8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, OCT. 1, 1807. Lift Vrj K 4 li 'fit! & -Afl ft SCHOOL NOTKS Till' (u'jiiKi US Itjojnl i . Bliort t. i xinuna ion WV'IniMtlHj Mies NeliieC'i-uk of McCook ami Nellie .Sherman vNlteil in the 7th mom Wednesday. Tlio Cicero class eonipleted in Ciiti litinm Orutio (jimrtn Tuesday. They will rend Cicero's defense, of Archius the poet. Mr. Winters ami Mr. Albright visit ed tlio lilili room Tuesday morning. Mr. Albright assisted the school with the singing. The frcshics have organized and been initiated Into the art of having a good time. They went on their llrst uxpeditjon last Friday night out to the homo of (Jeorgo Hollel bower to cat watermelons. The Hotany clasp nro at that point where leaves and branches of every Hhapc, size and description are brought for study. Wo hopu they will continue to avoid a litter ns well as they have thus far. Tuesday afternoon was what might bo termed "general book inspection day." Tlio schools in both wards were dismissed at recess in tho afternoon, tho teachers looking after tho con dition of the books. These inspections will occur from time to time. The juniors are taking advantage of tho early part of tho year when tho work is not very heavy by Indulging In lots of rollicking good tunes. Last Friday night they all went to the home of (icrtio Coon, who lives just a mile distant in tho country, for a good ride, and spent the evening. From reports they hid a good lime. Wai'nkta. No man or woman can enjoy life or accomplish much in this world while Btitferlng from a torpid liver. De Witt's Little Karly Kisors, tho pills that cleanse that organ, quickly. C. L. Cotting. BUFFALO CREEK. Mollic Reese is visiting in Kansas. Mr. Dorin lost a good young cow last week. Mrs, Klolirs and brother and family are visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Hcr.sh are visiting friend" in Hebron. Tho social at district No. 70 was a success financially. Mrs. Ceorgo Heaton has buuii tjtiito sick but is improving. Mr. Guthrie was visiting his mother at Ucllaire, Kansas, last week. t nir. aim mrn. r.uginnti are visiting his brother neat- ardrand Island. Most of the HttfTalo Creek folks at tended tho rnlly at Pleasant Dale. Mr. (Juss Mitcholl got one of his horses badly cut in tho corn cutter. Mr. (iiithrio wishes to thank his kind friend and neighbors who asiistcd him in putting up his hay. Kkadkic. To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to soothe ho irritated sur face, to instantly relieve and to per manently cure Is the mission of De Witt's Witch Hazol Salve. C. L. Cot ting. BLADEN. Thou. Sawyer was at lllue Hill on Monday. O. Wheelau now occupies the build ing vacated by It. S. TibbetU. Mrs. CaiilTmau and daughter Minnie spent Tuesday with Mrs. Hicks. It. S. Tibbotts moved his place of business over to tho lumber yard. Mr. Clothier of Chase county, is vis ' Iting his sister, Mrs. S. J. Wheeler. J. C. Hatlman and S. Styrn drove over to Hlno Hill early Monday morn ing. C. K. Hicks, S. J. Wheeler and Mr. Clothier drove over to Mine Hill Thursday. .J.Schuuk and H. M. MeClure, run. resentatlvu business men of ltlun Hill, were in this city Monday. Mr. Hilton, who realties in Kansas near the statu lino, is spending a few days with his brother, Millie. O.it Wheelan thought he would save the price of a shave and singe the hair off, but he says he will never try it again. More prosperity. Our barber, L. K. Spenee tinds it necessary to put in an extra chair to keep up with tho in crease in his business. Keep it in the house, whenever vou get "blue" or feel "shaky" or indis. posed, one small do of "Keonom Boneset Cordial" setsjyou right. Kor J V-" '" V.IIIIIHH. a I . Moments aio useless if trilled awaj ; and they aie dangeioiisly wasted if consumed by dolaj (,, las,.s wheie Oiui Minute Cough Cure would bring Im mediate relief. (1. Coitine. To RniBorH of Swnio. 