&. nrJM,jjr .AMW is mil-. r&M&Mtit&r&MttmMe.! m ... f. rilJ hfr 8 FLOWERS OF THE WEST he Of the llotanlcnl llrantlra of thr C'ol IfornU Valleys. The plnlns of Culifortiin, nnil espo- lOlnlly Uio jrrcnt Hnn .lonetulii vullry, Can fairly clinllcnirc the rest of Uio world In the luxurious vctrotntlon of its sprln.fr months. While Mlziinls aro ni;ln; In the mlddli' Mutes and on tlio Atlantic coast and miow falls in the north this great valley presents a cnt- ipct of unsurpassed It-auty and jrrnn dcur, a MTurd not of ivld vendure nlonu, lint Intersppraed with Inninncr oblo colors of u kaleidoscopic picture. Tho plain, parched and dry In Burn- finer, arc transformed In January Into emerald fields, the early showers trans figuring the uninviting lundscnpo Into m vision of iietnity nuver to be forgotten, The overland tourists, or thote from 'Oregon, Washington and Ilrltlsh Colum bia, will remark u certain peculiarity about the San Joaquin vnllov In tho arly spring mouths. There I almoat total absence of yellow son on p tha ' green swnrds of the plains. One docs not sea dandelions and ranunculi, so ' ,bundant in the aorth; thay appear ' .only here and in moist localities and in ' ibo great profuilon. The spring of cen tral California Is ushered in, not with ' yellow, but with blue the blue of tho purest und the most oxquisite hue, , closely followed by white, The yellow find the orutijro appear later Tho beautiful lieinophlhi or "baby blue- eyes," looks to us wltJi really blue eyes early in the firing. Jn Fubru nry this ragilu llower npppnr among the deep green of the fields, often in such a. profusion that the prafric looks Mlco the skies above. This delicate plant of tender herbage prefers low and ifchady localitlcN its divided leaves growing close to the ground. 'Tho flower is an inch or lew in diameter, usually very much less, and lasts until about May 1. After that time the ucmnplitl Is to be found only here and there I ner-- lor yes' ' rue-:iir -ome she Itered nooks and cor- i companion the "bnby blue ive parterres of white forgot , a modest mil inslgnitluant flowet', I'Ut growing n great profusion Will tue forget-me-imt or myootis is nunibpr.' 1 the wild heliotrope, u fra gran 1 . rb of considerable size, with prettv orange-colored blossoms; tho blue Lorragc, a rank herb, preferring damp localities, and the itmsicklu or tnrweed, an annual with oblong oati to lincur leaves and yellow flowers in 'long spikes. One of the most beautiful If not the lost beautiful of nil the prlnp; flowers is tho so-called cream cup or platy istljrma. There arc no words to de scribe the peculiar beauty of this ox iqulslte plant The petals are so doll icate that no other flower can be com 'pared in that respect to it They are lot an exquisite hue, creamy, or pale ITUow of that peculiar color which Is tkaosoet difficult of all to imitate in .paint Often the petals shade tooraage isi the center. Their aaaber Sa alx, with numerous sUaaens. The oblan ooolato leaves are usually from aaW an ich to sib Inch long, ana are of that pale freen eoler which caa almoat be i called gray. The cream cup is a elen- or annual, somewhat villous and cor . artel with delicate hairs. It belongs to Ithe order of the papaveracas, and like ether poppies it baa flowers of an ex troascly delicate structure. The cream- crop appears very early, usually in the beginning of March and reaches its hoat development Ht the nd of April. A Tery early spring flower is the fra I grant gilia with a funnel form, rotate corolla divided ioto five lobes. It is a assail plant, a span to u foot high, with nJelleatf opposite and