The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 19, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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A ftiunnntlc Cnri-rr Itnvtcit ed F.x-I'.mp-rei
KiiKPiitt .mllcd t i:inp Itrc-ent
Had Vlult lu Till Cnuntrj IIU Many
Million for Uiliuatlnii.
PAnin, Nov. 10. Dr. Tlioinnt W.
Evans, tlio rich nml famous American
dontlst, died suddenly yesterday morm
Ing In his seventy-sixth yonr, surviving
Ills wlfo only 11 few month.
One of Dr. Evans's claims to dlstlnc
tlon wns his part In tlio escape of ex
Empress Eugonlo. Aftor tho pro
feet of pollco hud told Eugcnlo that
hor remaining hero whllo tlio em
pire was tottering to Its full, tho mob
being already lit tho gardens of tho
Tulllorlea mid clumorlng for hor life,
sho tied to Dr. Evans, who linil onco
troutcd her and others of tho royal
fniully, and ho secretly escorted her
and it woman companion through
many dangers to Trouvlllo, where ho
persuaded Sir .John Hurgoyno to take
tho women In Ids' yneht to tho Islu ol
Wight, whence thoy proceeded to Lon
don, and weru well received by tin'
royul family.
It Is related thnt while tho party
was on the way to Tronvllle, as thoy
passed through Llslcu.v, Eugcnlo, for
getting for a moment hur position, on
seeing a policeman 111 treating a man,
called outi "I am the empress, and I
command you to lot that man got'
Dr. Evans, however, explained tho
outcry by telling the policeman thai
his companion was a lunatic who wui
traveling wlti( hor physician and at
tendant. Othor lllco stories aro told of tho
trip, and Dr. Evans' Ingenuity must
haro been taxed to tho utmost to muko
the escape safe, but It Is inld that his J
roatly wit never once licscrtcd him,
however trying tho circumstances.
When Dr. Evans was In Amer
ica with his wife's body early this
fall ho announced that ho intended
to dovoto his fortune, estimated
between thirty nnd thirty-five million
dollars, to charitable and educational
Institutions In thnt country after ho
had provided for a few relatives. One
of his projects was to establish n
great and partly free dental college
In Philadelphia, lie also communi
cated with tho heads of various unl
voisltle.s to elicit their Ideas.
Dr. Evans located here In HIO He
soon achieved a wide reputation and
opei tiled on the teeth of most of tho
crowned bonds of Kuropo save Queen
Vleloua, Among his curlier patrons
was the prcHont e.ur of Russia, whoso
teeth h attended when that mon
arch was In hl.s teens. He was as In
timato with Napoleon 111 as any com
moner could be, nnd It is said that the
foundation of his fortuno was duo to
that friendship, the. thon emperor
having given him many hints about
Mage Anscnnilt Hourly Kill n Mniinm
.TVntoliliiun Criiihed boveral It I be
Pmr.ADKi.rniA, Nov. 10. A hugo
anaconda on exhibition in a imisouru
hero yestordny soveroly injured Sam
uel Masher, tho museum watchman,
and crushed to death a valuable- trick
ponoy. The pouey was tied to a food
box alongside tho anaconda's cage,
Mashor .saw tho reptilo had worked
ono of tho boards of Its cage loose and
had stretched out n short distance
He pushed tho board to, bollov
lng tho anaconda would pull
within Its cago ogalu. Instead It
wriggled out and wrappod Itsalf sov
eral tltnos about Mashor. Tho latter
screamed for help and tho pony, fright
ened by tlio big reptile, bogan jump
ing about. This saved Masher's llfo,
for tho reptile unwound Itself from
him and completely onolrclod tho pony.
Masher fell to the floor, unconscious.
When a number of tho employes
reached tho scene tho nnako began to
unwind Itself and nppcared to bo cot
ting ready for tlio tight. Tho men
kept It off until a lasso had boon ob
tained and the snako Dually made se
cure, fcoveral of Masher's ribs wero
broken and ho was taken to a hosoltal.
Kntrln on Jarlcton Count' I.Ut
of lllomlr Crlntfii.
