The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 12, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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1 1 .
t "
Koyal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious,
Absolutely Pure
0l aAKINO POwOtR CO., ht YORK.
Minstrel net 'ednday.
A new stock of old liquors at SlornV.
Wo waul to do your Jo printing ami
will do illicit.
,1. O. Lindloy has placed u lino new
cigar oao in liN restaurant.
J. J. llennlnger and Mr. Mowniati of
Havana, Illinois, were hero this week.
Hero's to your goul health ! Ue
"Kconomy Honosct CV dlnl." C. L
M.M. Stern has received from
the warehouse a new stock of old bond
ed goods.
Tom and Hort Hat Hold with their
families have returned from Decatur
county, Iowa.
Fok Sai.k A good Kuabc piano. A
good instrument for sale cheap. Kn
quiro at this oftlce.
An Kpworth League invention will
ho held it Guldo Hock, Saturday, Nov.
20th, beginning at 11 a.m.
Randolph McNitt and A. II. Alex
under were looking after business mat
ters in Alma the first of tho week.
Mary C. Mick, of Colfax, Iowa, was
hero Saturday visiting friends. She
was on her way to McCook where her
parents reside.
For a good shave, hair cut or other
tonsorial work call on U. M. Grabb,
Huccessorto Geo. Fentress, south of tho
Caltnes bakery.
Prof. Wilson, late candidate for
county superintendent on tho populist
ticket, has cone to Lincoln where it
is supposed he will reside.
Mrs. F.innlo Hull and daughter Mary
returned to their borne at Loom, Kan
sas, Monday after a week's visit with
Mrs. Amanda Cum in lugs and ttaer
John Wilholmson and wife who havo
been visiting in tho city for the week
past returned to their homo in Grand
Island last Tuesday.
Keep it in tho house., whonovcr you
get "blue" or feel "shaky" or indis
posed, one small doso of "Economy
Honesot Cordial" sets you right. For
sale by C. L. Cutting.
Tho Heaeh & Rowers' minstrels
which appear at the opera house next
Wednesday evening mo one of the
llnost minstrel troupes on the road
and cortainlydeservingof agood house.
An opon date was all that secured this
famous attraction for Ued Cloud.
The occupants of one of tho business
houses on main street has beci. bother
ed with what was supposed to bo rats,
for some time and lat Tuesday one of
the lirm set a "tenl trap in the cellar t
dNputcli i ,(Jlv ,,f ,llt' varmints. Tho
tirst tiling that happened to step iu tho
trap was a skunk and since then tho
rats have been having pretty much
their nw u way.
Tho articlo In lust woek's Nation
ngainst.Dr. Damcroll ami Andrew Herg
will make no friends for that papor.
Tlmso two gentlemen havo many friends
in this county who will rosont tho in
sult. The stand taken by Mr. Damcroll
in tho lato election was tho result of
friendship of long standing and was
his own business. The statement that
Andrew Herg was brought hero to vote
by Dr. Damerell is untruo as that gen
tleman wanted him to stay nt Hastings
and vote. Mr. Herg has always made
this his voting place and that is tho
reason ho came down this time.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure Qrap Crtta f TtrUr Powder.
A. 1). Hanney of Uluo Hill was here
Tnr Chikk is prepared to do youi
Job printing.
J. S. White was in IMuo Hill tho llrs
of tho week.
Sherifl Huncliey left Thursday morn
ing for Hebron.
Mrs. L. S. Wilson left this Friday
morning for Lincoln.
Quarterly meeting Sunday evening
at tho Methodist Church.
Kd. Smith of Salt Lake City, Utah, is
hero visiting with his parents.
Walter Warren was tipfromSuporior
the last of tho week visiting witli his
J. H. Van Horn arrived homo Tues
day night from a several week's stay
at Kansas CUy.
Heaeh & Howers' Minstrels at the
opera house next Wednesday evening,
November 17th.
Morris Stern left Sunday morning
for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where
lie will visit for about a mouth.
Mrs. II. S. Schcuck of Lincoln, rep
resenting the order of Royal Neighbors
of America was hero this week.
Tho term of district court which was
to convene on November 23d has been
set by .Judge Hcall for December UHh.
H. L. Davison who has been visiting
with tho family of J. A. Tulloys left
this Friday morning for his homo at
Tlio Union Firo Insurance Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; iu
installments 3 per cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agent.
