The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 27, 1897, Image 1

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L9lHslslslslslslslslslslslEf -Krf taw" 'framr! hKWP?ESiWC?i!JL IVe. ' .HHIM ft HHHIBHHHriflfesiHBQIH
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IIV "NT.Mfl."
To YOUNO MKN IN LOVK (.'ltd Alti
clo): Somo day, when you have tolled
for her awhile longer, and gathered a
reasonable amount of worldly goods
for her protection and comfort, she
will plaeo her hand confidingly in
yours in the prcsenee of witnesses.
With her "I will!" alio will forswear
liberty. Her wistful eyes will he raised
in tender love- toward yours as sho
makes the greatest sacrifice of he'r life;
for that is what it is, as you will ap
preciate if you stop to think. What
will those eyes see in you? A hero.
Sho thinks you are one, if she is loving
you for yourself alone; and I am pre
suming she is. You are to her a
knight, a cavalier, a hero bold; she
glories in your strength or your kind
ness, or somo quality that makes her
esteem you abovo all others. Though
a hundred men pass before her in te-
view, they are wavtd aside to their
own disparagement, when sho com
pares them with you. Just as ardently
as you admire her docs she admire you!
But sbo is only dreaming of your hero
ism and goodness I The dream is one
so beautiful (or you to consider, that
to awaken her to a different reality
will be cruel pain. If you are shroud
ing your real character aud deceiving
her as to your motives, try now to
opes your aoul wide to the qualities
the Jotee. Leathern, rush in uatil you
re poMoteod bytWm, so that he may
never bare before ber eyes the sorrow
aBd distress of ,an illusion. Be wbat
she thinks you are; and while she will
still remain ibe more powerful to
mould and the greater in heart (how
true!) she will nevertheless look up to
you as though she were the lesser.
What a sweet offering of incense to
your proud and happy spirit that will
be! Deception as to goodness and
nobility until both become habits of
the soul, is worth the effort of carry
ing on, and when fully attained will
make the life together a growth in the
sweetest graces of humanity.
Why do I love him, my noblu Knight?
It It because of his bright
Or hid strong tight hand and his bounding
Or his costly garb and Ills worldly wealth?
In It became of his wooing sweet
Or the gifts he tllnga at my favored feet?
Is It becauso of the noble race,
Wbenco be boasts bis lineage, proud, to trace?
Ab nol 'Us because, for the love of tne
Ue bai cheerfully donned bis imnoply
Stalwart and bravo beyond compare. r
But genUe and kind to bis lady fair.
Clad to an armor of truth Is be,
Wilh the stainless shield of purity,
And aaword unsheathed to uphold Uie right,
That's why I love him, my Knight, my Knight II
You smile at the old fable about the
greedy dog that dropped a bono in
order to snateb at its reflection in the
Water below. Beware of simillar
foolishness! In the present statu of
your feeling you admire the beauty,
the good sense, the inodrsty, the at
tractive ways of the woman of your
choice. You look up to ber aud sho
can raise you in all that is worthy.
The progress of 1000 years is being en
joyed by you; the ages during which
woman has grown, under the iullucnce
of a vlrgon's son, from a creature of
utility to the Jew and a creature of
pleasure to the Gentllo, into u radiant
help-mate that draws out of man moro
fully the divine possibilities of bis
nature; these ages aro epitomised in
your love. The gain to you from her
devotion is, in a measure, like the gaiu
of the world from her dear sex since
the Christian Era. Just as we expect
ber influenco to keep tho world con
tinuously progressing, so may your
gain keep on growing as you como to a
fuller knowledge of her. O, groidy
one! Is this not enough? You are a
bettor man bacause she loves you be
fore marriage, This Is tho substance
now in your possession. Will you for
get it all and rush through tho gates
of love as though the Creator had from
Or. Price' Gnmi Baking Powder
A Prlas Craw Tarter tVwttor-
till time planned to form this particu
lar woman lor your particular pietism o ?
If you do, tho shadow alone will be
yours. I ho substance of love Is her
entire nature and its effects on joti;
the shadow is physical pleasure in
dulged in for your own sake. Hero is
tho wrecking point of many a fair whip
of marriage that has started joyously
over tho sea of life. The polar star of
united helpfulness is forgotten in the
presence of passion's llicket lug light.
