The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 03, 1897, Image 1

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(Special Correspondence.)
Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 30.
Loiters keen coming in from nil pints
of tho Unltid States, Canada ami Eu
rope, all asking about Klondike.
People want to kuow when to go to
Thoy want to know how to got there.
They want to kuow what it will cost.
Nobody wants to know how to get
hack from Klondike or how much will
be mado there. They all expect to get
rich and thoy will not begin to think
nlmiit. irftLtinir back until the shoe
In the lirst place, no matter how
,SS much gout comes one 01 inu aiuumMj
' 8$ this season, don't go there until spring.
And don't go nt all unless you can
stand a hard mountain tramp. Of
courso if you havo plenty of money and
can afford to pay your way regardless
of expenses, you can go anywhere, any
tlmo, with more or less comfoit. Hut
thoordluaiy man who expects to ot
his share of tho Klondiko nuggets and
wJio does not proposo to spend one for-
tuno making another should begin cal
culating light now and keep it up,
without changing his base of operations
for about four months.
When four months rolls nround it
will bo about Now Years ami tho Klon
dlkcrs should then begin to get in
marching trim. February 15th is eaily
enough to start- over the mountnin
passes) back of Dyea and Skngway, in
Alaska. It will bo good sledding then
and a half ton outfit cat) be hauled
over tho mountains without much
tronble. To co to Klondike via tho
Yukon river would bring the gold seek
'crstoltho diggings pretty late in tho
season. oThoso who cut expenses will
go over tho mountain passes. Those
who have plenty of time and wish to
see tho country can go aboard a steam
er hero and ride in easo and comfoit to
St. Michaels, and then go up tho river
to Dawsou City and tho Klondiko dis
trict. By the way, how far is it from Ta
coma to St. Michaels.
How far is It from Tacoma to Daw
son Clt via tho all water route?
To cither point is a much longer
journey than to Europe. St. Micliaols
Ms 3,500 miles fiom Tacoma aud Klon
dike is 1.70t miles from St. Michaelc
Bcforelhls season there havo been but
three or four steamcis that reached St.
Michaels each summer. Now tuo
Klondiko is bringing many new lines
into service, and last week six steam
ers were headed foiSt.Mlcbaeis at once.
These ocean stcnroeis havo barges aud
river steamers in tow, which will be
used on tho Yukon next summer. They
will bring down from Klondiko the
lucky miners who wish to return home
to civilization if by that time some en
terprising Yankee has not mint an
electrio railway or tramway of somo
kind over tho mountain route which Is
much less than half tho distaueo from
Tacoma, being 1,000 miles over the
Dyen, Chilcoot and White passes and
50 miles longer over tho Stlckeon river
Today hundreds of hardy men with
blistered feet nnd aching bodies aio
tolllngjovcr theso very passes. A few
of thorn will rcacli uawson uny una
fall but most of them will not make
muchlprogress until tho snow comes.
And yet, with these conditions known
to pooplo now on the mcuutaln passes
and trails, many gold Beokew are still
going north. They have mado all their
arrangements to go nnd thoy aro going,
with thorn it is Klondiko, light away,
quick, or bust. Most of them will bust
bo far as getting inro wo uibk'k im
yoar is conceinod. Those, who wait
until tho beginning of 1808 and start
with a fresh stock of provisions and
gupplies will got to Uawson City as
quick as many who aro starting now.
At present tho mountain passes nro
almost impassablo. Heretofore only a
comparatively few peoplo wont over
them. They wont during Febiuary
nml March and on top of tho snow.
Thoy mado no trail worthy of the name
and now, all of a sudden, thieo or four
thousand peoplo try to wedgo through
DcWttt'A Little Early Risers,
the mountain passes at once, and, of
course, thoy get clogged nud jammed.
That would ho tho case oven though
tho trails were in good condition. By
next spring, however, the passes will
be in fair shape and those who wait
until then will havo the advantage of
tho work that is now being done by the
great crowd now going in.
