILLS flrlattaal aa Oalt Seantae. Heaniiic. . Ml u.iii jCV nJu m.i.uuilr jbon. T.keF roiMtMbirau mhi ai Nj iviiowtw . -! ..ILKIo amVH Urufctal br LlfeAaaiar mo!! yraJ la 114 ItMiM. wkJad vltit Lluc ribbui 'lAUHbtiniidtUu. al &! 4a. jklhaa. It Aikm itnmutntim tmhttillto Ill UnJ ft JMllfJUlMf, trtirxoUvi u4 "lieilcr iop !" i iir, j rriar 'rii.htaPTLariuicul('iw,Mai)Uii I'lnrru GotdrtaUQUUruutu. LMlHuADA,. i fKSIfM II -Tl Vr D TRADERS IUMBER CO., DKALKKS IN LUMBER and COAI Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. SHERWOOD & GROC6RS BOOTS AND SHOES. AGKNT8 Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. FHKSH VEGETAIJLES AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. 5SWS!SS5SSaSB8WVViVro PI EETINQ WITH DESTINY. 1 i No ma a can tell when It will come along. Often It starts up before us In unexpected times and places, ljveii an artarnoou stroll with a friend and a chance Introduction may ihape all the course of oat'a after life. To be alwaya at your best aa not ashamad of your destiny jtoh muat 4rM Ilk tra UemsHk This can be doat by ordering your Sana ut Ortrtaatt or M. BORN & GO., Th Great Chlcags Merchait TiHors WBf ra rttallsd Wler of lh TlloiiK Art. S06 mrw Pattcna. Finest Material. Perfect FK. New Steck. latest Stylea. Best Work manshlp. Thrifty Frlcca. Okawy OuantatM With AU. ctaU TVINER BROTHERS. RED Chimney brick. Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. J. S. EMIG-H, TJKNTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Wkhoal Hales. POIICEI.AIN INI.AY Aud all thelaU'Kl Improvement lu denial rnech allium Or. Price's Cream Unking Powder VorlJ's Pair Highest Medal and Dlrloma. o ALBRIG-HT, FOR CLOUD. NEBRASKA. RANDOLPH McNITT, AHORNET and COUNSELOR AT LAWr Speciftl nttontion to Couimerclal and Probate I.itigatian. MOON BLOCK, . . RKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SOUTB SIDE .. SAMPLE ROOMS. . UOHN POLNIOKX,: PKUPlllETOR. DBtbBK IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. rn n I tjti A1AV.Y . rA, i L cMV Mm f& m I aImIhKsTI W PtItH rTawf 1 1 Pi'l Li m 1 n I 1 m I t'l jiiiiiMi Q f 1 mvwf TV !" W-UlUi! mm m H H bVh iMk L fil H A' V f i .fl, HJify X- 7.s!msimmmiB&