The joyousness comes to an end, tho
act of lovo now lowered to meto in
stinct rounds out tho full deslte, In
creased indulgence call for further in
dulgence, sense becomes all-in-all, and
then last aud worst stage of all tho
heart goes wandering any whet e and
everywhere seeking physical pleasure,
and it becomes almost a matter of in
difference whether it bo one woman or
another that furnishes tho pleasure.
Tho fruits of Paradise will then have
changed in your grasp to the ashiuess
of Dead Sea apples. Evil within you
will have triumphed over good and tho
corpso ot love be gibed at by the demon
of lust.
See the young life as n stately ship riding
Over the sea like a water bird gliding,
Will she wait till the levin of passion Is shed,
Or follow love's polo star so pure overhead?
Carelessly trimmed, a light baud on the tiller,
The billows and surges of evil days fill her,
She drifts to the depths that are dulled by the
Though the pole star of love shines so pure
The helmsman, half blinded, his fears ever
tightening, '
la waiting the flash of tho futcatadyghloliif, .
Vainly he trusts by Us fire to tisM, j
When the pole star of love shines so pure over
head. Shattered and scorched by the guide he awaited
The hilmsaian lies dead on the vessel Ill-fated,
Ala's for the victim by passion misled,
Who trusts not love's pole star so puis overhead.
Next week's letter will be the last in
this line of thought for tho preiont, al
though the subject is not by any means
exhausted, I need to oinphnsizo that
these articles are direct appeals from
my young heart to yours. A saner,
better idea of marriage so fateful in
its influence on the generations of tho
twentieth century, is what wo nil need.
So hear with mo in what I have yet to
say concerning our relation to the wo
men wo love.
According to a celebrated anatomist,
there aro upwards of 5,000,000 little
glands In tho luunnn stomach. These
glands pour out tho digestive juices
which dissolve or digest the food, In
digestion is want of juice, weakness of
glands, need- of help to restore the
health of thoso organs. Tho best and
most natural help Is that given by
Shaker Digestive Cordial. Natural be
cause it supplies tho materials needed
by the glands topreparotho digestive
juices. Because it strengthens and in
vigorates tho glands ami tho stomach,
until thoy aro ablo to do their work
alone. Shaker DigtstivoCordial cures
indigestion certainly and permanently.
It does so by natural means, and there
in lies tho secret of its wonderful mid
unvaried success.
At druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00
per bottlo.
To Baiaers of SwinO
I bavo discovered a remedy which I
claim will euro the disease now preva
lent among hogs. I bavo had two
years oxpcrlonco doctoring cholera
bogs, but this disease is not cholera, I
have a preventive and euro which if
taken in time will ward off the disease.
I will sell enough for onedollar to euro
ton hogs. I am ready at any tinio to
go and doctor hogs. I havo shown
what my doctoring will do in my own
town where tbey havo failed with all
other remedies. Call at Cook's drug
store for Carpenter's hog medicine.
A. li. Oaiipkntkk,
Hod Cloud, Nebiaskn.
Tho "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a
familiar name for DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo, always ready for emer
gencies. While a spoclflo for piles, it
also instantly relieves nnd cures cuts,
bruises,-salt rheum, eczema and all af
fections of the skin. It novOr falls. C.
L. Cotting.
Ringllng Uros ' the Grandest Display
Ever Seen in America.
Athirty-sectlonfteo street parade!
this is tho startling novelity which
Klngling Brothers, the noted circus
managers, offer the public this year as
tho latest ovlpenco of their originality
and munllicont expenditure. Tho idea
of dividing a circus procession into di
visions is in itself a novelty, while the
way In which tho original jchcmu has
been worked out not only reflects
great credit upon these always pro
gressive managers, but makes the
street parades of other institutions
look small and tawdry in comparsion
with it. In tho city of Chicago, where
Mingling Bros, famous circus has ex
hibited over one hundred times to the
largest audiences .ever seen in tho
World's fair eity, tho leading newspa
pers unhesitatingly declare that Ming
ling Bros.' streot parade Is tho most
novel, tho most unique, tho most gor
geous and tho most royally resplendent
street display over inaugurated by a
circus management. And even this
does not tell tho full story of its won
ders. Each section represents somo
distinct national characteristic, either
in this or other countries, ot some
noted historic era, whilethecostuming,
the tableaux, ornamentation and the
vari-colors of the huge dens and cars
of sta to aro so arranged as to blend in
harmony or to create striking and ef
fective contrasts to the artistic eye.
