L 17& S? JS THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FKIDAY, SEPT. lO. 1897. b MOKE Oil hV.Si) IMSHSONATj. I I f, s u IS w Hffiim AKlHfi POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for It great leaYenltigJutretiRth and .joaHlifulncsn. Assure the food against alum ind all forms of adulteration common to the :hcap hrands. KOYAL RAKISH POWDEU ;0.,NKWYOIlK. CITY NEWS. Will YoIser was here the llrst of the week. Jake Nusteiu and family ave home from St, Joe. Walt Warren was up from Superior the llrst of the week. Foil Salk I'urc three-year-old cider vinegar. Mits. Huadukook. For a mower or take I can give you bottom prices. Jas I'etimwon. Miss Speake of the Nebraska Mer jantilo Co., left for her home atliloom mton Monday night. Have you seen those road wagons I'liey are dandies and the pi ices are 'ight. .James Peterson. Charley White left Monday for Su perior and will play in one of the bands thcro during the reunion. Mrs. Fred Palmer and children have i-nturned to their home in Grand Island iflor a visit with K. McFarlaud and family. John and Samuel Llghtfoot arc in ,ho city visiting with their mother and other friends haviug come overland (rom Iowa. A petition was circulated among .nir business men this week ami 'jnougti raised to stait the street iprinkler going. Jud Uailey's li.tlo eagle eyes glit tered with a snakediko gleam win n the nomination for clerk on the populist ticket fell to the lot of Jlinmie Hale. Perfectly harmless, but very power ful is "Economy Houoset Cordial," a remedy par-excellence for all forms of indlKcstbn. ;For sale by C. L. (Jotting, MissTrix Mizer left Monday morn, ing for Chicago, where she will attend the Conoervatory of Music and take up 7ocal music. She will also study Ian- L. H. Rust says If you want Burbank ud Abundanco plums three to six feet high, or anything else In the nursery lino at reasonable prices, for fall or iprlug, lot him know what you wnnt. Cash for poultry at the New York poultry car, on track near the B. & M, depot, Ued Cloud, on Tuesday after noon, Sept. 14th. Cash at the car, Correct weights guaranteed. The fol lowing prices will bo paid: Hens 5 jo, .Springs 5jc, old roosters $1.30 per doz ju, ducks $1.50 per dozen, turkeys 5c per pound, geese 83.00 per dozen. One of the best advertisements that jould have been used by some of tho 'jutorpris'iiig merchants of this city on ihow day would have been a barrel of ico water land half a dozen tincups, horo the thirsty crowd could havo helped themselves. This is something ,hat should bo attended to in the fu ture. If Red Cloud expocts people to 3omc twenty or thirty miles on such jeeasions they should bo given n jhanco to get a drink ol water after '.hoy get here. Au effort will bo inado by several of Mir business men to provide tho band vith a now sot of instruments. This is i laudable object and our ritizons diould seo that tho project is pushed ilong. The old Instruments havo got sen in such shapo that it is Impossible x mako good music with them. Tho -soncerts given by tho band in tho past iavo dono muoh toward briugiug peo ple to tho city who would havo gouo )l8owhero to trade. Help the now in trumont project along. Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair, Hold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure (Jrnpe Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, AHOUyi) TOWN. Kd llohatian of I.lnroln was here this week Tiik Ciiikv i? prepared to do yotu job printing. Med Lavallce was down fiom River ton this week. Miss Nellie West has returned to Falls City to teach school. Go to C. M. Calmes tho old reliable family baktry at the old stand. Mrs. Calvin Kcnady returned to her homo at Holyoke, Colorado, tho last of the weok. Geo. Hadcll came up from St. Joe nud spent several days hero tho first of tho week. Tho number of persons who havo at tended the reunion at Superior from hero has been small. If you want a wheel plow I have some bargains It will pay you to look after. Jas. 1'ktkkson. I havo u second hand Mpiaro piano for salo. It Is n fair Instrument for it beglnnor. Prlco, $20 cash. C. J. Platt. Tho Union Fire Insurance Company is the best mutual. Combine risks; in installments 3 per cent. J. H. Smith, Special Agent. Jno. Dickerson Ins resigned