I il I Lit , ' w v r....T ijirrnrwi'"'! J il.i'''Viu'ji'a'"nnmwtnm b FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony From a Terrible Sore Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. "l'or nnuiy je.iri I wti nllllcU'il with n milk Ivg, mid 11 U w jiurs ngo It broke out Innboronnit spread from my foot to my knee. I sutured grtat rigony. It would burn nml itcLi all tlie tune mid dlsvlnirgo n grmt dial. My hinlth wak good with the exception of thli core. I tried n grout lnnuy kinds of nnv, but hoiiiu would Irritate, the sore nJ that 1 could lmrdly htftiid tlio inln. I could not go nenr the Are. without suffering Intensely. Someone sent mc ikijkth contnlnliuc testimonials of cures by Hood's Bun-nparlllfl, and 1 told my huslmnd I would like to try this med icine, lie got me a bottle and I found II helped me. I kept on taking It until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise Hood's Harnaparllla enough for tho great bcncllt It Inn been to me. It cleanses the blood of all Impurities and kavcB It rich anil pure." Miw. ANNA C. I:aki:N, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can my I lord' Hnrsrrnrllla cf rll druggists. I'.t -i.ru to get only Hood's, Hood's r'.tt . UK- lliu IllVol llO (.1111, l t PJS c.i'.li.iitie. fr.OD j:c. THK CHIEF 11 i.iti i i r I. Mo.MII.IiAN'. V 3tie year... Slxraontli. (J ii J'UllLisllKi) UVKISY riJIKAY Entered at fie pot oltiet at Ite'l Cluuil, Nub.a jeonitclfiinalI tmuter. The Hul Cloud, Neb., I'll IK F, weekly, is rrcdtleil with Hit largest circulation ncconhd to any tajicr in Ikd Cloud or in ' biter rountyor in the Fifth Congressional District. Printer's Ink; July 'Jit, MU7. WASHINGTON NOTES "Many men of many minds," jut about lltH ilie nonunion of the repre sentatives and senators Jnow pouring into Wasliington by every train. Upon whether these many minds can be pot together or ai leaM a majority of them will depond whether this session of congress will ho productive of import ant legislation, aside, fiom disposing of soinowhoru In the ueighborh tod of a billion dollars, and always regarded us n matter of course legislation. A fow senators and repiesenlulives aie ex pressing Uat-footed opinions as to a hat will or will not be done, but the imiHt of them, knowing how largely the inut-J ter will be determined by eiroum stances are keeping iiuiet and Hying to iind out what their colleagues think. Fresidunt McKiuley is paying special attention to republican senators, as ho lias an idea that if he can get them to act as a unit, enough other votes can bo secured to pass several measures lie wants. The house will, of course, do anything he wishes. V While it may he tiuo that tho admin iMtallou desires poaco and uxpects peace with Spain and nil tlio rest oi the world, it has boon doing n large number of thlngsof late which indicate both the desiru and the intention to bu prepared for war if il- .should come. One of these things was tho placing of a contract for war material, in the shape of the latest improved armor piercing aiiiuuition, ami light calibre guns, Mich as can ho used with advan tage upon auxiliary cruisers, 'lhe contract, which is the laigesi placed by Ihogovcriiinuiit since the close of the civil war, was marked 'tiige.nt," nml the delivery of the material will lie rushed. When ihii contract, ami ojher.s whie'.i n ivc proc-do'ljit Ii tvo all been filled, eveiy gun in tin I'.iiwd Slate, navy will have about live htiu ilted rotiiuU of amunitioii ;if t ho vny lilgheM grade, which n iv.tl nlUouis t.iy i more thhii any navy in" Kurope h.i, ami will be pronu'ei! for any nmur gene, Seeietary l.oiig'saiinual report i. an unusually pjaceiblejsortof a document to emulate from the head of tho navy department, ami imlicitosJIuo cxpoc tiithn on lil part ot war. lie ice ommemU tha'. congress restrict thu ad ditions to tlio navy, 1 1 he provided for at this session to one battleship for tlio I'aclllo