t arttrwfftrs v it" 1 n jJi js.wd J.i'ji i m THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. 11 i ' J CUBAN ANNEXATION. MERCHANTS AND PLAN TERS FAVOR IT. Itiialnr Mm In Various Parte mt the ItUnil Acllrtlluc hii Appeal to the Cnltrd Mstre -.tutiiiiitiiiUle lull t'rxr to I'll I thn Olllirs. Matakzap, Culm, Oct 19. Tho bus iness lueii hero, in Havana and else where seem to have arrived nttlio con clusion that the Mmlrltl government cannot ami tho war on tho bnsU of autonomy to Cuba, us thoro are not enough Loyalists among the Autono mists to holu public office, ami the Autonomists, even If placed In power, would not bo ablo to preserve peace and protect life utid property from tho lawless elements. In view of this merchant and sugar planter of Span lib origin, In conjunction with leading Cuban, have been holding' secrot meeting and corresponding with peo pie in l'lnnr del Klo, Huvanu, Matuit zas and Stmtu Clara provinces as to the future. Theso are generally In favor of an nexation by tho United States on tho ground that tho Washington govern ment alone, apparently, It nble to gttnrnntco peace In Cuba and protec tion of life and property and a com mittee will probably bo sent to the United Stutes with Instructions to luy the case of Cuba cluarly before the business men of the United State and aak the latter to unite with the busi ness men of Cuba In a petition to tho Washington government nsklng the United HtatcH In vlow of tho failure of the Conservntlvos to suppress the In surrection by forca of arm and tho impossibility of the Liberal ending the war by establishing an autono moua form of govurnuieut to bring about the annexation of Cuba to the United State. The plan of Sonor Sugnstu, tho new bjpmbdi premier, to give autonomy to Ouba, far from giving satisfaction here, has grca'ly increased tho feeling of discontent. The Autonomist party, it is pointed out, exist only In name, the actual majority of the Atitono mlits belugln the Insurgent ranks und with the exception possibly of Scnor Moatoro and a fow others, the masses of lhat party aro In sympathy with the Insurgents. It would bo Impru dent, It U added, to giro such offices to the party known as tho Iloformlsts, as the more Influential Spaniards hate them and tho adoption of such n poll ey would possibly mean rioting s)nd even worse. Resides, the mass of the resident Spaniards aro strongly anti-autonomists, and there Is little or no prospect of making them change 1 heir minds. A $3,000,000 FIRE. HUtorlo Windsor Hear Halifax Duetroyail n.AUO I'aople llnntaleta Halifax. N. 8., Oct. It. Historic Windsor, 0110 uf the most beautiful towns In the province, wns devastated by lire yostorday morning. For near ly nix hours, boglnnlng shortly before a u. m., the tire, fun nod by 11 violent northwost gale, raged so fiercely that the local lire department was abso lutely helpless to cope with It, and within hulf uu hour after Its discovery tho mayor began to call for outside assistuuee. Loug bofore noon the town had been eaten up almost completely, tho area covered by tho flames being nearly a square mile, and of tho 400 or more buildings oecupylug tho section, bare ly half a dozen .scorched structures re main. No Nova Scotia town was over vis ited by a conflagration of Mich dimen sions. Of tho 3,200 ptopln that Inhab ited tho place, fow huvo homes of their own Tho total loss la estimated roughly at 93,000,000. Whllo a number of tho heaviest losers aro partially insured, and somo of the in pretty well covered tho total Insurance Is calculated to be not mora than $301,000. EXPECTS RELEASE. t.aataert Mar Inhibit Himself and Hun Saloon Oeueen'a Cloiluj;. C1110A00, Oot 10. Adolph L. Luot gert proposes, In tho event of his ac quittal of tho churgo of wlfo murder, for whloh ho In now on trial, to pur chase an interest in a down town saloon or open one himself, If a good location can bo secured, nnd ex hibit tho vat, tho steam plpo and the Great Dano dogs us a sort of side show while ho himself