The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 15, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    &t.i ViV;.-'
Kujl makes the looJ pure,
holcome anJ delicious.
Absolutely Pure
oi i.3 pooc co., new vokk.
Dr. Fulkcrson of lilue Hill was hero
A. J Willis i rived homo the hist of
thi' week from his trip to Iowa.
Miss Georgia Hlaeknioro has re
turned from ii visit nt Superior.
Mis1 Mabel Howanl returned Wed e cuing from hot eastern trip.
Mis. Wade Knouts left Tuexli-y
morning on :i visit to llowcii, Illinois.
1'iatik Cowdon returned Wednesday
from a business trip to Lincoln and
Mr- if. I). Oralis who lia boon
visiting in Kansas City returned home
Sunday evening.
Fur Sam: A good Kuabe piano. A
good instrument for Male cheap. En
ipiire at this olllce
.lames Peterson has received a largo
consignment of buggies. Thoro aio
some good bargains anions them.
. Ii. (Irirr hits removed hts drnt
store In I In- ronni in the Moon Hock for'
tin rhj iisnl us it ltryttn Hmdinitrlfr.
Everett Dyer was here Wednesday
visiting with his patents and left
Thursday morning for a trip to Kansas
For a good -have, hair out or other
totisoiial woik call on O. M. Crabb,
successor to Goo. Fentress, .muuIi of the
CuhiiOk bakery.
Jan. Overman who ha- been helping
to show tho people of tlliuoi what
bountiful crops are raNed in Nebraska
returned home Saturday evening.
Grant MoFarliiud, formerly of this
city, but now residing at Lincoln was
hero tho last of tho week. He is
traveling for tho J I. Case Implement
Robert McBride received a pleasant
surprise- and a nieo present from somo
of his friends on last Tuosday evening.
Robert will tell you all alt it if you
ask him.
TakkNothjk Those paying an ad
vance on all leather goods will take
notice that tho higher price is duo to
tho advance on leather September 1st,
1807. .1. O. l.l'Tl.Klt.
Itemembcr Griswold's mammoth
Unelo Tom's Cabin Co. stay onlyouo
night and give only one complete per
formance, commencing at 8 p.m., Sat
urday, October 16.
A Texas editor wrote as follows:
'Tho price of this paper is not in
creased by t lies Dingloy taritl bill, but
wo wish to correct tho misapprehension
of .some of our subscribers who seem to
think that it is placed on tho free list."
H. E. (trice, has moved his drug
stock to tho room formorly occupied
as a llrynu headquarters, where ho will
bo glad to greet his patrons and old
friends. He will remain hero until
December lt. while hi- new store
room is being built.
How are the votr going to eat
their ballots for preference for county
superintendent is a question which
should receive careful consideration.
Mrs. Case, tho republican nominee has
been a resident of this county for years
Her life has been devoted to school
work and that she is eminently capablo
for superintendent no ono will attempt
to deny. Sho has on an election to
that ofllce a number of years ago, re
ceived the highest number of votes
nrnr received bv any candidato in tho
existence of tho county. Tho people
will do their work well by placiug her
in the position again.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
. .' (In-1 . Moon Hock
See Peterson before you buy a wagon.
E. .1. Overing was in Omaha this
Mis. Alex Huntley ha? toturned to
TupChikk is prepared to do youi
job printing.
Go to C. M Caluies the old reliahlo
family bakny at tho old stand.
E. W. Shirley, Wiu, Guthrie and
Charley Arnold of Rosetuont were here
Elmer Kuron has resigned his posi
tion with M. M. Stern ami will return
to Philadelphia, Pa.
Compato wagons that I sold last fall
to others and judge for yoursoll where
to buy. J as. Pkti:isos.
Hcv. James M. Darby will speak next
Sunday evening at T!I0 on "Impres
sions of lied Cloud." The public is
Tho Union Fire Insurance Company
is the best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 3 per cent. .J. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
W. J. Strattou and wife who have
been visiting with Overman and
family left Tuesday morning for their
homo .it Itowcu, Illinois.
Griswold's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.
carry ono of the linest bands on the
road, gaud all wiio enjoy good music
should hear it, Saturday, Dee. Kith.
