The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 08, 1897, Image 1

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    V ' s
BgtwaiMnwiBnaawwiiti'::tujU3uarmiMi?rr ! ihimm muiji..u.
per paper,
per pool
Solid Shield
Safety Pins
any -i.e per do.
.vol tli .")( iinil sm?.
Pearl Buttons
, pel- tillI'll
worth 7c
Kid Covered
Hair Curlers
per do.en
worth Oe.
25 sheets
Letter Paper
pel- pair
worth 10c
pur pnlr
woiih tro.
Imitation Kelt
worth 20c.
American A Hags
Stai k's A Hags
Men's Fleet e
Lined Shirts
or Drawers
woi tli ."iOc
Men's Grey
Merino Shirts
and Drawers
win lh Wc
Dress Goods.
Our stock coiimMs of Ciiitoiiaml
Woolen Drcasd'ooiN, Htttiucls
lleniicttus and l)ic.. I'iiI tt-t n
in tlio latest novi'itii Out
p,t ti-i lis Jin? 110 1 wo alike anil
laiigi'iu prico fioin "die to il
yer yanl.
We will place on our coiintcn all
our remnant- in I)i . floods cotiiist-
lug of cottons, woiMeds and all wool
tltcs-, goods at exactly halt price
Kvorythiug marked in plain liguie.
Dress Findings.
Cauibiic, per yanl .... lc
Silesia, per yaul . . To
Silesia, per yanl I.rc
Fiotich buck, per yanl ISc
Duck Canvas, pui yard 7c
Taffeta Skin Lining, per yanl 7c
Velveteen Hinding, per yanl :1c
Silk Hi aid -ic
Head Trimmings, 10c. to 2.V:
Skirt Cnil, per v at il :c
Bed Spreads.
White Keel Spreads, worth 00c. . 47c
" " " fringed,
worth 7.1c .170
Pi Ice-, ranging to :i 00
Lace Curtains.
White lace curtains worth 5Uc
per pair :t!jo
White lace cm tains, worth 00c,
per pair :Wn
White lau.i curtains woith "ftc,
per pair lllh:
White lace cm tains ranging lo..9i 2o
r8-iueh lileaeheil Taltle
win th :0c per yard 21c
Hcttet ones at :10c, -loc, .10c, 7V,
ltOc anil $1 25
o4-iueh Colored Talile Damask,
good value I'JJo
Cheek Napkins, per do.en.. . . 7,c
22-inch Hleacheil Napkins tide
27-iueh Itlencheil Napkin-, per
do.en I'm anil 1(H)
27 inch hleacheil napkins, perdu.
lauging to $:t (Ml
I'ltish cape, lieadml triiniiiius, cluing
alilosilk l,lninK,thllilieldr7 KA
li'ur, woithll. sale pi-eeP ' -V-' Cloth .Jacket, Na litiie
M.iHuii, win III .T, CA rn
hale 1'. ice, iJVl.UU
Ladies' Jacket, fancj uiii.l t loth,
Ki'ccu ami black ciltfcil with
hlaek coney, woith l ''Cll1 OO
h.ilcptice, P"xvV
Lathes' Jacket, lilack oe iei 2J inch
a line one, woith .", J4- OO
Sale price, JJT:.VyVy
l.iilies cape, 120 inch sweep, hlaek
cheviot, U iiuiucil in liraitl(l'1 tZf
win lh W, sale pi Ice
Outs lot of capes, inatle in hlaek heaver,
triuiineil with hraitl ami fur,
lull Nweiip, vorth t2.W, tp CC
Sale pric", pvv
Same as above, a heller one,
in black, woith i?:i.00, (jQ CQ
Sale pi ice, $rtJJ
A hi'lter one -WnilhW.V),
Sale pi Ice . .
