The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 13, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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d M
iiplanatlnn of Mr. Dnvltl Dernnl'a Vrry
C'lctcr unit KfTeetlro Illiulnn Ktjlril
"The Spirit Wlfa" Mnnjr I'eali tb
folutelj llunnti
(Special Ivcttcr.)
ANY of the fun
niest nml most
BUCCl'BSftll b I (1 r
shows are the re-
Biilt of marc or
less rapid evolu
tion. You must
know thnt the
horn entertainer la
constantly on the
lookout for new
Ideas. There Is
of those specialty
M. Arlino, one
artists whoso pcrfomances are re
markable, both for the riunntlty
of gorgeous and costly apparatus
leqnlslto, and for the extraordl
nary flnlali and perfection of the feats
accomplished. Necessarily the strength
of Ritch men's arms mtint he prodlgl
cus. Many men find that they possess
great bodily strength, so that the ac
quisition of a few tricky "knacks" Is
all that Is necessary to eculp such as
"strong men." Others, again, discov
er In themselves great strength of
Jaw; this Is not uncommon. The per
former In the picture possesses ab
normal strength In his teeth, Jaws and
neck. He Is bccii lifting by his teeth
n largo cask filled with water. There
Ib really no humbug about It. Anyone
may go upon the stage either before or
sifter the accomplishment of the feat
nnd try the thing for hhiself.
One of Mr. David Devnnt's very
clever illustrations forir.B the last Il
lustration. It Is entitled the "Spirit
Wife;" and the secret Is here revealed
for the first time. Modern magicians
are over chary of giving away their se
crets, but the popular Egyptian Hall
entertainer has so many things to his
professional bow that he won't miss
this one; possibly, Indeed, the show
may be tho more popular hereafter.
Viewed from tho auditorium It Is ery
effective. Mr. Devant stimulates grief,
and suddenly feels the power to bring
before him tho spirit of his absent
wife. And so tho vision floats before
him, graceful, transparent, mysterious.
And this Is how it's done:
"Tho principle," Bays Mr. Devant,
"Is Blmply reflection. The stage Is en
tirely covered with a huge sheet of
very clear plate-glass, nnd as the an
dlcnco sees everything through thin,
they don't suspect its pi thence. Miss
Marlon Melville, who nets the part of
the spirit, Is placed on a black velvet
couch beneath the stage and a little In
lront of It In fact, whero the orches
tra usually sit, The couch can be read
ily moved Into any position by me
chanical strength In his teeth, Jaws
and neck.
A powerful electric light is cast upon
tho reclining figure of the lady, and
the lights behind the plate-glass arc
slightly lowered."
A ghostly reflection Is at once visi
ble, nnd, of course, Mr. Devant Is seen
through It.
I'nr Weilillng imtl Hull.
Notwithstanding the constant deem
latlou that Englishwomen do not know
how to dress, the descriptions of their
gowns read most delightfully. Espe
cially do tho summer weddings appear
In a charming light through the medi
um of the fashion papers. The custom
of the bridesmaids carrying crooks or
pompadour sticks, Instead of the con
entlonal bouquet, seems to flourish on
tho British Isles this season. One maid
was gowned In white satin and bore a
pompadour stick twisted about with
roses; another party of six maids, in
white muslin frocks with fichus of chif
fon, big pink satin sashes and whlto
chiffon hats burled under masses of La
Krance roses, carried white crooks, or
namented with pink roses. A third
wedding party was decidedly out of
the ordinary in appearance, thanks to
the fact that tho bride's six fair attend
ants worn not a speck of color, their
gowns being of white muslin nnd tholr
to--".,,, tvMK.
hats huge black affairs, trimmed with
black chiffon and black and white os
trtch feathers. A bevy of maids at still
another summer marriage wore whlto
silk veiled with white canvas, trimmed
"Mth blue moire and grnss lawn;, their
bouquets were of forget-me-nots nud
pint; roses.