alternate leaves. The corolla is pale violet or lilac, often with hrown-purpU or yellowish la tho itube of the funnel. The flowers are oaaall, no more than half an inuh in 'diameter, hut they are the most fra .grant of ull the early spring flowers. In some localities the gilius are known under the name of "bird's eyes." Not bo beautiful us the flowers al ready mentioned, but more useful and far asore robust, is the vrodium. com aaonly culled al tiler ia, orpin-clover and ipin-grask. ltisun unpretentious flower, mmall and insignificant, but its bright rose color makes it easily recognizable. It la welcome on account of its early appearance In the spring. The leaves are very nutritious and make an ex cellent forage for horses and cows. 'They impart a pleasant flavor to milk land butter. The wild hyacinth or catnHss (camas- eia esculentu) of the order of liliuccss t grows very abundantly in the months of March, April and May. It prefers aaolsty situation and is eusily distio ,puished ay iU blue or lilac flowers igrowlag k a single raceme,. The UeavM are long and Uar and the oraaa.or bulk often a iMh in cilo, mo tor. Taeae hlhs are, the, delight of tho childroa aad are also larvelv col- lected for fbaeVtf.tfca Indians. Of other blue or purple flowers there jfatherfsyrlBofccjaa or blue-eyed grass, with very narrow loaves and growing 11b moist plaooa, and tho shooting star or wild oycluasaB, a beautifal plant, with lanceolate leaves and aright pur tple blossoms. They grow la all parts of California assd are also to he found farther north. The lupiae is also blue, at least tho j species which appear first Later it ia (followed by its yellow, pUk aa white jrelatloau. The lupiae. with its lowers ta terminal raceaaoa, is a hrrhaoooaa plaat, sometimes eve woody, with pods com and omohalf to three laches 'loag, BOuaHy Ua to twelve seeded. There aoo oor aixtjr apstjes of thla ipiaat oa tho wootons ooast aad tho in terior regea woot of the Booky mona 'aias, for of thorn growing on tho Mndhllls south of Saa franelseo. Of the raauBoulacess whieh appear 'later thaa tho ssemophUa or gUU, the most priaoipal aroi Tho nsoakehoed, r aeoBltam, with upper peUls with long olawa aad apur-lMehladoc of pale hbse or whom color; the aqullegia, or oolmnblne, growlag near streams to ward the eoaot range, its rod lowers tinged with yottow, aad tho wood ane mone, wmh a whlU aad pinkoah bios boob growiag on a smooth stem. Of jMBrne there ar aUo crowfoot or has- THE R1JD H s Wiould bo In every family medicine chest nnd every traveller's grip. They are lavilimliti. UllPtl till ItttllAC ll Pills If nut of orcWt rurn liMiLiolif, ulllniiinris, it tut all liter troubles. MII1 did tfflcleut. 23 cttitt. tercups, and finally, nppcaring toward the middle of April, the beautiful lark spur or delphinium. The larkspur docs not grow vnry abundantly in tho Kan Joaquin valley. It appears only horo and there, and usually keeps aloof from other flowers. It is usually found is dry places, among the bnnches of grass, standing nlono like n sentinel. Its blossoms are of a deep purlish-bluc. A very peculiar plant is tho so-oalled Indian paint brush, or castillcla. It really resembles a paint brush, and grows in such an abundance that it la not surpassed by any other flower, the aschscholtziii alone excoptcd. It lln gcrs through the summer longer than any othor spring flower. It is usually over u foot high, with blossoms orowded in the terminal spike. Tho bright-red floral leaves aro moro showy than the flowers, which aro inclined to be yol lowish. When dry or pressed in tho herbarium this plant Is dltpotod to turn