passes out beer over tli e bar. Whllo getting reudy to open a saloon lie proposes to exhibit him self In somo local niusoum If he can find a manager willing to pay Ills price. Ho Is now demanding 33,000 for a month's exhibit. When court opened State's Attorney Deneen promptly began his closing argument. Aftor cpoaking ubout tin hour, Mr. Dconeu suddenly turned to Judge Tuthlll und said his throat was sore and that ho also felt 111 and dizzy. Court was then adjourned for an hour and a half, Mr. Deueun baying that ho would closo In n brief speech A Chinese pnper eatlmntes Unit the Ictlms of the plague in Fonchow this year will not fall short of 40,000. Justice for Non-Cathollca In I'ara. Nbw York, Oct H. A dispatch to the Herald from Lima, l'eru, says: "The sonato has passed tho bill 'de claring non-Catholic marriages valid and providing for u civil rsgister for such marriages. One year's time is given for registration. Tho bill will now be submitted to the chamber of deputies and wilt probably bo passed." An Alderman ratally Boot. Chicago, Oot 19. Alderman J, A. aberkora was shot and perhaps fa Ho wounded by Oeorge Jensen in a saloon quarrel. Jeusen, who la under arrest, claims that the alderman at tempted to bite off h.l nose- CHARLES A. DANA DEAD. Veterwi New Tork Nun Kdltnr No More Clour uf a t.on I Hirer. New YotiK, Oct. 10. Charles A. Dana died at 1:10 Sunday afternoon at his homo nt (tlcncovc. Mr.. Dana's death had Iwon expocted for several hour and his family nnd physicians woro at his bedsldo whuu tho end came. Ill condition hnd been such for several mouths that tho mem bers of Ills family had kopt thomselvos in constant readiness to go to his bed side at any moment. On Friday Mr. Dana was able to tako only tho llghtost nourishment, and this condition continued. 1'aul Dana and his sisters, Mrs. Draper, Mrs. Underbill and Mrs. Uratmu, were CHARLKS A. DANA. at his homo on Saturday morning, and were warned to remain thore. They were at the bedsldo when death came. The cause of Mr. Dana's death wus cirrhosis of thn liver. On Juno 0 he wns at his ofllce apparently strong nnd healthy. The next day ho was tnken III, and ho inner afterward vis ited New York. He was 78 years of nc. Chariot Andei son Dana was born August B. 1H10 In Hinsdale, Cheshire county N. It., from which town, when he was two years olil, his parents moved to (lalncs, Orleans county. N. Y., unit afterward when he was about H years old, they removed to Guild hall, VL At the age of l'J he went to live with Ills uncle In Iluffalo. N. V. He was cd- uratotl In the public schools, and for two jreais at Harvard cnllree, leaving on ac count of falling eyesight, but eventually receiving- his degree of A. II as a member of the class of Imi'J, and also In Ihfil the hon orary degree of A. M. In t84'J he became one of (he llr.xik I'aim assciciatlon, nt Hoi bury, Mass., and his llrsl newspaper work was ou the Harbinger, a paper connected with that experiment. He was an asslttant editor to Elltur Wright In 1H14 on the llot tonOhronotyoe. In 1847 he went to New York as assistant to Uorare Ureeley on the New York Trib une, aiding In making the paper a radical anu-siave journal, ana continuing with It after a voyage to Kurope in 1B4S. as one of the proprietors aud as managing editor, until April 1, tsaa, when he resigned on a sudden rcqutit from Mr. Oreelty, made be cause ha was too strenuously forcing the Tribune to demand the utmost possible vigor t't the prosecution of the war. Ha did not again mtet Mr. Greeley until tea years latar, when he wai supporting hint In the Sun as the Democratic nominee for the presidency. On June 10, 1882, he became attached to the war department at one of the depart ment commission to Invaatlgtte 1 lilma at Cairo. Ill, and on March Vt, 1868, as spe cial commissioner of the department to report on tha condition of the pay service In the wctra army. On June L 1HS3, in order that ho might be subject to military exchange If captured when visiting the front of tha