However, most ptoplo who havo
stnrtcd are so enthusiastic that they
will never turn back. A few have,
nevertheless, given up tho light for
gold and have como home. Yesterdny
ono young man, tho sou of a leading
lawyer, ariived heio from tho Chilcoot
Pass. His namo is Hill Hudson nud ho
is n very sick young man. Ho was
fitted out with a fine outfit and his
pareut9 were reluctant In allowing the
boy to go. Ho is seventeen years of
ngoand of athletic build. Hut pack
ing an outfit ncross tho mountains wns
too much for him. His kidneys were
affected so much that it would prob
ably have killed him to have continued
tho jouruoy. In packing an outfit of
half a ton, which isau eighteen months'
supply, ncross tho mountain passes ti
mau lias to walk thirty miles for every
milo of headway mado. In other wouls
tho gold huutois would travel over tho
passes thiity times in getting their
outtiis over. This is killing to those
not strong and healthy. Sonic camp
by tho side or tho trail and watch the
struggling c.xpcct-to-bc-mlllionnircs
trudge past. Some, likoyoung Hudson
turn back. Sjme sell their outfits nnd
secure woik as laboiers in the mills of
Alaska, hoping thereby to save what
moncy they have and dlnrt north again
ju the., swing. But nil could, -havo
saved themselves trouble, loss of money
and outfits If they had simply accepted
the warning of those who know the real
condltiou jiud hud deferred going to
tho Klondike until next February or
Hut there aro exceptions to nil
rules. Today a party of C-iliforn a
miners left Tacoma for Skaguay and
Dyea at tho head of tho passes. They
kuow "their business" so to speak.
They know all about mines and mining.
They know all about Alnska and still
they nro joiugntthls unfnvoiablo sea
son. Why? Uccauso thoy cau travel
where tenderfeet will fall by tho way
side. They can soleo; tho pass that
offers tho least resistance. Perhaps
they will select tho Copper river route
and prospect along its shoies all
winter. Even if thoy cannot roach
Dawson City by way of tho much
traveled passes this winter thoy will
prospect wherever they nro. Thoy
can get nlong nnywheio and thoy
repnsent a "syudicMo" which expects
them to woik all the timo and keep a
going somewhere. These nren, for in
stance, did not buy their outfits until
they had visited all the Pugcl Sound
citlei-. They found goods 25 pcrccut
cheaper in Tacoma thau In California.
They bought only such articles as aro
absolutely nccesMiiy for a j ear's stay
in tho diggings. Their list was mado
up about as follows-
Wl., Iba Cost.
Clothing 70 905
One clothes bag, barlt mosquito
netting, 3 suits heay underwear,
1 heavy macklunw coat, 2 palm
heavy macklnaw pantr, half dor.
heavy wool socks, onn-'htrd dor.
heavy wool mlts. 2 palra leather
glocs, 2heay ocrshl-ts, s pairs
homy mag proof rubbq boots, 1
pair shoes, 1 pkgo, tiiccriles,
thnad, wax, S rrs. bUnktts, 4
ton els, I pre. reralls,l bull of
ollilothlng. 2 rubber I
sleeping bay, 1 pair ft
pair heavy oershocs.
nnkcts, 1
t boots, t
.1,200 0
a 0 lbs. bacon, COO Ibr. ibtir, iUlbn
peaches, 2r lbs. npphk, 26 lbs.
apricots, 25 lbs. pitted lines, 23
lbs. coffee, 10 lbs. tea, 60 lis. sugar
150 lbs. beans, 00 lbs. ot meal, S3
lbs. corumeal, 100 lbs io,61bs,
baking powder, 5 lbs. yi st, 5 lbs,
soK largo box match.
