kissa. Waiw hUMw4in . JgL'i ? KT.r rt i.k.gS4.tA.t1:M jK - ?"'."-j;ifflMt ' iJ'" I'M hi RED CLOUD OHIKH'. ii'KlJJAl. AUG. 13. 1807. nnHjj Dizzy and Faint Troubled With Kltlncy Difficulty and No Appotlte-Improved In Evory Way Slnco Taking Hood's. "1 was taken suddenly with dizziness and falntneii at the stomach and alio with kidney troubles. My whole body awmed to be out of order. 1 sent at once for a physician and followed his directions with but little change lie said 1 had a ootnplicatlon of diseases and my case was bard to manage. I would get better for a day, or two and then would bo worse again. My appetite also failed and I had a esters headache. After the doctor said he could do nothing moro for me I determined to give Hood's Sarsaparllta a trial. In a short time after I began taking It I could do a fair day'a work. It la now three years since I was cured by Hood's Barsaparilla and I am still In good health. I bavo a good appetite and am full of life." Mils. Eva Bkach, Uox 401, Lincoln, Kansas. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tlio bett-ln fact tile Orio True Wood l'urlfler. Sold by all druggists. l ; all for 5. , rn ore the only pills to take nOOd S PUIS with Hood's aarsaparllla. THE CHIEF rtnt.isiiro n r W. li. MoMILLAN. Ouo year 1100 Six months 50 PUIILISIIEI) KVEKY F1UDAY Jtutoredat Iho post office at Hed Cloud, ocoiid cIars mail matter. Hopublican Convoution. Tlio rcpiitillciiiia of Wciier county will meet In convention fit the courthouse In Iteil Clotnl on thoiilstdny of August, IsW, for tlio purpose uf cliooitiiK delegates to the stale convention called to meet nt Lincoln, August Sflth, and for the tranmrtlon of such other Inmhu-SN as may bo, brought furwanl. The several townships will liocnlltlcd torepre'cntatlon n follows: . Delegates. Delegates (Initio Hock .. .. It (Kenwood A Heaver Creek . 7 Walnut Creek .... :i Htlllwatcr n luaralc il Oak Creek !.' Cnthertoii I (Inrflcld i r lliumony.. A Pleasant lllll 7 l(et rioml, 1st ward, in r.liji Creek r Hod cloud, -M ward. II Potsdam . ,s Mne r Kcd Cloud Iwp 0 Halln ... :t Total HI Iteprc seutatlon Is based on tlio vote east for presidential elector'' In 191, allowing one dele gate for eneh ten vole or mnjor frnclloii thereof. ' T. ('. II ac kkii, Chairman, It. McNirr, t-ocretnry. ANNOUNCENENTS. I hereby umioiiiico myself us u e:tn ilidato for tlio nomination, of shurilF of Webster county, Ncbr., subject lo tli decision of tlu republican county convention, ilUDK G, SAIM INAVALE. Plenty of ruin to make corn (row. O. Millor is working for At. Sawyer. Mr. Simons it iu Koil Cloud this wook. O. Kersey and wife visited at Mr. Oltnstead's Saturday. Mr. Aycrs and Miss Keiii wero up from Keel Cloud Sunday. A few from horo attontlod the M. V. A. picnic at HlaJon Wednesday. Miss Kditii Palmer was visiting friends here the first of tlio weok. Tlio many friends of Mrs. C. Millor aio glad U see Iter gettitiR well anil tit liomu. Miss Htuma lioldrORO is tpuudinu; u oouplu of weeks with her brother iu tJowles. There will be a ball game here Sat urday botween lnayalo and Franklin Uadoball clubs. Miss Nellie Kaley nnd sister Myrtle wero visiting friends ami relatives at this place Sunday. (.5 ono and Fred Hunter, Al llolilregti .mil Charley Irving, all of Hiveitnn were in town Sunday. Cbas, Iliiiitur Is sliellitig several IIioumuuI bushels of corn. Wade Koontz lists tho contrite'. Warren Kdsou, a former Innvalo boy who is working for I. C. Olmsteail ex pects to go to California soon. There aro a great many western cut. Mo for .feeders iu this neighborhood Cattle seem to be the crnzo hero. There was a quiet wedding in town this wool;, the contracting patties be ing M. Honry