m y W 7YYTTTATTT. YYV kMAAAAAtAAArfi .AMAAAAAr JSOMI-RAMBLlNGTHOUGIirS. rf ! H "M.Mll. ' J I - S lO Rllt. O.M.s It is a delightful l i'M-:itiit to fixe in tlit world. tohnve tftu few wlio tluii-l nut tin- tmiugi'iit ou, liunibii'il n tlic dust; to h.tvc Hit ' ' i.isniy d.tltd at om afuouiiillxliuiLMit. lint, if ua'.ing ot despite lurk In jour ;i t.ut ns the gtcnt g.un of rMng, J on i ie inixxfl the gutiidest pleasure, of i i ! 1I who actually hampers him- if in -nlii Hint othets may Do up lift, tl ix ,;i .iter thau lit) who lnovcstip '.iul il iu'. 'Jin- liniiiperotl one sets otlli l lull i at woilt, till' Ulltllt ot which ix ically liix The iuiiifiioiix, cold-hc.utcd out.' -lands alone. lieu lie ends, his power cuds, and lie leaves no bctieiieiaiies behind him toe.ury on ilinif woik alomi lines to which he lit it gave the impulse in their heat is. Tothk AMiiiTioL'f. Viewed fiom a Bellish standpoint, thcieis nothing so helpful us struggle in attaining au am' bltion. Just think what a crowd tlieie would bo at the top, if the mountain of purpose were bored for a safety eleva tor like some of the Alpine summits. But Just because there is no beaten track but only chilling reverses, thcie is and always will be room for those who are successful. The strenuous ef fort that a writer bas to put forth, for instance; tbe delays in recognition; the pittance of pay. All these continue year after year, wear out tbe feeble hearted and givo larger Geld for tbe lion-hearted who, even if unsuccessful at first, out of their failures get strength for later successes. Seek je thy power to rule yonr fellow men By right of illver speech or Roldcn pen J Seek ye above Un. common herd 10 rim "Learn flnt thM.If to rule," ibe who man cr v fleck ) the power to sate ih-lf from full And mj obtain the mattery otr Ml "Learn. ' say a wlt-er Mill, "to loininer IhI, "Yeneult uiuM be In all Uihiie-leinp'rate." To Ckoakkhs: If the balloonist now drifting aeioss the fiignl noith nsseit ed that his beloved homeland diil not exist, for the reason that it was out of sight, he would not be inoie unieasoti able than we who decide the world to be rotrogruding and worthless as a whole, just because wo ounelves, aie retrograding or our outlook ischeet less. The world is witltt anil the view of any one person is narrow. Because, perhaps, for us theieisuo good thing at this moment wo may even deny blas phemously tbat theie is hiinshiue for anybody, for we try to believe only in those things wo see. We see Bullish ness but we do not see far enough, for there is much else in tbe world that is better; we see immorality near us but we must be blind if wc conclude, therefore, tbat all women or all men or both are plunged iu a seething caldron of vice. Take a broad view of life, and despite murdeis, rapine, cruelty, you will be convinced the bawls of time move forward. Hear iu mind to your comfort tbat the things of good aie ever quieter than the things of evil, and yet as the quiet river ei odes the land more mightily and moie elTee tually than volcanic outbreaks, m bese quiet elements of humanity aie working our whole selvesever iipwaid, despite the crashing noises of down- waid tendencies. How itweet ll 1 when nrf t SpriiiK hntl 'l ear. To mark their dalut drek, llielr eolnr dwir. And follow forth with fancy' tllnted eje Their future' ijlorloii pondbllli. This tender twlu with dew), mrtanl l'i. Kruli an the promloe of n new horn iIhj. Fed by thti tim't uie r). Hi' unttilnlid Hlr, Mh) kiow k tree loajvtlli til and fair. Ho childhood) ears with allium Jojf wim lew, Know Iiik the uubiu lil niHiiklud inn do, Vet fearhiK ten tho Hop "f winlhl Klu Their promise pine, iiuirortlill) Klionlrt tBln, Or loul polMinonx Une, with toft i !, Thilr bou.idliiK liealtii) upward life oiiipnn. Or lionuli" of other lues, wlih uliWi Ktuwth Induce h Ii U) ln'Meni-sHawl lolli O urn) we trlM', who now hae leailied our prime, 7houi;li dwarfid perrliame b) lnimtint ami irlme. DeWitt'A Little Early Riser, ThaUaoui Utile pilU. Tu lour tin- (.uiiiiiiliimi kIb tlieNaiUin'r mhii'i '1 lie nil of fiei iloiii ami tin miii o' Ir ll V To 6.u0.vks Mmk the lapping at the barometer tttiriiig the next iniu spell No liintlci1 how lowering lliu xki, if tin- mercury rl"s tipwnul errr xo little ymi aie nu of the lettr day I coining, ulmvin ihu lulu hnth itM lost .and the xtin its victotr Lookout now tlituiigli the sit earning lattices t your mjiiI; serin all the alHIcllutiK that liau come on ou fiom ovcrj idr. (Question tliein citidely