The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 17, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    I V7 StV-.-. 1
1 1 vo
Absolutely Pur.
Celebrated for tta great leavenlnglttretigtli nnd
bcalthftiltios. Atsurea the food against alum
nud all forms of adulteration common to the
Vastki: A fresh cow. Gko. I.
Miss Nellie Chirk left Wednesday
for Des Moines, Iowa.
'Foil S.vlk Pure three-year-old eider
vinegar. Mits. Dkadhuook.
cUoscou Catlier has gone to Lincoln
to attend the statu university.
For a mower or rake I can Rive yon
bottom price?. J as. Pktkkson.
Mrs. Kd. Pulsipher of Hastiups was
visltiuR old friends here this week.
Mrs. J. S. KmiRh and son Close
visited with Mrs. Damorell in Hastings
A. C. llosmer is atteuding some of
the eastern fairs in the interest of his
farm paper.
Win. Howe formerly a residout of
this city but lately liviiiR in Chicago is
here visiting.
Have you seen those road wagons.
They aredaudies and the prices are
right. James Peterson.
Douglas Catlier returned home from
Colorado Monday and has entered the
schools of this city again.
C. Borin editor of the Eye at Obcrhn
Kausas, was here this week. He was
years ago editor of the Ciiikk at this
Pet fectly harmless but very power
fill i "Economy Houcset Cordial," a
remedy par-e.cclletiee for allfcforms of
indigistiou. For sale by C. L. Cotting.
Fmt Sai.k ok Tkaui:: 1 will sell or
trade my proporty east of town for
town proporty at a bargain. For par
ticulars call at J. Nustein's cigar
L. H. Rust says if you want Hurbank
and Abundance plums three to six feet
high, or anything else in the nursery
line at reasonable prices, for fall or
spring, let him know what you want.
Died: Willie, the infant babe of Mr.
and Mrs Steffons, on September 15th,
1897. The services were held at their
home by El ier Hussong of the Church
of Chris', and the remains were taken
to Mt. Hope, Kansas, for interment.
Cash for poultry at the New York
poultry car, on track near the B. & M.
depot, Bed Cloud, on Tuesday after
noon, Sept. 28th. Cash at the car,
Correct weights guaranteed. The fol
lowing prices will bo paid: Hens rJc,
Springs 5lc, old roosters 81.30 per doz
en, ducks $l..r)0 per dozen, turkoys He
per pound, geese 83.00 per dozen.
A collision, tho icsult of fast and
reckless drivlug, occuredon the corner
of Webster street and Fourth avenue
last Sunday uvcnlng between a team
belonging to Art Davis of Inavale and
some one driving a singlo horse at a
rate that would do credit to a hurri
cane, but who hadn't time after run
ning into Mr. Davis' team to stop mid
see tho amount of damage lie had done.
Aside from a bad cut on one of the
horses' necks where one of the buggy
shaft.-, struck no damage was done.
A very pleasatit wedding ceremony
was performed v by Bov. Hummol on
last Sunday at tho pleasant homo of
the biido's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
McCallum In tho uorthwest part of tho
couuty, tho participants to tho union
being their daughter Berthu and Mr.
Oharles Boom of Edgar. Tho groom is
telegraph oporator at,Edgar and Is also
wetland favorably Known to the resi
dents in that part of tho county. Tho
bride Is tho daughter of our presout
commissioner and is an estimable
young lady. The Ciiiki with a host of
other friends extends congratulations.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A fnOrHCrMa Tartar Ptwfcr.
Lois Pope Inn gi'iic to Lincoln to at
tend school.
Tut' Cim.K is pupated U- do join
job pttntiug.
Willis Fulton of Omaha was heie
Tiesday visiting ftlonds.
Go to C. M. Calmes the old reliable
family bakery at the old stand.
Anyone having a small barn for sale
can tind a buyer by enquii ing at this
Randolph McNttt was looking after
legal matters in Hastings the lirst of
tho week.
Revs. Darby and Blackwcll left Mon
day morning (or York to attend the M.
E. conference.
Elder Hussong is announced to
preach at the Amack seho )1 house at
4 p.m., Sept., 10th.
If you want a wheel plow I have
somo bargains it will pay you to look
after. Jas. Pktkuson.
