The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 22, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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Dizzy and Faint
Troubled With Kidney Difficultand
No Appotlto Improved In Every
Way Slnco Taking Hood's.
"I won taken suddenly with (tliaclncns
and falntness at the stomach mid also
with kidney troubles. My wholo body
Beemod to bo out of arder. I sent At onco
(or a physician mid followed hlsdlrectlons
with but llttlo change. Ho Bald I had a
complication of diseases and my case wan
hard to manage 1 woatd got better for a
day or two and then would bo wono again.
My appet.Ua also failed and I had n severe
headache. After tha doctor sold hu could
do nothing more for mo I determined to
Rive Haod'sHarsaparllla a trial. In a short
Mmo after I becan taking It I could do a
fair day's work. It U now thrco years
Blnoe 1 waa cured by Hood's HarsaparMla
and 1 am Btlt in good health. I have n
good appetite and am full of life." Mns.
Eva Hhach, Box 1(11, Lincoln, Kansas.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is ilii! liuit-lu fact Km One Trim IHcxid I'uriner.
Hold liy all ilniKitts. 1 ; six fur ji.
T 7, n. are tin-only pins to take
rlOOU S PlIlS with Hood's SarMirllta.
runuiiiK(i nr
Ono jesr...
fix months
It IX)
Rntered at the pot oillcc at Itcd Cloud,
IccoihI rlnmmnll mutter.
The llttl Cloud, AW. CHIEF,
weekly, in credited with Hie InnjiM
circulation avrordeJ In any mper in
Hoi Cloud r in nrclslr county r
in the Ftflh (!inrr.isianil District
Printer's Ink', Julf2STl'S!l7.
. !
State Ticket.
Sot JiiiIrh of .saptemu l.'ourt.
Of I'lalleCauatjr
rurllruuutsof Mliitg UuWcmlty.
(K WeUxtw family.
or nuiiKiii fount?.
County Tfckct.
ForUnunly TruHStirer,
Of t'oivlsm I'rci'lni't.
I'or County (,'lerk,
f nlil.i Uock Preclucl.
I'or I'ouuly Hdurlll,
K. It, SMKItKlt.
Of larl rrvailii't.
For County Ju.Iko,
Of Red (Hiul City.
Knr county NiiixTlntoiiilt'iit,
Of Itcd Cloud city.
For t'ouuty Cormier,
Of Keil Cloinl Ult
For County Sumijfitr,
Of Iliriiiuuy Preclucl.
Commissioner Ticket.
FurUeuunUiioiier tKt Jllm
for Commissioner '.M Dint
I,. D. TI1UMA9
.... II.W. IIAI.I.
For Commissioner 3d Dint W.M. KKNKKI.
For CoHimlssloiior (III hint.
For Koininlwiloner 5th DIM .
Anil now a word about Lund Cow
luUsioncr Wolfe urnl his land inanipu
lutious. lie wits the poptillstcuudidutu
for state treasurer In 180. In th t
campaign hoiuiule n vigorous molest,
agaiust tho free paw system. He said
a pas win a bribe, and that no state
ulliuinl coul I rJilo upon free transpor
tation and al the same time do justice
between the people and the corpora
tions. Ilo was a candidate for a .state
oflloo again in 181C2, mid he again can
vassod the stato with tho same old
anti-pass doctrine which Ue had talked
two yearn before. In lyail he was
again a candidate for a state Iliac,
making tho samu anti-pass .speeches,
ami was elected. The otriaiiil act
of Laud Commissioner Wolfe was to
load himself with all t hu uauual
passes lie could proiMire for himself,
and from the ilay that his olllcial ad
ministration began up to tin present
Lime liu has been a nu'iliiim through
which free passes have been oxtor'cil
from the railroads ami ilUlrlbutcd to
the pnpulikts without limit. Mr
Wolfe is a farmer, ami as a candidate
on tho ticket of the farmers' party ho
made special promises as to what lie
would do if he ever became a member
of the state board of transportation.
He would reduce the rates. That was
right in his line In his spcucltc he
used to read otl long statements of
tabulated figures proving the injustice
of the prevailing rates, acd he would
regulate all these things. Now it
transpires that farmer Wolfe was no
mnro sincere In ids pledges to the far
mer voters of the fanners' party than
were the other politicians. Since ho
has been iu olllce lie has betrayed his
party upon every vital point. Hut the
Jniid commissioner, with that adroit
tiess peculiar to professional reformcts,
while, betraying his party upon the re
forms which he promised, in order to
cover up his betrayals and keep his
name favorably boforo tho people, mo-
cured a law to bo passed by the last
legislature which gave him power to
cancel the contracts botween the state
and its thousands of touacts, which
had leased the school lauds with a view
to improvement and subsequent pur
chase, which was their right under tho
old law. Tho publi: is familiar with
the grandstand play which Commis
sioner Wolfo has male to this state in
tho last few months iu handling these
public lands. Wolfe, though a farmer
by profession, is a shrowd advertiser.
