The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 29, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Ii -
Tho developments of t ho hint tow
Hlnys in tho c.vso of Hartley's bontlsnion
AtUmnlialiRVo wound tho tolls more
mul moro about tho reform governor.
Ilnnsom's eluuKcs in open com t that
tho covornor know of llrirtlo.y,s short.
aire, coming i u " ni i't"1""
senator and tho uhnlimtin of tho free
silver ropuuliunn state central commit
too. aroused such a demand from pop.
ullsts all over the state that tho
covornor, already much embarrassed
by Hio utitanjjlonient, was forced to
tako tho witness stand In elf-ileienM
Ho could no longer standout against
tho picture that eamo fiom his party,
domanding that ho inuku some ellort
to purgo himself from tho awkward
lint his ovldeneo in the court at
Omaha, Instead of bringing relief to
tho embarrassed fiiHionisls, caused the
water of '.rlbulation to riso higher and
higher around their drowning calico.
Tho governor tried to explain to tho
court Hint ho had dono his best, but
when it finally developed by Ids own
testimony that ho did not count the
mnnnv Mini 111! hull lint I'VIltllitldl tllO
si.mirriin In Hie tronsurer'H oilice, that
ho had utterly failed In ids duty, tlion
tho people who iionrii mo ichuhuio,
wnlllng at eauh other, wilili "If this
Is tho bet that a reform governor can
do, then tho less wo havo of it In eb
raskit tho better.- Any further
struggle on Iho part of tho governor Is
useless. Every word that ho utters In
explanation sinks him deeper and
doepur into tho mess. In tho mind of
every citizen Is the great big Interroga
tion point asking tho governor: ' If
you did your best when you approved
llartloy's straw bond and the Mcserve
straw bond, aro you doing your best
now when you permit Mcserve to con
tinue in olltce under a worthless bond,
with several of the principal suietits
notoriously bankrupt, and witli sev
eral other having abandoned tho state
forever? Are you doing your best now
governor?" This is what thu people
aro nukinir of Covornor Holcomb,
Did vou do your best in tho recount
fraud? Did you do your best to ro
form tlio pass system? With lighteon
' annual railroad passes and two Pull
man passes bulging out tho little
morocco book in your vest pockot,
with your record in tho last six months
ns u junketer, surpassing tho record of
all previous junketers in fils state, do
you protend ,to look tho farmers of
Nebraska in tho faco and tell them
that vou havo dono your best?
In tho eainpaiig of 1801 tho in
surance U0itlon was prominent. Vou
tinight tho people in Hint campaign
that tho old-lino insurance companies
kuil mndo of themselves a wicked and
greedy trust which was oppressing tho
people with exorbitant' rates, and by
which, under the law as it was thon,
thoy wore able to prevent the organiza
tion of mutual insurance companies
among tho farmers. Tho cll'eet of
your teachings in that campaign,
Covornor Holcomb, was to arouse
among the peopjo a strong fooling
Bgaiust tno srecd and over-reaching
methods of these old-lino companies,
to desire a law which would curb their
ambitions, which would piirmit and en
conrago tno organization of mutual in
surance companies and thus bring ro-
hoi i inoso wno wero oppressed wnu
exorbitant insurance rates. The same
oampaign that elected you, Covornor,
that year, elected a republican legisla
ture This republican legislature rec
ognising their duty as tho representa
tives of tho pooplo, passed a mutual
law, giving the relief which tho pooplo
desired. Tho law was exactly In lino
with what you had advocated on tho
stump. Now, what did you do to that
law, Covornor Holoomb? You hold it
at tho close of tho session, refusing
your nssont to it as chief executive, un
til tho session had adjourned, and thon
you lot it dio. You championed this
law before election, and then killed it
alter eisctiou. wero you doing your
best thon, Covornor! Your action in
una wan a groat surprise ai mo urue. I
Thero had boon a strong moneyed I
I. .1.1.- In . ll. !... .UL l..I I
quarters at tho Windsor hotel, during
tho entire session. It was tho business
at this lobby to defeat this law. You
did at the closo of tho session for
those old-lino insurance companies
what tho republican logislataro re
fused to do. It was said by some at
tho time that you vetoed the bill be
cause it was a republican measure.