F. W. Hendricks and family removed
this week to Bromlield, Nebr. where he
goes as photographer. "
I have u second hand Miunro piano
for sale It is a fair instrument for it
beginner. Price, fill cash. C. J.
The Union Fire Insurance Company
is the best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 8 per cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Ageut.
About twouty little tots assembled
at tho homo of Vie Fulton on Saturday
and helped tho twins Mildied and Don
celebrate their birthday.
Mrs. Cbas Hazeltou and Miss Smith
who has been visiting with her hero
for some time past left for a viit to
relatives in Missouri Thursday.
Ciioick (jitAiTs by the pound, by the
basket, by the ton. Largest vineyard
in Nebraska. Write for prices or come
right along with yottrj wagon. (J. W., (Snide Bock, Neb.
Wc wish to extern! our hear.felt
thanks to the many kind friends w ho
so kindly assisted during the illness
and death of our father.
Cmi.iutKK ok Jas. Mi'itrnv.
John Wilhelinson Jr., was in the city
Wednesday. Ho leturned Thursday
to Grand Island, accompanied by his
wife and children who have been visit
ing in this city for a couplo of weeks.
Mrs. Morris Stern left Thursday
morning for the east and will make a
short visit in Chicago ami Butlalo and
go from there to her old home In
Philadelphia where she will visit for
several months.
DiF.Di-Mildred Wolfe, tho 8-year
old child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolfe,
on September 0th, 1807. The services
were conducted by Elder L. A. Hus
song of the Church of Christ, assisted
by Rev. Blackwell of the M. E
Closing Cut Salk Commencing
September 1st, 1807, 1 will offer my en
tire stock of Boots and Shoes at ac
tual cost. I mean just what I say, as
1 am going out of the Boot and Shoe
business. Dry Goods and groceries at
lowest prices. Call aril see me. E.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoflice at Bed Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending Sept., 23d
Devlin, Stella Lartham. Mrs. E.
Morarity, P. F. Tlbbitt, Benj.
These letter will bo sent to tho dead
letter oflleo Oct., 1st, if not called for
before. Fhank W. Cowdkn, P. M.
The sad intelligence of the drowning
of lames Murphy nu old pioneer of
this county came as a shock to his old
friends when it was reported on tint
streets last Saturday evening. For
somo time past he has been sutrering
with a cancer on his cheek and as his
enso was pronounced hopeless it is up
pjscd that he ended his misery by tak
ing his own life. Tho deed was com
mitted under a bridge of the B. & M.
southeast of the city. Tho funeral er
vices were conducted by Father Mo
Kctiua on Monday morning ami his
remains were laid to rest in the Catho
lic cemetery.
The renders of this paper no doubt
remember of leading several times in
past llvo or six months short articles
clipped from other stale papers in re
gard to traveliug grocery sharks, but
nevertheless last Monday these same
grocery men delivered a car load of
goods to people of this vicinity. In
conversation with tho portly mana
ger of tho outfit ho acknowledged in
tho presence of wituossess that ho had
made over 8000 off of tho peoplo of this
vicinity in tho past month nnd eveu
went so far as to say that tiie worse ho
"skinned" thorn tho bettor Ihoy liked
it. Perhaps those who patronizod this
outfit thought they wore gotling some
thing cheap ami the chances aro they
trot somo that was chenu us wns n.
knowledged by the fact that the outfit
matlo wuo on a single carload. The
quicker the people of this county
loam to let these smooth talkers alone
the bettor they will be off. Another
statemeut made was that this was the
first place that they had struck forn
long time that tho nowspapers had not
"roasted" them nnd said he was sorry
for it, as it advertised him und a few
minutes personal conversation or
rather "smooth talk" would fix the
newspaper story and ho could always
sell more goods. This is surely not a
very good outfit to tie to or buy foods
of if they can't wait till they get out of
town to tell how much they skinned
the county out of.
I'uvli i hs been veiy ill tht
Mi". C F. Catuer left thi uioining
on a visit to Lttuolu,
Vein BUhop has gone to hi homo
in Long Island, .
Mrs. Hugh Sweat itigcr left this
morning for Hillsboto,Ohio.
The best buggies for the money ever
brought to town at Peterson's.
Mrs. F N. Klnsey has returned from
Denver and Is again visiting with Mrs.