Among the notable features in the
thirty sections into which the parade is
divided, are characteristic representa
tions of all the most noted military or
ganizations in the world, all in their
national uniform; properly accoutred
ana mountea on magnincent war
horses; a military convoy in the Pun
jaub, with its ponderous elephants,
drawing great lumbering cannon and
bearing East Indian sharpshooters in
their oscilliatlve howdahs, together
with guides, native soldiers and all the
impedimenta of au Indo-British army
on tho march; a blood-quickening re
production of tho Derby day meet,
with huge tally-hos, slender spiders,
pretty 7-carts, blooded racing stock,
Londou's society leaders, jockeys,
touts aud other characteristic features
of English racing life; a brilliant
picture of Roman aud Grecian splendor
as pictured in the great spectacles of
Homo anil Athens, together wilh tho
Olympian games and charioteering of
tho historic days of Agustus; a caravan
crossing tho desert; a complete
children's parade, with pony chariots,
tiny tableaux, miniature cages aud
other novel effects delightful to tho
childish sense; 10 bands of music, over
a hundred deus, cages and tableaux
cars, aud many other unique represen
tations, each presented complete in its
individual section, and comprising in
their entirety tho most bewildering
beautiful and effective street display
ever coiiccivcu or successfully or
ganized. It is this wondet fully new
and novel procession that will inau
gurate circus day in Red Cloud next
Thursday, September 2nd, and thoso
who fail to see it will miss the greatest
event, outside of tho performance it
self, that has been presented to the
publlo during the present century.
Reserved seats and admissions will bo
on sale all day nt Grlco's drug store at
exactly the same price as on the exhi
bition grounds. '
Keep it in the house, whenever you
got "blue" or feel "shaky" or indis
posed, one small dose of "Economy
Boneset Cordial" setsjyou right. For
salo by 0, L. Cotting.
Moments are useless if trilled away;
nnd thoy aro dangerously wastetl If
consumed by delay in cases whore One
Minute Cough Onto would btitig Im
mediate relief. C. L. Cotting,
Strange But True.
I do not know just why it is: I can-
not understand, but somehow things
dou't seem to go the way that they wore
plauned. There was Willie Wllkins
mamma said he should a parson be,
Dr. Price's Ctmm Baklag pwr
put he's now dispensing rnrdials in a
wet-goods hosiolrj; and Tommy
Tucker, who was the bright hoy or our
school, since he has grown up hu'.s
known us "Deacon Tuckets fool;" aud
Charley Chump, whom wu allowed a
natural fool to be, has been ten j cuts
In congress- and It's all a beating inc.
Thi'i'o was Little Loggias, just as
modest as could he, sho is wearing
knickerbockers and sho Is a sight to
see; and tho girl who held that mar
riage is a thing that heaven forbids,
she Is now addressed as "Mi's." and is
ma of seven kids; and the boy who
said he'd write his name with fames
eternal etew, you will hud It largely
written, "Old Bill Bog j;ins, debtor to"
For tho things wo mostly llguro on aro
tho tilings wo do not. get, and tho
castlo we havo bullded Is the one that
Is marked, "To let." Tho parson says
the heavenly land Is bright aud full of
bliss. I hope he's better posted than
he Is concerning this, for ho said, "the
righteous hunger not, nor do their
seed bug bread" Pcrhans thov don't.
but, if thoy don't, they sometimes
starve iustead. And I often almost
wondor if tho next world wont sur
prise, by being just about tho thing we
never did surmise, but I trust that this
is error, for I would not think mayhap
that the ono who goes to hades is tho
one who strikes the suap. Minne
apolis Messenger.
To heal tho broken and diseased
tissues, to sootho the irritated Bur
faces, to instantly relievo and to per
manently euro is the mission of De-Witt's-Wlteh
Hazel Salve. C. L. Cot
ting. , Perfectly harmless, but very power
ful is "Economy Boneset Cordial," a
remedy par-excellence for all forms of
indigtstion. For sale by C. L. Cotting.
A pleasant marriage ceremony in
which Mr.F. H.Peltz was the groom and
Miss Lottie J. Bishop tkebrlde was con
summated at the home of tho bride's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bishop, in
Blue Hill on Wednesday, August 25th,
Rev. G W. Hummel olllciating. After
tho ceremony a splendid dinner was
served aud enjoyed by all. Tho bride
is the only daimhtcr of Mr. and Mrs.