When he had procured this law, and
L'ot riind v to make hif reform Moiiiimii .
he called in the tu wsp-tpcr ii-piu. -.
tiud gave lliein u gl wiug iiuli. i
iu puns. I'oi w.'l- through tin
ptlbll tlltlTVlCW . In U)l' ll insi'lf 1
the pulm." if,pi, tfu-lnig la-it he wir
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
K Pure flraoe Cream ol Tarter Powder-
Mvlng iigieal deal of money to tho
s He, and was teiidciiiig the fanning
immunity valuable services. And
1 ow that Mr, Wolfe has had his inniag
niiil his advertising through the pte.11
l Is only fair to eniiiiio just what has
been its cfltel upon the public pocket
mid upon the farming oomtuiinity
which is interested In the school lauds.
To understand the situation as it was
when Land Commissioner Wolfe com
menced his reform at the beginning of
tho year, we should lonj- in mind tiiat
from 1800 to tho present year, tin oc
cupants of school lands as tenants un
der the state were no more able, by
reason of d ninths and hard times, to
pay their nnittnl rentals to tho state,
than wore other tenants farmers afclo
to pay their rentals. During these
years of shrt crops and low prices
these tenants were unable to pay, anil
It was the duly of the stato to nurse
them along am) to keup thwn on the
lands until suck tiine as they would c
able to pay. This was, the policy nder
republican adiHliilstratlou, lor r publi
cans understood that it would hu dis
astrous to crowd these tenants when
they had no money and there could hu
nothing rali'ctf by removing lliein
fioiu Ilia lands and iliiving them from
the state. The land could not have
been icluascil. There was no demand
for laud Now, there acaumtilatcd
during tiie years an indebtedness to
the state uyaiiut these leasees of MOO,
(100. How Is collect this indebtedness
vu the problem which .should have
been in the mind of CommWsioucr
Wolfe when lie entered upon Ills olllce.
However, under this new law, he can
cels aad throws away this -SlCO.OOfl
without any attempt to collect it. This
tWO.UUO ib a total loss. With a llourish
of trumpets' ami much newspaper ad
vertising the land commissioner has
succeeded in collecting .",,;J00 as pay
ments on new lcas?s, with i.'iiOO as
bonuses. Ht ha thrown awaySlfiO,
000, a largo pat I of which could have
been collected, and iu lieu theieof has
collccUfl O.OU oh new leases. Ho
cancel the Iasoi on 7(J(5,?8!) uci'mv,
throws away f'-TOO.OOO due the school
fund nf thn state, collects ia lieu of
this f 10,400, and call this business. Had
ne ma a in forty paid up iiis haul; rent
011 Uils ichool land, tko amount would
haye wqualed all ,hc bomis money.
Had U0 ncr cent of the old lcac holdut'tf
retained their fauns and paid regular
rent iu the future the amount woald
over balance that which will bu re
ceived on the leases. This reform laud
eommiiiiiiriu r smciih to have been
about as austly an experiment as tho
reform nvru(-r's approval of Hartley'
worthies Wend. Hut from an exami
nation of ran tecuriU at tho statu house
it scgits that tho majority of tie new
lease were secured by the old lease
holders. Tho sciiool-laud tenaut far
mers laam to have beep about as etui
nine iu a laid deal as the reform land
commisiioner is in his reform politics.
i'.acu onu of tueiii haw a friendly
neighbor to bid iu tho land and then
transfer the loase to him. Does .1 far
mer who has kail a tenaut iu arrwars
for runl-al cancel the old lease, forgive
thu old dabt, aud then ra-leaso the
laud to tlit saM paity? Or dogs ke
not rather bold the touanl to the aid
Hhtract and then as fast as aosiblo
collect the old rent tnouoy? Huar iu
taiud, the land commissioner has rep
resented lluaugk his advoitisiHg in the
press that hu has saved money to the
statu. The laud commissioner Is thu
buslaew agent of tJie state. It is his
business to collect tho money duo the
ftate, not ta caauel the debt. It was by
means of this doulilo-shuftlu act that J.