Hardware nud CamplDut Jt. . ,200
One pair Ice creepers, oil sheath
knlfo and sheath, almlncrV
hovels, 1 spool ulre.U sail
needles, 2 gol4 pans,2blstwlna
lmlfdos. 8 Inch Hat I les, 1
handled ax, 1 pick ai 1 two
haiiQler, 1 screw driver. 1 JlsHon
hand taw, 1 wood Jack lane, 1
ratchet brace, t bits sorted
sites, 1 saw set, 300 ft, r o, one
pack strap, 'A lt. assorte
pkge, boh nails, 3 lbs. kum,f
lli. pitch, 1 set knives Hint fork
nix viu.1i. 6 leinH0!ix, 2 table
spoons, 1 coiiipnin. 1 humeri.' nx
Hint shvatli, I nmKiilfjIiiR gins",
1 mixing spoon, I iliist bell, 1 nx
Mono, 'J granite cups. 1 fr pun,
I rcllnncd illslipHii, 1 four iUntt
coffee cup, 1 toll'ce mill, 1 granite
kittle rctliiticil cocr, 3 urnnllo
plnte. I wlilp smv, 1 gold stale,
1 sled, 1 tent nnd toc. 1 box
Armament 20 $'21
One repealing rltle 3U 30 with re
loading tools nud ion round of
brass shell cartridges one large
hunting knlfo aud an Assortment
of fishing tackle.
Medicine a 93
Ono (host assorttd remedies,
platters, bandages, mosquito ex
terminator, etc , ono pair dark
cje glases.
Cost and weight cf oulllt and
expense of irausportMlou can bo
materially reduced by prospec
tors traveling In parties of three
nml four, as one camping, hard
ware and armament outfit will
rush or for two men. In trinel
IngbrMeuiner or rail 1H) lbs. of
baggage Is checked f no for each
Totals 1,402 $205
This is but a "starter" however, for
the Klondike. Theto aio many mallets
of importance to discuss between now
an 1 the day of depattuto and these
will bo taken up in tho older of their
importance in subsequent letteis.
However, those who proposo going to
tho Alaska gold fields should pit servo
each of the letteis in ,i setup book or
other convenient foim. EacIi letter
will contain sonu item of importance
whiei, taken with tho scries of letteis,
will complete an up-to-dato guido and
pcrsonpl advice that will bo of great
value. ' Thomas SIMMONS.
Old Settlers Picnic.
Tho old bottlers of Webster county
will hold their seventh annual picnic
in tho court houso park, Red Cloud,
Nob., Thursday, Septemder J3rcl,:i897.
Settlers aro cordially invited to meet
with us, but any ono desiring a holi
day nnd wishing to huvo an enjoyablo
time will bo mado wolcomo. Tho glad
hand will bo oxtouded to all. Ample
arrangements will' bo mado to insure
your comfort. Bring your well flllod
baskets, appetites, your lings, your
swings, your hummocks, and tho do
slro to oujoy yourselves.
Donald McCallum, Pres.
T. C. Hacker, Sec.
Our Clubbing List
Below we present n list of u num
ber of tho lending mngazlnos, news
papers, farm papers, etc., with prices
thoy cau bo had in connection with
The Red Cloud CIuef.
Wo must havo ono yoarly sub
scrlptlon to tho Chief with each peri
odical ordered, hut both neod not nec
essarily he sent to tho samo address.
(100 f 1.2ft
100 110
100 110
100 IfiO
100 125
100 125
100 125
100 12.1
1(0 4 00
100 ISO
101) 700
1UI !
