lT-f S3 X THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, AUG. 27. 1897. 5 MOltlS Oil JjKSS PKltSONAIi. I f :T k t i ;. IV O 0OY4I I K&LvSi Wd &4KING POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its great lcavenltiRfstretigth and healthfulncKK. Aiturcn the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to tho cheap brands. KOYAL UAKINO POWDBK CO., NEW YORK. CITY NEWS. lie mine, fair one. the lover nfRlied, Her glance his blood did freeze, "I lovo no man," tbc muldcn cried "Whose pants bag at the knees." When Kroymark & Co., tit j on out Your troubles then willceafe, A new pair of panta will win licr heart. Come In lr If you please. FKKYMAHK A CO., Successors to C. Wiiweii. A.J Tomllnson was here this week. Jos. Garber 1ms gone to Iowa on a visit. Dick Tinker of MeCook was hero this week. J. II. Wegtnnnn is home after a visit in Blue Hilt. Dr. Damercll or Hastings was here the first of the week. For Salk Pure three-year-old cider vinegar. Miw. Ukadmkook. For a mower or rake I can Rive yon bottom prices. Jas. Pktkkson. T The apple wagon is getting to be a very common'tliiiiK on our streets. A uuniber of our citizens went to Ul vet ton today tosec Campbell Bros, circus. Miss KmtHii Cook left Friday morn ing for Iowa wliorc she will engage in teaching. Tho Misses Rose and Lottie Uoats re turned Wednesday night from a visit in (5:tgc county. Have you scon those road wagons. They are dandies audi the prices are right. .James Potorson.a Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhaia Remedy alwaye prompt re lief. For sale by H. E. Grice, Druggist. A little child of Ed. Pulsipher which lied ia Hastings Saturday was brought hero Sunday and buried in the Catholic oemetery. The First National Bank building is being remodeled and shelved prepara tory to receiving tho grocery stock to be put in by the new firm. The small daughter of Win. Hayes had the misfortune to have a foot smashed by a horse stepping on it. Amputation of tho wounded member was necessary. I. B. Colvin of Guido Itock was hero Monday. Tho gentleman, as will bo seen in another column of this paper, is an announced for sheriff on the re publican ticket. Work on the B. & M. depot nt this placo has not been commenced yet, the B.& M. carpenters boing busy building coal sheds at Holdrcgo, from which placo they will come to this city. Rev. James Mark Darby pastor of tho M. E, Church in Red Cloud, will preach in tho Hummel school liouso on next Sunday nftornoon, Aug., 29th, nt 8 o'clock followed by communion ser vices. Kkv. A. G. Bi.ackwixl, Pastor. The many friends in this city of Jcf forsou Mattox wero surprised and pained to hero of his death which oc curred on last Saturday morning. Very few know of his sickness and as Undo Jeff was very popular with everybody the announcement of his death camo as a shock to them. Tho funeral ser vices wero held at tho residenco on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and wore conducted by Rev. Hummel. Tho remains wero laid to rest in the Rod Cloud cometitry. Ho loaves a wifo and -.sovoral children. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Drt F CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure drape Cream of Tnrtnr Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. around Towy. Hussoiig whs in Blue Hill this TupCiukk is prepared to do youi job printlug. The Ernst Wclsch building is rapidly uearing completion. Go to C. M. Calme's tho old rollablo family baktry at the old stand. Everett Dyer stopped off horc n fow hours between trains to visit with friends. A fine bouncing baby boy appeared at the home of Rob Kcuyon at Inavalo Wednesday morning. If you want a wheel plow I havo some bargains it will pay you to look after. Jas. Petkkson. Alfred Hadcll is in Chicago this week looking after the purchase of goods for the Nobraska Mercantilo Co. A. G. Stoncbrcaktr and wifo after a short visit in the city, loft Tacsday morning for their homo at Shell Rock, Iowa. Ernst Wclsch returned Monday morning from a trip to Cripple Creek, where ho has been lookiug after min ing interests. The Union Firelusuranco Company is the best mutual. Combine risks; in installments 3 per cent. J. II. Smith, Special Agent. The W. C. T. U. masa meeting will be hold in tho Baptist church next Sunday ovening, Aug. 39th. Address by Rev. Hussong. O. C. Tool returned homo Thursday from Iudianoln, whero bo had been called several days ago by tho sad an nouncement of the death of his mother. Tho many friends of Col. Wiggins aro glad to see him up and around after a hard siege of typhoid fever. Ho praises very highly F. E. McKcoby, tho doctor in attendance. CitoiCK GitAfEs by tho pound, by the basket, by tho ton. Largest vlnoyard in Nebraska. Write for prices or come right along with your wagon. G. W. Hacan, Guide Rock, Neb. J. II. Smith writes combined insur ance for a term of live years at 0 per cent. On schools houses, churches and farm property on tho installment plan. Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb. Randolph McNltt, T. C Hacker, Robert Potter, D. F. Trunkoy, Chas. Robinson, Al. Galusha, M. W. Dicker sou auu Dr. T. R. Hall attended tho re publican state convention nt Lincoln Thursday. Rev. J. M. Darby, wifo and daughter, returned last Monday from Doweese whero ho had been in attendance nt the camp meeting. He reports a large crowd in attendanco and a general good timo by all. A fine baby daughter arrived at the homo of Hugh Miner yesterday. From the fact that the little newcomer weighed twelve pounds we might say that even the babies grow larger in these times of prosperity. Negotiations with eastern parties will soon bo begun by some parties of this city for tho securing of a large manu facturing institution for this city. The institution if secured will cost a big sum of dollars for erection nnd equip ment and will employ a largo number of mon. Cash for poultry at tho Now York poultry car, on track near the B. & M. depot, Red Cloud, on Thursday after noon, August 01st. Cash at tho car, Correct weights guaranteed. The fol lowing prices will bo paid: lions 51c, Springs OJc, old roosters $1.30 per do. en, ducks ll.oO per do.on, turkeys Co per pound, geeso $3.00 per dozen. Tho editor of a local paper is tho most thoroughly criticised individual of a community. To escape criticism ho would havo to bo a mombor of all churches and none; a prohibitionist nnd a drunknrd at tho same timo; a married man and single one nt once; a philantrophist and mixer atoncoja saint and a sinner, a genius and a fool; a hypocrite, a backbiter, a liar, a ras cal and tho opposite of each. Ex, A measure capable of holding No braska's wheat crop would be soven times as high as tho Now York city hall, or to be exact, 754 feet, and 300 feet in diameter. Tho capacity of a ton ton freight car is 840 bushels of wheat. To move this it would requiro 117,047 cars, loaded to their utmost. Tho average train of loaded cars con sists of 25. It would requiro 4,700 full trains to transport tbo crop. The avorago box car is thirty feet long, Put those 4,700 trains in lino, nnd they would extend a distance of 608 miles. We understand that a boarder in ono of the restaurants here is a phenomen on when it comes to eating. An on looker says that ho will place a dish in front of himself put his face down to about two inches'nnd then with tho aid oi a Kiiuo snovoi every vesugo oi wnat the dish contains into his mouth with- out taking a breath. Our informant, says that ho ordered about two meals and drank four cups of iced ten whiloho was there, lie don't know how much more be ate bneuusii bo turned sink at tho stomach at the sight and bad to leave. Tom Hatfield and family havo gouo to Iowa. C. W. Knloy was nominated for stnto regent yesterday. Miss Gortrudo Kaloy is homo after n visit at Cawkor City. The best buggies for the money over brought to town at Peterson's. Tho W. C. T. U. will meet during September with Mrs. F. S. Sherwood. Miss Mary Detour of Hastings was visiting in tho eity soveral days this week. MissTrix Mixer returned tho first of tho wook from a visit to Smith Centre, Kansas. Now that you are looking after waeons soo tho Newton and other makes at Peterson's. Donnis LindRoy who lias been in Crlpplo Creek for sonio timo past re turned homo this week. Mrs. Gross nnd dntightor who havo boon visiting in tho city have returned to their homo in Dakota For a good shave, hair cut or other tonsorial work, call on Geo. Fentress south of tho Caimcs bakery. Miss E. A. Hadcll has removed her millinery stock to tho A. Cook building on the cast sldo of Webster street. Mrs. Fred Palmer and children of Grand Island aro visiting in tbo city guest of her sister Mrs. Ed. McFarland. C. L. Cotting, solo agent, will refund your money if not satisfied after using ono bottle of Dr. Fennors famous medi cine If you want to bo second choico for dolegnto to tho stnto convention, nil you need is to have railroad transpor tation. Incase of receiving no rain boforj show day it would bo a good idea to get out tbo sprinkler nnd muddy up tho streets n bit. Next Thursday, Ringling day, promises to sco ono of tho largest crowds ever assembled in this city, providing tho weather is fair. George Clapp, brother of our towns man Low stopped off a short timo hero Tuesday night wlnlo on his way homo to Bloomington after attending a ro union in Iowa. Mrs. M. Lester of Iuavalo, accom panied by Mrs. Frank Smolsor of this city wero pleasant callers this week and Mrs. Lestor mado us happy with n dollar on subscription. L. H. Rust says if you want Burbank and Abundanco plums thrco to six feet high, or anything clso in tho nursery lino at reasonable prices, for fall or spring, let him know what you want. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofllco at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for the week ending Aug 26th, 1897. Ford, L. S. (2) These letters will bo sent to tho dead letter office Sept., 10th, if not called for before. Frank W. Cowdkn, P. M. Geo. McCrary, who has latoly re turned from a vacation tn Iowa, was here this week. It looks as if George was making n play for tho nomination for county superintendent. Ho will most likely be turned down for tho reason that ho has lived hero long enough to gain a rosidonce and tho other follow has not. Don't use bill heads or statements in which you havo to write your own name. Get them printed in an up-to- date stylo. There is nothing which will make your customers think you are of tho disposition to bo penurious so much as this. If you aro stingy in ono wny what reason is there to be lieve that you wont bo in other wnys. Get your printing done right at tho Ciiikk office. Poor Blood is starved blood. It shows itself in pale cheeks, white lips, weak digestion, no appetite, exhaus tion, lack of nerve force, soft muscles, and, chief of all, weal: muscles. Your doctor calls it Anaemia. He will tell you that the weakening weather of sum mer often brings it on. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo phosphites, will make poor blood rich. It is a food for over-ta A : -,j ( Jiti, nd weak "gstion, so prepared that it can easily be taken in summer when Cod-liver Oil or even ordinary foods might repel. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York for alo at joe. ao4 by all drugifUU. School .... Supplies Wo have tho larg est lino of Tablets, Pencils, Slates, School Books. Chalk, Ink, Etc., THE BIGGEST TABLET THE WORLD FOR FIVE CENTS. C. L. Cotting, IN I RiuglingJKro.s. advertising car No. 8 was hero Thursday. Dr. T. S. Hall and son of Cowlos wero iu tho city Wednesday. Miss Tilla McClelland of Blooming ton was hero tho first of tho week. Jas. Burden and wife left Tuesday on a visit to St. Joo and Kaiibas City. Bernard MeNony loft Sunday on n trip to Colorado Springs returning Fri day. A now Mono and gravel walk is boing put in at tho north ward school house. Saturday tho 23th Is pop convention day and many aro the candidates who will go homo with a sore spot. Mrs. A. C. Hosinor nnd daughter Ethel, and Miss Bonnie Eiuigh will re turn this evening from a visit at Craig, Missouri. "Economy Bonosot Cordial" mado Uy tho famous old Harmony society, greatest of all appetizers. For salo by C. L. Cotting. Mis Stella Duckcr is visiting iu Min den this week, prior to her departure for Falls City, whero sho will teach next year. Mindon Gazette The Lincoln Cemetery Association advertises this strange notice: "The owners or occupants of lots in the cemetery must clean thorn up." Stewart's (Kan.) Bazoo. The young frionds to tho number of about forty gathered at tho homo of J. 8. Gilbam on Wednesday and gavo his son harry a very pleasant surprise Tho gathering was in honor of tho young man's thirteenth birthday. A rain is badly needed in this section to settio tho dust and help the late corn which with a little moro dry weather will be considerably damaged. Somo fears aro also entertained that a good rain now would keep lato corn growing until so lato it would bo nippod by early frost. Tho following aro the names of the populist delegation in tho first and second wnrds of this city: First ward Noah Perry, H. Rutlcdgo, R. P. Hutchison, S. W. Foe, Bernard Mc Neny, P. Sutton, AI. Aultz. Second ward B. F. Mizor, Anti-Prosperty, F. E. Gnblo, J. H. Wegmann, S. Bayles, John Polnicky, S. Day, Lcn Aultz. Somo Beatrice morchants have been done up by an advertising fakir who had a schemo. Tho fakir stayed in town a fow days, working tho business men, and then rented a bicyclo of Hoff- stot, and left town in a blazo of glory. Ho paid a dollar for tho bicycle, and shipped it back hero from Valley, and Mr. Hoffstot had to whack up a dollar and a half express charges. Morchants will probably learn wisdom from ex poricuco in tho courso of timo. When they havo advertising to do, they will givo tho marble heart to oily tongttcd strangers, nnd patronizo tho local nowspapors which aro trying to help them and tho town ull tho year round. Beatrice Express. Nebraska Mercantile Co. The firm of G. A. Duckor & Co., which for tho past ton or twelve years have done a flourishing businesi in tho dry goods line in this eity, has, so far as tho Illinois part of tho firm, Mr. G. A, Ducker of Joliot, Illinois, ceased to exist and in its stead a corporation has bcod formed to carry on tho business which will be known as the Nobraska Mercantile Co. Tho new firm will bo composed of Alfred Hadell, who for everal years has been the resident manager and a tnetubor of tho firm of Geo, A. Ducker & Co,, Jay Olnoy who has been In the general merchandise business at Bloomington, in Franklin county nnd Bertha E. Spoako also of Franklin county. No comments nood to bo mado as to tho ability of Mr. Hadell, as his long residence in this city hns demonstrated that ho is a thorough business man and we understand that tho othor gont Io nian member of tho corporation is up-to-dalo in business methods. DcWItt's Witch Hazel Salve Cure Piles, Scald, Uuroi. I ill th& K Innriilcr m VtS -.----- s.-r-. wa--v Are Closed for the Winter. Large deposits of Itten's & Boys' Suits, OVERCOATS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, are found there every day and people save Gold Dollars by buying their "Winter supply of Freymark Co. Successors to C. Wiener. Red Cloud's Reliable Clothing House. Immmsmmsmmmwigmm We are Opening New Goods Every Day! We The Largest Stock Ever Brought to the Valley. MINER I The Gates of the Golden Eagle Clothing Store are Never Closed. r will give You some Hummers Nbxt week! BROS. I Y 4tS ) ..r 'i '4j 'JjLIi .Mi.-?L icsi r