The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 03, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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dWyjh. W8&- 72
m. z'jt'M- jpi&ssr'
ciiAH-nn xxxv.-fCoNiisLKio
"Yoti!" sho exclaimed; "1 tnought
you wore dead!"
"Trtily," ho paid, "nnd you rcjoion to
find that 1 still live; is It not so, Mar
jorlo?" Sho did not answer him; her M-ry
Wood seemed to bo freezing In her
veins, and lur face worn such an ex
pression of horror that for a moment
oven ho was rendered dumb.
"Marjorle," ho Bald, "b't me hear
your words of welcome. 1 nm an rxllo
now, driven to peck refngo In Scotland,
to escape the bullets of my foes.
"Why why have you come to mo?"
"I have come to you for comfort. I
Jiavo como to tako you with mc to share
my English home!"
"To shnro your home!" echoed Mar
jorle. "I will not no. never. You
havo done mo ovll enough already
hut I am-free. I know you now, and
I will not go with you."
"You are free!" he said. "Whnt do
you mean by that, mon ami?"
"1 mean," Bald Marjorle, "that you
nro nothing to me. You have said so,
nnd t know it, nnd I wish never to sec
your faco again."
"Possibly, but our wishes arc not al
ways gratified. I am sorry you cannot
glvo mc a better welcome, slnco you
will see mo not once, but many times;
b to being free, that Is all nonsense.
Wo aro In Scotland now, remember;
nnd you why, you nro my wife."
"Your wife!"
"Yes, my wife and now, chorlo -although
1 could use force If 1 chose, I
havo no wish to do so. I ask you mere
ly to fulfill your duty and como with
mo to my home."
For a moment Marjorle gave no an
swer; what could Rho say or do? No
triced for blrn to tell her sho was In his
power, she know it only too well. While
In France bo had the, power of turning
her from his door, and heaping Igno
Iny not only upon herself, but upon
her child; In her own country his pow
r was absolute over them both.
With a wild cry sho threw up her
hands and called on God for help and
comfort, but no answer came; It seem
ed that for her there was no help In
all tho world.
HERIE, am 1 for
given?" said Caus
sldlcre, again hold
ing forth his
' hands.
The sound of his
volco recalled her
to herself. Sho
shrank away from
him In positive ter
ror. "Keep back," sho
cried; "don't tourh mc."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I hate and fear you!
Wlfo or no wife, I will never live with
you again never, never!"
Confident of his own power, CoussI
'dlcro never winced. IIo had expected
something of this kind, and was not
wholly unprepared for It. Ho paid
nothing, but quietly watching his op
portunity, ho lifted tho child In his
arms. Finding himself thus suddenly
nnd roughly seised from his mother's
fsldc, Leon serenmed wildly, but Cuus
tiidlerc shook him, and bade him bo
nt peace.
"That is what your mother has
taught you, to scream at tho night of
your father. Now I will teach you
"Glvo blm to me," she cried; "glvo
mc my child!"
"Your child," returned CatiEsIdlore.
with a sneer; "thn child is mine. I
havo a right to take him, and to keep
him, loo, and that is what I mean to
"To keep him!" cried Marjorle; "you
would never do that; you do not want
lilm If you do not enro for him, nnd ho
Is all I havo In tho world."
"But I mean to keep him all tho
"You shall not: you dare not; you
Khali kill mo beforo you tako my boy.
Leon, my darling, como to mc; como to
your mother!"
Sho stretched forth hor arms to tako
ho child, when Caussldlcro, livid with
"passion, raised his hand and struck
hr in tho face. Sho Btaggored back;
then -With a cry 6ho fell senseless to tho
When sho opened her eyes t wan
qulto dajWiill about hor, und as quiet
us tho grave.
"Icon," eho moaned feebly, but no
answer camo.
Gradnaiiy'thc dizziness parsed away;
fiho remembered all that had occurred,
and 'with TMlowinoan she sank agqlu
upon thKrbuniVerying'bltterlft
But Boonibcp Bobs:abatcd, and Im
patiently brushing away her toarp, sho
vet herself 4o wonder again what she
must do. On one thing sho was deter
mined, to bo with her child. Yes; at
any cost they must bo together.
