( r THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. FRIDAY. O'TOUKB JU897. HENRYaKOHUMTALKS HAS CONFIDENCE IN HIS CAUSE. Ill ViM't Thilt Mr I. Cundhlatr fur Miivnr Hill Wot C'nil.n lllm In Vhiinun Any of Illj.Vlrw. -I'milr In Titiiunntir Camp- III Opinion. AImiiii l.l.l.nr Nr.w Yoiik, Oct. r,.-. Tim Journal md Advertiser to-dtiy prints un Inter view with Henry George, In which h -ays: "I have been Informed Unit there Is n panic In Tnminany camp I'ho lenders tiro nlarmed ut the sud den uprising of men who are tired of the despotism of tho mttehlne. Ac cording to all reports thuro Is good cauho for fenr, but It Is not confined to tho managers of nnv omo nnrtv. Of course, I am not speaking of my own ( Knowledge. 1 only glvo what comei lo mo from trustworthy sources. Ac- ' cording to confidential Information re elved last evening, a 'hurry call' was j cut out today by Tatnmnuy man agr, summoning tho district lenders i (o Immediate council. A gient danger was said to bo imminent. It was re- , ported Hint offets of substantial aid , for our movement had been madu by responsible men. who nald thev stood ' ready to Help tho cause in all direc tion "i am willing to o.sprcss myself clearly on all tho questions at issue. My pi un of campaign Is to toll tho truth. 1 huvo nothing to conceal. I'ho fact that I am n candidate for mayor will not cnuso inu to change auy of my views. My opinions aro founded on principles that uro not to bo chnugod becauso of tho campaign. I am a frco trader. It may prevent soino persons from supporting me. If ko, 1 cannot help It; I am not adjust ing my vlow.s to tho exigencies of n political campaign. I am a free trader puro and simple. I rocognl.o no dif foretico between a national and mu nicipal campaign so far ns honest pol itics are concerned. In both cases wo want honest mon who believe in an honest administration of tho laws. This is why I say tho men were right when they went before tho grand jury asking for an indictment of tho tax commissioners, and if they keep on fighting thoy will surely win. Tho Central Labor union has as sumed on imprognablo position. It demands that tho laws shall be en forced without respect to the rich, And right here tho principles of single tax como Into play. Tho insurance cases uro particularly pertinent just now Tho Central Labor union claims. as 1 understand it, that tho Hqultnblo Llfo Insurance company valued its property nt Slt'.OUO.OOO in its returns made to tho statu insurance board at Albany, but when tho local New York assessor camo around It put in its valuablt property at S'.'.OOO.Ooo. With Ingle tax In foreo, these robberies and corruption of men In oHloo would b avoided, "In regard to the silver question, I havo nothing to conceal. I say now, what I said repeatedly during tho llryan campaign, that, wlulo I was supporting that gentleman and would vote his ticket, I was not u believer in the theory that silver was a remedy or tho evils that boot the eouutry. I shall discuss tho silver quostion ex actly us I dlscusod It during tho presidential campaign. Wo havo nothing to present but tho truth. Vfo have noscheme, no secret policies no political traps for our cuouues nothing but tho cold naked truth. On theso lines wo shall mako our fight. If our enemies can meet us on tho platform In public debate or wherever they euro to discuss the Issue before tho votors, thoy will at least show tkty aro sincere In what they call their conviction." A FIGHTING PREACHER. The Her. Mr. K.llncc Work. Ann oil Illi Far.onage n Ult.ol. St. Louis, Mo., Oot 5. Tho lie v. R. J. Kellogg, pastor of a little Congre gational ohurch In Denverstdom, not far from East St, Louis, want ed a parsonage, but the con gregation was too poor to build him ono. lie said he would build It him aalf with what help he could got from the, oongregatlon and others. Last Monday A. C. 1'almer, an olllcerof the Carpenter's