C. V. Kalcy, in company with a lady,
probably his wife, passed through
Hivcrton today on his way up "Salt
Creek." Kivcrton Review.
Ligo Eaton living live miles north of
Rlvorton was hero today looking after
some thieves who entered his barn and
stlo a lot of harness, laprobes, sad
dles, etc.
Latkk Tho parties were appre
hended by oflicors today nonr tho Kau
as line.
Grandpa McCallum, of Hladun,
father of John McCallum, died Sun
day Oct. 31st, at tho ago of 86 years.
He was buried Monday nt Plalnyiow
cemetery, tho service being conducted
by Row Hummel, in tho presence of a
largo congregation of mourning friends
and relatives. Tho family aro deeply
sympathized with. Blue Hill Leader.
Don't use bill heads or statements iu
which you have to write your own
name. Got them printed in an up-to-date
style. There in nothing which
will make your customers think you
are of tho disposition to bo penurious
so much as this. If you are stingy in
ono way what reason is there to be
liove that you wont bo in other ways.
Get yonr printing dono right at tho
CritCT ofllae.
It is with great pleasurothat we this
week announce tho marriage of Chits.
E. Reiglo to Miss Sopbronln M. Robert
son, which happy event was consum
mated at tho residence of A. G. Hlack-
well on Wednesday evening last, that
geutluman performing the ceremony.
The newly married couple aru well
ami favorably known both having re
sided here from childhood. Tho
Chiep extends congratulations and
best wishes.
Agents for a stcol rango company
have been iu this vicinity lately and
thero is no doubt that some of our
farmers havu been caught by them.
Wo understand that they soil thuir range
for ?G." and there is no doubt iu thu
world but what a better range than the
one they sell can buboiichtof W.
Wright of this city for $15 or $50. It
beats nil understanding why our farmer
friends will bo gulled lato buying
goods of this kind from strangers who
have no interest in tho cointy, do not
pay taxes or help to maintain tho
county m any way. Wj think tho
best thing for our farmers to do would
bo to give traveling fakirs of all kinds
a wido borth and deal with responsible
business men who are kolping to main
tain the county,
Tho Chicago Trlbuno in speaking of
Heaeh & Howers' Minstrols which will
appear at the Opera riouso in this city
noxt Wednesday evening, November
17th, says: "Tho Heaeh & Howers'
Minstrels opened Sunday night with a
crowded house, their first visit to Chi
cago. Tho impression created by tho
first porlormanco is a good ono, and
from present indications there will bo
no cud of nttondanco during their stay.
Tho hmiso Sunday night was jammed
to tho doors. It was a demonstrative
crowd, too, and all tho nets were given
hear.y applause. The trolipo does not
make a specialty of a $10,000 wardrobo
p.nd a $200 a week middle-man who
tries to impress tho audience as being
tho author of all the gags used, but
have an earnest hard working com
pany. Tho udgo of tho finest razor
would lose its edgo hunting for the
slightest fuzz on anythiugtold. The
after-pleco is called 'Aunt HaunaU's
Christening,' and sends tho people out
well pleased."
mom: on lkss imcusonatj.
H. J. Clark was in McCook this
Wanti:i: A good fresh cow. Gko.
I. Ki:i.t.KV.
M. M. Stern has received a now
stock of old bunded liquors.
Win. West mndo a brief business
visit to Superior Wednesday.
D.I. Myers undA.C. Hosiner were
in Wytnoro the last of the week.
0, F. Dickcrsou of lown, is here
visiting his brother-in-law It, It. Craw-
Wm. Harris thu populsr meat cutter
at Reynold's meat market is on the
sick list.
A new board walk was put iu this
week iu front of Mrs Newhoiise's dry
goods store.
Revival meetings aro being hold by
Rev. Darby at the Methodist Chapel it,
the south waul.
Oscar Varger who has been visiting
here for several days past left Tuesday
night for his homo at Hildreth.
Sam (Jarber who has been visiting
with his family hero for the past two
weeks returned Tuesday evening to
"Kconomy Honeset Cordial" made bv
the famous old Harmony society,
greatest of all appetizers. For sale by
C. L. Cotting.
Hen Ludlow had tho misfortune this
week to losu about oigty-Ilvo head of
hogs from tho disease prevalent over
the county.
James Johnson arrived in tho city
Thursday evening for an extended
visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. mid
Mrs, Len Aultr,.