Sho rose to her foot again and stag
gered on toward thn Castle. Her scald
ing teanj fell fast, her breast was rent
wlth'JBobs; and for tho1 first tlroo In
her llfo sho began to question, tho lo
ncflcenco of tho Dlvlno Father", whom
nho had been taught from her child
hood to revere.
It WUM' lato when sho reached tho
Castle. Miss Hethcrlngton, having
crown fearful nt her long absence,
vaS 7 IB
:. jrfL.
fogW'ffr We&si
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rushed forward to meet her; then with
a cry she shrank away.
"Majorlo, sho exclaimed, "what's
wrong, and and wherc's the bairn?"
At the mention of Leon, Majorle
wrung her hands.
"lie has como back and taken him
from me!"
Sho looked fo wild and sad that the
old lady thought her reason was going.
Her face was white as death, and there
wan a led mark on her forehead where
tho man bud struck her. Miss Hethcr
lngton took her hands and soothed her
gently; when sho taw that her ei'm
ncss was returning to her, sho said:
"Now, Majorle, my balm, tell me all
about It!"
And Majorle told, trembling and cry
ing meanwhile, nnd Imploring Miss
Hethcrlngton to recover her child.
"Dlnnn fret, Mnrjorle," sho said, pat
ting tho girl on the head; "there's
nothing to fear. Tho man'H a knave,
we ken, but he's a fool as weel! Bring
barm to his own bnlrn, not ho! Iio'a
o'er sharp to put hlmsel' Into tho power
o tho English law! . 'TIs the siller ho
wants, and 'tis tho siller he means to
"But whnt shall we do?" sobbcd.Mar
Jorle. "Do? nothing. Bide quiet a while,
and he'll do something, mark mo!"
"But Leon whnt will becomo of
"DInna greet for the bnlrn; T tell yo
he's safo enough; after all, bo's with
his father."
"But he mustn't stop; I must get him
back, or it will kill me."
"You shall havo him back, never
fiar. Marjorle."
"But to-night what can be done to
night?" "Nothing, my lassieabsolutely no
thp. Get you to bed anil rest you, and
to-morrow I'll tell you what wo must
After a good deal more persuadon
Marjorlo was Induced to go to her
room, but during tho whole of that
night sho never closed her eyes, but
walked about In wild unrest.
When tho dawn broke she descended
the stnlrs, and to her amazement found
MIps Hethcrlngton In the dining-room,
Just as sho had left her on thc.prcccd
ing night. Tho weary hours of vigil
had dono their work; her face, always
white, was positively corpse-Uko; her
thin gray halts were disheveled, nnd
her eyes were dim. With a piercing
cry, Marjorle ran forward nnd fell at
her feet.
"Mother!" pho cried; "dear mother,
what Is tho matter?"
Tho old woman laid her trembling
hand upon Mnrjoric's brown head and
" 'Tis nothing, my child." she paid.
"Tho hours of tho night have passed
o'er quickly for me, you see, for I sat
thinking, and now you boo tho dnwn
has come. Marjorle, my poor Mar
jorlo! I wonder you eon over find It in
your heart to call mo mother! seo
whnt sorrow has como to you through
"Through you? Oh, no, no, no!"
"Ay, but 'tin so. Mnrjorle. 'The sins
of the fathers shall bo visited upon tho
children unto tho third and fourth
generation.' Through my sin you suf
fer." "Bo not say that It Is not true."
"Ay, but It Is true. Through my sin
you were made a poor outcast, with no
mother to watch over you, no kind
hnnd to guldo you. When I think on
It, It breaks my heart, Marjorle It
bicaks my heart."
About ten o'clock that morning a
messenger came to tho Castlo bringing
a noto for Mnrjorle. It wns from Caus
cldlero, nnd dnted from Dumfries.
"I nm here," ho wrote, "with the
rblld. Do you propose to Join me, as
I can forco you to do so If I choose, or
am I to keep tho child only? I might
bo Induced to yield him up to you upon
rcrtnln conditions. Let mo know whnt
you mean to do, as my stay hero will
sot bo of long duration, nnd I am
making arrangements to tako Leon
away with me. "Your husband,"
Mnrjoric's first Impulse was to rush
to tho placo where alio knew her child
to be, but Miss Hethcrlngton restrained
"Bido a weo, Marjorlo." sho said;
"we'll get tho balm nnd not loso you."
