The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 19, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    ""MrSoJr -ST
-Srals H j - ,f--iri
'nL'lfii Kfcb IIM)UJJ 1?M1JUJB', JbKllJAl. JNUV. IfcF. IWSJl.
Ivy Poison
Child Sufforod for Threo Yoars
Without Rollof-Tcrrlbl Itching
and Burning Skin Dlsoaso.
" When threo months old our boy was
poisoned with Ivy. Ho suffered lor threo
yrars without getting reliof. I saw
one of the advertisements ol Hood's Sar
Mpsrllla, consisting ot ft testimonial
where a child was cured of Ivy poisoning.
My faith was very weak at first, but I
lold my husband I would like to try a
bottle of Hood's Harsaparllla. Doctor's
medicine had (ailed to help him hi tho
least. Wo concluded to buy five Iwttles
of Hood's Sarsaparllla and tho child be
gan taking It. Before he had finished all
that we had purchased ho was cured. 1
have also been cured of skin disease by
Hood's Hnrsnparllln. I was In such o
condition that I conld hardly endure tho
Itching and burning. I felt that I mubt
Rive Hood's HarMnparillan fair trial, which
I did. I tc ale four bottici anl It turd
D1C." CllHt TIMA UllKKK, CanustoU, S. D.
Hood's fc'. rMipirllU IjcgU Ij ..".i..-.-gists.
t; tt x. f. J5. Euaurclogs-t Ikcdc.
r' m.iiim nv
3du year...
fl W
1'UIIMi.lir.U KVKKY KltlllAY
Kntcrcil at Hie ioH oOiee t Hcd Cloiul. Neb, h
irromtclsHi mitll mnttrr.
The lied Cloud, Neb., CHIEF.
weekly, is credited with the larycst
circulation accorded to any paper in
lied Cloud or in Webster county or
in the FU'lh Conyrcsiionul District.
Printer's Ink, July -JS, 1M7.
bo done by tho lirlthli government.
Undo Sum's Inst shot into tlio ranks
of Ilia fnko business con tenia wns n
destructive one. It was in tho shnpo
of mi olllelnl onlcr of tho postmaster
general declaring John Wedderburn,
John WVddcrburn & Co., and tho
Nati(in:il Ituuordur to bu frauds, anil
denying them furtlior usu of tho mails.
Wedderburn hail previously beuu dis
barred from prnotloo before the
patonl oiliuu for defrauding clients.
Newspapers which continue to carry
vVedderhuru it (Jo's, advertisement
will bu in dunger of being shut out of
the malls,
Assistant Secretary Hoosevelt gives
tliu follow reasons wliy we need a lar
ger navy. "Wo need a powerful light
ing navy, a navy Including an ample
number of torpedo boats, an ample
force of sea-going battle-ships, and also
armored cruisers, which should possess
great coal endurance and carry an
abundance of heavy rapid tiring guns.
Wo cannot avoid our icspuiislhilitUs,
V have aim uiictd, .igun and a-i.n,
our ailheiiiici to thu Muniou iloclrinu.
Unlet- we an- willing to be put in the
iiii.iumpilolu mi'iiik" of those wlio
bluster withoni being able to back up
their woids i.h ileeds we must prove
out attitude about tlie.Monrooiiocttinu
i not a sham. To prove this means
that we 111111 have a powerful nuy. If
wo annex Ilaw.iii, as every coi.suleiu
tlon of interest and honor bids, we. shall
need an adequate navy to i-nfoicu our
position on die Pacillo. If wo do not
annex Hawaii, wo shall need a much
larger navy, as Hawaii cannot slaud
alone; some other power must nec
essarily tako it, and from thatmomeui
menace our whole I'ueiliu eoaut. If wo
liavo a proper navy it will not tend to
ward war, but toward peace." cJ
When your stomach begins to
trouble you, it needs help. The help
J The i
The rocorda show curea by the
use or
Ill i HII lllli MM III llf
Tho only representative of pruini
noucn who has turned up in Washing
ton with the positive- opinion that iho
coining suasion of congress would pass
a financial bill, Is Mr. Fowler, of N. J.,
a member of the house banking and
currency committee. He not only lias
that opinion, but ho has tho courage to
express it, and to add the prophecy
that if thu republicans fail to put
a linaiinial measure, they will lie pun
ished at tho congressional election of
next year, by losing coutroi of the
house. He even goes further, and says
that if tho monetary conference formu
lates a iiuanelal measure that appears
to bo wmud, it will bo forced through
congress by the power of public
opinion. This opinion is so directly
opposed to thoso which have buon ex
pressed bv other nenators and repre
sentatives that it places Mr. Fowler In
n class all by lilmsell, so far. Ho may,
of cwurse, bo right, but is nevertheless
tho general opinion In Washington
that no power on earth would bo
strong onough to get any measure rec
ommended by tho monetary conference
through the senate as it now stands.
