The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 26, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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Oil, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening nnd Hopo
Had Been liar.donod - Wonder
ful Results of i-urlfylng tho Blood.
41 A very howtv pnin chiiio In my lull
knee, which grew vurso und worse, mid
flnnlly n sore brol.t Oiit nbjvo tho knee.
It discharged a grciti ilrnl nml tho pnln
from my thigh down m iimildeiilng.
Large, hard, purplt? spots appeared on my
leg. I fiifforvil in thlt wny for years,
find gnvo up nil hope of ever being cured.
My wlfo wns trading of n ensu llko initio
cured by Hood's Hnrstipurllln, nnd sho
advised mo to try It. I begun Inking It,
nnd when 1 hnil used n few bottles I
found rellof from my Buffering. Oh,
how tlmnkfiil I mil for this relief I I fltn
tttrongcr tlum I have ever been in my life.
I am In tho best of health, Imvo n good
Bjipetlto nnd mil n new innn nltogether."
J. 1. Moons, Mslion lulls, amine,
Hood's P
iVOni- Trti" lllooil l'i i '.i '
' 1 III. t l!l.
mn cpt; i:"
W I.
')no Tctir...
i . !-
- .-
ptiiii.isin;i Kvr.ttY risiD.w
Entered nt tlic oi oilirvm Itul Clotiil, Nuti.nt
tceotnlcluMtftsll mmtor.
The. Kid Cloud, Xth, CHIEF,
weekly, is credited with the tnnjett
circulation accorded to any mpcr in
lied Cloud or in IfWWtr county or
in the Fifth (ionynmuniil Diilrkt.
Printer' lid; July 'JS, JtW7.
Spain ciMicedi'M nvcryttiiu, or oven
makes n pretense of conceding nn
.hlngits il by this govjrniniiit it will
no 1 1 i til nil for this government to
jmtlfy I --l f , In tho i'je if other gov-erinuciii-,
in uny li stilcnetion towards
piiin In diploma iy, Hie iicwSpnnih
ministrj lias shown Itself to bo vastly
superior lo tho inliilstry it succeeded,
but. tho trouble in Cuba i hardly likely
to bo settled by diplomacy, unless pre
ceded by some decisive Spanish
victories Hi battli'.
Tho monetary conference, which Inn
been holding meetings (i IV ami on In
Washington for .smiiu weeks, has Is
turd a .statement prophetyltip their
success in pushing a bill providing
"llnuncial reform" through both
branches of congress, which Is as
chiiuk full of conlidciico as an anti-
election bulletin issued by it campaign
manager, ami which will turn out to be
about us It tic as ihelutouiitl-Tuiiiiiiuiiy
bulletins i-sticd in Now York.
If any syi.ilientu or capitalists are
i (juicing iipn.i niiyiiig Hi" Kn:'i'' IV
iliU' l.ulli'.l'l. 'VlilU; Wli tie mi.l. mull I
(lorcclosun- i.i t month, for less than
t'i alliotllil iif lie li'itilV li'i'eb'eili, ,-.
lo lite goNcrn iit'iit, I lioy urn wa-tllig
iliotr time, bieps aio to bo taken to
qualify tlo- goivrnuu'iil lohld.uiiil. mi
less oilier parlies bid an aiiiouul which
will insure the full payment of 'its
'o! claim, tho gowrnmuiit will buy it in.
'I'lii' gnvernmuit Is also preparing to
loleelo-c its liluttgngc n the Central
1'iiclllo and U'cstoni l'ucilie i.illma(l.--,lf
thoso roads delimit in their payments
on tho of .Jaiiuaiy, as thoy ate
likely to do.