n it i-rO to e if inf lows will ever cctixc. Tiimi yon will note no upward teudenfy in thom all, proinixing n bilghtor rtay herein p arc iIwi'IIk'Ii. As thfr t hiiim lash the mil with f u i , i t i'1'iilic it with voiilaiii l)c:iui., mi ciii tilllit lions clcaiixo away evil ami weal.nes ami uiipiodictienex4 lu jour chai icter, , that oiil may the inoie finely abound. To AM The death of an individual, however prominent, niatteis very little except to a few immediate fiientls and relatives. The few who Miller loss are as nothing to the millions who, not knowing the deceased, feel no poignant giicf at his ilepaitmc. If nil 1 have ever written before is false, this at least is true and true universally. Viewed from inside, our owu hearts, some of us feel pulled up with impor tance; viewed from without we are only units iu a vastciowd, each unit living its life and then perishing; tin mourned and uncared for by most of tbe units around. The only thing of interest to tbesui vivois is the record of things dou9. Tho trees we plant live after us and .shelter geneiations that follow; tho crops we grow feed other mouths thau ours; our deeds, good or bad, do live on; the good is not "in terred with our bones " Tilings done and not merely dieamed about are the things that make us have interest for our fellow cieaturos. And lhenwoikri must be done without expectation of full recognition. An ofteiing of precious herviee to the woild is and must be laigely impersonal, for though our deeds may be widcspicad, our in dividually is known to but few. This is ns it is with our ruleis We know them as names only, nnpeisonal they remain always until we see them. 8100 Reward $100. The leaders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least ono dieaded disease that science has been able to cunt in all its stages am) that is entail h. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catanh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catanh Cure is taken interim! v, acting diiectly upon the blood and iniieoussiir facci of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing tbe patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The propiielors have so much faith in It curative powers, that they oiler one hundred dollars for any ease it fails to cure, Send for list of testimonials. Addiess, K J. CHKNKV, Tohdo, O. Sold bydiuggists, 7nc. Hall's Family Tills aie the best. Some Nebraska uewspnpeis are of fering sewing macliin s to Hiib.scribeis ns pieniiiims foi getting up sickly lit tle clubs. We do not know where the machiuer went stolen, but it is a pietty safe plan to steer olenr of such "bar gains," und buy your goods of dealens. When a muchfnes is ollered you at the price of old iron, thetnis something rotten in Deniunik. Theie Is no publikher who can alfoid to give some thing for nothing. Heatrice Kxpiexs. "They don't make much fuss about.' We are speaking of DeWitt's Lit! It Kaily Itisers, the famous little pills fo constipation, hilioutucss, and ah stomach and liver doubles, Thei never gi ipe. C. L. Coiling. For Sale One bundled and sixty acicsof tin impioved laud, four miles noithwest of Red Cloud, Nebr. Tei ms cash. Ap ' ply to, Miu. .)ANi-b KntKWooi), hah I fax, Missouri. RED CLOUD, NEHl.ASKA, AUG. (I, 1807. WASHINGTON NOTES ' Do u know wn Hie ulliiiliixti ,i linn clrilli;. il its-pHllx ,x (u -.enillll troop to tin Altfkao gold liddx nk- has piodueni tlttnugh plain cloth x id iui piuiiiitii in hi my ollleei of mi-'good enough fot I'm m. niid Hen Frank oMiit who hud jiit ariited in Wii'h- liu even Mink to the (Quaker clothes itiglnii, "No," ri'iilicd the other, "IjwhilH he wn ici'n enilng u4 itliumd don't and the explanations I hau- ton jin a diplonmue cnimeity If the nut- in i ne siiuiicii cuanije oi proitrauinie lorni iiaoii m ie t xtopped oiii, t... ... i... . it -f... .nil. ill i . . nate him oeeu Hi nil uiixiacioi "WhII," anid thellial piaker, "I can I of our ollleial I'kpreHcutniivi's nhrnatl, UMl jou the real i"exon, hut you williiixi nx the rh'h Amorlenn toadiea not liml it In any nllleiil ipcmd It jahionil Iium' long beeu making u was iiislnii: the feat that the iioopi ' a-hnnu'il of tln-m wouiii get Hie gold lev Of mm iiencii in noon h 'limy gut within lench of th gold; it was Voiieluded that UieaveMg I enlisted IIihii Wits lint of the Mill lu ' tii 1 1 -f fn'l pan thioiigu siieii a leliiptiiliiill -is would tlftixsiuiilV be placed liefiue iheiii li tlieir iuimit to the Kiomhke uold hi'iiter- :tml theii sudilenly aequiied