s o THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, JFK I DAY, JULY 30, 1897. r- - , If V 'is pOYAl WN POWDER Absolutely Pur. Celebrated for Its i?reat leavenlngtrengtb and (lealllifulncfui. Atiurca the food against alum and alt forma of adulteration common to the cheap brandfl. HOYAL BAKINO TOWDKR CO., NKW YOnK. CITY NEWS. Lawn HoeitU at J. S.Gilhaui'a Aug. G. Mrs. Lulu L'ouso of Hastings is in tlio city. J A. Hnum was hero from Superior Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Dyer is visiting iu Hastings thin week. Htigh Miner lias placed another neat porch to his residence. Pabst Heer on tap at the Bohemian aloon. Alwhy3 fresh. Warron Edson is visiting in tho city the guest of h. E. Tait. FouSalk Puro three-year-old cider vinegar. Mits. Bradbuook. Med Lavallco ami Chas. Irway of llivorton were in tho city Monday. Lumber at cost at Cowles, Nob. Cloning out. A. L. Hildroth, Manager. The household of Tony Clark was greeted by a fine baby girl on Wednes day Miss Dora Ward lias gono to Omaha where she has secured a position as stenographer. Miss Emma Cook returned Sunday night from Iowa where she has been teaching school. "Put" Fuller of Rivorton was in the ,-ity Tuesday attending tho funeral of hi brother Frank. Henry S. Nybcrgcamu in the first of the week and had us place his name on our books for a year. Mrs. Hell Burlnn of Marsbalto.vn, fowa, is visiting here the guest of her sister Mrs. Anna M. Sapp. Mrs. A. T. Ayrcs loft Wednesday morning for Lincoln to again take treatment at the sanitarium. George Coon wont to Akron, Colo rado. Tuesday night to inspect some cattle with a view of purchasing. The weeds and grass in tho school house yard are being mowed which greatly improves tho appoarance of that place. OC. E. Wescott of tho firm of Galusha A Wescott after a several days stay here, loft Sunday for his home in Plattsmouth. Lumber Yard for salo cheap for cash or will trade for good farm lands in Webster county. A. L. Hilurrtii, Mauager, Cowles, Nebraska. Samuol Bruuor was iu tho city tho lirst of tho week anil gavo us a dollar and fifty cents on tho subscription of H. B. Brubaker, of Orrsburg, Mo. Tho Red Cloud, Nob., Cbikh weekly Is credited with tho largost circulation accorded to any paper in Red Cloud or in Webster county or in tho Fifth con gressional District. Printers' Ink, .July 28th. Editor Jenkins has taken down tho sign "Boy Wanted" as ono arrived at his home on Tuesday. Ho Is now ad vertising for Mother Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup and a patent baby quioter. We aro not a bit Jealous. Corn cultivating for this season is a thing of tho past, and while thousands of acres of cleau corn can bo found in ,thia county, thero are occasionally weedy fields, occasioned by tho heavy rains In tho earlier part of tho season, keeping the farmors from getting into the fields till so late that thoso with large acroage woro unable to cultivato it all as tuoy snouiu nuvu uunu uuu ku urnt. wnnther not prevented. This tpr' crou bids fair to break tho record. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR CREAM BAKING POWDIR A Pure Orape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. AltOUND TOWN. Ed.Cotting Is running tho oil wagon. Ed Funk of Rosomont was hero Thursday. Tiik Ciiikk is prepared to do yout job printing. Mrs. D. Koslor Is visiting in Grand Island this week. Pabst Beer on tap at tho Bohemian Saloon. Always fresh. Pabst beer on tap at Bohemian saloon. 5 cents a glass. Mrs. J. R. Van Horn left Tuesday on a visit to Ft. Scott, Kansas. Beer at wholesale at $2.50 por.keg at tho Sonth Side Samplo Room. See Peterson's twino before you buy. He has just received a car load. A fine baby daughter arrived at the homo of Ed. McCriltis last Sunday. A new sidewalk around tho State bank considerably improves the np pcarauco of that place. Miss Susie Kenady left Tuesday night for Holyoke, Colorado, on a visit with her brother Cnl and family. Chas. Ruschow of Colby, Kansas, accompanied by his two daughters, wero visiting in the city this week. Mrs. E. J. Tucker, ono of thocfllciont teachers of tho county institute, return ed to Iter homo in