black. Tho castillela is a constant companion of thu California poppy, und when these two plants grow to gether they form such n vision of bounty that no one will forget It. Tho prairie actually appears to be in llatne, the red castillela and the yellow and orange eschseholtzla mingling togeth er Into ono fiery mass of scarlet, glis tening and sparkling under the rays of the sun. The osuhselmltzlu is the true repre sentative of the golden west. Heing almost exclusively California!!, it unbly represents this gloiious state, and it wus very proper that it should ham been selected ns the emblem of tho California Floral society, and adopted as the state flower. Its, oraiiyr petals aro of the Jniost exquisite sstlny tex ture whieh no looms of l.yui could ever Imitate. Its gorgeous color puts tho native eselischoltin ahead of all other native llowers.it is the most con spicuous and brilliant. Us pale-green leaves are delicate in outline, dense and julc.v. Under the name of Cali fornia poppy tho eschseholtzla is known now all over the world and is largely .planted in gardens on both hemi'plieics. Sbii Francisco Chronicle. THE CAT-BEAR. A Bnaiitlful I.IMI I'Mptlrnuf tho CitUutto Zoo. A live specimen of theblnturongmay be seen in a small cage in one of those odorous houses in the London soo where few people like to stay long. We treated our blnturongs to larger houses to dwell In, and gave them much more liberty, for they were turned out mwmrv Am.v far vii t Vim m..4a. weather permitting, and they delighted In climbing up into trees and hanging from a braueh by their prehensile tall. Tho binturong is about the alto of a iv, sue i long, snaggy, pepper-ana sail roai manes tnera look larger w.. - vwv . ..... vwn iiii Ac i would make an excellent pet for a lady It in Ensrlaud. Rut It is not to ha mn pared in beauty with the cat-bear or panda, known to soience as Klurns fulgens. The cat-bear has a thick, soft, rod dish chestnut upper coat, with a lin- inr of let-hlurU fur. Th milu ; white, its pointed ears are lined with white, and it has a long, barred, bushy till! In tl liurilifti tft t 111.. V....M V...4. .... ....... .......ni.inniiiiucupuui there is also the cat element in it, as usciaws are retractile, and It crutches and spits like a kitten. They are Tery sensitive of best. The first one that wchnd was allowed to take its dally exercise in a shady chump of bumboes, and lived for two yrani before it auo- cumbed to the heat of the climate. Tho next oue that was given, or rather. lent to us, had to be sent up to its old master at Darjeellng every year, as soon as the heat In Calcutta became dnugerons to its health and life Longman's Magazine. THE VALUE OF TRUTH. TearblBB tb Young How ! Cop wltk rauannou ana Dlihonrity. Life is too short for evasions, quibbles, untruthfulness, and neglect; if we de sire to get the tist out of life, wo must live the best ourheWea. To every man and woman blessed with a liberal, or oven a common school education there ia given an added responsibility. We must war against the corrupting influ ence of a foreign population which in creases rapidly, and brings with it vice and ignorance; we must place our chil dren aide by side with children who know npthing of pure home training, and children who have never had a home; wa must meet falsehood with truth, and dishonesty with honor.andso train the youth of this broad land that a falsehood would be to them tho vile thing it really is. At West Point the young cadet is taught that false hood In beneath the dignity of an offi cer and n gentleman; in the wide world let us teach our young army of coming