The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 20, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Absolutely Pure.
Ccloltratcd (or Its great lcavculngJhtrctiKth and
hcallhfulneiM. Assures the food against alum
nnd all forms of adulteration common to the
nhcap brands. HOYAL UAKIKU roWDElt
Do initio, (air uno. tlie luvur slglicd,
Iter glance hU blood did (rcczc,
"1 love no man," llio mulden cried
"Whose rants bag at the knew,"
When Freymark A Co., lit ou out
Your troubles then will cease,
A new pair of luinti v, 111 win her heart,
Come In sir If ou please.
.successors to C. Wie.nkr.
Miss Estella Duckor left Monday
night for Mindeu.
Fou Sale Pure three-year-old cider
inogar. Mus. Bii.vdiuiook.
Miss Alice Remsbcrg returned from
i visit to Blue Hill Thursday.
r For a mower or ruko I cau give you
bottom prices. Jas. I'utuison.
Mis. Frank Williams left Monday on
u visit to relatives in Central City.
Bart Wright arrived homo Sunday
from Denver on a visit to friends hcie.
Mrs. Noiris. mother of J. A. Morris
:uriveit in city last night for a shoit
Miss Bonnie Etnigh departed last
i'uesday for a short visit with friends
it Craig, Missouri.
Mrs. C. C. Cox ami son Clare were
visiting friends and relatives in Repub
lican City this week.
Have you seen those road wagons.
They aie dandies and the ptices arc
ight. .James Peterson.
Yesterday was Sunday school picnic
lay, several of them being held in dif
ferent places near the city.
Miss Susie Kenady returned Tuesday
norning from a visit with hor brother
Calvin at Uolyoko, Colorado.
Chamhorlain's Colie, Cholera and
Diarrhcua Uemedy always prompt ro
lief. For sale by H. E. Grico, Druggist.
Miss Hadell will soon uiovo hor
millinery stock to the building on the
xjast side of tho street owned by A.
John Lynn and wife of Ida Grove,
(owa, who have been visiting with tho
family of David Morrison, left for
homo Tuesday morning.
Tho building formerly occupied by
1). .1. Mvors as a real estate ofllco has
hcen undergoing repairs this week,
preparatory to the openiugof anew
Dr. fcrauk Donncbriuk of Galcsburg,
Illinois, was visiting in tho city this
week the guest of Robert McBrido.
They both wei o formerly stationed at
Sheridan, Wyoming.
Sheriff Uunchoy wants It distinctly
understood that he will not be re
sponsible for any debts contracted by
.lack Kiddle or Win. Scott, thoy hav
ing left his bod and board without just
;auso or provocation.
C. B. Crono was out to his farm tho
tirst of tho wcok supoi intending tho
threshing of ao acres of wheat which
wont 03 bushels to tho acre, John Mc-
Oallum raised 1000 bushels off of 28
.icres, thus having a yiold of 30 bushols
to the aero. James Etnigh narveitcu
'2025 bushels of wheat off of 08 acres.
J. L. Minor, Mary and Margaret loft
tor Chicago last Saturday whero Mr.
Minor will purchaso his fall stock of
lry goods whllo tho young ladles will
buy tholr millinery and spond somo
time trimming in tho largst wholesalo
mllliuory houso In America. Watch
fat the immonso stock of staple and
fancy goods at this popular establish
mont in tho next 30 days.
Mrs. Cal Kenady Is isiting in the
Tiik Chief is prepared to do youi
job printing.
Jos. Warner left Thursday morning
on a trip to Lincoln.
Mrs. C. M. Wcthcrald of Hebron is
the guest of S. F. Spokoslicld.
Go to C. M. Calmcs tho old reliablo
family bakiry at tho old stand.
Earl Arnold was hero from Hastings
this week visiting old neighbors.
James Burden and wifo will leave
next Monday on a visit to St. Joe.
Charloy Harbor of Almcna, Kansas,
is visiting with his parents west of
Ralph Ferguson of Hastings was vis
iting in tho city tho foro part of tho
If you want a wheel plow 1 have
some bargains it will pay you to look
after. Jas. 1'eteuson.
An Epworth League convention will
be held in the M. E. church in this city
on next Friday, August 27th.
A. G. Stouebreakcr aud wife of
Shell Rock, Iowa, aro here tho guests
of C. L. Cutting and family.
Ringling Bros, advertising car No. '2
was in tho cily Wednesday adding to
their already great display of printers
The Union Firolusurnnco Company
is tho best mutual. Combino risks; in
installments 8 per cent. J. 11. Smith,
Special Agent.
Numerous hogs aro dying through
out tho county with a disease which
no ouo seems able to diagnosis, and is
as fatal, or even uioro so, as cholera.
B. F. Boyutou of Rock Falls, Illinois,
accompanied by his wifo arrived in the
city Wednesday night on a visit to old
friends aud to look after property interests.
Rubber Goods.