Double capo of hlaek uhevlol, upper
cape anil collar triinnietl with ihuc
tows of half inch biaitl,
full sweep, woi Hi 1.7."i, & CC
Sale pi ice 4',-',-'
Oltl Dover TiekiiiK, per janl 10c
ACA Ticking, icK"lar price, 1.1c,
s:ili price 1-4
LL Muslin, per 3 anl !
Hleacheil Muslin, peryunl Tmi
Cottnnniles, jrootl values, l."e, 20c,
2fieantl 'Wa
Jeans, a line one, per i aril 17c
Cotton Flannels, per vanl fo( 7c, He,
I2jeanil 1
HiiskiiiK Mitt Cotton Flannel, per
jani ISe
Hesl. AinosketiK Doinins, pur yanf . . I7e
Alwnjsa fiesh Mipply on liatiil.
10 bars eooil lauiiilry Miiip .. . ...2Du
One pouiiil, full weight, (ilossSlareh He
Champion HH pei ut pine lye, per
can m:
J 1. Surge smoking tobaeco, with
package or cigaietle papcis 4c
Sanlines in Oil oe
llotllij of Fiench Miistanl 8i:
(celery .sail, per bottle 10c
Too .h picks, 2 boxes for fie.
Ki-oicau of Unking 1'owtler 7c
Also many other choice bargains too
iiiiineioiis to mention.
We invite inspection of our
hu-KCi line of SHAWLS.
Wo have
just (
leeclvetl a
now invoice
of Prints.
4 ct.s
per yanl
(ireyrt ami
per yanl.
per yard.
A most exceptional bargain for one week only
Apron Check Ginghams, worth 5c per yard, 4c.
Ladies Underwear from Tie up to $1 00.
Children's Umleiwear at all prices.
Men's OvcrshirlH at :fc worth r0.
Men's eolto'i hose.4e to 1.1c per pair.
10 I Douhle'Hlnukets woi lh ."inc. :i7n
10 4 " ' " 7."ic fi5u
11-1 " " . . 1 00
11 4 " " .1 45
All wool Hlaiikcls '4Ki, .'..()0, 1.0(1,
W.00, W.00, H7.00
Men's Duck Coats.
Men's HlaukeL Lined Duck
coals, special value, S7u.
Our lino of goodN com
plete, prices lunging up to 82.
Cotton Batts.
A good, one al Tie
Millinery Dept.
Clearing Hale in Walk lug Ifuts ami
Our regular II. 2. sailor, In green, blue,
black, brown ami red, only 98c.
Walking Hats, legular pi iee ll.fiO, sale
price, 98c.
I'ATTKRN HATS, satin lluish felt,
trimmed in two shades velvet, (he
latest novelty in striped taltda Mil
lion, fancy feathers ami ornaments,
win tli 90, sale pi iee $4,
liehly tiimmeil, nine ostiich tips,
velvet roses, all silk novelty ribbon,
woi lh 90 ami K, s tie pi ice $4 and $6.
We have many pattern hut ami hats
of our own design. The laigtvst. line
in the city, prices always the lowest
ami in leach of all.
The Best Sewing Machine,
Five Years Guarantee, $20.
Outing Flannels.
5e to l2Jc per yard.
per papei :
Patent I looks
and Iyes
per card
woith 5c.
Brass l'ins,
per paper
woi th fie.
Dress Stays
per set
Dres Slavs
Per s,M
woith 10c
The best
Dress Stay
un the market
per set
Woven Coveied
per pair
woith Tie.
per pair
vMirlh 12 jc.
Men's Lined
C 1 loves
per pair
Men's Work
ing Gloves,
per pair
VK LliAD, OTIIKRS FOLLOW. Where the merchant buys and sells for cash the customer gets the benefit. By trading with us you get the benefit. Wc purchased
for spot cash the largest stock in the city. I'RICKSTIIE LOWEEST. STOCK THE BICST. Weinvitea careful comparison of prices. It will be to your
advantage. To every person redeeming at one time $5.00 of our prize coupons we will give free one chance on an elegant corduroy covered sofa. SOFA TO BE
J BY "NKMO." 1
t tCopjwrlKblcdbjrDftweATabor.)