Bishop and is ono of tho fair and ac
complished young ladies of Blue Hill.
The groom is a sun of H. L. Pelt, with
whom he is associated in bitsluess and
is a young man of sterling worth and
habits, Tito uowlj married couple left
pn tne aiiernoon tram lor Illinois to
visit witu a sister uuu oilier menus,
after which they will return aud make
Blue Hill their future home. Wo wish
them a long aud happy life and a safe
Look for the facts demonstrated by
experience. Thousands and thousands
of people suffering from tho effect
of impure blood have been cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills act directly aud prompt
ly on the liver and bowels. Curo sick
Tho fellow who does not think the
Dingley tariff bill protects the agricul
tural classes in its provisions should
study this list of a few items before he
opens bis mouth and exposes his ig
norance: Cattle 12 a bead.
Hogs 11.60 a bead.
Horses 180 a head.
Sheep I1.S0 a head.
Barley 80 coats per bushel.
Buckwheat IS cents per bushel.
Corn 15 cents a bushel.
Oats 15 cents a buahol.
Rye 10 cents a bushel.
Wheat 25 cents a bushel.
Butter 0 cents a pound.
Milk 2 cents a gallon.
Beans 45 cents a bushel.
Cabbago three cents each.
Eggs 5 cents a dozen,
Hay$4.00a ton.
Ilonoy 20 cents a gallon. '
Hops 13 cents n pound.
Onions 40 cents a bushel.
Potatoes 25 cents a bushel.
Lard 2 cents a pound.
Poultry 8 cents h pound. Beaver
City Tribune.
Republican County Convention.
The lepubllcati delegates mot in con
vention at tho court house in this city
pursuant to call, for tho purpnsu of
naming eight delegates to tho state
convention at Lincoln.
Chairman Hacker called the conven
tion to order and tho call was read by
Secretary MeNitt.
Or, presentation of credentials it was
found that all precincts were repre
sented except Harmony and Oak
On motion 1). K. Trunkey was made
temporary chairman and I). C. Jenkins
C. W. Kaley, candidate for regent,
was given thu privilege to select a del
egation to tho state convention aud
n lined the following gentlemen: T.
C. Hacker, J. S. Hoover-, Geo. J. War
ren, H. T. Potter, 1). 'J. Jenkins, Dr.T.
H. Hall, A. Galusha, R. MeNitt, C. D.
Robinson anil M. W. Dickcison.
A communication from J. T. Malla
lieu, secretary of the state central
committee was read.
Following aro tho names and post-
ofllec addresses of tho geullomen who
will compriso tho new cottntv central
Guide Rock precinct Juntos Watt,
Guide Rock.
Beavci Creek procinct G.'M. Wat
ncr, Guide Rock.
Stillwater precinct Louis Bangort,
Oak Creek precinct John C. Rose,
Garfield product N. L. D. Smith,
Red Cloud. . ... -
Pleasant Hill reciaet-Dr. T. R. Hall
Isavale precinct W. P. Renkle, Ina
TafeV Catherton precinct W. J. Matheney,
Elm Cheek precinct C. E. Putnam,
Potsdam precinct A. H.Kreigsmsn,
Blue Hill.
Red Cloud precinct C. II. Potter,
Red Cloud.
Batin precinct Robert Harris, Red
Glenwood precinct Win. Thorno,
Walnut, Creek precinct I. W. Eng
land, lnavale.
Harmony precinct H. Weidqrsehn,
Red Cloud, 1st wnrd-W. B. Roby,
Red Cloud.
Red Cloud, 2d ward-J. S. White,
Red Cloud.
Lino precinct Joe Saladcn, Red
T. C. Hacker was re-elected chair
man and D.C.Jenkins was elected as
secretary in place of R. MeNitt.
The convention then adjourned.
Here's to your gocd health! Use
"Economy Boneset Cordial." C. L.
Certainly you don't want to suffer
with dyspepsia, constipation, sick
headache, sallow skin and loss of ap
petite. You havo never tried DoWitt's
Little Early Risers for these complaints
or you would have been cured. They
are small pills but great regulators. C.
L. Cotting.
"Does Farming Pay?"
