The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 15, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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i'.c .
Ivy Poison
Child Sufforod for Threo Years
Without Relief-Torrlblo Itching
and Burning Skin Dlaoaso.
" When three monttiH old our boy waa
poisoned with ivy. Ho suffered for threo
yptrg without getting relief. I saw
one of tho advertisements of IIood'H Bar
Mprllla, consisting of testimonial
where child waa cured of Ivy poisoning.
My faith was very weak at first, but I
told my husband 1 would like to try a
bottle of Hood's Harsaparllla. Doctor's
Medicine had failed to help him In tho
least. We concluded to buy live bottles
Of Hood's Harsaparilla and the child oc
ean taking It. Before he bad finished all
that we had purchased ho was cured. I
bave also been cured of skin disease by
Hood's Harsaparilla. I was In such a
condition that 1 conld hardly enduro tho
itching and burning. I felt that I must
Rive Hood's Harsaparilla a fair trial, which
I did. 1 took four bottles and it cured
me," Chkistina GliKKN, Canastota, H. D.
Hood's Harsaparilla is sold by all drug
Klits. ft; six forfj. lie suro to got Hood's.
Ouc jour II no
3limtiitti ''
Xntored at the oil onice at Ilcd Cloud, Neb.ns
locottil cUnnmll matter.
Tic Ital Cloud, AW.. CIIIEI'.
HHcklt,ix crcdihd with thf lurirnt
etri'iilnlioH arcordtd to uny ' in
Hut Cloud or in M'rbshr county or
in the tflh Conijrtssionul Dislrirt
I'rintifs Ink-,. lull JS, 1S!7.
State Ticket,
l'or .JiiiIkh of hupremi' t'oiirl Jt. post. ,
of I'lalti-Count)
for Ki'xcnto or Mnto UnU tH.
Of Wubiter Count).
or Hull iiln futility.
County Ticket.
For Count) TrcsMirer,
or rouMiuu I'lociiui.
I'ort'ounl) Clerk,
ortlulileHorV I'reclnrt,
PurCiiiiiity Shcrltv,
Of IihiyhIo I'ri'clncl.
for County Judge.
Of Itnl Cloud City,
l'or Count) Superintendent,
or Iteil Cloud City.
for County Coroner.
ii. r.. iiiiivii.
or Hud Cloud City
Kor Vuiinty siimiyor,
Of Hnnnouy I'ri'fllnrl,
Commissioner Ticket.
Kur ComuiUnlOnur ltd Dint
For CommUMoneriM Did
Kor t.'ominlsMaiicr lid Dint
Pori.'ouimliMoncHlti Mint
Vor ComuilMlonerf.Hi l)lt.. .1 BHOM K V ANl'K
Tlin monetary commission resumed
it sittings In Washington today, after
a recess of two weeks. Tho gentlemen
ompasing this commission believe
that there is going to be a big financial
light started in congas soon utter that
body assembles, although many shrewd
politicians among the politicians are
working to prevent the lliiauclal issue
being raised in congress, hocnuso of
their doubt as to whether any leglslu
lion of that character can be put
through dining the life of tlin present
congress, mid fearing that a .sharp
drawing of linaiiclal hues in congress
will result in barm to the tepitblicans.
Cue of the main object! of the mono
tarv commission is to insist Hint tbcic
shall bean attempt at liuaiieial legisla
tion at tho coming session tif congress
and that the attempt shall he recom
mended by President McKinloy ami
be pushed by the whole power and
inlltioiii-e of the administration. The
lines uie already being manned out.
antl the prediction has been made that
the liuaiieial light in congress will he
the hlttetest ami most exciting since
the Force bill was before congress.
The lighting will be mostly in tho sen.
ate, as it will bo an easy matter to put
auy Vill supported by the president and
Spi'aket Meed through the house. It
is assumed that auy bill proposed by
those who arc pushing this movement
will lie antagonized by the silver men
in the senate, ami as thoy control that
body by a slight margin it roiiuios no
prophet to say that it will he ditlicuit,
if not impossible, to pass any sum
measure in the senate.
If there is any reason why any set of
men in Washington should hold a
inoetlug for the pttrposo of ratifying
tho nomination of a candidate for
mayor of Now York City, it is not ap
parent to the eye of an ordinary indi
. vltlual. But reason, or uo reason, the
single taxors of Washington and vi
cinity, more enthusiastic than numer
ous held a meeting and proceeded t
ntllv tliu Domination of Hem t'm.i,.
t- i, mayor of Nt w York Ctt Tlmi
' reajyns wh Mi.iir" ,.
i' l )t ' ,i t v '. -t-
i to
ii i ,
ut. Vtfwft Cre-MR tUOt tagp-w
Wej-HJ'a Mr 1 1 If'. &$$
nx Is t ot I In- issue, oi even utie of iln
iuc Hint Ml', (icoigo ii making In III.
present campaign In (net lie
nasn't said :i woid about It himself, nml
U probably willing that others .should
let It alone.
