TMJfi KJBD CLOUD CHIEF; FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 197. ill raw Hfc: S-l ffi'k lift Mi . i ! 'V ! I fell iir H s nil Cure nil liver III, hltlnui nei headache, sour stoin ncli, Indigestion, cniutlp.v linn. Thcr nrt easily, with Pills out pain or gripe. SnM by all ilnurgUtn. n efiiti. Tlie txily I'lllt tu take mIIIi 1 1 cm I i .Sarsaparllla. Whiter Dairying. The Rltuatlon In thn tlnlry line may be greatly helped hy progressive- dairy Ken making winter diilrylriK their principal line of work. At tho preent time there are bo mnny thnt produce butter in tho summer that tho price In always deDretwcd lu tho Bummer months, und deprMHed, to, to Huch a point thnt tie prolltB are entirely wiped out, except whore butter Is pro duced under exceptional condition!, Winter dairying would dccreano the amount of butter that In thrown on the market in the summor time. It would help the dalryuion in a number of ways. The amount bolng lessened, there would be in summer no tlmo when the butter would lie exceptional ly low. This would prevent speculators from buying up cheap butter and put ting it In cold trtoruKO to bo brought out and sold In winter In competition with wlnter-niftdo butter. Thus tho prices would be kept at about an tiver aru the ywar round. This condition of affnlrs would yield the greatest profit to butter makers. Fluctuating prices arc a detriment to any business, except that f speculation. Stable prices eliminate tte speculator. Stable prloco have tho effoct of Btlmulatlug tho consumption f any article. A sudden rise of prices generally curtails sales till the people get used to paying tho advance. The efforts of tho dairymen should bo to bring about uniformity so far as pos sftle. The men that must begin the win ter dairying are our most progressive aen, the men that have silos, or at least that know how to provide their tm with succulent food In wlntor and feed In a way that will keep up a con stant flow of milk. We cannot expect the men that never read and seldom think to make a success of winter dairying. It requires more skill than It does to do summer dairying, or, wo aould say, reoklees dairying, letting tings take tbetr course. One objection to winter dairying has been that It require too constant wvrk, the sowing of special succulent crops la tie spring and summer, the sjatberlng of them In the fall, and the eare of the milk and butter and their In the winter, making twelve atha of work. It Is much easier to work seven er eight months In the umaaer method of dairying and have a few months ot good, solid rest But whe oao fairly expect to thrive on working part of the time airing the year? Because winter dairying makes It pewalble to put in twelve months ot IM paying work Instead ot eight la erne of the reaaons why it should pay a sjreaear prott Few can hope to get a nMoa presH out of eight months' work m oat ot twelve. It baa been Bgved out that milk and butter la the winter are worth on the average about M per eestt aaere Una In the summer. Mad no (feat la the asserted fact that the total milk production for the year la eeten' M par cent more, ana ytj Tut n aanalderable advanoe. The rea son far this Uereased tow of milk la In bna fact that during overy r nhere Is a dry period when tke pastures gat vary short and the grass rarr dry. During thla time the cows are not generally ted on succu lent fodder to keep up the flow of milk. The supply falls sft, and, as all dairy men know, never get hack to Its for mer abundant flow. The loss from this cause is very great, when we take Into consideration the millions of cows In tho country. By a proper course ot feed the winter dairyman avoids this pitfall. If he feeds silage the preven tion ot any such falling off Is easy. Dven If he tseds ether eaeeulent feed wlU abundnnss ec grain teod the sue rare' avoids anything corresponding to the summer