Carpenters arc at a premium nt pres
ent in this city and any ono who knows
how to saw a board or drive a nail has
no troublo in scouring work.
Considerable sport has been indulg
ed in by a number of our citizens dur
ing the lust week iu rabbit chasing of
which there aro plenty this season.
Tho Nation has called a good many
of the best populists in tho county
guerrilla bushwhackers becauso they
had ttio nervo to come out and turn
Prof. Wilson's picture to tho wall.
J. ft. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a torm of live years at 3 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nub.
Owing to an nttack of a slow fever,
which seotus to bo going tho rounds, tho
meetings at Prairie Center were ad
journed and Eldor Hussong returnod
to tho city last Monday with Mrs.
Hussong fer medical aid.
A musical entertainment will bo
given is Red Cloud opora house
Thanksgiving ovc ning that will pleaso
all who attend. The committeo on
program aro Miss Joslo Igou, Mrs.
Flora Baum, Car) Jenkins and L. P.
The populist papers of this stato
and Kansas were mainly filled up with
long tirades on traitors among their
party, lho truth is intelligent voters
havo begun to sco the fallacies of
Hryanism and aro beginning onco
again to look for tho hottormoHt of
their homes tint! country. No boys,
they aro not traitors, they are simply
returning to prosperity and protection.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postolllceat Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending Nov. lath,
Clay Johnson, Mrs. K. M. KItch
Mina Solly, Mrs. T. K. Taylor.
These loiters will bo sent to the dead
letter olllee Nov. 20th, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say advertised. F W. Cowokx, P. M.
One of America's most fa
mous physicians says: "Scrof
ula is external consumption'
Scrofulous children are often
beautiful children, but they
lack nerve force strong bones,
stout muscles and power to
resist disease. For delicate
children there is no remedy
equal to
Scott's Emulsion $
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
$ phosphites of Lime and Soda.
" t. r.if a .f . ...
m it mis out xne siun oy putting
(rood tlesh beneath it. It makes
fthe cheeks red by making rich
ffk uiuuui wn.iw uti apptuic
t ior iooo ana gives xne Doay
m nnwer enoucxh to A crest it. Re
sure you get SCOTT'S Emul-
. a
a sion. iu
X joe. inJ fi.oo all druggUu.
SCOTT & DOWNE, Chcmliu, New York.
Hog Cholera
can be
by using tlu J
International j
Stock J
diH 4
I Wo have it iu packages and J
2Mb nulls 4
51b pails
J Sold only by
C. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
The Druggist. J
The republicans iu this and Web
ster and many other counties elected
their candidate for treasurer, while
nearly everything else went to the
populists. This must be because
honesty is a scare o article among tlTo
pops and there nre enough of them
that realize it. Rlvorton Review.
Prosper! .y has just struck tho Itluo
Hill Leader, and it has bulged out into
a larger paper. Hope It is not due to a
similiar enlargement and new dross
that tho Itluo Hill Times indulged In
several years ago. Tho Times man
modestly acknowledged then that it
wasn't so much prosperity as it was a
Hastings' mans lack of knowledge of
draw poker, that permitted the Times
to spread out. Hentrico Kxpress.
Hurglart entered tho saloon Friday
night by cutting a hole in tho door on
tho south side and reaching inside and
removing the fastening. They drilled
a hole In the door of the safe and put
in a charge of powder heavy enough
to completely demolish tho front of tho
safe. Hut their cfl'orts to turn nil
honest penny wore fruitless, ns tho
proptietor is not in tho habit of leaving
money iu the safo over night. The
curious part of tho affair is that no one
heard the noise of tho explosion for it
must have been a loud ono from the
amount of powder that was evidently
used. (luido Rock Signal.
"Old Moore's" prophetic almanac
issusd in London for over a century,
professes to forecast tho most impor
tantovents to happen in thu world dur
ing tho ensHing twelvo months. It is
claimed that last year Old Moore fore
casted to the vory month tho terriblo
fire Id tho charity bazaar in Paris.
Takiig courage from this lucky hit,
Old Mooro prophesies for 1898 a terri
ble civil war in tho United States, tho
death of tho czaf of Russia and tho
successful kidnapping of tho young
king of Spain. It also forecasted that
during or about tko second week of
November, 1898, communication will
bo established botwoon this world and
tho planet Mars. Wo would like to bet
Old Mooro thnt ho haw not hit once in
this batch. Minneapolis Journal.