rulers, in small things, as in great, the mighty power of Truth. Alas for any people when Honor and Truth raako way for Policy and Ex pedlenoy. It was' Itu.kin who aaid, "Teach your sons that their bravery it but a fool's boast, and their deeds hat a firebrand's tossing, unless they aro indeed just men and perfect ia tho fear of Ood." Rate Tannatt Woods, ia the Chautauquan. A LogloBl Charge. He I see the maa who saturated his wife's mother with kerosene, then set her afire, and sailed in the neighbor! to look on has been convicted of mur dar. She The plea of Insanity didn't work then? He No, the judge charged the jury that nobody but a mm of sound mind would do such a thing. Pittsburgh Dispatch, (Jo to (i, A. Harris, Cowles, Neb., for hats and caps at cost. OLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, AUG. 6, 1897, HIIBIKS. SUMMER VACATION. Nearly ovory wonitui who can afford it lake.' a few week's rest timing tho hot season. Dressed in a cool gown, reclining in a hummock, walking in shadj groves cool ed by ocean spiny, rusting on the greun sward, sho seeks recuperation to enrry her through upothur year, lint uhisl how ninuy women there aro that can not afford to tako this very .iiuuli needed test. Hound by domestic duties, ur hold it prisoner bv olliuo work, driven by a necessity to shop or stoni thoyiar round, bocnusu sho cannot spare a day's wages, she lolls on without vacation, tired listless, spiritless, iliscmimccil. Imuk-aohn. , or y head-acho, tiembliiig limbs, palpitat ing heart, poor appetite, flashes olhoat and cold, sleeplessness. For such people, uext to a vacation, H I'e-rii-iiii. I'u-ni ua calms the nerves' Millets the mind, gives natural stronuth I and new hope, bring restful sleep ami regular appetite, ami does all that eai 'ie tlouc to mitigate the bad elleetof overwork and want of vaeation. Tin IV'-ni-ua Drug Maniifarttirinif (' mpaiiy of Colunibu-.'Ohio, aresoiiii- Ing for a short time Dr. Ihirtnian's lale.t work, written e.piosly for women The book will be sent free to wiimoifniily. IllKlit IJ Iclen WeililliiKK. ljght golden weddings wore cele brtiteil recently at Anderlues, near ItruseN. The whole town turned out In honor of the occasion, they had a public dinner and a ball, and each one of the old people received the present of uu armchair. "colcli I'liriiis, ccordlng to the government return just Jcsued there tin in Scotland U.S.; ngrieultural holdings of one acre und under. 20.1S0 of from one to five acres. XI.921 of from five to 5(1 acres, 2:,,5fi? of i above .10 acres, and TCof more than 1,W0 acre;. Tetter, Sult-Ithetuti and Kczcina, The intense itching and smarting incl dent to these diseases is instnntlv nllii vj. bv ajmlying Chamberlain 'b Eye and Sliin Ointment. Many very und cases have been permanently cured by It. It i equally efficient for itching piles nnd n favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frort bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cadi's CeadltlOB Ponders, are lust what a horso nwdn nhnn In hml condition. Tonic, blood purifier und vermifuge. They are not food lint mwilclnn mnA tn Mtf In hba 4 Mttf n hor8e n Prie condition. Price 25 ccntB lr Pkage. -- naw .. ww UDU W ft.tt .. Notice to Teaohsn. V.tIfA llafdkll 1....M !. I .!tl --.i.u id uucvuj ii;ii ciiac will uji amino all persons who may desire to oiler themselves as candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at Red Cloud on the third Sat urday of each month. ca i i The standing desired for 2d and 3d grade certificate is the same no grade below 70 per cent., average 80 per cent; low 80 per cent., average DO