That was a poor estimate to put upon
a reform governor. Thero wore other
reasons hinted at why you let this bill
die but I am ashamed to write thorn.
There is a limit to tho humiliation that
may be nut upon a state, even when
justice scorns to bo clamoring for tho
whole truth. Hut this is not all: the
last session of tho legislature passed
the same mutual insurance law, and
you signed it eagerly. Tho next day
after tho law was passed ami signed,
you, Covornor Holcomb, bobbed up
before public ns president of a mutual
insurance company. Would you tako
the witness stand now, Coventor Hol
comb, tied swear you did your best in
this insurance matter?
hx six months from tho tkno you
oommencwl your occocutlve duties in
your first toini, thero cauio to your
tuble tho Romi-annual; report of
Auditor Moore. In that report you
could havo road at a glance that tho
foos which aro required to bo paid by
insurance companies and other cor
porations into tho treasury, wero not
being paid into tho treasury, but into
the auditor'i ofllco, whicli had no au
thority to roceivo them. You should
havo soon that tho nuditot was issuing
business pormits to theso lusurauco
companies illegally, because tho law
requires that tho too money shall bo in
treasury boforo tho permit is issued
by tho auditor. With that roport in
your baud you should have walked
straight to tho auditors olllcc and said
to him, showing him tho law: "It Is
unlawful for you, Mr. Mooro, to issue
tho pormits until tho mouoy for each
ono Is in tho treasury. Now, you put
tills monoy Into tho treasury and show
mo n receipt from tho stato treasurer,
or I will mako it hot for vou." Did
you do it? Did you mako any effort to
do is? Will you go on tho stand now
and swear that you did you did your
best? What does your reform amount
to, aud what do your services amount
to to tho stato if you fail at ovory op.
portuulty whero reform is needed?
Why Is this semi-annual roport re
nulrod from tuo auditor, and why aro
the people taxed to mako and print
this roport? Tho farmers understand,
and everybody who can read under
stands, that this report is made to tho
governor aud u no one else beeusejt
Arc much In little i nluny
ready, efficient, sntlsfuo
toryiprcvciitacoldnr fever,
rut nil lltrf 111 4. flfk head-
die, jAunriirfi, rnimlltloti, rtr Wife. 5 rrtiti.
The only I'llli to lake !'' Hood's HwyarllU.
is the business of the governor to road
the repoit, to analyze It, for tho ropoit
shows what Is being done with the pub
lie money of the shito. Did you read
this repoit at all, Cooruor HolcoinbV
Did you mid any of the reports of the
auditor? And if vou did, when you
saw lint the auditor was issuing thee
certificates illegally, that tho money
was not being paid into tho treasury
as it should be, why didn't you call
upon tho auditor and compel him to do
his duty? Thiro havo been so many
slips in this reform administration
that tho people aro weary of reading
about It,
The republican party has purged it
self from tho guilt of Hartley and
Moot o, for whenever apolitical party
despise In secret ami denounce in pub
lic a wicked act, then it purges itself,
and no taint of guilt can rest upon u.
Ilntso lonir as the icforui press of Noli'
raskn, and tile reform conventions,
both In county and state, refrain from
criticism of tills stite administration,
and attempt to set it up befoie the
public as a reform administration, ask
ing for it the continued support of tho
farmer voters, then there is no poli
tical homo for an honest Nebraskan
but in tho republican party.
,J W .ToilNhOX.
Sunday morning at 10.30 tho pastor
will preach on "Tho Divine Election."
Sunday school at 11:80.
Chapel Sunday school at 3 p.m.
Senior League ntG-.flO Instead of 7.
Public; service at 7:00. This being
tho Jif tit Sunday the temperance mass
meeting will bo held in tho First M E.
Church and addressed by Ilov. Mrs.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday even
ing nt 7:550.
Choir lohersal on Friday evening.
You aro earnestly invited to mako
your church homo with us. Seats
fiei and strangers made welcome.
The conference year opens up with
promise of continued prospeilty.
. Largo congregations greeted tho pas
tor Saubath morning and evening.