Sho dluralsscd Caussidlcro's messen
ger, nnd snt her'owrf servant for Suth
erland. When tho young man nrrlved sho
saw him alone, told him. in a fow words
what had occurred and put Cnussl
dlore'n letter In his hnnd.
"Bring hack tho child, Johnnlr,Ruthf
crland," sho said, "oven if you have to
kill tho father.'
Sutherland took the letter, and, wljh
theso instructiona ringing in his cars,
went to Dumfries to seek Caussldlcro
at thn placo mentioned. Ho was llko
a man demented; the blow had beca so
sudden that ho hardly realized us yet
what It all meant; ho only knew that
ho had fallen from tho brightest hope
to the blackest despair, nnd thnt henco--forth
ho must enduro a living death.
Tho house he sought wns a small fnn
In ono of tho by-streets of Dumfries,
and Sutherland know it well. Ho en
tered tho plnce, found a shock-hended
servant girl In tho passugo and asked
for tho "French gentleman who was
etoyluc in tho house."
"You'll find blta ben yonncr," raid
tho girl, pointing to a door on tho
ground llnor.
Sutherland beckoned to her to open
tho door; sho did so. Ho entered tho
room nnd closed the door behind him.
Cutissldlcre leaped to his feet with an
oath. Leon, who had been sitting pnlo
nnd tremulous lu n comer, rushed for
ward with a cry of Joy.
But before he could reach Suther
land's sldo his father clutched him nnd
drew him back, grasping the child so
roughly ns to mako htm moan with
Then, white nnd furious Cuussldlcrc
faced Sutherland.
"So, It Is you!" he exclaimed. "How
dare you Intrude here? Leavo this
Sutherland, who had placed his back
to tho door and put tho key In his
pocket, niado no attempt to move. Ho
was nblo to keep his self-control, but
IiIh face was white as death.
"Monsieur Caussldlore," he said, "1
have come for that child."
"Really," paid Cnussldicre, with a
sneer; "then perhaps you will tell me
what you propo.o to olfer for him?
Madamn Causldlcro must pay dearly
for having made you her messenger."
"Sho will pay nothing."
"What do you menn, monsieur?"
"What I sny. 1 mean to take that
child and glvo you nothing for him.
You havo como to the end of your
tether,MonsIeur Cnussldlere. You will
find this time you hnven't got. a help
less woman to deal with!"
Caussldlore looked nt hint with a new
light In his eyes. What did It mean?
Had thn man really power? and If fo,
to what extent? A little reflection as
sured him that his momentary fear waH
groundless. Sutherland might talk as
ho chose. Caussldlore was master of
the situation, slnco with blm lay all tbu
authority of the law.
"Monsieur," ho said, "yon are an ad
mirable champion. 1 congratulatu inn
damn on having secured you. But pray
tell her from mo that her child remains
with her husband, not her lover."
in a moment Sutherland had caught
him by the threat.
"Scoundrel!" he cried.
"Let mc go!" hissed Cnussldlero. "If
you havo taken my wlfo for your mis
tress, you shall not bully me!"
But ho said no more. Grasping him
more firmly by tho throat, Sutherland
shook him till ho could scarcely
breathe; then lifting him, ho dnrhed
him violently to the ground; then,
without waiting to see what he had
done, ho lifted tho frightened child In
his arms and hurried from the place.
Y WHAT train of
circumstances had
tho dead Caussl
dlcro again becomo
quick, or rather, to
express it In cor
rector terms, how
had the Frenchman
escaped from tho
perils nnd pains of
Tho answer is
simple enough. Among tho patriots of
tho Parisian Communo there were two
Canssldleres, In no way related to each
other, but equally doubtful In their
conduct, and their antecedents; nnd It
happened, curiously enough, that our
Caussldlcro'H alter ego had also been
arrested for treasonable practices.
Tho Paris of those days has been
compared to Pandemonium; everything
wns one wild frenzy of hurried and
aimless haste; and tho newspaper re
ports, llko tho ovonts they chronicled,
being chaotic, and Irresponsible, It hap
pened that tho fate of one Individual
was confused with the fnte of the otlwr.
At tho very moment that ono Caussl
dlore was lying dead before tho sol
diers of tho Commune tho other wns
escaping in dlsgulso toward tho Bel
gian coast, whence, after divers vicis
situdes, ho sailed for England, to reap
pear Anally m Annnndale, llko a ghost
from tho grave, as we have seen.