per cent in all ttrannhna vnm.l..n.l 1. ! . . Ull uiauvuus llilllllCU IIJ inHi ) " U. M. HuNTKK, County Supt. Txy Alton's Foot Easo. A new powder to be thikcn Into the shoes. At tlilt season your feel fed swollen mid hot ami Ket tired cotlly. If jon hsvo .miirtltiB feet or tight thou, try Allen's Foot Esse. It cooln the fcelsiii) nukes walking eiuy. C'tircn anil pre vents swoolcn aud:wcatlDE feci. lilMprKinul callous (.pots. Itcllcvei corns- ami bunion of all pain nnd ((Ives rest and cornfori. Try It to hay. soul DyniniruisulKlsaml Mioe store for c. Trial rackaee free. Add rem Allnn s Olmsted. lelior.K. Y. Try Qrain-O I Try Oralno ! Ak your grocer today to how you s package of (SitAIN-O, tho new food driDk that take the place of coffee. The children may drluk Itai well as the adult without Injury. All who try It like It. GItAINO hat that rich seal brown of Mocha and Java, but It Is made from pure gralui, aiid the moit delicate stomach receive It without distress. H the price of coffee. J5c ana S5c per package. Sold by all grocere. - Pua't Tubarco bult aid Kaoke Vosr Life Awtj. To oult tobacco easily and forever, bo mag netlc. full of life, nerro and vigor, take No-To-llac, the wonderworker, that makes weak men Btrong. All druggists, too or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address .Sterling Itemed j Co, Chicago or New York. Bdoeote Tour Bowels With L'aseareu. iuc, aw. ii c. c. O. fall, druggists refund money, -- No-To-nao for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men Btrong, blood pure. Kte! j. All u wSS? m Kilnc-Me Your HcrwrU With f-Ksinrrta iiw.-jc. iruo.t, fiill.lriiifirlMnrrfimdniniiey. I I A I THESE PIQURRR ABB- 10 THBSE,n.UE8 ARE Rheumatic, Neuralgic, Sciatic, Lumbagicj t 20l VVDayoNB5THR Rftl Tf J SOLID PACTS HELD IN PllOOP. I A U ( ...,wUu. insiantM, M1 lllllllllllllitHt lANDV .'UCOlVfil CURE CONSTIPATION 10 25 50 IaigVilU 1 Cib I U U AlUn IfiBU S" "" "' T "' " "fn are the Idrsl Ijiis .u r.VklAilrJL . , . M'' M,r "' " STkK.kut rassa raif aalara rfssHs. Haas. sUaaJkeaiHIre. 4. STKBI.INO HKWKF,T w'j hlraw. .Btrsal.Cao..er5wTo?sr i msss isssi t The Nickel Plate Koad. Has been selected by Commander-in-Chief Claikson for tho transporta tion of himself and stair to tho G. A. 11. encampment to bu held at HuIImIo, N. Y Aug., l3rdlo28lli. Tickets will be on sale Aug., Hist, 22nd and 23rd at rate of $10:50 for the lotiud trip. This will afford mi opportunity to the com rades now living in the great west and north-west to once more visit the home friends, and shako bauds witli those with whom they fought shoulder to shoulder in the great civil war. For full information call on, or ad dress J. Y. Calahan, Gen'l Agent, 111 Adam St., Chicago, 111., or II. Tliorne, (!.P. &T. A. Ill Adams St., Chicago, III. Send for Summer Outings along tho lino of the Nickel Plato r.iad. Three through trains 'daily betweoti Chicago, Ft. Wayne, Cleveland, Erie, HtilTalo, New York and Itoston. Un surpassed facilities for tho comfort of traveling public. All the delicacies of thu season served on dining eai (Jail on or address J. Y. Callahan, ,.... ni . ,.... m ,i n.! (,g() Illinois. Depot, 12Ui and Clark I streels. Home Seekers Excursion Tlie Missouii, Kansas & Texas Ky Co. will sell tickets at very low rateson Aug.ilul and Klh. For fm ther particulars write to the neai-' local tlekel agent, or address (i. A Mr Niltt, I). P. A. 10M Union Ave.. Kan sas Citv. Mo. lcT iiu.lj fu ' I v (';.li' " r Afn- A Biiliiday Preset. I Frkdonia, N. Y., July 1, laM. Dr. af. If. Fxnnrr, Doar r:-TVhn I, was eleven years ohl I had a weakness lu my kidneys and back which became so distressing that serious consequences were feared. v waf. Jretwl by two eminent nhyslclani but neither seemed ablo to reach my easo, and I continued on in this dlnrssilng con dition without hope. Finally a friend gave ma as a birthday present a bottle of your Kidney and Back ache Cure. I realized lu benefit as soon as I began Its use. Improvement was steady and by the time two bottle had been taken I was well. Mix yeors have now elapsed and 1 have not had aay return of tho disease." FOK SALK BY C. L. COTTINU. 