Tho Sunday school had a good at
tendance and was enthusiastic and in
teresting. League moves faithfully forward
under tho presidency of W. A. Mitchell.
Tho Ladlci Aid Society is planning
for a prosperous yo ir's work. This is
a strong organixatiou in tho church
life of tho city.
Tho church invites tho public to at
tend her services and become a part of
thorn. Wo beliovo in Co I and humanity
aud everything that i? calculated to
make the race belter.
Hkv. J. M. Daiiiiy, Pastor.
a little
greatly improves its
days in
To Dr.
Ilurtumn by Catarrh F:t-tiontft.
Tho following
hitlcM' wero re
o o 1 v o d from
women Mr'. J
II. Macombir, of
Frumont, Mich.,
writes "My
U j;rs ii II u u i.ii nun
WW catarrh most
Xjfc' dreadfully. Ho
MWiSifiX Wiis Mirpriscd to
V VMI lind.nfttr taking
nina, that he was cured of tiiecatnrrh."
Mrs. L. M IluutiT of Clifton. Kansas,
nay "Af'or taking throe bottles of
Po-ru mi I am cured of my catarrh. I
will not bo within, it in tho house, as
it cures eotigln and colds so quickly."
Mrs. J. (5. Warren, Paoli, Intl. ler.,
writes: "I lui mined Po-ru-na in my
family and llnd iv'. Hie best'medicino
for coughs, c ilds and ciihirrk." Mrs.
a V. Ailntiis. ot Linon. Hood county,
Tox., writes- "Po-ru-na cured mo of
catarrh with whicli I inut uoen suuor
lag soviral jenr I feel that Pc-riMia
has saved my life, for when I begnii
taking it I was not able to do any thing;
could not or slaep." Mrs. Austin Do
grout, Woodville, Mich., writes: "1
feel in every wny cured of catarrh
from which 1 havo bcoo a sufferer for
twenty j oars." , ,
Tho following lottcrs wero received
from men: E. M. Marshall, of Esoaua
bo, Mich., writes: "My dlscaso was
nnma-nl rnlnirll. TllO OUtlUTh had af-
Tectod by bladder and kidnoys, but I
ot relief from that at oco. ro-ru-na
is tho host medicine that I over saw."
Frledrich Wullrodt of Alma, Ulno,
writes: "I had catarrh anil dyspepsia
and was so nurvous that I could
scarcely walk. I nm sevonty-livo
years old now and am well aud happy.
Poru-na did it." E. N. Stabler, of
Pnvno. Ohio, writes: "I think Po-ru-na
is tho host nicdicino ovor got up for
Solid to tho Po-ru-na Drug Manufac
turing Company, Columbus, Ohio, for
Dr. Hartmun's latest free book on
chronic catarrh, la grippo, eto.
Ask your druggist lor a ireere-ru-na
alumnae for 1898.
llogular M'lviee tit 10:110 a.m. iwt
Lord s day. In tho evening the house
will bo opened for the overllow meet
ing for thostjwho cannot net seats at
tho M. K. Ctiurch for tho W. C. 'L'. U.
service. Tho evening themo will bo of
an eilucational nature. A largo ohm I
will be used.
Afternoon sermon next Lord's day
at tho Amack school house.
The pastor and wife aro at a mis
sionary courentioii which convenes t
Hasting tliis week.
t. a. in ssoMi, rasiur.
Another pleasant rain.
L. P. Albtiirlit and family wore tho
guests of Mrs. I. Frisbio Sunday.
Win. McKlmmoy and wlfo wero
visiting in Cowles Sunday.
At Albright and Miss Llndley of Rod
Cloud wore visiting the family of (?. H.
Frisbio Sunday.
Ida Baker has started to school at
Pleasant Hill.
Viola Honor was visiting Maud Mil-
lor Saturday.
E. A. Torrill was at Cowles Friday.
Joe Saladeu and family wore hero
Mrs. Frase and children wero visit
ing their sister Alta Baker tho last o
tho weok.
A. C. Hosmur and wifo and Mrs.
Cowdon attended chucch hero Sunday
Rev. Smith will preach here at i)
o'clock noxt Sunday. Suuday school
at 10:90. Don't forget th hour.