Kansas Ccrv, Mo., Nov. la Pour
more entries were mado on tho long
record of Jncksun county shootings
between sundown Saturday night and
this morning. One man and ono wo
man wore killed, ouu slayer escaped
and tho othor was captured. All the
parties to tho killings were negroes.
In addition, n miner was stabbed, n
chicken thief was shot aud both will
probably dlo.
Tom Mnbry. a ctdored haek driver
of Independenco killed his common
lay wlfo because she was walking on
tho street with another man. Hubert
Clark, u negro, killed Elmer Gordon,
another negro, at a danco lu a row
over n woman. Ooorgo Mllos of Inde
pendence fatally shot Edward Clark
while tho latter was menltug chickens
from Miles chicken house, John Kin
brougli.a negro miner from Hlchmoml,
was stabbed and mortally wounded by
"Johnny" Smith, another negro. The
men quarreled over a story that Kin
brough was looking for Smith
OlrU' Unxrtrre at CarTuio, V.
CAnt.ihi.K, Pa., Nov. 10. Two (Ires,
both bcllovod to bo of incendiary ori
gin, broke out in the glrls's quarters
of tho Indian school last night. Tho
first alarm was Bounded while tho 300
g-Irls wore nt supper. Tho blaze was
In the reading room and wns quickly
extinguished. Perfect discipline was
maintained by the teachers. Two
hour lator. aftor mauy had retired
for the night tho second ory of flro
arose, live room of ono of the pupils
was seen to be in Homes, and tho In-
dlau fire brigade had to bo called out
before- tha blaze was extinguished.
J. VTaMUr Kirk Held for Minntlng a
Man In n New York llntpl,
Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 10.- J. Wntdlor
Kirk, known jis tho ''King of tint
Dudes," who came here recently from
Chicago, was yesterday nrralgncd in
tho polii court on n charge of shoot
nig ltlchnrd Mandclbaum in tho hotel
G Irani, anil hold in 3'.',r.00 ball for ex
amination November -X Kirk was
carefully dressed. Jlo worn n
black frock coit. yellow waist
coat, stripped 11 nek and white
trousers, red Ascot tlo with a pearl
pin and patent leather, pointed
gaiters, with upcrs thnt matched tho
trousers. He stood bofote the bar un
gloved, holding his silk top hat in his
right hand. Around hU head and
chin wns wound a narrow bandage of
while cotton to cover a ncalp wound
on lliu top of his head. Ills de
meanor was calm. He was brought
to court by it pollco captain. Man
dolbuum was tumble to appear,
and a roundsman made the formal
charge o,' felonious assault ngalutt
Kirk, Miiudolbamn'a physician tent
a i-c-rtlllt-ali-. lu which he stated that
ho was uiialiiij to determine at present
I whether or not tho wound would re
sult fatally.
. "1 am represented by Mr. Friend."
said Kirk. "1 will say nothing until
1 consult with him."
Counselor Friend appeared at this
juncture. There being no bondsmen
present, Kirk was locked up lu the
prison attuched to the court None of
his friends wero lit court. Kirk de
clined to make any .statum-itiL
According to the police, Maude!-
bauiu failed to find his wlfo In her
room when ho returned to the hotel
Saturday, and wont to KirU'a room
and kicked lu tho door.
Kirk In mid to have fired live times
at the Intruder. One shot entered bis
body just abovo the heart and ouo
struck him In the irroltt. Tho others
went wild. Kirk said he shot In self-
defense, declaring that Mandclbaum
struck him with a blunt Instrument.
-1. Wnldlsr Kirk la well known lu
Chic i go and Denver. Ills novel Ideas
on dross have attracted wldo utten-
Munli-ri-rt of tlin Hlx Splicr
by it Mill.
Coudot, Paul
N. D., Nov. 10. -Alex
Holy Track and Philip
Ireland, Indians, tho llrst of whom
was suiitouccd to death for tho niurdci
of six members of tho Stiicur familv
last Fubruury, and had just been
granted a new trial by the Mipremo
court, nnd the latter two Nelf-con-
fessed uccessorle-. In the murder, were
taken from tho jail in Emmons county
Saturday night and lynched by a mob.