army, ho wai appo nted major and assistant adjutant general. In Decem ber, 1803 he was nominated to the Senate for that oAlce, but he uavcr formally ac cepted it, and the nomination, at his re quest, after he returned from Vlckwburg. was withdrawn. On January 20, 1834, he was nominated as assistant secretary of war for one year j from January 10, 1801, and took the oath of offlca on January U8. He was renominated January 33, 1S03, rrndorlng the principal part of his service for the war department under the abova commissions and as assist ant secretary by visiting the army htad quarters of Hosecrans, Sheridan. Bhcrman anil Grant advising confidentially with the commanding offlcurs. and corresponding freely with President Lincoln and Secre tary Stanton. He rcslgni d as assistant sec retary July I. lHGa. In 1833 he had begun to plau, comptte and edit, with Oeorge Hip ley, the "New American Cyclopedia." The original edition was completed in 1813, and became the "American Cyclopedia" be tween 1878 and 1876. In 1807 he started the Chicago Republican, and on January 'J7, 18(14, ha Issued the first number under his management of the New York Sun and became Its editor and proprietor, making It In 1873 a Democratic newspaper. Mr. Dana aimed to make the San Ameri can in all Ita tendencies and aspirations, lis believed that the Western hemisphere was reserved fur Americans, that according to the prln Iplck of the Monroe doctrine, as the people of the United States arc deter mined to interpret and enforce It, no new po sessions are on any pretext, either with or wlthont tha convent of the local govern ments, to be acquired by European powers, and that eventually the existing control by such powers of American territory is to diminish and disappear Mr. Dana married a Miss MacDaniel, and his three children are Mrs. Undcrhlll, Mr. W. IC Draper, and l'aul. BLOOMERS OBJECTED TO. 81. Joieph Illgh Boliuol Olrli Opposed to fteforni Coituiuea for Ksrrolsra. St. Joski'ii, Mo., Oct. Hi. Mrs. Grace (5. Travers, a former actress uud wlfo of an actor, now teacher of elocution In the Bt. Joseph High school, ordered a fow days ago, each young woman member of tho class to provide herself with bloomers in which to practice tho wand drills and cnlisthenla exercises. Tho girls and their parents object streuuonsly to tho order, und will carry their troubles to tho board of education It the order bo not re scinded. Professor Miller, principal of the High school, supports Mrs. Travers, and a lively contest will un doubtedly ensue. SHOT .DEAD IN A DUEL. Yoaog Uernisn Journalist Killed Lieutenant or Iliuiara. b London, Oct 10. A speclnl dispatch from Datitslc, Germany, says that Ar- thur Dlx, a young journalist, was shot dead in a duel this morning by lieutenant 01 hussars. Cuban Yoluntaara llanuuet Weylar, . Hayaxa, Oct. 10. I .a: I evening the colonels and chiefs of tho volunteer In tho provinces of lluvnna und Ma tanzas gave a banquet to t'wptulo Gen eral Weyler. HOW THEY WILL APPEAR Secretary of Nlatn I'ortrr Certifying to County Clerka. Secretary of Stnto Porter, In certify ing nominations to county clerks, will nrrnngc tickets on the ballots in the order lie thinks they hlimilo bo placed. County clerks lire tint required to fol low the M'cretury of .state In such mat ters, but they have generally done so In the pust. .Secretary 1'orler will glvo the republican ticket the first place on tha left. Tho American eagle is tin) republican emblem. .Second place will bu given the populist tlckut, with the cottage homo as the emblem: third plucc 'to tho democratic ticket with it rooster us tint .emblem; fourth, silver republican, with tho liberty boll as nil emblem; fifth, prohibition party, with a white rovs for tin emblem: ami ilxtli. the imtlouul democrat ulth 11 star for lt.s emblem, The last column or the Inst on the light will be re served for candidates by petition, who are not entitled to nsu any emblem. The order of tho columns occupied by political parties U determined