We have just opened a now
stock of Fountain aud Bulb
Syringes, Nursing Bottle
Fittings, Rubber Tubing,
Rubber Dolls, Balls and
Rattles, Elastic Truss Web
bing, Rubbor Tissue, Hot
Water Bottles, Etc., and
don't forget that wo show
the finest line of
in town. Our
Rubber Qlovc Brush
for cleaning Kid gloves is just
tho thing, only 10c.
C. L. Cottlng,
Rev. F. W. Mitchell of Franklin will
preach in tho Congiogntional Church
next Sunday morning and evening and
at Indian creek at it o'clock in the
II. E. Pond, wifo and son Earl loft
this noon to attend the G.A.R. en
campment at Buffalo, Now York.
They will also visit in other portions
of the state.
Miss Jeannettc Diliey assisted by
local musical talent, will give an elocu
tionary entertainment at tho M. E.
Church, Thursday evening, Aug. 20th.
Admission 25 aud 15 cents.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of five years at 8 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb.
Walter Cox returned this week from
a months visit in Kansas, Missouri and
Oklahoma. Ho states that it Is almost
impossiblo for farmers to get holp to
harvest their crops and it is nothing
unusual for farm hands to receivo two
dollars a day.
Thero is, what is loft of a crosswalk
between tho Stato Bank and Grico's
drug storo and it would bo a blessing
to pedestrians if somo ono would come
J.F.Martin called in this week aud
gavo us a dollar ou subscription.
Uuppcrtof Bluo Hill has our thanks
for cash on subscription.
Tho best buggies for tho money ever
brought to town atl'etcrsou's.
Geo. Amack called in this wcok aud
left us some cash on subscription.
Miss Nellio Martin of Wymoro ar
rived Sunday night on a visit to friends
Ruftis Allen of Smith Centre, was
looking after business matters licic
this week.
A number of our citi.ons aro in Re
publican City attending the G. A. R.
rcuuiou at that place.
Now that you aro lookiug after
wagons seo tho Newton and other
makes at Peterson's.
1 Frbymark c Co.,
GlothieFs and Gents Furnisher's,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Good dressers know a thing or two about
m clotnes ana in consequence Duy $
fine Saits & Good Fishings
M of Freymark & Co., Red Cloud's
Eeliable Clothiers.
H Freymark & Co.'s store is the headquarters of
W the finest line of
I Jden's and Boys' Jiigh Glass Glothinj,
HATS, ETC., to be found in Southern Nebraska.
& .
I Give them a call and be Convinced.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure flrnpe Crcnm ol Tartar Ponder.
along somo dark night and pull it up
aud either burn it or hido it whero it
could not bo found nnd put back.
Tho north well at tho water works
pumping station was pumped dry
last Tuesday for tho purposo of repair
ing and cleaning tho well preparatory
for uso. Tho wator from tho well was
turned down Elm strcot in such quanti
ties as to nearly Hood tho street.
Somo of our popocratic friends says
tho Bluo Earth City (Minn.) Post, feel
awful bocatiso sugar has gone up ono-
twolfth of a eout. Surely that's awful
And wheat's gone up, and cotton's
gono up, and corn has gone up, and
hides havo gono up, and the price of
labor is going up, and calamity
howlers are going up. Everything is
up. Shut up. Ex.
Don't uso bill heads or statements In
which you havo to writo your own
name. Get them printed in an up-to-dato
stylo. Thero is nothing which
will make your customers think you
aro of tho disposition to bo penurious
so much as this. If you aro stingy in
ono way what reason Is thero to bo
llovo that you wont bo in other ways.
Got your printing dono right at tho
CuiK.r ofllco.
The fools aro not all dead yot, as was
noticed by several residents of .our
city last Sunday morning when a worn
aud weary traveler of thoa prairie
schooner order stopped in front of tho
stato bank and tried to got water out
of tho tiro hydrant to water his team
aud remarked, "How do you get
water out of this durncd pump," Somo
ono informed him that tho handle was
misplaced and ho would havo to go to
tho livery barn to get water.
Through an oversight last weok wo
failed to mention tho marriage of Miss
Jennie L. Morrison of this county to
Robert Lynn of Wausa, this state,
which happy event took place on
Thursday, August fnh. Tho bride is
tho daughter of Mr. David Morrison
living north of tho city and is an
estimable! young lady. The gioom
was loriuoilv editor of tho Enterprise
at Wausa, Nebraska. Tho Ciiu:k ox-lend-,
bi'.st wlshis.
One Minute CourIi Cure, cures.
That I what It was made lor.
For a go jd shave, hair cut or other
tonsorial work, call on Geo. Fentress
south of tho Calmcs bakery.
John Runchey accompanied by John
1'oluicky took 1. S. Real to tho iusauo
hospital at Lincoln Monday.
C. h. Cotting, solo agent, will refund
your money if not satisfied after using
one bottle of Dr. Feuucrs famous medicine.