A beautiful ball dress shown a few
days ago was mado of white satin
worked In relict with palo pink rosea
In aerophane, with pale green leaven
applied with gold thread. From waist
to hem of this satin skirt this trim
ming trailed, and tho bodies, which was
of the swathed description, showed tho
tamo decoration over a chemisette of
old-rose point, one sleeve being formed
of a trill of the laco quite short and
the other being mado of pale pink
Mm. Sally linker, the Only Petitioner of
the Wnr of IHla, Knew Dxulrl.
MarBhllt-ld is noted for having Its
people live to green old ago, but Mrs.
Sally llaker, who Is 98 years old today,
can claim the distinction of being Its
oldest inhabitant by quite n number of
years. She resides In a pretty farm
house on the Neck road, which hns
been her home for slxty-onc years.
Tho buildings arc sprucely painted, tho
surroundings are trimly kept, and tho
hams Indicate a thrifty farm business.
Mrs. linker wns born In Kingston, June
0, 1709, and wns the daughter of Oliver
and Sally (Maglathlln) Sampson good
Old Colony stock on both Bides of tho
In April, 1819, Sally Snmpson was
married to Capt. Otis Baker, of Dux
bury, Parson Zephnnlnh WiHIs, of
Kingston, performing Uie ceremony.
Capt. Itakcr had been a prlvatoorsmnn
In the war of 1812, being then less than
21 years old. His widow now draws a
pension, and la the only pensioner of
thnt war now living In this section.
In 1K3G Capt. Baker nnd his wife went
from Dtixbury to Mnrshfleld and estnb
llshod a koine, where she has resided
ever since. The farm was a mile long
and extended from Green Hnrbor river,
oa the opposite side of which lay the
estates of Daniel Webster. Mrs. Bak
er used to see a great denl of her dis
tinguished neighbor, for he wns always
hall fellow well met with the townspeo
ple. Mr. Webster's voice, In particular,
has Impressed Itself on the lady's mem
ory. "You could hear him a mile off,"
she Bald. The Websters attended the
llttlo Congregntlonal church at South
Marshflcld, and, being of Episcopalian
"procllvlbles," were n tourte of wonder
to the Pilgrim descendants as they
knelt nnd bowed their heads nt public
worship. Boston C.lobe.
There la Nour Oilier in the Worlil Thnt
t'nn Approach Her.
Here Is the photo of a South African
tow whose horns measure C feet C In
ches from tip to tip. Tn nn ox great
growth of horns lb not unusual, but In
a cow It is quite unprecedented, espe-
clnlly to this extent. The cow belongs
to Mr. A. S. Olbson, of Waterfall Farm,
about 12 miles from Johannesburg,
South Africa. Mr. Gibson nnd the
Dutch farmers throughout the country
agree In describing the cow's horns as
absolutely unique. This extraordinary
cow Is perfectly quiet and Bho waB
placed side by side with an ordinary
horned animal in order thnt an aston
ishing contrast might bo perceptlblo In
the photogiaph.
Which Waa RIrIUY
"Eery Incrtue of noble enthusiasm
In your living spirit shall be measured
by tho reflection of Its light upon the
work of your hands," said the greatest
of English art critics. Which of the
two men in the following Btory, taken
fiom a recent book "On Southern Eng
lish (toads," possessed moie of that
lympathy that should characterize the
true artist, may be left to the readeis?
of the Companion to Judge:
An American artist was painting In
company with a famous English nit
critic und author; and whilst tho art
critic Bat down with dellcht t .im...
an old tumble-down chalet, whoso bent
roof and sunburnt wooden walls were
full of Mibtle curves and wonderful
lines, mixed with soft gray shadows,
the Aiueilcan artist was content to sit
Idly by. After u while the critic ex
claimed: "Why don't you paint that lovely old
chalet? It Is beautiful us n dream In
color and form!"
The American's nnswer was curious.
"Well, 1 don't seo the beauty In It
that you do. The roof suggests wet
coming In; the walls suggest draughts
and chills and misery for Kb Inmates.
