THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. o. 1897. o 1 ? i I1 rv s H r X y- Koyal makts the lood pure, wholesome anil delicious. WH6 POWDER Absolutely Pure ROTH 6"INQ PO0tR CO., tl Y0. CITY NF.Wti. Mr. Hnlmi-i nf U'vcrtou wis bote L'ttc-iday. A .1 ll:iy-s of Guide Uool: w.t up Monday night We want to do your job printing ami will do It light. Andrew Horn o( Hastings' was here thU'wcek'greoting old friends. I) ,1. MytiiN expoet-i to tart Saturday morning on a trip to Cincinnati, Ohio. That little saying about the pebble might apply in the cao of l'rof . Wil son. Here's to votir good health I U( s "Kconomy Hotiosot Cordial." C. U (Jotting. John Wilhclnison, wife and children are in the city visiting relatives and friends. The election is over and now is the time to advertise and tho ClltKK is the paper to do it in. Koit Sai.k A good Knabo piano. j good instrument for sale cheap. Kn cpiiro at this olllco. Kcl. McCrlllN gnvr n cash this week to send the paper to Frank McCrallis South Wayne, Wisconsin. James I'olursou has received a largo consignment of buggies. Thore are ,ome good bargains among them. For a good shave, hair cut or other tonsorial work call on O. M. Crabb, mecesiorto (Jpo Fontnwg, south of the Onlnies bakery. From tin; nimeroiH 'wagons which are seen on our streets loaded with lumber it is in evidenco that considor ablo building is being dnno. ""iW Levi De Hart ami family havo re cently return r from Illinois whoro thoy have been making their homo for several years past and will again ro side in this county. Koep It in the hause, whenever you get "bVoe" or feel "shaky" or Indis posed, one small doie of "Economy Honosot Cordial" sets you right. For sale by 0. L. Cutting. M. S. Marsh anil wife who havo been visiting friends hero loft Tuesday morning for their home in Iowa. Mr. Marsh will most likely return to this citv in a iionth or su and reside here in the future The genealogy of tho Hurgcss' family did not count for much when it came to gutting votes. Peoplo do not havo to go back thrco bundrod years to make themselves honest. It is what wo do ;hat gives us an honest Name, not what our ancestor.' havo dnno. The late election has demonstrated the fact that the democrat and freo silver republican fusionits were soundly pankod in this county by tho populist. They elected tho populist orUors but they didn't do a thing to democrat Burgee and free silver to. pnblicau Wilson. Hut then it sorved them right. An eutrance was made to the drug store of 11. K. Urice sometime lastSun day morning by unknown cracksmen and a good job of safe blowing was ilonii. The door of the safo was badly demolished anil the contents some $53 wore taken Tho tools with which thoy did tho job wero stolon from a S local blacksmith shop. Nothing else of valuo was taken and tho job was to executed that tho glass prescription caso which stood a few foot away was not injured in the least. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DIt CREAM BAKING POWDfR A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. AllOUXI) TOWN. See Peterson beforoyou buy a wagon. ltar.dolph MeNItt was in Hastings tills week. 'Pi ik Ciiikk is prepared to do youi job printing. Mrs. C. I). Hoblnson ha hern quite sick this week. Mis, Blanche Shorer is home after a visit with hersisterlu Hebron. We are indebted to tho Argus this week for the use of their election table. 11. I'. Hiitchusou has resigned as nighlwatchmau, and J. (5. Sapp Is lin ing that position. A line republican baby boy arrived at llio home of Irvine Ciiininings on Thursday morning. A team belonging to I.. Hakius ran away finm in front oi tuc .Mturasua Mercantile on Monday. Compute wagons that I sold last fall tootlurs and judge fur yoiir-elt whole lo buy. J as. I'Krmtsov. Mis.deorpe Matklns returned Mon day night from Hcatncc where she has been for soinu time past. A. J. Spry and his sister Mrs. Nora Young left this Friday morning on a visit with relatives at Kiohland.Ccntcr, Wisconsin. The Union Fire Insurance Company is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in Installments 3 per cent. J. II. Smith, Special Agentv When life Is short why make any'ex perintonts. Huy a Newton wapon at Peterson's and your wife will smile on you when you come home. We think that within a short time our prophecy in regard to Wilson will bofullilled nud we can state that he has'departed for pastures new. "Hannah the buggy is busted." 