union, declared that non union men should bo discharged and union men taken In their place. "I have no objection to employing union men," said Mr. Kollogg, "but I'll not Sliohorgo my neighbors to make placet for others." Friday night whllo at work alonoon tho parsonage Mr. Kellogg was as saulted by sovon men who compelled hlin to discontinue work for the time being, Ho secured a shot gun and hereafter he will take It to tho build ing and keep it handy for Instant use, should his enemies make another at tack on him. ereua Cll. on ttiu I'rt-sldent. Washington, Oct. 5, R. a Keren wo one of tho cullers at the "TV. to house this morning. Ho discussed tho Missouri patronage with tho Presi dent and laUr Introduced Mr. MoKiu ley to D. T. Ho.yssonu, A. It. Howard, O. S. Orlinth and U. P. Underwood of Greenfield, Mo. Mr. Floward Is a can didate for postmuster at Qrecullold, A li'miiui llojr llanjc. llliu.elf. I.X1ki'KNknok, Knu., Oct. S. Roy Illrsh, aged about 13, living In the notorious ltendur neighborhood north east of hero, disappeared from his homo Saturday evening, Yesterday bis body was found hanging from u rafter In tho barn. No reason can b amxlinud for his sulcldo. KadivllU Kxhlliltlou. Nashville, To nn,, Oot. 5. For the month of September tho attendance upon tho exposition amounted to .17.1, 734, and tho total attendance since the opening up to October 1 amounts to 1,1J,85. GOLD FROM SILVER. A flclentllt Noll. L'ncln Nxni Unlit Malt Ont of MrX.ian Dollar. WAsiiiNOioy, Oct. .'..Among tho callers nt the ofllco of tho director of tho mint to-day was Dr. Stephen H. Kmmetis of Now Itrlghtou, Mtntcn Island, N. Y. Tho doctor has discov ered a process by which he Is ublo lo extract gold from Mexican silver dol lars at a profit, and the object of his visit was simply to pay bin respects to Director I'reston, who Is ono of his best customers. I'ho doctor Is no eminent scientist, and when ho produced letters from such men in I'rofossorWIIIIam Crookcs, tho Inventor of Crookcs tubes, und Henri de Purvlllo of Paris, editor of Lu Nature, showing that thoy re garded him as a great discoverer In the domain of science, .Mr. Preston treated his visitor with the highest consideration. Dr. Ihumcns has a laboratory on Staten Island, where he converts Mex ican stiver dollars Into gold. Ho rails tho product argentaurum gold, wh!cl he sells to the United States assay otllce in New York city at 5I.T per ounce. He deposited the first ingot at thu assav olllce lust Anrll. which nn. sayed 81.1 to the ounce and for which ho received HXi.M Since that time he hns deposited thirteen Ingots of about tho samo lltioucss, for which hu has received sums of money ranging from 8180 to SIS.',. Ho called tho director's attention to tho dates of tho dlll'crcnt deposits, mid Mr. Preston was able to verify tho statements made by tho vis itor by referring to the records. After Dr. Kuimous had taken his do parturo Mr. Preston said: "I do not know what to think about Dr. Kmmotis or his process of convert ing silver Into gold. The returns from tho assay ofllco In Now York show that tho dojtor has been selling gold to tho government since last April. Ho has so.d altogether about SIl.OOO worth At llrst he deposited only two ingots, or about twenty ounces nor month. In August ho de posited four ingots having a total weight of seventy ounces. Ho depos ited three ingots in September weigh ing eighty ounces. Ho told mo that ho made this gold from Mexican silver dollars and that It was produced at u prollt of about '.'.I per cent." The doctor Is a crlpplu and for pur poses of locomotion ttbos an Invalid's roller chair. 