.. .s, THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, OCT. 2a. 1897. b r r w i W) Royal makes the I nod pure, wholessme and ileHcltus. PIWIER Absolutely Pure DOTAL OAMftO PO0M CO., hEW YORK. CITY NEWS. Kliner Ktirwii luft Morula? fr Chi CilRO. A. M. Wnltrrs of Willi Hill w:c hero Tluu'jihiy. .) W.Thiuriiiiin of lun 1M1 was down Wednesday. L. H. Fort was looking :Itur hu.sines n.ultor.s iu Lincoln this week. .J. X. 11 mm was up from Supeilor Sunday vlsltltiB with his family. A.C. llosnter h looking after bust ne.9 multure In Missouri this week. Will SU-attun of lMuo Hill wiu hrro this week on Ins wnj k Huiubolt, this state Hero's to your gor.il licartk 1 U(s "ICcoutaiy Roneswt Conlial." C. L. CottiiiK l') Sai.v: A !OM(l KniiWn piano. A aod rmtriiMiunj. for salo cheap. F.n quiro at till- oflii'n. W. II. Hoby was iu Lincoln tliis wook utteiitlinn the fortieth session of the grand lodge I. O. (). lr. Mrs. M S. Marsh of lionrick, Iowa, urrived in tliu city Wednesday on a visit to old frionds licco. V. A. Mulntosh of Kansas City, who has l)oon visiting with .1. K. Van Horn and wifu lias returned homo. .Ihmos Foterson has received a law cousipnmont of buRK'ies. There are soii ond bargains among them. . A'. Uriin Inn rmniivcil his ilrmj stare to the r"in in the Moon Hock for' vierty used w Uryan lliuduurtcrn. A foro of men In tho telegraph sr vico are hero puWiHgin tfio telegraph connections in tho oillco of the new H. & M. depot. For a good shave, hair cut or other -' tonnorial work call on (). M. Crstlib, successor to Geo. Fentress, south of tho Calmos bakery. Tho Nation la an angel but the renter portion ef Red Cloud's business mon in speaking of him do not nso audi choioo words. V. 11 Kobv has been named as a member of tho committee on charters at tho meeting of tho grand lodge I. O. O. F. at Lincoln this week. A fow items of corrosroudeneo from (tarUald wore saut to this oillco this week butiu tho writer's name was not attached thoy woro not printed on Uiis account. Tho new 11. & M. depot being about Hnished tho foreo of carponters and paiiters will oon leave. These boys during thuir stay huru havu iltown themselvus tt bo a lino set of mon. Th Nation sots most everybody down as being a boodlor or a thief who does not think and act as lie does. He is an angal, but tko wings generally AROUND TOWN. . Ii Urwe, Miton hlock. See I'eturaon before you buy a wagon. Tnv Ctiwr is prepaid to d yom job printing. T, A. Wilburn is out aflniu at(r a siogo'drf fcror. I.oru1. Andrews of (.5uid Uock was hero Wetlnfliday. Go to C. M. Cat me j the old reliable family Waktry at the old stand. Compute wagons that 1 sold last fall to otheii and judge for yeurseli wheru bto buy. jAS.rKTKIlSON. Cap. HiHckln has been struck by prosperity ami a3 a result has pur chased a brut now buggy A new idwalk has been placed iu front of F. V. Taylor's store and alw in fiont of the Morliart storeroom The Uiiou Fire Insurance Company is tho bust mitual Combine iik. in inslaliiu 3 per ccut.,I. H, Smrii, Special Agent. When lift if. rthiirl why make any ex periments, ftiry u Newton wapou at Peterson's ,iuil your wife will Miiilo on you whea jruti come home. Tho Iuarale Union Y. I S. C. K. of lnavale will give a free social at tho vusideiico ol Mr. and Mis. Irons on Friday evening, October 'Jittli. Mrs. V. Van Horn who has been liv ing with her son J. It Van Horn left tho lir.it of tho week for Superior where she will spoud the winter S rri rA oicnivr rnnKz . . That your Money gets the Miost at ' ;.r:. , K M V .V 'M f FREYMHRK St CO (Sucoessors to C. Wiener.) The Great Bargain Center of Red Cloud. The Most Talked About Store in Red Clomd. We offer the greatest Bargains. Bargains that ring with true merit and menev saving opportunities, with every $1.00 purchase we give you a number on a Johnson & Fuller road wagon. Guarantee Our Prices the Lowest or Money Refunded. Everybody is invited to call and make our store your stopping place while in the city. FREYMRRK& CO. !..'