his position witli Turnuro Bros, and ac cepted a like position with tho No braskaMercantllo Co. Mrs. S. R. McBrido wishes to inform her patrons that she has returned from her buying trip at Kansas City and has a splendid stock of all that is now in the millinery line. Cnoicr. Okai'I.s by tho pound, by the basket, by the ton. Largest vineyard in Nebraska. Write for prices or come right along with yotirj wagon. G. W. Haoak, Guide Rock, Neb. Tho little baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Zeiss after a short illness passed away on last Friday. Tho fune ral services were conducted on Sunday ami the remains of tho little one weie buried in Red Cloud cemetery. Ci.osino Out Sam: Commencing September 1st, 1807, I will offer my en tire stock of Boots and Shoks at ac tual cost. I mean just what I say, as 1 am going out of the Boot and Shoe business. Dry (Joods and irioceries at lowest prices. Call atd seo me. K. McFaiu.and. Miner Hro. placed a coupon in tlieii advertisement in each of the city pa pers last weok which upon presenta tion would entitle holder to a free 25 cent coupon. Those clipped from tho Ciiikk were over twice as many as tho other city papers combined. This tells tho story without further com ment. Place your advertising in the Ciiiek. Honry Wiluiot met with a sovero ac cideot on Monday last. Ho was e gaged in mowing hay and tho team got ting a little fractious ho jumped from tho mower and caught thorn by tho heads butthoy pulled looso and before ho could got out of tho way the slcklo guard which was raised several inches caught him in the calf of tho leg tear ing two gashes about four inches long Whatever you buy it will pay you in the long ri' n to patronize resident mer chants and dealers. You may think that the floating merchant is soiling cheaper than others, but if your pur chase doesn't prove to bo whnt it is represented you havo no recourse, be cause the lloater has gouo to othor and greener Holds, while, had you pur chased it from tho home merchant you could havo made it good. The Moating merchant thrives by catching suckers and why you want to b'o one of them is boyoud finding out. Our attention has again been called to tho fact that there are a number of small boys, middle sized boys and big boys who apparently have nothing to do but stand on tho corners during tho day, and congregate aloug tho side walks during the evening and night. Thcso samo young men, of all agos, guy passors by, use vile language, blasphemy, and oven obscono and in- descent talk and in tho presence of thoso upon tho street, regardless of whothor ladies aro present or not This matter is gottlng altogether too common, and this class is altogether too obnoxious to bo allowed to carry on their vicious practices much longer. Next Wednesday tho republicans of this county will moot in convention for tho purpose of placing a ticket in tho Hold for county officers. In order to win it bohoovos tho party to put tholr beat men o tho front, men who aro strong ou their own individual merit, and not upon tho merit of others nor tho location in tho county from whenco they come. Study tho differ out uppllcants for caudidaoy and re volvo in your own mind vhethor they aro competent to fill tho places to which tlioy aspire, Computonoy in thu llrst place Is the greatest strength for without this no candidate for office should be nominated or elected, (ioml men should tilto bo aput up for i ontmi'sioiiei' lu diflerent districts as the office is an important one. Mot's 'Hicks Sllld i:. hl'l-llh ellMlM lji ride 1,'ttcdU'" John Gnrherof McCook is hero this week. Charley Fort returned from a visit to Lincoln the liist of the weok. Tho best buggies for tho money ever brought to town at Peterson's. Now thnt you are .ooking after wagons see the Nowtou and other makes at Peterson's. For a go"d shave, hair cut or other tonsorial work, call on Geo. Fentress south of tho Calmos bakery. C. L. Cotting, solo agent, will refund your inonoy if not satisfied utter using ouo bottle of Dr. Fouuors famous medi cine. Henry Deidrick this morning com menced removing his stock of boots and shoes to the room recently vacated by tho Fair store. Ed. Beyer of McCook was in tho city this weok and made a pleasant call at the Ciiikf