by the number of votes cast nt the last elec tion. The parly casting the highest number of votes Is entitled to the col iiltm on the left. NEBRASKAN KILLED. Mclmul WiiIhIi or Mi'Cook, '! Vlitlm of un KxploDlon. Michael Wulsh, 11 minor employed in a lease 011 this Kohnyo, in the east part of Victor, Colo, wus fatally injured at I o'clock Saturday afternoon by u ex plosion of ti missing shot. He wus picking out the powder with a spoon when it went olf, tearing uway his arm from the elbow down, fracturing both legs und bruising him ubout the heud. Keieral doctors attended him but he died Into the sumo evening. He went to Victor from Mcl'ook, Neb , where he bus a brother who Is a veultl13' bus iness num. He was a about !." year-, of age. His brother mis untitled of tho horrible accident und scut word that ho would come at once uud us Mime churgo of the remains. Approved Tliem. The state board of educational lands and funds bus approved the reappraise meiit of rii'iP acres of school lauds In Itooue county which have been bought. This reuppniisemeiit increused the price from ubout 7,r cents an ttcrc to about S'J an acre. The board granted extension of time to holders of 'M0 nures in Cuss county. Tins extensions sro for live to ten years. The board ms ordered S7.r,000 Invested its state warrants. Siiiotln-ri'il In Her .rm. Mrs. Ferdinand Fluke, living neat Teeumseh wns in Sterling one day lost week to uccoiupauy it relative to the depot before starting for the east. She hud with her her threo month's old baby, and the day being chilly, hud the Infant snugly wrapped tip. Com ing up town after the train had gone stid unwrapping her b.tby In one of the stores, she discovered to her hor I'or thut the liaby was dead, having been hiuothered to death. Ili-nry 1 Irr or l.lfu, Hugh Henry, aged it." years, commit ted suicide soinu time last Friday at the i'ucllle house in South Omuhu. He was not discovered until 11 o'clock Sunday, when the chambermaid called to make, the bed. The door wns locked and no response being received P.illcemau Sbelinu was called to in visttgutc. Henry was found on the lloor near the bed with 11 revolver in Ills right hand, lying In a pool of blood. The body was cold. Two Ontllt lliirneil. Two threshing outfits burned lasl rimrsdny nfternoon near Mllford. They were steam outfits operating within and n hnlf mil" of each other ami caught fire from the engines, and with the provuillng wind the separatoi soon caught lire, lloth outfits were consumed together with about tioo bushels of onts. The machines be longed to John ISrubnr and l'oter Der lunger. Thn Huttings 4syluiu. Tho board of public lands and build digs reports that tho walls of the new wing of the asylum nt Hastings aro be inir nut uo according to plans. It was moored that partition walls were be ing made thinner than cnllcd for, In plans and specifications, butufter look ing into thu matter the board is satis fled. Very little weight will rest on tho walls In cjuestlon. (jiinrto Centennial. The twenty-fifth nnnlvursary of tho First Congregational church of Fre mont was celebrated lust Sunday, Mon- dav and Tuesday, and u most Interest ing nnd tippropiiatu program was had 1 on the occasion. Rev. Dr. John Askin, , IIUV. IT. lllll JSIW1I, ustor of tho church, r, In., preached thv ' for many years past but now of Tubo ttiinlversnrv senium ITndiaemereil Twenty-four llonr. After lying twenty-four hours tin conscious! Fuuca Unken, 11 farm hand in the employ of (leorgo Ruff, of Nick orson township in Dodgo county, was discovered near a hedge. Thn day be fore ho wan thrown from a buggy and a search for him at tho time wns un fruitful. When discovered ho was tit once tnken to Fremont where his in jury wns attended to. Stut i Printing Itoitnl. The state minting board will open bids for about S'.'