drouth, and keeps up the lew at milk trees the time of Use aaw eesnlng la fresh ta the time of drying np previous to calving again. esse use the argument thai It all rush lata winter dairying there will be no presto In It tor any one. That la a etJakncy that need not he guarded Sflalaet. Winter dairying In too much like work lor everyone to run into It. Most men.eare so much for ease that they will take the easiest route, wheth er It pays sr not. Thtn there are a great many men that are beyond the reach ot this propaganda, and tiiey will never think ot changing. Alto nether, there Is no danger that the number In this particular line will be come so great that profits will drop to nil. A Flan That Failed. Some years ago, saysyHoard's Dairyman, we ran acroea the following terse bit of dairy experi ence, from a Wisconsin local paper: A friend appeals to ub to suggest some thing for the fly tormonted milkers. It's no use, my veteran friend, we've tried It. Once, when a boy, we thought -we would fix a frisky hetfor, and so tied her tall to our boot Btrap. The hoifor Kftve two or threo Jerks', and then got right up In raeetln' and lit out. We well, wo managed to heop up with tho heifer with the assistance of tho tall, but there was altogether too much con fusion about It to make It Intorcbtlnr Wo are certain It was no time for reudJ ing tho scriptures, or family worship. It la much safer to let a cow switch her tall than to switch u boy. CIIUflGir NOTES. MF.TIIODIST , Uev. .lame Mm It U.U itv will pi each SmmiIii hwh'mIhi! mi Hit' "I'wwer f tlio (Impel," "' "'"til"' Mt'l'iii Pulpit n Failure " The ii ("titling eMcr, V 11. Alo.vitulrr (if tho iliii It-i unl piuucli in tltu cull ing. Stiutlny icliool at J 1:30. Chapel Sunday school at .') p.m. Senior I.cukuu utl'niJO Instead of 7. Puiillu scrvlcu at 710. Prayer mooting on Wednesday own ing at 7 S!0 Ladles Aid Society Filtluy afternoon. You nm earnoMtly iiuiteil to nmku your cluiroli lioimi with tii. Seats fid and stiatiKH's niailo welcome. Hr.v. J. M. Daiiiiv, Pastor. nintartAN ciiuiicn. Sermons at thu tetniliu' hours on Nov. Mtli, Morning tlieme, "Kternal Llao." Kutiii)g thumc, "Our Siilu of a U. S. SUtnlii'il Dollar." L. A. Hism)NO, Pastor. CONOUEUATIONAI,. Smithy school at 11:15. Y. P. S. C. K. n , ntdi.'lOp. m. ame'ricanbeauty. Women u America have u typo of beauty p o cull a r to themselves Tlio climate, habits and social pecu liarities, a V (1 combined t o product! a type of womanhood (iiitc distinct from tlio womt n MM of other countries. It lias become al most an everyday occurrence fir the nobility and royal blood of Kurope to eioss the water In search of an Ameri can beauty, for tho United States h.ts become famous tliimiglimit tlio world The Amtiieaii beauty i a peculiar jiioiluct of this country. She lias, however, one l'niiidable enemy, not only to her beauty, but to her health as well. That enemy in indigenous to tlio cliurite ami soil ol the United States It is called catarrh. Almost every woman has it in mild or severe forms. Our climate makes it well nigh tiuaMiid.ible. It Is tlio only natural enemy Hi" American woman has. Not on I.) i.s 'i o United States thu home of catarrh, I- it it isalou thyhonui ot the now wurld-famous catarrh icinetly, lV-ru na Tho pro fession has at lat succeeded in duvisinj n ri inedy ft r the well-nigh utiivcisal disease. Dr. llartmau tlio original com pounder of Pe-ru-na. has a recent book on chronic catarili which he will .semi free to any address for nslunt time. Address the Pe-ru-im Drue M'firCo.. Columbus, ). Ask your tirtiRj?ist lor a tree I'e-ru-na Almanac, for 18D8. Our Clubbing List Below we present u list of a num ber of thu leading magazines, iiowh- papers, farm papors, eto., with prices they cau bo had In connection with The Km Cloud Cuigf. Wo nmst hnvo ono yearly sub bcriptitm to the Chief with each peri odical ortlerod, hut both need not nec essarily bo sent to tho sawo address. PICI Omaliftllre w U.oo Vftrm mid Flrvtltlu, s ra ... so Idle Hume Companion...