Perfectly harmless, but very or
fill is "Economy Uonesel Cordial," a
remedy par-excellence for all form- of
indigisthn. For sale by C. L. Cottiug.
"Hannah the buggy is busted."
' Well what ot it. Bring out tho New
ton wagon. It always did look better
than the old hugpy." For sale by Pet
erson 11. E. (Irice ha- moved his slock of
drugs to one of the mirth rooms in the
Moon block where lie will remain un
til the new building on the corner is
Daniel Garber who is sick at Lincoln
will leave accompanied by his sister
Cora for Chicago wheioho will under
go a surgical operation, his jaw bono
lining diseased.
11. K. (trice desires to inform Ids
patrons and friends that ho lias moved
his drug store to the room in the Moon
block formerly known as the Bryan
headquarters, where he is nicely lo
At tho republican caucus held on
last Saturday night to nominate a can
didate for commissioner for tho fourth
district, J. S. White having resigned,
K. B. Smith was mimed as the choice
of tho assembled voters. The choice is
a good oue.
Ci.os.inu Out Sai.k Commencing
September 1st, 1897, I will offer my en
tire stoek of Boots and Siioks at ac
tual cost. I mean just what I way, ns
1 am going out ot the Boot and Shoo
busluoss. Dry Goods and groceries at
lowest prices. Call ar.d seo me. E.
Chester Cox while coming to school
on Thursday on Ids bicycle ran onto a
long milk snake and his snakeship on-
tangled P-solf neatly around tho spokes
of tho hind wheel. Tho lad did not
wait for further developments but took
a header. After picking him. elf up lie
killed the snake.
Voters a ad candidates on the rouub
Mean tiekot will pay no attention to
tho attempts to create dissension which
are being made by tho "Littlo Ah
stracter J. H. B ", who wants to bo
deputy clerk under James Hale, "Cake
Walk Wil-on," our Nation "town bull,"
"Cap. Houcbin," and one or two others,
This j, a uii'o crowd to give other peo
ple advice
Stephen Glial d .-aid. "If I knew
I should die tomorrow, 1 would never.
theless plant a tree today. Now old
Stove iiaeit to keep this remark in
pickle and interject it every now and
then to prove that ho had nerve and
was still "Hying in tho face of Provi
dence." But where is ho in tho gamo
with tho Smith county man who, when
informed by his wifo that tho family
physician had just told her that ho por
sistcd in his mode of living ho would
dlo within six months, replied, "I'll
keep right on, doublo tho dose and dio
in three and fool blm a trip." Lebanon
The voters are not going ti bo bun
coed into voting for tho populist nomi
nee for superintendent by the self
complimentary articlos written by him
and printed in tho Nation. Tho voters
of this county have too much good
sense to vote for a man who is practi
cally a non-resident and elect him to
an otllco so ho may rcceivo enough
salary to enable him to live and study
law. The voters want a superintend,
ent who will attend to tho duties of
that olllce and not use the money re
ceived therefrom and the time which
Should bw douited theieto, to lit him
(nf n new piofeKMn J-i .fii.t
(Me ', .
I . Clary of Guide Book was hoi o
Mrs. Win. 'olutl returned Friday
nigh; from her visit at Omaha.
The best buggies for tho money ever
brought to town at Peterson's.
Al. McClintoek has accepted a posi
tion as bartetii'er with M. M. Stein.
A man who buys a Newton wagon
spends his money well. See them at
Mrs. C. J. Popo and Mrs. Jos. War
ten have returned fioni a trip to
Samuel Saunders departed Tuesday
for Colorado to inspect tho Cripple
Cieek gold district.
Now thul you ale looking after
wagons see the Newton and other
makes at Peterson's.
The Inter-State Fair is being "pulled
oil" (godforgi veils) at Bed Cloud this
week. Lebanon Ci itei Ion.
ion won't find nit un the mi'inr. Jo
will find nit in tin- Moon Mack until
Per. Isl.U. A'. (Iriir.
Henry Richmond, repot tor on tho
stair of the Omaha World Hoi aid, is
here visiting with old friends.
Mr.-. Jos. Garber left Wednesday for
Lincoln to look after the welfate of her
sin. Daniel who is -iek at that place.