The whole place suggests painful pov
oi ty. I can't paint It! I don't see any
beauty In the decay that caiibos human
MrniTliii; lUefulneM of X-ICiifn,
Monsieur Oilier showed, at a recent
meeting of tho Academy of Sciences In
Paris, how, by the use of Roentgen
rays, tho progress of bone growth In
tho human body, nfter surgical opera
tions, could be watched and studied In
n manner hitherto Impossible, in tho
same way the position of diseased por
tions of a bone can readily bo located,
and such portions can be removed with
out amputation of tho limb In cases
whero such amputation would other
wise bo necessary; but while proving
themsehes exceedingly useful when
carefully and skilfully employed, tho
X rays are also capable of mischief
Messrs. Seguy nnd Quenlsset reported
to tho Acndemy thnt prolonged expo
posuro to tho rays had In several cases
caused violent and Irregular pnlplta.
tlon of the heart.
Tunnel lletweim Krotl.wxl nml lrcl,(.
The scheme of a tunnel bctweon Irc
lnnd nnd Scotland it being revived
with some prospect of finally attaining
success. Tho advantages would ho
great, and now that the improvement
In tunnel boring have been so mnrkod
In recent years, tho project does not
lack feasibility on the engineering
Ellis ISHfV
1 rl ff I iyB T
Whero WmtliliiRlon'a (linu Were, rant
Hmnui't Nutt, tna Orlglnnl Founder,
C'nmn to America In I HI 4 nml round
Itlch Deposit of Iron Ore.
fr-'-"3 KOM the Phihdcl-
phh Times: Much
V )f ." 1 sprcj is devoted by
rjiV the newspapers of
io-(iny to me won
derful new guns of
recent Invention
and the mills where
they aro manufac
tured. If only by
way of comparison,
a description is
apropos and Interesting of the ancient
furnace now long since abandoned and
nlmost forgotten, where tho oannon
was made that fought for un during the
revolution. It is n quaint spot, hidden
nmong the peaceful environment of
hlllB nnd farms, yet replete with mem
ories of historic Interest. Close by the
ruined forges some of the old guns
may still be seen, nnd they point out a
meadow where. In 1777, a quantity of
firing pieces were burled to escipo seiz
ure by the British. Then, too tlie
furnace is nmang the Ilr3t established
In Pennsylvania and was the pine of
manufacture of the Franklin Move, nn
invention of the famous scientist and
philosopher, bo popular In IiIb day nnd
so highly prized by modern antiquari
ans. Historic Warwick Furnace, i-round
uhlch these memories cling, Is situated
In Chester county, close by the pretty
rural village of Coventry. So nearly
l.ns it disappeared that diligent seaich
Is required to And the r,pot. The fur
nrces have been cold nnd silent for
nearly half a century, the hand of jrog
rtss has left them stranded far from
the channels of modern commerce and
a few more years will find them little
hut n memory. And yet they are al
most In the doorynrd of Philadelphia.
An hour's ride In the steam cars to
Pottstown. In the Schuylkill valley,
and an eight miles' drive southward
are the only dlflieultlcs In the way. But
this Jnunt. short as It Is, transports one
a thousand miles away from the pres
tnt Into a paBt replete with its own
romance and into a region pervuded
with nn atmosphere of elegnnce and
aristocracy which in the olden time
rtsembltd more the landed gentry of
Did Englnnd than the universal liberty
and equality of free America.
On the northern edge of Chester
county a hilly agricultural district of
great rural beauty is drained by French
c eek a corruption of Friend's creek
a stream which Aowb Into the Schuyl
kill at Fhoenixvllle.
. About six miles south of Pottstown,
nt the old hamlet of Coventry. French
Ti yarfw.f
creek divides Into two branches. One
winds up to the romantic "falls," the
other penetratca a lateral valley to the
Fcuth. About two miles up this vnlley
and surrounded by rugged hills arc tho
remains of ancient Warwick Furnace.
In spite of the general ruin, enough re
mains to give a good Idea of what the
busy settlement must have been whon
revolutionary cannon was mado hero.