.'.'','. Vtt' V Vt" ."' .' '. f ! .' ''2;'i9r',it .' 41'.' '"' '-iV''m,' '.'s'' .',i''- ,:,,i1' ''.'! '.,,Mi!vi,tjVVf- .ir .,. ...,.4 f .I..'.. j.. .!.' '..i.V.... " v.(t.V.i.T.. ,.;:....?..'. .ftit.'...ff-u,'..T creiltteit as ueing inpinicu i uic.-u houveiry creatures are lucking. II. E. Wrlee, has moved his jlnig stock to tlin room formerly occupied as a Hryan headquarters, where ho will tin glad to greet his patrons and old friends. He will remain here until Deeombwr 1st, whllo his new storo itooin is being built. One can tlnd more stupendous lies in an issue of the Nattou than can be found in all the rest of tho papers In tfcc state. At tho samo ratio of space which it takes that paper to reply to several small items regarding him and the other "strictly pure" candidates on the populist tICKOi, 10 oo louumu iuo CiitKk' each week, it would take one full six column quarto paper without advertisements. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM BAKING Hi Clias. Kent and family, formerly old reside a tt of this county, have ar rived hoi'H from OKlahoma, and will make their ktmc here tliis winter. l'erfuotljr harmless, but very power fnl is "Kooaomy Honesot Cordial," a remedy par-excellence for all fornii of indigestion. For sale by C. L. Cutting. "Haanah the buggy is busted." ' Well wkat of it. Uring out the New ton wagoi. It always did look bettor thaw tliu dd bugpy " For sal y lNit eison. W. F Conner, southwestern passen ger agnt of the Wabash railroad witli licadquurivix at Uallss, ictus, was here thi.t week lu guest of his sister Mrs. L 14. Rust. I don't think much of this McKinlcy prosperity," and the farmer's wife, as a hang eame np from the cellar, "thing are ton plagued industrious, oyoh tfce canned frait is working." Burl in game Clironiclo. F. HuN of Lamar, Missouri, Is a late arrival to tho city and has accepted a posithm with our new barber Mr. O. M. OrakW who lately purchased tho shop of We. Fentress. The shop will bo supplied with an additional chair. F. A. Corbin, assistant agent at this station of tko 11. & M., has been pro moted to a position at Red Cloud witli increase of salary. Mr, Corbin's many Heaver City friends will watch his futuro progress with pleasure. Hoavor Vnlloy Tribune. Closinh Out Sale Commencing Septembor 1st, 1807, I will oiler my en tiro stock of Boots and Shobb at ac tual cost. I moan just what I say, as 1 urn going out of tho Hoot and Shoe business. Dry (loods and groceries at lowest prices. Call at.il sou mu.-h, MoFaiu.and. U. C. Hest, who was supervisor tlurj ing the time of township organization when we had suvonteou members, was in tho city Tuesday. Mr. Boat is a populiM, but is honest in his statemont and Hindu the remark that Charley Kokiuson had kept the books and per foimed kis duties in the treasurer's olllce m as good shapo as any onn who eva- was there or could be put there. The populfst candidates, or those most interested, have started the story chat Charley Kobinson, candidate on the repahlieau ticket is a relative of J S. Whiku, and wish to make the im pression that a Miecossion of relatives are to lie kept iu tliu treasurer's oillco. Tho tale like sovonteen hundred others told by this "strictly pure" crowd is a canard pine anil simple. List of letters remaiuig uucallrd for at the poitotliccat ltcd Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending Oct. ii'id, 1807. Geo. Vanhook, Chas. A. Itoichardt. These letters will bo sent to the dead letter ofllcu Nov. 5th, if not called for bofore. When callinc for nbove please say advertised. F. V. Cowukn, l M. What possible excuse is there for any "free silver republican" voting tho fusion county ticket this fall? Tho freo silver issue is not involved in county politics this year and ovoiy voter who is any kind of a republican