'I do not claim Unit 1 produce gold from silver in the strict sense of thu oxpres-don," ho .said a little .sharply. "My process Is a sclentillo one and I am perfectly willing to answer nny inquiries concerning it that do not In volvo a revelation of the method of treating tho metal. I think there Is but ono mutter In tho universe nml the chemical elements are only modes of this universal siibstai.eo. There Is no such thing as tniusniutntiou in tho alchemical sense, but tlioro may bo a rearrangement of thu molecules. Thu only dilToiouce hot ween gold am sil ver Is a d life run co In specific gravity. I iiso Mexican dollars because I Hud that I get bettor results from them. Hrlolly described, my process of treat ment is as follows: "I take a Mexican dollar and dis pose of it in an apparatus which will prevent expansion or Hov It is then subjected to heavy, rapid and contin uous beating under conditions of cold such as to prevent even a temporary rlso of temperature, when tho blows aro struck. Tests made from hour to hour show that the material is grad ually being transformed Into gold." Director Preston is not disposed to regard Dr. Emmons as nn Imposter. The books show that tho doctor has been .selling gold to tho government and It Is fair to presume that ho is not doing so at n pccunlury loss to him self. Hut Mr. Preston believes that when the doctor begins to operuto on a largo scalo tho demand for silver will send tho prlco up to a point where there will bo uo profit in chaug iiur it to iold. DR. J. W. NORRIS DEAD. Th I'almxra t'hydclan, Shot bjran Angry Kntlior, Succumb, to HU Wound. Sr. Louis, Mo, Oct. C Dr. J. W. Norrls of Palmyra, Mo., who seven., months ago was shot by Daniel Hose, a respected citizen of that town, foi clandcstincely entering tho room ol the lattor's daughter, died hero to-day as tho result of his wound. Dacoiisod was shot In tho back tho bullet lodg Ing near the spinal cord. This pro duced a complete parnlyslb of the lower part of the body. Several days ago ho was brought huro to tho Hap tlst sanitarium and the X rny was used In tin attempt to find the bullet. In this tho doctors were unsuccessful and they performed nn operation from which Norrls did not recover. Daniel Hose was honorably acquit ted of the shooting hv a lurv. A Vonrral.lo lt-Naval Ottlcer Until. Sr. Louts, Mo., Oct. .'.. Captain Frederick Cliatard, an old resident of St. Louis, and tho oldest surviving of- llcor of the Confederate navy, U dead at tho MiiUunphy hospital Ho was born In Haltiinnre lu 1S07 and cntored tho United States navy In lg'.M on tho vessel Old North Carolina, He served continuously In the navy till the breaking out of thu war when he re signed his position and joined thv Confederate navv A Place (or Itnrnejr Kelly, LKAVK.Nwnmir, Kan, Oct, 6. Rumors are alloat of coming changes in tho officers of the Nildicrs homo The Hov. Hernard Kelly, preacher and politician, is said to bu slated for tho Protestant chaplaincy In succession to tho Hov Mr t.tllesple. Sever riclitlni at Cannao. London, Oct. 2. -Telegrams from Illienos Ayors report hevoral days ol ovoro fighting at Cattudos, between tho governmont troops and tho rebels. Hth sides lost heavily, nnd tho gov ornment troops failed to capturo the stronghold. LUETGERT EAGER TO SAY, Confident of I'rntlne; III. Imiot rnin-- I liu r.iprrt. Slllt at Work. CrticAno, Oct. . Adolph Luotgert, the sausage make accused of wifo murder, Is not likely to go upon th t wltttoss stand until next w.'ek, but Is itill Impatient to toll his story. "li three hours tlmo I could convince that jury of my Innocence," said he to-day. "I will glvo It to them straight and mako liars of many people when I get upon thu stand. Thoy can't He Luctgert to tho gallows. My story will make everything plain " The seventh week of tho trial opened tn-duy with un undiminished crush o( people at tho criminal court building. "Tho trial will ln-.t at least threij weeks longer," said State's Attorncvl Dcnceit. "When the defense is closed wo shall at least huvo a week of re buttal evidence. Thou the defencu will como along with another week of the samo kind of evidence. If un got through with the speeches in it week's time wo shall be dolnc welt." Prof. Plutnmer of the Northwestern Medical cr liege, after ti brief examin ation of tli 'J temporal bono Introduced by thu statu and positively Identified by Prof. Horsey of the Field Coliimliian tnii'ouni as tho right temporal of a wo man, declared th.it the bono was not the temporal of a human bolng. "It bears but a very supcrtlclnl resemblance to the hitman temporal," bald he. "Tho lino bore which lias been Iden tified as ti facial nerve is simply n trace which Indicates that two bones have beeti joined or glued together. 