1 have dieoveied a ieim-d wlueh I claim will euro the disias now puru lent among hogs. I hae had two years experience doelotiug eholeia liogs, but this disease is not ehnloru. I have a preventive and euro whu-h it taken in time will wuul oil thedie.isf. I will sell enough for onudollnr to i me tun hogs I sun ieady at any tune to go anil doctor hogs. I have shown what, my doctoring will do in my own town where they have failed with all other remedies, (jail at Cook's drug More for Carpenter's hog medicine. A. H. Caiu'K.ntku, Ked Cloud, Nebraska. Notice- to Toachors. Notico is hereby given that I will ex. amino all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the public schools i,f this county, nt Ited Cloud on the third Sat urday of each month, Tho Mantling desired for 'il and :)il grade nertlticato is the same no grade below 70 per cont., average SO per cent; for first grade eertillcate no grade be low 80 per cent., average III) per cent in nil branches required by law. D M. JlUNTi'.it, County Supt. Hood's Slinulil tic In iutj family apa medicine chest mwl very EJ 1 1 g trtnHUr'i irrl. 'Hi') nro W I I lg lutalimlilrulidi the Minimi li I Mit n( irilirs cure IiimiI.icIii', iilllniittKM. anil all llr trouble. Mild and (Dlrlcnt, V, teiiti. ECKLEY. The fanners are busy so vlng fall wheat. Anna Orr spent Saturday and Sun day at home. I. H. Colvln of (Juldo Hock was in tills locality Monday. Thomas KitiLcy and wife started for Missouri last Monday. Miss Knilly Ogllvie is getting along nicely with her school. A. L. Isom was a caller at Mrs. Hob Inson's one day this week. Win. Isom Sr., had the misfortune to lose a horse on last Thursday. Will Cro.ler had two cows badly in jured by a shed falling on them. Mrs. ltoblnson and children start for Platto county Wednesday on a visit. Some of our young men are highly elated over their nomination for town ship offices. Will Isom returned from Superior Friday ovening having been on the sick list there for some time. Some people imagine they hear wed ding bells but we think it is only the grating sound of the wheels in their heads. The matting for tlio aisles of the church were put down Inst week. It has improved tho looks of tho church very much. Last Sunday morning tho class meet ing at Kckley was conducted by Cha. Ilritton of Iowa. Ho is the son of Itev. Hritton of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Otoe county took supper at Mr. Orr's last Wednes day evening. They were on their way to visit tlioir two ons near iiiihic Hock. BATIN. Mr. Alexander has gone back to his homo in Mo. Will Crabill sold a ear load of fat hogs last week. S. Llmlsey and family have moved back on his farm. Tho farmers are all busv thrcshim? or sowing small grain. Mrs. (ieortre Matkin is aL lleatrieo taking medical treatment. .loo Pnvaleck is Imvinir about '2.000 bushels of corn slirlfotl this week. C. H. Wilson and wife spent Sunday at Upland visiting among relatives. Oeo. Newhouso of ited Cloud passed through this locality Saturday headed for Campbell. Tho familiar face of Win. Andrews of Highland, was seen In this locality among old friends