H. Kdmistau, cka'ivmau of the poaulist
stato commiMeo tlim-dnmuieil he
state out af four and one-half years'
rent on some land in Dawson county
and still holds thn laud. Commissioner
Wolfo call tfn reform. Mr.Kdmisten,
parading himself at thu populist hoad
quartors nowadays instead of attoud
iug to hia business at thu stvte
full of eulogies for Land Commissioner
Wolfe, and he U suuding out literature
uuder state liouso poutmgo urging the
taxpayer to rally once more fur re
form. Iu hundreds of cases under
this auction scheme inaugurated by
"Unule J itka" now leases on well im
proved farms went withoat bidders,
aad on the books the laud is still mark
ed vactiut. It tucaiis that thu man
who occupied a farm like this had such
Mrs. Kate Etter
I Ourad or Heart Oiteaie by Or. Mile'
New Heart Cure.
US. KATE wroto from
Neoilio, Mo., In March lait. "Two
years ngo I was severely troubled
with my stomach and kidneys, aud a great
miction so unnerved mo that my condition
becamo alarming. Thn tolegraph brought
a prominent physician In a consultation
which resulted in no benefit. I went to
Wyoming for change of cllmato without
benefit, was brought
back to Atchison where
nursos worked with me
iilghtandday to keep
mo alive to roach my
friends here. My heart
becamo so bad that my
friends gave up all
hone. I begau taking
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure und Nervine alter
nately and was restored to health. It is now
months slnco and I nm perfectly well."
Dr. Miles' Uumidles lire oold by all drug-
gists under a positive guarantee, flrbt bottle
buiicflttiorinriiy 1. fuiidiil. Hook on Heart
tun Nervi iiil'iti t ill pplU tut.
Mi.MIl.i -. 1, ruiiart. Ind
UUKIS VHlit Ail nbt (All!
1 1 otuli t, r.,iN Tiii-u 1 (..wi
lit tlmo Kil.l ht ilruk'uUU.
O Mllai 9
bk( iwnav paa
B- fHtorajay
M " '
J.' Us 11
standing in his community that no ono
lated to bid on hia lease, and by'taeit
consent ho is allowed to hold on with
out lease or title of any sort except oc
cupancy. He has canceled the leases
on nearly W0.000 ucre.s aud released
80.000 at res. For each ten acres can
celed he has released oue. Well In
formed m t-ti in the western part of the
state ay that at least $300,000 of this
$1(50,000 back rent could have been
collected this summer. Archard, one
oftliepo'a county treasury examiner
under Mie tale auditor not satfelied
with the W.000 per anntftn which he
gets from M olllce, connived with thu
land commiisiout'i- null got three Im
proved farms iu Yark cointy away
from the men who bad improved them
and expected to purchase under thu
old contract. The effect of all this
school land reform is to Iwtu to tho
state at luast $300,000, which would
have beoti collected tills year, and to
put every man in jeopardy who had im
proved and expected to buy his home.
I'liore's more of this to come out later.
When it Is all tolil "Uncle Jake" willl
have all hu watft to do explaining
himself without capturing thu state
university for his son. botturs are
coming from all over the slate asking
tho governor to clear himself of the
Hahsian charge and to icqiiiroa new
bond front Treasurer Meserve.
.J. W. Johnson.
Who Stole the Bond.
'1 ho Nation this week with the up
patent idea of fooling voters tovMc
for tho populist ticket, ha? -Hewn that
paper luoadcast throughout tho coun
ty. The sheet is tilled to 01 ci Mowing
with vilification for the lepu'-' can
olIiceM now iu chaise of Hie cnu ty
oiliccs and caiididati '.ow 1 mining . ti
the republican tlcK.t. diarize afi r
charge has been niaile which iij.u
their face tlte voters 1 f this cuimty
know to ho lies and made for tiin 01 V
purpose (M misleading voters at to
polls. It would take u uch uiuie -.pawi'
than we have at our command and
uuieli mine timu than wu care to give
to make a resume of these fabrications
and show tho peoplu conclusively that
they ate Ijes pure ami simple. One
story the jr are lulling wo will make
mention of briellyaml that is in tegard
to the disappearance of the depository
bond of the State Hank of Blue Hill.
The Nation, aud tho populist candi
dates, who are making a school house
campaign for thn reason that tuey can
inoro widely circulate these lies, are
trying to place tJie blame of the bond
hciag lost and thu fact that it cannot
lie found upon the thouldcrs of
Treasurer White and Deputy Robin
son, when if they were honest they
surely know that the bond is never In
the possession of those gentlemen but
is tiled in thu clerk's otlice aud that the
coNuly board and the coHUt.y aUoruey
have across to these papers at any
With very little trouble we looked
up the records at tha clonks otlice and
And that tha board of supervisors on
July 23, KS'.CI approved tlte bunds of tho
State Rank of Blue Hill, tho Bank of
Blue Hill, thu First National Bank of
Blue Hill, and the Stato Rank ol this
city, to be depository banks and in
structed tho treasurer, Fassicr, to de
posit county funds tlioreiu. (This may
bo foiunl in commissioners record book
B on page .14.)