whatever will vote tho republican ticket. The man who calls himself a "freo silver republican" this year and supports tho anythlng-to-beat-tho-re- iblican ticket is masquerading for MOKE OK liKiJti rKHSJONAU F. 11 Daucliy of Lincoln uus in tlm citj this week 1). F. MeFarland f Holyoke is hero greet mg old friends. U.S. Hatsh arrived iu the city front hi. homo in Iowa today. The kust buggiea for tlm mtney orm brought to town at Peterson's. A man who buys a Newton wagon spends his money well. Sou thain at Petersons. Now that you are looking after wagom see the Newton and otlmr makes at Poturson's. You won't find vie on the noriier. You witl find me in the Moon blvrh until Dec. Jkt.ll. ;. Urirr. ttii times of prosperity yon can al ways count on the street fukir and we had him witli as this week. "Etoiuwiiy Honeset Cordial" made by the famous old Harmony soclflty, greatest of all appetizer. For salo by C. Ii. Cott'wg. Win. DoHart and wife who have been visiting with Levi Dellart and wifo left Tnesday morning for Arthur, Illinois' Wanted: A good girl at Buu Ton Bakery for kitchen work. No waskiug or ironing. Good wages to tho right I I POCKET BOOKS! TYo have the larg estllne over show iu tko market. If joa are in need of a ne iv Puksk, Wallet o.it Pocket Mook call aad exaaiiuu nr iliick. C. L. Cotting, The Druggist. ;5.:-:-yXA::eXAM r-:-:'?::-x:f:-r?:Lx-Ks3ir;j I Nebraska Mercantile Co CO. &:x I girl. W. S. Bknsk, Prop Pap liarkley nerer did think much of water and he don't think as much of It as he did sinco it lllled up the cellar lie was digging for tho new ouiluirg. It is not nocessary to mnto to our Webster county roodora Hint wo have had a rain hut for the benefit of our eastern leaders wo will say that it still rains in Nebraska, !) inchoi being tho amount of our recent downpour. A fakir on tho street on Monday ai teruonn did up quite a number of tho boys for their loose change. Quito a number of tin viet'uis woro those who should havo known bettor than to buck a man at his own game. The boys aro carrying around as souvenirs some Colorado No. 2 pens which cost them a dollar a box containing three pens. While the powers that be in tho street li.xiug lino areindulgiiigin fancy grades and large box culverts on resi dence streets, it might not be n bad idea to do a little fixing up of tliu mud hole in tkonlloy between .JukuNiisteln's cigar store and Polnicky's liquor house. Someone without much thought lor pedentrians .Itimptd oil' a load of loose dirt on the crosswalk at that place and now the mud hole is worse than over. MORANVILLE ROTHROCK. It is with a Brunt dual f pleasure we anaouuee taw marriage of Dr. .I.W. Moranvillo t Miss Jmephine Hnth rck, which happy event was soleuia Ized n Hoatrlcti on Wcdncsbay after noon last. Tho nawly married touple came through this city on the ovuning train at 8:S0 p. m., on their way to the Yoscinito valloy, California, and ex pect to ruuaiu oil tho trip from two to three weeks. Tku announcement waa a genuiue surprise to most of the friends of tho oonUaoting parties. Tho bride, Miss Kothrock Is the daughter of J. S. Rothrock f lnavale, and tired here during hor early chldkaod and later with relatires at Koynoldn, this state She has also resided a gruattr part of tliu time for the past tw or three years iu this city whore slio is well and favorably known and kau made many frionds. The gioom, Mr. J. W. Morniivillo, is an old resident f tliisuounty, where liy striot atteativn to business he has seemed for kimsulf a splendid business, aid ia olassud as oao of our most nblo and successful practitioners. Tiik Caitr along with a liost of friends exteads congratula tions and best wishes. Modern Treatment of Consumption ililfflMFffi A Pure Orape Cream ol Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. on political effect and has no right to tho name republican no matter what sort of a prolix la attached