The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 08, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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H .1
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H i V
Family Medicine
Severn Attnck of Dyspopsln Curod
by Hood's Sar3aparilln-A Skin
Disonso Frotti Childhood.
"Hlnte wo c.iim t North Dakota wo
have never hud ui-i.n in to call a physl
clan. Wo I like Hood' HnrAnparllla for nil
our ailments. About three ytnra o my
hunlmiul the tulrifort tifio lo strain hi
tfoniach hy heavy lifting. Thla brought
on (I.vvk'h!a ami ho suffered very tnuoh,
Mpeclally at night, and he could not
hep. He decided to take llood'a Saraa
jmrllla and after ualiig two bottles he was
completely cured. lie wan also gratified
totliidtlmt Hood'n Barsaparllltt relieved
li liit of a roughness of the skin with
which ho IihiI been troubled from child
fcostt." Hits, John AiitUMH,l'emblna,N.I).
N. 1). If you decldo to iikc Houd'aSar
laparllla do nut bo Induced to buy u nub-
Ktltuto. Insist upon
Tin: H.'it In fact the One True llliiod 1'iirlllcr.
KoM by nil ilruiwlsts. $l: six for y,
ii n art! tush-less, iNllibciiec".
nOOCl S I'lllS tlve. All ilruuKlsts. ae,
I'I'llt.lKIIKII 11V
w. l. McMillan.
iue year.
II m)
Snloretl at llio jiot olllrcat Hi'it Cloud, Noli.aa
iccnuil rlnsn mall niHttor
'1'liv llul Cloud, Xcli . CHIEF,
inrkly, in tnilital with Hit liiryinl
fiiTululiiin twurded to tiny iiju r in
,'(( Cloud or in IIWsu- county or
in (he Fifth t'oiiuri.isionnl Distritl
Wild r's Ink; July 'JS, ISIT.
State Ticket
Tor .IihIkv of Niiri'in;i I'liiiri.
Ai.i'iini) .m ror.
Of I'lnlti! Count
For Iti-KonMif Mule I ldorttj.
ril.Mtl.KS W. KAI.IiY.
of eluler County.
.ions n. ikmh:n.
or lliillnlii Ciiuiily.
County Ticket
r'ori'omil Treasurer,
or Pollution I'ici IiuI.
Kon'ount) Clt-ik
I II. I'ltAKY.
Of oul'lc Itork I'rci'liirl.
Kor fmiiilj Mit-tlll.
i:;iti:it. , ,
Of limviilc rreeliu t.
Kor Count) JiMki.
ls. IIBNMiTT. , , ,
Of Ki'ilL'loinK.'lt,
J'ori'ounlj Mipvrliiieiiileiit,
.Mil. KV.l.M'ASi:. , , ,
01 llc.l Cloud I'll).
Kor I'oiuitt runnier,
II. K.UIIK K, . . ,
or licit CluuiH'll.v.
FtirCiiiuily SiirvHtur,
or llHriuoii) Pit-clncl.
CominlHsioner Ticket.
Kor 'omiuttnloilri lt l)tl
Km roimiilndiiMtriM Dlst
Kor I'liiiimlw-ltniprS-i DM
FurCiiminlntliinur 111) Hint
Kori'omiulaslouerMli DIM
Members of tint diplomatic corps,
under special hi-Hi notions from their
governments, are keeping u closet
watch upon llio relations between tho
United Slates toid Spain concerning
Cllllit, tltlll Ollll Of tllClll COIIselltCll to ox
prims bis views, provided bin name
was not used, tin said: "I don't
think Hint citluir tbu Amorivuii people
or their prois, with nil tlitiir shrewd-tins-,
umlci'sttiiiil t hr moves tlcit me
being made in lhtOiibuii business The
Kcuerul iuipi tiri Is Unit tbN fount O
1- Will'kilie; to lillll about tile illllcpi'll
li'iici' o Tuba, with a ictr to il ulti
niiito Htiuexation. In no opinion, and
in the iipinion of main ol 1113 fellow
dlnlii nuts. Unit I- entitil.v wionn. Ii
have reason to believe thai the prnpo
ilion made hj the I'liiteil State, to
.Spain, which I believi to Iiut- tin
moral support, i( not the uintenal sup
port of (ileal llrltain, iloe- tint ' fur
titer than In itiinir peace to Cuba, in
order that the coiuitierce of this conn
try ami Kimlaud with Hie island 111:13
be restored to it fnnner ie. In
rdhur vvord.s, it is a ipicstion of ilollar.s
and cents and not of favoritism or sen
timent. I believe further, that the
new Spanish cabinet will be favorably
inclined to this proposition, but that
do jtt't mean tli tt it will be or can bo
curt ieil out. There arc two obstacles
hctloits ouc. First the Cuban? have
lost no opportunity of proclaiming to
the world that they will listen to no
otler that does not Rrntit them absolute.