fotlune-." Individually the olllee-seekei- who li ive eiowtletl tint lobby just outside of the piesident's ollice, on the xccontl tloor of the White House, may have lacked the weight needed to get what they wanted, butcolleetively they weie heavy enough to have made the lloor sag in the center to a depth of four inches. Had the crowds which fre quented the east room, which is di rectly underneath, on President Mc Kinley's handshaking days known the condition of tbis floor as they waited for tbe president, Ma. McKinlcy would have shaken many thousand fewer band and there might even have been few office-seekers had they been informed of tbe danger tbey were in every time they tried to see tbe presi dent. Workmen are now engaged in strengthening this floor. Administrations may come and ad ministrations may go, butthosecretary of the navy who doesn't find it neces sary to "inspect" something along the Atlantic coast during tho vacation sea son is yet to assume office. Secretary Long, aboard of the Dolphin, has gone to cast his official optics upon the naval station at New London, Conn., and the war college Newport, It. I. The last prop was knockctl from un der me inuustrious newspaper men who have been engaged in manufac turing news showing the certainty o a war between tho U. S. and Japan by the official announcement that Japan had accepted the proposition of Hawaii to arbitrate their dispute concerning the immigration and other laws of Hawaii. Members of the administra tion say that th'.s government will have nothing whatever to do with the arbitialion, unless it should fail to be concluded before tbe formal annexa tion of Hawaii to the United States. In that case Jupan would ileal diiectly with this government afterannexation Theie art lots of men ho would givo much to bo in the place of Mr. Samuel C. Dunham, who has started for the new gold fields of Alaska, armed with a special commission to make a thorough investigation and re port just what he learns to the U. S. govei nnienl. Mr. Dunham is a mining expert nnd is attached to the labor buieau. It was known that the gov ernment intended sending a man on this ei rand, but it was purposely kept secret who the man was until after Mr. Dunham got started. It is not ex pected that he will bo ablo to make a leport befoie about the middle of next year. Now that tho war depaitment has decided just what pint of a uniform the ex-nmiy officer may wear when inking part in official functions abroad, and a young man has had himself ap pointed to an honorary military office tin a governoi's stafl solely for the pur pose of enabling him to wear a showy iinifoiui at the com i of Spain, where lie has been officially stationed ns an hltacho of the U. S. legation, it ihiih aboui time for either congress, the piesident cr the depaitment of Mate in ii uiiiinn no unit, mi iiipiomatie lepm sniiiative of this country shall he.il. lowed to wear any other than a private (eiliens clothe while n performance of i is duties obioad The adoption of goldlaee and tinsel by American ill- Or. Prlce'a Cream Baking Powder WorU's Mr Hlthe-t A ward. wi'l iii ike lis the ii j;li i -t ek ( Km pe. Ilio gletltexl nip inn itx this ciuintl V w ! sunn ue inline to I"el n liatueil til xoine A Wonderful Cttro of Chronic D'prrhcon In 18??, win n I i i ved inv eoiintiy as a private In Conn '" A, li;th IVun xliinia Vi.luiiiti i. eonirMcted chronic dianlui i It luixgii n uic a gicnt deal "f trouble ever sine,'. I have tried a iln?eu dlftcivnt medicines and several piomiucnt dnciois without any puinaiicnt 'elief Not long ago a friend seat mo a sample bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diairhcca Remedy, and after that I bought and took a SO-cenl bottle, and now I can say that I am cntiiclv cured. I cannot bo thankful enough to you for this great remedy, ami tecommend it to all suffeilug veterans. If in doubt write me. Yours gratefully, Henry Stkinbergek, Allontown, Pa. Sold by H. . Grice, Druggist. Sugfestt Platform. The New York Sun proposes the fol lowing plank for the popooratio plat form this fall. We have no doubt tbat It will be hem illy endorsed by tho Ne braska contingent since it so tersely and accurately expresses their senti ments: Whereas, The crop of wheat in the United States is said to be unusually large; and Whereas, Tho price of wheat bas been advanced by tho money power; be it Resolved, That the condition of the farmer can never be improved by large crops or large returns lor tno same, due to the iniquitious