The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 22, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Uoprosontntions so seimtitloiiiil und
Impoitnnt lmvo been m.ulo to Picti
tlont MorClnloy concerning lliu snlo of
tho I'liton l'ncille railruHil, tulvertlsed
to Uku placo tho llrst of next moiitli,
Unit ho i.M tinilor.stootl to lu carefully
coosidtrmK whether It l not his duty
to Attempt to stop tliu Milw, If he Inn
tho poivur to do ho. According to
thesu rcprosoiittitlons, u postpone
mont of tho salo and a rrnrninRciucnt
of tkc conditions vi tho salo would
moan soinutliinfi morn than $20,000,000
to the government. It is claimed that
tho terms of tho snl virtually shut out
nil didders, except tho looifMnl.ation
conijnitteo, and that they were drawn
tip with that intention; that the eom
mitten has prepared At take full advan
Xtan ' that condition of affair and to
"buy the road at a pi ice that will make
it necessary for the government to cut
down its claim of MO.OOO.OOOnpainst
tlie road by at least J'.'O.OOO.OOO. Men
ot responsibility have told tliopiesi'
dent that if tho present sulc can be
postponed and proper terms bo nr
rapged, they will guarantee to bid
klgh enough for tho road to nay tho
governments claim in full. '1 Ills Is a
'ery serious matter and tho president
is considering it very carefully, but it
is tlirticiiit to sou how ho can stop 11
nalo ordered by a U. S. court. Tho
government had the right to appeal
from the circuit court to tho U. S. su
premo court, and such an appeal
wuld have prevented tho sale until
after the supremo court had acted
upon tho case, but it wnj announced a
shoittimo ago that, acting on tho ad
vie of the attorney general, tho ml
ministration hail ileclincil to nppcnl
tho case. Mr. AicKinler i. a lawyer
and it may bo that ho can discover
eomi; way in which other bidder may
bo gjven an equal show wirii the reor
ganization committee 10 bid for tho
road, oven if the salo cannot bo post
poned. Nothing could furnish stronger
pruof of tho existence of niuny diverse
opinions 011 tho subject of II nance,
oven a )ong bankers and Humidors,
than tho letters received ky tho
wtnetary commission, in response to a
oircular lotter sent out, asking for tho
views of those- to whom it was sent.
Although the members of this commis
sion aro all chosen representatives of
one ido of tho llnancial question, thoy
do not all agree as to what llnancial
legislation is needctl, and it would Jot
greatly surprise those on tho insiuo if
thoro should bo a divided report when
tho sittings are brought to a close.
Sonator Clark, of Wyoming, who is
now in Washington, was asked what
bethought, of tho work of the monetary
commission, and ho replied: "Well, I
lmvo no doubt that whatever is recom
mended by tho commission will bo
considered with proper courtesy. That
congress will adopt its recommenda
tions is quite another question. There
am plenty of men in t tot li houses that
will give a very decided negative to
accepting ineasurus made by a body of
IM011 who have imposed on themselves
a fcisk that pioperly belonged to the
law-making branch of the government
Tko country Is get-ling along llrst rate
now and there will be decided opposi
tion o making any snob changes in
or llnancial system as would proba
bly emanate from this mmictarv com
There is a disposition in some quar
ters to harshlj criticise tho omowhat
dramatic manner in which Justice
Kiold announced Ids coining retirement
from tho bench of tho U. S. supreme
ouiirt, but It really is not deserved.
The service of Justice Mold to the pub
lic has been so long exceeding that of
any other member of tliu supreme
court since its organi..Uion and so
Important, covering some of tho most
important cases over passed upon by
that court, that ho is surely entitled to
the privilege of accompanying ids re
tirement witli some extraordinary
U'luiuings in tho shape of letters to
aud from the president and his col
Ugues on tliu bench, if It pleased him
to do so. Only one name is mentioned
lu Washington in connection with the
vacancy that will be miuio by the re
tirement of .Justice KIjIiI Attorney
(ionornl Mclveiina.
The prevailing opinion among poli
ticians, regardless of party, is that
Senator Gorman got the wliipliand of
the Baltimore Sun, in that remarkable
open letter, published Saturday, otter,
lug to elimiiiuto himself from t ho cam
paign if tlie Sun would agree to loyally
support tho regular democratic nomi
nees in lialtlmore and throughout
Maryland, ami Mr. Abel, its publisher,
wonld agree to manage the campaign.