Independence, and lastly, the strength
of public opiti'tott In this country in
favor of Independence for Cuba. If
Spain oil ers Cuba peace tail home rule
with u (rovvfuinen; tiOtnethliiK like Knjf
laud gives Us colonies, aud the Cubans
refuse it, what will this country do?
A majority of your people appear to be
with the Cubans, but I am satislied
that your government is not, and youi
government i right. Cuba could not
maintain its independence II it had it.
I consider it native population tin.
liltttd fo' --elf government, and eiputlly
untitled to iiccome n pari ol the I'nited
Stale- i vi f Void H ivi-ilieifiil vvisb
, ,1 1 !,mh s mi! hii! 1 ."i;
1.1 lit v. 1 ''. ,M"!"' I" "' ' '
View, it i .11. 1 ' " " " i,," " ''"' I
DeWltfs Little Early Risers,
The famoui little pill.
onfi ss that I ifco no olulion 111 .sight,"
The other .side of the Cuban iiiestlon
might have been heaid nt 11 public
meeting held in a Washington church,
Sunday afternoon, which was the llrst
of a .series to be held in Washington
and elsewhere during the fall and win
ler, under the management of the Vo
man's Niitiontil Cuban League. Among
the upeakcr.s weioa number of promi
nent men and women and several
'ii.hington preacher, and the te.xt
from which they nllspokonnd demand
eil action on the pail of this govern
ment wa. "I-ree Cuba."
The star among President McKlnley'.s
nuiiieioti.s political visitors isinee his
return to Washington was Senator
l'oraker, of Ohio. He vvn preceded
by the story that ho had left Ohio in a
liutr because of .some disagreement
with Senator Haunaand his lieutenant,
Col. Dick, over the management of the
campaign, and did not intend to ie
turn. This may or may not h.ive been
true, but after several conferences
with President MeKinley, Senator
I'oi aker left Washington today for Ohio
and said he would at once resume his
campaign work, which he had only left
temporal ily 011 account of pressing
pi i vale business. The politicians be
lieve there was foundation for the dis
agreeing stoiy, and that President Me
Kinley, who has a record as a peace
maker among Oliioicpiiblican factions,
in some way brought abou a truce ami
persuaded Senator Foraker to again en-
ter the campaign. Anyway he is going
into the campaign again tiiis week.
No czar or emperor is more autocra
tic than a political boss, and all parties
are alllicted with the boss. A story
bearing on this assertion is now noinc
the rounds of the friends of Represen
tative Amos Cuniiiiings of New York.
It shows why the. talk of nominating
Mr. Ctimmiiigs as the Tammany caudi
date for mayor of greater New York
was so .suddenly hushed, although it
was generally admitted that he would
have been many thousand votes
stronger than the man nominated, be
cause of his popularity with old mjI
diers, letter carriers, printers, and or
ganized labor generally. His nomina
tion was prevented by Mr. Utchatd
Crokor, whose nod Is as potent as it
ever was with Tammany, although he
claims to have given up the leadership,
on the ground that Ciimmings was too
independent, aud not to be
trusted to obey orders when they
clashed with his own opinion. The.
particular i-i-fusil to obey orders that
angeied Mr. Croker was when Cum-
tilings refused to vote for the Paeilic
railroad funding bill in the house at
the last session of congress. Aud tho
declaration of Mr. Ctiiumings that he
believed thu bill to be u job added to
Mr. Croker's enmity.