110 3 (Ml
100 1M
100 160
100 3fi0
i no uo
100 'J 00
too too
Omaha Dee. w ..- . . (1,00
Farm and Fireside, h m............ &0
Ladles Home Companion..... DO
St. Louis Globe Democrat, s w 1 no
Louisville Courier Journal, -w 100
Cincinnati Times Star, w
Philadelphia Tri-n, vr ,. 100
Tho Chicago Tribune, w ......... 70
The Chicago Tribune, d 400
Ilocky Mountain News, w. .. I 00
Ilocky Mountain News, d... . "W
Cincinnati Enquirer, w 73
Llpplniott's Magazine, m .'ICO
Godej's Magazluo, m...... .......... 1 O0
Dcraorest'a Family Magazine, m 100
Leslies Illustrated Weekly, w. 4 00
Atlantic Monthly, in- 4 00
Kansas City Star, w .......... . m
OraegeJudd Farmer, w......... too
American Woman Illustrated
World, w. ........... . ...... 400
San FraucUco Chronicle, w 1 vi
San Francisco Chronlclo, d .. 0 70
Ilreeders Oazette, w.. . a 00
Nebraska & Kansas Farmer, nu 23
Tho above odors aro mado only to
now subscribers who pay ono full year
In advance.
Tub Red Cloud Chief,
Rod Cloud, Neb.
Tho "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a
familiar uamo for DoWltt'u Witch
Hazel Salve, always ready for emer
gencies. While a specific for piles, it
also instantly relieves aud chub cuts,
bruises, suit ihcutii, eczema aud all af
fections of the skin. It never fails. C.
I.. Coiling.
UeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure.
Quickly curt DyatRUry DtarrlMM.
Hl CI.Ol'l), FlltST WAttl).
Republican eli clots of Ked Cloud,
First Wind, ate bet oby called to meet
at tho office of tho Tinners Lumber Co.
on Tuetdny, September 11th, at a
o'clock p.m., 18H7, for tho purpose of
choosing ehivin delegates to tho Re
publican County Convention. Also to
place in nomination cnmlhlntcs for tho
vniious piccinct ollices, and the nomi
nation of two judges nnd two olet ks of
W. H. Houv, Com.
Therepublicnu electors of Red Cloud
precinct ute hereby called to meet at
tho court house on Saturday, Septem
ber 11, 18117, at 2 o'clock p. in., for tho
purposo of choosing seven delegates to
tho Republican County Convention.
Also to place in nomination candidates
for the various precinct ollices, and the
nomination of two judges and two
cletks of election.
C. H. Pottku, Com.
reo cloud rinsT wAno.
Republican electois of Red Cloud
Fii8t Ward are heibby called to meet
at the tillleo of tho Traders Lumber
Co., on Tuesday, September Ulh, at 8
p.m., for the purpose of choosing 11
delegates to the tepublicnu county
convention. Also to place in nomini.
tion candidates for tho vniious pre
cinct ofiices, nnd the nomination of
two judges and two clerks of electiou.
W. B. Hour,
' Cutfrtnittorinaii.
Republican electors of Garfield pro
duct will meet in caucus ut tho
Wagoner school houso Monday Sept.,
13th, nt 7 p.m., for tho purposo of
choosing 0 delegates to tho republican
county convention. Also to place In
nomination candidates for tho various
precinct ollices and tho nomination of
two judges and clerks of oloction.
N. L. D. Smith
elm obeek.
Tho republican electors of Elm
Crook precinct will meet in caucus at
Sheldon school house, Monday, Sopt,
inth, nt ftilO p.m., for tho purposo of
choosing ti delegates to tho republi
can county convention. Also to placo
in nomination candidates for tho
various precinct ollices aud tho nomi
nation of two judges and two olorks of
C. K. Putman,
Republican electors of Pleasant
Hill will moot in caucus at school
house in Cowlos, Saturday, Sept., 11th,
at 2 o'clock p.m , for tho purposo of
choosing 8 delegates to tho republican
convontion. Also to placo in
nomination candidates for tho
various precinct ofllcos nud tho
nomination of two judges aud tvo
clerks of oloction.
T. R. Hall, ,
Republican electors of Batln pro
clnct will moot In caucus ut Harris
school house, Friday, Sept., 10th, at
4 p.m.. for tho purposo of choosing 4
delegates to tho ropublicnu county
convention. Also to placo in nomittn
,, ,, , , i, . lips 01 a iiiiiKiiiu iii.iu, u mini ut
i?.jS!SLp,!;!ki.nnM. and strength, his own story,
UlllUb Ullltun uuu nw uviuiunnuu ui
two judgos and two clerks of eleotion
R. Harris,
Republican voters of Cntherton pro
duct will moot ut North Star school
house, Monday ovoniug, September 13,
at 7:30 to elect fi dologatos to county
convention and uominnto two judges
and two clerks of election.