Sunator (lornmn'.s ability as one of tlie
slickest politicians in this country bus
long been known, but hu never did a
flicker piece of work than this open
letter. It is bound to kelp him no
mater what the publishwr of the Sun
doe.i, and if his party elects a majority
of tho Maryland legislature, he is
likely 10 lie returned to the senate re
gjirdless of anj announcement ho umy
make, concerning hi. candidacy, aud
if his paitygets beat, he one charge it
nil to Abel.
A stoinacliful of undigested food is
about as unhealthy a mass as one can
well imagine.
What can be done with it?
Thoro is stays. It won't digest. It
churns up, ferments and decays; be
comes poisonous (as all putrid mutter
does) and causes great pain and deep
Heated disorders.
In order to change all this, take
Shaker Digestive Cordial.
It stops fermentation and decay at
once, so Unit 110 more poisons aie
It clears tho stomach of poisons al
ready thoro. It helps it to turn tlie
food that remains, into healthful
nourishment. It strengthens the
stomach for the next meal.
Here is tho whole philosophy and
cure of indigestion in a few words.
And wlint's more, it's all true. Try it.
Shaker Digestive Cordial Is for salo
by druggists, prion 10 cents to$l,(H)a
Don't use bill bends or statements in
which you have to write your own
name. Get thoiu printed in an up-tn
date style. Thoro is nothing which
will make vour customers think von
aro of tho disposition to bo penurious
ho much as this, it you aro stingy lu
0110 way what reason is thoro to be
liovo that you wont lie in other ways.
Got your printing done right ut the
Ciiiuk olllce.
Or. Price's Cream Uaklng Powder
WtvU'i Pair Highest Med land Diploma.
licit tn tnlo- .illcr dinner , bb m a
tucu'itt nstri, nlil dlgcs- B 1 1
Hon, cune const Ipntlmi. Fllla
ruri'lyYetftatdoMloiiot grip- P7
ir ratine fain, hold li? nil ilrupitlitf. 2 centi.
1'reparid on If bjr C. 1. lltud A Co., Lowell, Man.
How happy wo nil feel since the
Thou. Snyder in building mi addition
to his house.
li. H, Wylder is buying hogs for Mr.
Ilowmaiiof Ltiwrmco.
crank Wheelan Is spudding a few
days in Omaha this week.
Wilhuru I'ltimb vus enlisted into the
mystic' way 0 a Woodman Tuesday
Ij. C. Cutter lias been somewhat tho
worse from a fall he received one day
last week.
Krionds who were visiting at Win.
McDonalds leturned to their home hi
Illinois Monday.
L. K. Sponco made a trip to Lincoln
to see Ids best girl or gel his guitar we
aro unable to say which.
Illation Is to have a new furniture
store. Tlie Mock will bo put in as
soon as Mr Johnson vacates the Horn
A 1' Johnson and J. 11.
Horn are
having a now iidowalk put
front of their store buildings.
down in
Thi Is a
uiucii needed improvement.
Tlie stove peddlci has been visiting
our farmers in this vicinity aud those
who buy aro paying fancy prices for
their stoves. They would not buy a
stove from their liomu merchant for
20.00 less. Oh how wo like to lie
DruggisV Hicks may bo a good shot
with tho rifle but ho is not in it with a
revolver nt ho shot nine or ten tlmo at
ono of those nice white and blaok
striped little follows that occasionally
get in cellars, and not being alilo to
kill it ho thought the best way to dis
patch it was with a club and accord
liigly did so.
"My baby is so
fat and healthy
since 1 am well
again. As longas
I was under the
weather my baby
was so peoviMi
ami thin that it
was enough to
make 1110 crv to
look at it. Your
free treatment re
slirnil inn i
health, and iiiiiuedlately my baby be
gan to lecover. I had to keep him
partly on cow's milk and prcpxrwil
food, which did not seem to agree with
him. Now I have plenty of milk for
him, and lie is so strong and playful
that I can baldly realize my good for
tune. Tiiero aie so few women that
are perfectly wwll. I would not think
of trying to get along without a bottle
of Pe-rii-ua in the house. I do not
take it all the time, but there are short
spells when I need something to give
1110 strength aud help my nerves. Pe-ru-nu
never fabs to give 1110 a good ap
petite, strong nerves, sound aud re
frc.shihg sleep. I onlv wish I could loll
every woman In tho world about it."