- to fit. Loiria Olobo Ueraoorat, a w. 1 OU LunbollleCoivler Journal, w ltu Clatsmiatl Time star, w Vblla(tlihla 1'rcM, w... ........ lliO the tAitoago Tribune, w........ 70 Ttiti ClilraRo Tribune, J . 4 00 Hooky Mountain News, w ....... 1 en Kocky Mountain Nc, il. 7fO ClnclmiHtl Kiuiiilrer, w.... .. ?: CMIIf .) too too 100 100 1IW 100 100 100 ion 100 10U too 100 100 IIO 100 100 1 1)0 10IM u.a no no 160 125 1 125 125 400 IH) 700 15 3110 1W icn 3 .VI 100 IU) I to l.tfipiHiutt't MaKeltic, in-.. :00 ()oU')'h MdKiulue, bi .., too (Itinorcnt' 1 00 I.exlle llliiktratnl M'eokl),w '4110 Atlantic Monthly, in -too KmiMNriiy Slur, w ....... n OmsKu Jinlil I'nrmer, w 100 Atiu'rlcun Wumaim Ulin-tnitcit World, . ... I Ml 100 .ISO Snu Pruiickco I'luonlclo, w.. 150 100 2 00 Han KrawdH'o Chronicle, it..... A TO 100 A 70 UriTiUTB flnA'ltu, v, .. uu) luo ai.'i NcbmikmlKniiMs Farmer, in -JS 1 00 let) The above oilers ure mudo only to new subscribers who pay one full year in advance. Tub Ked Cloud Ciiikf, Red Oloud.Neb. After meals .you should have simply n feeling ot comfort ami satisfaction. Yon should not feel any special Indica tion that digestion is going on. If you do, you have indigestion, wbish means uot-digestlon. Tills may be the be ginning of so many dangerous diseases, thnt it is best to take It in hand at onco anil treat it with Shaker Digestive Cor dial. For you know thnt indigestion makes poison, which causes pain aud sickness. And that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps digestion antl cures in tligostiou. Shaker Digesttvo Cordial does this by providing tho digestive materials In which tho sick stomach is wanting. It also tones up ami strengthens the digestive organs mid iiiukos tnein poricciiy noaltliy. This is the rationale of its methods of cure, as nit; uociors wouiti say. soul by drug gists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. m Tetter, Salt-Ithoara and Koiorau. . T? intense itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases is instantly allayed by nnnly!nR Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment. Many very bad casts have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles nnd u favorito remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chiblains, frostbites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per bos. . l)r. Cady's CondHlon Powders, ire 3i r what a horse needs when in b -1 ct .dltiojj, Tonio, blood puiiflcr in,l vr iltuge. They are not food but mt .Heine and the beat In use to i hnisj iu prime condition I'm, .. I ':'tiu per package W r 100 Reward $100. Tho readers of this papor will be pleased to learn that thcro Is at least ono dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in alt Its stages, and that is catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure Is tho only positive euro known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hails Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, actlngdltcctly upon tho blood niitl mucous surfaces of tliti system, tlioieby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the p.itient strength by building up tin constitution ami assisting uatuiu in doing its work. The proprietois have so much faitli in its curative powers, Hint tiiey offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list nf testimonials. Address, !'