l'opp and Miss Alice Itiltby. Both are well and favorably known young pcoplo, nnd bavo tbo best wishosof all for a bright and bap P.y life. Mr. Popp and wife will go to housekeeping at Mr. Hunter's farm iu a short time. PlONKEK. It ia always gratifying to rocoivc tes timonials for Chaiuborlaln's Colic, Cholorn and Diarrho'a Uoiucdy, and when tho endorsement Is from a physi cian it is especially so. "There is no more satisfactory or ellootlro remedy than Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and UifirrhiUii Itomcdy," writes Ur. H. H, Hoboy, physieiau and phavmaciBt, of Olney, Mo.; and n ho has uu d the Itomcdy iu his own family and hold it iu his drug store tor six years, ho nhould certainly know. For sale by U, K. (Slice, Druggist. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Quickly cure Dysentery and Dlarrbcra. STATE CHEEK. Growing crops of every desciiptlon ook very promising on our creek and n our vicinity. Tel Stone and Chns. Arbuekle will each build a good barn soon. One will be 24x40 and tho other 30x40. Zoph Koscucrnns has over ouo hun dred acres of small grain. Kyc, oats, and spring and winter wheat. Geo. Mountford sold several head of cattle a few days ago for which ho received tho neat sum of $320. Thos. Hoop and wlfo started for Lawrence, Kansas, Wednesday, where ho will attend the state university for ono year. Gus. Koats of Hud Cloud was iu this part of the country buying cnttlo a few days ngo and paid an enormous price for some calves. Clark Stevens will soon build a new granaiy. Many others aro making Improvements and building additions about their residences. Hen Williams bold Ills cattle to the Judy boys of IJtnr Oak. They will fued several head again this winter. The corn ctop looks vcty promising in that part. IVeaching last btiuday al 11 a.m., at Mt. Hope by Kov. Haven of Highland, and wo aro very creditably informed that from now on he will be on hand every two weeks. Kev. Robert Goidsworth preaches every two weeks in the evening at Mt. nope. lie i n vi ij nine spcaKcr tor a young preacher and docs extra well. He is n United ISrethern. Kcv. Cnmphi 11 living mar Highland, prcnehul a very able sermon al I'lcam'tt Dale List Sunday. He will preach theie regular every two weeks If is the d eM re ul the settlers of that part. Tho horse race al Hed Cloud Inst wujk created considerable excitement iu our part, and while some of our hoys bet all of their money and others their watches and now cannot tell what time lo start to the race, the ft lends of the Fair horse have the time in each pocket and watches for sale or trade. Never mind, boys, those time pieces aro only borrowed until the next race. The two hundred head of diseased cattle iu lite Carpenter pasture has created a great deal of excitement on the ct'eek. It is said they wore shipped from Arkansas to Kansas City from which placo they were shipped lieic and that they are covered with the Texas ticks which will blow and scatter. Other cattle will take the dis ease by traveling over tlio road. Sonic of the neighbors that have several head of their own aro highly interested iu tho removal of them and don't think Allen should have taken them to pas ture. Occasional. John Griflin, of Zancsville, O., says: "I never lived a day for thirty years without suffering agony, until a box of Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my piles." For piles and rectal troubles cuts, bruises, sprains, eczema and all skin troubles Do Witt's Witch Salvo is unequalled. C. L. Cotting. There is a Class of People Who nre Injured by the uso of coffee. Itecently there Iihh been plncrd Iu nil the grocery Mores u new preparation railed (UIAIN-O, mndeof puro grain, that taken tlio place of coffee. The must delicate stomach receives It wlthouldls. tress, Hint but few chii tell It from coffee. It Iocs not cost out one fourth hh much. Chil dren mil)' drink it with great benellt. 