Iron was manufactured In this region
as early as 1717, the only forge In Penn
sylvania of prior date being that of
1 homas Rutter, on the Manatawny, es
tablished in 171C, Samuel Nutt, of Cov
entry, Warwickshire, England, enmo to
America in 1711, and is believed to
have discovered the rich deposits of
Iron ore which arc found In the neigh
boring hills. In 1717 he took out his
patent for tho first tract of 100 acres
of land and established his forgo. Dur
ing the following yenrs ho rapidly In
creased his holdings of real estato
until nt tho tlmo of his death ho owned
over 1.C0O acres. Tho region, then a
virgin wilderness, was named Coven
try, after his English home. As coal
had not then been dlscoverod In Penn
sylvania, the old forges all used char
coal In their retortB as fuel and the
nenr-hy forests made this product
cheap and easy of manufacture. In
deed, tho subsequent abandonment of
many forges was duo to tho destruc
tion of tho forests and tho tcirclty of
charcoal, coupled with tho discovery
of mined conl and Its effectiveness In
manufacturing iron.
Samuol Nutt brought his first work
men for tho Coventry forges from
Englnnd, nnd with them came many
of tho customs nnd peculiarities of tox
oid country. Tho forges multiplied
nnd grow In Importance, tho wealth of
their owners Increased In magnitude
and as tho years wont by tho Eng
lish proprietors governed their English I
workmen nnd their miles of posses
sions with a power thnt resembled the
feudnllcm fast dying out In their na
tive land. Fine mansions, with their
solidity and size embellished with
many elegancies sprang up In the
winding valleys with "little tcnanta' or
workmen's cottnges clustering around
them. Tho ancient church of St.
Vnry's was built an a place of worship,
and here their mother religion solaced
them on the Sabbath, baptized and mar
ried them and burled them In tho little
churchynrd where their headstones
still wear a look at ancient, nrlstccratlc
pride. Samuel Nutt, proprietor and
first nutocrnt of the Coventry mlnca
nnd forges, took William Branson, a
Phlladclphian, Into partnership about
1728, but their relations were not en
tirely satisfactory and ench established
Iron works of his own. Nutt was gath
ered to his fathers In 1737, but under
the care of hh widow Anna and his
children, the mills grew nnd prosper
ed greatly. In his will Nutt bequaath
ed to his widow and daughter, Itcbccca,
I J- X -J J i I i . , I, i . ,.
120 acres of land upon which to erect
a furnace, ft was then that Warwick
came Into existence. This forge must
have given birth to a very considerable
village for the land about the old mill
nnd In tho adjacent valley Is thickly
btrewn with the remains of workmen's
dwellings. They were little, one-and-a-half
story stone buildings, with
small windows, tall chimneys and low
"Htoops" In front, each with Its strip
of doorynrd and kitchen garden. Some
few of these are still In a fair state of
repair, many are abandoned and fast
falling to decay, and a still larger num
ber are utter ruins, with perhaps a pile
of bramble-covered stone, a solitary
chimney with weather-beaten hearth
stone or a gnarled garden shrub to'
mark their former locntlons. the fur
nnc: was In tho meadow close to the
brook. A mill dam higher up the
ci eek supplied water power through a
winding mill race, which still pours
Its eryatal torrent through a crumbling
flume. Ncnr by. Is tho massive smelt
ing furnaces of stone, shod with Iron,
its vent hole Intact, though clogged
with ashes and cinders. The masonry
nround it has crumbled whero exposed
to the intenso heat from molten
metal. The mill building Itself has
entirely disappeared and upon Its
cite nnd close to tho furunco a modorn
crenmery hns been erected. Fifty feet
away, on tho banks of tho stream, are
hngo heaps of cinders from tho fur
nace, but even these plies are fast dls-
i --. .ii. ii ! vrr i ) ii i i i HEa
appearing, for the material they con
tain Is being widely used to tepalr the
public roads of the neighborhood.
On the hill behind the furnnce to ft
large Btone building In which the char
coal was stored. Its walls and floor
arc still coated with black dust and its
lofty Interior Is damp with the many
rains and dimly lighted by the sun
shine percolating through the thou
Bnnd gaps In the crumbling roof.