Tho lynching apparently had been
cooly planned and was carried out
without it break In tho progrntn. Sud
den and swift retribution was meted
out by tlio mob to tho murderers.
Wr.llnmsport, whero tho hanging
took plaeo, Is about forty miles from
tills city and oir tho railroad. The
news of tho hanging was received
hero yesterday afternoon, when n
mounted messonger arrived, his horse
in n foam from a, swift ride, mid an
nounced that tho thrco men had been
lynched. Tho shorllf of the county,
Peter Shier, wns In this city at tho
tltiio the hanging occurred nnd It was
to him that the messenger rode In
such hot haste. Tho men had b;on
under tho custody of Deputy Sheriff
Tom Kolley, and they wero taken
from under his control by the mob
and hanged to a beef windlass several
hundred yards from the jail, whuro
tholr bodies swung to tho bree.o dur
ing tho entire day, tlio coroner being
late to arrive and no ouu else volun
teering to cut thorn down.
Tli Onttoil Stntcs ffiiprnnn Court
Imii Itt Mnmlitto ut Oavn.
W'ABitiNfno.v, Nov. 10, On motion
of Assistant Attorney (icneral Ander
son tho supremo court to-day decided
to issue immediately Its mandate in
tho Durraut murder case. No repro
seutatlvo of Durrant was In court
when the motion wns made, nnd tho
lout-tnflera hurried cutibulttttlon of
ths bench, announced through Chief
Justice Fuller that ttie inundate, should
issue forthwith.
Mr. Anderson thinks this will settle
tho mutter and hasten Durrant'shaug
lug. He said he would have mado
the motion sooner but fur tho neces
sity of giving notlco to Durrnnt's
Mn MoKlol Eipooteil to
Moderation lu 111 Menage.
Wabiii.voton, Nov. 10. b'onioof the
points in the President's messago relat
ing to Cuba were mado gossip to-day
under circumstances which smrirest
close acouracy. It is said that ho
does not wish Congress to take
any notion that ml-jht causo strained
relations with the Spanish government
or in any way Interfere with his ef
forts to bring about a termination of
tho war In Cuba. Ho fools that moro
can bo accomplished if tho administra
tion bo not hampered in any way by
congressional action, which might In
flamo publlo feeling In tho United
States and in Spain, nnd all ho wants
Congress to do nt profiont Is to restrain
the jingoes In both houses
rnley'e TrlM roituoneit,
Luikutv, Mo., Nov. If.. Judgo llroad
ilm unnounced this morning that thu
second trial of William Foley, charged
with the murder of his mother and
sister, would begin Monday, Deeomber
27, Ho will romalu In Kansas City
until that time.
i ' Carrier Rotibmi or t i.noo in r,K
Wauukx, Idaho, Nov, 10. Tho mall
carrier was held up heru by a lone
highwayman. Tho robbor took all
the registered mall and letters. Tliors
I wm about 11,000 In cash.
suicide to avoid trialJANADJ AN PJiOI'OSAL
I. P. Herman of Olnthfi Kill ItluMolf
U'm , coined of Crlnin.
Oi.ATHB, Knn Nov. 10. .7. P. Her
man, for more than fifteen years an
attorney of this city, who was to have
been tried In Lawrence to-day on the
eltargo of obtaining money under false
pretenses, killed himself by taking
carbolic acid about 5 o'clock this
Herman came from Carlisle. Pa.,
over flftocn years ago and about ten
yen ngo ho was married to Miss Knto
Scallon, a teacher tit the institution
for the deaf and dumb here. Ho was
until recently a Sunday school stipct
In tendon t. During tho years he was
an enthusiastic .Sunday school worker
ho played poker unknown to his
church and family. He was detected
In many crooked financial transac
tions, but not until tils arrest about
six months ago by Mrs. M. (I. It. Stll
well of Lawrence, Kun., charged with
obtaining gL'.OOJ under false protonsos,
was It generally known thnt ho hud
lost till at cards and high living.
Herman was president of tho South
jnitcrn Kansas Editorial association,
but last week he sold Ills paper, tho
Ohitho Weekly Herald. He was a
member in good standing of the An
cient Order of United Workmen nnd
Modern Woodmen. No arrangements
will bo made for his funeral until the
arrival of his father or brother from
Clary tTrcee t'onirdt to
tho Syitem at tJnce.