'iavavayaavaaa lHBBBBrBBTBVaBBBsMlHBaBBBBBBBlBBBPlH l gaavB Hsfam bbbbB aaMBaHBBBBBVkBaai 1 1 iH V H H H H WM KF M il M BiH H H aH H KM ll J M bbbbbbT H B L ksjH il - B B VjWjV aBBBtVB M vj Hl koBJ faViatL mrA Trflrt.Malra nV.totnl mA alt D.k ui uusiutNiunuuticu iw MOOCnATC FCCS. OUNOpriCIIBOffOSITCU.8. PATENTOrriCC .remote irom wiiiinctoa. C.,4 KA.l J T mm n. yuos-Mw WIVUtUi oV lUHB oUOMt, IUI .niuiciiuiii wesauiUElun PinrJ tnrwl1. r1rowifio e ritiAM oaiit JaIh (Ion. Ve Aflvite. if IUti?llfal)U'nr not ! t !chrff . Uur fee not due till patent Is secured. A P M PHUT, "How to Obtain ratenu," with cot oi muqc in the U. S And (orcif a cououiei im mvs (Tuuijaa SNOW&CO. . STINT l ornct, NO 77 UK OF IN CO IWOllA Tl ON OF FREYMARK& CO. h.Viu,"il,ere,'y . that the undersigned havcilhlk day associated themselves together ,or.. .r"lr,,o.0C "Wsnlrliig a corporation uiider the laws of the state of Nebraska, j 1. "J?0 ' .Mld company shall be rreymark A Co. Th) prliiclpal place of transacting Its Nebraska. Thinnni J., ...J . ."V! "1 . uiiaiiirs man lie at lied Cloud. Webslrrniiiii ,0.lfi,r?Df8CiV" 1"Jl)e burlnK nd be selling at retail of clothing, bats. raps, boots and shoes and furnishing goods and all such gooin, wares and merrhrndlMs as are usually kepi and haudled by rvlall dealers lu clothing. K tiivl.'i,H0,1D.,nOf. P1 "iocs aulhorlrnd U n,.1i?.0,,i",J,J)? '" divided into shares of Pl't?!1".141 DoJ.ll,,r,' Mlh- " of u'cn "hall be ff.irMi?1 ?!!' T'crporatlonshallcommeme ii.JiM1!': W' ua '"rmlnate July Mb. its) Ari.i'. ftlmoi,ulor Indotite0nea or lluhtllty UniVi i'mi11;. "UT Thousand rfvellun'lreil ri?.;H?d "" "'" Bball be conducted by s thVstocthofdm.',,rMO "e HW:td n,,u"" Charlbb WllStK. IsltlORK FRKTMAKK, AUKAHAM W. MaVCH. VSTABC Vvnn - VEARS' YEARS ,N WHICH. IN 15 fAina AND ACHES ! mmm.. . T1SS1 i"l S CATIlABilt i ' ALL DRUG01ST5 i BBavaao''' vi wM BaBrBaaaaaaBBa9cBBB5Ba? itDftV. fanr ll I i H AwAbUbH tWalf Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THE. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WaGNER BUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING UVi OHAIR CABS DINING STATIONS OFERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, -sscjtoFiprY CENTS. TrME TABLV. i V V. P. lthl) i,i,ii, sr.Ul:. USritl.S OMAN A r Flic AUO kashas ( try ST. lA't'JS unit I'll ji.h'iiN i iiif unit votit'i. t)EN Ell 111' I. UN A II CITE SALT LAKE CY POllTl.ANI) S.. FM.YCSCO mill all lotnli west. tuaixs i.kak a roti.o: o. CJ Freight, dally except Minds) for Wymotcmiil all point ent & :ii n.ui. o l',. l'rtt-tiiiser. iliilly f..r M. Joe. Innas City. AUhlsnii. M I.ouls mid nil points I'liMnml Nil rv'.ll. ......... .. . ..wH.iu.ivn 111. ll'. Areoniuioilntloii. dull) except Miiiilny. Unstliigs. Cirnnd !. luud. mark lllli mid all point"" lu the uonfiMC't I "05 p in. Vo. 141. Accoiiimodatlmi, dally cxeel Minday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via lie piibllrmi 12:05 p.m. No. 04. Freight, dally. Wymore and St. Joe and Inlennidtate Junction tmlni 13:10p.m. No. ft.1. Freight, dally for Itepiibllcan Orleans, Oxtord andall points west 