'Well what of It. Bring out the New ton wagon. It always did look better than the old buggy.", For sale by Put orsou. ,lt must mako those persons, who voted and worked for Wilson, feel nice to know that the wandering school teacher is already packing up prepara tory to leavitgtown. The Sons of Veterans baud serenad ed the successful candidates on the re publican ticket on Wednesday night ami thoy wero also favored by songs by tho McKinley quartwt. If the Chief is nt up to its usual standard this week our readers will please lay it to tho general lack of nows during election weak. Wo hope our correspondents will all wake up next week and send us la the lews. Geo. Hutchison kas sold his interest in the barber shop of Hutchison fe Hiatt to Anthony Green. George has also purchased an interest in Jos. Fogcl'a harness shop wuoro ho can now bo found pulling tho waxed onds and chewing harness wax. Don't use bill heads or statements in which you have to write your awn ntitne. Get them printed in an up-to- ilato style. There is nothing which will make your customers think you are of tho disposition to be penurious so much as this. If yoH aro stingy in ono way what reason is there to bo liovo that yon wont bo In other ways. (Sot your printing done right at the Ciiihf office. Thute is more progress in the world than wo reali.e, until wo sit down awl think the inajtor over. A grocer who was going out of business a whllo ago worked off on us about twenty boxes of old fashioned matches for a ulckle. They were the matches with white tips which were the standard only a few j ears ago, and it seems like going back to tho middle ages to useihem. About half of them aro no good to begin with; and when you Hud ono that will burn, it takes so long to reach a .steady llame that your reason totters on Its throne; and tho smoll that tho match creates reminds ram of the Orthodox Idea of the place whore wicked people go when thoy die. To tho smoker who lights his pipe ten thousand t linos a day, such matches are a punishment, and 'ho thanks his stars and other planets that civilization is moving on. Beatrice Kxpress. Don't bolt your food, it irritates your stomach. Chooso digestible food and chew it. Indigestion is a danger ous sickness. Proper care prevents it. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures it. That is the long and short, of indiges tion Now, tho question Is: Havo you got indigestion J Yes, if you havo pain or discomfort after eating, headache, dizziness, uausea, ofTi nslvo breath, heartburn, languor, weakness, fever, jaundice, llatiileuce, loss of appetite, irritability, constipation, etc. Yes, you have indigestion. To euro it take Shaker Digestive Cordial. Tho J medicinal herbs and plants of which Shaker Digestive Cordial 1h composed, holp to digest the food inyourstoniach; help to stieugthen your stomach. When your stomach is strong, care will keep it so, Shaker Dlgestivo Cor dial is for sale by drugghts, prico 10 cents to 11.00 per bottle. MOIIK OK IiKSS I'KUSONAL. WANrr.n. A good fresh cow. (li:o. I. Kr.u.r.v. Kditor Warren of the Argus was in Lincoln this week. Med I.avalleo of Kivcrton was bote Sun. I ay and Monday. The best buggies for the money ever brought to town at Peterson's li, H. Must and wife are vUititi, in Heaver City having gone to that place overland. Morris Stern will leave next Sunday for a visit In Philadelphia, Peuu sylvnnla. . A man who buys a Newton wagon spends his money well. See them at Petersons, Now that von are looking after wagons .sec the Newton and olhei makes at Peterson's. A. II. Alexander of Htimauslllo MissoutI, is heio and will again make this county his home. J. Fred Peterson and wife left Wed nesday on a visit to to their daughter at Missoula, Montana. F.rnost Welsch has again got a forcw of carpenters engaged in the erection of a new lestatirant building. The parties who are selling groceries to the fannoijt in the county made another car load delivery at the depot this week. "Kconomy Honosot Cordial" made by tho famous old Harmony society, greatest of all appetizers. For sale by C. L. Cotting. Wantkd: A good girl at Hon Ton Hakery for kitchen work. No washing or ironing. &l 00 per week to tho right girl. W. S. Hknsk, Prop. Prof. Wilson