Lincoln last Satur day. Tho Union Fire Insurance Company is tho host mutual. Combine risks; in installments 3 per cent. J. H. Smith, Special Agent. Rev. Bronknma and wifo of Roso mont woro hero Tuesday. Tho goutle- man was a pleasant caller sit these headquarters. Several of our townspeople visited tho west end of tho county Tuesday to witness tho devastation caused by Mon day's hall storm. J. 11. Smith writes combined insur ance for a term of five years at !J per ceut. On schools houses, churches and farm property on the installment plan. Drop li i tii a card at Red Cloud, Neb. Out of about four hundred boys who hail their girls out buggy riding last Sunday only one was noticed particu larly ns ho passed up and down tho street. Hn had one of thoso Studo baker buggies that tcrson sells. Sunday Aug. 1st, there will bo a Sun day school rally at district 75, four miles and a half south-west of Cowles And four miles and a half north-cast of Red Cloud, at 3 p.m. All tiro invited to come and participate Good music, good speaking and a good time. Ed Reiher and another gentleman wore in Hubbell yesteaday to see if they could identify tho effects in the hands of the coronor of tho roan who suicided or was murdered near that place about a week ago. They recog nized some of the articles as belonging to a young man named Shellman who disappeared from this county some time ago. Wm. Scott, alias Georgo Janscn, who was captured in Lincoln several weeks ago and brought from there by Sheriff Runchey and lodged in jail hero as ono of tho men who burglarized tho storo of Fullor & Good at Cowles, had his preliminary before Judge Duffy Thurs day and under tho evidence was bound over to the district court in tho sum of $800 bonds. Considerable has been said this sum mer in regard to cutting down weeds and in somo cases it has boon dono and well dono but iu othors tho weeds re main and are an eyesoro to the town. It wouldn't bo a bad idea tosetapirt a day, two days or a week as weed cut ting timo the same as Arbor day and then cut them down horn, thero and every whero. So cut down your wcods. Charles Wiener who has for many years been allied with tho best Inter, ests of our city In a business way and otherwise left last Saturday night for his future homo in New York. While wo are glad to know that ho still retains a business interest in tho city tho CniEP is sorry that bo has departed. Mr. Froymark accompanied him east and will lay in his fall and winter stock. Wo have been informed that the item printed in this paper on June 18 in regard to the appropriation of a bicycle by Bert Carpenter belonging to Roy Crawford was not oxaotly "straight goods" and as wo aro always willing to make correction we do so in this easo. We hope people who have a piece of this class of news will please keep it to themselves and not bring it to this office. Wo want news but do sire no neighborhood quarrels. L. H. Rust makes the following statement of what small fruits he has already taken olt of his 81 acres of ground west of town with the price re ceived from same: 4000 boxes of strawberries at 8 conts; 1485 quarts of cherries at 5 cents; 285 boxes of rasp bcrrlos at 10 conts; 235 boxes of goose berries at 5 cents. The whole amount ed to $147 83. Besides theso holms plums and grapes which aro well load ed with fruit and he will have a few apples, crabs, apricots, peaches, tir raiit and some very largo dewberries. MOMS OK LKSa IMCHSONAJj. Twine at Peterson's forOJ por.pound. Miss Pearl Smith visited in McCook the lirst of tho week. Go to G. A. Harris, Cowles, Nob., for hats and caps at cost. Pabst Beer on tap at the Bohemian saloon. Always fresh. You can buy twine at Peterson's cheaper than anywhere. A good bicycle for salo cheap. En quire at Bon Ton Bakery. Prof. Hussong of Hardy Is visiting his brother Rev. Hussong. Beer at wholcsalo at $2.50 per keg at tho South Side Samplo Room. Buckoyo binders and mowers, tho best on earth for salo by Jas. Peterson. Beer sold at tho South Sldo Samplo Room in quantity from one keg to ono million. Mrs. J. Nustcin and daughter Lcnoro loft last Tuesday for a visit with rela tives in St. Joseph, Mo. Tho Orange