1 notice what tippeors to mu to bo vege table matter. It is of somewhat a greenish tint, peculiar to vegetable mutter, and to no other matter." Tho bone which lias been Identified by the experts of the prosecution as u human femur was handed to Dr. Pltiiu mcr u ml without hesitation he denied that it was a femur of tho human race. "It resembles in n slight decree a human femur," said tho witness, "but the bono is much smaller titan the ttvorage femur of a human. There aro other distinct characteristics o Hie human femur missing. IS IN FAVOR OF KANSAS JiiiIku ln.ti-r Itcclili'i the Slm'li ViinN ('nil' stall, liili'4 I'plirld. Torn, v, Kan., Oct. r. The state o! Kiius'is, through Attorney General Hoyle, won every Important point lu thu Kansas City stock yards ease, which was decided by Judge Foster at 10 o'clock tliis morning. The case was brought in such a shape as to make itovlo and not tho state defendant, though it was tin at tack on the statu law passed by the last legislature to regulatu and redtico charges on live stoclt nt the yards, and an application for an iujuiictii.it to re strain Hoyle as a state ollleer from en forcing the law. There were three points on which the stock yard owners rolled. Judge Poster said none of them could .stand. His decision boiled down to a few words is; Tne law iroverniug stock yards charges was regularly passed by thu Kansas legislature. The stock yards company is only un incident of commerce and in thu absence a! action by congress is subjict to tho state laws. Congress has not acted to tlx regulations governing It The charges fixed by tho legislature would (five u reasonable re" u on tho cap tal invested. Tito stock yards company at once gave notice of uu appeal from tho de cision and tho case will ultimately bo taken to tho United States siip'-ouio court. CHINA'SECLIP5E. Kuipnriir I'orhld. Alt Fr.tltltlt'H llriiumi of th Sun'. Coming i-viiltutlon. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. f.. According to mall ndvlcci from China the em peror has forbidden all sorts of ban quets uud festivities, becnu.so m eclipse will occur on Jnnuary 2'.', lS'.'fi. An eclipse of tho sun Is said by thu Chinese to be a proof of tho wrath of hoavon at tho tack of virtue In a ruler. Tho Chinese financial minister pro poses tho following increaso of taxa tion: That the land tax bo increased by 1 per cent; that the valuu of the land bo reassessed; that the sake tax be Increased, tho brewing of sake for household use bolng prohibited; that the tax on land for residential pur poses In the cities nnd towns bo In creased. A census shows there aro l'l.Sr.S for eign residents in tho treaty ports of China. There was also tin increase of sixtv-throo business houses. THREE WRECK VICTIMS. Two Drnd uml Another I.IUeljr In III,. llecnu.o of n Ilrokvn .loiuniil. Pukiii.o, Col., Oct. 5. At Cotopaxi, seventy-two miles west, enrly yester day morning, a journal broku uud several cur.s were wrecked. Mrs. F. H. Mclntyro of Sllvortou uml F. W. Soylor of Ciuelnnnttl, Ohio, lost their lives nnd Mrs. Hobltisou of Dolta was probably fntally Injured. Less seri ous hurts wore received by Mrs. Mary Johnson of Tellurldo, Frank lhultims of the same place, Miss Ada Cromptou of Dolta and Mrs. Saunders of Sullda. A. D. Howard of lloonvlllc, Mo., win slightly in lured Anolliur