Thero was a railroad passenger
coach on a Wymore side track last
week that has quite a history attached
to it. It had on its side in gold letters
"The Cora Oris wold" named after tho
wife of its owner. Upon tho inside
was seen tho original name, Helvettii
and was mndo by Fields & Pullman
nearly forty years ago and was part of
the train that bore Abraham Lincoln's
party to Washington when he was first
inaugurated president In 1901. It was
originally built for tho Erlo when that
was run as a broad gaugo road. It is
eight inches wider than thu standard
coach of today and wa purchased of
Mr. Pullman nine years ago. The
owner of the car, Mr. Griswold, has
just closed a successful seasou with his
Uncle Tom's Cabin show and now pro-
pokes to havu thu coach cut down to
standard width, and as much of titu
original material will bo used iu its
construction as possible. Thu old
coach attracted quito a littlo attention
whilo down at Wytnoro. Boatrice
Wltcu an nolo bodied man comes to
vou with a tale of hunger aud suffer
ing, and asks tho prico of a meal, cast
him into outer darkness, lho work
of begging goes on, although thero is
work for every man in the cornfields
and elsewhere. Tho farmers are ran
sacking thu country for workers, and
cannot get enough. When a man de
liberately says that he can't get work,
mo deliberately lies; and such a man do
burves neither sympathy or aid, if ho is
hungry and ragged. Tho winter will
soon be upon us, uud the city will bo
called upon to provide fuel and fodder
for thu follows who aru too lazy to
shift for themselves, and it would bu a
very good thing if tho city and chari
tablu organizations wjuld refuse ab
solutely to help people of that charau'
tor. Tho deserving poor, who suller
through no fault of their own, should
always have liberal assistance, but it la
an outrage upon society, and an injus
tice to tux payers, to help tho loafers
who do nothing all the year round but
lean against buildings and gruat.
Beatrice BiproM.
If We
All Had
Trilby Feet
the shoe man would have an easy
of feet men and women carry
like a science to tit
something of this sci
in touch with tha shue
opinion have it perfect
If you pay us 1.50 or
science in the shoe we
thai you buj.
make your
makes it worth tin price anil
Owing1 to the warm fall
Weather we have
Decided to make a
Sweeping Keduction
in the price of all our
Men's, Boys and Children's
It will pay you to
Investigate before buying.
successors to c. wibnbr.
Red Cloud's Rkliaiilk Clothing House.
Now is the
To get
j The long
ucrc aim yuu win want iu reuu, uuu so t
J you will want
Go to Newhouse Bros,
We have the best Alarm Clock in the city for
the money.
Itriug your watch, clock- and jewelry
city Brav and
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowost
Is thu bust bocauso it is mndo to uso in pines whero common
Imrncsn would not stand u tost. I can niako you nn nil hand
made haruos nearly as cheap us you can got tho common
harness. TVhon you want harness como in nnd look over my
stock which cannot bo surpassed iu tho Republican valloy.
Fly Nets, Whips, Saddles, Etc.
and in fact uvorything usually kept in a lirt clasu harness
Trimming and Hupalr Work neatly and promptly attended to.
io 4 KlsmmmimmmmmtmSi all
2 2Si SO mm
i lHQft! IITDr V nnmilTCRn to cir l raMorcotlpalion. Caamtta ti tha Uaal Laxa
tlDOUbUa&bl UUMlMloaUti,,.MT,rrrpnrlript.bulraaMuraataralrMlil. Baa
flaaa4boltfrM. At mRMNfl MMKOYl.CUMC.atraal.Caa., ! Tart.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaV I I
aaaaaaaaaaaaW aL I aaaaak
laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaritVlJ JmK Maaaafc
time of it.
With the many styles
it becomes something
them. We have learned
encc ourselves, and are
makers who in our
ed. That's why we fit.
5.00 a pair there's
sell you. Science that
comfort to your feet.
witli them
feet glad,
your eyes fitted with' glasses.
winter evenings will soon be
and get them fitted properly.
. I
Jewelers and Opticians
repairing to us.
Express Line.
aBijrfijmirrilii.iri. "rrff-n-rii.aiii i - i- 11 w, iiwhwhmmimiimwiii ., mm i. . n -
a 'ftt ., , ..t, ,.;. . r