Mrs. John Polnicky has beu visit
ing friends at Barnstou, Gage county,
this week.
Mrs. F. C. Williams returned home
Wednesday from a several weeks visit
in Central City.
Now that you are .ookiug after
wagons see the Newton and other
makes at Peterson's.
For a good shave, hair cut or other
tonsorial work, call on Geo. Fentress
south of the Calmes bakery.
C. L. Cotting, sole agent, will leftind
your money if not satisfied after using
one bottle of Dr. Fenuers famous medi
cine. A change in train service is expected
to go into effect next Sunday. A better
passenger service between hero and
Hastings is looked for which will give
better connections east.
J. 11. Smith writes combined iiisur
since for a term of live years at 3 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on the installment plan.
Drop liiiii a card at Bed Cloud, Neb.
Joseph lvubicek is here from Me
Cook visiting with his family. He is
nui'Mug n couple of badly pinched
fingers as a result of an accident while
at work in the B. A: M. shops at that
Mark Parks who has not beeu here
for several years past came in from
Minneapolis this week. Ho has
covered considerable country during
his absence and seen the most of the
large cities of tho west.
Don't use bill heads or statements in
which you have to write your own
name. Get them printed in an up-to-date
style. There is nothing which
will make your customers think you
are of the disposition to be penurious
so much as this. If you are stingy in
one way what reason is there to be
llevo that you wont be in other ways.
Get your printing done right at tho
Ciur.t' office.
On last Wednesday night occurred
the twentieth anniversary of the mar
riage of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ludlow
and in honor of the event the neigh
bors and friends of the couple were in
vited in to celebrate the occasion and
they did it in splendid shape. A
splendid supper was served and the
Chuck was not forgotten and wish to
thank the hostess for a generous sup
ply of cake. Between forty and fifty
guests were present and left numerous
souvenirs of their esteem in the way of
useful presents.
Mr. Judson Bailey was a pleasantt?)
caller at these headquarters on last
Saturday evening and gave us to un
derstand in a very gentlemanly(?) man
ner that we were mistaken in inform
ing the public that he was pleased that
tho nomination for elerkon the popu
list ticket fell to tho lot of Jimmio
Hale and that bo was not an aspirant
for the emolument of a deputyship un
der thai gentleman in caso he was
favored in election to the office. Of
course we do not wish to thrust iionnrs
upon tho gentleman if he is unwilling
to accept them and wo aid always will
ing to correct mistakes when wo make
them. We received our information
from tho utterances made by good
populist hre thorn who aro In touch
with the insido workings of the party.
They may have been mistaken. In
political times "wo aro from Missouri"
and will liavo to wait until after elec
tion and bo shown. In any event we
are sorry of Mr. Bailey's decision for If
Jimmio "Mits tho mustard" wo would
like to seo one conipetent(?) mnii in
the office.
Cough, .
like a dog's bark, it a sign that
there is something foreign
around which shouldn't be
there. You can quiet the noise,
but the danger may be there
Just the same. SCOTT'S
EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil
is not a cough specific; it does
not merely allay the symptoms
but it does give such strength
to the body that it is able to
throw off the disease.
You know the old proverb
of "the ounce of prevention?"
Don't neglect your cough. A
book which will tell you more
on the subject sent free on re
quest Your druggie keep Scott's Emul
riea of Cod-Uvcr OIL Put up ia 50
KOTT a BOWNB, Mtw Ywfc.
v. v
w eek
Tho Ropublionu Convention Pro
coodlngs nt tho Court llouso
Last Woduosdav.
Convention Harmonious Throughout
C. O. Robinson ior Treasurer by
Acclamation. Sheriff's Office
Creates Big Surprise Party
Vot County Trcaiuuer, CD Koulnsou
For Con My Clerk
For County Slierlrt
for County Hiiporliileiiilcnt
For County Coroner .
Kor County Mirvc) or
J. It. entry.
K.K. Sherer.
V S Dennett.
Mm. K J.Owxj
II. K (Irlco,
W. K Thorite.
first Wttrlct . W. II Tliotmu.
Second lilntrlci ..11. V Hull
Ttilnl District - . . Wm.Kenkel
fourth DMrlrt .1 s. hlte
Hlftu District Jerome Vance.