Mrs..!. It. Wright and children de
parted Tue-day evening for Floienee,
Colorado, whete fiey will reside in tin.
"Economy Boue-et Cordial" made by
tho famous old Harmony -oeiety,
greatest of all nppotiors. For -ale by
C. L. Colling.
Mrs. Nannie McGiew who has been
visiting with her si-lor Mr.-. L. 1 1. Rust,
left Wedue-day morning for Burling
ton, Michigan.
When life is -holt why make any ex
periment. Buy a Newton wncon at
Peter-on's and your wife will smile on
you when you come home.
The paintei.- and carpenter- aie put
ting the linislilng touches on the inside
work of the new depot and it will most
likely lie ready for occupancy next
Mrs F. M Kinsey who has been
visiting hero for -oine time past, the
guest of Mr-. Anna Sapp, left Wednes
day morning for her homo at Dallas,
A.J. Baker of North Branch, Iowa,
was hero this week visiting friends
and relatives. Ho made this ofllce a
pleasant call and left us a couple of
dollars on subscription.
J. H. Smith "writes combined insur
ance for a term of live years at H per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on the installment plan.
Drop lii in a card at Red Cloud, Neb.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoflico at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for Midweek ending Oct., 15th
J. W. Dolsu it Co. H. Hanmaii,
B. G. Hoover, May Seolp,
E. 11. Smith & Co.
'these letters will bo sent to the dead
letter olllce Oct., 2!ttli,lf not called for
before. Ficakk W. Cowdkn, P. M.
The voters of Webster county will
take no chances on election day when
it come.- to easting a vole for county
treasiiier, but will vote fur Charley
Robinson for that olliee. Thu ooplu
who have hail hu-lncss to traiHaet at
tho treasurer's olllce in tho past can't
bo fooled by tint talk of the opposition.
They know thai in doing hti.-luoss with
Deputy Robinson they han been fairly
dealt with, and have found him not
only obliging ami pleasant but have
noticed that be is competent as well.
No better, fairer or more attentive man
to his olllce diitie.- can be found and
the people will keep him there.
Farmers will tlnd the
Intel national Stock
Food the best medi
cine to keep tho hogs
healthy and growing.
Wo sell l!t packages
for $5.00. We also
keep the powder mado
after the go eminent
icceipt, and can till
any formula you may
bring at the lowest
prici s
C. L. Cotting,
The DniKglst.
:. :. :, ..:. .'.:.' !;'. ;.!w!-:.' ,K: .',V. .V. ..W j'i
tester GoaDty's
i V"
heading Clothiers,
and Gent's Furnishers.
Worn Out?
1 1
; Do you come to the close of
i I tht(l&vtUnPfttioh-ve.-rhattird
! Does this continue day after S
day. possibly week after week? X
remaps you are even too ex- w
i haustea to sleep. Then some-
thing Is wrong. All these X
I t hitlers iriAicAt. tftat vntt m Z
! . mt t 9mml m. Imam. m.m..m 9f
I i w.tauK iiuut iruut cav- W
; ; haustion. Your narves need
feeding andjrour blood en
i richlne.
ii m
Scott's Emulsion 1
of Cod-Uver Oil, with Hypo-
phosphites of Lime and Soda, X
contains lust the remedies to $
meet these wants The cod
liver oil gives the needed
strencth. enriches iVir. VAnnA.
feeds the nerves, and the hy-
pophofphites give them tone
1 i '- t . if you get '
Killed in a Runaway
On Wednesday a telegram was re
ceived from Blue Hill reiiicsting tho
presence of the coroner and stating
that a man was killed No further
particulars were stated and it left the
people of this city in doubt as to what
might hae happened, many believing
it might have been murder. Coroner
.Jos. Waiien and Shoriil Riinchey im
mediately departed for that place to
seo what was up ami upon theii return
tho following facts lu the ease were
learned A man by the 11:11110 of .lohu
G. Anderson who wasa former ic.-idcnt
of Lawrence but who lias been residing
in Illinois for the past two years had
arrived in the state and none to his
old home at Lawrence. Having a sis
ter in lilue Hill he stalled to walk to
that place anil had got as far as the
tarm ot .J. F. McNeer whole there went
Mime at work, one or more of
whom he was acquainted with having
followed that business himself while
living near Lawrence. Mr McNeer
told him that if lie would wall until
after supper he would hitch a horse to
the cart and drive him over to Illtm
Hill, the oiler beinir accented. While
hitching up Mr. McNeer told tho man
that the hor-o had never been driven
but hi' thought tliov would get along
all right, and they started tho Iioimo
scorning to go all right. No tumble
was had i.ulil they started dtwu a hill
when the lior.-e kicked and reared ami
became iinniaiiageablo. Anderson
took the Hues from McNeor and en
deavored to bring the maddened horse
to a hall but all to no purpose. After
going for some distance McNeer was
thrown from or jumped from the cart
Anderson still remaining hi thu cart.