This is a specimen of the kind of loi
ters that Dr. Hartmau is receiving
every day. Among tho letters just re
ceived, with request to publish, may
bo mentioned .Mrs. II. I). Amoss,
Grconoiboro, (;.., M,.rt (j, (jilson,
Dearden, Ivnox Co., Tenn.; Mrs. Mary
F. Harthoioimiw, St. Francisvillo. III.;
Mrs. Michael Kden, Keokuk, Iowa;
Mrs. Kinina Oclis, Clay Center. Nob.;
Mrs. A. J. Hull, Leona, Kan. Tho list
might be multiplied indeliiiitcly.
Dr. llartnian is tliu author uf a book
written expressly for woman, beauti
fully illust rated. It will lie sent free
for a short time by The Pe-ru-na Drug
Manufacturing Co., ColuiiiWiis.Oliio.
Will Isom is husking corn for F. C.
No Sunday .school or league 011 no.
count of the rain.
Mr. Nesniuth of WiUon, Kansas, is
Mining ineniis in mis locality.
Miss Ktliol Albin lias a lino now
orgau ami is now taking lessons.
Tlie report comes back that -Mrs. J.
Ogilvie h much improved in health.
Everybody is icjoicing over the lino
rain which leu Saturday and Sunday.
W. S.Orr had the misfoi tune to lose
niie of his linn driving horses Tueday
Rev. Day preached some excellent
sermons at the M. K. hntt4i Suuday
morning and eveniug.
Pan, buckets, wash tubs, olo., wore
in demand during tho rain by thoo
dwelling in sod houses.
Mis. Win. May and daughter Pearl
of Dlue Hill woro tho guests of Miss
Nettle Orr Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crozier formerly
of this place hut now of Guide Rock
are rejoicing over tlie arrival of a baby
Miss Kdua Woodsidu is at homo
oaring for her father who has been
suiiering from a hadly burned fool and
Mis. Isom returned homo Monday
after a three months visit with relatives
and friends in Illinois. Her many
friends gladly wolcoinu her return.
W isu men know that it folly to build
on 11 poor foundation. Hollof obtaiuad
by doaduiilng symptoms is short.
Hood's barsaparilla cures and gives
lasting health.
Hood's nils euro nausea, sick bond-
1 coo, iiiuigosiioii, iniioiisiicss. All
UlllgglSIS, S.IC.
.1. 11. Smith writes combined insur
r.nco for u torm of live years at II per
emit. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Kcd Cloud, Neb.
Or. Price's Cream Raking Powder
WorU's Pir Highest Award.
rilltlVTIAN cm Hill.
I'ralse (loil for Mm rain, even if it
did keep you at home from service last
Lord's day.
Kvery member of the church is 111 god
to be in attendance both morning and
evening on October !Mth. Themes
will be of particular interest to all.
Morning, "When Dogs Don't Hark at
Kvcnlng, "A Cliargo to the Jury."
No hopeful Christian can afford to
habitually absent himself from tho
Lord's supper.
Our next prayer oiiie is "Our
Eternal Home." Rev. 7 0-17.
The public is kindly invited to at
tend our services.
L. A. Hi'ssoNo, Pastor.
l'rcaching at 0M a.m., and at S
p.m. by tlie pastor.
Sunday school at 11:80.
Junior League at ! p.m.
Senior League itt7:ir p.m.
Oliapel Sunday school at 8 p.m.
Preaching at Amboy at !J.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday even
ing. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon.
You aro earnestly invited to make
your church honiu with iih.
Rkv. J. M. Daiiiiv, Pastor.
Sunday School at 11:115.
Junior Society at 4 p. in.
V. P. S C. K. at 7 p. m.
More Nebraska Cotton
Henry Meier raised about a doet.
cotton plants this season which grew
nicely and matured fairly well. Ho
brought a plant to town, which is four
feet high and lias thirty-throe pods. It
is worth your tunc to call and seo
llioin. It is. simply fine for a Nebraska
product. Look out for Henry next
season. As his experiment has proved
a success, no doubt he will ship in a
car load of negroes and plant his
whole farm in cotton. Dubois Times.
Notico to Toaohora.
Notice is hereby given that I will ex
amine all persons who may desire to
wffer themselves as candidates for
teachers of tlie public schools of this
aoutity, at Red Cloud on the third Sat
urday of each month. t I
The standing desired for id and lid
grade ccrtilleato Is tho same no grade
Ijclow 70 per cent., average SO per cent;
for first grade certificate no grade lie
low 80 per cent., average DO per cent in
all branches required by law.