. J. CIIKNKY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's family pills art the bct. Klondike What down it cost to get there? When stid bow should you go? What should ono take? Where uro the mines How much have they produced? Is work plentiful? What wages are paid? I living expensive? What are one's chances of "making a strike"? Compieto mid satisfactory replied to the above questions will he found in thu Hiirlingloii Koine' "Klondike Folder," now ready for tlistr'uutioii. Sixteen pages of practical information ami au up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klondike. Free at Htirlingtou Koutu ticket otliccs, or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis (Jes'l Passenger Agent, Burlii.gtoii lloiite, Omaha, Nebr. Burlington RoutoOaliforniaiExcur sions. Cheap, Miiick, comfortable. Leave Omaha IslKi p.m., Lincoln (i.H) p.m. anil Hastings 8:fi0 p.m. every Thursday in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers, No transfers; eais run rigli' through to San Francisco and Lo Angeles over the scenicroute through Dunver and Salt Lake City. Cars ai-e carpeted, uphol.-tered in rattan; have spring seats anil backs ami mo provid ed wi'li curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. Uniformed porters and expet ienc etl exclusion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob ieets of interest and in mnny other ways helping to mako the overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Herths .T. For folder giving full information, call nt nearest Hurlington Route ti'ket olllce, or wilte to J. frauds, (. p A Omaha, Neb. Notico to Toachcrs. Notice is hereby given that I will ex amine all persons who may desire to oiler themselves us candidates for teachers of the public schools iA this county, at Ked Cloud on the third Sat urday of each month. Tho standing desired for M antl 3d grade certitloato is tho same no gratle olow 70 per cent., average 89 per cent; for first grade certificate no grade be low 80 per cent., average DO per cent in all branches required by law. D. M. Huntkk, County Supt. Perfectly harmless, but very power ful Is "Koonomy Boneset Cordial," a remedy par-excellence for all forms of indigt-stbn. For salo by C. L. Cutting. What Do the Children Drink. Han't give then tea or ourTee. Have yon tried the iuw food (kink called (IKAINO. mule or pure grains tlmt like tlio place o coffee. The raoreOmlnO you give your children tbemuro heallli yoo distribute throuirb their yciun. drain O tu made of pare grains and when properly prepared tauten like the choice grades ui oance out cokm annul one loiirtti as uucu au Krurvra eu it. ISe aud ic. - - Erervbody Fa) Ko. Crtspnrets Csndv Cntlmrtir, tho mont won' ilerftil iiKslfnil dlseiixereof Iho nee, tlcin .ml nnd refrnslniiK to Hie lasle, net gentlv mitt nosltlvelv on klilnovs. liver nnd bowels, I'leniiHlijf,- thn entire sysurni, dispel cnlda, cine heiuliiulia, fever, cnuHtlmllon and billntivnesH. Pleaso luiv nnd trv n hot of (J. (J. (3. terlny ; 10, 'Si, 00 cents. Hold and guuramccti to cure uy nil urUKglsis. Try Grain ! Tr ylQrain-O ! Abk jotw (jroetr today t aliow jou h paokaKO of UlfAlNO. tho new food Urfiik llmt tatea the place of rettae. The lilldren may drink It without Injiirj' a well i the adult. All who Uy It like It. OUAINtl Laa that rleh acal brown ef Mocha or .laTa.Ibnt It la maile from prat) uralna, aud (ho mmt delicate Homach ro roirei 11 without dlatrcin. U Mie prlcic of oolTeo 15 and c per package. Sold by all grocer. RduratnToar llownU Willi Cu-r.ireta. .iJn'r H'V1.''"""'-'- CU4'' foiiallpatloti foreier. lOe.SSfl. If C.O O tall. drowjUtiri-f mid tiimii-v: Edncate Voar Bowels With Cuacarata. in? fi0Ahc; ?.ur? eonatlpatlon forever, loo, Iftc. If a O. O, fall, druKRista refund money. BLADDER TROUBLES aro inconvenient durlntr the dav and destroy rest at night. They make life a misery instead oi a messing. They affect many persons after they reach the age of 40, and are usually accom panied oy a uccay oi vuai power. They can bo CURED Dr. Hobbs SparagtiH Kidney Tills, procured of Ktihn & Co. druggists, have done me a wonderful amount of good in a very short time. They have cleared up 'my water aud relieved tho Irritation of my bladder, antl s'.oppcd the pain in my klduuys. Thanks to Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills. (ir.o. A. CAim:it, SUM S. 35th St., Omalia, Nub. HOBBS Sparagus Kidney Pills. II0UUS RCMKUY CO., PnorniETons, Cniwot Dr, iiobin i'i)l I or fcaii) in ui;i uboL'l), NKH byC L.COTTINO, I)rir.i-t No Patchwork! One of the most encouraging features of n cure Miadc by S.S.S. (Swift's Specific) is Its permanency. Of nil diseases, it is well known that those of the blood are the most obstinate, and therefore the most difficult to cure. The medical profession, in fact, have yirtually ad mitted that a real, decpseated blood disease is beyond their skill. Of course, their admission is not made in so many words, but actions speak louder than words, and their inability to cure, after months and often years of treatment, is sufficient evidence that dis eases of the blood cannot be cured by doctors. Their mercurial mixtures, al though taken faithfully, only cover up the symptoms of the disease, inducing the patient to feel that he is being cured; but when lie is sooner or later seized with stiff joints, pain in the bones, etc., the evidence of the doctor's patchwork isconclusivc. Such results cannot be ex pected from the use of S. S. S. Being purely vegetable, containing no harm ful mineral ingredients, it is the only bjood remedy which acts ou the true principle of forcing the disensc from the system, bulldinir tin rather than tearing down the health. No loss of hair, no stiff joints, no decrepit mercu rial wrecks result from the use of S.S.S. II. L. MYURS. Mr. II. h. Myers.of loo Mulberry street, Newark, N. J., made the mistake of re lying upon remedies based upon mineral ingredients, aud for the hundreds of doHars which he invested received only disappointment in return. He says : "I was afflicted with a terrible blood disease, which was lu spots at first, but afterwards spread all over my body. These soon broke out into sores, and it is easy to imagine the suffering I en dured. "Before I became convinced that the doctors could do no good I had spent a hundred dollars, which was really thrown away. I then tried vari ous patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first bottle of S.S.S., I was greatly improved and was delighted with the result. The large red splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, became strong er, and my appetite greatly improved. I was soon entirely well, end my skin as clear as a piece of glass." S.S.S. is a sure cure for all manner of blood diseases, and disappointment never results from its use. It is Purely Vegetable and one thousand dollars will be paid for proof that it contains a particle of mercury, poUsh.orothermineral. S.S.S. is sold by all druggists. Valuable books oa blood and skin dis eases will be mailed free to all who ad dress Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON City and country calls promptly an swered day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Ofkick ovkk Cottin'8 Dituo Stoiir, TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y RED CLOUD, NKUH. LINCOLN OMAHA CUICAUO ST. J OK hANHAS wrr ST LOUIS awl all points at si and miuth. DKNVEH 11 F LENA IIUTIE SALT LAKE CV PORTLAND S.U FJUXCISC0 nnd nil jiuittii west. TBAIfN LKAB AS rOLMWei Ko. no, KrclHht. dally except Sunday for WyiDaroaad all point cat.t 8:00a i. No 18. PaxawiKer. dally fur St. Joe. Kanaaa City. Atahleon, HI. Iioulaandail polnta can and onth -10:00 a.m. Ni. 113. Arooianiodatlon, dally exempt Miuday. llavltiiKK, (Iriuxl la lund. Ulack lfllia nnd all AolutB In tlio norlhwet... cuop.ot. ccommodatlon, dally except Sunday, OberHn, Kanaaa, and Intermediate ataUoni, via He lmbllean 12:05 p.m. No, 01, KrelKht, dally, Wymoro and St. Joe and Intermediate junction points-. . 13:10p.m. No. 63. FrctKht, flatly for Republican Orleans, Oxford and all polnta .. west 10:30a.m. No. lf. 1'aMicimer. dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California........ bleeping, UinliiK, and reclining chair cara' (aeata free) on tliruuicli trains. Tlckcta aold and baxKUKO checked to any point lu the Unltod Slatea or Canada. For Information, tlmo tablca, mapa or ticket coll on or addrekk A. Conom, Agent, Itcd Cloud, Nebr. or J. HranclH, General raasenecr Agent Omaha. Nebraska. ft CfclrhMttr't Kull.k niaum J Rml NNYROYAL PILLS Orfalafcl ami Oal aaBlaA. r. Klw; iclltkl. uoiii uk uhUVtvU Id lua maVtll miW mm. mm ua Mm ittkoii. Take f aaf Ik Hna tut utile m "UuFfar Ka 7---ratVI.TritBlcal HuaJimttutoi. a0tuilJU.fiaiia. tut jwtlcllu. :itn. MitamUta ui B.UW OtwtUU. Pvn't rilijr(iiSill and Sniuka lour HIV Amy. To quit tobacco easily und forovcr bonui octlc fullor life, nrrvound liror. talio No-To-Ila, itiownndir worker, tlmt mnlirw wenlt men strong. All drugiriata,i0oorl, Cnrogimran. tenl llooltlei iiinl anmplq frco. Addreaa Sterling llomcdy Co , cblvavo or JJow York. aulsMl WllLWATION OF SUMMONS. iYMlr'r.1 J!01" of Weliitor Coinil). Nclraka Kllabctli l'olter, l rialntlir. ML Ocenr M. Poller. I Defciiilant, ) Ahovo narncil defeiidnnt will tnko notice tlmt '. "J,'eilJ!'l.',.l,'r of lol,w- W l'llnllir above named ai;d lit-rpdlrlou In tho above entitle! court against him. alleging their marriage, cub oil1 V"il cx,rc;(' cruelty by defendant to plain till and dcerlloii and failure to mnp irt f.y de fcudant and prnjlng fur au nboltue illxirce fronidcfeiidatil and the ciutody of their chll droit. 1 efeiidant l rcuulrcd to anitter on or boforo .November 3.M. Jw, or petition will bo akenntriio and judgment rendered accord '",'? . . KnaAni.Tii I'otTKit ItANnoLfii McNitt, Plaintiff ' Attorney. SilEHlFF'S SALE. l'itkt.liblltatlollOet. 2!. Xnllr e Ik bnrnliv it il.n. i n , -"- -.".. p.'." nun iiiiiivi nun nyir toe of on order of alelncd f rom thu ollii v of James lltirdcu. Clerk of thu I)lirk t t'otirt of the Tenlli Judicial District, nlthlu nnd for Webster I county, Nctiintka, upon a decrio lu au action' ponding therein, wherein P. K. Dcdcrlrk Is i mill i, mi iiMiuki Kinert ncut). Delia lleur iisMlfu. I lrt .Nallnnal Hank llluu Mill t.r . and Slark llrolher. defendant. I slmlt ii'ler fur sale at public vendue to the hlglicl l Idcr for taMi hi hand, tit the eait doom! the court liuuse, at Ked Cloud. In said Web t county, hubraskn. (that being the building w ncrcln the lal term of said court wa holdcnl i'i the ;)tN day of November. A.D IMI7. nt two u clock p.m. tf said day. tho following do Mrtlad properly, to wit: Thu norlliciKt iiuartcr of lectloii four (4), lowiMilp lour (4.) nortli range nine (0.) west of thoiilh P.M. lu Webster county, Neb tllttii miller my hand this '.Mh day of Otto I r, V.D. lsw. , , , !. W. IIcnuikv, shurlir. .'I.T I'otTMt. Plftluilir Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. lOtlee MierebygU en Unit underaiid by virtue nn order of sale lvied from the olllio of Ja , ''h'.'h 5;',erlc, of ,,,G. '",tfl't 'oott of tho Tenth .1 idltlnlDlMrlcl wlihln yiid for Wcbh!r county, ' DMska iii.on nilciTic lu nu nitlnn pending i m u, ui'iTclii'lhvdctHiatk liiMirnticcf'om 1 i I. I'laitilliriindiigiiiiistllertTlppelt", l.utle 'i p "it- I' TlpieltF. Irnelfhattler riar , u llpitli- ii ml l.oltlu npcttKrcdefeid 1 shrill oiler for vile at public vendue i li the hlgheM bidder f rciikb lu hand, attbo1 cast dour of the court house, nt Itcd (loud, lu ?, . ",u, Mtr . ro' m-T -M-'brnskn, (that being the building w herein the Inst term of nld court vn holdfiil on tho .loth day or November. A ',,W at one o'clofk p.m. of said da), the following decrlbed property, to wit: The north halt of the southeast iiur.rtcr of (section thirty (kip, township four (41 range twelve (W) west of the nth J .M. In Webster (oonty. Nebraska. (liven under my haad this 2Slh da) of October, A. 1)., s7, ' , ,, . . J. W. Humiiisv, Sheriff A. M. ai.tkr, Plaliulira A Homey. SHERIFF'S SALE Nollco la hereby glinn tlmt under nnd by lr I tie of an order of salo NmiciI from tlio olhcu of I .lumes llurden. clerk of iho DMrlct Court of the Tenth Judicial District, vrlililu aud for ' woiiMir county, .Nebraska, upon u decrio In tin llllll.ill ,,,,. II,.... L.