coast and a fun' torpedo boats and torpedo boat destroyers, and says that the policy of his (department will be lo gradually take warships out of vommNsiou and put them into reserve, in order to reditu runuiii' cxptMi-.es. If thu radical opponontsjof the civil kel'vico law in congress eanjlni induced to stop their agitation forjtlie repeal of the entire law, and to unltewiih thine who believe that thu law is all right if it be rcsti'k'Vd to covering only thojo positions v ltluu are purely clerical, there is very littl doubt that they nmld win their ligh', iiotw Uit Hiding the opposition of Jl'rosident MJvinley to an) change. Thoy will be given tlio opportunity when the '.committee now investigating thu Mihjeet .shall prc-.cnt its report to tho aunatu.'whiuhJSeiiatoi Pritcliatd, chairman of thejconimltuo says will bu done in January. It U al most certain -Senator lYitchnul UilnU certain that tlio report of the conunit tee will he in favor of exempting all Or. Price's CrwuB ftaklaf Pow4r 4 Pn OrsM Craca f Tartar Pvwisr. ( xeetitlvi' positions 1 1 oni Hit1 oprnitinii if tho ivil service, Itiw nml rulei. Miiny vnli-i c.'in bo ohtnlned for n bill providing for this chnngo tlmt could not bo liii'l for lepeiillng the whole, l:iw. 'I'n Ik it noiig southern senator.! nml lepre'sentiitlvcs indicates that if (lie (ago (imposition to allow National hanky to I-stiu notes lo tin1 par valui! of tho IkuiiIs they liavo deposited with tho United States, to rriluco the tax ation on National bank notes to the actual com of g veriiiiie.nt supervision, ami to pel ink the. establishment of Na tional hanks with a capital of $25,000 in town', of less than -1,000 inhabitant!), be incorpoiateil in a hill by themselves that tho bill will have a good chunei; to become a law While a number of xoitthern scnatoiri might he willing to volo for this hill becauso they believe it would I'l-Milt In heiielittlng their sec tion by luei easing its banking facilities ami making money easier, it is doubt (ill If a .single one of them would sup- ' Dolt tho bl1 if my of the other Himii. . t i.i i iccoioMiet.il iiitiiM of -icn.tarj (iiign arc iiic'i.ihyl. (iultc a number of inlliiei.tial rrpubliein in both jbiauelies t c uginsi liave piivately i opie.-M'il themselves in favor of l.ot 'attempting ai.) thing further in the way ot liiianei il legislation th in the I above ameiulinents to the Nnticnal 1 biinkii g lacs. I 1 Agents of the A. I. A aiceirculaiu r I amoiii! senium s and it f i . . ,1 IS uiiiiei s'.doo that they are trying to acertain wheth er il would be ortli while for that ot gniii.atiou to make a light on the noni ination of Attoi ney (letieral MeKcnna to stireeed Justice Field on the bench of the .supreme coin t. The oigani.a- lion lias not bcuu very .successful in controlling the senate. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What is the use of making a better article than your competitor if you i cannot get a better pi ice tor it? Aus. As there is no ililleienee in the price thu public will bin only the bet ter, so that while our prolits may be smaller on a single mile they will be greater in Mio aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make is the best? if both articles are brought promi nently heforo tlio public both are cer tain to bo tried audthepublie will very quickly pass judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains thu large sales on (.'hamhcrlaiu's Cough Remedy. The people have been using it for iears and have found that it can always be depended upon. They may occasion ally take up with some fashionable norelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to tho one remedy that they know to bo re liable, and for coughs, colds and croup there is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For snlo by H. E. (irlce. School Report. Heport of Inavalo school, Dlst. No. 0 for month ending November '24, 1807. Number enrolled, 33. Averagy