Somo tune later tno norse was stopped
on tho road bv a farmer by tho name
of Jos. Hubank and it was then dis
covered that Anderson had either
jumped or been thrown from the cart,
was entangled in 1110 lines ami uau got,
his leg fastened In tho wheel and had
been drawn along on the groui.d for
some distanco thus meeting (loath in a
horrible manner. His sister in lilue
Hill was notified and would not be
lieve that the man was her brother as
sho had received no news as Ut his
being in Nebraska or as to his coming,
but on being taken to the spot she
found the news too true. It was
elicited at tho coroner's Inquest which
was hold at RI110 Hill, the body having
been taken to that place, thai the man
had stated while at the homo of Mo
Neerthutho was on his was to Itluo
Hill to surprise his sislor. McNoorand
tho friends of the dead man wishing to
have no doubt in the minds of the peo
ple as to tho ninn meeting death by ac
cident iiHked that 11 post, mortem be
liohl and tho coroner was therefore
telegraphed for. The verdict was re
turned according to the facts, that the
man received a fracture of tho skull
caused In the manner as set forth
aboo. The deceased is married and
ha-a wifo and four childion. Ho is a
member of tho Modern Woodmen, still
h n iug retained his membership in that
ordei at Lawrence and the remains
weie taken in charge by members of
the older and shipped back to Illinois
Is Being Fed on Angel Food.
At a populist meeting held In tho
Searle school house in Stillwater pre
cinct on the evening of Outober Otli, .J
O llurgess of Blue Hill made this won
del fill littlo speech which shows that
lii- bump of conceit is very prominent.
"Mr Chairman, ladies and gentleman
I am hero tonight a candidate for
county treasurer on the populist
ticket. Littlo boys and littlo girls who
sit before me to-night, if you grow up
to manhood as honest ns I bo you will
have nothing to bo ashamed of. I
haven't a dUhoncst hair in my head.
We have the goncology of tho Burgess'
for livo hundred years and thoy worn
always honest."
. 4
You can't doubt when yon scu out magnificent,
line of new fall and winter goods. You are bound
to find some reason why you should buy of us by
looking at either the quality or the price.
Compare our stock with whatever is
We are prepared to meet any and all
The bargains we offer are too numerous
to mention and cannot be dupli
cated. Therefore we urge early
buying this season.
Webster County's Reliable Up-to Date
Clothing House.
f. f:
mtttfBtmziM zm &mt&'mm$
has a lino lino of
! Fall and Winter Millinery I
in all tho leading styles in
Trimmed and Untrimmed Goods.
j Butter and Egg-s taken in Exchange. ;
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees.
Rather Mixed.
The foremnn on ono of our daily pa
pers, by mistake, mixed up an article
on the conversion of the heathen with
a receipt for making tomato catsup, so
it read thus: "Thoy are accustomed to
begin their work by securing heathen
children nnd educating them. Tho
easiest and best way to prepare them is
to first wipe them with a clean towel;
then place them in dripping-pans nnd
bake thoai until tlioj aro tender, then
you will havo no ditliculty in rubbing
them through jour sieve, and savo time
by not being obliged to cut thorn in
slices and cook for sovernl hours."
Our Dumb Anlninln.
Don't use bill bends or statements in
wim l yii have to write your own
ii.m 1 'Get them printed in an up-tn
Ghieagoliambef Yafd,
Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement.
,1 . -n!i'. lluui' is nntiiitig will
1 -nr ip m f tl.inl;
. ,1 ' 1 I ni'MI 1
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