WAaiitNOTo.v, Nov. 10. Tho first
annual report of Postmaster Qonoral
James A. Oary to tho president was
mailo public last night. Its featurols
the btroug advocacy of postal savings
depositories as tt scheme over which
Postmaster General Gary has worked
several months in the formulation of
plans to present to the president and
congress. Ho says tho time Is rlpo
for tho establishment, and that tho
addition of n well organized sys
tem would confer a great boon
upon a large number of people,
and ultimately be ol Inestimable ben
efit to the wholu country. Tho reve
nues and expenditures for tho llseat
year ending June 3d, lhlH, are: Total
prSlnl revenue lor lhl),, 5S'.".0rr,.0a.73i
add fi per cent. 81,1 J3.S73.1X Est!-,
" , , "' ; . "'nrV ."?,;" ;u:
estimated revenue for 1800, 892,874,
fi47.37T"o5ltlnatcd expenditures for IsOH,
B08,U22.700; deficiency for 1809, esti
mated, 30,0 19, 11 2-03.
Alanjr Mlneri Illik Tlic-lr Me
liiff Flame at Aipeu.
Ahi'K.V, Col., Nov. 10. A fire that
gives fulr promise of closing down
every big mine lu the camp Is raging
In tho eighth level of the Stnugglur
mine. The cause of tho catastrophe
Is supposed to bo spontaneous com
bustion: ulthouglt there tiro ti few who
nre inclined to the theory that u care-1
ble. So far the fire has been confined Kfootl. J lint we favor the lm
to a largo crib, and Is burning at a mediate creation of a state from Okla
point about SOU feet below the surface. noma Territory, with such bounda
All efforts to reach tlio llro have , r'es as Congress may deter
proved unsuccessful and an attempt to mine. Provided, that If such
piiico iiuii:-iieafiH in too connection
came near losing tho lives of some fifty
men. Over forty of thesu wero so
overcome by the deadly g.ts that for u
time their lives weru despaired of.
Tlio burning crib is located ubout
thirty feet from tho Molllu Gibson, and
the Smugglor-Mollie connection furu
Ishcd a draught for the tire.
ftobnrt T. Lincoln'" DutiRhtcr HofuiitHl
to Acceilfi to Her l"athur' With
Chicago, Nov. 10. Mrs. Jessio Lin
coln Ueckwlth, daughter of Robert
T. Lincoln, left Chicago last night to
join her young husband nt Mount
Pleasant, lown. Hor mother accom
panied her to the train, but her
father was as unrelenting as over.
Ho tried to induce his daughter to
give up her husband, but sho refused of Ministers begun at immanuel llap
to do ho, nnd hor parents finally con-. tlst ci,urcj, this afternoon, to remain
eluded to lot her have her own way,
although Mr. Lincoln rofuked to con
dono his sou-lit -law's offense.
Mrs. Ueckwlth arrived nt Mount
Pleasant at midnight, and tho friends
of her husband, including tho foot
bsll team of Iowa Wosleyan college,
on which ho plays half back, gave her
an enthusiastic reception.
lluihnoll Secured m I'laralltr of 1)8,000
on a Ureully Iteditceil Viilo.
Coi.uMtiiw, Ohio, Nov. 10. The ofllc-
al veto of Ohio for tho respective can
didates for governor tit the state
election was: lliishnell, Republi
can, 430.S10; Chapman, Democrat,
40I.7I5J Hollldny, Prohibition, 7,558.
Coxor. Pconlo's nartv. 0.254: Dexter.
National Democrat, 1,001; Watkins,
Social 1st-Labor,
4, Sit'; Lewis, Negro
Llborty, :i,107; Hush-
Protective, t70;
noil's plurullty, 28,lul.
Tho voto of Ohio for President was:
Mclvlnley, 525,001; Hrynn, 474 682;
Brynit (People's), 2,015; Lavorlng, Pro
hibition, 5,038; Machett, Soclnlist
Labor, 1,105; Palmer, National Demo
nrut, 1,858; McKlnley's plurality, 51,
V). Usually thoro Is nothing in a nnmo,
but thoro are times when u man puts
everything ho haa In his wife's name
Carr' Kentenoe To-Day.