- .
Now Hear the Town Bull Bellow.
Last week we sent out 2,f00 papers
or ene lo nearly every voter in Wubstor
county, and among that whole list
there was one man in the county who
was too "ornary" to lako it out of the
po.stiillice. Nation.
We did not think thai the Natioti
would be so honest as to admit that
out of ',',500 papets sent out only ono
"ornary" cuss would take it out of tho
ollice. From the numbiir which were
thrown back in the oflice at this placo
it is evident Dial decent, people do not
care to read his crank vaporing
I thank you a
thousand t i in e s
foi your trouble.
I now feel nil
right, and, so far
am entirely well.
All who know me
are vv o 11 d e 1 ing
a h o 11 t me We
will not let IV 111
ua out of 0111
each I urn reudj
very Innu to re.
iiiuicud V'lii iiiidieine to all who ask
about it. Had mv brothel known
admit IV-iii-mi he would not be dead,
for be died with the same sicklies I
had I thank you a thoiisanc1 tune.,
am' inclose 1113 photograph. One phy
sician said that I had weak nerves aud
indigestion; another said my head and
stomach were atl'eeted; another said
my stomach and kidneys were all ecttd;
another said my liver did not work;
another said I had la grippe, and .still
another said I had Hright's disease.
He said I could be cured, but that it
would take a long time. Hut I con
tinned to get worse. I was not abio to
walk up the stotis; could not sleo , in
the morning when I got up 1 was
obliged to sit down for an hour before
I could do any work. I would often
remark to my husband that I wished
that I was dead, because then I would
have rest I had eold hands aud feet,
could not shep, had a sour .stomach,
and felt heaviness after eating. I
belched up and had ehill.saml fever,
and my was llabby, dry and eold.
torsyine at., Allegheny, Pa.
Send for fiee book on malaria. Ail
dress The I'eru-na Drug Manufaitur
inp '.o t )liiinbus, Ohio.
M W A Notice
I , i 'V ; ,
II .
i lie n 1 1 ,,
In 10 WiJ be ,pi. , l,ls,
of t ll t
, i.iib.
t. I
V. K. MoKmutv , V c
J". V.Tavi.ou, Clerk.
Commissioners Proceedings
M C. I'tilton appealed and repiesent
ed to the boat d that Walnut precinct
is in need of a new bridge across the
creek i.ear sect Ion Hi I',, and asks the
hoatil to build a steel bridge across
said creek and that if the county will
build a steel bridge acioss said eieek
the citizens of Walnut creek will agree
to take the old lumber 011 the old
bridge and repair the other bridges on
said cieek without any furthcrcxpeiisc
to the county. The matter was taken
under advisement.
Frank Sttoble appealed and asks
(he board what they intended to do le
gal ding thu road between sections !!"
2-11 ami section 'J-2-11 and tuprcsenK
to the board that he would take $75 for
the road as surveyed by W. K. Thorne,
the county surveyor, about August 1st,
IN!)?, and asks the county board to take
some action in the matter to he wishes
to fence his farm ami In order to fence
he would like the county to decide
whether they wanted the land or not
The matter ,va laid over forconsldera
tleu. lu the matter of erioneotts assess.
ment of lot ',".', block ill in Red Cloud,
Nebraska, assessed for the year lstiiiat
$G00 aud tax amounting to Slit !i,s, said
taxes having been paid under protest (
by W. N. Hoyuton and nk the boatd
to 1 (.'fund the amount of .f'.i as erroneous
tax on said lot. The county treasurer
was otdercd to return the sum of $! as
erroneously assessed.
K .1. Solomon was appointed road
overseer of roail district No 47 and hi
tllicial bond was approaved.
In the matter of the road petition of
K. Heitler aud others asking for a con
sent road commencing at the ninth
west corner of section lit and south
east civner section II, and northeast
corner. section 'S, ami northwest cor
ner section 'J I, town !S, range tl and
nun ing east between section lil ami 'M
and terminating at range line.