( -..! ............ ... . . ... w. I'VM' .fiVIUIIi. l.llt'fl'IU .-HUliniVXA l.flll 1 iV Tri St ('Ollll)lMIV In tilillllllir. ami nirnliiwl leuou lieuniug uicreili. Wliere II Xe bravm Limn Mnrlou Alexander. Cntheiluu Alexander. Trail i rmi)bln, tieorpo ll)bln. Henry (iund trustee, John Doe, real name iiukunw u, ( hrN Koehlcr, and first National naiikof llluolllllarcdefend I ntitH I shall niter for fale at piibllcvcudue. to the iiiKiiui niiiucr inr casn in luiiul, at the cant door of tku court house, at lied (.'loud, lu said Web-lwt cotiiily. Nebiiuka, (that be'ng the building wherein tho Inst term or said court was huldcit) on the triil day of November, A. I)., lsp", nt 1 o'clock p. in. of s.rld day, the following described property Kiwlt: The southeat ouarler of section fourteen (11) and Iho north hnlf of the southwest iiuartorof silltn thirteen (131 all lu township' fonr(l) imMh rango twehe (li) west or thvCth P. Jl. In lu Webster ioimty, Ncbrisku. , (lit en under cuiy hand rnln ith dni of Octo bir, A.D. 18W. , , '!'iV' Hi'NSMKV.Sliorlff. (ito. r. Wwh, Malntln NAItonu:). SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice hi hereby given thnt under and by vlr tuoot an order of sale Issued frain th oDIcc of .iame llunloii clerk of the District Court of the Tenth Judlalat DMrlct. within am) for Web Mcrcouuty.Nchrakla. upn iidecrcolnaii action pending 'herein-, wheraln Albert hlttiltle la plaiutlll and against Abrahnm llartmau. Iluchanaii Wind Mill Company and Mlinaukee Harvester Company aro defendants, i g,nn offer for sale at public vendue, to Rio highest bidder for cash In hand at the east door of the court house, at Ued Cloirl, Nebraska, (that lielNg the building whewiu the last team of anld court was holden) ou tho .'d (hiy of November. A. D. 18U7, nt one o'clock p.m. of Ntftlday, tho fallowing dctcrlbcd property, to wit: The southeast Minuter of Section tweutjfoiir (S4) hi township Uiree (.") north of range twelve (VJ). west of the CUi !'. SI. In Webs county. Nebraska. OItoii under my hand tliha yiilh dy oi Oc toocr. A. D. 17. . -J: w- KuNciisr. Sheriff. (1kiuo, Kinalbh A HiRH. and CiiiNhv & Wai.iihbs.. PlalntlfTa Attorney. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. Nlhtalct court of Webster rountr. weu(Kt' n.i.niiiiiiiKiinin, l'lalnthT. va J. Lowell Mooro and -Moro his wife tlrst name unknown, nefeudanta. Tbenbovo defondanta will tako notice Hint on the 14th day of October. 1877. plaintiff tllsd b-la petition iu tho above wiMtled court agalnw them thu prner whereof In for thu forecluauro of n tax deed covering tho uorthwvfit ouarter of section tweutr-four. township three, range twelve, Webster county, Nebraska, and a tax deed covering tho southeast ijuarUT of section fourteen, township tlueo, raugu twelve, hi said ounty nnd statu, given to Jamea I,. Ilrlttaln uoii surrender of tax certificate by the U-ens-urcrofsnld county upon the loth day of No vember. lhw.', by said Urillaln and asBlgned by Mill claim deed to plaintiff, certificate having been sued to Jiiiiick I,. Ilrlttaln uptm pubNii MileofaaldUuda for tho; and for tha recovery of subseiiuent liuoa un seated aguluat raid land for IS!), irt. ikij. I8i. paid by aald Ilrlttaln and Hila plaintiff by virtue of kitlil tax sale certiorate ami said tax (lends. Hald tax deeds are recorded In bosk R or tho leel rccorda of aald county at paga 3J0 ami S resnecrivcly.aaM iwUllon praya for nMlwof aald laixli. au accounting of the nraomit due Silahitlff on account of id tax ccnillcatea and lecdi, and Mio application thereto nnd to the Ctyinuntof cot nnd attorney fata herein of le amount derived from kucJi sale. Defend aot ar rentrtrad to