Kluiidlkn. RoswKi.r., N. M., Oct, 6. A syndl cato of capitalists headed by ox-Governor Harney GIbbs of Texas, hits hud an export for tho past week at Nognlei Investigating tho mines there vilth 1 vlow of Investing In thorn. Largi quantities of ore huvo boon found that runs in gold from 81,000 to SOU.OiH per ton Three Horned to Dimtn. SpniNonri.1), Mass., Out. 4. At F.ast Long Meadow yesterday morning, Mrs. Goorgo Hrownlco and her twe sons wore creumated In a fire which destroyed their home. LUETOEHT'S DEFENSE THE SAUSAGE MAKER NOT TESTIFY DID rrrmt thr Crop. I'.tntnhmtlon lln Would ho Ntihjf-rlril to Would Spoil III. ('mm -Mtuto to I'ut In rieht) Vltiii..e In lt Initial. Citicsno, Oct. 0. Tho defense In tho fatuous Lttetgert murder trial rested its case to-day ufter two witnesses had testified. Luftgert did not go on the witness stand In his own defense, hav ing yielded to the advice of his at torneys, though he was groatly disap pointed, he having declared for months that he would toll hlsstory to tho jury. Judge Vincent pointed out to him Unit William Charles, his business partner, had toid practically the story Luot gert would tell. "You cannot add to It anything that will benefit you," aid tho judge. "If you go upon tho witness stand you will be subjected to i cross-oxatulnation lnstlng days, and ovcrlng tho entire period o"f your life. You will get excited 11111!' you win say things which will Injure your onse. My advice to you Is to 'keep mum.'" Tito first witness called lo-dny was Henry J. Cov of the L'nited States weather bureau who came with charts and data to prove that the night of May 1, Is'..;, was cloudy in Chicago Attd vicinity. This evidence was (nought out by tho defense to coun teract tho testimony of witnesses who had sworn that thoy stood across the .tree t ut 11 o'clock the night of May 1 and saw Luetgortnnd his wifo walk lug toward tho sausngo factory. Mrs. Mary Charles, wife of William Charles, Luetgerfs business partner, sworo that upon several occasions Mrs. Luctgert had said to her: "I am tfoing nwny. My husband has failed In business and peoplo will now point their fingers at me uud say. 'Sho is tho wifo of tho sausttgemakor who failed. I cannot stand that," May 1 the witness saw Mrs. Luctgert for the last time. It was about 11 o'clock lu the morning. Mrs. Luotgert again itaul sho was going away and repeated that sho could not .stand thu disgrace the failure had brought upon hsr family. The unexpected cessation of the ovi deuce of the defence found the pros ecution unprepared to begin its re buttal, and court was adjourned until to-morrow morning. States Attorney Dcncen said he would put on eighty witnesses in rebuttal and that ten of them would be from Kenosha, Wis., where It was said by witnesses Mrs Luctgert was seen Muy 3, 4 and .1. LAST DURRANT MOVE. Mutton 111 Ho Mud 11 Next Month to Dli ml., tho 1'ln.tl Apiirul. Sa.v I'ltvxcisco, Sept. 0. Theodore Diirrttut, through his attorneys, hit-, been served with it motion by Hale, tho warden of San tjnciitln, to di-.ntss the appeal on the habeas corpus writ, which was denied by tho L'nited State circuit court, and to titllrm the order of the lower court. This motion will be presented to the 1'nlted States su preme court on tho first Monday lu November. Service of the brlrf as well as tho motion to bo plnced before thu su premo court was acknowledged by A. L. Hart, attorney for Durrtiut G. N. Fitzgerald, who represents the state, will endeavor to secure aspcedy decision, which ho anticipates will bo followed by the hanging of the prls onur. A BIG ADVANCE IN WHEAT. Itnvltn! ol I'nnrh flnjrlu; sturl the Starkrt Up. Ciiicaoo, Oct. 15. Wheat lu Chicago went up 2 cents to-day and closed at tho top December wheat sold be tween Mii$GlK cents and closed at OlVIOl.i cents. May advanced a little more than December. Tho ad- vanco was started by strong cables. Liverpool prices were up a penny. Paris