Mork Ustkioii TuouonTS: The long
legged friend of needy milliners, with
his downy thighs and tufted tall, is
ealled in again to point n moral by
moans of that silly head which ho bobs
into the sand to shut out all sight of
the world. Unliko him, his human
counterpart ranges through every
climate, unfeathered and unhouoied
Some oven are in your community.
LoJ us at them and bo done with our
bird pointer for a while.
Thou monoy-lover, with uot only
head but heart bent down behind a few
ringing coins; through a world whose
beauties and noblest joys ate to theo
invisible, the avenger is stealthily ap
proaching. A little twinge of pain
somowho;o. a little munbness in your
brain,' a. greut deal of turning hither
and tbltuor to famed physicians what
arotheso but warniucrs of your fate?
Your tiny heap seems so impoitautto
you that you thrust away the very
thought of death and feverishly desire
to feel forever tho magic thrill of
wealth within your grasp. You long
to get more; you build it up around
you like a wall. Foolt Helped by
wenltb jou may Hy on tho wings of the
moroisg to the uttermost parts of the
earth, but jwlfter than the shadow of
an eclipse the arrow of death will
teach yuuitnd then what have youv
Tho heap that you trusted in, as n for
tress with trouble-fJi oof basllonn, will
not save you from the glu.iug cj e ami
tho rattling throat, the clammy sweat
and the vague picking at the bed
clothes. These are yours by a common
humanity and when they come to you,
nothiug material can be taken away
into tho darkness. Something cannot bo
taken away from nothing; your life is
nothiug as you have lived it You will
close your eyes and Ho lifeless besldo
the boloved wealth that has already
closed your eyes to the needs of tho
palpitating woi Id of misery.
Hut do I intimate that only onlinary
death experiences will come to youV
Niii, if I do, I lie; for there will be an
outstretching of other eager hands
toward your golden heap they ate
even now waiting for jour death in or
der to scramble for your possessions,
and, as likely as uot, behind fragments
of your .'oul's-all will crouch another
generation of fools. Is that alii No;
for If you love wealth more than kind
ness; if you gather fiom oppressions;
if you wiong and eheatin older to rake
more and more niouutl you, your
memory will he crusted over with
gangrenous hatreds, Pleasant and
wonderfully useful though money may
he, have you indeed chosen the belter
puitof it in contenting yourself with
acquisition r Under tho ell'ort your
head with its noble powers, is bowed
lower even Mull the animals' who by
getting give ami, having done all, stand
to serve humanity Hut you get hikI
give not, and thesetvice of humanity
in any foun i out of your range of
vision; your bend is too low.
Thou fashionable woman, hiding thy
nakedness behiud frumperies that
change with the changing daj ; con
tenting thyself with a world limited by
patterns and lounded out by tlounccs;
thou art also among the ostriches.
Prinking ami pruning ami phllandoi-
ing, covered with the products of
creatures more gentle, and with
(lowers more fair than youtself, you go
youi way as though tho body were
more important than the mind, neglect
ful of the fact that the mind adorned
ami the spirit sweetly ami gently eulti
vated will last long after the skin has
wiinkled ami tho eyes have lost their
sparkle. Compaied with the fabric of
your mind, jour body is but a basting
thread. Yet behind a contemptible
hillock of clothes you bow your beauti
ful h ail until you no more see the
wid j woi Id of noble wo wan hood to
which you 111 e surely called. How sel
fish you are! Your father needs must
deck you though his uged head calls
for rest; you cry, "(Jive, give;" to both
father and husband not that you may
make any return either to them or to
the woi II. You circle around
yourself, you admire yourself, you
gel pleasure in humbling those
less gorgeous. Do you rail that living?