W. J Mathent,
Dr. Price's Crtaa Beklag Powder
World's IWr HfehMt Awsrt.
wv wJs
To You Mkn in I.ovu (1th At tide):
A punts the hunted hart for tho
water btooki, so do tho souls of somo
of you j cam to hear the uniting cere
mony. Often you feel ns though there
were nothing good in tho world, if
complete knowledgo of your beloved is
denied you. Bo c.ircful, or grasping,
sottish passion will besmltch your pres
ent joyous journey, and you will be
like some gluttonous youth shilling
himself with uuwholcsomocntablcH, in
dilTcicnt to tho beauty nnd history of
the scenery as ho passes it.
I have already told you that lovound
tho quality on which love is often
based tespocl cannot Ilvo If only
sustained hy passion. Tho passion in
deed may last long, hut It will scorch
and burn and destroy nil tho sweetie
finemeut that, it not precious in your
eye, is as least very dear to her whom
)oti havo chosen. Now I Inteinl to
cairy you for waul ono startling step
and tell 3011 that love can ennoble and
strengthen ono lifo or both, though
passion bo forever denied. What we
call tho lower dement of our natures
cannot be grand except by the higher
qualities mingling with it; but the
highoi qualities can live and last nnd
grow though the lower bo shut out al
together. I tell you this aud confirm
it by pages from lives that have been
lai 1 open before me; for I want you to
have a now sense of what love can do
and has done for our raco. I tell you
this, because love, in its highest form
of devotion to an ideal, is capable of
entering your bursting heart, no mat
ter how obscure you are, and making
of you a new creature, with n clean
life, pure thought nnd good purposes.
Something to live fori
bomethlng that stretches far beyond
The earthly limits of each fancy fond I
Something that draws us by pure loveliness,
And ever seems more fair as on vre press,
bo drawing nearer thinking to attain
Wo see It still afar and, losing, gain
More from tho added zeal wo needs must show
To win our prize, and ever higher go I
Ah somo Btrong traveler through a desert wild,
Hces snowy summits up to heaven piled
And braves the brlst'.luv daugcra but to And
Tho misty mountains still but dim outlined;
And though as nearer yet hi way te wenda
Fresh beauty to his soul the prespcel lends,
Of rosy shades flitting o'er tho snow,
And peaks with golden coronets thai glow;
Yet may he never scale those stainless slopes
Or plant his conquering banner where he hopes,
llut by h'gh striving towards lofty end,
With e)cs tbtt aver on pure summits bend.
Through seeming failure claims self-victory
And, ne'er attaining, wins eternally.
I see nlmost daily u mau, who
though sepal ated by an octan from the
woman who knows his lovo nnd feels
love in return, is held by her gentle in
fluence nud her high viows of life, just
as dimly as though he were by her
side. Saddest of nil hut why saddest T
most beautiful of all in this instance
is the fact that, increasing bodily weak
ness is gradually biingicg her to a bid
of lifelong suffering. What does he
gain fiom her? Physical pleasure?
No-such a thought is remotest from
his mind, But the purposo to live a
life that would please her, to gain a
reputation that would rejoice her, to
carvo a career that shall embody her
goodncsn and nobility these things he
gains nnd ho is content.
Thero has been given 1110 from tho
lips of a magnificent man. a man of
while wo wcro falsing of such things.
After his second child wns born, bis
wife was grievously afflicted. For ten
years or moro he has been just as you
nro in relation to your beloved. Life is
ono continuous courtship, and as middle-ago
creeps on he grows more and
more into tho habit of showing littlo
delicate attentions that nro precious to
Iter aching heart, and vocal of his
faithful devotion, What is he gaining?