wigwam depositing a dollar with us on subscription. A. Dyer and wife from near St. Jo seph, Missouri, accompanied by their granddaughter, aro visiting in the city, guests of their sou Samuel Dyer. 1. A. Batim was taken sick nl Superior Monday and leturncd homo that evening. Feeling better ho de parted for that place again Thursday. A. Reynolds of Long Island, Kansas, has arrived in the city haviug purchas ed the meat market of the Lindsoy Bros. Will Harris will bo his able as sistant. The fair store has moved to tho room formerly occupied by Featherly's fruit store, and tho fiuit storu has moved to thu meat market building north of Henry Cook's drug store. Johnny Cummitigs had (pike an ex perience with a chicken thief last Mon day night. He killed tho thief, a skunk, and the people in the cast part of town had something to stick up tlioir mists about the rest of tho night. liist of letters remaining uncalled for at the poslolllcc at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending Sept., llth 1807. Ferguson, Orville Pierson, Mrs. N. S. Reynolds, Lizzio Sullivan, Edward These letters will be sent to the dead letter office Sept., Slid, If not called for before. Fkank W. Cowdkn, P. M. Don't use bill heads or statements in which you have to write your own name. Got them printed in an tip-to-dato stylo. There is nothing which will make your customers think you aro of tho disposition to bo penurious so much us this. If you aro stingy in ono way what reason is thcro to bo liove that you wont bo in othor ways. Got your printing dono right at tho Chirk office. A new Indiana variety of corn called Cornucopia, if said to produce 200 bushels to tho aero; ouo stalk to the hill producing from five to ton woll filled oars. It is n stout growor, and stalks aro two inches in diameter. Tho farmers in tho neighborhood whero tie seed has been perfected (Scottsborg) aro enthusiastic over it and beliovo that in time it will revolutionize tho industry handed down by aborigines Columbus Journal. Tho Inst two weeks havo been hot and dry, and corn has boon damaged more than at any othor time slnco planting. It seemed to bo tho opinion of nearly every farmer who expressed an opinion, that corn was made and out of dangor a month ago, and to the casual observer this would sooni to bo so, butsueh was not the case except in tho vory early planted corn. Tho ex treme lioat since tho last rain has dono considerable injury to many fields of corn, but there will bo an immenso corn crop in Webster comity uovertho less. Are You Thin? Look about you! See for vourselfj Who suffer most from sleeplessness, nervousness, nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia, despondency, general weak ness? Who are on the edge of nervous prostration all the time? Those who are thin, Opium, chloral, bromides, headache powders, only make matters worse Iron and Ut ters are only stimulants. To be cured, and cured for good, you need a fat-making food. You want new blood, rich blood; and a strong nerve tonic SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phites is all this. It feeds the tissues, makes rich blood, and strengthens the nerves. Book about it free for the asking. For sale by all druggist at 50c and $(.00. SCOTT A noWNU, New York. POCKET - -- - KNIVES! THE FAMOUS Chip . A - Way brand. Guaranteed against all imperfections. A first class knife for a little money. We aro tho only agonts tor this city. C. L. Cotting, The Druggist. o 1IKKK AND TIIKKE. Dr. Danierell of Hastings was here this week. The city schools opened Monday with a good attendance. Mamie Householder of Bladen left Tuesday morning for Tecumseh. Rev. L. A Hussong and wife worn visiting in Hastings the fore part of the week. Aultz & Dyer have put In a new pair of scales in the rear of their poultry os la illshmcnt. New crosswalks were put in at tho junction of Webster sticct and Fourth HVenuo this week. The Misies Ethel and Myrtle Spoil corof Omaha aro hero visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. S. White. Miss Loua Bellows of Minneapolis, formerly of this city arrived hero to day tin a visit to friends. Mrs. Geo. Hollister left tho first of thu week for Pueblo, Colorado, to vim with her sister Mrs. Hattio Warren. Miss Nellio Kaley left