1) M. Huntkk, County Snpt.
Tetter, Uatt-ltliciuit and Kczcma.
Tho Intense itchiiiK mid Piaartitiitinci
dent to these discuses is initantlv ullii .-d
by applying Chamborlam'a live 1 r.u
Skin Ointment. Many veiy bail ci..l
liavo been permanently cured by ii I
is equally ctllclent for itching pi! and
11 favorite remedy for sore 1110,11.
chapped hands, chilblains, frost Mi
and chronic sore eyes. 2.") cts. per box.
Dr. Cody's Condition Ponders, are
just what u horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They aro not food but
medicine and the best In use to put u
horso In prime condition. Trice C!
couts per package
There is a Class of People
WIih nte IiiJiikmI by Mm iiu of roltuc. Ilui-cnlly
Hutu tins hiin ilm r in nil tlie urocorylMoreNii
00 iv ituuitnlluii cnlleil CHAIN O, mailu uf pure
RTiiliift.itliat liikv the pliHC of toltce. Tliu
iiiot ilpllrntc MomHih tecche It ultima! ill.
Ire's, oml but few mil It'll It from collet1. II
iIomi not co! uxor one fourth nx much, Clill
ilreti may ilrltilc II uHli tuwt liunctlt, ire ittul
Tn per pnrkimf. Try It. .k fordlt.VIS O.
What Do the Children Drink.
linii't tilvo llu'in lc orrnllt-e. Ilsve jon trlt'il
rtie luMv foml drink cnlleil (UtAtX O. itimtuof
lutiu urulOK Unit tula' Hie pint i of cuircc. The
uiuriMlialn () )on Hhwjnur rlillilreu the mure
ln'iiltli joii ilUtrllitite thioiiKli their K)tuiiiN.
Urnln O N Mitile of pnrii 1 1 anil when
pruperly prvviiriil liistt'K lllu lliu choice Knulen
f folli-i lint i-nHf nlioiit (inn fnnrtll hk much.
All K'lucers M-ll It, 0 mid UU:
i:iTTlnxly Srtji So.
dtic.-treM CancH- Cntlnii tic, the most won
lerl id iticdlcal diM-own of Mm ii-c, pi..s
tut miii rcfi-csliiiir to lh" ttiMUcUi'l K" '!
l pOMltlrcly mi hlilnevH. It w r and Jiowcls,
clcaiiRlnt; llm enilto ciHtcin, dispel in.d.
cine lin.iitiielio. finvr. llnUniiil cnnstliitil 011
anil blllnii.iii"-it, l'lcnsi) Inn- anil lr, a Imx
of O. C. ! tn day; III ii, Ml'i en's. .Sold auil
Ctiar.uitccd lu cute by ult iliuvglstb.
Ituii'l rliarcoSt ani "-iirulrt- Jnur I Ifc .titay.
Tn ijiiil tiiliiu'vo easily unit forever tin lilac
nrtlo. lull of life, nervn nmt 1kit. tnko N'o-Tu
Hue, tint woiiilcr-uiirlttT, Hmt iiiuIo-h wrnli ineii
xtroiiK. All (Jriiirulsttooor Jl. CuroBiiuran'
teed Booklet 11ml .iinplu free. Adilrcus
Stfrllln; itcmedy Co , (ifilcai.-o or New York.
l'tliiitilii Vour limn l ti n-iri-tK.
finiilV t'niliirt I'iri'iii' ,i 111 -' '-(ec-tOO.'.'.V
(( t; 1 Li 1, tir 1 r ' i.-tim inn'
Is caused by Uric Acid and other lup
purities lingering in the blood, which
have not been filtered out by tho Kid
neys through the urine. Tho seat of
the troublu Is not in the skin or mus
cles. It's sick Kidneys. Electricity,
liniments or plasters will not roach tho
case. But tho dlbcasu can bo
I havo sullered sovoral years with
chronic kidney troubles, and n greater
portion of the tlmo have been nfllictcd
with rheumatism also. In fact, until I
got u box of Dr. lloobs Sparagus Kid
1105 Pills from tho drug storoof Tucker
Hi l'arnsworth a couple of weeks ago, I
litul not boon free from pain for many
yoars. 1 11111 now glad to say that my
rhmimatism has left me, and that my
old kidney trouble seems to liavu van-
Hiicti, ami an owing to tlto merits 01
your wonderful pln, V, S. (Jriui:it,
(irnml Island, Neb.