attendence, 30. Following are tlio names of pupils who were neither lardy nor absent during the "month: Johnny Drooni licld, Mariah Olmstead, ltalph Hunter, Frankie House, Monroo Henkle and Lois McCliulock. W.M HBi'n:i.nowKit, Teacher. Railroad Engineer Testifies to Benefits Received From Dr. Miles' Remedies. ,- X jiertijSsKJ, r j rf .r I mr rTr " m VJ TIlRItK Is no uioro responsible position on earth than that of railroad eiiRln cer. On his steady nerves, clear bratn, trlt:lit eye and perfect self rimituaiid, Ue peiul tho Kiitutyot tho train and tlio lives of Its passuiiKcrB. Dr. Miles' Norvlno and other remedies aro especially adapted to krephiK tlio norves steady, tlio brain clear and the muntal faculties uiiliupatrcd. Knslneor r. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323 Itrouilwuy, Council ItlutTs, but now rcstdlnK utaill IIumboldtHt., Denver, writes that ho "sintered for years from constipation, caus w sk'k, nervous and bilious headaches nml 'vps fully restored to health by Dr. Miles Nerve l.lver PHU. I lieurtlly recommend Dr. Mlli;,' Ucinoilles." Dr. MlliV ItonieillesI aro sold by all druis- Klsti uinler u tiosltlvol jiiarautco, tlrtt bottlol benufltd or money iu- funded. Hook on ills- emesofthu heart audi norves free. Aililrea, UK. MILKS MF.DKWIiCO., Pkhart, Ind. CURtS WHtHt All llfcil l Cough Hrrup. Tuio 01a Mb Kamwmwmm FrtVx' f -vsH Bv ..... m r nines ym ERemediesl PL Qntlora sl jj. neaitn . IBM .fcUKftWttMtau.ll&t Mil?. 19 ! Uol Cough Hjrup. Tuio Good. VhPJ J In time. Hold by dmgjcliu. Wt VHK RED CLOUD UHiJiiF, I I I I I I III HOW? i By soothing and subduing the pain. That's tho way . St. Jacobs Oil Nenia. i i i i i ii n i i Intorostlng Lottora .The follow ing lutci csting letters wete re ceived by Dr ilartmau, Co lumbus, Ohio, from thankful women Mrs I.. A Adams. .-aili i.. " in writes. ' lean 5&X v. W? 1 - V t. glmllv leeotiimi'inl Dr. Iiartimin's won duful reiiiedi -. Iln.v ere ati .10; liouewili i i witli the boo!,- sen) for tientiiiif on tin. tlitl'eient niliuiMits !Iliue nsid rerun: for fmii 'm and II nccr fails to give relief if taken in time. Whenever I feel done up it helps nn wonderfully. In cases of colds, chills, lagrippc. if t ik'-n in h"t .....till. It m.N lllp.. i chin in. I can i- - .(.. . . ... . - ..I.- ... ommeiiii ii ior iaiu in the back, eohl hands and feet. You will save doctor bills by the use of Dr. 11 utiuan's won del ful medicines. Mis I.lr.nh Wlirgius.lti'i do Heights, Ohio, writes: "I suf fered with ca tarrh of the nose, head and throat for three eais, I could gel no lelief until I begati taking l'e ru-im. I took throe bottles. Il ha done wonders. Independent of curing my catarili, it has greatly im proved my general health. I cannot describe tlio change. Anyone sutlering from catarrh ami knowing that it could be cured would ha very unwise not to take Dr. Hartman's advice, follow directions. I'e-i'ii-tiu does ibe rest." Address the IV-ru na Drug Manufac turing Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a free hook entitled Winter Catarili." Ask your Druggist for a IVru-na Aimannc for 18118 Notico to Toachors. Notice is hereby given that I will ex amino all persons who may desire to offer themselves ns candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at lied Cloud ou the third Sat urday of each mouth. Tho standing desired for 2d and 3d grado certilieate is tho same uo grado below 70 per cent., average 80 pel cent; for first grado certilieate uo grado bo low 80 per cent., average 'JO per cent iu all branches required by law. D. M. llUNTEit, County Supt. Burlington BoutoCallfoinia.Exour sions. Cheap, quick, comfot table. Leave Omaha 1 .:!." p.m., Lincoln (1:10 p.m. and Hastings 8:.')0 pin. every Thursday in cli an, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers, No trausfei.s; cars run righi through to San Francisco and Lot Angeles over tho scenicioiite through Denver and Sail Lake