machinations and manipulations of Wall street; and Resolved, That wo view with alarm and denounce with indignation the al leged inciease in tho production of wheat and the ilemand for the same; and Resolved. That the alleeed foreien demand for wheat is indubitably nn artilicial crisis produced by the Roths childs; and Resolved, That the wheat crop and the pi ice of wheat cannot be increased or made normal bv natural ami honest means until the fiee coinage of silver at the ratio of IU to 1 has stimulated inline, boomed pi ices, and relieved the down-tindden faimer from the clutch of the iisuier anil the money shark Resolved, That in the present con dition of things laige crops and largo prices for the same are an outrage ami a cui.se, nnd a distinct ineull to the popncratsnnd the populists. Don't bolt your food, it irritates your stomach. Choofe digestible food and chew it Indigestion is n dingerous sickness. Proper care prevents it. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures it. Tbat is ibe long and short of indigestion. Now, the question Is: Have you got indigestion? Yes, if you have pain or discomfort after eating, headache, dis iness, nausea, otl'ensivn breath, heart burn, languor, weakness, fever, jaun dice, flatulence, loss of appetite, irri tability, constipation, etc. Yes, you have indigestion. To cure it, take Rhnker Digestive Cordial. The medi cinal herbs und plants of which Shaker Digestive Conttitl is composed, help to digest the feed in jour stomach; help ti. siMiiglhon your stomach. When your stomach is stiong, care will keep, it mi. Shaker Digestive Coidiai is for miId by druggists, pi ice 10 cents to 11.00 pel bottle. To Republican Committeemen. A meeting of the republican comity cent! nl committee will be held at the office of Rtudolph McNitt in Retl Cloud, August 7th, at 1 o'clock p.m Kveiy committeeman should attend. T. C. Haokkr, Chm i. i u .,v..,.vii.iT..v,.t i.r,,L... ,m,arl( lllliy ,,,,, M)..WItfs Wltcl. , ,ju, Sa,VB. n,,., ,, .ctal diseases !,.llU bliniHi )n,ises, tetter, eczema and ni skin troubles may be cuied by it .quickl) and peiiiMiiently. V. L. Cot ting. plum tlx iilnl h i ii ili'i line Commissioners Piocecdincs IIomkI met pin sunn i lo :nlj nn u men I ', Anguv ii, 1H7 I Hen Pientiee tippi in ed nml piecnt J ei b it-fni digging a well on (he poor ,fni in unl putting no a windmill on farm as follows A two inch tubular well ft to I'Jfi feet deep with galvanized pipe with good xtialght grain ash iods, bnixs cylinder ami foieo head pump complete foi fid cents pel toot also nil S font Act muter wind mill una twenty live foot lowei for WO also a'J(l cy pre tank for $10.00 The contract wn awarded to Mr. I'iciitice The coiniiiixloiieis Mppropiiutcd ?r,() out of the geueinl fund to road district No. 11 In Inuvale pieeiuct to he used on the main n-uls in said loud district. Ibmid udjouiiicd to meet Wed nexdny morning at !) a.m Hoaid met Wednesday morning with all mcmticis present C. L Columbia was appointed road ovciMcr of road distriut No. 8, in Guide Rock piecinct iu the place of J . L. Columbia, deceased. Claim of Chas. II. Kaloy for 25 for use of laud between sections 11 and 12, in 1-11 wits laid over. W. K.Thorne made a report on sur vey between sections :J5-!M1 and 2-4-11 as follows: Board of Commissioners ot Webster county, Nebraska. According to your order I have ex amined tho section line between section 86, town 8, range 11, and section 2, town 2, range 11. If it can bo done without paying excessive damages, I would recommend the road to bt lo cated between S. K. 85 and N. K. 2 as follows. Commencing at corner sec tions l-2-n5-fJ6, running west along sec tion line 7.00 chains, thence north 70 degrees and 75 minute? west 4.25 chains; thence south 72 degrees west 9.50 chains; thence, south 34 degrees west 1.50 chaius, intersecting noith liueof section line road; thence west along said section line to one-fourth post between sections 2 and It5. Meas urements are given on north line of proposed road. I enclose a plat of proposed road, total amount of ground from section line to north of proposed road is 2 acres, amount on proposed angling toad 4 rods wide 1 acres. I would also advise that a very good route for a road can be had on the south side of this line within about sixteen rods of said line. In my opin ion a road can be made cheaper on south side than on north side. Respectfully, W.K.Tiioknk, County Surveyor. No action was taken by the hoaid on proposed change in line of load. Tbe claim of Albert