.OOO worth of print lug 1 iujr October :.'3. Fifteen hit iimlruil cop ! les of tt report of the statu historical , society aro included In tho work to bv let bv contract. Trnea for Miller l'urk. A carload of trues lias been received at Omiihit front ux-llovernor Furnas' Hrownvlllo nurseries to be planted in Miller park. It comprised 1,350 honey locust, lludeu, elm, poplar, and other shado Vecs, and is tho first shipment of tke 100,600 recently purcased. liL'ETOERTJCJtY OUT. THERE IS NO SIGN OF AGREEMENT. AN 1 lm HuiKiigi- .Milker Cotillilt-nl of Aifjult-tal- M1111.V Ititini-rs In rlreiiliillim r'littr I'or Aiilltnl nnil I'.lglit I'or Contli'tloii Mlnlrlul IVolmlili-, Chicago, Oct. 20. At" o'clock this morning the I.udgett jurymen uwoke uud bathed their faces, llreakfust was served and their deliberations were resumed for a short tlmo, after which all became iilot. Then rumors if nil kinds were set alloat, while an other crowd was gathering. As early as 7 o'clock women sought admission to the court room, before tho Janitors had completed tho work of putting the room In order. All curly callers were turned nway, unit thu .sheriff instructed his deputies to restrain the crowds and prevent the crowding of tho court room, ns 011 other days. Orders were Issued to al low no one In the court room oxeopt uewspapor men uud thoto directly In terested in the trlul. This precaution was taken to prevent any outbreak or demonstration. Five minutes bofore the time set for the opening of court the crowd In thn room was in marked contrast to that of yesterday. Instead of tho nervous throng which packed tho room yestctduy uud lute Into thu night, about twenty-five people, mostly luwyers, newspttper men nnd those In terested In tho trial, wore present. Tho rows of benches were empty. Tho strict orders given regarding the' ad mission of people were well carried out Outside tho court house the street facing It was well filled with tin orderly throng waiting patiently for a verdict. One by one the counsel in the case arrived at the court room. At 10 o'clock Judge Tuthlll sent word thut he was within e.isy reach. Vin cent wus confident of acquittal and l'huleu expected disagreement, t Despite the fact that sheriff Pease gavo orders that the women be ex cluded fiom the court room, a number secured admission. The principal reason for the exclusion of tho fair sex wus a desire to prevent it repeti tion of Saturday's hysterical scene. The court room, which hud been nearly empty dering the enrly hours, began to fill up toward midday. Many notable men crowded their way into tho court room and rumuliied some time In the hope of hearing tho ver dict. At 11:13 o'clock William Charles, Luotgert's business partner, who had made untiring efforts for soverul hour-, to learn what action the jury hud taken, said: "It Is all guess work as to tho verdict the Jury may take. I have been told thut thu jury stands ten for acquittal and two for convic tion. I have ulso been told that the jury is sevon for conviction, four for acquittal and one not voting. No one outside the jury room knows whut they aro dolug. Hut the fuel that they are still waiting gives us hope for an ucaulttul." At 1:30 o'clock this afternoon State's Attorney Deneen said that tho latest and best information lie hud upon the attitude of the jury was that eight stood for conviction nud the In fliction of the death penalty and foui were holding out for acquittal. Would I.111I1 Criminals Nkw York, Oct so. Itishop Potter's book, "Tho Scholar and the Stnte," is attracting considerable attention by reason of scmo of the views it sots forth. Among other things tho bishop protests agalint pension abuses and scathingly rebukes political machines and tho spoils system, and recommends the revival of thu whipping post as a means of punbihmeut for certain crimes. Arrhblilinpt to .Stent. WASI11.VO.T0.V, Oct. CO. The nuiiuul meeting of tho Cuthnlle Archbishops of America will be held hero ou next Wednesday, tho first day being given to the affairs of tho Catholic univer sity and the ne:t to tho general af fairs of tho chinch. Among the sub jects to be coiibideretl are the estab lishment of a Cuthollo dally newspa