The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 19, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    K 18J7.
K- -
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and dellcloui.
Absolutely Pure
V. I' Hadley i"irr!'ip painter.
A new stock of old liquors at Stern's.
It L. Tinker of McCook was here to
il h y
A. lloldiogc of Ulverton was hero
J W Sampson of Illue Hill was here
Wis want to do your job printing and
will do it light.
Dwight Jones was up from (iiiide
ltock Wednesday.
(;eo. MeCall wns up from Guide
Hock the Hist of the week.
Thomas Hyan returned home from n
trip to Kansas City Tuesday night.
Mrs. A. Ularkol McCook was visit
ing friends here the l.xst of the week.
Mrs. J. F. Smith returned Saturday
morning from a visit, to Imperial, this
Hero's to your gonl health t Us
4,Keonomy Honeset Cordial." C. L.
M.M. Stern has just received from
the warehouse a now stock of old bond
ed goods.
Foil Sai.k A good Knabo piano. A
Kood instrument for sale cheap. En
iiirc at thU ofllrc.
A substantial board walk has been
placed in front and at the side of the
new Outhwalte hul'ditiL'.
Mrs. Eil. Montatiy formerly of this
city was hero this week visiting Mrs.
Geo. Hollistcr and other old frionds.
Mrs. Chas. Uesso arrived home Sat
urday evening from a visit with her
daughter Mrs. Cora Kidd at Scdalia,
For a good shave, hair cut or other
tonsorial work call oh O. M. Crabb,
successor to Geo. Fentress, south of tlio
Oalnies bakery.
Hiatt& Green have moved tliwlr bar
ber shop one door east of thoir former
location to the Gulllford building
-where they are pleasantly situated.
Oscar Patmor formerly of this city,
but forsovcral years pastllvlngnt Wei-
come, Minnesota, Is hero again and
will take a positson with Piatt &
Frees C.
Keep It lit tho house, whenever you
get "bluo" or feel "shaky" or Indis
posed, ono small dso of "Economy
Honeset Cordial" sets you right. For
sale l.y 0. L, Cotting.
The election is over and tho news
paper man can now spoud tho next six
months making peace with tho enemies
ho has mndo in trying to elect the
party ticket. Voters are easily for
given, but what an editor says is
treasured up against him foryears, and
yet he seldom get" a penny or a thank
you for hi services. McCook Republi
can. Furnas county lias 11,000 acres in
alfalfa. The Heaver Valley is a part or
the county. In ono precinct, six
miles squnrc, are 1,000 ncrcs. Tho
whole 10,000 acres havo averaged threo
cuttings this yoar, and havo yielded six
tona to tho acre. In tho county 8,000
bead of cattlo wero fed last year. Tho
number is bolng greatly increased for
this winter, while twico as many hogs
will be fattened. These alfalfa farmors
claim as much for tho product as hog
food as they do for it fattening cattlo.
They feed it both greon and cured.
Some of them prefer it to com. Corn
See Hadley for paper hanging.
Mrs F. V. Cowden was In Lincoln
this week.
Tiik Ciiikk Is prepared to do yotit
job printing.
The juniors popcorn festival will be
John Tulleys was In Lincoln and
Omaha this week.
Chas. Filsble was in Naponco the
first of the week.
J. V. Hunehoy was in tho eastern
part of the state this week.
Aline baby boy win born to K. 11.
Smith and family on last Friday.
G. H. Chanty was looking after busi
ness matters in Geneva this week.
Freyiuark tfc Co. have placed a large
new sign in front of their clothing
having closed his
llluu Hill is home
Homer Klnsel
school tei m near
A. T. Ormsby formerly of this city,
now a resident of Denver was In the
city tliis week.
A.J. Hayes and wife of Guide Hock
were up Wednesday night and took in
the minstrel show.
l'ostollloo closed Thanksgiving, Nov
ember '-.Villi, from VI m. to?::t() p.m.
F. W. Cowiikn, 1. M.
Watch1 for the date and place of
tho popcorn festival soon to be given
by the high school juniors.
Judd Clark tho harpist was in the
city tho first of tho week and some of
the young folks gave a dance.
The musical which was to have been
presented on Thanksgiviug evening
has been indefinitely postponed.