Sunday. A man from Nuckolls county was in this locality looking for a farm with tho intention of moving here. Mrs. J. C. Wilson and Mrs. Duvnl from near Otto were pleasant guests of Mrs. Uean one dny last week. Orrin and Win. Tabor from Cass county, this state, are hero visiting a couple of sisters and other relatives. Wm. Hretthauer will soon start to keeping store at Otto. Vnything in tho grocery lino will be found with Wm. one door south of the postoillce on main street. Success to you Win. Ki.oniukk. A pain in tho chest is nature's warn iug that pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a pleco of llanuel with Cham. berlain's Pain Halm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on tho back between the shoulders, and prompt re lief will follow. Sold by 11. K. (irice, Druggist. LINE. No change in tho weather. A.McCall is feeding Slhead of steers. Charley Isom is on the sick list this week. Mrs. A. McCall is ick with typhoid fever. Some of tlio farmers of Line nro sow ing wheat this fall. Clark Stephens was in Ited Cloud last Monday with a load of peaches. Will Aubushoii purchased one of Peterson's buggies olio day this week. ituv. Campbell of Highland will wrench at Pleasant Dale. Snmlnv i . !Id, at tl a m. ' ' ltev. lHackwell preached his hist sermon hole this conference yuai at the McCall school houso hist Siinda). The Pleasant Dale Sunday school was leorgauized last Sunday by ulect '.B i. andyke, superintendent, K . Anderson, vice-president. May ltosenciaiis, sfcretny and treauivi, .Miss Haskins, organist. 1 roteet your.self against sieknt ., and -suffering by keeping your blood rich and pure with Hood's Sar.aparllla NcaK, thin, impure blood is sine to n. suit in disease. Hood's I'ilN are easy to lake, ea to operate Cure indigestion, biliousness Iteie's to your good health Uts "F.eonomy Houeset Cordial." (J Cotting. HostolTice Regulations MxlU.srB2-l'iu rate.-, ehaigeil for mw is always lixeil hy i ho depart, muni. N11 box shall he assigned to tho use nf any person until tlio re it then of shall ho paid one quartor in advance. Any poison renting H )0X s entitled tii have only tho mail for his iy pm into it. Kauh hox must lie restricted totl.HUM. of one family, li,,,,, ,.,.,.. poration. In every ca0 Mm post, master shall give a reeoipt for nione leeeived for box rent. CIIUTtCH NOTKS. &( ji N fui -lillons n-C ' inn C'n mil il u 'ig thi' it i i g. rrhl.iy, 1st- 'Hefugi ' Saturday, 'Jd."Purgu;'i ' Sunday, -Id, .t.ni ' Hope.' Sunday, 3d, p.m. 'The Church of the New Testa i ent." Chart Serin m. Monday, lth."What Must I do 'o be Saved " With Diairrani. Tuesdny, th "The Second Coming fo Christ." Wednesday, Cth "Tho Transfigura tion." Thursday, 7th "The Two Cove nants." The meetings are deeply impi' slv with scriptural truth. Come an 1 help us do good. L.A. Hi-ssosu. MKTHOW1ST Preaching at 10 !)0 a.m , and at S p.m. by the p.tsor, Sunday school at 11 30 Junior League at -I p in. Senior League at T'l.l p.m. Chapel Sunday school at ') p.m. 'reaching at Amboy at !). Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing. Ladles Aid Society Friday afternoon. You nro earnestly invited to make your church home with us. Rkv J. M. Daiuiv, Pastor COXOIIKMATIO.VAL. Sunday School nt 11.45. Junior Society at -J p. in. Y. P. S. C.K.atTp. m. If you have ever seen a little child in a paroxy.sm of whooping cough, r if you have been annoyed by a constant tickling in tho throat, you can appre ciate thu value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief (' L. Cotting. There is a Class of People Who nro Injiiri'il t- tin- tie of collce. Ilcccntly llioru tins been plnccil In nil tlio tsrot vry Murea n new prcennulcm eallcil (ill.MN u. mnileuf puns Kriilns.ltliRt tnkcn tliu plucu (if colVce. The most ilellrale slomnoli tccclvi's It wlllioul iIin Iress, Htiil but feu can lell II from colTee. It ilocs not cot omt one fourth ns much. Clill druii mn ilrlnk It with Krcnt bcnulH. I.V' unit i'.e per pnekime. Try II. Ask forUIIAIN O What Do the Children Drink. Don't rIti- them ton oreollee. lime )ou Irlvil the now food ilrlnk culled (II1AIN O. innik of pure Rralns llmt takes (ho place of coffee The rnoro iiialu () ou who uiir chllilreu the more lienltliuiii ilitrltnitc throiiKh their sjstcms drain O l nindc nf pure craln, and uheti properly prepared laMe like the clmltp crailc of tolfee liii cots about one fourth a- much All urocers cll It. 15e ami iiie. Rheumatism, Oh the Pain! The aches and pains of Rheumatism become a constant companion to all who are victims of this disabling disease. Much suffering could be avoided if the first warning pains of Rheumatism were heeded and the proper treatment at once taken. But the people generally are not acquainted with the cause of the disease, though thousands know its tor tures. Those who use liniments and ointments cannot understand why they grow worse each winter, and find them selves gradually becoming unable to get around as they once could; yet they know that their trouble came on at first as little aches and pains, which hardly attracted their attention. Everybody should know more about rheumatism; they should know that it is a peculiar condition of the blood upon which all the liniments in the world can have no effect whatever. The best blood remedy is needed one which is able to go to the very scat of the disease, and force it out. Swift's Specific (S.S.S.) is the right remedy for Rheu matism, because it is the only blood remedy free from meccury, potash and other minerals which intensify the dis ease, causing stiffness of the joints and aching of the bones. Swift's SDecific beini? a real blood rem edy never fails to cure Rheumatism. It reaches even the worst cases where the doctors have made cripples with their prescriptions of potash and mercury. Mr. D. R. Johnson, an exteusive lum ber dealer of Dlackshear, Gu., writes: 4'My wife was for years a sufferer from Rheumatism, and was treated constant ly, but could obtain no relief. The pain was first felt in her left shoulder, and extended in all directions, increasing in severity. The doctors said the dis ease was liable to strike the heart at any time, in which event death would be inevitable. "Every kind of treatment recommend ed for Rheumatism was given her, including many blood remedies, but none utu uer any goon, biie was grow ing worse all the while, and was reduced to a mere shadow of ber former self. "It was at this critical pctiod that Swift's Specific was given her; the med icine seemed to reach the disease promptly, and she at once began to im prove. One dozen bottles effected a complete cure, aud she has had no touch of the disease since." Every one afflicted with Rheumatism should take a remedy which can reach their trouble. S.S.S. will cure the most aggravated case of Rheumatism.Cstarrh, Cancer, Contagious Blood Poison, Scrof ula, Eczema, or any other blood diMue. It is guaranteed Purely Vegetable Books mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga 1 MONTHLY SUFFERING. 