to It. Beaver Valley Tribune. Win. V. Price of Lincoln held forth in a populist meeting at tho opera houso Tuesday evening. Thonudienco composed of men, women and children occupied f0 chairs. In the morning j the gentleman asked the question. h:it was the uiatur with the town init ih'i.ji'. lnl imt tiki' more lutirt st umI lull) nil!" He might luiM' In i n it ciiiinn idatcd by mi muwor to Hie rlt.it that In- was talking foi tho wrong side and alio that people have become tired of listening to any "old kind" of politician. The latest work on the treatment of diseases, written by forty eminent American physicians, saysj "Cod-liver oil has done more for the con sumptive than all other reme dies put together." It also says t The hypophosphites of lime and soda are regarded by many English observers as specifics for consumption." Scott's Emulsion contains the best od-liver oil in a partially digested form, combined with the Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. This $ remedy, a standard for a j quarter ot a century, is in exact accord with the latest tv views of the mcdicalprofession. Be sure you get SCOTT'S t Emulsion. Jjj All druRgiili t iocandSi.oo. tl fl SCOTT It I10WNE, Chtmliti, Ntw York. IVWVWWVWWWVWWVW COWLES. Suiidiiv was n very (pilot day iu Uwn owing to tliu rain. Henry Kenuey wont oa a ?islt to KaiiMis this week. Tho familiar face of A. D. Gilbert is Mjen on our street ngaiit. Our Postmaster Putinan had busi ness in Hastings thlb wook. Wo aro all rejoicing over the rain of last Saturday nud Sunday. Miss Mary Lattu came homo sick from Franklin on Wednesday. Messrs. Colburn and Sprachor ship ped a cur load of fat hogs on Monday. Rev. Doakiu nttotided tho Republi can Viilloy Association ut Franklin last wook. Noah Cradord and family, former rosidonts, aro visiting hero with tholr relatives. Our furmors havo a lurgo iicreago of wheat in this fall and tho prospects for another good crop was never bet tor. Miss KoIIork of Rod Cloud has boon appointed to succeed Miss McCall us toachor in tho uppor room of our school. Tho Sunday school convention hold bore last wook was u decided succoss. Tho whole county was represented and tho interest iu tho Sunday school work was shown to bo steadily grow ing Thursday night tho populist cuiidl dat' sou the county ticket addressed n incMtiiK at the school house The i In - were t'lmnu-lerled by lu'i-t i 'i phiM modem! Ion. I Ii- a . a h ...n immune, lor sheriir w.i-. milli on li lice Hud received an invitti.n to peak but politely (luclincu us ne wiib not on that trail. Oosurvib. Successors lo ('. A. DUCKKR & .r:K(cBBxy:f!.:sst.:'Kwc K".trv, Satarday, Oet. 234 Da Mr. Marry Fisher, representing Landsman, Mciscli- hcimcr i?k Co., Cloak Makers, Cleveland, Ohio, will display his line of I a Sample - Garments in our clak department. We will also have several other lines f New Jackets and Capes on sale for this day only. Tkis in addition bo our large line of new garments 1 in stock will be an opportunity to those de- jj siring t purckase a new Jacket or Cape that we believe will be thoroughly appreciated. jj We invite you to cme anl see the largest display of CLOAKS ever shown in Red Cloud. VVc also wish to mention that wc will place on sale at especially low prices. them Nebraska fVlereantile Go. Axwt:ixMKr.iKaammmrA:v. kiKic?ac:c' 1 eity Dfav and Express Line. ROSS & RIFE. PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest. CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. ANDY CATHARTIC ;ob&a)&b io 25 SO ABSOLUTELY lilimnil WooLlfl fret. CURE CONSTIPATION. t - ,, Mmm-rrXMim All MisfiA Zr iJ " ' kSttflUrtl DRUGGISTS Inruio ni rf.i.riirrinnllii.ilioii. (uirartU art-the Idtal luia ll. non r srrln nr crliip.liiit ruuf nil liaturnlrf ull. feani Ail. MCltMM! IIKMKIll (II.. I'lilrairii.Miiiilrcal. tr'an.. or.Vit tori. til ig.r;ii.iir;lli i'TIKi i- ijtr, -n-T.l.inlr innis iijjMijii tmtm