It appearing to the board that all
parties interested and on nil)'' laud
through which road 1 mis have waived
alt claims for damages for right of way
of said toad it vva
therefote ordered
that the load be opened and cstnblMi
ed fi tit'iv,l f,,r 'Hid f In, iditrl. Is lint... I
,-..,,. v . ., w..,,-
by ordered to iccord and pint the same
as a county road.
The report ol L. 11
Fort was pre-
scntcd and approved
The report of 1). M. Hun er was pre
sented and approved.
After allowing a list of claims and
selecting sixty names from which the
jury is to be drawn for the November
term the board adjourned to meet
Thursday afternoon ut 1 p.m.
e olTor One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any eaaj of catarrh that can
not be euieil by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last lfi years, and
believe him pet feetly honorable in all
business transactions aud financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their tiriu.
WeSl it Tril.'lT YVIllitukuli. Ilinn.rijlu
Toledo, (1,
Waldiug, Kitiuan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggist, Toledo, O.
nans uatairii Utile is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous .stirfiiee.s of tin. svjii.m
Testimonials sent Pee. Price 7'fic tier
bottle, buhl by till druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best
Capt. Jas. A. Duffey,
Tha Qreat Railway DeUctlva Tell What Or.
Mitat' Remedies Have Dona
For Hlmielfand Wife.
ETECTIVE work require! constant
vigilance, steady norves, a clear
head nnU actlvo braln."A vnar nvn."
wrlten Oapt. DulToy, of 6JI Orchard St.,Tole
do, Ohio, "I overworked myself, was In
such a condition sloop was Impossible I was
60 nervous I could not
lie In beds my arms
and limbs twitched
and my system loomed
completely exhausted.
I beitan using Dr.
Miles' Nervlno and the
fourth bottle- restored
mo to health. Mm.
Duffey bad suffered for eighteen years, with
heart dlsoase, had tried every remedy with
out avail until she took Dr. Miles' New
Heart Curo two years ago. For the past
year she has been free from tho trouble."
Ir. Miles' ltemedlos are sold by all drug
gists undor a oslttvo Kuaranteu, first bottto
benefit or money rofunded. Hook on Heart
mid Norves sunt freo to all applicants.
DP.. MILES MISOIOAb CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Price's Cream Unking I'owdci
World's Fair Highest Award
v-8f' kGy nH&i
vraay.-ssbi ft
Bo nun..
Heard in Nebraska.
It's only 'bout a yeai ago or so, il
seems to me, that we were till for silver
"unlimited and fiee." Old neighbor
Houchiu used to come and sit on that
thete fence, and say that dinned gold
standaid was abhoried by men of
sense. He Used to say the fanners
was all nibbed by Wall street bank,
and that yet those very robbers called
us western farmers er inks for cryin'
and protestin' gainst the woe of hon
est toll, when the vile gold .standard
cheapened all the pioiluets of our soil.
"So long as silver's robbed of all the
value it hail," says neighbor Houchiu,
"jiot so long will times be bad;" but I
notice I haven't seen a sight of his old
phiz, since silver's dropped most out
o' sight and wheat has ri.'
My jinks, the way he used to talk, my
blood would almost boil against the
gieedy capitalists who robbed the sons
of toil, He liggered it all plain and
clear, that they kep' silver down be
cause they held the mortgages on till
tie country 'rotin' "They buy their
wheal in IniLa with silver that is
cheap, and we men it an' stand such
things as meek as any sheep." He
shown 1 the crime of '7il, when congt es
was till bought to strike the sliver
standard down, before the people
thought. "Your wheat," he says,
jou'll have to burn, your stock ain't
worth its feed. Demonetized is silver
and you're stilleriii for that deed.
Your crops, you'll lind, will sell as
cheap a silver ever is." Hut now the
rule don't eem to work, since wheat
litis riz.