Sprains10 S
The' Shakom ot Mm ul Lebanon, u
comiuiiuiiy of simple, honest, (iml-
fearing incii and women, have pu
pared tho Shaker Digestive Cordial for
many years, and it is always the,
simple, honest, curative medicine that
lias helped :o make tho Shakers the
healthy, long-liven people that thoy
aro. 'I'ho Shaker.s never have indiges
tion. This Is partly owing to ihoirkim
plu modu of life, partly to the wonder
ful properties ot Shaker Digestive Cor
dial. Indigestion is caused by the
stomach glands not supplying enough
dlgestivo juice. Shaker Digestive Cor
dial supplies what' wanting. Shaker
Digestive Cordial invigorates the
stouiuch ami its glands so after
whilo they don't need help. As evi
dunco of tho honesty of Shaker Diges
tive Cordial, thu formula Is printed on
every bottle, hold by druggists, price
Weiulur cold.
Farunni ilu,tcu!nsii was in hinc
looking itfter a fat in to teat one day
this week.
Mrs. .John Stroup has returned from
atrip to Dundy county. She reports
crops good in that vicinity.
Chun. Ihoiii is still under the care of
thu doctor but is convalescing.
There will bu preaching at Pleas
ant Dale on Sunday, November 28tli,
at 11 o'clock, p.m. by Rev. Campbell
of Itivcrtou, Nebraska. Also in tho
evening at 8 o'clock at school district
No. a on Walnut creek.
iMisncs Carrie ami Nettie iiuminell
wcie the guests of W m. VauDyke and
family Siiudn.
There will bo a Chi istinn euiertuiii
menl at L'lesisaut Daio.
Thoso senators who aeicr'cd while
the debate was under way which re
sulted In tho rejection of tho arblti a
tion treaty, negotiated by tho Cleveland
administration, and endorsed by thu
present administration, with great Ilri
tain, that they favoied arbitration, but
opposed that particular tteaty because
of objections they specllled, will shortly
bo given an opportunity show whethur
they meant what they said or wero
merely talking for it eliVel upon thoir
Influential coustltue..H who favored
arbitration and opposed their votes
against the ratllicatlon of the tionty. J 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle
Another urbitratiou treaty lias been
nccotiutcd. and esiiecial pains have LINE.
been taken In drawing its provisions to
meet the objections raised by senators,
in executive session, to the old one. It
will bo sent to the senate as early In
the session as may bu deemed advisable
by President McKinley, probably as
noon as tho treaty for tho annexation
of Hawaii is disposed of.
There is much doubt about what II
nauclul recommendations will be made
in the proftldonl'e message to congress.
It will orolmbly depend largely upou
ho advico given the ptesident by
prominent members of his party in
congress. This doubt docs not arise
from any clashing of financial views
between the president and incmbois of
tho cabinet. They aro nil practically
of one mind us to what timuicial logis
latlou they would like to see put
through congress, but there are grave
ditTeroiices of opinion among them :t
to the advisability f milking recom
mendations which hnreii'i even a re
mote chance of being enacted. ".The
weight of sentiment among republican
senators lepresontatlvu". will pro.
b.ibly dwtermin.) jtwt how far prosideii recommendations will go.
Although a stro"g supp iri.-r ! m i
uilmlnlstratioii ami of tlm St, L nn
plitforiii, Kcpresontativu Dollner, d
Iowa, U 'not a snppurter ot Secretin
tilde's sehmno of l"suing gold bund-, lo
retire the greenbacks. He dmuu I nl
t'ul; the b mil Miliuum directly, but
whuit a nun uos laiigu'ngn like the
following, which is lils,ltheru is no
doubt about whoro ho stands: "There
Is throughout tho country a consider
able fear that an attempt to introdu e
a new system of titiauco In thu present
ftato of politics in congress might re
milt In tho mure exhibition of tho In
llrmltlos of our present system, grossly
oKdgsenitotl by thu -.oat tf therefor
mors, without attaining any substan
tial result. I llml Ivuryjjmany people
wuu aro anxious to sou tho defects of
our present system corrected, but who
feel that wo ought to avoid exposing
our monotary system to a scheme of
unllunhod surgery. It would seem
reasonable that a rohoront plan -onld
be dlvlsml to relievo the country of do-
feels in linanco which everybody ad
mits, without bringing in troublesome
questions us to which no possible agree
ment U at present in sight'
Tho now SpauliU miiiistiy tuny not
succeed in whlpp-'ij Urn Gob ins into
stihmW'slon any belter man the old
ministry did, and It may not really bo
any inoro friendly to the U.S. but it
has become apparent In Washington
that lis repented concessions to the L
S. aro having a very nodded cll'ect In
lessoning luo seiillmet for iuWufereiieo
by this govtrninent. Men may ques
tion tho sincerity of the concessions as
much us thev please, but wo long as
Old Time Thanksgiving.