An insufferable guy, we have mislaid
bis name, is sending out circulars to
the farmers of Nebraska asking, "Does
Farming Pay!" What's tho matter
with that sucker, anyway? Of course
it pays. It pays to live just to live
in Nebraska, even if you don't do any
thing. We sco this demonstrated by
the number of men who roost on dry
goods boxes in tbo summer and sit
around the stove iu tho winter and ab
sorb tho heat that costs somebody else
tS per ton iu its crude state, and who
eat, unnK and bo merry ou tho results
of the toil of others; who are so mis
talucd and soothed by tho delightful
climate and entrancing scenery that
they aro too infernal lazy to do any
thing but talk of things thoy know
nothing about, chew tobacco and
smoke pipes and cigars, nnd then go to
the meals that, their wives or somepno
DWUt' Little Early Risen,
TiMtsaaMalHUa UU.
else has provided. But that Isn't farm
ing. Yes, it pays to fium in Nebraska,
The horny handed son of toil who
takes up thu alack iu his overalls, spits
upon his palms and goes forth under
tho open sky with n determination to
win, and also a team of up-to-dato
horses or hlgh-goarod mules and a
breech-h ading stirring plow, nnd a
Httlo seed of course, can raise nlaiost
anything. Wheat iu this second edition
of thu Garden of Eden, which, by tko
way, is literally bound in calf, to
say nothing of tho multitudes .of
adult cattle, grows and flourishes in
such tuxui lance that It would bo au in
sult to compare it wilh tho proverbial
bay tree. And corn why this is tho
homu of corn, tho corn dodger and tho
corn doctor, but not of tho unlcoru
Billy Bryan and G. Cleveland to tho
contrary notwithstanding. And then
tho apples and thu peaches, and tho
pears, and tho potatoes, aud tho pump
kins and squashes, and disturbances
that can bo raised hero. Yes, sir; you
can raise anything hero. Why, wo
know a soft and tender femalo sho is
a good deal softer than tender who
went forth single handed and alone
ono morning and raised the plaeo that
Bob Ingcrsoll has tried to argue out of
existencn and put a brick bat under
one corner of it before 10a.m. Botcher
life, farming pays. Stand up ior Neb
raska. Edgar Post.
Small precautions often prevent
great mischiefs. DoWitt's Little Early
Risers are very small pills in size, but
are most effective in preventing the
most seriouV forms of Urtt 'and
stomach troubles. Tbeycure constipa
tion and headache and regulate the
bowels. C. L. Cptting.
American Fashionable Lite.
Julian Gordon (Mrs. Van Rensselaer
Cruger) has used for hor last novel a
study of New York, Newport and Bos
ton life, which promises to be read
with wide interest by all who are inter
ested in American fashionablo lifo. No
one knows tho society of thejo throe
centers of fashion bottor than Mrs,
Cruger. From her girlhood up oho has
had every opportunity to obsorvo, and
wo havo no American ol moro
brilliant powers, not only of reading
tho human heart, but of putting her
impressions iu delightful fashion.
A charmingly fresh Massachusetts
girl Is sacrificed In tier youth to tho
ambition of a "rich marriage." De
prived of love, she throws herself into
the nice for social leadership, and wo
follow for twenty years, with over in
creasing interest, tho career of this
ablo and beautiful woman as sho cap
tures outpost after outpost, failing in
Boston only to chaugo her base of op
erations to England and then attacking
tbo main worse of the enemy nt New
York, and so on to Newport, and Anally
beholds tho capitulation of Boston
itself. The first chapter opens in tht
September Cosmopolitan.
la caused by Urlo Acid and other im
put itiea lingering in the blood, which,
have not been filtered out by the Kid
neys through the urine. The seat of
the trouble Is not in the skin or mus
cles. It'a sick Kidneys. Electricity,
ltnimenta or plasters will not reach the
case. But the dibcoso can bo
Mine was a caso of rheumatism of
the muscles and joints with kidney
trouble of two years standing. One
year quite bad. I have taken "three
bottles of your Sparngus Kidney Pills,
and feel so well that 1 have stopped
taking them. They havo done me
more good ton times over than all tho
inoA'ts :" won irom uoctors, anu i
.ny recommond them to my
Brook, Nob.
Sparagus Kidney Pills.
)BBS REMEDY CO., Paowateae, Ontui
Dr. Hobbs Pill For Sala la KEO CLO
?. r
, . 4. m -
nnn4n 11 iMmmfr ji, , i
. Jiw$r.,j.
i)Sansii,.ai )inli,i sy- ii,