10:3i)a.m, No. 15. l'ssaenger. dally. Denver, all points in Colorado. Utah and California 8:40p.m. Sleeping, dining, ami rvcllnlng chair cars' (seats free) on through trains. Ticket sold and baggage cheeked to uuy jsuliit In the United btales or Canada. Fur Information, time tables maps or tickets mil on or addrrss A. Conovur, Agent. lied Cloud, Ncbr. or .1. Fraurls, (Jenerai 1'assenger Agent Omaba, Nebraska. Wanted-ln Idea ProUet Toar Idaoai tbi aasv ta Waeeaatalak of soma simple tblsc to potest' Writ JOHN WBODIKBUMI CO.. Patcat i aaya. WMUagtoa. D. C, for tbalr ! JOu prtse sad list ot two haadred IbtosU'" manUd. oSar J. S. EMIGH, DKNTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK TOU WANT IT. Croe Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates. POKCKI.AIN INLAY And all the latest improvement la dental raech anlsm PAkEtV HAIR BALSAM m. and tMollfU. Ik. hair. fronioua a losurisat trowth. MTer rails to Beater Gray UWM souy oisrascs asir lauwf . nir hi im isumiiii volar. tOc, aad SI uu at Dnii il !! SOOTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PKOPHIKTOK. DEAl.BH IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. w nnnn niiiviriu mm ALWAYS ON TA1'. Chimney Brick, Cistern Brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City mid coiiulry hiIIh urumpily mu Hwoicil day or ulijlit, NIGHT CALIS AT OFFICK. OrruiK ovkk CorriNo's Ditun Ktokk. ipi DM DIIU UU hi mm I'l'IIUCATlNN OF HCMM0N8. In I In' UlMi'i't ('(mil of the Tenth Judlclul DIMrlrl In mid for Website County, Xebrnlin. Waller II, (.'ulllni el al. i rinlitlHj Oio. W llMK'hln, lllliii , Uniicliln, mid Alum I Tliumi'Miii. JpfCIIlHllt!. I Atiin Tli('ii).M)iii!'.f(.'iiiniilflljoe i.nuicil will tHkf iicilK-o Unit she U Joined fl dpfi ndiilit in no Hciliiii 1.0111II11U In tlio iibow ftitltlea court be KmibyUnltvrll. (ollliis llciijamln Collhissiid HIioiIh l.niiiz llietfln tn Uu 'JM ds of ,Mi IMingHliit herself nml iheotlur nbovo imincil deroudMiiiM the olijeel wleicof Is tonulet tin title lo the iioriliMC't (iumip of tl.e imrllien-i iiaiter nml the iioitlicus' iincrie" of the north west iiiifltier of section iwvnti-Mx lownshli one. range icn. west of the sixth prliieli-nl me ni?l.V,TXicbf,"ricV"lll'v ;t,,'"". in said plftlntlirs free mid clear of all liiciiuibrsiicca olid for reeou-ry of rem for Uie luu thereof. ,i! . HV.'i ,ll,"r?l1''l''l lo answer or plead hi IhepetlilmiofpiniiiiiiiK on or bcfoio tho all? day of .luly lhlif or tho s-.uie will be tiikwi ii" triiv ami dcrree passed nccordltigly. aVI Waltkii II, t'ot.Li.Na. ll .. . ".'TT NllOIIA I.A.NTi;, R. MoNitt, Attorney. NON-!lKHll)FNT NOTICE. In IhoUMtli't Court of the Tonlli linllrl.l Jiwv Wo,;" ssKhr "ffljiai I'hlllltlll'. s. Vletoiiii WhIsiiii. llefi'iiilnilt I I leKl.oM'iiiuiiiil.lefeiiiliiiit will Inlo tmllri 1 "I In '.'"tli ilny oi .Mm-. I'M i,lH mill iii,..V "' ' siltiij llielr infrr sgc ami Uu- iImmtiiih, i.y .' i'.lsi,t oi .ho .hIi,i il for ,,,'; t " ' I SI I H-1. Hllll lillll,. .... .. .1.. ....'.. .'I. . t. . I . in list- Ih.ii; .,1',,,-inrm.r.y. " " "' iliu.i - i' iu Mil iii atturr or t lend . '"'r,'i'.L ',u'."-' 'h IWUi day of Jul, like ii lo ho fue nud dun. i i ii Jli'Nn r. Attorney. .-.'fc - saUT. s, ii.. ..i ..i .'-,:,"-: """or. nun r.j . 1::..liri,;!?"i.,t',.!!"i.!'iwt.M .ni'alr'Vna". . t,fjir.ti;;,,t,pr,,';l, h....e. at Hod Cloud."!,, '.Tb. S' Tim mi'iii -.... .. CM 4fT IOVllslilli lt-fi IUI .,..!. """ ,'. ! 'initrit'i in nrllrtii nl,i. ... i. of tho sih l i "i.i u !' ''""S" ii'U-ii ill. wen . . . i M' ln yt'l"l,'M oiiiiti. NebrH'ks ..l!V-7 " ""' lMh S!lfl ot"i"l) Ja. "uui. I'lslniiii-'s AiiuVilrr. s,,e,IB- .1 r n... ... J. M. CHAFFIN, ATTORNEY. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS ;endA,,,;.iaobJeC5lnlprrrr.Ieh nroenro a illvum.. fr, j.iy .,..'.. :""" areio dnte:mUnLe ssn.v.vss.afe' Hy J. M. Cbakui, her rtioSi'er? ' BBK', (HiitI'ubllcMonJuno W, JSW.) SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice la hereby riven that underand bTtnr ?.f 5 o'J?r of as lejisued from ffiSSSRV&f iiorurn, ciers 01 toe District Court nfti,. .;' therein, wherelri Uiri 6 Wcharta 1. ST.iStfi and against John WsnVr, tSSsoWsllcPr "" O'W, 8. 0. Gilbert, John Hcurk and knisu QWberl defendsnu, I shall offer for sale publlcTcndue to the highest blddci rorlh l? XVtf1' PP" "t door of the court houaeai Ucd Cloud, In said Webster count SEii!i (that being the buildlSg wherein J'e iSSm of i,ald court was holden) on the Mth dJJ?f August, A. D. 18S7. at ouo o'clock n ot " wltf ,7' ,h :followlo described ?Voerty Thetouth-eaatouartcr seUM n ..a,i ... (() township two (S), north In ranea in 1 ! braVka' Xht " ' "' '" Wobiler'coiin'S.fie' JiSjjinVilS?. my htu ,b,s m " 0: JABssMcXBtr. PlalnMr'affinSJ: 8herlB SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that under and bT lr oii(innriirnriiii...n.i .'".?"""' ,r. James Hurden clcrl Tof tho III, riot ("mi of iht Tcnth Judicial iiistrlct. wl hln surt for Web slercounty.Ntbraska.upoii ndeiree lna,ctl , pending therein, w,ieFeln K.iiiliablo Secur i1,5' WPKV1 iH. 'lutlir and against J,i Vun-Wlo. Catherine A. Van Wlc. Isaae W !V dun nnd I'ard.ui his ivlf,, i- vB,S.S.J ' ?.r. 7cnrs,!,,:;,'f''' ''"'-;''. ' due to ,1,-j, idghesr hMde'r for" i I n l!!i st the east door of the conn hou"e ii lie 1 Clou 1. Nebraska, (that being the bnlli J wherein the last term of iald court v! it holden) on the Kith day of August. A. D IHW at one o'clock p.m. of said day? the foilowlmr deserlbed property, towlt: tuiiowiiiit The southwest quarier of section tweniv. Netrsrtir " " " '" "busier count v. (liven nndpr m hao.l ,hl. i,. .1 . ... A.D.lWfT. J oi.Jiiiy ItosruTT. roTTk,,, MilK"ACRo?neri,r- SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that under and bv vir tue of an order of aalo Issued from the ortec or .lames ilurdeu. clerk of the District Court f n.I 10th Judicial District, within aid for Webs, er counts. Nebraska, upon a decree In Miction VV'if l,"ln. where In tbb Anglo Americah Land Mortgage and Agency Uonnan llmiiJri a corporation, are plainilffa'and ! against IWl anna B. B. Sill, (!s vln 8. blil. Itlchard i! mSii sniiif tte s sstrc&, S? rbwaW;w Si August, A. 11. 181)7. at one o'clock u. m. otVtuUi day, the following described piopeit, towlt? Il.Giw"m,e,n''lmm, ",'"9"t day of ,lnl), A A. II. rorr,...,... ria.ni.,Hr'HKAU,rorn.,,er,'r' AN fiPTlTWawnti He It iiidalned by Urn mayor and city eoum-n ot the Clly of Ke.l Clo.id.Nebraska. tlior thi f ,1 owlngamouniH be appropriated 01 1 of tho des Wyiof1r;r,,'" 'lW,na P"'l "or iliV Out of the HoniVsl fisnd for salaries, leni. fllr street conimlssloiier. UU; for hall reiil.lino. f f naVshal.'sia)!' f"r,,,,Ml',"Ml li-iie",Jii fn Out af the water fuodforpayment of liur..ki on water bonds. fiMn. " ' uiiiiBri'st Out of water levy fund, for salary water in glneer.HSDi foi water iiiuiiiilsslouer i4ii "'; f o'CUI'Mloii fund for repairs' 011 Mrwis Vrt)i for Incidental expenses.' Ii f ,r MI' V; eoiiiinlssloner. JHMi. . r water This ordinance shall take effect ,, .,, after Its paisage and approval and 1,. 1,11 .'.i1'1 coriliigtnlaw. " ""' piihllrallmi A'll'r"u,i ir.J. Waukyn, M)or UANDOI.I'II AloNn-j- ATTOKNE.jBd GOUNSELOK AT LAW, MOON lll.OCK, KKI) OLIJUI), NKHKA6KA. isss5 ,f il i V jijjiivrir:w