(I'onununli'itlcil )
Somewhere we have read of thu pe
culiar origin of Thanksgiving day
Tho story goes that n number of those
sturdy pioneers, who faced tho tenors
of an uncivilized countiy and rigor
of a New Kiiglaml winter had gathered
to fast ami pray ami pour out In i
ears of an'ever loving fatliei the wants
III ll lll'sltf- . "lit If I Vi ! -.'.ii" ft!1
hearts. Mmm weic the iililieiion.s ti.ey
hnd been .in up. hi to btnr. Their
M.l'l I illg;- t.lli l.l't i Sill, l' i I, lilt
loomed up !n . way to bring terror to
the .stotiltM I' art. Willi' this little
bai.i , eriiiiiq:0 forsaken, 'v.w pieiid
lug with (Sod, one old deai'-n i who per
haps had been delivered b tin watch
fin liaiitl of (Si tl fiom the danger that
lurke.l in the poisonous allow, -n.-i by
the savage who la 1-- itinbti- i n ad. in
lake the life ot the ulotui wn. lav
unprotected) arose hi knees and
saitl .something to litis ill'tcl: "M
dear brothers and sisters, had wo not
better praise our ever loving Father for
his never ending piliein-e with and
I ive for us, IIU somen mi-.', uugialefui
c'uiltlrcii. We call imagine his tall,
gaunt ligitre as lio swayed to and fro
displa lug his energy, not yet frozen
out by the coltl, or dwarfed by hunger.
Ami as he became more mil more
and more tilled with the power of (Sod,
the consecrated man awakened in the
breast of him, and a tiew light aud a
ileeperrevcreiico for the Almighty God
respecting His divine .vill, and anthems
of praise ami prayer were soon poured
forth from their lips that reached the
throne. Sometimes we feel like a lot
of beggers, always asking (Soil for a lot
of dill'erent things and forgetting to
praise Him for what ho has alreaJy
done for us. David, with all his hack-
siblings, was a pillar of praise, a moil
uinciit of thanksgiving. Listen to
Psalms, chapter 34, verso a, "Muguify
the Lord with me, and let u- exalt His
mime together." Again in chapter SO,
verse 7, ho says that I may publish
with a voice of thanksgiving aud tell
of all his wondrous wo I its. (), ye
christlons read Psalms, chapter 05,
verso 2, aud make a joyful noise. Let
us believe what thu Apoulu of Paul
wrote unto tho Pbilipuins. He cmeful
for nothing but In everything, in prayer
aud iu supplication, with thanksgiv
ing let your hearts bu known to Cod,
nml with grateful lunrts iu tituoi of op
pression give thanks with a fervent
spirit. Keep the thought in vie
that "Kvery good and perfect gift com
eth from above. ' I am yours in the
service of (Soil,
Mei.vina 11. VanDvke.
Sail Francisco, California.
nil ntigi 1, but when poor people have n
baby! ii don't n tt word about it,
evuilf ' Is the Kiiarcst.toed, bliic''.
haired, Ipjgcst-lieaocd, nobles' little
kid tha vor kept a woniin awiike at
nig it I .at's what's the matter " And
shi'd-i" id out as rapidly as slit came
in. 'IV eka .Mail.
A perfectly
healthy woman
is a rate sight.
Such a woman is
Health brings
clear complex
ion, clear eye,
steady nerve,
elastic step ami
graceful move
m o u t s. A
healthy woman
with healthy mucous
I'lic mucous membrane
s &i jf il
$m vw
vi .Pi
J Ml1
is a woman
line the whole body, every organ iu tho
boily. The slightest catarrh of one f
these tm-mhraiics produces languor,
-allow kin, lis'less eye, ami weaken
big Mcl'aigi" Mi-. Alvimi ll.inei.