15c and S5a per package. Try It. Ask forOIIAIN O. Iiurulug,itcliiug skin disease instant ly relieved by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, uneqalled for cuts, bruises, burns It heals without leaving a scar C. b. Cotting. Blood Poison. Contagious Blood Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It is the oue disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in n total wrccit oi iuc system. Mr. Prank D. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 Tensylvania Ave., Wash- mgton.n.C.says: I was for a long time under treat ment of two of the best physi cians of this city, for a severe cane of blood poison, but my condition grew worse all the while, not withstanding the fact that they charged me three Jr. 'hundred dollars. My mouth was filled with eating seres; my tongue was tlmost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any eolid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried warious treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I began to get better, and when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S. saved me from a life of misery." S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) will cure any case of blood poiaon. nooks on thedisease ks on thedisease sss and its treat ment, mailed free by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. wi,iin Lm imrnr MlUsW y' vsssr 1'j-is Vtwi RAJtarwit Af JrVJM-i rem, w. n. rceke, wh M ' - I mci a upeciaity ot Epllepiy, hrn without uoudi irenieaana cut ed moroenvs than an living I'hyslPlnni hu sacceM ! a.tonlthlnf. We hove heard of cait Of to years' standing Cared cureu or hlra. Hi nubllifasn valuable work oa this dls. ease, which he aendi with a Me of his absolute cure, ttt to auy aufferen who may send thslr P.p. and Express addreaV we ad vise any one wishing a cure to address . w. u, fMM, f, v.i 4 vetar au, mr Tart COWL.ES. Mrs. Foso from Ohio is visiting with her relatives at our city hotel. Tho Congregational church is beinz improved by the nddltton of screens to door nnd windows. Somo of our farmers are aheady sowing their winter wheat, the ground being iu a splendid shape for that pur pose. Tho union Christian Kndeavor will glvo a song servlco iu tho Congrega tional church on Sunday evening at o o'clock. James Deakin arrived hero from Ueaiiniont, Texas, last Friday for a weeks visit. He reports things boom ingjiistnowin the south. If eastern farmers could only seo tin iiuantity of C()rn mj w,cat ,ujK hauled daily to this great shipping point mid tho grand promises our lioautiftil corn Holds hold out for tbo future, tlioy .!,! wallt to ,.mj,(, their location as soon as possible. The largo party that started from tills placo last Thursday week for Crystal bake met with so many crystal drops on the way that they decided after all blue was the best color, and so terminated their pilgrimage at blue Hill returning next next day much re freshed. G. W. Francis returned last week from his extended eastern visit. He saw nothing while away that would tempt him to leave this "garden spot." ne mums wu have afar better show! hero iu this county for good crops than most other places between hero and tlio Atlantic. "but inu give you a pointer," saidM r. 1'iepg, a popular conductor on the Missouri Paelllo railroad. "Do you know that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera mid Diarrhoja Uemedy cures you when you have the .stomach acher Wc II, it does." And after giv ing this friendly bit of advice, the jolly conductor passed on down tlio isle. It is a fact that thousands of railroad aud traveling men never take a trip without a bottle of this remedy, whicli is the best euro for bowel dis orders in tho world. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by H. E. Grico, Drue gist. " . WILLOW CREEK. Miss Annio Edson is oxpectod homo soon. Wo aro having very wot oathor at present. Ernest Torrill was calling on the crook Sunday. Guy Barnes has been working for Mr. Godwin tlio past week. Mrs. b. B. Grcenleo of Bluo Hill was visiting frionds on tlio crook last week. A crowd of our young folks attonded tho Sunday school rally at Mt. Hope last Sunday. We bavo organized a Sundiy school at our school houso which meets at 10:30. All aro invited. Miss Lottio Koby of Guide Koek, wlto has been visiting with Miss Nollio Hon, returned homo Sunday. bast Sunday while coining homo from the rally a team of hones be longing to Karl Norris became fright ened and ran tilio a distance, but foi Innately no one was hurt. Kuinovkk. "I crave but One Miuuto,"lsud the public speaker in a husky voice; mid then he took a Host, of Oun Minutn .Cough euro, and proer-eded with bis oratory. One Mlutito Cough Corn is uueipialled for throat and lung troubles c. b. Cotting. -ST ' V1ECKLEY. ;ZZ ""r'l Mrs, Geo. Mottor is visiting 1 datives at Juniata. Miss Rich of binceln county) will teach tho fall term of school afdistrict No, 50. Frank Kobtnson is visiting in Iowa. W. A. Howard Is expected homo this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton Jfrom noarGuido Hock spout Sunday with Mrs. D. II, Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dow, Mr. and Mrs. brltton nnd Misses Annio Orr and Minta K.iblnson attonded the Sunday school rally al Mt. Hope Sunday. Jas. Saunders of Hladon visited at DaveFishel's last week. Mrs. Nora Coon has gone lo Fairfield to visit frieuds. Pop't Ttiliarra Spit and Smoke tour Life Amij. To quit tobacco cu.illy uud furever. bouiai: nctlc. full of llfo, nervo and vlRor. take No li lltto.thownnditr-worUer. thnt makes nrti; men (.trouc. All druKKlsts,50oorll. OuroBuarun- tl'l'd. IlOOklCl anil H.lmnln (ron A.l.i. . htorllnis Itemcdy Co, Chicago or Now Vork ' i'inri-a 1 ur. iTicea cream unKing I'owder World's Pair I Ughest Medal and Diploma. Fits CAUCUS CALLS. INAVAI.K. Inavale township caucus will bo held it b. Kenvon's hutdwaro store on Mon day, August 10th, and 2 o'clock for the purpose of electing six delegates to the county convention to bo held Sat urday, August 21st. Wm.Kknkki,, Coin. EI.M CltKKK. Kim Creek township caucus will be held nt Sheldon school liouse,ouThurs day August 19th, at 3:30 p.m., for the purpose of electing delegates to tho county convention to be held Saturday, August 21st. C. K. Putman, Com. (lAUKIKt.I). Garlield township caucus will be held at the Wagoner school house, Thurs day, August 10th, at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of electing live tletegates to the county convention to be held Sat- uid.'O, August 21st. IJ. U. it, Coin. C'li'uiibcrlaiu'.s Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Itomcdy always prompt re lief. For sale by H. K. Grice, Druggist. To Benefit Others. The Editor of Tho Dloomfleld Iowa Farmer Wrltee of the Good Done by OR. MILES' NEW HEART CURE. IIEHIC A 1 1 10 u great many unselfish men arid women who wish others to know what has 1 (.'stored tlio in to health and happiness. Sir. O. K. Davis, pub lisher of ono of the bust uowt-papors In Iowa, writes from Uloorafleld la., Aus ISlbfti. "My deslro to benefit others prompts mo to write this. Wuhuvouscd Dr. Miles' Kcmcdles In my family for nearly two years with most gratlfylnjttesults. Wo would'iit now do wlth outtliem. My wife had bt-on weuttly and down nearly every summer for tho past fifteen years. Dr. Miles' Heart Ouro Is exactly what Its nnmo Implies: a sure euro for a weak, ItutterluK, palpitating heart, and Dr. Miles' Nerve anil Liver Pills ura most excellent." Dr. Miles' Homudles aro sold by all drug- Klsts under a positive Ruarantuo, first bottle beaellts or money refunded. Hook on Iloart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. OB. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind. GMt. Haking and health making arc included iu the makiuK of IIIKP.S Kootliccr- The prepa ration of this urcnt tctn- pcraiicc drink is an event of importance in a million well regulated homes. HIRES Rootbeer is full of good health. luvijioratitiK, appetis ing, satisfyitiK. Put some up to-d.iy and have it ready to put down whenever you're thirsty. Made onl by The Charles K. Hires Co., Philadelphia. A pack age mnkes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere. hi aaa rural lk Cartats, aad Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat- entbuslneu conducted for Mooesatc Frrs. 1 Ou.aorriciiaOMosiTsu, a.PATiNTOrricc and we can if euro patent to leu Ume than lboe( remote from Wajhlngton. , 1 Send model, drawing or photo,, with ascrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of; charge. Oar (ee not due till patent la secured. , i A PAMPHliT. "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of sameln the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. AUdress, C.A.SNOW&CO. Orr. patint Orrtcc, WaaMinaTON. D. C. NOTICE OF INCOItfOliATION OF FREYMAHKb CO. Notice Is hereby given that the uhdcrnlKiieil have this day associated themselves together for the purpose of nrgaulzliiK 11 corporation under the laws of the state of Nebraskit. Tho name of said company shall be Kn-jmark AC'o, Tli principal place of transacting Its business shall be at Hed Cloud, Wehder county, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to bo transacted Is the buying and tho selling at retail ot clothing, hats, caps, bents nnd shoes and fiirnUhlng goads and all such gools, wares bandied by retail dealers In clotbhiK. aim nirrcuanuibe as am usually koi.i mid Tbu amount of capital sloe nuthorlted la ilx Thousand Dollars dtrlded Into shares of One II mill red Dollars chcIi. Hllof wh'leli shall bo paldluatoncu. ThocororAtlonsliall commence .lul) Mb, istrr, hiiI terminate .Inly Sin, i'ju), Tlic lilgkest amount of liiilelileduvs or li-iblllty to which thn curiioriitl'Ui shall at any tlino"ub- lect ueir is Tiireo 'lliounnd liiu Hundred iiiiimrfc 111111 1111 uiimiph kii-iii i..t (iiit-ii.ii u.i 1 in led by a ituiirnlly by llii'slnckhiilders, inmrn in iiirceiiirtTiiiL to bu i-u-ueil ( haulm Wiim:ii Ir.IIX.ltK Kill I MAIIK. MlllSIUM Ml Ylll. f4 W Ejcu HfMkrth-jlH sTiisH KlMalia I'RKl) u. MiKiM.iiY.iM. D. PHY I- ,1'RGEON Clti nnd ci'tiMtiv culls pi'iunptly tin- nil day or night. XllillT CALLS AT OFFICK. Okkiok ovku CorriNo's Dkuo Stoiik. Through Service BETWEEN - ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THE. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WaGNER BUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR CARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Cents. TTMK TABLE. " t- V.. K.Y Itlil) f7 (illl), NEHIi LINCOLN UMAIIA VllIC Alio ST .HIE wl.N.SM.s CITY ST. I.OI'IS mid nil mir'i 1 usl mill smith. niiNYEIl HELENA IIUTTE SALT LAKH CY 1'Oin'l.ANl) S.l. Fh'.l.YCISCO nnd nil ptiiiH h 1 t. 1'.I.Sh l.t.Ah A 1-uLLO' - No li 1 iclit. dnlly except "uniliiv foi V)iiuircHi -. I'liKilnti'iist 11 it m. o 16. l' inner dull) I r M. .Inc. K'iH'ms I l!. Al- iiIhoii. SI. I "ui and ill point, en -t nnd south . ... 