Humors in thu blood, boils, pimples,
scrofula sores, are promptly eradicated
by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the one trno
blood purifier, nerve tonic and health
SuniUy School atlliJu.
Junior Society :it-l p. m.
Y. P. S. C.E.atTp. m.
When wear begius to exceeil repair
in your body you aio going to fall sick.
Tlio signs of it are, loss of llesh, pale
ness, weakness, nervousness, eto. Tho
repair needed is food. You think you
eat enough, aud you feel that yu wear
out moro tissue, ouergy, nerve force,
tliMti vmir food makes for VJU. Tho
dilliculty is that you do not digest
enough. Ann tins is so serious ins
worth sittiug down seriously to think
about. If you can't digest what you
mi. tnltn a fnw (lows of Shaker Diges
tive Cordial. Tho effect of it will bo
to increaso your flesh and mako you
feel stronger. You won't fall sick.
Proof that it is control of your repair
aparatus. It's easy enough to test this
for yourself. Tako a ftw bottles of
Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Sold by druggists at 10 cents to $1.00
per bottle.
Burlington RoutoCaliforniaExcur-
Cheap, ;Uiek, comfortable. Lc.ttfo
Omaha 1:85 p.m., Linuoln (5:10 p.m. and
HiistiuiM 8:!i0 u.iu. overr 'Jliursday in
ck an. mudecii. not crowded tourMt
sleemrs. No transfers: cars run riub
through to San Francisco ami Los
Angeles over tho scenic route through
Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; havo
soriUL' seats and backs and aro provid-
eu wttn curiums, ueuuuig, lowcis, aoi
ote. Uniformed porters and uxpenonc
od excursion conductors aocompauy
each excursion, rulioving passengers oi
bother about baggage, pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other
ways helping to make tho overland
trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets are honored. Uorths 15.
For folder riving lull Information,
call at nearest Darlington Routo thket
office, or write to J. rrnncis, G. P. A.
Omaha, Nob.
Tcttr, Salt-Ithcnm and Kciema,
The intense itching nnd smarting inci
dent to theso diseases is instantly nllnyed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye nnil
Skin Ointment. Many very bad carrs
havo been permanently cured by it. 't
is equnlly efficient for itching piles nnd
a favorite remedy for sore nipples ;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per bos.
I i m i !
Dr. Caily'n Condition Premiers, are
just what a horse needs when in bud
condition. Tonic, blood purifier nn.l
vermifuge. They tiro not food Imt
medicine and tho best In u?e to put n
Iwrso in primo condition. Price 25
cents per package
It is wot and muddy.
John Thorntuu has taken
(forinan boy to raise.
Ch:i3. Miles has had his orchard
fenced In which
A. 1$. Wiggins spent several
(initio lloek last week.
Kob. DoWitt and wife aro breathing.
the pure air ot Utah.
A fourteen pound boy eamo to C. H
Wiggins' liiuue last weei;. Hoy and
iliid doing well.
Mrs. Karncr has routed her farm to
Will llouehin. Will is getting tired of
A Kkahkh
Try Grnln-o J Try Grnin-0 1
Vk jour Kroi'er toilsy loMiow oiih ! . n
in (Hi NINO. Hie iit'W fuoil drink Hue title
ilii' iiIhih.1 of 'ifteo. Tun clilMron iim lrnik i.
wllliom Injury k well mk llit ml it ) t ' A.lulm
ir It like It. ullAINo lifi umt ricii muI
iinmn tf .Morlm or .Java. Ktu it 1 mntle from
piironrHliii.. nml thu lno't dohit'olu ntyuimh !.
ii'lTon It nlllifiiit illmri"'. ',i the prieo of cotlci'
Iftn runt Z)o lor rmekiiKP. sold by d I giui-vr
i:vrrli.iy a S.