'J'housands of women arc troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the bend, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptott b of dangerous derangements that con be corrected. The 'ncn strunl function should of erntc painlessly. Wine'ardut makea menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs f i.eo at the drug store. Why don't you get n bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tcuu. it" Mn. R02ENA LEWIS, ol Oenatllle, Tim, t)i: "Iwu troubled tt monthly Interval wllh terrible paint In mj htid nd tuck, but hate bean entirely rillettd by Wine ot Cardui." P CkltfcMttr'a EuIUh niMmd final ENNYR0YAL PILLS OrUtnal aad Onlw OfulM l. . A - dm fy MUiiieVmV Taker mbuuv .'.I w-.j. iriisoiv. ,apiti lliottlll for Cukutlf JTnlu Brand In Hlsd ind Uold l Mlri ttmt& wllh hla HMin. other. Kfnt ifanatmj mbituw turns and irAil&titmM llllrarrttfr.fMll. la ,umi fii rtrtkaUr. imuimqIiU toi ' Kllef far r.adlr,' Ulltr, If rrtarn - nail. iwMW I riiinviiiu Aamt luptr. Calrhrl('fciitil'..Mi1l... IM.V.. Ccldty Lwal Umutrw. 1'kUaJa.. I 'a! J. S. EMIG-H, DKNTI&T. PAINLESS DENTISTRV IK VOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Without Flutes. POHCKI.AIN JNI.AV Ami nil thi'lHteM linprovement lu JhiihI mecb ulrm Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY. I'KOI'KlKTOU OEAI.KK IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. PAB8T NILMf AI1KK Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. FRKU E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Cit, ami eutiiitry calls promptly me iwimmI day or night. NIGHT IMS AT OFFICK. lOmi K OVKIt (.'OTTlXd's DltfH SrOKK. 9&93&a9iWS9-WV9S9VS'i93-99& ? HYOEIA CORSETS. l.lfii.-iH not ! urj. t or ncea ami ir. IU uUrt write ilia .M.uiuf.ilnrcii, f.Ti:HN OUf.T O HI. T.aal Mo. js3ss2s,s,as&s,g,s&&s&&s&a,&'af3 Tetter, Salt-Klioum uml lM.veiiin. The intense itchinij und flm.irtinjr inui dent to these diseasok i-i iti8tiiutlv .ill:iv,,l l by applying Chutuborluin'a Eve And sum Ointment. Jlauy very bad eii6ea have been permanently cured by it. It ia equally efficient for itching piles and n favorite remedy for sore nipples! chapped hands, chilblulns, frobt bites and chronic sore eyea. 25 cte. per box. Dr. Cadj's Condltloa Powden, are just what a horse needs when in bud condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Thoy nre not food hut medicine and the best in use to put 11 horse in priruo condition. Prico 25 cents per package. Sk w SS i!3 v tf BBvlaBBH dosing Oat VIy i . )f Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hais Caps, Boots and Shoes, tid in ta.-t ill goods kept in i (Jenei. Meich-ind-.- .nw The building is also for sale or will sell building ad stock together. G. A. HARRIS, Cowles, Neb. eity Dray and Express liine. ROSS Si RIfE, PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest. CITY AGENTS FOR TRADERS LUMBER CO., UKAI.KS5S IN LUMBER and COAL. Kt-iilcliiae: Material, Eto. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. HAND MADE HARNESS ! J 'he. he-it Uee:itiM- i' i-, in i te i ,. ,i p ,i,., vh,.,. , ., , - .ine-o wmiM uot stunil i'- I .in mine ymi n ,. ' n. 1 '.rule harnes near y as eluMii i vn .n set the uiinon li.irne-t When ymi want luni" uii- m uml 1.,hk -ivi-r m telc whieh cannot lie snip i. m-i in the Kepuhlieiui vil'ey. Fiy Nets, Whips, Saddles, Etc. ami in fact everything iwunly hop. ami in fact everything hop. Triininingantl ltenair Work neatly anil J. 2-PW&HVi&JS-lV XSJ fVdflOrf tOTOrf VOrTO'f KMTr -MYVtYrrrrfr dvTTt-n .ti .11 vrrs-n 1 .