Sparagus Kidney Pills.
Ur Hnbbl PUU Kor halo In UP.l) CI.OUD, NKil.
by U. L.COTTINO, Urugglit.
Fine weather for husking lorn.
Mrs. Clias Frisblo is visiting friends
in Falrlury this week.
A. R. and J. W. Saladew and fam
ilies returned from a visit at Nebraska
City Monday.
I. Fiisblo is building a new barn.
Jess linker of West Rranch, Iowa,
and Miss Gertie Drown of Red Cloud
visited with Mls Aha Hakcr Sunday.
Chris Rasser wa visiting at McCook
last week.
John Kmick is having the foundation
laid for ids new house.
(J. W. linker
and wife are viiting in
Tit fere CiiiiMlpiitlnn Turowr.
TiU.r C imri 's c :inil C'utli irllc. 10c or2.1a
lift ( I ui torum. (IniLvii ts n fntiil tnonov.
Just a
Little Pain.
The first touch of Rheumatism is a
fair warning of much torture to follow.
The little pains which dart through the
body arc not so severe at first, possibly a
mere pang, aud cause little inconven
ience, but if the waniiiijr is unheeded.
they will multiply rapidly and increase j
111 severity until tliey become almost
Rheumatism as a rule is much severer
in winter, though many arc ho afflicted
with It that they are crippled all the
year round. Those who felt its first
touch last year, niny be sure that with
the first season of cold or disagreeable
weather, the jnild pain of last year will
return ns n severe one, aud become more
and more intense until the disease has
them completely in its grasp.
Being n disease of the blood of the
most obstinate type, Rheumatism can
be cured only by a real blood remedy.
No liniments or ointments can possibly
reach the disease. Swift's Specific
(S. S. S.) is the only cure for Rheuma
tism, because it is the only blood remedy
that goes down to the very bottom of afl
obstinate blood troubles, nud cures cases
which other remedies cannot reach.
Capt. O. K. Hughes, the popular rail
road man of Columbia, S. C, says:
"At first I paid very little attention to
the little pains, but they became so
much sharper and more frequent that
before long I was almost disabled. The
disease attacked my muscles, which
would swell to many limes their natural
size, and give me the most intense pain.
"I was ready to doubt that Rheuma
tism could be cured, when I Was advised
to try S. S. S. This remedy seemed to
get right at the cause of the disease, and
soon cured me completely. I believe
that S. S. S. is the only cure for Rheu
matism, for I have had no return of the
disease for eight years."
The mercurial and potash remedies,
which the doctors always prescribe for
Rheumatism, only aggravate the trouble,
and cause n stiffness in the joints and
aching of the bones which add so much to
the distressof the disease, besides secionfl
ly. affecting the digestive organs. S.S:S.
(Swift's Specific) is the only cure fo:
Rheumatism because it ia absolutely free
from potash, mercury or other minerals.
It is the only blood remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and never fails to cure Rheumatism,
Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood
Poison, Cancer, Eczema, or any other
blood disease, no matter how obstinate.
Books mailed free. Addrens the Swift
Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. r' Ea(lUh Illaaoiid HraaiL
OrlxlaBl ABil Onlv CmiuIba.
I. Ilia Jf
llriffi.l for CMthttrt Knallth
arc. w. iniioii, LAD
ibin ftlJ wlih bwi. rlbtwn.
notnj llrmml ID KM UVS hUl
tlhff. Hifult daHlitruum ml.flu.
ill itmM for ttutlealui. tntlmoDttli Q1
Iioiu miul tmtiUionM. AlnrDliiti.arHtia4.
r Mill. lU.UVOTnMBMUU. lijmj IMr,
aikh.hMlrl!hallla-Millaoa 1IP.
-- iwiler ivr iaiea." in iw.r, Dy rtur
UnU DiuiliU, t'Ulsda., 1'c
Crown Hridge Work or Teeth Wiihoul Plates.
And nil tho latest Improvoruonl In denwl mcch
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros.
W S Kl&
Vc 0
Glosing Oat JJy Entire Stoek.
1 have decided to clo-e out my entire s'oi K of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware,
Hals Caps, Boots and Shoes,
And in fact all gols kept in a General Merchandise store.
The building is also for sale or will sell building and stock
G. A. HARRIS, Cowles, Neb.
$&. SHIP I2V
5 c&faafr-.aaaBEfc...
