The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 13, 1897, Image 1

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TreMUtAjjrin-g.vwitv.U3;j.irnt.Tv- -- ... ji- kwity..h.ii -ii.. .. A.. t .. ... ! . j&ouatiu. iwwttturemcmtttTJuwnwirawftMiMrwMMiitiwwMiiiww
-"!!? "&f,Sl5!S!53?S3' -''A !--i"
fl-flKftt, it -." t r?fSr " ' f !.. m --
ItV "M.MO "
iiiiilui nf cnncicnoc, you an not :ipl WASHINGTON NOTES
u let theoidinai girl shift for herself, Thoirtiiriiof Secretary Shoiiiiun t
Wlll'll) cscolt- aio needed Hilt your; lV,1,iiiirt,,ii mill his iisiiiiitition nf his
. .. . "
TolOUNO MKN IN I.OVK: Yon have
liail jour chances ti) twit other
folloWH Wlll'll tlll'V gradually ubiClltCll
themselves from tin- stoioorttiecni net ;
hut now jour turn bus come, foi las
kumo your male companions have ul
icudy found you out. Like thieves set
to ca'.ch thieves, they lecogni.o the
symptoms mill thi'y tease you u lit lo if
you are easy-going and much nine if
von lira bad tempered about it. Now
a stranger, u young man among -ung
men, would like u i unity thoi otih
communion with you on the same sub
ject, but not In the same spiiitof fun
making. I realio that none of us
know all things; that some few of us
think more than othcis; and that tho
greater number euter into no sort of
understanding of the beautiful oasis
lore cau prove to be in a desert life.
So let ue chat together as though I
were u tiled and trusted friend to
whom you had come in perplexity.
Do you realizo how great a charge
has come over your spirit? Go back a
a few years m your memory! As a
whooping, rollicking boy, full of good
spirits, and a probable tyraut among
your sisters, girls were all very simlliar
to yo. Your freo boyish spirit made
70U almost iook ..down ,on the. helplras
"softies," who eonld not climb ttees ut
all nor run races well, uor play games
passably. There may have been in
those early days, one bright-eyed
school miss who found in you 11 cham
pion and u protector. Hut you ware
more or less ashamed of yonr sneaking
iegard;had no Idea of the kingdom of
love whoso on ort 3011 wore travers
ing; and tho boy who poked fun at. you
about I was nlm-t nun to he given
"the ll , ' witu :i full uicii urn of lists
behind it. In lime Hint experience
propshly isiiuo to nu end. The girl
wa forgotten or if evm tcnicmbered
only as :i continuation of your later
theory that woman needs a pioteetur
in man. Schooling came toeud, hiui
uphh begun, and thechnu of tho toi
and l ho street had m much of evil mig
jest ion to make regarding iit'ls that
your main thought of ihem wa m very
pleasant afterthought of tln Deity, de
vised for the niniitemeiit and comfort
of mankind, of whom you wore chief.
Hut now another change has conic.
Forgetting your belittling ideas of
"softies" and "playthings," y.m have
been pressed forwaid )j the -iiilcctivo
impulseof natiiie tua point where you
seo ono whom you desiic "fo hnvn and
to hold;" though all the ret perish in
other words yon are "in love," and be
cause you arc. 1 buliei), tor a time at
least, you have escaped from earlier
unworthy ideas. Tho woman yon lovu
has opened the dismal dungeon of
lascivloiid thought that holds so many
youths in thrall. How has shu done il t
Mainly through your own couvIctloiK,
that, wbatevnr of playthings other
womon may be, this ono your one
la a pure, noble spit it. Vonr soul Is at
last- out of Us prison of wrong under
standing; a woman haB released it, hud
In the Brst access of a new Idea, you
place her on a pedestal of glorluns
esteem; you worship hor in secret n) a
goddess, hoping some day to proeluim
ber as such in the ears of tho com
munity, V
Murk hw th tlMpInc lmlcii
Mcilulho twilight gra).
By Uie Miiulf 1 of olgltl half hltlilt-n
Dreaming tli4 lime an.