Judd Farmer and the American Agriculturalist Almanac to gether with Tho Ciiikk for $1.35. Mrs. Nannie McGrew of Burlington, Michigan, is visiting in tho city tho gucit of her sister Mrs. L. II. Rust. Tho pop contral committee met at Cowles last Saturday and called their county convention for August 28th. C. L. Cutting, solo agent, will refund your money if not satisfied after using one bottle of Dr. Fcnners famous medi cine Mrs. Minnie Lcggitt left Tuesday on a visit to tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gates, near Butler, Missouri. Why try to harvest your crop of small main with an old binder when Jas. Peterson sells new ones ns cheap as he docs now. The Misses Lizzie and Alico Botsford who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 1). Rosier returned to their homo in Parsons, Kansas, Saturday. Jas. Murphy left Tuesday for Kan sas City where ho will undergo an operntion for a swelling on the sldo of his face whichsupposed to bo a rose cancer. Politics liavo begun to warm up and in a short time tho pot will bo boiling over. From present indications thero will bo but about half a dozen candi dates for each ofiico. Tho American Agriculturist Almanac a book which treats on hundreds of subjects, Tho Orango Judd Farmer, ono of tho best farm papers published and Tho Ciiikf nil ono yenr for $1.85. Campbell Bros, show drew quite a large crowd to this city last Monday. Tho show Is considerably above tho average wagon show. Owing to the heavy wind and rain no performance was given in tho evening. Don't use bill heads or statements in which you have to write your own nnmo. Got thorn printed in an up-to-date stylo. Thero is nothing which will make your customers think you aro of the disposition to be ponurlous so much as this. If you nro stingy in one wny what reason is there to be lieve that you wont be in other ways. Get your printing dono right at the Ciiikk olllco. Tho stntc central c mmiltco met tho first of tho week and named tho 20th da. of August jis tho time for holding tho stato convention. The date is en tirely too early and wo hope the county central commi'teo will call a conven tion to nnmo delegates to the stato convention and not havo tho regular nominating convention for county officers until at least tho last of Sep tember. Deliver us from a campaign of over four weeks duration. 'The Foot of a Fly" ay an emlaeat English doctor, " will carry enough poitoa to inftct haute hold." la tammer-daae, more espec ially, disease germs fill the air, multi tude! are infected, fill ill, die ; multi tadee escape. These messengers of out chief do not exiit for million. Why aotr Became they are healthy aad strong protected as a crocodile it agaiaat gun shot. It it the weak, the watted, the thin-blooded wao tall j those wha hare ao resistive power t that a taddea eovgh or cold develops lata graver disease. We hear of catchk't disease I Whvaat. catch health i We eaa do it ay always weight. healthy f Cad-liver Oil, it ceadeaeed aeuriih. menti food for the baildiag up ot the Jrttea to resist the tracks of dliette. t should be takes in reasonable dotet 11 summer long by all thote whose weight it below the standard of health. If you tre losing ground, try a bottle now. For aala by all drngaitta at 5oc and i.m ! Stephen's Famous Hog Remedy for tho cure of Hog and Chicken Cholera. Preventative to all dlsoasos. Try It. Sold only by C. L. Cotting, run druofist. I T Resolutions. Tho fourth quarterly conference of tho M. E. Church of Red Cloud, con voned Monday afternoon, July 20th, 1897 at 4 o'clock, In the church, for tho purpose of transacting such business ns properly came before it, among which was a settlement with their pas tor Rev. Jauits Mark Darby, for tho conforence year ending Septetnbor 15th, Rev. W. B. Alexander presiding elder of the Hastings district, in tho chair. At the close of a pleasant ses sion the following resolutions and re quests wero unanimously adopted: Whkukah, Rev. James Mark Darby, our beloved pastor by his zealous and untiring efforts, has spiritually and morally quickened the church into re ligious fervor, and through such efforts has brought the