(TO UK continued )
I.lttln Attention.
"Evil Is wrought by want of thought,
Ab well as by want of heart."
If husbands only ronllzcil what tho
llttln attentions moan to their wives
thcro would bo many happier unions.
It Is not tho cost of a gift, thnt makes
It precious to tho recipient. A tiny
hunch of violets brought homo nt night
betokens tho thought given to her even
whllo business occupies his attention,
tho most trifling souvenir of a wed
ding or birthday anniversary becomes
a sentiment underlying its proffering.
Women mny Ikj foolish, they muy bo
all heart nnd very llttlo reason, but
the man who understands their nature
and caters to It Is tho ono who stands
higher In their estimation than tho
ono who uc!s as though all they cared
about wa material comfort given with
any sort of brusquerlo. Of course there
nro many mercenary women thou
sands and thousands who can marry
for a homo nnd for rich raiment. Those
pooh-pooh tho violets and valuo only
tho diamonds, but tho avorago fem
inine heart, tho sort which a man
wants to beat besldo his own, flic
foundation of truest sympathy and
love, Is moved moro by tho llttlo at
tentions in wblch sentiment In involved
than by tho grt offerings roprencnt-
Ing only a ntupcndous. sum of monoy
4 involved.
A BelOih Woman.
Grimm "Women aro such selfish
creatures! Thoro was an oddhop at
breakfast nnd ray wife Insisted fiipon
my eating it. It wan all because sho
wanted to mvcl In tho Batlsfne,t,i6n of
self-denial, A case of pure seinslineBs."
Kllmm "And what did you do?"
Grimm "Oh, I let hor havo her way
and I ato tho chop, Tlrerb "are fow
husbands so indulgent an I am," Hos
J ton Transcript.
HE boarders used
to look across the
boarding house ta
V." nt the Old
Maid with a kern,
psychological sort
of Interest.
"Wh should sho
look so happy?"
tho elder, who was
something of a
belle would d o -can't
havo any ndtnlr-
"Why should ho look so happy?"
tho younger, who spoke of Art and
Missions with capitals In her voice,
would ask. "She can't regard being
secretary to that lawyer as a noblo
And the lci of tho hoarding
hnuBO used .i1m to puzzlo over the Old
Maid's Jnyousucsp, "for sho has no
husband," they said, "and nt her ago
can hardly hope to get one."
But I never marveled at the gentle
spinster's radiant faco after wo bail
heard tho Singer, not because hear
ing his voice was enough to provide
his hearers with a fund of Inner Joy
for tho lemalnder of their days, but
because of the song ho snng.
Now, tho Old Maid had lived so long
in tho hoardlng-houso on the square
that It had become second nature for
her to choojo the less tarnished spoons
in thn holder nnd to nold Instinctive
ly tho top slices of bread on the bread
plate. Slio was familiar with all va
rieties of boarding-house servants,
nnd sho knew that all alike despised
her as "llic fourth floor front." She
knew by heart tho landlady's stories
of pressing present need and of past
afllucucc. Sho had nothing to learn
in tho matter of substituted giw Jets,
and her feet were trained to skip the
torn spots In tho stair carpet. Alto
gether thcro was nothing In the Old
Maid's position In hor boarding-house
to account for her serenity.
Down-town tho Old Maid wns a ste
nographer In a law office, where pret
tlncss wns nt a discount as a hindrance
to umenlttlng toll. Sho did not rcal-
tzo that her chief attraction to her
employers was the lack of distracting
features nnd complexion. Long as sho
had lived in tho sordid but educating
boarding-house, she had not learned
everything that was to bo learned
about motives and sho believed that
her father's old friendship with tho
lawyer had much to do with her po
sition. Before the t emote day when the Old
Maid first camo to tho law olllcc and
tho bonrdlng-bouso sho had lived in
tho country. Even yet when tho
spring rains came down nnd drenched
tho grim pavements sho had a swift,
fleotlng senso of lato snows molting
by the rim of tho brooks nnd of timid
; flowers pushing through the soft enrth.