-n . n rtr-n .-r r rTi-ia. fWJCW Pmili (fnPMW)(Lznr Setting Out in Life! c LW aaBa9aaaa9Dl mBS&9 JT m NER BROTHERS. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SHKIUFF'S HALF. Nutlie Ih liurt-tiy kIm'M Hint iiinlurHiiilbyIrlue of an unler nf mle iM'iifil from the otlite of ,Ihh, lliinlcii. clerk of tlio PlMrlrt Court of the Tenth Judicial DMrlit. within unci fur Wc'ljMor cuimtv. I Ni'brHika. iim a ili-cree In an action oiullne therein, uliorcln Marj (). Klcliunls iilnlntllr niul hkhIiiiiI John Waller, !.oul-a Waller. A. I) (illliert, S. r. Ollliert, John II I larl ami Kuliilit (illherl ilefentlantK, I shall infer fur sale at iiiihllceiulue to the hlxlien Milder for ca-h In hand, at the east door of the court house, at ItcJ Cloud, In said WubMer comity, Nehranka, (that heliiK the linlldlni; wherein tho lam term of said court wio holilen) o' the tilth day of Almost, A. I 1WT. at one o'clock p. m. of ahl day, the followliiK ilesrrlheil property, tn It 'l'hi'soiitlreiit iiiarler in'U) of section font (i Kiuiishlp two :!), mirlli In laiiKe ten (til1 wi-t nf the Ktli i, in In Wehster ronnty S'e lllllkH liUen under my haml HiIh ?kl i1a d' .1 I) A. II., SW7, J. W. lifhciii.v, sherltr. Jamih Mi Nr.sv, I'lalutlft'N Attorney. 'I his le waMoiillmuil for uant of llddcrs until ihe .".lit da of Octouer, I SOT. at one o'clock p. in l.lxiu nmlir III) hand llils :isi da of AiiKllsl, lxt'T. J. V. ItiihciiKV, herltr SJ MUFFS SALE. Nutli'i lhlii'iel uhtntliat under ami In vlr In'- nf .111 order of sale lmed from the ofhco ol lem.- Iliiiileii. clerk of Ihe DlMrlct rnurt o to.- Ti'iilli Judicial IHslrlct. within ami fni ' iliur 1 uitnt. Nelirata. upon a ilecne In at: ri'Mnii ieudi k theielu. herein Parker Ham suitt Is plalullll. ami UKalUKt Janics (,'oiinor .1 In 1 minor. William Alder, AIIum Ir.tamlrenl mime unknown, are defendant 1 hull uler for sale at public endue, to the I l-iliL.t didder for cash lu hand, at the et 0 nr of the court house, at lied Cloud, In said 'Ij-,ci couiil, Neliraska. (that Ociiik the lii.UdltiK wherein the last term of said court was 1 Men) on the nihility or October. A II.. Ikut I o'rl icic p m. of said 1I115. ihe follonlin. .1 rrtdfil property towll: I'he inirtliwe-t iiunrter of sectlmi number 1 'hlccuul'O In townnlilp number time h'e mirth In inline number eleM'ii (ill west of t i.th r M. lu Webster county. Nebraska, 'ilu'ii under omy hand litis- Tth da) of "-eii tember. A. I). !?. .1. W. lle.Mior. herlir. U- MiN'i.n. 1'liillltltt's Attorue). SUEIUFF'S SALE. Notice I hereby Klentl:at under ami hy vit lue ol an order of sale Usui it from th'i olllcuof nines Hurden clerk nf the District Court of the Tenth Judicial lllstrlct. within ami for Web ster county. Nebraska, upon a decree lu no action peiidliiK therein, wherein Cliaries II, Totter iilalullll and airalnst Thomas Ouliiii. ile 1 (umlaut I hall urter for sale at pitblle veil- lue, 10 lite hi!hel bidder for cash In hand at the. east door of ihe Court house, at Ited ('tout, Nebrasku, (that deliiR the bulldlnj; wlu rent the last term of said court was holilen) on the Mill day or October. A. O. IIW. at niio o'clock 11.111, or said da) the following itcsirlbed property, towlti The north half of the nurthcast iiunrtcraml the north half of the northwest iUrterof see lion iwentv elslit C.N) town tlirce (:n norili ranee ten (ID) west of the Mil I', M, In Webster count), Nebraska. cjven under my hand this Tth day of Sep temticr, A.I). H97. .1. W. ItONCliKV, Shorlff. J. . Oiliusi. Pliilullfr's