Watch a tohj llncrr
amid the coming dw n,
PolutliiR tho varlnd beutles
Of ireo hhi or4 ami Ut
Uee the world opting to briglitnorf",
QllMen with lunching dew,
('hinged hi a nIiirU) ruument:
The lieirenn, the rurlh am ni-n-'
Ho on the youth or laalden.
Kreib from tho realm aboe,
Their twilight life traneroruiluK
Tbora break n the Dawn of I.ovu,
Mile after tuilu you will navel iu the
stormiest weathi'i If only you may nee
one ti litis 111 ou one mi tici-Mciil that
ho sees her home the longest, way
loiitid, even though his nwn comfort
and icsl . ic seriously nircelcd. You
count all loss of cae, gain; if ou can
but travel a few fin ther footsteps. If
in Suii)tuie parlance, she ask you to
go one mile, you gladly go twain.
Whether lit or unlit you spi ing to per
f ot 111 almost any task she ma lay on
you. If you 111c "in love" you know
well I haven't exaggerated it particle
the complete way in which you me
now compelled to iicknowledgulo your
self that "wenk-wotnau" has at last as-
sci ted her sticngth. Her power is so
great that, compared with it, you aro
feeble and apait from it oil have none.
Dining the liout of gloomy employ
ment thctc comes dashes of memoiy
wherein one particular smile or ono ex
pression of love bi Ighlcns your whole
horizon, lise lightning on a summer's
night. Your senses leeall her every
gesture with a sort of ecstacy, that is 11
solace to your eager heart uutil you la
tum once more to the donor of Rweut
hopes and wholesome purposes. js
evening draws on, if that bo your time
for visiting her, supper finds you icst
less to be gone, llemarks addressed
to you by the home-folks get answered
in monosyllables, or you fail altogether
to understand what they aio saying to
vou. The. sounds of the ;flld.s, the
highways and oven th tinny streets,
chime in with the 1 ugged harmony of
your heart. Coim tho hoarse roar f
the storm or the gentle, sighing of
breezes, they ale both one to oii! The
storm you defy and the brocu you
would foice into strougth, for .you are
a man, walking with lteml fculessly
erect, trending the earth like u uiug.
Ton are ncived to your host nccause :t
woman has owned hc loved you;
she bus bowed down her mightiness to
mako you feel that she leans on you,
and it. braces up all the best that is
within you. You arc now at the hit-
prenie moment of your life, your days
ate bi with late
Al I hi olltseL I pnke of U n 11s all
oasi". An otsi.s iscxactl this sort of
a place mat describes the love of many.
Tho tiaveler over a drcat doscit with
iis drouth and miaul y, lliugs him-olf
with joyotH giatitndc under lefieshing
shade. The ny sircngih he iiins,
loo oft'in make him grow wear f
pcaeii, makis him piim foi change,
makes him dream of imii bounteous
spots yet Uj be found Krun I ho
diett hiicaiiMt, hick to the 1i"-cii lm
goes, Siuci) the desotl is a jd'iee of
douger and dct intent ami death, I
would warn yoiifiom it., soiiom week
we will rot urn to our present subject.
$100 Howard $100.
The readers of thi.s papei will
pleased to learn that ihete is al least
one d loaded disease that somnoe has
been able to onto lo -til Its stage and
that is calm ill. Ilall'n ('alairli Cute
is tho only posilun cine now known
to the medical fraternity. (Jntairh
duties as secretary of state, at this
time, when almost tlieentiio admltiis
nation is on vacation, has slatted the
rumor mill to winking over time, al
though Mr. Shei man declares that his
return has no .siguillcatice whatever;
that he resumed wot k because he felt
like it, and that he intends working
tight through the rest of the summer,
iiulcs" a spell of warm weather should
drive him away for another little rest.