per. Oliver dime to iteinaln lille. DKNVrfn. Cola, Oct. 20. Tho flooded mines of Leudvlllo will not bo pumped out Eben Smith, chairman of the committee appointed by tho miners to secure funds to buy und operate tho necessary pumps, said to-day that the pumps would not bo started as long us silver romalued at tho present low price. Sprlnglletd, Mo., Factory Hums. Si'IUNokiki.u, Mo , Oct 20. Tho handlu factory owned by T. E. Jack son, sttuatod near the 'Frisco track in I .,,., , ,, , , , . I Norl.h bprlnflcld, cauffht fire from a P"T; ""irluo early this morning and burned to the ground, entailing n loss 01 about 813,000. Tho property wus Insured for 97,000. Were Abducted by Their Ilrotlier, 8t. Joseph, Mo., Oct. :;o. Stolla and Effle Swyhart, the two girls nbductcd last Thursday night from thu home oi Mrs. L. M. Corson, were found to-day by their father, Frank Swyhart A brother of the children, who objeuted to thu homos found for thorn, kid napped thu children. Troopt tiimrillna; m JIL Osnuosit, Wis., Oct. SO. William Payne, tho negro who killed a hotel keeper at Fond du Lao Suuday morn ing, was brought hero last evening to escape possible lynching, Adjutunt General Boardmun has ordered Com panies I) and F of thu National Guard to be in readiness to prevent un attack on the JalL For Has Raseo't Third Trial. Martviu.k, Ma, Oot 20, The third trial of tho case of Ilez Uasoo, who is ohargod with tho murder of Mrs. i - Baumle over a year ago, was begun this afternoon. OEORGE M. PULLMAN DEAD 8ltrplni; Cur MuRni-l Strlrken Suddenly Hick f.raa Tlmn nn Hour. Cihcaoo, Oct 20. George M. Pull man, inventor of the sleeping car which bears his name, presldont of the Pullman Palace Car company and multl-mllllnuttlre, died suddenly at 3 o'cloak this morning of agluu pectoris. The extreme lieut of last week, to gether with perhups mote than his usual exertion In showing some of his friends about Piillmuu, had caused Mr. Pulliuun a feeling of debility, ubout which he spoke to one or two friends, but which he did not regard us sorlous. He told one of them Mon day, who suggested that he was not looking qultu its well ns usual, that he had been unable to sleep satisfactorily the last two nights und particularly Sunday night, that he hnd some Ilttlo difficulty in breathing, but that he felt much better then and he felt thnt n day or two would put him till right. .Monday he felt so well that hu In tended to leave for Yew York Thurs day evening After he left hi-, ofllce nt .' o'clock Monday afternoon Mr. Pulliuun went to his resldi nee and remained there nil evening lie retired nt his usual hour. About l:.io o'clock this morn ing lie uwoke and called his body vr vaut to h's bedsldo uud spoke of again feeling uncomfortable. Finally he re quested that the futility physician, Dr. Hillings, bo sunt for. lit the meantime, heuiing through the servants of Mr. Pullman's indis position, the Rev. Charles 11. F.atou of New York, an intimate frleud of the I 'till 111 tu family, and who was visiting at their home, went hurriedly into the room and found him stundlug up and evidently in great pain. Mr. Mnton went to the telephone, to cull Dr. Hillings. At tho same time Mr. Pullman at tempted to walk to the lounge, but before he reached it, required the as sistance of his frleud to got there. He thou became unconscious. In tho meantime Dr Hillings had arrived nt tho house and applied re storatives but without avail and Mr. Pullman quietly passed away without regnlulng consciousness. Mrs. Pullmnn, who was In New York, wus Immediately telegraphed for and Is expected to arrive in Chi cago to-morrow morning. Mr. Pullman's death atlccted the Chicago stock market quite apprecia bly. Ho was said to have been a heavy holder of both Diamond Match and New York Biscuit securities, two of tho most uetlvo stocks listed upon the local exchange. When tha an nouncement of Mr. Pullman's doath was posted upon the bulletin board it caused a break lu the latter stock of .T points. A break of b points