City Cars are cai'ictcil; upholMcicit in rattan; havu sptiug seats unit bucks and ale tuovid ed wi Ii curtain., bedding, touch, soap etc. Uniformed porters amlexpctieiie. ed eveui.siiin eomluctoi accompany each excursion, lelleMug pas'fiigd oj . bothei about baggage, pointing out oh icct of inteiist and iu 11111113 other way- Inlpiug to make the overlord I trip a delightful . u-i . e s,.,. . ,1 I'liisb 'icKctsare liiiioreit lli'iilc fr.i j Koi folder giving full information. ' call at ueaii-l Him llliclioi l.oute ti -l.c (dlice, or wiite to.). lrinci, (5 l' A Omaha, Neb. Klondike What tloch it co-t Ingot theicj When and how shou d you gji What should ouolaki here aie the mincsi How much bae tney produced? Is work iilentifui? What wages iun p.iiil? Is living e.peiive? What are one's chances ot "making a strike"! Complete and satisfactory replies to tlio above questions will ho found iu the llurllngton Route's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information and an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klondike. Free at lJurlingtoii Honle ticket olllee, or sent on receipt" of four cents in stamps by J. Franci-, (icn'l Passenger Ageni, linrlli gton Koute, umalia, zsenr. What Do thr Children Drink Don't Kbe them ten orroili-v. wa jou ttloil tlic navy fooil ilrluW enlleil (lit lN-0. iiiAde of siro KrahiK flint luVes tin ilnce o coft'ec. Thu inoieliiiilieO i)imhciuir clilldreu llioinoic lieiiHli 5011 ilfMrltiuto iIuoiikIi llivli ki.Iphis drain U Ih nuiile nf nun. L-mliik tul uli.m lrii.trly iri'iirvl tuftiHllkiMlie etietie urmti in vuiire inn ruMN m um one luiiriu at inueli Alt kruri'ih n'll It ire mid yie Try Gxaino ! Try(Griiin-0 1 At jeiirKiniet lmln lo linn mi h imeUiiK of IIIH1MI, tho lien fmnl ilniik Unit tnkci tho 1 Into of eortco, The elillilren nmy drink It ttlihom Injury us well tis tho hiIhIi All who try It llko It t.ltAlN u lm imn ilili .ml Ihohii of Moehii or Jtiii..l'iu 11 n ihmiIo from pure KialiiH, nml the mot ilellmlv Moumeh 10 1 elvtfH It Hlllinm illtre. 4 ihe i.rh c of eollif I5o aud itfo vr imrlcutri. .-out I.) 11 I )roeei. TO CUHE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tnko LiiMitlvo llroiiHi (jiiiiiiiiuTiih hits All driiugista refiinil thu innuuy If it fails to cure, 25e, IMmntoYftitr Hiri 11 . , ift.0a.,i!.,Jr i;"A''ilrU'': V.""" ':. Ipi'ie.t . ,. , 10o.aJo. Iff. CO 'll.itn-i,ii,..lml,vi. -SZV V JBKiDAi, DjLC. 3, WO Theory Here. The greatest claims for S.S.S. (Swift's Specific; arc made by those whom it has cured, and after nil the most valuable reputation is one which is given by those who speak from experience. We could publish a page of what we claim S.S.S. will do, hut the people prefer to read of what it has done, and hence we give the testimony of reputuble, well-known people in different parts of the country, who gladly tell of how S.S.S. bus cured them of blood dL.'ascs, after trying other treatment in vain. No wonder S.S.S. has such staunch friends. The experience of those who take it to-day will be the same as of those who twenty years ngo found it the only cure, lllood diseases are obstiu te, ami cannot be cured by one medicine in.fl.do7,cii which claims to cure them; s-j when S.S.S. ist.ikin v.itli s .11 fict:-y results, after n disappointing experi ence with other remedies, il is not strange that it has grnteful friends by the score. MR. WILLIAM SOWERS. Mr. William Sowers, of Bradford. Ohio, was cured by S.S.S. ten years ago of a severe blood poison, anil writes that to this day uo sign of the dreadful disease has ever returned. He says: "I bad a terrible blood disease which is considered incurable, and was treated for a long time by the boht physicians, but they did me uo good. The disease seemed to get a firmer hold ou me, and attacked my tongue and throat, which were soon full of vile ulcers. "I changed doctors several times, aud afterwards took nearly every blood rem edy on the