Pft(llrt'ts('nlnl ratltiiilie. the mrm' wn-i
lii'iful iiii'iiionl iIim ovej'i of tlit- ago. nens
iinl nml n.iruhlmu to the ti.e, r.'i tui.ti.v
.mil poi.:tl fly on klui.c.vs, liver nr.u I'i.ivcs
l.anstnir Mm eni'm- .vnt in, uit t-l o'''
i-uro I'Pii.ini'iio. iivit, li.ililliinl iTmllinlirri
unit lnlimiiii".s PU'hw buv nri'l trv i b"'
Of C. C C lodnv: Id. -V.. Ml n .. .". Ml illitj
guaiaiiteisl to euro ly an urungisis.
Glosing Out Jffy Entire Stoek.
I have decided to close out my entire stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware,
Hats Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Anil in fact all goods kept In a Ceneral Merchandise store.
Thu building is also for sale or will sell building and stock
G. A. HARRIS, Cowles, Neb.
11 mjTi&
e , .51 Jl 1 VI Wt i 'u!i,iii ,i
y I Jt CALL 4N
Sti'iiTK Ot.xt.
J Is well said that manners make the
I T man.but the more solid Ingredient of '
character Is also necessary to a true '
type of manhood. If a man has these both,
and also has the good sense to dress well
tie win una ttie "kuchstring out" for him
an over me world,
In Material, Style, Fit, Finish, and Gentle
manly effect, you should order your tailor
ing oi
The Great Chicnjco Merchant Tailors
I-orovcrilO A rum the Lnc'ers lu the Custom
fra-Je. Vou can L-ct ii "IIOUN" Suit nr Ovcri!
for less money Hum ii usually paid for inferior
j;u "i mm nm rii'ir
TIT AMI 1'IVIsir til AU,VTUUn,
Titee Jlunilrttt Choie Siiuilf la Stlett ftum.
I'on'l l'uliar Ji) pit ami Mnehi lnur I Iff Atiu).
l'o iuit tubui'co euilly anil forever, bnuwi;
nttlc, full ot life, nervo and i iKor. talie Ko To
liic, tliuNfnuOir wurluT, that inutti'S u-uk men
utronB. All ilrucuisW.fOccirtl. Curcinmr.ui
teril. Uouklct avA wraplo free. AiUlrrn
Siorllng Jtcuioily Co , ChU-aco or New York
IMihmNi Your lti t-N Willi t iM'-itn-I'nnily
I'llli r'li' ci nit- ' i (
liK'.si-. Itf r r r " ' . i . ,n.
lMuriiln Your lluweU Vt'itli C.iM'itrotn.
Candy Cutliiirltc euro eoiiitlpatlnn forrer.
10c, S5e. K a C. C. full, ilrucRlnts ref mid money.
To :uro CointlpiiHoii ViiroviT.
TiikeCiii'i-urets Cunilv Ciitlmrtlo. 10c orC5c.
It C C. C. fall to ouvv, Uruch'lht-i rrfuml monvv.1
Ghieagoliumbep Yard,
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
How Are Yeor Kidneys?
Wtak Backs.
eity Drav and Express Itine.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest.
jrLiri iionM. m. d.
Thi-y euro by heftlini
Hood's Pills aro easy to take, easy to
operate Cure indigestion, biliousness.
Farmers arc oujoying tho linu ruins.
Potatoes ami pumpkins mid winter
tipples are being gathered lu.
Mr. Monla Wells has eomu back to
theso parts again. Ho is husking corn
for A, A. Davis.
The Wcslevnn Methodists are hold
ing ruvivnls at North lkunch.
Misses May Heimvrd, Kmma and
Lucy Tolaud, who are teaching school
awny, spent Saturday and Sunday at
Mr. Meudeuhall, from thu eastern
part of Indiana, is visiting his cousin
Mr. Kinardt. lie is thinking Homo of
locating here.
Mrs. Cox of Oregon is hero visiting
lelatlvcs and is now going to Huilulo,
New York. She is a W. O. T. U.
Wu offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for auy ooss of catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, the undersigned, have known
P. J. Cfceney for the last 13 ytmr. and
hclioTo him perfectly honorable in all
limitless transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldlng, Kiuuau & Marvin, Wholesale
. I-. ml.i.. i
Hall's Catarrh' Cure is taken inter
uallv. actinc directly upon tho blood
and iBicous surfaces of thu by atom.