Are you all going to the popcorn
festival? If you go you will get your
money's worth in fun and good things
to cat.
The Union Firo Insurance Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments a per cent. J. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
(!(). Leming and wife of Gilctte,
Wyoming, accompanied by Miss
Sarah Knowlcs who has been visiting
with thofn arrived in the city Monday
Vern Hishop after a visit with rela
tives in Long Island, Kansas, returned
this morning. He has resigned his
position with Mixer & McArtkur ind
accepted a similar ono with Turnure
Kcv. E. II. Nicholas of Sycamore,
Illinois, will preach at the Congrega
tional church next Sunday morning
and evening. He will preach at
Indian creek school house at 8 o'clock
of iho same day.
During tho, past week tho B. & M.
havo been running a solid vestibuled
train with wido observation vestibules
on this line. It is a handsome train
and patrons of the Burlington are well
pleased with tho service.
Wm. McClelland of Hloomington
was here this week visiting his child
ren. While hero ho mado a contract
with the county commissioners to place
his patent wagon track' on the bridge
crossing Crooked creek east of town.
S. W. Foe lias taken charge of the
brick hotel ucar the depot. Mr.
Welsch whan he moved into his new
building will run an exclusive lunch
counter and Mr. Foo will serve meals
in the brick as at present. Tho Ciiikk
wishes Sam success.
Highest Honors World's Fair,'
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pan Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.
The principal defects of this city
were brought out in song at tho Reach
tfc Rower minstiol show on Wednes
day night. It was all in fun but it
showed us up as others see us. They
might have sung with equal effect,
"Sho May Havo Seen HetUr Days."
Don't use bill heads or statements In
which you havu to write your own
uamo. Got them printed in an up-to
dato style. Thero is nothing which
will make your customers think you
aro of tho disposition to bo penurious
so much as this. If. you are stingy in
ono way what reason is there to be-
liovo that you wont bo in other ways.
Get your printing done right at the
Chief olllco.
When wo witness the numerous out
fits who aro going through tho country
selling different commoditlo that an
for salo by our merchants we are
alarmed and justly so. Not at tho
price at which those fakirs sell tholi
goods, as they aro generally night r
I ban tho same goods can bo bought
right hero in Red Cloud, but at the
thought that the people can be gulled
Into buying these gooiU from thosw
fiklrs. Think of our town people
sending away for thoir butter, eggj,
potatoes, etc. What would tho far
mers say to that? Now gentlemen it is
Just exactly tho samo injustice as when
xt n allow some L'lil) toniMicd iiucnt to
vork you into buying a steel rangu for ' $
W or even less, whuif you can buy iuki) $
from a responsible Healer liKo . W.
Wright from W5 to M3 and tho beauty
of It is he helps to buildup your town
and in so doing makes your farm
property more valuable. Whon some
slick tougued agent comes along ak
Hadley paints buggies.
A, C. Hosincr went to Wymote this
Wantki)! A good fresh cow. Gko.
I. Kkm.kv.
Elijah Osborne of Illinois is visiting
relatives here.
Otto Pope returned the first of the
week from Minnesota.
M. M. Stern has received a new
.-tuck of old bonded liquors.
J. H.Davis left Monday morning on
a trip to Shenandoah, Iowa.
Mrs. Ira Sleeper of Omaha is here
visiting with Mrs. Frank Sleeper.
Cloyd Cummtngs and Lloyd Richard
son were in Kansas City this week.
Mrs, Dellahoid stopped oft' from the
night passenger on her way to Bluo
Mr. and Mrs. Sunutel Culbcitson o
l'eiuaro visiting with L. II. Fort and
W. W. Chliiuock, formerly of this
city now of Dewitt was hero the last of
the week.
A new board wa.i? was put in this
week in front of Mrs Ncwhouo's dry
goods store.
John I'olnieky has placed a new
cros walk from his building across
Fourth avenue.
Will Tulleys left Thursday morning
for Lincoln where lie will stay if he
can find a position.
Hou.C. It. Morrill and wife of Lin
coln were the guests of C. W. Kaley
and wife last Sunday.
The old Potter house on Elm street
has been moved by G. W. Dow onto
lots east of the school house .