It has been stated by mon of proml
neuco that the llaaucial recommenda
tions of President McKinloy'a message
will bo made niarely to put himself and
hU administration on record, and that
while tho house may pass somo bill or
bills in accordance therewith, no ser
ioH attempt will bu made to force
nation by the senate, because It is re
garded as useless.
One of thu things that are especially
surprising to those who have beuu un
successful applicants tor olllce under
several administrations, is thu fie
Haency wit'i which the ex-otllco holder
walks oil' with thu best things on the
olllcial pie i ouuter. For lnstaiicu, be
fore it had become generally known
that Judge Walker Fern had, on ac
count of ill health, about decide i to re
sign his scat on the lulcruatiou initl
court at, Cairo, F.gypt, a life time
place, practically, with easy work an I
a -alary of $7,50o a year it was an
nounced that Guileful Geo. S.
llaiohollor, of New York, ux-miinsier
to Portugal, ex-assistant secretary of
tho treasury, and tho holder of the
Hiimo portion for about ten years,
would bu recommended by thu presi
dent to lill this vacancy, when it oo
uurred. Tnw appointments made by
thu KtiediTO of Kgy Jt. g 3D
Social attuntious of all kinds are
being given to Sir Wilfrid 1. mirier, thu
Canadiau premier, and tho party of
ollicials ami ladies which accompany
him, by mcinbursof theadministration.
President MeKinloy started the b ill by
giving an elaborate dinner in Honor of
Sir Wilfrid, which ;was Hollowed by a
dinner and reception given byeerelaiy
Shut man, and auothur, dinner by u
Suerotury Foster. That lsnfaralh(y
have gone, but they haven't been in
Washington a week yet. Jir Miltud
attends the cu.ifcrciieo between tho
lUilish, Canadian and American seal
experts, but only a- an interested
spectator. His principal object in
coming to Washington was to endeavor
to discover whether itjwlll bo po-siblo
, to negotiate a reciprocity treaty under
the provisions of thol)lngloy;tariU' law,
and ho is now holding couferuuees on
that subject with lion. John A, lva-sou,
special commissioner for thu negotia
tion of reciprocity tiealies, Of com so,
lie caunoL negotiate a treaty; that must
Itneods, is to digest your food, and un
til it gets it, you won't have any peace.
Stomach trouble is very distressing,
very obstinate, very dangerous. Many
of tho most dangerous diseases begin
with simple indigestion. Thu reason is
that indigestion (nnt-digestion, not
nourishment) weakens tho system and
allows discanu germs to attack it. Thu
antidote is Shaker Digestive Cordial,
strengthening, nourishing, curative. It
cures indigestion and renews strength
and health. It docs this by strength
ening the stomach, by helping to di
gest your footl. It nourishes you.
Shaker Digestive Cordial is made of
pure herbs, plants and wine, is per
fectly harmless and will curtniuly euro
all gunuinu stomach trouble. Sold by
druggists, ptice 10 cents to f I 00 per
couu'y can see the benefit of track for
county In idpes and after due cou-idcr-ation
by the board he was instructed
to lay a track across the bridge over
Crooked creek east of Red Cloud, and
that tho county pay him the sum of
i'.'U as si u as the track is complete I
and cleiK was ordered to draw war
rant foi same as soon n work i coin
plnted. Claim of J. F. Wa't lor MO was laid
ovei until nex meeting.
tu Iho natter of i'i -i " ' iv
of A. P. Iligi roi timyi-ai lij'.iJa-Klig
tho hoaid - like oil' the interest on
s-ilil lav- :iii tint In. will p-iv the
principal less 'he inieie?!, tl'c 'lets
urer was iii-tmctrtl to accept the prin
cipal lo-s tin- in'-iost for said taxes and
isiii niii-t in payment of iid
aiuniiut forl,.