market, without the slightest benefit. . After five years of treatment which did mc uo good whatever, I was induced to try S.S.S. This remedy proved itself equal to the case, for in a tew months I was entirely cured and my skin was perfectly clear and smooth. I could hardly believe that the cure was permanent, but ten years have elapsed and no sign of the disease has yet ap peared." S.S.S. is a sure cure for Cancer, Ca tarrh, Contagions Blood Poison, Scrof ula, Rheumatism, Eczema, and all other blood diseases, which other remedies have no effect whatever upon. It is Purely Vegetable and is the only blood remedy which is guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash or other harmful mineral. S.S.S. Is sold by all druggists. Books on Blood and Skin Diseases will be mailed free to all who address Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. THE NEW WAY. TjfOMEN used w to think "fe male diseases " could only be treated after "lo cal examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women sl!-nt about their eufferinc. The In troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure mmm taken In the privacy of a woman's own home Insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re quires .no humiliating examina tions for Its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them yeung by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advice In cases requlrlne special directions, address, clvlnp symptoms, tho "Ladles' Advisory Department." The Chattanoora Medlclns Co., Chatta nooea, Tenn. W.I. ADDISON, M.D., Cary, Mill., lys: 111 lit uln nf Pnrrlul axtenilvelv In my practice and fi 11 rllia most excellent preparation for female troubles." VRED 1. McKElilJY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Citj nml country rail. promptly 1111 Meied day or uij;lit. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICB. Okhck ovkr Cottino's Uruo Stoue, If 8&3m iff i JLHH'i. There is no question about it whatever. you Jay yts-ir eyes on the B. 5. & Co. the whole story is Absolute correct ness in every respect will be ssen at m m - one.. It doesnt require a shr-ewd buyer to see the difference between these suits and the ordi nary. Just let us ;We are selling more OVERCOATS than the whole town put together, simply because we are selling the above make. Galusha Wescott Now is the To get ooor Go to Newhouse Bros, We have the best Alarm Clock in the city for I the money, NEWHOUSE BROS., Jewelers and Opticians. Hunt; your watcli, clock and jowulry ropaliinj; to us. eity Drav and ROSS S. RIFE. PROS. ' Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. HAND MADE HARNESS ! N the hiM Derail!1 it is tuadu to u-i in pine1 whore oniiuni a hurtles-, would not stuiiil a tei.t. 1 run niiiKe you 1111 nil huiul inside harnes nrur.y a cheap as you ran get thu eoinnii n harness. When yon wani liitrnpsi eonie in and look over n v stoek which ciinuiil lie mii passed iu thu Kepiihliean valley. Fly Nets, Whips, Saddles, Etc. ami in fart everything usually kept in a first elus hurne.-i shop. Trimming ami Heimir Woik neatly anil promptly attended to. CUR CONSTIPATION S' !!. jcTp-r 1 1 HMIfTffrTl Tm$mma3& 25 SO SP.Q(iI I1TPT V nilif X NTPWrt t ' nnr ADOULiU 1 CiU I UUHlmll 1 LLU n.. n,.nr le ami hooUct frfe. Ail. srntl.l(l ItKHKIll PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieagoliamber Yard, RED OLOUD, NEUltASKA. Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. r If you attend the sale you'll see for yourself. suits told show 'em to you. Time your eyes fitted with glasses. $$&K tr&y The long winter evenings will soon be here and you will want to read, and so you will want SPECTAC1VBS t and get them fitted properly. .i Express Itine. J. O. BUTTX, BR. ALL DRUGGISTS raeorennllnallon. fascanti nre tlif Idral Ijixi L-rln nr crlnf.liut su(e -nr natur.it rmulla. ham ! Ihlraso. ilontrf at. Can., otiten inrk. ill, ANBV CATnABTIC - Hf - ""WdKwnmi-