was a participant in two runaways on Tuesday morning. Although bo was thrown from the buggy ho fortunately caino out with out being much hurt. J. II. Smith writes combined insur ance for a term of live years at l pet cent. On schools houses, churches and farm property on the Installment plan, Drop him a card at Ued Cloud, Neb. Quite a large number of school child ren uavo Mrs. Caso a serenade on Wed nesday night. WLllo they wero hilar ioiw to an extra degree thoy voiced the sentiment of pleasure of tho school scholars of tho city on Mrs. Caso'sleleo- tloi. Dr. F. E. McKceby was a principal actor In a runaway on Wednesday morning. Whllo driving his team down n kill near It. L. Alyea's the neck yoke broke and the team inauagod to turn tht buggy over throwing the do: tor out, but ho received no serious Injury. The buggy was slightly damaged kut tho horses were not hurt. List of letters remaining uncalled "for at the postofHoc at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending Oct. 30th, 1807. Karl Simpson, Han Street. Gen. Schnack, Atty. These lotters will be sent to tkodcad letter oflice Nov. 12th, if not called for before. When calling for nbove ploaso say advertised. F. W. Cowukn, P. M It is fo dry in central Illinois that the editor of tho Hillsboro News claims to have to prime his mouth every time he wants to spit, and tho editor of the Waverly Journal says ho jerked a pump handle all day long aud all ho brought up was a steady stream of lino dust. These editors ate catching on to some of tho old stories told about Kan sas, ami we shall look foi them to I ell about the farmers throwiuir pebbles on the barn to make the linoes think i Is raining, ard soaking lu hogs before they will hold swill. Heat rice Demo crat. Persistent Coughs A ooueh which seems to han on in spite of all the remedies whic! you have applied certainly needs energetic ana sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of cod-liver oil, SCOTT'S EMULSION has p oved its effectiveness in cur ing the trying; affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why: the cod-liver oil, par tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys tem; the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation. Can you think of any combi nation so cuecttve as this? H turt you get SCOTT'S Emubton. Sm that the tnn jnJ fuh art on th wrapper, joe, and t.oo, att druggtsU. SCOTT ft BOWNB, ChanOM. Htm York. k We wy u lino stock of NKW J laiDns Out pi lets me velj low. We mute jour litspcc- lion. C. L. Cotting, The DrtiKfflst. The Election. The election i ovt r and as a result the republicans i iccted ('. I). Kobinson for treasurer, .Mrs. (J. C. Caso for superintendent and 11. K. (irico for coroner. The popull.sts elected J. P. Halo for county clerk, James Dully for county jiidisc, I. 1). Wells for shcrill' and Fiauk Kueliii for surveyor. The election lii this city passed of tjuietly and there was very little work dotie mi either side. Hepiiblicaus are feeling well pleased over tho result as far as it wont for our tide. The following is the result of the election fin pieeinel ollicers- Assksmiiim Guide Koek. George W. Hagau, Heaver Clock, J. W. Heed; Stillwater, Oscar Ferdinand; Oak Creek, S H.Shirley; Gariicid, Charles Alios; Plea-ant Hill, T. T. Lacy; Kim Creek, K.Heitler; Potsdam, Aug. llus- chow, Line, J. W Mclntyrc; Kcd Cloud township, Win. Dickson; Matin, Isaac Thomas; Olonwood, (Jeo. May, Waluut Creek, C. II. Woods; Inavalo, 11. II. Holdrcge;Cathorton, Win Brett huuer; Harmony, Win. Patterson; Hed Cloud City, J. W. Warren. Justices ok thk Fkaok Guido Hock, K. Peters and F O. Parker; Beaver Creek, Rudolf Froy.T. M. Blue; Stillwater, Win. Isom, Si, rolix Kll lough; Oak Crook, John C. Hose, Joha F. Buss; Garhold, Frank Alios, Jay N. Pope; Pleasant 11111, II. L. Hopkinu, Geo. Law; Kim Creek, O. E. Putnam, K. II. Foe; Potsdam, S. Mandolbaum, W. A. Shottenklrk; Line, Jos. SaladoH, Wui. Vandyke; Rod Cloud Township, A. J. Means, Ifdward Dicksoa; Batin, R. Stonner.CfirisWaechter; Glonwood, Lewis Cutter, A. D. Baker; Walnut Creek, Jos. Noblo, T. BlankenbaKor; Inavalo, S. E. Wolcott, Chas. Smolsor; Cathorton, U. G. Lewis, E. J. Peterson; Harmony, JnIiu May, E. J. Solomon; Red Cloud, J. Porter .Ir., (Jeo. O Yoiscr. Co.NSTAlii.KS: Guiilo Rock, E. E. Burr, J. R. Cror.ler; Beaver Creek, W., Alox Mon'a; Stillwater, James Grcenhalgh, A. L. Robinson; Oak Creek, S. Atwood, (Jeo. King; Garlield, L. Monger, J. C. Taylor; Pleasant Hill, Chas. Tool, Fred Bright; Elm Creek, Chas. l-rancis, Ben Boyco; Pot-dam, A. F. Kykelhahii, J. 1). Mor ris, l.tue, ijiias, i inner, i:. w . Aiiiter Mu. Ued Child Township, Ed, Mot calf, E. 