In Pulliuun Ptilulucc, ear stock wus chron icled on Wall street, but a rally fol lowed. It Is believed In local .stock exchange ilreles that Horace Porter will sue eed Mr. Pullman as president of the 'ulltuau Palace Car company. A Wo in 11 11 femnkur lliirneil to Death. Ci.imo.v. Mo.. Oct. '.'O. Mrs. Tom Adcll of North Station, who had beau shopping here yesterday afternoon, when a mile out of town on her re turn lighted h'er pipe to tnku a smoke. In a few minutes her dress was on Are. She jumped out of her buggy and rolled lu the grass to extinguish the tire, but her clothes all burned off. She got lu the buggy, drove to a neigh bor's, got some, clothes, drove home uud died lu two hours, lllmtiitrck Speaks llnr.lily. Hr.iti.i.v, Oct 20 ThoNeuosto Nach richten at I.elpsle publishes a report of a conversation which Prince Ills murck hud with u recent visitor, dur ing thu course of which tho cx-uhnn-ccllor Is quoted as saying thut tho Monroe doctrine is "uncommon inso lence toward the rest of thu world, uud does violence to the other Ameri can uud European states with Atnorb cuu luturcsts." ton due lor i arguum TMaVtiarrd. Toi'KKA, Kan.. Oct 22. Alexander Ferguson, conductor on the California express train which was wrecked on the Santa Feuoar Emporia last month, was ordered to be discharged yester day lu uccordatico with tho develop ments of tho investigation by Assist ant Superintendent Avery Tumor. The company holds him responsible for tho wreck, in passing Lang htatloo contrary to the slgnul. Hhravaport Hotel lliirneil. SiiiiKVKi'our, La., Oct 20. Ma- lonoy's hotol was destroyed by flro this morning. All the guests escnped with slight injuries except II. S. Now comb of Kansas City, who leaped from a second story window and broke both legs, nud Mr. nud Mrs. Roso of Saginaw, Mich. Mr. Rose wasso bad ly burned that ho died at 0 o'clock. Mrs. Roso was severely burned, but will recover. A drest l'loiv Mniirctiiror Killed. Si'MNaFlKM), 111., Oct 20. A dis patch received last night by General Alfred Orendorff of this city an nounced thu death lust evening at Canton, from injuries received In n runaway, of his relative, William J. Orendorff, head of tho groat plow and agricultural manufacturing firm of Purlin A Orendorff of Canton. Ho was 00 yuursold. No Life oulliu Moon. Cihcaoo, Oct. 20. The Yerkes tele scope, the most powerful ever con. sti acted, was trained on tho moon Sunday night by Professors Wads worth und llarnard uud neither could Hnd tho slightest trace of water, air, vegetation or signs of life in any form. Double Lynchluic In Ueorcla. Rome, Gu., Oct 20. Reports from Somervlllo, thirty miles north of this place, stat that two uegroes, named Pcnn aud Haletou, were lynched last night The men were accused of .rsoo. BRUTALLY ASSAULTED. fontniaitnr KtlMon of Milan, Mn,, I'rolr ably ratnlly Asmtultad. Mir.A.v, Mo., Oct. 30,- Henry nti-t Churlcs Wilson, two brothers, of this county, got drunk lint night nud pro ceeded to take tho town of llollock, a smull place twelve miles north They begun on the postollti'c building, break ing in the big plate ulitdotv.s, and going In and breaking up the mall boxes uud throwing till thu mull mut ter into the street. When M. U. Elli son, the leeently appointed postmas ter, appeared ami usked them to quit, they both rushed ut him with rocks. Tim encounter was stopped by by standers who had arrived, but oiie of tliutu made good his aim, strlki!;,' Mr. Ellison near the left ear ami crushing his skull lu s horrible manlier. His tongue, uruis uud body are paralyzed and late mlvlces from attending phy sicians say hu will die before morning. Sheriff l.ee brought the murderers here ami placed them lu jail. Fears of lynching tire entertained by tho police lu case Mr Ellison dies. INDIANS TAKE A TOWN. rill t'p on Cliler Mini Tlmn Terrorlm tliu ('Illmil of Still Crook, Old. Wichita, Knu.. Oct 20. A baud of thirty-live Chickasaw Indians rode Into the ilttlo town of Mill l reck. Okla., yesterday, und broke Into a elder