And whenever thcro was tho fresh
odor of new-growing grass, and now
sproutlng leaves in tho city parks her
mind turned toward peaceful, pastoral
ways, and her eyes wero filled with
visions of billowy, blossoming trees,
of plowmen moving across uplnnd
fields, of tho waking up of llfo nnd
industry. In short, tho Old Maid was
a poet, although tho crude llttlo ex
pressions of hor emotions never met
tho keen eyes of critics or even tho
klndly,.cjcs of her friends.
Well, onco upon a tlmo tho Singer
camo to tho boadlng-housro on tho
squarp. Ho was ,young and his au
diences they wero largely feminine
declared thnt nowhero clso was thero
a singer who carrolcd out songs and
jobbed out ballads so movingly.
Whether or not ho was peerless is n
question, but at any rnto ho had made
a great bucccsb, and people wondered
thnt bo should como to tho dingy
abode of tho boarders and tho Old
Maid. Some said that it wan becnuso
ho had lived thcro In tho days beforo
he was known to fashion, and somo
whispered knowingly thai tho lady to
whom tho Singer sang lived over tho
way in the stono house with tho bal
conies nt tho window and tho guard
ing lions at tho door. Bo that as It
may, It is a fact that when the Singer
camo to tho city for his 'series of con
certs and recitals ho sanctified tho
nbn'de of tho Old Maid with his pres
ence for a whole week, And tho Old
Maid waa agitated mysteriously by
Ms presence, though it .is doubtrul if
be oven saw her shabby llttlo figure
i One night sho cfcpt down iho stair
way when tbo houso was still and
dipped a paper beneath the Slngor'ri
door sill. Tbo paper bore 'a got or
vcrstfl written in tho flno hand of a
woman who was educated a quarter
of a century ago, und a lltt!o noto that
"If you should sometimes find this
worthy to sing I would bo tho happiest
woman on earth."
Now, tho Singer felt a brutal indlf
ferenco about all happiness save his
own, which had been Boroly tried thnt
night by tho lady of bla songs. So ho
merely muttered: "Confound Imbocllo
womonl" Then he looked at the verses
nnd then bo went gloomily to bed. But
through the night, as he reflected upon
tilo bllgbud hopes and the hardness of
his fate, some of tho Old Maid's lines
rang themselves thiough his mind:
111 seo thco In each flower that grown;
Thou art not lost whllo lives tho rose,
Not lost whllo lives tho rose,
io foolish refrain Insisted.
In the morning tho silly rhymes
would not be banished, lie found him
relf humming them to an air, and by
nnd by- so weak wan be, owing to tho
cruel lady- he sat down at tho piano
and played tho air softly.
it was tho panio week thnt ho gavo
his great concert at tho hall tip-town.
With Indifferent generosity ho offered
thn landlady tickets to bo distributed
and so It happened that tho Old Maid
ami I went together.
Tho Old Maid w:n very pink nnd
very tremulous, and, not being In her
confidence, I could not understand her
stale. After all there was nothing In
a successful singer of .1.1 to excite a
spinster A-eiiogiapher of fiO.
Tho Singer had auug grand opera
arias and the music from masses. Ho
had sung Scotch ballads and Germnu
love songs. But ho could not sing
enough to satisfy his audience. After
each properly numbered selection he
wns recalled again and again. Finally
hu camo out and said:
"I wish I could tell you tho nufhor
of tho words 1 am going to slug. They
were sent to me anonymously In man
uscript, and I have no means of giving
credit to whom It Is due."
Tho Old Maid's figure quivered. She
breathed sobblngly and drew closer
to me, and I wondered If she were go
ing crazy.
Then the Singer snng tho simple
verses. They may have been very bnd
as verses, hut ns a song they wero n
succtWH. The nudleneo listened In
tently, tho women looking up, as wo
men look when loweied eyelids would
let tho tears brim over. And when the
Inst verso rang out, plaintively nnd
And though thou hast banished me,
I touch thee In each nodding flower;
I seo thee, dear one, eveiy hour,
In sky, or star, or sen.
All beauty holds some hint of thee,
And so thou canst not banish me,
Thou canst not banish me,
tho hnll forgot to applaud for fully
three seconds, when It caught Its
1 1 nm Hi and surreptitiously wiped Its
eyes. That Is, all but the Old Maid.
She wept qulto openly, tinning her ra
diant, tear-stained faco toward me.
"It's mini)! It's mine!" sho half nob
bed. "O, It's nilno and I am so happy!"