Mrs. C. C. Brown left during the
first of tho week for her home in
Columbus, Ohio, after a pleasant visit
with friends hero.
L. H. Rust says if you want Burbank
and Abundance plums three to six feet
high, or anything else In tho nursery
lino at reasonable prices, for fall or
spring, let him know what you want.
Vim, vigor and victory: these are
tho characteristics of DoWitt's Little
Early Risers, tho famous littlo pills
for constipation, biliousness and all
stomach and liver troubles. C. L. Cot-
John Staliar bought 80 acres of land
near McCool, York county, paying a
small amount down aud giving a mort
gage for $l,G0O. Ho has just threshed
his wheat and has 2,200 bushels, worth
1,320 at 00 cents a bushel, nearly
enough to pay tho mortgage. Many
of his neighbors havo dono equally as
well. Still somo of tho pops say farm
ing in Nebraska don't pay. Seward
Rev. J. M. Darby, wifo and daughter
Blanche, departed Inst Saturday for a
fow days recreation at tho camp meet
ing at Doweesc, Nebraska, tho church
having granted him a well earned two
week's vacation. Mr. Darby has ac
complished much for tho Mctiicdist
causo since His advent to this city nnd
it is to lie hoped that tho noxt M. E,
co n f ci en co will dceido to let him re
main with us.
Freymark & Co.,
The Leading Clothiers and Furnishers.
(Successors to C. WIENER.)
Turn on the Light.
tin TKurorlntr nvnnincr when No. 15
B. & M. passenger train was pulling
InlO inO 8UIUUU uuiu a imut vv-.j."
was averted by tho prompt action of a
brakeman on tho incoming train. The
train pulled in slowly and had appar
ently stopped, when tho brakes wero
released and It slowly pulled further
up tho platform toward tho ticket
office. At this juncture a man at
tempted to got from tho train in the
wrong manner, facing tho rear of tho
tln instead of tho front, not having
nhsorved that tho train had again
started forward. Tho consequence
was that no ion oh mu "
platform and would havo rolled under
tho whools if tho brakoinan had not
grabbed him and pulled him from his
danaorous position. A lady also tried
to alight in the same wav but was oh
served in time by the trainmen who
saved hor from falling and perhaps be
ing thrown undor tho wheels.
from incom ng i "-V" "?nlZ
out injury, but up to
You naturally lose flesh In
the summer and running down
Is so easy. You get a little
weaker each day without hard
ly noticing It. There Is loss oi
appetite, headache, weakness
of the muscles, disturbed sleep,
weakness of memory, and these
are the beginning of nervous
prostration. Iron and tonics
and bitters may afford some
temporary relief, but what you
need Is a food for body, brain
and nerves.
of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy
pophosphltes, furnishes just the
nourishment needed for those
who are run down and pale and
thin and weak. If you lose flesh
In summer take Scott's Emul
sion now. Don't wait till fall
or winter before beginning.
I'or sale at joe and $1.00 by all druk'k'lita.
.1.. ... m rtfCrtfi o
but up i" "" u"1 "
.1 f )!.. linfit llPfHl II II 111 Willi.
Since tho burning of tho depot tills do-
He." Clou 1 1 is an important enough
0 it o receive a littlo better atton-
inn in such matters nnd in so doing
It would inltlRato tho feeling I1010
Luted i Clomls on tho M. btaok-
"l.v TO .., Wnhono'that in
ISgSdSJSS SKri U.t time If "pS.
So When wo talk of light wo moan
llffh t and not a mako-inotond as has
been hero In the past. Wo do not wish
fo censure the employes at tho depot
by thl i article because wo have as gen-
uy una U1I.U..V . t m fil)owfl
boK f,oyojtt faultIntho matter.
There is a general kick, all over tho
countryfrom small merchants, against
ho department stores wh leta capture
noarlv all of tho trado, tutllo eirorts
SSvoVoen made to legislate , aga list
them. Tho merchants who do tho kick-
ng ought to try department store
methods for a change, and perhaps
they would havo a Tig run of trado
tlomsolves. Tho llrst Uilng that a do
Xrtmont I ore does is to advert so-, tho
next thing is to advortiso; and it keeps
advertising right along, ant I that is
what fetches tho people. Boatric Ex
press. A Kansas farmer who simply could
not got harvest hands put this sign
upon his fence: ''Harvest hands wan
ed. Hired girl blond and gonial. Cabt
not organ musio in tho evening, Iio
hreo times a day. Threo spoons 1 of
siiuar with every cup of colleo. Ham
mocks feather beds or leather divans
your option for bleeping. 1 sing
t 0 o'clock in tho morning. 'I hreo
hours rest at noon. Como ono, eomo
nll Ex. .
"DcVVIU's Witch Hu7.el Salvo
Cured Pile, Scalds, Uurni.
Try the
(No Seams.)
(The Strongest Stockings Made,)
for the Children,
& -A'j