"Economy Boneset Cordial" mado by
the famous old Harmony society,
greatest of all appetizers. For salo by
C. L. Cotting.
Tho marble works of J. A. Boyd has
been moved to one of the frame build
ings several doors south of his former
.Miss Nora iiravcs, a lady Highly rec-
ommouded as a teacher of voice, har
mony anil theory is iti the city and will
endeavor to get up and teach a class
Carl Stokes, father of Frank Stokes
of Walnut Creek died at the homo of
his son on Sunday last. Tho funeral
services wero conducted Monday by
Kcv. Blackwell.
Tho marriage of John S. Mottcr to
Miss Lulu C. Barber was consummated
at tho rcsidenco of tho bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Barber west of
this city, on Wednesday, November 17,
Hov. Geo. O. Yeiser officiating. Tbo
CiiiKir extends best wishes.
Tho Nation this week admitted that
he had made untruthful statements in
his article in regard to Dr. Damercll.
He admitted that tho friends of Dr.
Damarell wero too many for him to
buck. Ho had meanness in his heart
but didn't havo the nerve to back it.
J. S. White, county treasurer, was up
this week looking after ofllcial business.
Mr. White has mado an eflicient ofliccr
and will rotire from tho treasurer's
ofllee with the good will of all. Wo ara
glad to note that ho will move to this
city after his term of olllco expires.
Blue Hill Leader.
S. B. Newmeyer of the Guido Hock
Signal has been named for postmaster
at that place and on Thursday night
last a party went to tho home of the
editor and seienadcd the occasion.
The selection is a good one ni.d we be
lieve the patron will have no fault to
find in liii administration during the
next four years. We congratulate our
brother editor.
j Hog Cholera
can be
by using tlu
We have it in packages and
r.ll) pails.
Sold only by
C. L
. Cotting,
The Druggist,
Biirdette's remarks concerning wor
rying were very wt There is noth
ing mote uiipro,itp,1(; ,inn wnpryi nnl
nothing that shni.,,,MM f(, .,. srelJ
1 he pet son wh wnrries constantly bo
comes a great mn. , ,ls acquainf
auces before onr; lf(.0 lw is u(j
man he leeo,niN m,tu.v U)( cranky,
and makes lifl, ,un,, , himstilf nutl
everybody a,.m ,jm. Tho peculiar
tiling is that th,. tnan who worries and
frets all the Vear round hasntjreat con
tempt for ,, ,.sv.Kn, Individual
who takes tliiiii as they come, know
,H& vorrv won't make them coino
differently, T, Worrler avs of tho
non-woiTj,,,.. il l : poor character
'1'9S('r!ature. who does nt apurcclate
tho respn,HiblltiH of life " Let any
man lie I!UM,V un( j;mi tmturcd, per
potuallv willine to lot the tail eo with
l!'. 'Mile, mill you will always hear that
silly ,.-v that ho does not appreciate
the iopiiitslblllties of life. The trouble
w"h pcoplo who worrv is that thevare
"Iways creating fresh rommnsibllltles to
norean their misery, when they have
worried in nno direction to thn end of
thoir lariat, thev botrin to worry In an
other direction. When von and' your
fninilv have a roof over vour heads,
and clothes to wear, nnd food t I'lt,
there is nhcoluotly nothinir to frot
about. This little plcayunish life will
bo over day after tomorrow, anyhow;
and those who fret over it aro like thn
man who watches a comedy and weeps.
lieaMico hxpress.
Red Cloud Should Have One.
The Adamson sorghum company
will erect a sorghum mill at Fremont.
The company intends to operate four
or five factories in the stato next year,
and if our-peoplo will meet Mr. Adam
son half way and hold out reasonnblo
inducements, tho plant In our city will
In all probability be made the central
refining point for the factories of tho
state. Tho company has fully met
the expectations of our citizens io their
ntioratinu of tho Beatrico factory and
.thero's no reason why tho sorgauin
an1 sugar mill of this uity canndt be
mado ono of tho most substantial and
paying Institutions in the state of Neb
raska. Givo the Adamson company a
fair show and they will do the rest.
Beatrice Democrat.
f l uuy
Weather changeable.