The republican county convention
met nt the court house on Wednesday
and was called to order by Chairman
Hacker. I II. Hampton was made
temporal y chairman, 1). C. Jenkins
temporary secretary ami Sylvester
Friable assistant iceietary.
A committee of live, H. U. Fulton,
A. J. Hayes, Chas. Hunter, Col. Hoover,
and Marsh Reeves were appointed on
A committee of three comprised of
Samuel Wcs-,, E. Peters ami G. II.
Chancy were appointed on periimuent
An adjournment was taken until 1.510
o'clock p.m.
Convention teasscinbled at 1 130 p.m.
nud the committee on credentials re
ported the following gentlemen as en
titled to seats in tho convention
Hed Cloud First Ward.-H. M. Coch
rane, W.N. Richardson, F.C. Williams,
W. 11. Roby, W. A Sherwood, M. C.
Sherman, A G. Willis S. Y Spokes
Held, tluo Hollister, D. 1j. (Iroat, A.
Hed Cloud Township. K. I'almer, J.
G. Totter, W. Garner, C H. Katey, W.
Carpenter, Charles Htisheu and Win.
Harmony. Met l Wheat, A. Ilrady,
Kltncr McCoy, John Wrattou, A. Smith.
Garlicld.-O. K. heggett, B. M. Lar
gont, C. Amack, V. Amack, Wm. Me
Plicrsou. Guide Kock. Jas. F. Watt, Wm. Pet
tit, E, Peters, Jas. Robinson, C. H.
Teachworth, I. 11. Hampton, J. E.
Jones, A. J. Hayes, E. E. Burr, J. R.
Crozier, H. B. Hunter, V. D. Vaughn,
P. E. Fairfield, W. A. Seeley, D. Jones.
Elm Creek. H. C. Colburn, E. Beit
ler, E. H. Foe, L. D. Thomas, F. L.
Harris, F. D. Slater.
' Walnut Creek. S. Reese, I. W. Eng
land, M. C. Fulton, U. H. Hersh.
Pleasant Hill. T. R. Hall, C. C. Cox,
J. B. Biaine, Samuel Miller, Robert
Adamson, Thos. Paul, T. G. Wilder and
S. Frisble.
Second Ward Red Cloud. J. S.
White, R. B. Fulton, R. T. Potter, D.
Kcsler, L. H. Beck, Wm. Parkes, Dell
Turnuro, W. T. Auld, J. M. Cuallln,
Sam West, W. A. Mitcholl, J. W. War
ren, F. Bradbrook, G. R. Chancy.
Potsdam. W. A. Watkius, A. H
Kriegsninti, J. S. Hoover, Chas, Kltng
man, F. Hnrrock, W. II. Slielton, Johu
Goos, M. Wilson, A. M. Walters.
Heaver Creek. Will It. Ryker, G. M.
Winner, T. M. Lee, Allan Vance, Jacob
Moula, Mr. Ricliatds, A. J. Bragg, J.
A. Uailey.
Cathertou. C. W. I.indgren, Otto
Skjelver, G. P. Catlier, W J. Mathony,
Wm. Pierson.
Oak Creek. W. K. linker, Alex Riley,
John Rose.
Stillwater. M . lteese, M. Henker,
,J. llaught, L. Bnugert, Geo. Motter,
John Hangert, Fred Nass.
Glenwood.-C. E. Hicks, W. R. An
dcr.iou, Isaac Fish, W. E. Thorne, J.
W. Hooiner, Frank Boom, F.W.Bailey.
Batin. Andrew Erickson, J. R. Har
rington, C. F. Benl. Robt. Harris.
Inavale. Wm. Renkol, Chas. Hunter
Geo, Hummel, Chas. Olmsted, Jeff
Chaplin, H. u. Sawyor, Robt. Kenyon.
Mile. w. a. Ainynnrti, lien winmni,
R. Turner, M. W. Dickcrson.J. W.
Melntyrc, Jos. Baladon.
Tho majority report of tho committee
on permanent organization declared
that tho temporary organization he
made pormnnent and the minority re
port for It. T. Potter for chairman. It
was moved that tho majority report ho
accepted. Moved as a substitute to
first motion that minority report be
nccoptcd. The first motion was car
ried. On motion convention proceeded to
nomination of candidates.