ntiotutlons wero htcrhor. Private cables from Loudon said that thu Fronoh had bought five cargoes of wheat "off coast" and wero bidding for more. Exporters ut the seaboard enthused a good deal over tho revival of the French demand. That Is what gave tho market Its big advuneo two months ago and It Is what truders here havo been waiting for to scud prices flying again. A LrftU'a Blnrilerout novelists GiiKK.xviitLO, I ml., Oct. 0. Yester day afternoon Albert Scott, n boy of 14, murdered his brother, Heuton Scott, Thu latter was very quarrel some, and a few days ago whipped Albert unmercifully. Thu latter bworo lie would bo revenged uud seized the first opportunity. Ho struck Ills brother throe blows w'ith a pump handle. Thoy proved fatal. Al bert is in jail. Ileurl Itooehfort Slurried tho Third Tlmo- Pahis, Oct. 0. Victor Henri, Count do ltdchofort-Lucay, butter known as Henri Hochefort, the versatile French journalist, has, nt thu ago of un, mar ried for tho third time. The bride wus Mile. Marguerite Vornvoort, 11 slstor of Andre Veruwjort, tho editor of Lo Jour. Knglneer Hint Fireman Killed. South MoAi.KsrKu, Ind. Ter., Oct, 8. Lust night a cow lying on tho Choctaw railroad trade derailed an engine and twelve cars. The en gineer and fireman wero killed out right, and tho brukeman was badly hurt Ihuuianil. of llurro. for Aluliu. San Antonio, Texas, Oct a An Alaska transportation company ol Chicago will send 10,000 burros tc Alaska. Several carloads have ulrsudy beeu shipped to Chicago, from which place they will be forwardod tc AUks, iTO gate the cubans.chicagosuburbsinperil Tho Jfpn I.llurnl .MlnlMcr'A Poller t'ahl not Will ltn.hr. MAnnm, Oot. n. The ndvent of tli Liberal party to power has beeu re markably well received throughout tho whole peninsula, and It is popu. larly crodlted Hint u more salutary rogltue in Cuba will bo ut onco ini tiated with the recall of General Woy lor as the opening step. It is understood that his successor will bo General HI a 11 en, former governor general of the Phllllptne-t, consid ered tho softest hearted soldier in Spain. Ho Is 11 subtle nnd kindly pol itician, and will, as a warrior, always be prott" to employ pacific lit prefer ence to vlolett', measures. Ho will be fully nuthorl.ed to approach the rebels with it view to arriving nt n mutual agreement for tho ccsiiilnn of hostilities Should ho not go ti gen eral will lu uny case bo sent whoso inodt.s operandi will be mercy uml conciliation, not extermination uml deliberate Inhumanity. LKTTHH FHOM GdMHZ. Xkw Yoiik, Oct, '. Tlioinns Lsttada Paliua, chief of thu Cuban juntu, has received a letter from Genural Gome, commander-in-chief of the Cuban army, in which he said: "Woyler's successor in Cuba, in order to cope with tho rebulllon at its present standing, will be obliged to demand aou.OOO troop-., and SlOO 000,000. and even then he will fall ns Ignomhtously as Woylor 1ms failed. Our men wero never imbued with a more hopeful spirit titan they are at present. The campaign In Las Villas has been an utter failure. The Spanish soldiers avoided us at every opportunity. Tills served to encour age our muti, I am glad to say that we aro till confident of ultimate sue cess. If Woylor bo recalled his sue cessor hero, whoever ho may be, will be surprised to see the spirit of vic tory which iinlmutes tho bravo Cubur troop-,." NEW SPANISH MINISTRY Sni-n.tn Il:i Cnmiliitnd tin, 'In.k of OranlliitC 11 t'ahlnot. M witim, Oct. 0. Tho now ministry is constituted as follows: Senor Sagasta, president of the council of ministers. Senor Gitllou, minister for foreign a flairs. Senor Groianl, minister for justice General Corrc.i, minister oCwar. Admiral Hormejo.inlnistor of marine. Senor Pttlgcorver.tninistorof finance. Senor Capdcpou, minister of the In terior. Count Xiguena. minister of public works. Senor Moreta, minister for the col onics. The cabinet is rcgurded as fairly