1(i:U0ii m. N.i It'.' Ai'i'oiniiioilnlloti. dally excclit Miuiiii). iiiiMiiics. iiritnu is- lund, llluek lllhs nu nun mi points In tho nor!'iw"vt 1 :vr i.m Vo, 141. Accnmmoilntlnn. dally except hiiudii), Obirllu, Kansas, nml Interuiedlritc Matlouu, via lie imlillcnn ... . Ii:( l-'relgbt, dull). U'wiiorc nud So. 01 Mt. .lev hikI Interraedlntc luuclloii jioliit- 13:11) p.m. i rrctKht, iiullv fur Kepabllcau No. ! 1 Irlcuii-.o.-cfordiUnl nit points west . I() Ki. rusnciiLcr. daily. Denver, all No. iKilutM Iu Colorado, Utah nnd California 8:40 p.m. SMrephiF, dining, and rccllnlug clinlr cars' (-ats free) on through trnlns. Tickets sold aud baggage cbcckeil to any point In the United Stales or Canada Kor Information, time tobies, maps or tickets cull on or addr A. Conovcr, Agent, Hed Cloud, Vi-lir. or .1 Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha. Xcbrasku. Wanted-An Idea WhocaasaMk or soma slmpla Protect your. Idrast thsr may bring you waaltkw Writ JOHN WKDDEIUltJRM Co" PitBt Attor. Days.Wasblactoa, D. ofor thsur l.sou prtsa oSsr aad list ot two aisauliad taTsaO- waottd. J. S. EMIG-H, 13KNTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY It' OV WANT IT. Crown Sllr Work or Teeth Without Hales. I'OKCEI.AIN INLAY Anil nil tlie Iatct Improvement lu dental mer-h aulsin UIBa HI INSM9H' PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM OleaaHt ltd Usutmca Ue hsir. rromotfS a laiurUnt rrosth. Wnrer rslls to llestora Orsj Malr to its Youthful ColorT turn khp omtwi a nir miinf, Of,tnilSI"Ut DruKlits SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, I'ROI'UIETOK. DBAI.KH IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. 0 ALWAYS ON TAP. Chimney Brick, Cistern Brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. BVHRBUjyUjU0jjBk HjpH DICK BROS QUINCY BEER In tin iM-trlit (nut of Hu Tenth Judicial Hltrl( 1 in nnd for Wch-tcr ( outitj, Ncbranka. Wittier It tulllii. tt nl. rifllnlltl-, . "t'o. W. llnm-hlu. Kll7.11 lloiu-hlii, inn! Anna , Thoiiii;on, Pefehiltiiiti- ( Antin Tliumion (lifeinlnnt nhore named wilt take notice that she Is Joined aa defendant in an action iwidlnK In the nhove entitled court be Klin by Walter II. Collin Ilenjaniln Collins and IOioiIh I.hiiIz therein on the tii day of May IHOTaxnltist herself and Ihcotliir iibur mined defcndanta the object whercor la toiiulctthe till to the northwest quarter of the norttieaxt (liiarteratid the northeast ftiartcr of tho north well niiartcr of neitlon twtiit)-slx, township one, ranijeien.weatoftlio sixth principal me r1.'' "ii.Mibner comity. Nfhriika, fn said plaliitllTs free nnd clear of all Incumbrances and for recovery of rent for Uie use thereof. Defendant hi required to niiftter or plead to tlio petition of plaintiffs on or before the SMUi dnyof.lulylttor the same will be taken as true and decree patted accordlon-ly. VAt.TMl II. COLLtha, Hks7mis Collins. ., .. KlIOIIA I.AMTS, Hawiiolpii McXitt. I'lalmlrTs' Attorney. R. MoNitt, Attorney. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. In tho District Court of the Tenth .tndlolnl Iil.trh-t, in and for Webster conntr. Me Si'liujlcr Watson. l'litlntlir. vs Mdorlii Wiitsou, Thoal-ou'liiiinedilcfeiHlant will take notlco iicreiiilHtit. I her ..llcKlng their niufrlage , hi'desertloi ,rlc.";,,,"l .of "'H ,H""11 f" ' "re than two yearn hist past, and prnj ng for n decree of mi orte fioiu tin. iirin.i. ..f'..,o.,i:. : "lrrle or " . . i1'' II?"1 H rc'iulred tonnsHcr or plead lo said petition on ir before the IB1I1 day of Julv nrsaiiii. will bo taken to be true nnd decren pascd accord ugly. Sciiutlw, WaTsoh lAMiiii.fii MrNiTT, Attorney. "on. pun. (,vo. I., ri illir,.V.f :"'".. '"'K i-om - w 1. o 1UIII III Sill Us. O...MA,. i'l,.l,.l,"VnV.Er- S''Cf"r- 0. M. Chaffin, Attorney. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. ..i. r. .' . v; . ."-'i'"-'. iu r n .. 'J1 IMMIbllcHtlon .June fHf isy;.) SHERIFF'S SALE. tlierutu. .L'-iMaTl?,''0. !";"f l-wniiff nn not In. ...ii' ami Ollbert. H. i in ..... "iXU,SyV"."". "Pr. A. U (lilbert dVfendantsV 1st,. 1 ', fS? ffif rn"h,v.c"a.".? t0 ,he hKu" bidder fo?ca?h In hand, attbe eastdoorof the court hous . ed Cloud, in said Wobstcr county. Stbttikl (that being the building whrrein fclsiium August, a. D 1887, at one o'cloek n m nt to wit?''' "e :foliowl"8 JecrlbJd property! The south-east quarter (setf) of ssctlon four juidTsS. m7 ,i,nd ,h'8 a v of JamssMcNskt, Plalitl?. AlSSSJ: Sher'ff' SHERIFF'S SALE tv. cndliig therein, herein tiattfMi Kqnttablo -crur invn i'jjlinil 1u1Wle, rHtherlmi A. Van Wic Isinp w iliV IS&SisSSSS -I. mpii nu wir.i n.,.1 i....'i .'": ', '1.e SSJW! .( .".' court houV'itTe'S wherein , lira le'Jn TJKoZ bol.len) on the iflth .lay of August a f) o The simthwest iuniter of scitlou tivoni. A(!0.l'w'7.",ICr my '"""I U,U -"" ,lB- ""! Kiinmn T I'otTt I. )V. Itti.sciiEr. Sheriff, u, l'lulnllH-s Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice I-bi-rcbj glu-ii Hint under nnd by ilr liiu ol an order of sale Issued f r.iin "l e .ilfieo ff .lanirs llutdcn. c erk of Hie IHstrlt't (Niiil! I.r ..? IUIIi . ndlelal District, with ,,,, ' fi ',?,' '.' conn ) Nebraska, upon dc.-r ' in an Heiin,, "' W." . IS.''1"...' "":" "- Allilo A ,ie?ha bund M.irtsriiKC nml ....".'; ylmu). ".'"".. ehstercoiiinv. Ni,...n rui of ssld Itiarter of section twenty ui). townshiV, . J aiSiir i.(. iw Ml(r mr ,"""1 ,l'",,JIl (1y r jui, a. A. li CorruoTH, l'la.n-,Ur-atA'i'',S.H''Cr''r' AN ORDINANCE. i.V,,,.".',,,bJr,,emiiyoraiidrllv counrll pf the city of Hed Cloud.NebraVka that ihS rSi SJ.'iWf1"0'.'''? be nPI'roptlated on ot the des oWy'e.r of iwt ,,,e "'rlllc Pre.fordho Out of the general fund for salaries Ifion- fn. street commissioner, IIM; for hall rent 0O' tnl marshal ' i'i'S' "" "!?'"C"t"1 "" """' ""' onOwb,SnXsr.,,,Jft,rpnjrn,ento,,n,Cf0sl .in.i'.lIf,Sr lerr 'un(1' ,or Iarywstcreu R, ?r' f" for W8,er commlssJoner, IM0. Ji l1! f ruftalI?u. '"" for repairs on streets 1500; for incidental expenses, laoo. for water conimlssloiier. 178.00. ' lcr 1 nis ordinance shall take effect from and "rljFPsrraKe and approval and nubllcaiin ! according to law. Approvea Oao..?. WARasif, Mayor. ItANUOLl'H McNITT, ATTORKEr ud COUNSELOR IT LAW, pV,?,h,i h!i,,"ii,on to Co,niocinl and Prohtttc l.itiRittlon. M(ON block, KKI ( l.OUJ), NKIJKASKA. r.. a.rY. ... . . !- '.tvXv CMa'J i!,8rfrraw,iv """tla 10a or SJO, flic full to cure, drucKiMa refund momjy: f lllll tjIMlHI Isirif ..... i... NUKIUFF'X N A I.E. Notice is hereby gUeii Hint under and hv vlr a?e. i :wuHS utlon pendlnrj therein, wi erein ffi, tImJ. 5iSwmfo-r;;k-,l,S? : iillcy. Stark llros .loliet Wroll rldi,'. r.V "iikkj- i omiiiinr. i'i-trv Mu ;..M dny.ihe flwl,,g .lescrl.'e,l;!ro,,;:,,i;('l Tlie norlli enst iiuartcr of sneiinn ,i,,n .,. . a1Imju uniler my hand ,h. sriB" day oT.lnij JuJ,K,'n''' ,'c'l,l'". will take thai on the Iftth ilnv of .linie. ln'rr nnm !. I P ulmni .iled-her i-e i.Vo,!' , ftc' raf-.v7ff,a fl!t! llvfLMHlnilf U nmilr...l .-I "'V.' nilMYLT hlfi! N mice 1? hereby given that underand by vlrim. of 1111 order of sale Issued from the ollliV.f.r rL 1 (; Wl UsLIl. MIIIIM 11 fTfffin In " iiKiiKL-iiiiu agency ( uniMiiii iiniiii... ..udMclTlll)ss1nKVh,ee uiierai inn in ii-miii.. 1., 11,.. VffiWtiV'Sff IIUIU LC1II1T IflP tillllillm .1 1 " .; ' v.. ." nl "c o 1 lock n in nr V nuniii 1II1IISUII SCFAu jr 1. ,. ( Ak M A mm "kw V 'mmmimmmmmmmmmmmmrt nserr