Charley Iswni is on the sick list tills
wck. '
Hov. Mussor atato evangelist from
Kansas is holding meetings at Pleasant
Dale this woek and will continue for
two weeks.
Hev. Hewitt of I'olk county was in
Lino this week looking after tho United
Brethren church.
The farmers aro losing about 79 tier
cent of their 1ioj;s with the disease that
is going nround.
Miss Mortie AniWirnon is homo on a
short visit this week.
Will Aubushon shelled 800 bushels of
corn ono day this week.
Owing to the
WEATHER we have
Decided to make a
in the price of all our
Men's, Boys' and
It will pay you
to investigate ;
before buying.
Red Cloud's Rei.iaiilf. Clothing House.
Now is the Time
To tret vour eves fitted! with iIasscs. I
I The long winter evenings will soon be
J here and you will want: to read, and so
you will want
Go to Newhousc liros. and get thera: fitted properly.
kirn if uo iays taxes in Webster county
and ask him if he will take butter, eggs
land poultry in exchango for bit wares,
Who would prescribe only
tonics and bitters for a weak,
puny child ? Its muscles and
nerves are so thoroughly ex
hausted that they cannot be
whipped into activity The
child needi food t a blood-
makings nerve-strengthening;
and muscle-building food.
I Scott's Emulsion
t of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, $
5J5 and you still have a tonic in $
the hypophosphites ot lime g
$ and soda to act with the food. tj
m For thin and delicate children w
there is no remedy superior w
i li. j it . IJ It. .-- w
M iu ll 111 nit wunut v mean l
$ growth, strength, plumpness Hj
T and comfort to them. Be sure j
vmi oet SCOTT'S Emnlsion.
9 $oc. mifi.oo, ill Jruggliti.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemliti, Niw York.
Kinds Words For Miss Graves' Ability.
Dr.s Moinks, Iowa, Nov., 'J. '1(7.
To Whom it MavCosokun: I take
great pleasure in recommending to tho
people of Ued Cloud and vicinity, Mi"s
Nora (Jraves. as a teacher of voice,
harmony and theory of more- than
ordinary ability and whoso work with
children's voices is nut excelled any
where. She is in the highest sense an
accomplished musician, a successful
vocalist anil a thorouch instructor in
short a lady who will prove to be a
valuabla acquisition to any community
and for whom I bespeak a kindly re
ception from the people of Red Cloud.
Cordially Tours,
Director of Imperial Male Quartette.
Personal Tax Notice.
All delinquent personal taxes must
be paid by December 1st or I will be
compelled to issue distress warrants
and proceed to collect. This is by law
made an imperative duty upon the
J. S. WlllTK.
County Treasuror.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllce at lied Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ondingNov, 2fJth,
A. Hi iokford, Win. A. Cluto.
Tco.s. Stevens, Miss Hesslo Wagner
'I heso letters will be sent to the dead
letter olllco Doc, 2nd, if not called for
before. When calling for above plcaso
siy advertised. K. W. Cowhkn, 1'. M.
,1. H. Smith writes combined Insur
ance for a term of live years at !t per
cunt. On schools houses, churches ami
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Kcd Cloud, Neb.
We have the best Alarm Clock: in the city for I
the money.
Jewelers and Opticians.
Bung your watch, clock, and jewelry repairing to us.
eity Dhv and Express Iiine.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
, Charges as low as the Lowest
Is the best because it Is mado to use in pines where common
harness would not stand a test. 1 can make you an all hand
made harnes ni-arly as cheap as you can get tho common
harness. When you want harness cmuo iu and look over my
stock which cannot bo surpassed in tlio Republican valley.
Perfectly harinlets, but Tory power
ful Is "Kconomv Honesot Cordial," a
I remedy par-excellence for all forms ot
I udigtstion. For sale by C. L. Cotting.
Fly Nets, Whips, Saddles, Etc.
and in fact everything usually kept in
a first class harness
Trimming and Rotmir Work neatly and promptly attended to.
io 4 MrrasmvvatMBMBpMrTfr?? all
2530 I ITill in"' DRUGGISTS
unqMuiimt. u. htulihu hhiui ih. iimuo. oiuui. ih irni im. nu
t imm hiiiw