Tho present incumbent of tho treas
urer's ofllce was elected the previous
Novomber and took charge of tho af
fairs of that ollteo in January, lG-l. By
looking up Commissioners Record
Book B. page 007, wo Mud that on
January 2.r, 1804, the matter of tho
depository buuk bonds was again
brought up and all approved except
the statu bank of Blue Hill which was
knocked out by tho following votes
Ayes La'wd, Zimmerman, Hill, Nor
ris, Cox and Irini, (I Nays Watt,
SctiiilU, Kaley, Best, Lewis, McCall
atnl HnlTm.iu, ?. On the following d ty
January '2(1, it will bo found by looking
up Commisiionurs Record Hook II.
page 007, that the supcrvhois recon
sidered their foiiuer action in regal d
to the aoiul of the Sta.u Hank of Blue
Hill and the bond wan approved and
all thi'i' bank with one or two addi
tional ones were made depository
haukt ami the treastuer deposited thu
county motley thoiein aecoiilinir to thu
boat d' instructions.
By looking up Commis-donors Rec
ord book C, page 07, we Mud that on
January 'Jl, 1805, the bond of the State
HaukofHIuu Hill with thu bonds of the
several other banks were approved. Iu
August of the same year theStateUauk
of Blue Hill closed it doors. On Jan
nun 23th, 1805, when the bond was
last approved, there was a credit iu
favor of the county of $1,:U3,80 and the
last deposit made therein was on April
80th of the same year. By looking up
Commissioners Reconl C, page 142, we
tiud that at the time of thu bank's clos
ing there was a deposit of $2227.37.
Mr. White had been stoadily with
drawing the county's cash from tho
time of his last deposit on April 30th
until the bank was closed.
In 1QIIII IV f. u, ill !,.,. I .. ...,.. l.of linni'il
had a populist county attorney, aud
during this year tho bonds were taken
by it committee from the clerk's ofllco
to bo examined. Iu July of this year,
1807, the present board of commission
ers' wished to look over these same
bonds and the bond of the Stato Bank
was missing, Iu whose bauds were
tho bonds last? Who was county at
torney at the time the bonds wero
taken to bu examined? Wo will an
swer tho last question and Miy Hcrnaul
.MeNei j hu' Mini i.f a reputation
ha im, .
In -
tin 1 .
1 '
H 1 '
ol ''III 1. 1
and in tint
n'litii' iioiti t".t " ho ha
il ili'. i 'i- -inil, , ii
t.i l 1 -a-; i ( 1 -i
li ' 1 1 1 hu . g liu- N 1
. 1 ... 1 1 Wh" 1 .
I. in tin -.U ,1- . I ini li "!
ll 'in-, ung. u. huib wire,
n Imii, hit nf 1 vorvtiiiiii
and lia given Red Cloud u black ivp-
titation from the Atlantic to the Pa
cillu We will leave it to oar "cadets
to atiswet this question. Wo will also
leave them answer the question of I
whogottjie bank band and if It was
not takea by soma one whose head 1
wu long enough to think of being In a
position to create just such a stink as
the populisms ate nuking over the
bond's absence.
Now a tu tho llfcuj'e thu absence of
thu bond will cut. It will make no dif
ference. By order of the hoard suit
has beca brought by tho county at
tarnoy to recover agaiust the .stock
holders of thu State Batik of Blue Hill
aud If oar populist count attorney
does his duty the amount will be re
covered. '1 he loss of the bond does
not relcajo the bondsmen and if it is
found that fte stockholders of the bank
are not good enowgh for tko debt suit
will bo brought against tho bondsmen
and there are a number among them
individually who are good for this
amount and more.
A Grand Opportanity.
There are today thousands of young
people on the farms and in the villages
who are tied down by lack of educa
tion to work' they heartily dislike. Are
you on of tli'etu, my friend? If so.
the Grand Island Hu-dncss & formal
College can put you on thu road to
success it you hip ambitious and will
ing to study. It makes no ditleronec
how backwaul you are if you aro
plucky aad mean business. We tench
everything necessary for a successful
start in lite. If you ate shot tot money
we will accent a good note without
iutere.t for tuition, or if necessary we
will furaisli everything tuition, board
and books, and give you time to gradu
ate and pay for same afterwards. Bus
iness, Normal and Shorthand courses.