Down In the meadow, near the road
leading from the chnrconl house, an
ancient blacksmith shop 1b now used
as a srelter for cattle. A stone's throw
further to tho east the ancient "man
sion house," Btlll In a good state of
preservation and Inhabited, nestles
among the trees like the citadel of the
erstwhllo village and gives suggestion
of tho place's former Importance. It
Is a great, rambling structure, ele
vated upon a high stone terrnce. The
private lawn Blinded by fine old treeB,
Is removed from the surrounding land
by the terrnce and Iron barriers. Upon
It faces a long veranda connecting with
the principal rooms of the mansion.
On one side Ib an ancient garden, with
the old-time box borders grown wnlst
hlgh In a confused Jungle of neglected
foliage. On the opposite end of the
mnln building stretches a long wing,
ItB Interior subdivided Into kitchens
nnd many small chambers, where the
workmen ate and slept. Close by are
kitchen gardens, the quaint spring
house, with ItB underground gallery;
an ancient log barn one of the first
buildings erected here and groups of
small storehouses and outbuildings.
Below the mansion house extends a
group of mammoth barns, each with
Its overhanging projections uphold by
icund stone pillars forming a protect
ed porch. These buildings were once
the stables and baiting places of scores
of horses and mules, for wagons had
to be used not only to haul charcoal
from the forests and ore from the
neighboring mines, but to convey the
manufactured Iron to distant markets.
The body of one of the ancient wagons
is still preserved In the charcoal house.
It Is a picturesque affair, ribbed on the
outside und turned up at the ends like
a boat. Shortly after Samuel Nutt's
death, Warwick Furnace witnessed tho
fltBt manufacture of the famous Frank
lin sieves. Robert Grace, manager of
the furnace and one of the Nutt family
by marriage, was a friend of Benjamin
Franklin's, and the famous scientist
and philosopher thus describes the
transection In his autobiography; "In
order of time I should have mentioned
before that having In 1742 Invented au
open fireplace for the better warming
of rooms nnd at the same time saving
fuel, as tho fresh air admitted was
warmed In entering, I made a present
of the model to Robert CSrace, one of
my early friends, who, having an Iron
furnace, found tho casting of the plates
for these stoves n profitable thing, as
they were growing In demand." These
stoves are now very rare. At first
glance one would suppose Lhoni to be
shallow open fireplaces, with very
bioad, rounded hearths. A back plate
extends upward and forward toward an
overhanging cornice or curtain at tho
front nnd top over the fire. Behind
this curtain Ib an aperturo which car
ried the smoke off and furnished a
draught from tho chimney through a
chamber behind tho back plate. Tho
prcseuco of this hot air chamber back
of the flro Increased tho radiation of
heat, making a grenter warmth with a
less expense of fuel.
Tho furnnco property hns been hold
by tho Potts family, descendants of
Anna Nutt, from 1737 to this day.
Thomas Rutter, n name also famous
among early Iron manufacturers In
Pennsylvania, purchnsed a half Inter
est In the forges from Samuel Potts in
1771. The firm was known for man7
j ear J as Potts & Rutter, and bought
out tho nhares of the helra of William
Branson between 1778 nnd 1783.
During the revolution Warwick fur
nace acquired national fame. While
the struggle for liberty was in progress
the mills were In constant operation
for the government, nnd large quan
tities of cinnon, balls and shell were
cBt there. One of the old shells, re
cently found near the furnace, Is still
preserved at tho Mansion House. The
shell Ib exceedingly heavy, about a foot
In dip meter, hollow, nnd with n cast
Iron sheath an Inch thick. During the
jear 1776 sixty cannon of twelve and
olghtceii-pound calibre were cast at
Warwick for the Continental forces.
It was the next year, however, that
witnessed n threatened Invasion, a
seizure of the nrmauient and a sudden
termination of this warlike labor.
After the battle of the Drandywlne. In
September of 1777, when the Amerlcins
were defeated and the British occupied
Philadelphia, Wafchlngton retired from
the neighborhood of Goshen Friends'
Meeting, where an expected battle hud
been prevented by n rainstorm, and
came to Warwick, obtaining a fresh
supply of ammunition for his army.