Lipkutv, Mo., Nov. 10. Judge
llroaddus stated this morning that ho
would sentence William Carr, the child
murderer,. to-morrow. It Is bcllovou
that the "sentence will bo hanging,
probably, some tlmo In tho lattor purf
of January.
Iltnitrateit American Bolil.
Nkw Youk.Nov. 10. LorlllardSpen
tcr, fore eight yenrs proprietor of tho
Illustrated American, has sold the en
tire property, including plant and
good will, to a syndicate of capital-Jits,
In Arrttnicn ' lrinlnl Hi-iilriiirnt Nnl
Only of HcrlDK Nni (Jui-tluii lint of
ttcrlprui'lt), llurilpr I in in le r. I Imi. North
Aliunde I Mii'rlc, i:ir
Wasiiimito.v, Nov. IT The Cana
dians determined to-day to meet the
United States proposition for the Im
mediate suspension of pelagic settlings
with a counter proposition for the
establish megt of a commission to ar
range a general settlement not only of
tho Ilcrlug sea question, but of recip
rocity, border immigration, North At
lantic fisheries and all pending ques
tions between the United States aud
Canada. It was stated authoritatively
that this proposition would bo sub
mitted when the diplomatic phases of
tho subject should be taken up.
Whether It will tend toward an ad
iusttnent Is doubtrul. , w-uy would be done
The contention of the American rep- j "After duo consultation and con
resont.ttlves Is thnt the llerlng setiUltlo'atioii these gentlemen, feeling
question Is the first thing to be dls- their sense of responsibility, im
posed of and that the suspendou of i nouneetl yonr ease was such that they
pelagic sealing cannot be put off until could not do anything for you. Hut
action shall bo muturedon reciprocity, , the court, feeling the responsibility of
'.mmigraiiou ami the oilier Mibjccts.
The Canadians tiro equally Insistent
that they will not surrender upon tho
soaliug question without at the same
time "curlti? notion on all the other
subjects, which to them, are of quite
ns much importaunco as the tiering
sea question.
It dovevoped toduy that Socrotary
Sherman had written a letter to Sir
Wilfrid r.aurler which may have an
Important bearing upon tho Canadian
negotiations. The letter is not made
public, and all persons cognizant of It
arovcry reticent concerning1 It It is
said this letter resulted from the
divided responsibility of oflleials here.
Ooneral Foster having charge of tho
Bering sea. Seerstury Onge of Immi
gration. Mr. Kasson
etc. While each of
of reciprocity, i
these oflleials I
was desirous of making friendly ar-1
rangemonts with the Cauadians, there
was no ono person who could consider
the subjects homogeneously, granting
a concession of one subject for an
'.mint mnnrulnn nt miMI.,,,. ...,l..
It ',, umierstood that Mr. Sherman
suggested means for a broader discus-,
slon of rclutioiis between tho two '
The llerlng .sou meeting licoran at 11
o'clock under the usual circumstances
of secrecy.
Oklahoma I'rrtt Allocation VTniit
Terrltorlet fop One State.
Hkn.nkhskv, Ok.. Nov. 17. Tho Ok
lahoma Prejts Association hold the
most important meeting in Its historv
, In this city yesterday. The following
important biaictioou resolution was
boundaries shall Include O'.lnho:u:i
and the Indian Territory, thu state so
created shall exercise neither legls
lative, judicial nor other control over
either of the five nations until such
nations shall ratify the constitution of
such state lu such manner as Congress
may direct, subject only to thu riirht
of tiny one of such tuitions to net slug
ly on such constitution und
becomo a part of said state.
Resolved, That wo favor tho admis
sion of such stat.i under tlio uuuie of
tho state of Oklahoma.
The Flftonnth Animal ('nn;rrii of
ton of tho Pect Oiont In thin i.