I.rat, Uiiib Kn,i.., Wis., in a recent let
ter to Dr. II irliiiiiu, sav.s: "I was
I'.i.tlliLiI for till ie.u v.uh i.ii.iu.i.
ciitarih 1 iiM'd I'e-ni-na for about
eight mouth-, ami I must -ay that I
am peileetly cured of the .liie.iac. ll
will be two j curs next .Iiuiosincel was
eiiri il, nml I have not been troubled
with an of ni old .symptoms.
Dr. Ilntiiiiaii'.- littc-t book on chronic
catarrh will bo sent flee to uuv
dress for a short time by Thu Pe-ru-im
Ding Manufacturing Co., Columbus,
Ask your di uggist for a free Pe-ru-na
almanac for lblli.
is no
s soon as
r )
,4"i jf i i rfjcj wii
B. K. & Co. suits t
whole story its told nj y
If you
attend the
sale you'll
see for
you fai' ol eyes on
the wi
Absolute correct-
ness ir every respect will be seen at
I . a 1
once, it coesnt require
a s j r e w d buyer to see
the difference between
these suits and the ordi
nary. Just let us show 'em to you.
Our ctubbing List. We are selling1 more
Helow we present a list, of u mini- . .
her of the leading magazines, news-'
papers, farm papers, etc., with prices
they can bo hud In connection with
Tun Ki: Cloud Cuiit.
Wo must have one yearly sub
scription to the Ctiiur with each peri
odical ordered, lint both need not nec
essarily bo hunt to the same address.
Rev.W. M. Slaughter,
Writes of the Benefit Received From Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine,
fete,. M
' v2S
r it TJ dlti
Or. Price's Grm Bkli Pewdti
4 9vn On Ctmm Tartec Hwr .
It. MILES' Rcstoratlvo Norvino Is
particularly adiiptrd to tho restora
tion of health broken down by hard
monial work. Itov. V. M. Hlauitlitur of New
Haven, W.Va., writes: "IsuiTerod with ex
tromo norvousncHS, illilncss, dull and nor
vous licadacliosiiuilnlooplossiH'HS. My heart
camo to troulilltiB mo, I was short of breath
from tho least oxortlou, (iiul sulTerod much
pain In my left slJo.
Moillclno and pliysl
chins Ktivo mo no ro
ller. I procured Dr.
Miles' ItuHtorutlvo
Nervine, Now Heart
Curo and Norvo and
I.ler I'llls, uuil I am
Biiru no wo r lis ot com-
luonilntlonnstn tho rcsiiltscanliotoo strong,
I sleep well, tho illizlncss and confusod fcol
hiit huvo dUappenreil, my lm.irt troutilos mo
no mora uml I feel perfectly well."
Dr. M lies' Itoineiltt-s aro hold by all drug
Klsta under a positive i;unriintcu, llr.'.t liottlo
luMiollts or money rofiindcd. Iloolc on
Heart uuil Nerves bout fi eo to all applicants.
Dlt. MILKS MCDICALCO., Elkhart, Itul.
Nearly all the farmers aro busy
gathering tliuir corn.
One of Chris Nolsou'.s hoys hail the
niistoriiiHo to get one of his arms
broken one day last week.
(eo. Cither was trau-aeting l'tii
uess at Kctl Cliiiul a coiipio ot da.s hi-i
w( els.
Win. liu'tthaiier is erecting a lame
new house.
Thi) cat pernors huvo cuinpleti'il it e
new iiarii mi '.he pour taim.
Win. Crahill was having lii. oats
thlcahed last week.
Mii. . I. C. Wilson and mother were
isitlugat Hed Cloml Uu- hrterp.trt ot
tho wis i
.limmic Httlu has purchased a new
Hev. lleau Is able to lie up and
around again.
Theie will be a spelling school lit
iiisirict oil liiurstiay evening.