Whether Ktiglanil refused to paitici
paid In it eo tife re n i:e over the protor
tlon of tho seals In Hehrlng Sen anil
therealioiit at which ltusslaand Japan,
as well as the United States should lie
represented, after having oneo pto
iulie(l t(. do .ho, has about got down to
aiichtion of vol auily hetweun ox-Secrc
tary of State Foster, who has linil
charge of all tho sea nogotiations for
tlin United States for several years,
mid hold Salisbury Mr. Foster says
lint Lord Salisbury tigreed to huvo
F.nglnnd represented in tho conference
to which the United States lint! invited
Utissia ami Japan to send loprcsonta
tivc; Lord Salisbury says ho did not;
that lit; agreed that there should hen
conference between representatives of and and of the United States on
the suhjeet antl that lie will havoagents
in Washington to attend toll, but that
lliey will not bo allowed to take part
in a eoiiferetiee with agents of Russia
and Japan. Ullieials tit the depart
ment of state tiro reticent, but this
grounds for the belief that tho depart
ment of state lias accepted Mr. Foster's
version of tho controversy anil will so
state in a friendly but vigorous com-
iiiiittieatioii tti the hngllsh govern
ment. Meanwhile arrangements are
lining initio for two seal conferences;
one between tho U. S., I'ussin ami
Japan, antl one between the II. S. ami
Judging from ollicial iitteiances only
one would suppose that the president
anil iiis cabinet were entirely satisliod
with llio progress being made by Spain
in its nlleged eiVort.s to bring about
peace in Cuba, but Mich is really not
the ease. Tho recall officii. Woyler by
Spain is, of course, pleasing to tlieni,
but they tegartl it with more or less
suspicion, believing it ami all the rest
ol the beautiful professions of the new
Spanish ministry to be tinged with
trickery, having for its object the pre
vention of interfeieiico by this govern
ment, llelleviiig tliis, ami being
thoroughly aware that public senti
ment in this country is overwhelming
in favor of soino action by tho govern-
meutthat would put a speedy end to
tin war In Cuba, 'resident McKinloy
and his advisers are wntehimr Hit
actions of tlio new Spanish ministry
with great care, anil if they become
convinced that Snain is not acting in
good faith, tliis government will net,
and in no uncertain way. President
Mckinley, like nearly everybody else,
wants the war brought to a close. If
Spain can do it in a reasonable time,
all right; if not, ho knows this govern
ment can.
Voting the New Ballot.
Considerable discussion has arisen
lately concerning tho proper method
of uiarkitiK the new ballot so us to In
dicate the voters intention correctly.
Tho new ballot contains the complete
ticket nominated by each party side
by shlo instead of grouping the candi
dates for each olllco, and oneJi ticket
is headed by fho appropriate putty
emblem, and tho duty of tho straight
party voter is .simple and easily per
formed without, possibility of mistake.
Ilo hit"-" simply to placo n cross within
the circle at the top of tho ticket, indi
cated by his party emblem. Hut the
opportunity ottered the independent
voter hceius not so obvious to a great
many people, and it. Is important that
Independent voters be informotl hinco
that element has come to bo a domi
nant power in our politics. Wo sug
gest that every Mich voter, antl every
voter in fact, ascertain bofoie lie goes
to llio polling places just how he can
iieotirutoly e. press his voting iuten
tioii upon tlie ballot. As we read the
law the voter who desires to voto for a
majority of the nominees upon one
patty ticket ami for a minority of
nominees upon another or other nnrtv
tickets, Im may place Ills mark at the
head oft lie ticket for which ho wishes
to vote generally, antl then placo an X
in the space opposite tho sovorul
candidates upon other tickets for
whom ho wishes to voto. If tho voter
doo.H not tlosiro to nignify his choice of
a party upon the ballot ho mav nlaen
an X lu tho spaoo opposite tho name
of each candidate for whom lie wishos
to voto regardless of tho party tlokot
upon which tho iiamo appears, ami
this is true as to groups of ;cantlidates
as well as to slnglo names. It will pay
independent as woll as straight votors
to study tho now law carefully.