Knulson for t25 for the loss of one horse by reason of defective road and bridge on the road running east and west south of Web ber's farm in Pleasant Hill precinct was rejected. After allowing claims board adjourn ed to meet August 17, 18l7. Excursion to Hot Springs, D. S. Tuesday, AugusCllid, 1110.00 for the lound tiip fiom Red Cloud, Nebras k a Tickets goott to return until Sept. 2d The hottest month of the year is still to come. Spend it in the Ulack Hills, Rathe in tliemammoth plunge bath at Hot Spring, see beautiful Sylvan lake, make the side dip to Speairish anil you will letiiru home with the know ledge that no whme could you have had a plesanter holiday. For full in formation call nt, li. & M. ticket office. Are You Seeking Rat and i eci cation during the summer months? If so, send for summer out ings along the line of the Nickol;i'lalc road, from which you will he able to select quid and picturesque resorts with good lishing anil bathing fa cilities, Klegantly equipped coaches, 1 III mm ions sleeping ears nml unexcelled dining car Msivice. Tlncn thiough tialns daily between Chicago and the eal. Addiess, ,1, Y, Callahan, Geueinl Agent, 111 Attains St., Chicago, III. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Curt- PIIm, 8c-Mi, Hum. NUMBER ;J1 ciiritcu xnTP.s. tlllllxllVN cm it, H. Moining theme for Aug Sih, "Soul (iiowth." Keening seimon, "Conoerii lug (iiid's Conclusions." The meinour's of the congiegMilon ai'fl, with II 0 goti eiitl public, kindly Invitflil. Afttrnoon sermon t .tho Atunck school house. The new song hooks have nrriroil,' "Teiuptntloiis" lx our net prayer topic, 1 Cor 10 II 11, , Jus 1, 18.lf,, The county convention of ihu churches of Chiistin nml i ear Webs ter county will i runout the church In Kec Cloud no September 2nd and ilnl. Kuteitaiiiineut furnlhnd nil delegates ami visiting disclplus A good piogram lias been nutiuged ami will soot bcrea ly to semi out. L. A Hi-.sbONd, Pastor. MKTIIODKST. Pleaching Sunday morning at 10..I0. Sunday school at 11:80. Junior league at 4 p.m. Senior league at 7.00. Chapel Sundny school at 3 00. Preaching Sunday evening at 8. Prayer and Praise seivico on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Ladies Aitl Society on Friday after noon. Seats free and Btrangers welcome. Rbv. J. M. Darby, Pastor. CONOrtEOATIONAI,. Sunday School at 11:45. Junior Society at 4 p. m. Y. P. B.C. K. at 7 p.m. To California Comfortably. Every Thursday afternoon, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It is carpeted, upholstered in rattan, has spring seats and backs and is provided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. An experienced ex cursion conductor and ii uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to tho Pacific coast. While neither so expensively linished nor so line to look at as the palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride iu. Second class tickets are accepted for passage anil the price of a bei th, wide enough nnd bigenougli for two, is only 95. tor foulder giving full particulars, call nt nearest Bur lington ticket office, or write to J. Francis, (. P. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Thoro is a lime for everything; nnd the lime to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait until you hao con sumption but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, cioup, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles, C. L. Coding. Low One Way Rates to All Points East. By the Burlington Route, July 16, 17, 18, IU, 20, 21 anil each Friday nnd Mon day thereafter until August l.'l. Go east on any of the above low rate days and you save enough to cover all the incidental expenses of travel berth in sleeping car, meals, transfers, etc. See nearest B. & M. R. R. agent, or write fo J. Francis G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. BLADDER TROUBLES are Inconvenient during the day and destroy rest at night. They make life a, misery instead of a blanking. They affect many persons after they reach the age of 40, and are usually accom panied by a decay of vital power. They can be CURED The sample box of Hobbs Sparngus Kidney Pills obtained nt Kuhn's drug stoic, Omaha, relieved me of nil pain iu my kidneys. 1 have had trouble with mj urino for tho lasttwenty years hut am now cured. Thanks to you. J W. McNaiiii, Florence, Neb. HOBBS Sparaps Kidney Pills. UOUliS BEMKDY CO . PaormuiTQBS, Catcloc Dr. Ilobt FIIU Fur ble in ttKU CLOUD, NEil, l.y C. UCOTTINS, Druiritlil. -I I It rlf f fl