Most of the tumors are connected in
some way with Japan and Hawaii, but
this may be because of the repotted in
tention of Minister Sewcll to decline a
protectorate ever Hawaii, which was
biought on one of laslwcek'nsteamcis,
or because of Secretary Sherman hav
ing olliclally notified Japan that the
United States would not guarantee
the carrying out of the vet diet of the
arbitration between Japan and
Some of tho facts brought out 111 the
hearing now going on before tho
patent office, in which John Wedder
burn & Go., are being allowed an op
portunity to show cause why they
should not be disbarred from practice
before that office for fradulcnt prac
tices, should greatly Interest the in
ventors of the country. For instance,
patent' officials bare testified that of
more than 3,700 applications for
patent "l I -.vithln two years in that
office by Wcdderburn & Co,, more
than 1800 have been absolutely un
patentable, for tho lack of novelty,
and tho patentable points in a largo
number of the remainder have been of
such an insignificant, natnre as not to
justify the inventor in paying tho cost
of obtaining a patent; and that the Grm
has solicited and in many cases secured
additional fees for applying for foreign
patents for these unputeutublo devices,
us well as sought and obtained money
for advertising thcsaiaefor sale, either
knowingly or through Ignorance of
whutnny euioicnt patent attorney
.should have known.
If Mr I'leston, director of the II. S.
mint, is a tittslworthy prophet tho de
liiino iu the prieo of silver is likely to
continue until about, one-fourth of the
pteseut price has 'boon chopped oil
Speaking of the matter, Mr. Preston
said "I see o fiituto for silver what
ever, W cents an ounce is the current
o.uotntioti. It. is my honest opinion
that within -i mouths silver will fall
lo 40 cents an ounce I'liere is 110 de
mand for il anywhere, China is not
buying '"', Japan is out of Hie
business and there socnis lo be 110 do
maud for il iu ntiy country to tin ex
tent, oven to usti it subsidiary coinage."
Oilier nion of promiti"m.'ii who have
studied the silcr uesiion long and
earnestly doolimi to put themselves on
luuoid its puitltitely as Mr. 1'iostoii
he does, but nearly vvory one iniestioned
whoso opinion is entitled to w night ex
piesnod doubts ulxnit ihe futnio
of silver.
The inturioi demittmont is now
wrestling with h new m-ohlem. which.
.. , ...... ,
' urtiil.. it fl..i.j tiihl ijit.ilir
., ...... ... .-.n ..... .....ri,
Mi It. H. Shepherd was nominated
and confirmed, and started for St.
Michael, the Kloiidykc gold excite
ment having added much impottaiiee
to the position When the interior de
paitmetit hcaid (loin Mr. Jones, in
stead of getting his icslguatiou it got
Ids bond, piopcti approved, and the
notification that he had taken the oath
of oflk'o and slatted for St Michael
Hot It moil cannot hold the same otliee,
and the department has decided that
Mr. Jones lias got to live up to Ills let
ter to Senator Wilson and resign and
it is supposed that he will do so as
soon as he gets the communication
sent him, but suppose ho shouldn't.
Tlteie might he no end of trouble in
Alaska before he could be removed
Hon. lie n j. Huttcrwotth, commis
sioner of patents, has issued nu order
iciiuiring all patent attorneys to bo
registeiei'. in the U. S. patent office,
and stating the requirements for
registration. It is considered to be ono
of the most important orders ever
issued by n commissioner of patents,
and to be a long step towards the re
formation of some of the abuses of
patent practice.
A .Wonderful Cure of Chronio
In 1803, when I served my country as
a private in Compnny A, 107th Penn
sylvania Volunteers, 1 contracted
chronic diarrhoea. It has given mo a
great deal of trouble ever since. I
have'trleda dozen different medicines
and several prominent doctors without
any permanent relief. Vot long ago a
friend sent me a sample bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhosa Remedy, and after that I
bought and took a BOcent bottle, and
now I can say that I am entirely cured.
1 cannot be thankful enough to you
for this ercat romedy, and locommend
It to all suffering veterans. If in doubt
write me. Yours gratefully, Hknkv
S mNiKucsKit, Allontown, Pa. Sold by
11. K. (Irico, Druggist.
Central Committee Meeting
The icpuhlic.iii county central com
mittee met pitistiaiit to call of the
chattmati at the office of Randolph
McN'iM on Saturday afternoon, August
Motion by , P Albright, and sec
onded, that each cent ril committeeman
send to chairman names of delegate;
fiom his township from which list of
names chairman shall select ten dele
gates to state convention calhd to
meet at Lincoln, August '.'Oth, 1897.