Notice, to Toaohors.
Notice is hereby given that I will ox.
amine all persons who may tlosiro to
otler themselves as candidates for
teachers of tno public schools of this
county, at ltetl Cloud on tho third Sat
urday of each month.
The standing desired for , :id
grade certllieate is the same no grade
below 70 per cent., average 80 per cont;
for lirst grade certilicate no grade be
low 80 per cent., average 00 per cont in
ill branches rctjnircil bylaw.
I). M., Counti Supt
K.ip it in i,c ii, .ime, whenever you
' ' ' " ' . I I 1"miu! ' i.r ioilis-
auc Miuuu UHigb Curo, cures.
Tlvnt h ffcft It mm made for.
Dr. Ilaitinnn's free treatment bring
man Ittttis fiom thauktnl patient.
The following are specimens:
I have followed
y our advice antl
feel touch bene
llttcd by it. I
h a v o continue!!
the use of tV-rii-na
all winter and
have not had a
cold yet, which is
something rare, as
my lungs arc con
stitutionally weak anil very liable to
cold. I am satisfied your medicine
nml kind advice have done more for
my present health than anything else
could have done. La grippe nml pnett
nionla lias oeen epidemic almost
throughout the state, antl I fee that I
owe in your medicine my escape ft out
these maladies. I thank you sincere
ly from the bottom ft my heart for all
the good you have done me. I am feel
ing so well and free from all sullering
that my heart goes out in thankfulness
to you, as an instrument in (Sod's
hands, of what I am to day.
Montrose Ala
I will write and
toll 3on what l'e
in n:i Im done for
me. I had chok
ing spells for a
long time, antl in
the night I would
have to get out of
b e il b e c a ue I
could not breathe.
It all disappeared
after I had taken
l'o-rti-na. I also had an abscess. on my
back that felt sis if medics were stick
ing inti my back, ami after I had taken
a little I'e-ru-na the abscess tli.apptar
etl. I can walk a great tit til easier than
I could. My husband ha also taken
I'c-ru-na, anil we both recommend it as
good medicine.
MHS. ISAm'U,A(i()()l,SHY,
Lisbon, Fla.
Those wishing a coituiete descrip
tion of female discuses, their causes
ami cures, should scutl their address to
The l'e-ru-iri Drug Manufacturing Co ,
Columbus, Ohio, foi a copy of "Health
and Heaiity." Sent free to women
only. This valuable medical treatise
should be in the possession of every
woman wtio has any interest in these
We offer One lluiidicd Dollars re
ward for any cas) of catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tliu undersigned, have known
F.J. Cheney for the last ir yeais, anil
believe liim pel fectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their linn. ,
West & Trtta.x, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldiug, KiniiHii & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces ot the system.
Testimonial-! sunt fee. Price Toe per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
$50 Howard.
The undersigned will pay a reward
of $."0 for tho apprehension and con
viction of tho party or parties who set
tiro t his new building on tho morn
ing ot August iiOth.
Rev.W. (VI. Slaughter,
Write of the Benefits Received From Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine,
DK. MILES' Kcstoi-iltvo Nervlno is
particularly adapted to the restora
tion of health broken down by hard
montal work. Itev. V. M. Slauehter of New
Havon.W.Va., writes! "I sufforod with ex
tromo nervousness, dizziness, dull and nor
rous headaches and sleeplessness. My heart
camo to troubling me, I was short of breath
from tho least oxortion, and Buffered touch
pain In my left sldo.
Modlcluo and physi
cians kuvo mo no re
lief. I procured Dr.
Miles' Uostoruttvo
Nervine, Now Iloart
Cure and Nervo and
I.lver I'llls, uud I am
sure no words of com-
I sleep well, tho dizziness and confused feel
Iiir liuvo disappeared, my heart troublos mo
nomoronnd 1 feel perfectly well "
Dr. Miles' Iiona-illcx are f-old bynlldruR-
Klsts tiuiler x positive punr.inioo, tlrst bottlo
tM'iU'fitt r money lefundi-.l Uoolc on
Hem t .ii ii 'i i i .MMfis, i -t i) inxiiii .tut.