Attorney. rArKt'i , HAIR IAL8AM , Clunwi and tontine tat batr. rruiuiitri a iaiuritni growui. rrarer Valla to llntora Oray 11a xouiaiui Youthful color. Cunt Kip dlwsKi M hslr LiliDj. Ualr to ; aur.antltl tun UrtiriUU Bi Entire Stock. (J ADAHS EXPRESS CO. iwnnly kp' in i r.' . I ii d trne piuinptlj attenileil n O. BUTLER. As well as in the thick of the battle, Is a time when a man should be careful about neat and correct dressing. First impressions are half the victory. Who has a better chance, even in looking for a situation, than the young man whose attire is an evidence of taste, thrift and judgment? Young men who wish to prosper should order their Sulta mad Overeoatn from M. BORN & CO., The dreat Chicago Merchant Tailors, Sow ovtrXyri. at (Ac head of the Cuttom Trad, All ages can be suited. Style, fit and workmanship are guaranteed. The world's best looms supply the material. n But ii .!.; The Most Economical. OO.IIff IILKCTID riTTIRKH TO ORD1K JS0M. CALL ON SlIlilUFF-S SALE. l-'lrsi publlciitlou .-ept, 21. Nntlio Is hereby Kleu Unit umlei nml d li luenfmi enter ol ah Issued from tin olln e uT .lames Hurden. Clerk of the lllstrlct Court of Ihel Tenth .ludleliil Illstrht, within mid fir WUiMcr ('(itinty, Nebraska, upon a decree lu an action pending therein, wherein lliirlhun Wan) llniK Company U plaliilin, ami HKiilust ' II I. nil, ilefeudaut, I sliall oiler forsaleal public emliio to the hlnhesi bidder for cash lu hand, at the eastilooruf the lourl house, at lied Cloud. In snlil Webster I'ounty, NebraiikB, (that belnic the liulldlUK wherein tlio last term of said court was holilen) on tlicLTth day of October. A.M I HOT, at one o'clock p.m. or said da), the following de scribed propert..to wit: The southwest ipiarterof se tlon twenty ilirct (il,) township one (1.) north ruiiRe twclvo (I.'.) west of the flili I". M. In Webster county. Neb inska. , aiven under my hand thin y.'d day of sjeptem bcr. A.I). m, -I. V. IIiim-iiky. f berJlT. ,Ur .McNi.nv. I'lliitirra Attorney. TIME TABLE. B. & M. R.Y HE I) CLOUD, XEIill. LINCOLN OMAHA CHWAiW ST. JOE Kansas urn ST. LOriS and nil ii)i)Ux msl uml south. liENVEll HELENA nUT'JE SALT LAKE U'Y PORTLAND SJ. Fi.WClSCO uml nil points west. nuiSh i.i.avk ah roLLown; No. i;u. KrvlKlit. dally except J'nmliiy lor Wjmotcand all point east H'Ula.m, No lrt. I'asseiiKer, dally lor M. .Ine. Kansas city. Atchison, St. I.011U and all points east and south 10:01) a.m. Mi. Y4. Accoiiimniiaiino, iihh) except Mimlii). llastliiKs, (iraud Is land. Ilhick llllis nml all points In the northwest I:'."ip.rn No Ml Accuininodatloii, dally except Miuilay, Oberllu, Kansas, ami Intermediate stations, via Ile tiiihllpnn 1.ns.. . No. 01. FiclKht, dall), W)more and St. Joe nnil Intermediate Junction point ... !-':() nm rt.1. FrctKht.ilally for llepubllcaii Orleans.Oxfonl nml all points west . . .. .IUi.l0s.ni. No. No in. rHsnuiiKi'i. unii, ueuver, ail poliils lit Colorado, I'tah ami California M;40pm blteiiltiK. illnliiB. and rcellnlin; chair can,' I seats free) on ihrotiKli traliiN. Tickets sold and Damage checked to any point In the 1'iilted Slates or Canada. "iti:' Kor Information, time tablt-N, maps or tickets ?nll on or HiliIrPKR A. Counter. Aeent IiVil Jloml. Nebr. or J. Krancls. lieneral " ;i,.n"?r Agent nmslm. ebriikH. K UANUOLPH AlcNiri', ATTOHNKY and COUNSELOR AT WW, i.S)eiftli ,At,lu"li"n to '"nimerclal nnd Probate Litigation. MOON ULOCK, KEU CLOUD, .NKIIIUSKA. c c- .1 t ifi. twWft',tfrt.-s "t trrv -w - ' -K..jaiatsajfcH,- WfWVwvwwttpmiifWMisKmn