J vJL L;A-If
(Jity aid country calls K'"ptly an
swered ilay or nlgWt.
Okmcb otek Cottino's l)Ktl Stokk.
Notice U hereby Kl en Hint undvriunt by virtue
of tin order of sule ImmiciI from the office of Jus.
Ilunleii. cleric of the District Court f tho Tenth
Judicial District, r, Itbln nud for Wektlrr count-,
Nelinnkn, upon n decree la mi union (iuiiiIIuk
therein, wherein The (Jernmti Imumiee Tom
imuy l )lnlntlir und nwuln-t HcrtTlielt. '.title
TIpI'dlK, l'miley TlppottK, hruM t.'lnrllcr. clar
mice Tlmiflt ami l.ottlc TlptittU are defend
hiiIh, I hlinll oiler for Mile it hllc vendue
In tho IiIkIiciI bidder for cms In Imnd. m the
uAt door of the court home, it Ileal Cloud, In
mid Wei cler comity. Nebrnsks, (thnl brttig
the Imllillnc wherein the but term f tnld court
wik lmhlcn) on tho 'JM dsy of October, -.
1) HUT, nt one o'clock p.m. of M1 (lny, tlie
follolti!! lU-M-rllied properly lo wit
The north half of lite Miutheiiil iiir.rter of
rcciton Ihlrtj (me. toHii'hlp tour hi rnmsc
tNYtlvc ilJ) we-tul the I1M1 I' II lu Webster
i'iillllt. Ni'l.lii-Lu
iUn under my hnud tUI 20th dny nfJ
in-ioiii r. , 11 i-t7
I . l.iMiiki.Shetlir
A M. ai.ti.1 . V nlnliir AiioaiPi
Nnllcr l hureby jtlvi-ti Hint under ami by vlr
tuc ut an oiilvr ot Milt- l.mtd from tif ollice f
.liuiii-. UnriUii. cleik of tho Dinrli t Court of
the Tenth .ludiclnl IMi-trlct. uUbla and for
Weblor county. Ncbrnskii, upon n dri'rae lu tin
iikIIwii KudliK ihertin. wliurclu NebrnsiH l.nntt
V: '. ri.kl Couipuli) U Kliiliillll'. nud ticaluist
Jliul('ti Alcxiimler, Cnthrrluo Alexatnler. Kriiu
('! IHl.ln. (ieor(;e Itjbln, Itcniy U11111I triiMce,
.Inlin Dm.-, leiil uiiiue utikHoivii, chri Koelilvr,
und I'lrit NJtli mil llaukof llluc lllllnrcilefetid
Hilts I hall nirerforiHhint public tcuiIih-. to the
I Iclie.-l bidder lor lash In bund, at the euM
duor of tliu court Inline, nt lied (Hoiul. In unlil
WchMct I'ouiity, NebinKku. (tbiK bclnc thu
bulldltiK wspii'ln the last lenil of kald court n"
holilcu) on tlii'-.-Vil day of Novciiibcr. A. ll 1SV7,
lit 1 o'elnek p. la. ot kalil day, tlie following
deMrlbcd properly towll:
Tho kontlicKkt iinarlerof ectlou IhiiiIccii (II)
mid the noilli half of the southwest imrtcrif
hecHoti tblrMMM (Ml all iu tonaMiip foHr (I)
norlU rutiKii tnehn (12) wen of thv Wh 1. Jl. In
In Webster enmity, Nebrmka.
(Ilveu under tiny Imnd this 3li da of Octo
bcr. A. 11. IMT.
.1. W. Kt'M,iaM.bhcrUr.