mill, and all became Intoxicated. Tho liquor made them till maniacs for tho time being, and they shot tholr re volvers up the mnlu streets and ter rorised tho citizens to such an extent that all tho business men closed up their stores and went into hiding. Later lu the day, after the Inulutis had secured more liquor, they got to fighting among themselves. Luxy Lewis and Jouus McKlnney hud & shooting bee, and the latter shot Lewis through the heud. Lewis livud only a few hours. THE AMERICAN LOST. "I'eilillitr" I-alnier Dofuitts Usui .Snllt villi, of lloaton. London, Oct 20 "Poddlar" Palmer, tho bantamweight champion o! Eng land, and Dave Sullivan of llostou, met last evening nt the National Sporting Club at 110 pounds to com pote for the bautum championship of the world, a purse of 83,300 and u side hot of SI, 000. The contest was won by Palmer in twenty rounds. Theru wus 11 half pound difference in weight in favor of Sullivan, but tho betting was 2 to 1 In favor of tho Englishman. Doth appeared perfectly trained. Sul livan was not knocked out, but Palmer won on n lot of points. Sullivan was so much upset by his defeat thut hf wept Soon an Threaten Mlichler. Wichita. Kan., Oct 20. Captain J. C. Price has just returned from ti three months' trip through the Wich ita country. He said to-day that thu sooners along the border had made a quantity of turpentine bulls, and that If Congress did not open the country to settlement they intended to set flro to the balls ut different places in tho territory and burn all the grnss und timber In .. The treaty of tho nil led tribes expired last Suuday and the leuso may possibly be renewed. To provent It, the boomers thruatcu to tiro tho countrv. D111U M1 lilt Rcpnrr. Wahhinoio.v, Oct. 2 0. The annual report of Assistant Secretary of tho Interior Webster Davis summuri.es the work of appeals in pensions uud bouuty land cases during the last fis cal year as follows. Decisions sus taining the pension ollicf, II.OSJ; re versing tno pension olllce, .iv.i; cases reeonsldured by thu pension otlico ponding appeal, 37; appoals dismissed, 474; appeals pending-on July l, 1,74a. Of original appeals alone there were filed lu July, 731; August. 4SI; Sep tember (and up to date), 81. aiuruer 'tt Klntlry. Kun Kinsi.kv, Knn., Oct. an. A man named Joo lirockmnu, whose friends are supposed to llvo at Fayette or .lop Un, Mo., was found murdered lit a paint 'shop almost In the center of town to-day. He had been shot in the head. As hu was scon Saturday evening with considerable money, robbery Is supposed to have been tha motive. He had been running a threshing machine engine here this fall, and it is said hu was formerly un engineer on tho Suuta Fe railroad and had resided nt Dodge City. Mo Unltod Democracy Column. Al.HANV, N. Y., Oct. 20. Tho "United Democracy" will not receive a column ou tho statu olllclal ballot, Justice Derrick of tho supremo court deciding in favor of tho appeal from tho ruling of Secretary of State Palmer thut the United Democracy petitions for nominations should be recognized despite ullldavlts to tho ef fect that tlie bulk of tha signers were Republicans. Itusiell Harrliou's Company Pnlla. Tkhhk II auik, Ind., Oct. 20. Tho Torre Haute Electric Street Railway company weut Into tho hunds of a re ceiver yesterday as a result of a levy made by tho city treasurer for de linquent taxes, amounting to 83,000. Russell It. Hnrrlsou, son of the ox president, Is president of the company, llie Armours Lose I'olnt. Alius r, N. Y., Oct. 20. The ap pellate division of tho supremo court bus decided in fuvor of tho stuto in the action brought against Armour & Co. and the Armour Packing Company for alleged violation of tho oloomargurlna and butterlue luw. The claim is foi 31, '.00,000 In penalties. Htlll Mora Gold rrom the North. Skatti.i:, Wash., Oct aa Tha steamer llortha has arrived from St Michaels, Alaska, which place she left October 3. Fourteen passengers, with U30.000 la gold, were on the resseL V i J M I ( vV i