In the matter of crroin ons as-ess-ment
on north half of Imikk IS. in
Sniitli and .V.oorcs addition to Kcd
Cloud assessed for tin- je-n ispii ni
MOO mil ask-the board to r- 'm-e m'
valuation of ,sald lots to an amount
uiual to whatother proper. y i.-a.-ses-ed
at. It was ordered that the trcasuiv
reduce the valuation to i'.'To and col
lect taxes on .-aid amount.
The following ollii'ial bonds weiu ap
proved: i, I). Murder, road overseer
No. 42; James Mroomlicld, toad ei
siii No. 4.
In thu matter of tliu personal t.-t ol
l.en Wilinot for tltu year lbOO for 4.y."i,
the county treasurer was instructed to
Capt. Jas. A. Duffev,
The Oraat Railway DeUctlv Telia What Dr.
Mil' Remedlsa Have Don
For Himself and Wife.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A tin Qrtet Cm f Trt?t PewStr.
Commissioners' Proceedings
County commissioners of Webster
county met on Tuesday, November 10.
at lOo'clocK a.m. witu h,. U. biMith ami
,1. H. McCallum present. W. H. Kyker
being absent thu board adjeurnod to
meet at 1 p. tu.
At I p. tu. tho board all boing pres
ent the following busluess was trans
acted, towit.
Tho claim of Pawnoo township in
Smith county, Kansas, for $203 boing
f ir one-half of bridgu on state lino bu
tweun Nebraska and Kansas on Wal
nut creek. Moved and carried that
tho clerk bu authorized and Instructed
to draw a warrant in favor of John
Mollison for 9205 in uaymont of one
half of said bridge, and clerk ordered
to deliver warrant immediately to
said party In paymuut of saiii claim.
An appropriation of $100 was allow
ed for tho purpose of grading and
building a bridgu on thu ro.ut between
sections lit and 21, town it, range II,
Webster county, Nebraska, commenc
ing at the so Hioti corner It), 24, 18 ami
10 and running west 11 decree-, ill)
minutes, twenty-one rods, thence norm
."jO links to north Hue of road, inenee
tun til 72 degrees, west sixteen tods,
thmu-u south 31 degree-, I," minute.-,
west eiuhteeu rod and ttvontv link- to
north lino of section hue toad, thence
we.-t along said M-ctiou line
The following olllcial bonds were
approved! A h. linker, road oMir.-cei'
District No. 5; Geo. W.Hauan, asus-or;
u. i-.. milium, ju-tieu or me p.-iice,,!
W. Heed, u-se-sor-, .lolin II. II. mnlton
road oveiv-ecr District No 4,", .John
Sheeti, road overseer, Di-trict!)-,
Chris Columbia, road overseer District
No 8; W. 11, Patterson, assessor.
Thu following annual .sutllomeuu of
road supervisors was road and on mo
tion was allowed and clerk ordered to
draw warrauts on the respective road
districts for the payment ot the same.
.1. S. Parsons, oalaucti mi siitlniii..M.-
$14; G. K. Otttuiiinlt"27;F W. Ailus, m,
.J units Hilkoy, $25 5 J K. Jones. Yi;
traiiK tiarrox, noiiung ituu. Isaac
Crow, W0; C. II. Mills, $20, I.uu Wil
mot, $20; Win, Croziur, $27.
Coiiimut.icatlou from Nuckolls coun
ty stating that there should bu a bridge
built 011 the county line between sec
tions 0-4-0 and section (I 4-8 in Nuck
oils county. W. K, Kyker was in
structed to communicate witli propi r
parties in said county and have Miid
bridge bui t on thu comity lino east of
Guide Hock, each county to bear one
half of the expense of building said
Moved and carried that the bourd or
der from thu Cantor. Hrldgu Company
a eai ot bridge material, same to bu
tlellvuied part at Inavalo and balance
at Heil Cloud
The petition fiom W, C. Liird and
others in Oak creek asking the board
to pureha-e a road grader to: that pre
ciuct wa laid over for futiiru consid
eration Hoard adjourned to meet Wednesday
morning at I) a m.