Now silver's down, the paper. say,
the lowest ever yet, but I don't lind
that wheat is down, or other crops, you
bet! Why, corn Is up, ami bailey's
up, and dollar wheat 's in sight, ami
steer tire c ling better, and my sheep
ain't cheap u mite. If I don't like the
price of corn 1 feed it to mv picw, for
bacon's up and pork is up to price
that look big. Yet while these prices
still go up, Just what I want to know
is how such tilings cat really be when
liver is so low" Now Neighbor
Houchiu might explain, or Bryan make
things clear how these things can be
reconciled with what thev said last
..w.. ., , ....J ... -.
year, but Neighbor Hottcliit; "s lost his
voice and Hryaii he's lost his, since
ilvcr'. dropped most out of iiht
wheat lias riz'
Well, Well! we all must make
takes to learn the truth nt last,
silver craze has had its day, now
The that
times have passed. We've found the
world i willing now to buy our crops
with gold, and we can get good prices
too, on everything that's .sold. We
needn't fret our souls about the crime
of '7il. The fact that we have dollar
wheat is good enough for me. A man
ain't got much gumption if lie calcu
lates to stop ami dig up ancient hist'ry
when it's time to sell a crop. No dem
ocrat or populist can now make me
believe, that with such crops and pros
pects that Ishud stand still aud grieve.
With Wall street and Lombard street
I've got no cittur'l; gee, whiz, they're
pay in oft" my mortgages now iliat
wheat has ri.'
A few week's ago the editor was
taken with a Hcvcro cold tha-. caused
him to bo in a miserable condition. It
was undoubtedly a bad case of la
grippe and recognizing it as dangerous
he took immediate steps to bring about,
a speedy cure From thu adveitio
meiit of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and the many good reeoininnnlations
included therein, we concluded to
make a first ti ial of the medicine. To
say that it was .satisfactory in its re
sults, is (Hitting it very mildly, indeed.
It acted like magie and the result vva
a speedy ami pcininncnt cure. Wo
have no hesitancy in recommending
this cM'llent Cough Remedy to anyone
alllietiil with a cough or cold in any
fo'iu -The Rainier of Libei ty, Liberty
ti.vvn, Mm land. The '.Ti anil .10 cent
sizes fni sale by II. E. (irice, Druggist.
Burlington Routo California Excur
sions. Cheap, (iiiiek, comfortable. Leave
Omaha i :. p.m., Lincoln li lb p m. and
Hastings S:.')0 p.m. every Thursday in
clian modern, uot crowded tourist
sleepers, No transfers; cars run right
through to San Francisco and Los
Angeles over tho scenic route through
Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have
spring seats and backs and are provid
ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soup
etc. Uniformed porters and e.xpeiiene
ed excursion conductors accompany
ench excursion, relieving passengers of
bother about baggage, pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other
ways helping to make the overland
trip a delightful experience Second
class tickets are honored. Herths $0,
For folder giving full information,
call at nearest Hurlington Routo thkot
oflice, or write to J. rranci, (J. P. A.
Omaha, Neb.
Notico to Toachors.
Notice is hereby given that I will ex
amine all persons who may desire to
oiler themselves as candidates for
teachers of ti e public schools of this
count, at Rid Cloud on the third Sat
urday of uuh month.
Ti.' '.i ' ii-.- d mi id t..i ,'d ami ild
(,1 an - ' : .11 1 ' 1 01 1 -I,,, gt.nlc
in !iv .0 I 1 1 i : !.;. Mi pi 1 c nt ;
forlli--' jii-id. . en iii-. tie no grade be
low 60 pei i-uiii., iiverurff Wl per cent in
all braiiohos ruouired bylaw.
I). M. HtiNTKit, County Supt.
Popular Prices
You may buy a pair of Dutchess Wool
Trousers at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50,
$4 or $5 and wear them two months.
For every suspender button that comes
off we will pay you ten cents. If they
rip at the waistband we will pay you
fifty cents. If they rip in the seat or
elsewhere we will pay you one dollar
or give you a new pair.V s v fc fc
Best in tb? World Try Pwr
!:or sale by
Galusha t Wescott.
A $3.50 Bronze Clock
Sunday School Convention
Webster County's lnlon Stimlav
School Association will hold their .semi-
annual convention utCovvles.NuhrnsKa,
Wednesday and Thursday, October lil,
and 1 1, IS!7 Commencing 10:310 a.m.
and closes Thursday in time for till to
get home for supper. We aim to make
this the best convention ever held hi
the county and there seems to be until
ing in tlie way. The program is good,
the weather promises to be pleasant
aud the place of holding it is central.