Testimonials sent fieo. Prico 7fo per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family rills are thu best.
There will he a meeting hold in
Cowles on Saturday, Octobor Nth, at
3 o'clock p. m.. U the Stockholders Co
operative store. A general attendance
is roiiuesieu, aiso oi otuers wnu wouiu
wish to suWscribe for stock. The busi
ness will bo thoroughly talked up.
Uowlos, is nor., septembor 'id, iU7.
(J. A. llAllltlS.
Notico to Toaohora.
Notice is heroliy civen that I will ex
amine all persons who may desire to
oiler themselves as candidates for
teachers of the publiu schools of this
comity, nt lied Cloud on thu third Sat-
unlay oi encii month.
The standing desired for 2d nud 3d
grade ecrtillcate is the same no grade
below 70 por cent., average 80 per cent;
lor nrsi grauo ceriincato no grauo no
low 80 por cent,, average 00 per cent in
all branches rcouircd by law.
D. M. Huntkh, County Supt.
r curobr hcullnff tbff Kldnera and PiirlnrliiK
(he Hlood fruni Uric Aclil nnd otlirr liii(iurltlt.
Thpf Cure Rheumullam. Bucknch. Nrurnl
In. niKtivte. Ilropay. Hlnddcr Trouble,
Female WcuhDcn, etc.
I had serious troubles with my kid
neys for seviMil years, and tried
several kind of kidney medicine nnd
doctor's prescriptions without getting
relief. I recently bought some of
Hoobs Snaiauus Kidney Pills at
Sura'cue's druc store and used them
thoroughly. I never had such relief
from kidney weakness as I have now.
Yours truly, J. L. Eno, Beatrice, Neb.
Soaraeus Kidney Pills.
BOBBS REMEDY CO., PaorBwroM, Chicaoc
Ur. Hotobn Pill For Sale In HKB ULOUU, NEB
by C. L.COTT1NQ, Urumdit.
Notk'e Im luruliy vUeii tlmtiimleruiiil by virtue
of nn tinier of mle ImhiciI from lio nfllcc of ,Ik.
lliirtlcu, Clerk of tlio Dlntrlt't Court of tlio Tenth
Judlclnl Dlclrlet, within nnd furWfkslercoiiiiljr,
KeuiiiHkii, iiiiuii n iiourvo in an hcuuii oiiciiiik
lliercln. wlicroltiTliednrtiinii lwniirflneeConi
tmny Ik tInltitltr unil upline llort 'rij'cU, I.Htle
TlpiliN, l'Hiilcy Tlpit'it. Irm CliiuUer. Clar
mice Tliii'tiH Hiul I.nttle 'l'lpett urtlfcinl
Htitc. I Minll offer for f-alo nt public vendue
to tlie hlKhent lidMcr fornh Ih IiaiiiI. Httlie
enttiloor of Ike court Iioiim.. Hi lli'tl Cloud. In
Mill WeUlcr cuimty. Nelirotka, (tbnt beliiR
the linlldlint wluroln die Mtit term of mi Id court
m holden) oil the.'liilh day of Noeinler. A
I) 1KV7, nt ouo o'clock p. m. of nnhl day, the
fullOTVliiK ilt-kcrlbcil proiK-rly. to nit:
The uwrth half of thu i-outlitiiAl iiincter of
xectloii thirty-one. trtwiiMiln four (4) riniRu
iwolte (lajwcunf the Bill V. l. lu Wcbatur
MxiMir. Xelinkit. . . .
(ItVHii under my hand thta Stli day of
(icnJl-er. A. !., 1HUT.
.1. W. Rvnciikv, rihorirT.
A M. Wai.ti.i!. I'lotntlirs Attorney.
Crown Bridge Work or'Terih Without Plates.