On) K Woiik. 1'liilntlir's Attorup)
Nolle e la bcreb tilri'ti tint iiuiler itml by vlr
Hie of nil orik-ror .nle IsmiviI fraia thu olTli-o of
.Iiiuk'h HurJrii olurlcof tlioDMrlot t.'imriof tlie
Toutli .ludtflut IlMrlel. Mltliln iitvl for Web unn iiilcorreliiaiinctlnii
livailllii: therein, nliorelu A.luwt Wliltci.(U
U ilaliillll anil "cnnivt Abrubnin UarlHiiiu,
lliicliNiiiiu WI111I lllll (-oiiiiiiuy hiiiI Mlluiuikt'c
Harvester roiaii) aie (li-femloiitc, I hIihII
oirer rornnlent imblle vrtulup. In too IiIkIii'kI
blililur for anli lu liiind nt tliu riihtrlnnr of
tlivoourl limipe. ut lied Cloud. Ncbrap-ku, (Unit
IioIiir thubulbliui; ulicrt'In tlie la.t term of
mill oourt wan lioblcti) 011 tlia Z'M Way ol
No ember. A l. 1SW. at ono o'clock p.m. uf
mlildm the fnllonliiK ilercrlbcil prn I'rly, to
Tlii' oullicrtt iiunrierof '-inllou tuntfotir
(Jl) In lowiiklilp ilircu (1) nortli of fmn;i
IhiIvc(IU). wM of tliu Wi'l1 it. In WcbMur
count). Nehrui-l.ii,
(ilvcn iinilcr lay tiniii) tbl llli day of Or
Inber.A.I). I9T.
.t. W. Umuntr. SlicrllT.
i.iiii.i... Kinam'u &. It i it it. nun
Cium:t iV fli.imr.N. I'lnlutlir's Albirucy.
l'lllLCA now UF SCMM0S8.
DMrlct court of Web-aer coiinlv
iifiiruo n .i uuiiiuKiiaiii.
J, I.ouoU Mooroaud
.Mooro bin lfullrt Hame
Tlioabou ilufcniliillts w r.l Inku uotlic tltwc
mi Kit- Dili day of October, ls'i?. plaliitlll' Alud
bin prtltlnu lu tr nboM) untitled court nuiiliikl
tlii'in IliupraM'r whereof la for the forccloMiru
of n tax di'i'il eovcrliiK the iiortlinent ipiartcrof
hcotlon (went) four. towiiKblp three, rium'o
lule, Webater county, Ncbriuka, nud a tax
deed coverltiK tho Kontlieant ijimrtwr of nvctlou
fourteen, townxlilp three, raiiKi- twelve, lu nild
county and ntnte, Ktveti lo Jatnex L. Ilrlttala
npon Mirrcntler uf tax cerllllcato by the trend'
ureroffnld comity upon the II. th ilny of No
vember, 1M1J, byxald llrltlnlu and hvhIkiiciI by
quit clulni deed lo plaintiff, ccrtlflcatca havltiK
beun Ihnui'il lo .lumen ),. llrittnln upon publlo
NileofkKlil laudH fur the unpaid laxex of ISsu;
and for the rceowry of Milmrqucul taxeN iik.
1-efct.Cil HKiilllKt aalil laud for Ih'O, IhUl. IH'.U. ISU),
paid by Mild llrltlnlu anil tlila nlnltit lit by virtue
of mild lax mIo corllllcntca ninl mid lax (lectin,
Hald lax itcedH arc recorded la book It of thu
deed n curdfc of Mild county at piiKea :VM and .'C'l
tchi.i.etiU'ly;aahl petition prnj for 11 Kale of
vnld liiiidK, 1111 aceoiiutliiK of the amount duo
nlalnlttV on nrcouut of enld tax ecrllllcatCH nud
ileedx. nud tho application-thereto and to the
payment of coat, and nttornuya fcoa herein of
ihonmounl ilcrhcd from tnicli yah', llofend
ants nre required to iiuswer i-ald petition on or
boforo tho iii day of Noctnbcr, Ih!i7, or Ilia
allegation will bo taken as true ninl decree
rendered RccordliiKly.
(iKimiii; W Ccnninciiiam.
ltA.Mini.rii SlrNiTT, rinlnllll' Attorney.
District L'oury of
Webfcter C'niiiily, Xeliraskn
inianctn rotter,
Oscar It
. Poller,
Above named defendant will take notice Unit
on the Hill day of Oetuber, IM17, plalntlir aboyo
oilmen men ner pennon 111 mo iniorc enuuen
court nRaltibl liliualli'iiliiK their liiarrhiKc, mile
cciiuunt oxlromo cruelty by dcfui
aut to plain
by do
till and dcK-rllon nud failure lo auppurt
feiidaut and prnylti. for nil nbsoluto divorce
from dcfontlftiit nud iho ciutody of their chll
drcu. Defendant l rcnulreil in nu.wer 011 or
i.fA. Va. .ai.... .,..1 lun-- .....III.... .. Ill ...