strong, although some disappointment Is felt thnt Senor Gamn.o, Senor Maura, Senor Arinltago and others who had been looked upon as proba ble members tire not Included. It is understood that Senor Maura, who wtr.i the author of tho llrst Cuban home rule bill, felt that he could not act satisfactorily with S-onor Moreta, while Senor Gtimao, who is a relative of Senor Macra, feared that his pres ence might Imply a leaning toward tho Maura scheme of re'orms. Conse quently Senor Sagasta was compelled to take less prominent men TO FIGHT MORMONS South Ctrolluit "W hlteoiin" laicouriigcd bjr Aciiulttnl The Sect'. Orowth. Wi.x.vsitotto, S. (.., Oct. 6. The ac quittal of the farmers Indicted for "whitccapplng'-' several Mormon eld ers in this and adjoining counties nnd charged with burning tholr churuh In the county, has already led to tho adoption of still harsher measures to rid the state of the missionaries. A secret society litis been formed tc mako an organized fight on the Mor mons. Tho growth of Mormonlsm in both North and South Carolina within the last year has lecu surprising. Shnrl-y uml (ioddurit to Meet. Han Fiiancisco, Oct. n Dan Lynch, manager for Tom Sharkey, the sailor pugilist, received a dispatch from Ted Alexander, manager for Joo Goddnrd, who Is now In Now York, accepting tho offer of tho Knickerbocker club of this city, for a match botween the two heavyweights for 70 per cent of the gross receipts. Tho fight will bo brought oft" next mouth. Ilel.t' Nnun.t Hcheme, Ciiicaoo. Oct, tl. Kailroad building has been selected by Rugono V. Debs ns tho first great Industrial project to be undertaken by tho Soclnl Democ racy of America. Ho hns sought for the prlvllego of constructing a rail road In Tennessee, and If his prelimi nary ptuns meet with favor tho work will ho launched next month. Kdtrnril I.nnctrjr Demented. London, Oct. 0. Kdwnrd Langtry, former husband of Lily Langtry, tho actress, who recently obtained a di vorce from him in California, and who Is said to have privately married Prince Paul F.storhazy, has been found wandering in a domontod con dition on tho railway lino near Ches ter, and been sent to n lunatic asylum Money Fooud In an Old Shoe. Hiawatha, Kan., Oct 0. In donn ing up tho Hoover house, an old sho was found containing 8150, undoubt edly the savings of Captain and Mrs. Hoover, who wlllod tholr property to the Hiawatha academy. Tho money wus handed to Principal Tuppor. Liquor Caul. Douhle Crime. St. Louis, Oct. 0. During a drunkea quarrel lata Inst night George P. Pfe liter, u stenographer, shot hit father-in-law, Robert Delansy, through the head and thon killed bin-self. -Ilnf Octohi-r t rather. CmrAoo, Oct. tl. Hxtiotnely hot weather for October Is now prevailing in tliis section. During thu past twenty-four hours the thermomotor in Gils city went up to 80 degrees, uml, according to the slgntit .service records tills Is the highest point that has boon registered in October lit twenty-seven years. Dense smoke aggravates thu condl tlons nnd many wrecks on tho luko aro exnecteil. tinvinmil,,,, ),li,r carried on only with extreme dltlleulty. Chicago's sotithorii wards uud su burbs are surrounded by prtilrlo fires. ""'"""s 01 acres nave been tiurnod over, nnd thous:im1 ,,f i,i..,.,nit,o n,i fencing iittvu been consumed. Fire. mon in tills division .if t... ..ii.f ,.