Win. Tabor and wife from Cass
county aro here visiting among rela
tives, Stdnnkh
Omuliii liee . .. il.tx)
Farm mid Viroide, i- tit. M
Lmllcs llniiie ('iimpiiiiliiii. M
St. I.ottli Globe Ucmorrut. 1 IK)
I.utihvllle Courier. loimint, s-w t(J
ChirhitiHll Tlmrn Star, w ..
IMillmli'lplilH l'riNH. w I 00
Tbe Clilcai'o Trllninu. w . TO
The CblruKo Tribune, d A W
Hocky Xoiuitiiln .New, w uo
Hock) Motiiititlti News, il "M
Cincinnati ninjulrcr, '... ... '
I.lppllllnjtt MrtKHzttlO, m .110
GulcV MiiKiilne, iu- 1 IK)
Pemoreht'ij Family MiiKiw.Iiie. m 1 (U
Lenlles HhiMrarcd Weekly, w .. 4 no
Atlaiitle Monthly, in 4H0
Kaniiis City Star, w.... iL"
OrHiige Jinld Kurmer, w tuo
American Woiuuuh Ulimtrnted
World, w 4 0ii
San Krnuclsco Chronicle, w..... 1 50
San l''ranclteo Chronicle, d... 6 To
Breeders (inrettc. w... yoo
Nebraska .t Kansas Karinnr, ni . l
Tho above olfera tiro made only to
now subscribers who pay one full year
In advance.
The Red Cloud Chief,
Red Cloud.Nob.
Where is Liberty Township.
John Brown of Liberty township,
Webster county, was recently con
fronted by thu en bier of the Fht
National bank of Hliiu Hill with a note
for$'."0, with Brown's .signature to it.
Brown had been the dupcof ajscoiindrcl
who was canvassing lor aid to help his
family out of Oklahoma where he had
lost everything by a cyclone. Beware
how 3011 put your name on a subscrip
tion piipercarricd around i a stranger.
-Supi rim' .Journal.
ttou i.i'.
I IM I 10
1 (HI 1 Id
1 00 I W.
101 li-.
1 10 I ,
1 00 I Si
I 0 1 1 !"
lno 1 mi
1 01 1 :u
too 7)
l hi 1 as
lie .'ton
I on 1 W
1 00 1 fill
l no 3 m
IK) 4 Oil
10U 100
100 too
100 .ISO
1 00 2 DO
tno BTO
100 315
100 100
than the whole town put
together, simply because we are
selling the above make.
Galusha & Wescott
$100 Reward $100.
The renders of tliL paper will be
pleased In learn that there is at least
ouedicadcd disease that science has
been able to curo in all its stages, aud
that is catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is
tho only positive cure kuowti to tho
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
Mi. utionul treatment. Halls Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, actingdlrcctly
upon tho blood and mucous surfacisof
tho system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up thu
constitution nnd assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers,
that they offer one hundred dollars for
any case that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENKY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold y Druggists. 75c.
Hall's family pills art the best.
Notice to Tcaohora.
Notice is hereby given that I will ex-
amine all persons who may desire toj
offer themselves as candidates fori
teachers of tho public schools of this'
comity, at Red Cloud on tho third Sat
urday of each month.
The standinc desired for 'd aid thf
srado certificate is the' same uo crude
below 70 per cent., average 80 per cent;
for first grado cortilicatn uo grado be
low 80 per cent., average )0 per cent iu
all branches required bylaw.
D. M. IlUNTRR, County Supt.
What Do the Children Drmk.
Don't giro them tea or coffee. Have you tried
tbe 11 jw food drink railed OkAIN-O. made of
pure grains lliat takes tbe place o ooffco. Tlio
moreUralii'O yon rIvo your children tbe more
health you distribute through their kyatems.
Oratn-O In made of pure (trnlns and when
properly prepared taMen like Hie choice grades
of coffee bat coIn about one fonitli aa much.
All tjroeers Kell It. 15c and 'Joe.
Burlington Houto California Excur
sions. Cheap, quick, coinfoi table. Leave
Unvtiha l::)r p.m., Lincoln i:10 p.m. aud
Hastings 8:.')0 p.m. every Thur.sday iu
clean, modern, not crowded tourit
. !...... . V. inn u I'Mn 1 In lit :
V ' 1 ,,;..'.!.: ! Ak jour srorer today to Miow 3011 n pnekage
tin ough to San rrnncusen and Lo . r oif.MN i. ih new food druik tiuu takes
Ktvrvlioily 5j f-o.