We are having good crops and good
prices and all Sunday school people
should he a thankful praising people.
So let us all bo at the semi-annunl con
volition uext Wednesday amlThursday
and make It a Harvest Home praising
meeting for a bountiful harvest. All
ministers aro duty bound to be present;
all Siindaj school otliccis and teachers
arc obligated to be there and all in
(crested will try to be present.
- v- .
Keep ll hi tho house, whenever you
got. "blue" or feel "shaky" or indis
posed, one small dose of "Kcoiiomy
Honeset Cordial" sets you right For
sale by 0. L. Coding.
Moments are useless if trilled away-,
and they aro dangerously wasted if
consumed by delay in eases where One
Minute Cough Cure would bring im
mediate relief C. L. Cottiiiir.
Those who believe chronic diarrhoea
to bo incurable should read what .Mr.
P. K. (irishman, of (iuar Mills, I(!l ,
ha to say 011 the subject, viz "I have
been a stillerer from chronic diarrhoea
ever since the war and have tried all
kinds of medicine for it At last I
found a remedy that elleeted a cure
and that was Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." This
medicine can always be depended upon
for colic, cholera 11101 litis, dysentery
and diarrhoea. It Is pleasant ',0 tako
and nover fails to eft'ect a cure. 23 and
50 cent sizes for sale by U.K. Orico,
Croup Quickly Curod.
Mountain (Jlkn, Ark. Our child
ron were suffering with croup when
wo received a bottle of Chamborlain's
Cough Remedy. It afforded almost in
stant relief. F. A. Thornton. This
celebrated remedy is for sale by H. E.
Grice, Druggist.
Tho "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a
familiar name for DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, always ready for emer
gencies. While a specitic for piles, it
also Instantly relieves and cures cuts,
bruises, salt rheum, eczema aud all af
fectlons of the skin. It never fails. C.
L. Coding.
850 Rownid.
The undersigned will pay a reward
of $50 foi the appi'elieiii"ii .mil eon-
let in 11 1 ( tin- p-il ' 1 1 1 11 ' tt In. set
In 1' 1 I - in w Miiidi 1 in i n-
il jl l t llu"l- ll Ii
L U 1 1 ( 11.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure flraee Cream of Tartrr Houder-
A Grand Opportunity.
There are today thousands of young
people on the farms and in the villages
who are tied down by lack of educa
tion to work they heartily dislike. Ato
you one of them, my friend? If so,
the (.rand Island Himhiess & Normal
College can put you on the road to
success if you are ambitious and will
ing to study. It makes 110 dill'ereneo
how backward you are if you ato
plucky anil mean business. We teach
everything necessary for a successful
start in life. If you aroshoitof money
we will accept a good uoto without
interest for tuition, or if necessary we
will furnish everything tuition, board
and books, and give you time to gradu
ate aud pay for same afterwards. Bus
iness, Normal and Shorthand courses,
Board $l.r0 per week. Kstablishert It
years. College Record sent, freo or
catalogue for Mix cent in .stamps.
This is your chance of a lifotitue. Will
you let it slip by? Address,
A. M. Hakois, President,
tiianil Island, Nebr.
There will be 11 meeting held in
Cowlesou Saturday, October llth, at
il o'clock p. 111., of the Stockholders Co
operative store. A general attendance
is requested, also of others who would
wish to subscribe for stock. The busi
ness will be thoroughly talked up.
Covvles, Nebr., September !iii, 1SH7.
(i A Hakim
Baby Mine!
Lvery mother
feels an inde
scribable dread
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
B e c 0 in i n p; a
mot her should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffer! nrr n n H
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de
spondent or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour arc
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. is n blessing to woman.
91.00 PKItDOTTLE atnll Dnur Storei.
or BBUt by exprp m on receipt of m-toe!
1 ' " 1 n! f
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Th nRtPFICM) i:w 1 1 iion C0..AtlmL.'..
One Alinute Cough Cure, cures.
That 15 what it wu made lor
wiOT.jjMMiiAaa.'iimiaikCvrwviaujjfrnTim arattMamaiinmMW """' "" "