Cihcaoo, Nov. 17. Tho fifteenth
snnual session of tho llaptlst Congress
In session threo days. Many of tho
ablest ministers and theologians of tho
Haptlst church in the United States
will tako part in tho discussions. Tho
Rev. Johnstou Myers. D. D., pastor of
Immanuel chui-ch.dellvered thu speech
of welcome and wns followed by Judgo
Henry V. Freeman. The Hov. Ailln A.
Keudrlclc, D. I)., of St Louis, presi
dent of the congress responded.
No Foot Hull In ArUanaa.
Litti.k Rook, Ark., Nov. 17. Tho
governor of Arkansas Is tho first chief
magistrate to disapprove tho game of
foot ball. In u letter to J. L. ltiiehun
an, president of tlio Stato university
at Fayettevllle, Governor Jones takes
the recetU game between the Port
Smith aud university tenuis ns it text,
strongly condemns tho sport as brutal,
and recommends that thurc be a .stop
altogether to thu playing of the gama
by the students of the university.
fill TTIiloir Not Ratlallnl. ,
Ni'.w YotiN-, Nov. l'i. Mrs. Frank P.
Arbuckle, whoso husband, a wealthy
mine owner and politician of Denver,
Colo., was killed In this city a year
ngo, lias come cast with her lawyer,
Mr. Williams, also of Denver, to call
the police of this city to account for
their ulleged falluro to unravel thu
mystery of Mr. Arbuckle's death.
Won't lilvn lip Uuerrnra.
Washington, Nov. 17. The State
department has flnully rcfusad the
application of tho Mexican govern
ment for the surrender to It, under
extradition proceedings, of Jesus
uuerrara, who was one of Garza's
lieutenants In his attempted rovolu
tlou soino years ago.
Uoltoil hiatal JhiIk N'olian Urluc.
WiutcKSTKii, Mass., Nov. 11. Judge
I'humas L. Nelson of the United Stales
dlitrlct court Is very HI ut his home In
this city. No hope Is entertained of
bis recovery,
Til Clillil Miirili-tr U . riilciiefil to Ueatb
-Ih llrenklnt; Down.
I.llil.UTV, Mo. Nov. 17. Judge
Droaddus thl-. morning sentenced
William Carr, the self-confessed mur
derer of his little daughtor, to hang
December 17.
In passing r.ciitcncc the court said:
"Carr, you lire charged in tlio in
dictment, under four counts, with
murder lu the llrst degree. The fourth
and Inst one Is to tho effect that you
committed the murder of your little
child. You are charged with having
willfully, meditatively and deliber
ately committed this deed. To this
charge you hate pleaded. As you
made no defense, I felt It my duty to
appoint .such attorneys as tho gravity
of the iilIVusc demanded. I therefore
appointed Messrs. Allen and San
dusky, two of among tho most promi
nent lawyers in the state, men of the
highest character and standing. 1
felt implicit confidence that whatever
could be done for you In an honorable
the situation, refused to act upon your
pica of guilty until all evidence could
be lnid before It, so that It might bo
shown over and beyond your plea of
guilty that you were guilty beyond all
reasonable doubt Had the evidence
left any doubt on my mind upon that
fact, It was my purpose to set aside
your pica and give the case to a jury
of your countrymen. Hut your con
fessions, admissions and the evidence
shows you arc guilty beyond doubt.
"Hello was a little 3-year-old-gIrl
your own child. Her raothor was dead
ami you had another wlfo. You left
home with tho child in your arms in
the middle of the day Sunday, October
10. You were soen by four witnesses,
the fourth one testifying that ho saw
the child's face: its eyes wore open
and it was alive. oil stated also that
she was alive. As to whether it was
alive when you left homo was an lm-
portant question. If carried away dead,
In tho very nature of things other per
sons wero connected with the murder
and you alono not responsible.
"i'.ut the murderer lias been found
In him
who uow sits before me, tho
sol f-eotifessed murderer of Ills own 3-
ear-old child. Your lllinsy excuse
that the child was quarrelsome and
disagreeable to your wife's l) year-old
son cannot bo accepted by the court.