And then sho told mo tho whole
story. But neither prajers nor en
treaties could prevail upon her to let
me tell her secret. And tho boarders
still wonder why It Is that u colorless
little l.uly llko the Old Maid sometltues
wears a look of pride.
Slrrtrli of T.mtil, .10,(1011 Aiti In Kxtnit,
Cntrreil with HliiU-llnlc.
Payne's prulrle, threo miles south of
Gainesville, Fin., rcivera an urea of ((),
000 ncrcs. A largo proportion of tho
pralrlo Is now colored with water, but
thcro aro thousand') of acres around tho
borders of the Inko which has been
formed on which horses and other cat
tin graze. There Is no way of estimat
ing tho number of cattle, hut thero nre
many thousands, and they nro in fine
condition. Tho pralrlo, or savanna,
which it really Is, occasionally goes
dry, tho water passing out through a
subterranean pnssngo called tho sink.
Where tho water goes has never been
determined. When tho sink Is open
the Inkc goes dry, and when tho outlet
becomes, gorged or choked a lako from
five to seven miles wide and about
eighteen miles long Is formed. When
tho waters of tho lako suddenly leavo
It thousands of alligators, stinkcs, fish
and turtles nio left with nothing but
mud for their places of nhoic. Tho ilnh
and turtles perish, hut the saurlans
and reptiles seoli nnd find other quar
ters. For miles along the northern
border of the lake thcro Js n buccoh
slon of sinks, nvcrnglng in depth all
tho wuy from tweity-flvo to 100 feet.
Subterranean passnges run lu every di
rection, leaving tho ground lu tho
shape of a honeycomb. Tho ground is
llablo to glvo way nt any time, creat
ing a now sink. Scenery around tho
lake, especially on tho north side, Is
unlquo nnd grnnd, nnd Is nn attractive
feature to strangers who vlRlt Gaines
ville. Tho Hlnk has long been popular
as a resort for citizens of Gainesville,
who go thero to fish, boat ride nnd
In other ways enjoy themselves, it in
said that this vast area of laud could
bo drained nt trifling expense, and
wero it drained It would be the largest
ns well as tho richest tract of produc
tive land In Florida. It Is for tho most
part a bed of muck, Tho laud is owned
by various individuals.
Too Mltle Itnpri't fur four In.
Kansas City Star: Tho rojwated np
pcala which conservative writers and
speakers feel called Uwm to mako to
tho peoplo to persuade them to main
tain respect for tho courts sbow forth
a noccasUy which ought not to exist
in this country. They simply proyo
that tho court aro not worthy of thp
honor and confidenco whloli tbo public
would llko to yield them.
Venice and tit Uorte,
It Is paid that florae ot tho" Venetians-thoso
who havo never been to
tho mainland have never seen a borse
in all their liven, a 'showman onco
brought ono to a fair and' called it a
monster, aud tho factory bands paid a
shilling each to see the marvel.
Hedes. If thero Is a heaven, there la
naturally a bell. Ono could not exist
without tho other, but tbu Bible .1oe3
not teach of a brimstone bell, but
merely by implication. Rev. John W.