I) -111 ' -j Mi' 'i' . ; '. ! IV: nr, lull
J lV "NKMO " J
t ttop) wrinkled by Itowe & Tabor )
To YotTit of Horn Skxks: Come
now, let Fancy lend us over the Ileitis,
bated of their crops. It is a human
privilege to think, anil we tlo not half
live unless we live in order to think,
anil most of us will not half live unless
we think in order to live. With this
slight digression lot us turn to the bare
Ileitis. One thought at least we must
take away. The winter is to me a typo
of old age, for then do people live on
the crops gathered in autumn after a
summer of attention following a spring
of seeding. That is old ago exactly a
time for feeding on the stores of
memory. Jdttle food in winter means
much hunger, cold antl suffering. Lit
tie of wise, kind, noble action antl
thought to look back upon, means an
old age of nagging regrets, empty
hands, and shrunken, chilled heart.
Come now, thoto is no escaping that
conclusion. Every day is adding to
your store of old-age memories What
are they to be? Firm grains on which
you can feed, or husks and oil -scour-lugs
unlit for a human being
Let us venture on another thought:
You cannot name a step in tho wholo
history of a crop that is unimportant.
What about plowing It must he sea
sonably done and well. What about
fertilizing? Suited to tiiesoil antl the
crop Sowing? Done with the best
available seed. And as forctiltivating'
Life antl vigor are only brought by ap
parently ondangciiiig both in the seed
ing. And so on, ami so on: your
active brains, having alrea ly possibly
outrun me. Turn tho thought on your
self! Why should you venture in jour
spring-time to endanger winter stoics
by lotting the happy years of joyous,
wholesome youth, become mere catch
alls for amusements and thoughts that
later you would fain forget. Tliu mind
is so whimsical mi organ that those
things we need to recall, often most
easily escape Us, anil the things that
are of no gain to us we most tenacious,
ly remember.
Yet no Held is tree entirely from
weeds". Wo scarcely know how they
onie. Nor can twenty yeats pass over
ur heads in the spring-time of life
without the accumulation of mental
weeds. The ttluuf thing is to recognize
the itiffcieuec between them and the
good growth, and then "cultivate,
cultivate, cultivate," persistently
covering the foul growths so that they
do not choke the good. You have been
too bterti about such doings, for you
cannot possibly show mo a food-plant
that has anything like tho vitality of a
Work wlllt h will; fur the summer dt)
81lp like it fcteslthy snake away.
Nothing will tell (hut Us lioitrx tire by
Nautili but the gridii or the famine cry.
flow often too the husbandman
actually endangers tho growing stalk
to pull away from its very roots a weed
that would soon rob it of its nourish
ment. Ho is oriiel to bo kind. Ho en
dangers life to save it. Thus must you
tlo, if you would be wise and happy.
Had habits, soino of tin in not only mi
wise but positively lujuiioiis cannot,
grow, entwined around thegootl. Imi
tate the husbandman's ways and
wrench thein out, though tho doing of
it shakes your very stability for a limit.
The gootl will ultimately take stronger
ami better growth; novel' fear about,
The little weetl looks so liarinioss at
tit si, but the wise man sees ahead and
knows the risks of unclean Holds. The
llippatit jokes about the purity of men
ami women are small in their way, but
tlie end is an unclean mind, and an un
clean mind in old ttge is one of the
most woe-begonc, unwoithily-ileve-lopetl,
ami uiisatisfacloiy products of
human life that ,oii possibly meet. So
wrerclt antl tug at tlie things that uni
versal expel iciice ay are noxious,
antl not gootl for inuuial food wrench
antl tug anil out with them, however
much it may hurt! The end, in this
case, will justify the means.
One more lesson from the Hold,
scarcely related to tho abovo ami yet
useful perhaps to you in tilling you
with the dignity of living. The grain
of tho present Holds has, under cultiva
tion, advanced somewhat upon tho
grain of the ancients. Its needs aro
bolter understood, otc. Yot its possi
liblties for improvement arc only
slight. Ihit what about a human
being, yoursolf for instance? When
maize was already maize, and tho
beaver alieady built its dam, your
ancestors ami mine woro savages
dwelling In caves. Tho seed and tho
beast tiro still tho same, but man is
monarch of earth, is assaulting the air,
and is bombarding the heavens with
iiis scieutillc instruments, hook at na
ture around for many lessons, hut look
at man and his attainments to be
thrilled will, the glmiiis hiimitnil.).
1 ii ii t'u lit b 1 1 Mii(r inf' hi
. mi , ,i.t wUiluttJ k4 yU ), vhi u
few jcaiV !! i i ... 'nf
You Can
More Corn
Does the business with
less motions, conseqoently
more bushels to the busk
ers credit. Everything
made in husking material.
Mittens., Pros.