Cnooiircts fatnlv tJiithevtie. the moi.t von
(lorl'iil medical illrnu', of the npo, peas
ant and refri'Sliinr to the Inxlc, net pently
and positively on kidneys. It or and howls,
cieaiinhe; the ciitini t.vfl''iu, ill'pcl colds,
euro liciidmiiif, fever, imliltiiiil .n 'li Minn
nnd blilimsiii'ss. f'lrsisu huv nnd try n box
of U. (J. O. today ; 10. :i1. '.(1 1 ents. i-Solil uuU
guaraiiteeil tn euro nv all dniL'i;lsts.
Try Grain-o ! TryGrain-0 !
f? mum' m
F Nervine m
K Restores
llnX Coush fcjrrup. Ti
In tlma Hold by
Hit MUS, Ql
aair U00VL Cm
druadiu. VI
She Wanted a Scpjare Deal
llitUt item from the Frankfort lice;
She came bouncing thiimgh thu sanc
tum door of the Heo ollice, Tuesday,
like a cannon hall, ami with )ut pau-o-lug
to Myj 'how d'yu (In?1 she brought
her umbiclla down with a mighty
urah i.iul .shoiiicil, "l wantyott to stop
my paper." All right, madam," n
piled the ununited man behind tliu
dusk. "Smpltiijjht (dl',"-liup(ir.sisted,
whacking tho lablo bgun . "for I've
wailed lung enough lor you to do tm
squaii) tiling.'' Shu quieted down for a
moment 11s w tan our linger ilnwji the
list nt ii lines uuil when we leached
her it m) scratched it out she said:
"Then ' Xow, mnyboioii'lld.i as you'd
orter after this, ,iud not slight a woman
because she is poor. If miiiic rich folks
happen 10 have a llltln rml-hciulcd,
bautlu-Iegged, Apilut-eyeil, nlieo,y
squallerborn to them you make it out
There is no
word so full
of meaning
and about which such tender and
liolv recollections cluster as that
of '"' Mother"- she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first totterincr sten. Yet
Angeles over the scenic route through
Denver aud Salt Lake City. Cars a. 'o
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have
'spring scats and backs and tiro provid-
cil wi h curtains, bedding, towels, snap
etc. r informed pirler5an(leperieiu
cd c,ciiiHioii conductors accompany!
i acli 1 xcui'slnii, rclii' ing pns-cngcis ot j
01 ' ur ilOOUl Uliggll:e, Miiiiiiuj; "" ""
iects of iiiteres ami in many other
wnvs helping to make tho overland
Hip 1 bice of coll'cc The clilldieu ma drbib l
nliliout Injury lis well us iIiimiiIiiII A 1 who
tr Il llko it. lilt VINO has Dial rich real
bronu nt .Mocha or .limi.lliiit It Is nnide from
pure grain's and Hie 1110M ilcllcntu nomacb re
I'lvi's 11 ullliniit ijitres li Die 1 rJrt of collco
j l.'iit nml !ile per pin kagi. Mild b a 1 g-rui cj.
the life of every Kxpcctanl ilotti- t.i,, ,,.igbtful oxiierlenco. Second 1 s only one ot trie ciunger Higntus inai
cr is beset with dancer and all ef- class tickets ate lionmcd. Ilerths $:,. , nature uses to toll us that our kidncva
, ' 1 , ,, ,h . ..: 1 u v,, f.,1.1,,,. ivlii.r full infoiii'-itioii . are not acting right, and that wo uro
fort Should be made to avoid Jt. , J to I ' KJJ.J Wn "" , it.V,,,.Vt I "kLt I tl"Kur "? "right's Disease and
.. .. . so assists nature.0"' " When the lcld-
muiiici J)
intr place that
the E:
Uiiiaha, Neb.