Can you by any .stietch of your per
v ci ted mind, satisfy yourself that your
powers were given you just to fiillill
the function of a ill ess form. If that
wen all, bent wiies with ellicla cover
ing could (ill your place in the world.
Silly ostrich, when the avenger reaches
for you, and your place knows you no
mote forever, what will you leave?
Clothes! whereat oven the servant will
tlout in a little while. Upon my soul,
life is not worth the effort of living, if
that is all it can be made to bring
Live largely! I.clllfc' current Mow
I.Ike xen'roui Mood from winter miow
Full, nwlfl, anil klrting, nor llnhlly licnt
lly an; mull luiiitiliinent.
The narrow uiliul U like tlie htreton,
Tlial uparklCH bright III emnmer'H kIchiii:
Hut liny rock nr fallen tree
Will check UK Journey lowurcU thu kch.
Wherefore look wine, timl learn to live
On I.cIkIU'b which true ronrccllve kIvc,
o nolhlUK trivial iihall hide
Tho clear horlron MrutchlriR wide.
Lift up your head, O ye ostiiches!
Peep out with blinking eyes fi 0111 he
hind your fads and your foibles. liaise
your heads on high where they belong
and then look at Ufa as u whole, with a
due sense of proportion, impossible be
foie when you were so near the ground.
What do you learn? That no one
cares for you, so long as you care only
for yourself; that tho love of your fel
lows is bought with a price, a gieat
price whoso chief pearl Is your own
self-forgetfulness; tbat tho soul self
centered has no part In acivili.atfon
that is only .natleof things gained by
In niii and brawn ami then tin own into
the common fund of humanity,
"lor live weeks I lived on cold water
so to speak," writes a man who suffer
ed terribly from indigestion. 4
lie could hardly keep auylhiug on
his stomach. What stayed, wasn't
properly digested and gave him terri
ble pangs.
This is not an uncommon case. Dys
peptics don't get enough nourishment.
They are generally thin and weak.
They may cat enough, but they dou't
digest enough. Much of what they eat
turns into poison. If this keeps on
theie's no telling what disease they
may get next.
That's why it is best to tako Shaker
Digestive Cordial, as soon as symptoms
of indigestion appear.
It cuies all the evils of indlgcMiHU,
and prevents the evils which indiges
tion causes.
Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to
tl.00 per bottle.
Words of Warning.
Hepubltcans should be careful in
making public speeches for. fear tbat
the speech of today will not hannonke
with the one made a few years ago,
Populists should b careful in mak
ing public speeches for fear that the
speech of today will not harmonize
with thu oue mide a few short months
We wish to extend thanks to those
who lent a helping band during Uie
illness of our fister, Mrs. Klttie Agnes
Skaggs, who died at the home of her
parents on September 31st, 1897, agnl
21 years, 7 months, and 4 d vs.
We are tad ami lonely now,
Since Sitter Ague puto! anaj.
She lefltbl vale of tearti anr woo,
Long before (be break of day.
In berlcneH what ho nifTtrtd ,
Tbere'a no human thine can tell,
Uuill death at ln releated bcr,
And look her from thotcuhelovtd ko welt.
Froui our home now we will ioUh bcr,
And her watchful tender care.
Wo can lie? er more larexa ber,
Nor (111 her vat-ant chair.
I t-oand pray that up In heaven.
Dwelling with Ihu God of I.ove,
That we may Join our Hitter Acnes,
In ber aceful homo above.
Practice Economy in buying medi
cines ns in other matters. It is
economy to get Hood's Sarsapaiillu be
cause itcontuius more medicinal value
than any other 100 doses one dollar.
Hood's Pills aie the only pills to tako
with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all
liver ills,
To lieal the broken and discabed
tissues, to soothe the initated sur
faces, to instantly relieve and to per
manently cure is bo mission of De
Wit i's Witch Ha.el Salye. C. h. Cot-tlg.
; 11
I Hi