Hoard met Wedne-day morning as
adjoin nod with full board preeiit,
Win, McClelU id, patuntee and own
11 of the patent wignn ii-iel; ii-kmI
Hie board loaiU'W him tun puvilege of
la. nig a ti uck aero. une uf thu liridges
in I ho eotli.ty not exceeding :3 feel In
l.uutli, and Hial he will track said
btidgtt for the sum of $20 so that tho
wr (J Von
BTECTIVE work requtrM constant
tIrIIhiicc, steady norres, ft clear
head and nctlvo liraln."A year ago,"
writes Oapt. Duffoy, of Ml Orchard St., Tole
do, Ohio, "I overworked myself, waa In
sach a condition slcup was Impossible. I was
ao norvous I could sot
Ho In bed; my arms
and limbs twitched
and my system seemed
completely exhausted.
I began using Dr.
Mllos' Nervine and the
fourth bottlo restored
me to health, Mrs.
Ouffey had suffered for eighteen years with
heart dlseae, had tried every remedy with
out avail until she took Dr. Miles' Nsw
Heart Cure two years ago. For tho past
year she has been free from the trouble."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sotd by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, ttrst bottlo
lienuflts or money refunded. Iloolc oa Hoart
and Nerves nent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
i initio pj
E Hssitn jH
has deroontitratcd ton thouiand
times that it U almost Infulllble
Irregularities and derangements.
It bus bucume t lie leading remedy
fur this clsis of trouble k It eierU
a truiulertully heuliiiK. strengthen
Ing and southing influence upon
the menitruat orgsni. It cures
'whites" and fallhiB of the womb.
It stop flooding and relieves sup-
pressed and painful menttruatlon.
For Cbauge ot Lite it Is the best
medicine made. It Is beneficial
during pregnancy, and helps to
bring children Into homes barren
for years. It Itnlgorates, stimu
lates, strengthens tho whole sys
tem, iiiet Kretu rmuvay is onerea
to ull atlllcteil women, Why will
any woman sutler another minute
with cetlulii relief within reach)
Wlno of Curdut onlycoits 11.00 per
bottlo at your drug uturo.
IVr (Kli'lcr, in taut rNulrliij rivclnl dlr
(lotu. uiMrtii, piitrtir fjmvlomi, tht "LadUt'
AillUary JUfirtmtnt," Mt CKMtanooM Sit J
Mm Co., I'taCtamKV'i Tmn.
Ry. I. W. SMITH. Camden, S. C. iiti:
"My ulleuted WlntolCardulathoma
lor tailing ol the womb and it entirely
cured her."
Bin .WKtBlltHt Alt list UltS.
HI Drat Oough fljrrup. Tulw Uuid.
H '! lime. Hulii br drumitotiL
receive tho principal less tho interest
In tlie matter of consent road com
mencing nt soutboust cornnr of tl.o
southed.'! quarter of section 0, In town
ship ,', north of tango 11, and running
thence north 011 the half section lino to
the north wist corner of the southeast
quarter and noitheust corui r of south
west qtiiuter, thence west on the hall
section iltic about 40 rods to intersect
the old riad running through tit)
northwest quarter of said section, :i
eating the old line of load across the
southeast qiiatter n ml southwest quar
ter of said section. The petition was
granted ami the road ordeicd platted.
Hoard adjourned to meet December
20lh, 1807.
l 1
Every mother
feels an i n d e -scribable
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
B e c o in i 11 g a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de
spondent or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. is a blessing to woman.
31.00 PEUBOTTLE at all Drujr Stores,
or sent by express on roceipt of price.
BOOKS Containing Invaluable Information of
rocc laterost to all women, will be sent
rtltt to any address, upon application, by
Th. lIBaDFIiLD BEGULATOB CO., itlsnta, Os.
If You Want to
Sav.e from 25 to
50 percent
Buy of
... .
I NEBflflSP - flEflCAHTIJiE - GO.
Hi successors go G. A. DUCKER fc CO.