What docs it cost to get there)1 Whun
Mother is cna
tpi to look for- aud how should you go? What should
.. r.r.-"l nl
1 "y """: 1
I I IUIIU ,nf, without one lake? Where are the mines? How
, " . warV W, r" inucli have they produced? Is work
dread, suffering or gloomy tore-, utumirul? What wages aro paid? Is
bodings, to the hour when she vug expensive What are one's
experiences the joy of Motherhood, chances ot "making a .strike"?
Itc no !nnro; -sifotv to the lives Cuniplote and satisfactory replies to
Its use insures satcty to ti c lives , qt.Mj0s win be found in
of both Mother and Child, and she , u,,,..!,,,,,,, Home's "Klondike
is found stronger after than before Fid,.r," now ready for distribution.
confinement in short, it "makes Sixteen pages of practical information
Childbirth natural
so many have sai
persuaded to use
' r I'll i L'lUssi.Miger igeui, nuriii giou
Unite, Omaha, Nchr.
il and easv " as ! ami an up-to-date map of Alaska and
,, nTj uVjtho Klondike. Free at Uiirlington
aiu. LFouv ui- itouti- ttckit otllces, or sent on receipt
se anything but f four cents' in stamps by J. Francis,
Totter, Sult-lthuum and Kuzoum.
The inteiiEo itching nnd smartiug inc!
"My wife BiifTored more in ten min- 'Jeut to th(o diseases is instantly nilaye
utcs with either of her other two ohil- by applying Chamberlain's 12yo aiu!
dreu than she did altogether with bur Skin Ointment. Slimy very bad cu""
used tour not- wivo been permanently cured oy it. 11
1st, having previously
les of 'Mother's Frii
como a woTHbii," says a oubvoiuit.
IIi-.NDKnso.N Halk, C'arnii, Illinois.
IC is a ,a oquallv efllclont for itching idles nid
sore nippies
ilns, frost bite.
mil chronic sore oyos. 23 cts. per bos:
blessing to anyone expecting to be- 1 favorite remedy for sore nipples;
milium minus, omioiains. iiohc uiieo
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, nre
Of I)rUKtlnt ll.00,oront brBtprem onrecelpl . .. .vi.nt hnrRn npixlu when in bad
of price Write for book coiitiili.lnis totlnionlal JUHt Wliat tt norSO n.LUB VI " '
and Tttlunblo Infonuatlon for oil Mother, free. JOlldltlon. Tonic, blood purifier UUll
Ih. Uradftolil UtRulator Co., Atlaata, Ua. j vermlfnge. They are not food but
1 medicine and the best in use to pnt a
1. iikiiu. onr iiowoi wuu c-Htraru. K0rse in prime condition. Price 21
'ily Ciitiinrtti'. cure constipation forever. ,,. nor nWiwi
0.-.-;V. ifCC.C f.lll.trll3t(llllrefun4moMl8nCperPc
ncv.i nr not dome their (llltv
on which hhouhl bo filtered out of tho.
blood through tho urine remnins In thei
system, and dlscaso results, xnis oou
dltlon can be ,
Yours of April 2nd at hand asking to
let you know what, if any. bonolit I
derived from the sample pills received
some tlmo ago nt Hastings. I have not
used thrill, but found iu my desk a box
of your Spartigus Kidney fills I bought
during the winter. I used them that
time for sore back, and some tlmo
thereafter my boy and hired man did
the same and It relieved us greatly of
pain in (lie back and cleared the urine.
When I looked at lno box ye.stcuiay i
found it contained sixteen pills-, but do
not know bow how maiiv it contained
in thu start. It is a regular flOo boxvt
Now undcistaiid me; three of us used
the pills for sore back, and sixteen lett
of afiOc box, I think thoy aie all right,
ami eatiuot leccmmcud them to highly.
IIiiMtr Hoi.t.iks, (ilonevillo, Nebr.
Sparaps Kidney Pills,
HOBBS REMEDY CO., PaormnnoM, Qmcaoc J
Dr. uobba PIIU Vor Bale in Ktu i;wjuu,bm.
by a li.corriNQ, otuwut.