And all the liUct liaprovtynpnt lu dental. aecb
Notice l Hereby kIvcii tliRt untlor ami by tlr
tueofuu order of tale Uaued from the arUceof
Jainia lltirden. icrk of Hio Ulatrlet Court of
tho Tenth Judicial Dihtrlet. wHIiln and for
WeliKtor county, Ncbrakku, upon a decree In an
uctlou iiendlHK tberelu, wherein Nebraska Loan
Si Trim company la plalmlfr, aud aKaiimt
Marlon Alexander, Catlierltie Afexamler, Fran
clu Kybtn, OeorKO Hybln, Ucury Ound trustee,
.IUIIII IJUl, V. ,.m.u ..... y". 21V. -..-.,
ana Firm national uaiiauiuiuoniuuruuciunu
n.iia i Mk.ill tilTor nubile vend ue. to tho
Mghcit bidder for eauh In band, at the ea
door of the court houw, nt lied Cloud, in laid
wwintpi county. Nebraitka. (that bcltiK the
bidldhiK wherein the laat term of aald court wbk
boldon) on the aid dav of November, A. U.. 18S7.
allOCIOCK p, in. oi niiu uay, lire iuiionui
Chimney brick.
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros,
described property towif.
Tue Houmeaai iitiancr or
aim the north half of the
City and couitry calls promptly an
swered day or night.
am iiuartcr of icctton faurieen (14)
t.ouiuwfw!t naDrtertK
ectloii thirteen (1.1) all In wwnnhlp four (4)
north ranKO twelve (12) went of Miefith I'. M, In
In Webnter county. Nebruka,
Qlven under omy liand thla Until day of Uctu-
.1. W. KuNiaiiT. Sheriff.
Gko. F. WraiK, I'JalntlrT'H Attorney,
ftVUt' EadUk IMwl Bfrni.
LtV 4r. lwi iiinifi unraMkA
jtniNB DratgiH " nm lira jwim v-mm
fiHnwliraii UU m MtiMWavV
mw. nla lik IU itttaa. HkaVj
Ml W ailUI Pn alilii Kill. p
Flr-t publication Oct, i'i.
Nutlc iHhea'by itlvrn that under and b vtr
luenfau order of mile Uaued from tho olllee of
.buries Hurdon. Clerk of the Ulatrltt Court of the
Tcalh Judicial District, within aud for Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decree In an action
pcndluK therein, wflorcln I. K. Dedcrlck It
plalntllT and agalnat albert Henry, Delia Henry
Ills wife, Firm National Uauk of Uiue Hill.
V'kI. . t.t Gtavkr It.nlhn. tntanAmyt I ttHnll
tllulii nil.. UIDI ...W.MV.B, ..b.V..V.... ,.
niror for sale at nubile venduo to the lilnheit
bidder for eauh in band, at the caBt door of
tho court liouBO, at ilea cioua, in earn wcu
htcr county, Nebraska, (that belDK the bulldliiR
wherein tho last term of Kald court wua holden)
on tho :joth day of November, A.I). 1897, at two
o'clock p.ri. of Kald day, the followliiK do-
termed projicriy, to win
The northeast iiuartcr of fccctlou four (4),
tuuiiblilp four (1.) north range nine (V.)
wchi of the fitli 1. H, In Webster county, Neb
(ilveii under my hand this 9gth day of Octo J.wlu,NeIEVi8hcrlir.
It.T. roTTEii, I'lalulllTH Attorney.
Noeo la hereby glveA that under mn by vir
tu of an order of salotasued from llio office of
James Hurdon etork of the Dlatrict Court or the
Tenth Judicial District, within and for Web
Rtcrcounty.Nckraska, upon a decree In an action
pcnddiK thorolii, wherein Albert Wbllslde
fa plalntltr aud against Abraham IKariinan,
Uucbanan W'lad Mill Company and Milwaukee
Harvester Company ar defendants, I shall
offer for salo at publla veudue, lo the highest
bidder tor asn in nana hi ibu nw uuur m
the ootKt koute, at Hod Cloud, Nebraska, (that
being the building wherein the last term of
ul.1 nnurl wn lioldoill Oil the ii daT Of
November. A. D. 1V7, at oue o'clock y-m. of
said day, the following acserioca property, to
The southeast quarter of Section iwemyfour
tt) In townshfp tkreo () north of range
twelve (IX), west of the llth I'. M. In Webster
"oiven'iindcr my hand thla ti day of Oc
J. W. Kukciiit, ShcrlsT,
Omous, Hinakeh A lliBB. and
Ciuwkv k Walmmn, rialntlfTa Attorny.