Wrist Bands, Etc. but
the greatest of all is the
Galusha Wescott
whero tlie great before him have left
off astronomy in relation to Newton
for instance-will make you marvel
that any should speak unworthily of
our race, or draw back from a share in
its deeds. It is above tho restofani.
mated nature. Where animals com
bine for defense, always in tlie same
way for a ares past, wo move forward
into new combinations, undreamed of
by our ancestors hut possibly by thoir
own leadings in that direction; whero
animals show skill in all tho details of
their work wo show greater us titno
passess and loap onward from pinna
do to pinnacle of ability till tho pres
ent day dawned. While the race lasts,
tho samo growth will go on if the same
conditions are complied with. Tho
gains of the past fill us with wonder,
incut, and thou comes the longing for
these eyes to soo what tho eyes of our
children's children shall behold in their
old age. Tho heart reels in conlotnpla
lion. An old railroad man who diiftcd
into a I'liuriti whero a revival was
going on was asked to lead in prayer
and hero is the way ho did it, says an
exchange: "Oh Lord, now I have
Hugged thee, lift up my feet from tho
rough road ami plant thcin safely on
the platform of the train of salvation,
Let me use tliu safety lamp known as
prudence, make all tho couplings in the
train with tlie strong .inks of thy love,
and let my hand lamp he the ltiblo.
Anil, Heavenly Father, keep till tho
switches closed that lean oil on the sid
ings, especially those with a blind end
Oh Lord, if it be thy pleasure, have
every semaphore block along the line
show the white light of hope, that I
may make the run of life without stup
ing. And, Lord, give us the ten com
commandments for schcdtih time.
When wo pull into that great dark
station, may Thou, tho Superintendent
of tho Univcrso, say, well done, thou
good and faithful servant; come and
sign tho pay roll atid receive your
cheek for eternal happiness. McCook
A Grand Opportunity.
There- nro today thousauds of young
people on tho farms and in tho villages
who aro tied down by Inck of educa
tion to work thoy heartily dislike, Aro
you one, of thorn, my friend? If so,
tho Grand Island Business A Normal
College can put you on tho road to
success if you aro ambitious and will
ing to study. It makes no difference
how backward you aro if you aro
plucky and moan business. We teach
everything necessary for a successful
start in life, if you nro short of money
wo will accopt a good note without
interest for tuition, or if necessary wo
will furnish everything tuition, board
anil books, and give you time to gradu
ate anil pay for same afterwards. Mas
iness, Normal and Shorthand courses
Hoard 1 00 per week. Established
yeats. College ltccurd stmt liee o
I'-iUil'ilM" I'" -N ' ''I' ' s,,in,
1 ,.-
Or. Price' cream ttftking towr
A Pure firuoc Cmni rfTutf Iov.ufv
Ity buying your husking
machinery of us and cost
you less money.
Burlington Routo California Excur
sions. Cheap, tiiiek, comfortable. Leave
Omaha l.IW p.m., Lincoln (5-10 p.m. and
Hastings S:u0 p.m. every Thursday in
dean, modern, not crowded tourist
sleepers. No transfers, cars run right
through to San Francisco ami Los
Angeles over tho scenic route through
.Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars aro
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have
spring seats ami hacks and aro provid
ed with curtains, betiding, towels, soaj
otc. Uniformed porters aud experienc
ed excursion conductors accompany
each oxctirsion, relieving passongers of
bother about baggage, pointing out oh
(eels of interest and in many other
ways helping to makn tho overland
trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets aro honored. KertliH W.
For folder giving full information,
call at nearest Burlington Uouto tiskot
olllco, or write to J. rrancis, O. 1. A
Omaha, Neb.
- e ew-
There will ho a meeting held in
Cowlesoii Saturday, October iHh, at
!l o'clock p. in., of tho Stockholders Co
operative .store. A general attendance
is requested, also of others who would
wish to subscribe for stock. Tlie btisi
ness will he thoroughly talked up.
Cowles, Nebr , September 2.1, 1HU7.
(J. A. llAKItlS.
There is no
word so full
of meaning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " Mothkr" she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it.
so assists nature
in the change tak
ing place that
.the Expectant
LflAnri Mother is ena
IM I KM II blcd to look for
B Villi Ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood
Its use insures, safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
"My wife suffered more in ten min
utes with either of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having previously used four bot
tle of 'Mother's Friend.' It la a
Met, sing t any otic . xpntingf'. be
v ti. n ! ' ' ' i
ut tilO S i t .
KMd VftlMfcl llttiri)
' o li J f t.i
II I Ull MftLhwi. n,a
the Tixm r.tultor l'u., Allantii, tin.
j i-
.1 $
'' wmmBt