membership as well as tho friends of the church into closer relations, therefore bo it Resolved, That we tho members of tho quarterly conference now In ses sion, realize that in his pastorial work tho past year we as a church havo been greatly benefited and that we as one branch of tho Christian church recog nize with profound gratltudn to God the great work accomplished by his servant to our entire satisfaction Resolved, That wo appreciate tho mauncr iu which lie and his esteemed wifo and daugher havo looked after, protected and beautified tho parsonage and lawn Resolved, That wo as a church ex tond Bro.Darby a very warm and cour teous invitation to return from con ference as our continued pastor and earnestly request that our elder assist us to this end. . C. B. Crone, See "'Twaa a Dark Stormy Night" Aftor the rain of last Saturday night it was demonstrated how a little fore sight might have caused less trouble, less hard feelings and less soiled gar ments and shoes. We do not wish this Item to be meant as censure to tho car penters who wero building tho walk at the Bentley block, for wo supposo that most any carpenter would have dono tho same thing, that is take up mom of tho old walk than they could put down of the new. But in theso days of big rains it would be woll to tako a lesson from what happened Saturday night. Several of tho ladies of tho Orris Oner Co., in going homo that night went off the partially built now side walk into about six or eight inches of mud nnd water. Tho attention of Night Watch Hutchison who with tho assistance of a lantern was making tho rounds was called to their predicament by loud screams from the ladles. On noticing that the gentleman bearing the lantern was the flower of the Red Cloud police force ono of the ladies cried out, Oh, Mr. Policeman, oh Mr. Policeman come and pull us nut of tho mud. Mr. Hutchison, who by tho way is a favorite with the ladios, when thus appealed to quickly responded to tho cry for help and soon fished tho ladios out of tho muddy pool. Ho then escorted tho ladios to their boarding place at tho residence of Mayor Wnrrnu and re ceived a dolugo of thanks ttnd rain water for his timely assistance. - To Keep Off Filet. At this season of tho yoar tho flies aro simply frightful, and tho sufferings of cows and horsee aro almost unin durable, unless something is done for their comfort. Cows are falling off from 20 to 50 per cent in their milk supply, and. will continue to fall off, unless relief is afforded them. Tho majority of fly killers have serious dis advantages; fish oil, the most common, is nasty, sticky mess, that makes a cow smell liko an old whale ship. Oil of tar is worse, nnd is liablo to blister an animal. Here is a cheap preparation that will make lifo a comfort to your cow, no matter how thick the flics may be in the neighborhood. Steep fat meat fryings in tansy, nnd add a little carbolic acid; mako lukewarm and ap ply witli whitewash brush, This re ceipo appears in the '00 report of the Kansas .slate board of agriculture', and folks who have tried it say that it is ex cellent HcvM'lco Expics Or. Price's Cream Making Powder K Pure trgpr (.ream '! Tartar Powder Gommencing August 2 AND Continuing we will GIiEfl QJG - SffltE of SPW AND Sl)ttJIIEH GOODS in order to make room for our immense fall stock. Examine the Bargains Our Millinery De partment. MINER Destructive Hail Storm. Ono ot tho most destructive hall and wind storms that has been witnessed for years visited tho section of country in nnd around Riverton last Monday. The storm did considerable damage at ntvArtnn. blowing down small houses and sheds, broaklng window glass and wrecking sovernl larger buildings. Tho hail which accompanied the storm laid waste a stretch of country about five miles wido. In many places whero tho hall was tho most severe nothing but tho stub ends of what was onco a waving field of com or grain could ho sceu tho rest being driven en tirnlv in tho around. Tho storm orig inated in tho vicinity of Kearney and extended to W. N. Richardson's ranch In tho west part of this county, whero It seems to havo broken up. This city was treated to a portion of