Motion wa lost.
Motion was made by W. 11. Hyker
that a convention be called to meet on
August 'Jlst, 18'.I7, at 11 o'clock a. 111. at
Ited Cloud, Nebiaska, iu court house
for the purpose of choosing delegates
lo the slate convention called to meet
al Lincoln, August Stlth, 1807.
Motion was made by Stansor that
above motion be nmeuded so as to in
clude a call for convention to elect
delegates and also nominate candidates
for county offices subject to the order
of convention. Amendment was
amended lo lix date Monday, August
23d, 1807, at name hour and place.
Amendment accepted. Amendments
were lost. Original motion was car
ried. Motion by Stanser that representa
tion bo fixed upon vote for R. McNitt
in 1B0G at ratio of 1 delegate for every
ten or major part thereof. Motion
after being seconded was withdrawn,
IUngling Urou'. Big Show Moro than
Doubled Sinco Last Year.
The fact that Hingliug Urns'. World's
(rentes! Shows, which exhihts in Kud
Cloud on Thursday, Septembcr'Jd, rep
resents an actual investment of 1.1,
700,000, and that tho daily expenses of
this huge traveling exposition aggre
gate ovor $7,400, constitute in them
selves incontrovertible proof that HiIb
is now beyond all comparison tho
grainiest and most colossal iimnscinont
institution ever orgatii.ed, olther in
this or any other country. Forsevonil
years past, Kingllng Hros.' great exhi
bition has been recognied throughout
the length and breadth of the land,
not only as the largest and best iircnic
institution in America, but it has also
won iislgunl triumph as a distinctively
now deparluro in amusement enter
prises. No enumeration of ligures
no moro list of wondormis features
could give an adequato idea of the re
sources of the show its overshadow
ing immensity, its wealth nf parapher
nalia, the vastness of its mammoth
hippodrome pavilions, its army of poo
pie, its dazaling glories of gleaming
gold and Bcontlllatlng color, and it?
kaleidoscopic array of strnugo peoplo
and still stranger rare wild beasts. It
is only by comparison with its own
being a constitutiotiiil disease, icqtijiosi really important quostion, i
Huy great or
more or
a constitutional treatment. Hall'4
Catarrh Cure is tnkon internally, tiutlug;
directly upon the blood and uiiicoihsui'
lots interesting, btioauie in it nro
tangled up tho otllninl foi tunes of two
luithiduaN whohaxo been nominated.
faces of tho tjystem, thereby dCHtioying and contii tried, by the senau-, for the
tho foundation of the discise, ami gis-S-iineTlice, itml who tne both on tholr
ing tho patient strength by Uullding ttpl wa, by dilfeient mutes, u the scene
the constitution and assisting uattire of their tutine oHloi IhImio,, hut the
in doing itu work. The propilctor oflh:i'U tabor of one of them will be
havn bo much faith in Its muntivo' short llvd, n his rnslgnathni will ho
powers, Hint they ofler one hundred J demanded as soon m th- ortieiitl
dollars for any rasp Jt fails in utnv. 'papers can catch up with him. Tim
Send for list of testimonials story i- not so onmplioatcd as might be
Auiirres, r. i.wnvnr.i, nut no, w. supposed As soon as the smidrv civil
lbfflf& .woprlrnloi, hi,,, which authed
-. nf wihlitiouyd U.S.
"They don't make much fus about.' oommiksloner for Alaska, liHcame n
We are speaking of DeWitt' Littli jluw, Senator Wilson 'nl Washington,
Early Risers, !hc famous little pills fiw succeeded in getting W. J. Jones of
constipation, blliousttofd, and ,U, , his state, uoniinuleij for comrnissionet
at Si, and his noun nation was
A. H. Warren.
The above name 1b greeted witli
scorn nnd loathing in all union printing
offices front ihe eca-washed shores of
Florida to tho Pacific coast. Kvory
honest printer or printing office In the
broad extent of the United States is
turned against the man who bears that
name. He is 011 the black list of tho
International Typographical Union
uriat is known as u "rat" printer. No
pi luting office of union principles will
endure his presence in their placo of
bu-ines.- He U an outcast because he
went back 011 nil his pledges and oath
sworn ptotnlscs.