WeBtlock, Christian Church, Omaha,
nnmrtlilng limit tho VCny In Vflilrh
Tlirv Ar Mnilr,
The ancient Egyptians made nrtlflclal
floweis of horn shavings, stained lit
various colors, nnd leaves of pn'nted
linen been found in tomlm at
Tliebei'. From a renioto period tho
Chlneso havo used tho pith of a cer
tain kind of bamboo for making Unw
orn, CrnsmiH, one of tho Roman tri
umvirs, was the tlrrt In Homo to havo
them made of gold and sliver. During
the middle nges flowers mado of metal,
eatln, silk, wax and paper wero used
In tho Human Catholic Church with
symbolical KlgnlllcatloiiB; on festal oc
casions they wero worn merely for or
nament. In 1782 Segutu, a botanist
and chemist, began tbo manufacture of
flowers In Paris, employing parchment
for tho flowers and bristles for tho
stems. His work was so perfect ami
artistic that tho Jealousy of somo of
thn leading painters was aroused. From
that tlmu tho manufacture of artificial
flowers steadily grew nnd developed Iti
Frnnce, and lo-day tho French excel In
them. Tho nrt was introduced into
England during the French revolution
by refugees who mado use of it ns a
means of subsistence. It has been suc
cessfully naturalized In tho United
States. Knives of various sizes and
shnpes, stamps, gofferlng-lronn of dif
ferent kinds, moulds called volncrs,
und ngnlo or glass burnishers, aro the
chief tools mado uso of in tbo manu
facture. Tho leaven und tho petals un
usually made of silk or cambric, tho
material to bo shaped Is folded so vera I
limes, laid upon a leaden tablo, nnd u
stamp Is driven through It. Goffering-
Irons nro made uso of to hollow the
petals; vclucrs, as tho numo Implies,
aro used to vein tho leaven, and tho
burnltihers aro employed to glvo tho
petalH a polished appearance. The
stamens and pistils aro formed of wire
iiivered with silk; tho stalk Is mado of
wlro coated with a green material, and
Is fixed to tho stems nnd pistils,
mound which nro attached tho petals
nnd, lastly, tho calyx. Buds aro made
of cotton or glass balls covered with
silk or cambric. Tho florists' fingers,
guided by skill and taste, havo much
to do with the beauty of tho flowers
produced; grent Ingenuity Is often dis
played even in a cheap sprig consist
ing of several materials well put to
gether and arrnngod. French whole
sale houses engaged lu the manufacture
of artificial llowors havo each pome
special branch: thim, ono makes only
roses, another wild flowers, n third
leaven, etc. Tho best and most cxpcii
slvo llowers nro hand-pnlnted.
Dancer nt Another famine.
Tho provisioning of thoso Russia ir
provinces which havo been most nf
fected by this year's mud harvest is
becoming n question of increasing dif
ficulty. Tho assembles or zemstvoa ur
now deliberating on tbo special and
urgent measures to ho taken for saving
tho population of tho threatened dis
tricts from a repetition of the terrible
Bufferings which they underwent In
tho Inst famine. Thcro Ik general
agreement an to tho necessity of lend.
;lng tho pcasantB corn bought with the
special funds at tho disposal of each
of tbo provinces affected, but as tin
needs of tho peasants, greatly exceed
theso ronources tho nsacmbllen have all
decided to ak tho government for
very largo loans of money.
Suicidally Mlnilril Anlmnlf,
Herring and other fishes have
Bought death by rushing ashoro in my
rladn, regliuentH of ants by deliberate
ly walking Into streams, swarms of
rats by migrating In tho faco of their
deadly foes, and even butterflies by
fiylng lu Immense clouds straight out
to sea. It would bo Interesting to
lenra tho causes of this apparent
wholesale and deliberate Bclf-dcstruc
A hottle-washlng machine reccntlv
patented has a rotary brush mounted
on tho end of a hollow shaft with per
forations through which water flows
to clcanso tho bottlo as tho bruBh re
volves and loosens tho dirt.
Clotheslines which need no pins tn
fasten tho clothes aro being mado of
wlro links with tho ends ot tho wlro
lying parallel with tho sldo of the link
to foim spring clamps into which tho
cloth Ih forced to bold it fast.
A Washington man has patented a
boat which has the rear end submerged
with tho scat overhanging an open
well, tho front of tho boat bolng raised
above tho water line, tho advantage
being that the boat Is not easily rock
ed. A new 'combined spring pedal nnd too
clip consists of a steel plate riveted to
the pedal shaft with teeth1 at tbo rear
edge to grip a cleat in the shoo cole
aud tbo front portion elongated aud
curved over at tho end to form a too
To Jndlcato that, the contents have
been tempered with or that it jiaa been
refilled a new bottlo baa a double neck
forming a chamuer, In which ia placed
a paper or other material which' will
chr.L'gn color as aoon aa the' liquid
touches it.
A New. York ,man,(haa patont,ed a
reversible stre,ej car. In wbJcb, a turn
table ia, mounted on thoJrucc,to sup
port thn carl'whici 'is turned by a
crank ort'fhWjront'platfbrni geared to
a, circular tobln'ed track insldo tho
Two PennsylvunlnnB havo patented
a frut picker, .consisting of a, polo
with a steel loop at tho top,, .having tbo
upper rdge sharpened and bent inward
to cut, tho fruit from; the limb. A loose
ly woven tube mado of eorda ia attach
ed to tho under aide -of tbo loop1 and
extends down to the lower end ot tlie
safe U kraJc the tell ot the fruit.
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