The motive must have been a more
powerful one, and If another may have
mid any nana m tuts crime, nnu you,
1 in your hours of confinement and
solitary meditation, find nothing to
I boftcn your heart aud disclose the
'truth then you are simply not hu-
, man. Men and women commit many
i crimes und for many motivos. You
I assign no tnotivu that is worthy of
consideration. If your confession and
.other statements are to bo believed,
I you stand a singular instance In tho
annals of crime; a confessed and con-
victed murderer without rcusonable
i motive for your crime. In the exe
cution of my stern duty under the
j.lw UIi ,y 0ath of olllce, nothing re
ma ns for me to do but to pronounce
the sentence of thu law.
"The judgment of the court is, that
you be, by thu sheriff, carried back to
"thu county jail and there safely kopt
by him until Friday, tho 17th day of
December. iSl'7, on which day you
shall be taken thence to the sallows
:ln,i bunged by the neck until you nre
dead Aud may God havo mercy upon
Carr never raised his head during
the entire time the Judgo was passing
sentence. Ho looked somewhat pale
mid his head was Inclined a little to
one side und his eyes were almost
Kvur slnco his trial last Saturday
Carr has been greatly changed. He
fore then he was ready and willing at
all times to talk, but now ho lies in
his cell bunk intuh of tho time und
when visitors call at the jail hides his
face and will havo nothing to say. IIo
often weeps, and remorse appenrs to
havo come upon him in Us deepest
Tho opinion has been expresses)
that Carr's breaking down Ls due to
his wifu's ttbsotice from his trial. If
this is true his infatuation for her has
not been changed by tho disappoint
ment, null her seeming desurtlon of
him. He has since wanted the courts
to arrange so that his living daughter
shall not bu given to his llrst wlfo's
Mrs Carr went to tho court house
this afternoon to sco her husband, but
the o Ulcers wero so busy in court that
she could not bo allowed to seo him.
Cnrr heard in some wuy that his wife
was ut thu court house and ho nt once
brightened up and wanted the oflicera
to try and arrange at once for him to
have a talk with hor. Carr aud wife
will uot bu allowed to have n conver
except in the presence of ap
Three New Ml-nmirl foitinsiteri.
Wasiunhto, Nov, 15 -The Presi
dent lias appointed thu following Mis
souri postmasters: At Hethtiny, Hon-
jainin M. Prentiss; at Salem, Henry 0.
Salkuy; nt Savannah, Jacob Schncll.
llryun to Snrak at Colunibln, Mo,
Coi.umiiia. Mo., Nov, 17.- William J.
Hryau, lata Democratic candldato for
president, will do'lver, under the aus
pices oi in i) icnuiry uuu, an amiress
In Columbia, Monday evening, Novem
ber 22. Ills subject will bo "Hlmetnl
listu From an Ecuuumlo Standpoint."
A Delta, Col., Ilanlc Suspends.
Delta, Col., Nov. 17. Tho directors
of tho Delta County bank concluded
to plucu thu Institution's affairs in tho
hunds of an ttsslgnoe. Tho capital
stock of thu bank is 850,000 and tho
(deposits about 952,000.
Two Mlniirl I'iwuinn .Struiitt ll Worlt
or .Miiilii'il .Mill.
TjAMAii, Mo., Nov. 17. Last night
Sheriff Livingston and .Marshal Rica
wont to Hoston, six mllos south, aud
arrested Hill Simpson and Hill Catt
erly, farmers, each aged about 40, on
the charge of having criminally as
saulted Mrs. Jacob S. Rcsh and thrown
carbolic acid into her face last Thurs
day evening.
On thu road to the jail here the
ofllcers wero stppped by an nrmed mob
nnd thu prisonous taken nnd hanged
to a tree until they were almost dead.
When they were cut down they con
fessed the crime, Implicating Henry
Avery, tt young farmer, und Duvo
Mongstnr of Cnrthage.