tho heavy wind but no damago resulted. Tho main part of the storm wont In a south easterly dlroction and but little hail fell on tho south side of the rlv r. At m.. Mi..i.ni.iontiii iitnpn tlin crirn mill alfalfa crops aro completely ruined. A Misrepreseniation. Tho editors of tho republican sheets must have filed a oomplnlnt against that "loose whisky" business wo heard so inucli oi some iimo ago, um. mis quietly ceased of Into. If you didn't file a complaint, how much did you got out of It boysT Nation. Antl-Prosperlty Jack is again trying to misrepresent, but his whole time and onorgy has been devoted to mis representation. For his edification wo will stato that wo did not file a com plaint against that "looso whlskoy" business, nor did we intend to. Ho in timates that wo havo boon "fixed" and havo not had anything to say of lato In regard to tho matter. If ho will look at our last wook's Issuo ho will see that he has mado A misrepresentation. Wo will say hero that antl-prosporlty .lack and his friend, the proprietor of the eating establishment who runs tbo "looso whlskoy" joint haven't got enough It to 1 dollars to fix us. Slura Our Tcachcra. During the Wobster county institute Boveral articles appeared In tho Nation of this city in regard to the institute and iravo tho people to understand in short that tho wrltor believed that most of the teachers were without learning. Ono article iu particular wns n vorv rabid roast. Last wook nn article appeared in tho Bladon Enter prise which virtually says that tlio ar flnli.q In tlui Niitlon wore true. The fact of the case Is that tho articles in both naners were written by u eertnlu professar who has been a resident of Red Cloud but about a your ami who iispina 1 1 the position of co'inty super for 15 days hold a all ':':, .1 ''rtHte :.,. - BROS. intendont on tho populist ticket. The teachers of this county will have a warm spot iu their heart for tho man who virtually says they are simpletons. Obituary. Diod, nt his homo in this city on Monday, July 30, 1807, Frank Fuller, aged 45 years, 0 months and sixteen days. Tho cause of his death was heart troublo, nnd ho had been in fall ing health Hlnce he was sick with typhoid fever somo six years ago. Ho was bom in tho stato of New York and moved wost somo nino years ago nnd settled on a farm in Smith county, Kansas, where ho engaged in farming until about a year ago whou he removed with his family to this city. Ho was buriod Tuesday after noon nt Jl o'clock, services bolng con ducted from his lato residence by Rov. G. W. Hummell. Hn leaves a wifo and seven children to mourn his loss, Hn was an indulgent father and lov ing husband. Experimental Farming, i'ho Burlington experimental farm at Alma promises to bo a great educator in agriculture. Tho Campbell method of soil culture is in voguo there, and is said to he a decided success, Almost every kind of crop known to this lati tude is growing and thriving there, for in advance of neighboring crops, at tended by old methods. A groat many fruit trees woro set out during the post spring, and 00 per cent of them ara growing. If tho Campbell system can bo adapted to nil sections of tho state, without too great an outlay of money for implements, it will he a boom to farmers. s Bound Over. Tho partios mentioned as being taken to Grand Island by Tomilnsoa last week wero J. A. Boyd and Henry Clark and when their hearing was had thoy wero bound over to United States court in fivo hundred dollar bonds each Tho case is one in which there is no doubt thero is considerable personal enmity. As wo know from personal experionce that when staunch frlenda full out friendship turns to bate, we hopo that Mr. Boyd and Mr. Clark will be nblo to clear thomsolves of the ao cusations brought upon them and be lieve thoy will do so. A man in tho south part of town not being content with tho ownership of his own hogs took ono belonging to an other party and although numerous neighbors identified the animal ho would not give it up. About the time preparations wero being made to get out repUniu papers the hog disappeared Ml ! i: i re ! I it ?5l ir'i n rl V IK li: V 'I 1 i i. j 'A if -si