Honor among men, reputation for
I could bring many moro cases to
illustrate various points of my argu
ment, bvcause I often receive con 11-
deuces in relation to such matters; bub
1 must deny myself the spnee.
Lovo will Unit an outlet. As the sap
moves within tho tree forcing it into
foliage, so true lovo Is bound todlsptny
Itself, if kept from degradation, it
will swell up your hcait with good
will towards tho world, your world,
and the hopeless misery of Its swelter
ing crowds. Nomr.n can hnve lofty lovo
for a woman without making tho
world better. Lovo is tho key to the
enigma of our relations to our fellows.
It breaks down selfishness and re
leases gentlcnoss, kindness, pity. Tho
spiritual faculties under tho stimulus
of tho softer sex, show fourth In
thoughlf ulness, nnd the physical
powers run more naturally to deeds
of good. Your beloved has shown to
you your incompleteness without hoi
and much more can she show you of
duty to the world and its need of lovo
actively worked into its mass. Show
mo any mau, Catholic, Pioti slant or
Agnostic, who is trying to better his
day; b.iek somewhere In his hoatl will
bo found tho imago of n woman to
uervo him. Shu may be of llesh and
blood or slio may bo tho immaculate
ono whom so many millions veueiato;
in cither case his best nattne is set
free, nnd ho becomes for the dear wo
man ho loves, iu very truth her war
rior out in the world, keeping stainless
tho trust sho tcposes in him.
If any suggestions in these nt tides
havo seemed unprauticnl regarding
yuur future lifo with tho woman you
love, do not condemn mc bicnuoo I
diller from you. It is jtttt posslblo
that wider cxporienco enables mo to
see a little further than you. I will
leave tho subject in this wny, Select
in your neighborhood a thoughtful,
kindly, bnppy man whoso home nccms
to hi his heart's treasure nnd ask for
his answer to tho question 1 hnve
placed before you, "How shall the joy,
tho spirit of sacrifice, tho stimulus to
effort Hint is found in courtship bo con
tinued after marriage?" Tho question
is worthy of nn answer, as you aro at
present full of happiness, and to think
of any ether condition gives you u
sinking sensation. His answer be
cause human nattito in its broad de
tails Is much tho snmo everywhere
will practically confirm those ni tides,
But being delivered by a human voice,
ho may havo more power to convinoo
you. I shall bo well content, for I
hnve made you think a littlo more
deeply than before of a subject su
premely interesting to you, and it tins
been dono in a way that seldom ap
pears In print and is rarely spoken of,
The reason of tho latter silence is that
the man who is happy in his affection
has a natural fear of derision should he
pralso tho glories of love in the
presence of those who gloat only over
its shntuo. A prosperous lonrney to
you nil.
Horn's to your gocd health I Use
"Economy Boucset Cordial." C. U.
rtukti the young feel old. and the eld fed
that life k not worth the living. It's a dao
get signal of Kidney DUease the unerring
evidence of weak, inactive and sore Kidney.
Any person cured of Kidney weakness -wii
tell you that when the back ceased to ache,
all troubles ended. Neither liniments,
plasters, nor electricity can cure it. The
seat of the trouble is not in the skin, ilek or
muscles. It's In the KldMit.
It can be
Somo time ago I received n pamphlet
advertising your Sparagus Kidney
Pills, As I havo boen suffering for
several years with pains in my hack
and general debility, I decided to try
tho pills and I must say they do their
work in great shape, as this is the first
timo in years that I havo been out tit
pain. Yours truly, II. H. Van Gerden,
Vet. Surgeon, 711 st., Hastings, Nob,
Sparagus Kidney Pills.
nOUUS REMEDY CO., PaoranrTOM. Cmcaua.,
Or. Hobbs pills For Sale In KED CLOUD, MKU,
by C, L.COTTINO, Druggist.
" il
1 r.Vi
, 0