After tho confession tho prisoners
were returned to the ofllcers with In
structions to tnke them to jail. Ex
citement is high near Hoston und tho
prisoners may yet be taken from jaU
and hanged,
tVomllii; Stlprnim- Court Itroliln, nil
Import-nit Stlffrncn tjiieitlnn
Oiikvi'.nni:, Wo., Nov. 17. -Thv Wyo
ming supremo court yesterday rend
ered it decision in tho Carbon couuty
election case sustaining the conten
tion of the plalntlirs, who wero the
candidates for county nttorney, treas
urer nnd commissioner on the Demo
cratic ticket at the last oleotlon. The
court decided that foreign born citi
zens must be required to road tho con
stitution In tho English language in
ordortovote. TIitc wero 115 Finns
who voted tho Republican ticket, but
could not read the constitution In En
glish. Their votes wero accepted, as
they could read it in their own lan
guage. The decision will put tho Democrat
ic candidates in otlieo and settlo a very
important constitutional question.
A Convention to Perfect a National Or
Knnliatlnn Called for January.
Dr.NVKi:, Col., Nov. 17. Under to
day's dato Goorgo L. Goldlng and Ar
thur Williams, respectively chairman
and secretary of tho executive com
mittee for tho National Stock Growers'
convention, havo issued a call there
for pursuant to tho action of n joint
committee of the local chamber of
cotutnerco and the State Cattle Grow
ers' association. The nddrcss Is "To
tho governors, members of tho stato,
territorial and local range cattlo,
horse, sheop nnd swine growers' asso
ciations, breeders of fine stock in the
United States;" thu time is sot for
January 25, 20 and 27, 180s, and tho
purpose Is stated to bo to "porfoct the
organization of a national stock grow
ias' association."
Caaei Ag-ulmt Tno Other Splcur Family
JUurtlerem Mint llo nUinlneit.
Rissi.vncK, N. 1)., Nov. 17. An 'inter
esting legal question Is presented by
the lynching of three of thu Splcor
murderers. Two of tho men, Holy
Track mid Ireland, were the state's
witnesses, and without their testimo
ny tho state has uo caso against tho
two surviving suspects, lilnckhawlc
and Defender. Thoro ls, therefore,
now no possibility of convicting them
before any tribunal, for the reason
thnt the state's witnesses, self-con-tessed
accomplices of the murderers,
are dead. At the coming term of
court, when thu two men are arraigned
for trial, -they must bu dismissed.
A Young Chlriieiiun Takei PuIaoq While
HI SiYoethmirt Look Oil.
CmcAao.Nov. 17. Ed Fink, 25years
old, waved at his sweetheart, MLss
Minulo Peterson, a bund containing n
bottle of carbolic acid, shouted:
"Hurrah, I'm ofT," nnd drnlnod tho
Miss Peterson sat by her parlor win
dow watching her lover, with whom
sho had quarreled. Sho saw him raise
the bottle to his lips ajid heard his
Then she saw him swallow tho poi
son and fall in agony. An ttmbulanco
was called and Fink was taken to tho
hospital, whero ho died an hour after
his arrival.
Warrant for Michigan Hankers.
Mason, Mich., Nov. 17. Warrants
tvero Issued to-day for tho arrost of
ofllcers of tho defunct People's Sav-'
lugs bank of Lansing. Charles II.
Osband, tho cashier, being charged
with making falso entries in tho
books, with Intent to dccelvo the
bank's ofllcers and the stato banking
commissioner, und two directors,
Charles Hrown nnd Christian Hivisch,
with perjury, It being alleged that
they did not own in good faith th
amount of stock required by law.
aets (13,000 for Her Hubby.
Nr.w Yoiuc, Nov. 7 .A shurlfl'H
Jury In Hrooklyn yesterday gave it
verdict of 305,000 to Mrs. Floreuco
Van Schnnck ngulnst her father-in'-law,
Peter Van Schnnck, for the alien
ation of her husband's affections.
Peter Van Schnnuk is tho head ot thu
firm of Peter Van Schaack & Co.,
druggists, of Chicago. Ho Is said tc
be a millionaire.
Kill Had Biollh Oolite When folio.
Mopped the flcht
Cim voo, Nov. 17. Tho slx-rounn
contest botweon Kid McCoy and Aus
tralian Hilly Smith, in which Gcorgo
Slier was referee, was stopped by the
police In the first half of the second
round Inst night Tho fight would
not havo lasted over two rounds any
way, as McCoy knocked Smith down
twice in tho first round, four times In
tho second, and had him nearly out
bsfuro tho police interfered.
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