During the winter that followed, when
the massacre of Paoll and the hard
ships of the patriots at Valley Forge
filled the colonists with despair the can
non at Warwick were In constant dan
ger of balng seized by the British,
quartered within easy marching dls-
trncc at Philadelphia. So one day tho
furnaca bell sounded an alarm, and
Its peals across the hills and through
tho neighboring valleys collected nil'
the loyal citizens of the countryside to
bury the guns. They hid them In tho
stretch of meadow below the mill, and
In front of the Mansion House, nnd
tradition says that after the Interment
the fields were plowed up, so that all
traces of the excavations were lost.
The bell which sounded the tocsin is
still In existence nnd was exhibited at
the Centennial with some of the can
non made at Warw.'c'c furnace. It was
cast nt the mill by Potts & Rutter In
1757 and was used constantly to call
the men to work from that time until
May, 1874, a period of 117 yenrs.
There arc still a number of cannon
burled In the mud along the banks or
the stream In the meadow, although
these are more probably guns which
did not stand tho firing test, than the
swivels concealed there to escape tho
British. The latter would be too valu
able to remain burled after danger was
past, a.nd tradition says that the im
perfect guns were deposited along the
stream. Be that as It may, the cannon
are still visible there, although they
are fast being submerged. Their
weight Is so great that the washing of
water around them and falling away
of the soft earth that supports them
Ib causing them to sink deeper and
deeper Into the ground. Several of
them have been removed as rellci.
About ten years ago. some of the men
and boys of the neighborhood who
wanted to celebrate the "Glorious
Fourth" In true Revolutionary style,
exhumed one of the old cannon nnd
dragged It to the summit of a neigh
boring hill. There they loadeU It with
a charge of powder and fired It as a
salute. The ancient rnnnon was burst
into u thousand pieces.
Queen Allx. 2:034, weighs 920
pounds at present.
W. H. McCarty now has Claybourne,
2:lli4. In his string.
A European horseman recently of
fered $2,500 for Vego. 2:10.
Last Request, 2:11, by Bourbon
Wilkes, will bo seen on the turf again
this year.
Charley Thompson has added Monte
Chrlsto, 2:18H.-. to his string at Fleet
wood Park.
Klamath, 2:07, has a half-brother
named King Altamont, which will be
raced this season.
The two fast pacers, Sulphide. 2:09',4.
and Carbonate, 2:09, will not start In
public thfs season.
Trainer Jack Burny says Joe Patch
en, 2:03, earned 180,000 In purses and
stallion fees In three years.
Ornament's full brother was sold by
tho owners of the Beaumont stud to
J. S. Curtis, for $10,100.
The ex-turf queen, Mnud S, 2:08,
is now Bald to bo in foal to Starklrk,
a brother to Magnolia, 2:15.
Axlnlte, 2:17U. by AMoll, 2:12, acts
very nicely thla spring. Ho stepped a
third mile In 2-22 recently.
Anallne, n promising three-year-old,
full sister to tho pacer, Online, 2:01,
has been n half In 1:10 at the trot.
11 B, 2:12', the fumous branded
pacer, sold at auction at Boston last
week for ?5S0. He wbb a close second
to Hal Pointer the first heat Hal paced
below 2:10,
Constantlne, 2-.12V4. may raco a llttlo
this fall. Ho made IiIb record In 1892,
nnd was n competitor of Kremlin il
one or two great races. Later the Loid
Russell horse outclassed him com
pletely. Monroe Salisbury, who had trouble
In getting his stable awny from Cali
fornia, as tho horses were taken pos
session of by tho creditors of the es
tate, Is now on his way east, and has
added tho fast atalllon Boodle, 2:12.
to his string. ' ' '"'
Trotting horsemen havo Just passed
tho darkest stage of the panic nnd few
there aro who favor largo expenditures
for entrance money, even as conditions
now stand. If opened for a free-for-all
trotting class llttlo Interest Is like
ly to attach, ne tint class at presen
lacks fighting talent
The Queen reigns over ono contl
?! ?. P0"11181""". 00 promontories
1,000 lakes, 2,000 livers and 10,000 Is.