aiiNWur raid pellMou on or before the aid day of November, 1807, or the allegations wll be taken na true aud decree rendered accordingly. (JKOUOR W. CUKJWmillAM. Handoli'ii MoNitt. I'latMUfTa Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notles Is hereby given that under ami by vlrtimof an order of aale lksued from tho ofllcc of Jamw Burden, clerk or the District Court of the Tenth Judicial District, within and for Webnter county, Nebraska, upon a decree iu au nntluu pending therein, wherein, J. II, Petti, bono and S. K. Nixon, partners doing business under the llrmunmo of 1'ettlbone A- Nixon arc plaintiffs, and ngalntt Katurah M. ileal defend ant. I eh all offer for sale nt publlo vendue to thu highest bidder for cash In hand, at tho east door ot the court house, at Ked Cloud, In mild Webster county. Nebraska, (that being tho building wherein tho last term of said court was holden) on tho7lhday of December, A, D. 1W7. at one o'clock p. in,, of aald day, the fol lowing described properly, to wit: Lots seven (7), eight (A), nine (U), ten (10), cloven (II) and twelve (1'J) In block number ten (10.) lu bmlth A Mooro'a addition to Ihe city of itcd Cloud. NcbMHku. fllvcu under my hand thla U'Hth day of Octo ber, A. D. 1807. J. W, IttiNciiKY, Sheriff. II. T, l'oTTKii, Plaliitlff'a Attorney. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. In tho District Court of Webster county, No Draaka. Alfred M. AulK. 1 llalntlff, va V Lonn K. Aultz, Defendant. J Above named defendant will lako notice that ou the 10th day of Not ember, IWi;, plaiutlll tiled hla petition iu tho nbovo entitled lourt alleging Ihulr martlagu nud that mbsequoiilly defendant without causu deserted nlaliitlffnud rtinniiicn nuseiii tor inu space or uluii)curv, and nravlni: for a decree or absolute illvnren Defeiidatit In required to answer nild petition ou or before December '-Till. 1M)7. Ai.niunM Ai'iT .MuN'iTT, l'laluiiir Aitorne), fjBMBBMBBMBWHCniwiltitX Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THE. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WISHER BUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR CARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Cents. PB?T""M""",""aaaajaaaaajBjB"Baaaaaaaj ll amTaW Baa ami aaaajVB aaaVV iJHilHl Caveats.and Tndc-Marki obtained and all ' MU bt'intss conducted lor Moderate Ftts. OunOrricc ib Oppositi; U.S. PATCNTOrriccj miu ngiriiisv uic patent teas iimc inaa iucsc , remota from Wajhington. i Send model, drawing nr nlitn.. tvtili i.rrln.ii tlon. Wo, if patent.tUe or not, frco of' cliarce. Our fee not due till tuicnt li upcurtil. '., 7 A Pamphlet, ',' ",,w to fulain I'atenti," wlthj rcost ot same in the U. S. and foreign ccuntrirt? I W Bn fma A.t.& C "v,. ..i.. .luuivm, C.A.SNOW&CO.f Opp. patent Orricc, Washington, d. c. 'WVWVwW V4fJ J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown t: Bridnc Woik or Ttelh Wilhoot Plates. rOHCKI.AIN 1.NT.AY And all Use latrxt Improtcmcot In dental mcoi anlsm Chimney brick, ja Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. RANDOLPH McNITT, AHOHNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, ' Special nttontion to Commercial antl Probate Litigation. MOON BLOCK, RKU CLOUD, NKBKASKA. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PKOPU1ETOK. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. &3WSWSSW3VSWS99W2Wi( HYQBA OORSETSi. j.Grmm'vm WAWTun. Kik rloire nut necessary, t or pncea ami r. titular wrlla tha Mnuuhutnun, ' ,flr n LMf.lil wimr.i ., nt. I.aul. Mo, taS'S'S'Sasse55555 H4m BALSAM dtlAAMu Womtiti Iuiuimdi ami. hautmti fb hlr. i ,.,,, ,iviUl. '.'! '.9j J'tore Or I u Yduthrul Color" UiMi'i.k htlr TtUlM. Jtlwal KriifgUu rioui. ii.nvrr ran imir xo (ir. .r.ln U,1)J Dr. Prlco's Cream Unking Powder World'. Pair HlglicM .Me Ja I and DIpIoou i v.1s KaVafafaB 'La aBil.H mtPM jusji'H i I t! - r ." i'a pv .W. r' ''"jaWsawsW 'SriV m rri