This nmii without cause or piovoca
lion attempted to belittle the writer
in this week's Nation, and then like
the eowaitlly cur that he is go ton bis
wheel and silently stole away on
Htiother long trump, nut having nerve
to stay uliI face hi accusations.
Wo will not try to give a pen picture
of this man who ha for the past year
been subsisting on the charity of his
brother; it would tnke ten mauy col
umns. The potter's Hold is full of the
class of men such as he, who have cast
their obnoxious presence upon the
.vjolety of women, when their blood is
tsiuted and toeking with u dlseaso
which the doctors huvo pronounced
hopeless and tho hot spriugs will not
When this foiilestofeHith'seieatiucs
returns, if he ever does, ho will find
the wiiter at his old stand enjoying
thr prospori'.y of honesty.
- - .
Low One Way Kates to All Points East.
By Ihn Burlington Home, July in, 17,
IN, 10, '.'0, $1 and Moh Friday and Mon
day thoiottfdir until August 1.1. (o
oast on unj nf Ihe above low into days
and yon save enough to cover all the,
incidental oipoiwos of travelberth i
sleeping car, meals, transfers, oto.
Seeueuiest B. A: M.S. K agent, or
former crreatness that its ureseut
Motion was roado by Saladcn that I stupendous magnitude can bo appre
ciated, it la oly whc iv i rilfl
that Rlngling Bros', circus has t.wict
as many cars, twice as many elephants,
twice the number of huge pavilions,
twico as many .superb pea formers,
twice as large a raoing course, and
seating capacity for twico as many
people as il had last year, that the
magnitude of Ibis wonderful nutmprimi
can bo oven approximately undorslood.
And then, such a circus, such h
monagorie, such a bewildering display
of rare and costly features The five
doublo trains used to liausport the
paraphernalia of tho show represent a
loading space of ISO oiditmry cars; the
25 reason-gifted elephanln, runuiug the
gamut from tho tiniest of baby pachy
derms to the liugest of elophaiitine
mammoths, comprise Ihe biggest herd
of elephants ever before seen 111 cupti-
U10 three hundred arenic
representation to bMed on vote cast
for presidential electors in 18M, one
vote for every ten or major portion
thereof. Motisn was carried. The
lilt is as follows: Wuido Uock 14;
Beaver Creek 7; Stillwater ; Oak
Creek 2; Garfield 5; Pleasant Hill 7;
Elm Creek 7; Potsdnui 8; Red Cloud
Township 0; Ballon 3; Gleuwood C;
Walnut Creek 3; Inavale C; Catherton
4; Harmony 4; Red Cloud First Ward
lo; Red Cloud Scoud Ward 13; Line 0;
total 114.
Moved and seconded that J. S. White
arrango court house for convention
and seat delegations. Carried.
Moved that primaries and caucuses
be held not later than August 20th,
1807. Seconded ami curried.
Moved that it be the sense of the
committee that A. J.Tomlinson should
bo removed from tho office of deputy vity;
Uniled States marshal, and that tho
.stomach ami liver
never gripe. CI, L, ('.
chairman be instructed to send a copy
of this resolution to the United States
marshal for the district of Nebraska.
Seconded and curried.
Moved and seconded that committee
adjourn. Carried.
Our School Superintendent.