Special Cloat Sale, Monday Nov. 22d. I
On Monday morning, November 22c! we invite you to our CLOAK SALE. We
place on sale
The best line ot Ladies', Misses and Children's Jackets, Capes and Coats ever
shown in Red Cloud. To those intending to purchase a new winter wrap we
ask you to be sure and see this line. Every garment will be marked at
money saving prices.
LADIKS' CLOTH CAPKS at SI 25, $l.f0, $1.85 ami tip to $12.50 Hint ro exceptional barcnin vnlues
IiAOIKS' PLUSH CAPKS a- :..!K),$,.50, $5.00 and up to $18.00 that are drily 25 per cent clioapor in urleo
than ti-nially sold at ' '
1.AD1KS' ijUmi JACKK'itJ at .'J5, $3.50, $1.00, $4 50, $5 00 anil up up to $15.00 that are that best values
OHIUMKN'S JACKKTS at $1.25 and tipwardo.
INFANT'S AND CIHI.DKKN'S Long Cloaks and Piidordowu Cloaks at $1.00, $1.25 arid up to 311 50 that
are i.rr:i nice valiii-s.
Each customer during this sals, in any department, will be presented free with a
perfumed sachet powder, which is very nice to have in the pocket of your
dress, cloak, coat or overcoat.
In addition to our SPECIAL CLOAK O I Hi RING we place on sale over ONE
nuiNUKiiu wuul, UKiis ivviiiiKiNb in dress pattern
special prices for this sale. We invite you to see them.
We will alsopla.e on sale many other bargain values in Calicoes, Ginghams,
Toweling, Table Linen, Outing Flannels, Shirtings, Muslins, Etc, Ingrain
Carpets, Oilcloths, Ladies' Fascinators, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Under
wear, Men's and Hoy's Clothing and Overcoats, Men's Overalls, Pants and
Furnishing Goods.
In Our Notion Department W.e haN:e a number of extra good
, r values in Hosiery, Ribbons, Gloves
and Mittens, Handkerchiefs, Yarns, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings and other
small notions that will interest you.
Tti Our Grocer v Department Womr 8p(,IiU1v wuiuixcdwitiKiiokindof
J.U UUl UlUivOlJf iOJJtDi blUOUb pnodHyoii want nnd at tho rii;ht price
vve nayo uiroico outing or cookluij apples.
r.. I -..,! II,, I,.,,. V,..a Wnm (limit l,,, . f , n.j I It.. .,1 I l.i l.ti. j:
it i- nut u (rami umiri , . ,uo.. .HKil v..,... . ..titt-.v-., iuw,i vuimii, uwiiuu-., I r;is, 0U'e!j, i'lCKOlS, 1111(1 OtUVl
..ttlnlr. .tt'., iiuiinllv Lritnl In n li i-jat i-lti (Stni-itrv Mftti'ii-timiMt i.... ?.... t. .' .
nimiiiB riulit up tti the front. Our ulloris in iffttiurrthn riRht kind of goods' and selling them at Mio riht
prlees is what is doing it. If In lined of Flour try a nnk of our Norcatur lluiir, it will bo snro ;o please yon,
On Onr Tpti nent Countflr Ymi wi" ,llul ",!U,y "3"f"1 uvm on which wo
VJ1X UUI XtJH "oCXlL JUUUlt31 oun save yon money. A look through will
- easily convince yon.
! .
U In Our Shoe Department Jto I
----------------------- Men's Shoes at $1 25, $1.50. $1.75, $2,00, $2 25 $''r,o ilif
f;v per pair We can slunvyoii Ulnlilron s slmei at 25c,:j5c, 15o, .r)5c, 5f, 7."if, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 pur imi," W':
lV On t.ur .-hoes at rlie-.o prices we know w() can niako a saving to you of 25o pet pair and upwards tt'n W-
!;" invite you to give our shoe value a look. " "u tV
;rf ff ', .. MMMM SBSSMiSS , p
We hae plneeil on sale u nice iisscrted lot of WHITE QUEENSWKRE in out of the newest
patterns innde. We have marked tlioni all til very low prices as we wish to give our Qiiconswuu
.telling a Mim'ial impetus. There is n grout saving to our patrons on all these good which is of s'uf
llcitut importance to remind you that at all times it par to tndc with the
ttfti.. "mmiMti