Special attention t Commercial anil
I'robnte Litigation.
IMBtrlct court of Webster county.
nnv.iA U I'tiittilntrlinm
Gcorgo W. CunnliiKham,
Or. Price's Cream link I ok Powdct
WorM'aFolrtllchcat Midland Dlrtoina.
What Do the Children Drink.
Don't give them tea orcottce. Have ou tried
the imw food drink culled (1UA1NO, made of
puro grnliiH that Ukcn tho place o coffee. Tho
more drain O you glu your children thu moro
health oti illftrlbutc through their system,
drain O Is mndo of pure ralu and when
propeily pit'piiiedlustchllkellio choice grades
of collet1 but ccKtK about one fourth as much.
All ttrocei K'll It, Mo and 3f.c.
I)r. I'rlcc's Cream OnklnRpowdei
Wor'd'a Pair -Mlzhcst Award.
District Coury of Webster County, Nebraska
ttltyiilmlli Pnltnr 1
Oscar M. Poller,
Above iiamtd defeiidiint will taku uolleo that
on the lilts day of October, 1SOT, plaintiff abovo
immed filed her petition lu thu abovo entitled
courl Hgalnst him, iilleKlug Ihclr marriage, sub
kC'iuioiit extrcinn cruelty by defendant to plain
till ami di'tcrilou and failure to supporl by de
fendant nml praying for an nloliito divorce
from dofeinlitill aud the uintoily of Ihelrchll
dun lit-reiiilnut Is reiiulred lo answer on nr
befino Noveuibei :.M, iKi7, or putlllcm rtlll be
taken us lino and Jndginoiit rcmlereil iiccoril
lllul)'. Kmxaiidth I'httkii
RaniiouiiMoNiit, IMMtntlU's At torn).
J. Lowell Mooro and
Moore his wife tlrst name
ThoaboVu ilefendantH will take, notice that
on the llth day of October. 1B07, plalntltr Hied
his petition lu the above entitled court against
them the prayer whereof la for tho f orcciosuro
of a tax deed covering tlio northwest quarter of
section twenty-four, township three, range
twelve, websier county, .eurnen. mm m
deed covering tho southeast quarter of section
fourteen, tow nshlp three, nuigo twelve. In said
county and state, given to James L. lirlltalu
upon surrender of tax certificate i by the treas
.rnmr until riiiiniv ii nun thi ltitli dav of No-
vcmber. IbVl, by said llrillalii and nsslgnedby
California Brandies.
null claim deed to plaintiff, certillcales having
been Issued to Jutnes L. llrlttalli upon publiu
salo of said lands for tho unpaid taxes of lb9i
aud for the recovery of subsequent taxes as
sesscd against said laud for lb'.), l'-UI. 1SW. 181U.
iiald by said lirlltalu and this plaintiff by virtue
.rnliliHx salo certificates and said tax deeds.
Miiii inx ilpcilsare recorded in book It of the
deed records of aald county at pages IKO and !5
respectively; said petition prass for u salo of
said lantls. an accutiulliig of the amount duo
plaintiff on account of said lax certificates and
deeds, mid the application thereto and to the
payment of costa and nltntnciH fees herein of
theamouul derived from men sale. Defend
.mtu iitti t-f.itlllrnil In lillhU'fir f.nlll libtltlOU Oil Or
before tho id day of November, IW.i. or tho
allcKalloiiswIllbo inketi ih hup and ilecuc
rendered in tordlngly.
I UANDUM'll Mi Nitt. rialnllll' Aitnruev
St uvcariBiv'X'a wahtbd. S
SI tkulars write tli JLinufaitnien, V
BBOW .. I'oiini ii u
I iffM' "Ml'ruinutei lujur'iiit rroth.
WRj-.f Vvfi' "" Kcitoro Ursy
TCliCHi ItMl "'r to Us Youthful Color.
I RvV5Mr-'SrSCun irlp din. k lulr UlUnif,
I KWf I) HV.iiiiJtlJuit Diunclm
. - snn.wnisru ,, hwiiwmbmwi.,, i-nn.