-.. completely exhausted lighting prairie fires by day and night. Most of tho fires are started by sparks from loco motives, and not in frequently by mis chievous boys, who set the grass on uru ior excitement. A dispatch front Dromon, Intl., savs that hundreds of acre-, of land lu the northern portion of Manliall county, comprising wlmt is locally known as tho "Hig Mni-.li," Is one vast .smolder ing waste. Just wet of Wulkertou more titan 1,000 acres has been swept of every vestlgu of vegetation, many thousands of tons of hay a.l miles of fences having been consumed FEAR ASSASSINS. t'riiittnniic. In Southeattrru Kmi.n., lln u Itvlan of Trrror. PiTrsiuiitd, Kun , Oct tl. The rumor thnt there Is n r.ort of a Mafia, or u se cret guild of assassins, in Frontcnae, three miles north of thheity, becomes moro plausible every duy. Threo weeks ago Ed Fllnn, pit boss at So. t shaft, was shot and almost killed from the window of ills boarding house. A week ltiter Cal Dyer, 11 welghmaster, was shot at by some unknown person and as ho was returning from down town and entering his door. Last night someone shot at Charles riinn, 11 cousin of I'd Fllnn, who wus tho llrst victim selected by the as sassins. Tho shooting has always been done tit night and no clew to tho perpetrators can bo obtained. Several persons havo received mys terious warnings and Intimations that their departure from tho town would bo a healthy proceeding. HAD THREE WIVES. Sinter, Mo., Scmidallzod l.y a Stranger' Itecord n. 11 rolyguniLt. Si.ateii, Mo, Oct h. About a fort night ago a ltorso trainer who culled himself K. F Kiggs arrived horo. Last night J. Iv. Twymau, constable of Armstrong, canto after him, but Hlggs had just left town with a horso mid buggy. His real name Is said to bo Smith, and hu is believed to huve threo wives, and two chlldron by thu second, to whom ho was married In Leonard, Shelby county, and who 1 now with her parents In Armstrong. Tho first wifo camo from Illinois, and tho third was Miss Lola hruse of Armstrong. Tho third's murrlugo to Smith was her second, her first hav ing been nnnuleil becauso thu man to whom sho had been married, a com mercial traveler limned Greetto, had beeu a bigamist. FIRE FOLLOWS DROUGHT Unmet In tho Territory In l).ini;r of ll.'lnir. Con.iiiniid, Sii.oam Si'itisris, Ark., Oct. 0. A de structive prairie flro broko out at an early hour yesterday morning in the Indian Territory noar huro and has been raging all day. Tho tlatnos nro eating everything before them, and the loss nlready amounts to to many thousands of dollars. Tho excessive heat und dry weather of tho past tovr days, which has parched tho prairies and dried up tho grass, Is responsible for tho flro. It Is feared, howevor, that great loss of llfo lias already re Milted, as the Indians' homes are poorly protected nnd offer no resist ance to the Humes. THE SAME OLD SCANDAL. Territorial Ottlcer. Indeoentl Speculate, lu Warrant. GuiiiitiR, Oct. a. Speculation lu warrants by ofllcers of tho now terri torial administration is arousing tho samo criticism thnt caused such a tempest during the Ronfrow adminis tration. Tho warrants issued for tho enro of tho Insane ut Norman, amount ing to ubout SIO.Oul quarterly, aro most sought for, und at present out aido speculator! uro protesting, bo cuisu nn administration officer suc ceeded in getting tho warrants for tho ltwt quurtcr. F.nch quarter's warrnnU uro worth about 890J to tho speculator. An Kntlre Hoard Arretted Ciiicaoo, Oct d. Tho entire board of commissioners of Cook county was arrestod yesterday on wurrnnts takon out by the Christian Citizenship league of North Harvey, a small town adjoin ing Chicago. Tho ofTonso for which tho county commissioners wero nr rested was tho Issuance of a liquor license to linns Pcotz of tho town of Hretnon, whoso saloon lies within tho two mllo limit of tho villago of North Harvey indor.e nn Kdltor for Uovernor. Hutchinson, Kan,, Oot tj. Tho Ro publican editors of tho Seventh dis trict hold tholr iteml-nnniuil meeting here yesterday. Clark Conkllng, edit or of the Lyons Republican, was unani mously Indorsed as tho next Repub lican candidate for governor A airl Horned to D.ath at Leavenworth, LKAVnxwonTii, Kan., Oct 0 Miu l'lnnoho Ludolph, aged 1U, of Weir Ity, who wns hero visiting her uncle, Madison M. Lift, fell last night with a .imp, which exploded, set flro to htv dothes avd caused htr painful dstth. l'rulrlii Urcs Di.lni; (treat liutciu- 'V r s r pr& ' iflW3