'Pennant; Batin, Chas. Will iuiiii,C. Sine; Olonwood, Baz.lo Lee, C. In eig; Walnut Clock, Frank Keco; Iimalo, Elmer Simons, Pliilo Eddy, Cuthcrton, A. A. Cooper, J. 1). Zim merman, tie: Harmony, Geo. Hito;Red Cloud City, M. C. Sherman, Samuel Saunders. A cross irregularity and broach of law has enmo to light in regard to tho handling of tho ballots after the late election. The ballots of Glonwood precinct wero given into tho hands of an irresponsible person who was neith er clerk nor judge nud who had not been sworn in ns an olllcer of the elec tion board. Tho ballots wero brought to this city and were loft in tho Nation oflice over night and not delivered to thu clerk until Into Wednesday tuoru iug. The ontloman who brought tho ballots down was a mouther of the last legislature and most likely had a hand in the framing of tho ballot law, Tho Nation, as the organ of tho populists, hafc always made a great howl when anything occurred In which republi cans wero concerned and when they over got a chance to make a "short hitch" on the republican party or the editor? of republican papers they did mi This way of satting the law at naught should bo looked after and if it is. wring a lesson should bo taught this time or hereafter we may expect that all Winds of irregularities will bo perpetrated. Tho Nation aud his lioaom friend, MeNeny, have not spared the republicans and the republican press and wo don't seo why thoy should bo spared when the law has boon tarn ptr4 with. and we will end their troubles. We have made glad feet out of many that have been suffering for years. We couldn't make the feet over, but we did lit them in a way that led to comfort and happiness. We can do as much for you if you're in need of it. Now as to prices: Faithfully and surely, we are selling for the least money compatible with honest shoes that will last the most satisfactory length of time. Clothes JStlcty Not Make The Man, I hit ;i man is never less thought of for wearing good blothes. Maybe we can SUTpriSC YOU v showing for how little mot ey we can make yon look ;i well as the president. Good wool, fast color nuitei uils cut on models that make a good fit a sure thing. Go where yon will on this broad American continent hunt in every big city or little town and we will guarantee that you will not find anything in The line of a suit of clothes or Overcoat super ior to our line of all wool Sack Suits or Over coats at $5.00 to $10.00. A special bargain in our Wool, Fleece Line, Health Underwear at 50c a garment, FRBYMARK CO. successors to c. wibnbr. Rkd Clood's Rkliam.k Ci.otiiinc; House. Now is the here and J you will want JGOOD SPBCTACIvESli Go to Newhouse Bros, and We have the best Alarm Clock in the city for t the money. NEWHOU3E BROS., Hiintf your watch, clock and jewelry eity Bhv and ROSS & RIFE. PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowrst CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. HAND MADE HARNESS ! Is tin1 best because it in made to use In placs where common harness would not stand a test. I can make you mi all hand made harnes nearly an cheap as you can get the common harness. When you want harnens come in nnd look over my block which cannot bo surpassed in tho ICepubliciiu valley. Fly Nets, Whips, Saddles, Btc. nnd in fact everything usually kept In a lirst class harnesa shop. Trimming and Kouair Work neatly and promptly attended to. J. O. BUTTER. iANDY ;ab&aAeto CURE CONSTIPATION 10 tfJJII.HLJJIIJHRV73! ALL 2550 ITill ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED lTmjn7r crtHAit ?MM4iuU?allwM. aawht mmmmmmmmmmmmwmmm9mwmommmmmmmmm9mmmmmwmmwmmwmmmmm Bring Us Your Feet SEE "S8lZ"ontheSole elthoihoet that you bujr. Selz Shoes make your feet glad, moll is iter- Time To get your eyes fitted with glasses. The long winter evenings will soon be you will want to read, and so get them fitted properly. t Jewelers and Opticians. repairing to us J Express Itine. CATHARTIC linn" DRUGGISTS! i K. : if I ' A p:2:SrSXWKHttaEriJ arK ll ty'JVI"! aHssgw5Kr