On motion C I). Robinson was de
clared tho nominee for treasurer by
The following names were proposed
for county dork: J. 11, Crnry of
Guide Rock, David Kaley of Cowles,
C. B. Crone nnd L. H. Fort of Red
It was moved and carried that each
delegation's vote be declared by tho
It was moved and carried that in
case of vacancies delegates prcfcnt
cast voto of delegation.
Convention proceeded to ballot for
the nomination of county clerk and
after two ballots had been taken J. H,
Crary of Guide Rock was declared the
Or. Mms Ciwm
Chip - A - Way
brand. Guaranteed against
all Imperfections. A first
class knife for a little monej .
We are the only agents lor
this city.
C. L. Cotting,
The Druggist.
choice of tho convention. The ballots
weio a follows:
niivr ltAi.i.ur.
l'lUker . . .
si:coni tiAt.i.or.
Cronu ...... . . ,
Kotl .
sheilll was do-
On motion ballot for
dared informal.
Convention proceeded to ballot for
nomination for shciilT and at tor an in
formal and thtee formal ballots had
been taken Edward Sherer of Inavale
was declared tho choice of the conven
tion. I he ballots weio as follows.
MllUll .
Colvlu .
icott... .
Mit-rer ..
Wnllter .
Mllltll ... .
Mierer ..
Wnlker ..
Si .
Mllltll ,
t'olvln r
.scott M
Mierer l
Walker ss
The names of C. S. Ileitnett, 11. W.
Hrewor and 1). F. Trunkey weie placed
in nomination for county judge aud
after two ballots had been taken C. S.
Bennett was declared tho choice of tho
convention. The ballots were as follows
Urewer . . . . 37
Dennett , ., . 57
Trunkey.. 38
Hrewor................. .25
Dennett .- ... ha
Trunkoy .- ....... 21
Convention proceeded to ballot for
nomination for superintendent and
after an informal and one formal ballot
had been taken Mrs. E. J. Case waa
declared the choice of the convention
and her nomination was made unani
mous. The ballots wore as follows:
Hunter.. ........... ... ........... 07
cue . ... 00
Tulleyn ... 0
Hunter . S3
Tuiieyf3.T7.3ir."j.'in.'"zn!n!!izn i
On motion H. E. Grico was nominat
ed for coroner by acclamation.
On motion W. E. Thorne wss nomi
nated for survojor by acclamation.
On account of vacancy Elmer McCoy
was appointed committeeman from
Harmony und J. A. Hayes from Guide
No otjer business coming before the
convention they adjourned after being
in afternoon session just two hours.
Ed, Sherer us a surprise party ejeau
cd tho platter clean.
Grico for coroner nnd Thorne for
surveyor pro like tho lest of tho ticket,
good selections.
Thoro is somo tlitlerenco in making
the nominations in two hours and in
wrangling for eight.
Hunter showed by tho vote he re
ceived that the people had not forgot
ten tho good record ho has made.
Tho election of C. S. lieunctt to the
judgeship of Webster county would
not detract anything from tho capable
supcrvisorshlp of the present incum
bent. A gasp by thoso who figured that
thoy might grasp the nomination of
treasurer from Charley Robinson and
it was nil over. He received tho nonii
Hon by acclamation.
Tho selection of John Crary from
Gtiido Rock for the nomination for
county clerk could not have beeu bet
ter, lie is competent nndagcntlcman,
two very good qualifications.
Mrs. Case will bo elected iu good
shape antl when the Guido Rock
Signal made tho remark last week
that "either Mrs. Case or Hunter
could check Wilson's baggngo to tho
uttermost part of Salt river," it was
'i'he "swill barrel nnd slush bucket"
organ of the populists tries to slur
I. II. Hampton. A trip to the homo of
that gentleman will show that ho is a
prosperous farmer ana that he has be
come so through good management
The "swill barrel, etc" hates pros
A brother of Rev. Darby accompa
nied by his family are hero from Mo
bile, Alabama.
There will a rally at the Hasklns
school house in district 30, Sunday,
September 19th, at 3 p.m.
Mrs. J. W. Sherwood left Monday
morning for a visit with frieaaVia
Deadwood, South Dakota.
I Clothing, 1
I Finish-
1 nmm i
&G0. i
Successors to C. Wiener.
Red Cloud s
Reliable Clothing
Special I
Bargains i
I Uodepuiear.
JJKll-'i:. ,