Hoard SI 50 per week. Kstablished 12
years. College Record sent flee or
catalogue for six cents in stamps
This is your chance of a lifetime. W ill
you let it slip by? Address,
A. M Haiuiis, President,
(hand, Island, NeU
Burlington RoutoCaliibt ma Excur
sions. Cheap, quick, couifot table. Leave
Omaha 1 W p.m., Linooln (! 10 p.m. aud
Ilating 3..'j0 p.m. everr Thursday in
cktin. modern, not crowded tourist
sleeper.-,. No transfers; ems run right
tlirongh to San Francisco and Lo?
Angeles over the scenic route through
Denver and Salt Lake City Cars are
carpeted, upholstered in rattan; have
opriug seats aud backs and are piovid
ed wtt curtains, bedding, towels, snip
cle. Uniformed poi tors and expt-iioni;-ml
excursion conductor accompany
eaeh (totrsion, relieving pucngcis of
bother about baggage, pointing out oh-iec-ts
of interest and in many other
ways helping to make tho overland
trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets are honored. Berths $"
For folder giving full information,
eaVl at neatest Burlington Route tiket
otfica, or wiite to J. rrancis, (5 P. A
Omaha, Nob.
We offer One Hundred Dollars fo
rward fur auy cas) of catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's uatarrn uuro.
F. J. CIIBNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, tho undors4gHed, have known
F. J. (Jnaaoy for the last 15 years, and
believe hint perfectly honorable iu all
aiitfinetis transactions and financially
able to carry out nny obligations made
by their firm.
West & Trttax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldiug, Kintmn & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggist, Toledo, O.
Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, aatiug directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testitnoaials sunt ft ee. Price "00 per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hirtf's Family Pills are the best.
There will be a meeting held iu
Cowles on Saturday, October ilth, at
ll o'clock p. m., of the Stockholders Co
operative store. A goneral attendance
is requested, also of others who would
wish to suhseriun for stock. Tho busl
11 ess will bu thoroughly talked up.
Cowleg, Nobr., September 23, 18U7
(. A. Haicuis.
Keep it iu t liu house, whenever you
get "blno" or feel "khaky" or indis
posed, one small dose of "Kcoiiomy
Boneset Cordial" et you right. For
sale by C. L. Cutting.
when the Creator said to woman,
"In sorrow shalt thou bring forth
children, that a curse was pro
nounced against the human race,
but the jby felt by every Mother
when she first presses to her heart
her babe, proves the contrary.
Danger and suffering lurk in
the pathway of thu Expectant
Mother, and should be avoided,
that she may reach the hour when
the hope of her heart is to be real
ized, in full vigor and strength.
so relaxes the
system and as
sists Nature,
that the nec
essary change
takes place
without Nau
sea, Headache,
Nervous or
Gloomy Fore
bodingof dan
ger, andt he
trying hour is robbed of its pain
and suffering, as so many happy
mothers have experienced.
Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does
this. Don't be deceived or
I cisuaded to use anything else.
. II
1-' -I
1 tic tevri cior
mi j''' It
, 1 I'X,
1 f
'f . , 1 .t r' i r ' ' y r
:cipt of i rice Write! r tooU r nit ill 1., ta lia
ble Inforuiiitlou fur till Mothers, uiniud true.
Hie Uradtlild Uegulator Co., Atlanta, Us.
Warranted by tie makers, 'I III-: KKliKNT HHi, CO , CHI
CAGO, an table Mini. Lecpm WILL BK (JIVMN
I! Aj&&oiTjm$Tssr iiisis
Wo will show you that it pays n tinde with u. Wo save you
money on rveiytliing you buy, ami you ivmnot aflord to
miss tills spluudid opportunity to pronuie o-uo of the,e
handsome clocks
Qalusha & Wescott
has a line
j Fall and Winter IHillinery I
iu all the leading styles in
Trimmed and Untrimmed Goods,
Butter and Eggs
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees.
Ghieago Itamber Yard,
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Building; Material, JEto.
red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
Is the best because it is made to use in placs where common
harness would not stand a test. I can make you an all hand
made harnes nearly as cheap us you can get tho common
harness. When you want harness come in and look over my ,
stock which cauuot bo surpassed in the Republican valley. '
Fiy Nets, Whips, Saddles, Etc.
.ind in fat everything usiuiiiv kept i. , nmt clas hanuss
Trimming and Repair Work neatly ami promptly attemh d to,
. 1898.
Mac of
taken in Exchange.
Ja 0.130X1,121.