Tuesday morn ing for Tooumsch, whero she has ac cepted a position ns teacher in tho public schools. A republican primary will bo held In the "bloody second" ward of this city on next Tuesday, from twelve o'clock noon until 7 o'clock p.m. for tho elec tion of delegates to the republican con vention which moots on Wednesday. Rev. J. M. Darby will preach Sunday morning on "Tho Work of tho Minis try," and at I o'clock in tho ovoning will address the young poopio. This will closo his first year's work in this city. He attends tho nnnual confer onco at York next week. It is no unfamiliar sight these days for tho citizen who makes a journoy to tho dopot to seo upon tho platform ono or two barrels filled with empty "Kan sas crockery" billed to tho St. Joseph Browing Co. Tho "looso whisky" joit.t in tho "burnt district" seems to bo doing a flourishing business in .dis pensing tho contents of "Kansas crockery." Ed Buss, living near this city last week threshed a Held of oats that yielded eight j -three bushels por aero. How is that for a gooil crop. Some of you eastern fellows that have been howling over forty and fifty bushels per acre, can now pull in your horns. Nebraska Is a great state. It produces the biggest crops, tho brainiest states men and the prettiest girls of any state in tho union. Bluo Hill Leader. The Signal is informed that Mr. E. W. Copelen of this place has been em ployed to tako charge of tho Webster comity poor farm and will begin work as soon ns tho county poor house is completed. This work is right in Mr. Copelen's linn a his father was for many years superintendent of tho county poor farm in Whitloy couuty, Indiana, and E. W. was his chief as sistant. Wo bollovo tho choico of Mr. Copelen for this position is a wise ono and thnt tho institution under bis man agement will bo a success from the start, Guide Rock Signal. Wo wish that wo could prevail upon editorial writers of all political creeds, to bo moderate. Tho editors and writ ers who are always frothing at the mouth bring tho newspaper business into disrepute, and thoir words have no more effect than tinkling cymbals or sounding brass. We have always hold that it is possible for n man to bo a pop", or a democrat, or a prohibition ist, without being of necessity a barn burner or horse thief. Abuse is a poor weapon used by poor men. Now and thon tho best of editors allow tholr angry pnssions to rise, ard say things that wore hotter unsaid, but ho can bo pardoned; there is no oxcuse, howovor, foi tho mun who writes continually nt thu top of his voice, dbiuaing every body who tloes not agree with him. We liliinh for tho few republican edi tors who cannot mention Gov. Hoi comb or thu other pop statu otllcials at Lincoln without having u few spasms. Beatrice Express. New Goods lNew York ! from Mr. O. Wiener, who attends to our buying in the east has picked up some great bargains in CLOTHING! Goods Bought Right Can Be Sold Right! We want every man in this neck 'o the woods to see and price our CLOTHING-. We do business oi on a close margin and you will realize the fact by inspecting our line. Freymark Co. Successors to C. Wiener. Red Cloud's Reliable Cothing House. ft ssBsmmmi SHERWOOD CROC6RS BOOTS AND SHOES. AGENTS POR Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. dosing Oat Entire Stoek I have decided to close out my entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hats Caps, Boots and Shoes, And in fact all goods kopt in n General Merchandise store. The building is also for sale or will sell building and stock together. Q. A. HARRIS, Cowles, Neb. PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieago itamber Yard, RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, lAMDY ;obca?ieto CURE'CONSTIPATION IO Kiantmmmmmmmmmmtftwri am A " ' .. 'H1IIIB.kriBlH"lflllTini - J 23 SO ' ' I lull I lUQAT HTDr V r.lllt) IIITDDn to care an inuouuuiUUl UUBIinniQuu trf. B(rtrcri or irrlpr.tigtrauiwraijiiilaral retail. tUu-ft zMiuiMiKrm. a. STKKMnwHEHBMiui.,WMit,iiaauai,v'a..Mniwirs. tit. aaiaaaamaamiiaaaaimaiaaaamaaama Z?5 I & ALBRIGHT, NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. CATHARTIC 111" DRUGGISTS t riuf of ronillnatlnn. i'vrnrrU nro the Ideal I-aii-I !: .i h i 1 4, i'S "1 5 0 'jjirvsgyytt-qUMJi v.aaft -. . M