Poor old Hoi b Crane nf tho Blooming
ton Echo is the sot ot man in the slate
of Nebraska thesu days all on account
of tho fact that bo didn't got the post
office. His paper was largely made up
lust week of articles roasting .Senator
Thurston, ne sent, nut market! copies
of the issuo to tho press iu order to got
nymputby, but we hope there will he
none given. He d nil deservn sympa
thy. He cries about what bit has done
for tho republicans, but. it has been
noticeable that, ho generally held can
didates up for a geucrmiH supply of
cash before ho worked for them. Homo
time ago Herb name down to Kcd
Cloud to gei some indorsements of
local gentlemen with i. "pull" and re
ceived Hflvciul among which wan that
of our "moral mayor " From this gnu
llemuii hu leceHed institictitinn to
"roast" thn OartF and did so. Tho
next thae you run for tho postofflc.e
Hovli knep yMir Ixiak out of things
which do not concern you. The mayor
may buv a "pull" hut. there ai ceases
whore other people hav a larger one.
Poor old Herb wo congratulate you on
your defeat,
specialists embrace tho very flower nf
the amusement world, Ihe pick of the
famous tncnas of the world; the scores
nf ileus l lute wild beasts represent
foi tunes, ami even precious lives, ex
ponded iu seouiiug them in then
tiMim jungles; eveiy carved and gold
illumined cage, dazzling tlmejo with
Its glittering splendor, cost ti innsoiif.
every gorgeous triumphal oar of the
glotlotis nuvv sticct carnival is a
triumph of art and a tribute to ihe
artist's inspiration; every otto nf the
400 beautiful hows is an oijnine dn
light. Tho performances aic given in
livn arenas, in three rings, upon two
big stages, on a quarter mile hyppo
limine track, uiii la the vital l.UV vf
Uia largest tent, uvnr constructed,
hor for u few moments. Without a fax, Missouri.
Piir run lis. t . .
.. , , , , , , (ilinnt want tlni, luce and would leslim
One hundred and sixty ucies of 1111. ' ,.. ., 11in,i ,1. "in'i
. , . -j . ami tne senatoi uotllled tie secretary
unproved land, four miles imrthwo '. n ,,., i ,llrli , .. 3
. U , ,... 1 ., , , tiii nin interior, in older o save time
of Red Cloud. Nebr. Terms cash. An I
ply to, Mks. James Kiukwoom, Fair. !
Ain.HA tn BnfTaln tt V
write fo J. Franeia (i. P. A., Omaha, VIh the Nickl PlnU 'mud uuomn.t
1 Sob, U...H A It u,........,.,,...r I'lw.l,,.. ,.
tun i "niii'iii"iii imvi i f
promptly oonttiined. Then Mr. .lon..s
- -----..-.-.....-. - .ra VfBValmiII a.
iwtoUitoSonato. 1.1 nttiiml U a cold Is when I. uof' "M tMi "PP'Ttunity orntteilding
st arm. Don't wait until von liaveuim ,'""-lvio5. ............ u. nmu
stniiptlon but ptevent it by using One
Mbute Cough Cure, the gtoat remedt
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
anil nil throat jnd lung troubles C
L, (Jotting
OeWitt's Witch tlnzcl Slv
Ctm Pllat, ScaMa, Bmom.
conirHilcs. Tiokeis on salt AuiniM.
21st, 20nd and 23rd For full Infonnu
tioiicallon or addles J. V. Calahan,
(Sen 'I Agent, 111 Adams St , Chicago,
is only one of the danger hlgnals that
nature uses to tell us that our kiduoyft
are not acting right, uud that we arc
lu danger of HrightVt Disease amf
other kidney tronblcK When the kid
ney ure uot doing their dnty th poU
on which should be filtered out or this'
blood through the urine remain In tlW
system, ami dineasn reriilt. Thla con
dition can be
I dcslreosay that the hoy of Hoblw
Hparagus Kidney Pill.-, gotton from
Knhn As Co., ilcugghl of this eify,
have dotic iiio more good than any
medicine that I have vr taken. Thny
huve helped my kidneys, and the pain
in my back, and hnvn relieved me of
the dizaluess in my head.
W. II. Huovku, 1810 Grace St.
Paper Hanger. Oinahn, Neb.
Sots Kidney Pills.
liy O. UCOXTINO, IlruBtUt, '
( 1
J Q x"hL
'' ''lliOTIMMttgai3?ig!!?tql