IUTIUIU 1UI;1IIIVI ! iri'i, ui v,i..wii 111,1 ,'u
tnlu'll na true nud JinlKiiU'iit rendcrc d accord
lnnl'. Ki.ixaiii.tii 1Y1TTE11
ItASUoi.rii.MeNiTT, rialutllT't. Attorney,
AS once said by an observer to be the
grandest sit-ht in the world. "A nobler
slKht than that," replied a friend to him,
"is a fathfi and son walkltn? arm-In-
arm as 11 tliey were really comrades." If
botk be dressed in good taste the chirm
of the picture is intensified. Many men of
good taste in over 7,000 American cities
and towns now Get Suits and Overcoatsf rom
M. BORN & CO.,
The Oreat Chicago Merchant Tailors.
Son nud I'.ithrrf ore equally sure to be I
pleaded. No poor work No ml.fitn. No Infr. '
rlor foods. No cxurliitaut prices. No dls. .
satisfaction. '
liveryliody ftilly Sntlslleil.
Over 300 Choice I'uttcruB to Fill "
Your order Iroiu. '
Klrsl publlcnllon 5cpl. U.
Notice I. bwrcby kUcii Hint under nud by lr
tuc or mi order of khIo Uatieil from the oniceof
.laiiica Ilunleii. Clerk of the lllnrlct Court or the
leutli Judicial Dlrtrlct, within and for Wcbuter
county. Nektaika, upon n decree lu an action
pumlliiK therein, wherein llurlbtirl Ward l)rK
Company l olalntlir. and ncnliikl C. II. I.nti.
defeuilnill. I 'kail offar forvntcal public vcudtio
tothelilRb-st bidder for vai-li In band, nt Iho
eiiKldoorof tho court honae, nt lied Cloud, In
ald Webster oiinty, Nebra'kn. (that behiK tho
bulldltiK Ttherehi lha la.t term of .aid court wan
holdcnl 011 tlii) !Rtli day of October. A.l) lbr. at
one o clock p.m. of nld day. the following de-M-rlbed
property, to nit:
The Hotithwcl iiinrler of (.ectlon IweiiM-tJireo
(il.) township one (1. ) north ranee tnole (12.)
wei-lof the Hth P.M. lu WebMer ecninly, Ntli
flUcii under m hand tlila',".'d day f Septem
ber, A.l) 1KI7. ' '
.. . . ' w- WiisiiiKV, Shitlir
Jamk , I'laltitlU'M Attorney.
B & M. B.Y
run: AGO
nil jioinls unit nml
mill nil point i
TIIAlSa I.KAVK An l'ol.I.ona,
No. CO. I'telitht, dally except Sunday
for Wyuiore and all point earn b-00 n.a.
No, 10. ravkeliiter. dally for bt Joe.
Kiinm fit . AlchUon, St.
I.oiiIm and all points can nud
kOlltll lOKOft.m.
No, H'i. Accommodntlon, dally i-xeept
Mindn.. HaxtlURH, (irnml la.
inuil. Illack lllll- and ill
points In tlie norttme-t ..... I:&p.m.
So. 111. Acconimoilallon, dully except
Sunday. Oberlltu Kntn-aN. nud
Intermediate .bilious ln Itu
No. 01. I-'mlht. dally, Wyinnre nud
M. .loo and Ink-rmeillRte
liiiictlnupoliio. ..... j'i. 10p.m.
No. (VI. I'retKht. dally for Uepubllciui
nel . ..... .. 10:30n.m.
No. l.S. I'uMcnircr. dally. Denver, nil
poliils lu Colorado, Iltali nud
California ..... 8:40p.m.
Slecplnir. dlnliiK, nud reclining chair crs'
(mats free) 011 through trains. Ticket sold nntl
bnKKBKU checked to an point lu the United
State or Cnnadn. ".
Kor InfurnuiHon. time table", mnps or ticket.
cull on or adilrcsa A. Cotiocr, Agent. Ked
Cloud, Ncbr. or .1. Fianol", tlciiernl rn't-ii;cr
Agent Omaha,,
Special iithmtion to Commercial and
I'robtttu Litigation.
California Brandies.
.Aii-inii V urn ii.'i-t'.muT, jyr lirltf-a and nar.
tUnlaia wilt. le ibinulaiturtra. l
v.iTfTnvoithF.r .. t... t.i.. u.
ouanwi aml'kttiunei Ut half.
lTom.iti a Im'jrlact rrovih.
vr 1'aOa to Uc.tore aray
HHktkJUllH S
Curt, tcalp di.r.iM 1, fi
fc,nHIUJM Drvnlm