A-miWiti(j3;.I. n.r.nil .il..i Hi" "5SaV le"', jsjgSSOtfMftfeKe' y n Hi ' i l'HK RUSH CLOUD OHIIiiF, iflUDA . JULY '28. 1897. fe v I ( v IPM ,i pi u ft r k. ' hi K . .. i ;' fJ ,. k., AT (,' t M Running: Sore LIttto olrl Suffers With Impuro Blood -Other Treatment Fatted But Hood's larsaparllla Cured -Weakness and Headache. "My davghtor, 0 years old, had a run rtlag iiore below her right ear tor three months. The doctor advised painting It with Iodine and we did this bnt it did no gaod. Then I got a bottle of Ilood'a Sar aaparllla. The flrtt bottle made aome im provement, aad when the third bottle had beta taken the aorewaa nicely healed. A year has paaaad ilnce then and there hae keea so return of the aore." W. . MAOMOmOK, Arnold, Nebraska. "I was troubled with weakneea and aaadaeae bat since taking a few bottles el Hood's Sarsaparilla I hare had no trouble of this kind." Mas. Mxar Lawn, Otto, Nebraska. Get only Hood's because Hood's 8pi!ia Mthobcit-ln fact tho One True Mood I'urltler. Soli by all dnirfglsta. si; six forts. j ji mit c,lro Wvcr I1U easy to HOOU S HillS take, easy to operate. 2Cs THE CHIEF rtrBLiiitiD ar W. Ii. HoMILLAN. One year 1100 Six Month SO PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAT Entered at the poit office at Red Cloud, Neb. i locondclasamatl matter. BLUE HILL.. J. O. Burgoss nud A. D. Kntiiicy were trausactluK business nt Red Cloml Weil uosdny. Ueorgo Konnin of Hastings w.is poicolatlnp among Ditto Hill friomls Tuesday. Workmen broko ground Wednusday morning for tlio erection of Dr. Weg lnanii'fl new oOlco. Unless nil signs full, Blue Hill will furnish her quota of candidates for county honors this fall. Ultio Hill is again to ho visited by u colossal show. Tito time has been sot for next Tuesday the 27th. Miss Kttiuia Seluniiau loft for Hust ings Tuesday for a week's visit with lior aunt Mrs. C. W. Winkle. Tho billiard hall is enjoying a vaca tion while Its proprietor, Hill Halstcr, U harvesting his crop of peanuts. If those ltotns should bo so fortunate as to oscupo tho yawning orllleo of tho waste basket, you may hear from mo again. J. M. Hursh, last year principal of the Blue Hill schools, was over from Clay Center where ho now resides, . this week. vLqw Waterbury is a very lonesome bjirWJot at present. His wife is visit lag with relatives and friends at Har laa, Iowa. -Homer Kinsel and Norton Watson returned to Rod Cloud Monday after Tisiting here a fow days with their hoocboo coooheos. The band has been ougaged by tho Bladen M. W A. to furnish music for the picnic in Uraudataffs grovo on the tltb of next month. Geoigo Fell enjoys tho distinction of being tho only man in Bine Hill who oau ralso a roally magnificent crop of sido-wtioel whiskers. Ah a failure at predicting rains at stated intervals, A. Kopisoh is ti de cided success. A. K. rauks second to iiouo in the state in this lino. Uov. F. Deal, of Utica, delivered a lecture on "Twenty-eight Days in Jerusalem" to a good nudieuce tit the M. E. chinch Tuusduy ovoning. Charley Williams litis come home agalu to board with his wife. Ho evi dently forgot what the word "obov" meant when he became a benedict, Tho baud boys uiu making an effort to ralso tnouey enough to purchase new uniforms, Tho new dress will bo wuito trimmed in Ireland's national color. Wheat iu this sootlon is yielding much bettor than was expected. Win. Kort this week threshed 1900 bushels, machine measure, from sixty acres. Tho Knights of Pythias lodgo of this place has challenged all other lodges for a gamo of ball and a ba'ttle with sphero and willow may be the result next week. Jake Nusteln's familiar countenance was seen in tho city Monday. Jake makes frequent visits to this burg In ike interest of his famous De La Red Oloud oigar. "Let'ijgojto Alaska" Is a phraso very frequently used in Blue Hill at pres'. eat, Alaska and its gold bo d d. -The milk and honey of Nebraska are good enough for me. It is reported that Barney Meents, the all-around mau aud machine ex pert, cannot drive a team of noises over a bridge, but has good qualifica tions for tunny other things. "Greasy" Mngner, who bhiiiu ti.uu wjjo oiuiped fiom home without Ihu One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That U what it was made lor. consent of his gttanllats, tins returned uuto his patmital roof and Is now of ho opinion tint "there is no place liko nine," especially better than following a ono horse show. When he silently lepartrd from homo iic had iiis mind made up to bocomo a P. T. Barnum or Adam Foropaugh, but wiser heads novcr accused him of having icnso enough for such an undertaking. I am very much of the opinion that if a certain expounder of the gospel, who resides not over 'stoon tnllos from Blue Hill, does not change his tactics, trouble of all kinds will bo tho result. He has poked his nostrils into other people's business so long that it has becomo a mania with him, and as I said before if be docs not change his tactics, tho chances aro very favorable that tlm said nostrils will get poked, A preacher who has a brain so small that it can bo encased in a two-grain capsule and a hf-ad so large that it can not lio covered with a wash tub had better enchnngu Ins pulpit forn lawn mower and go to harvesting. The farm has more use for such mavericks than the pulpit. The minister in ques tion has caused a ureal amount of ttotiblc in sovci'il well-to-do families and bio recent actions have caused a great many citizons to becomo indig nant who Imvo como to tho conclusion that It is Hint to calln halt. Yours very truly, lliurSLorKit, Esq. P. S. -Allow me to toll your readers thuitticy must. i-.U'iieo me should they lind any grammatical errors or incor rect pnut'tuuiiuM bucnimu I just came from Cheyen u wheiethey do not use commas only peiiods or Just marks. U.S. - Viin, vigor and victory: these are the char.icteiistics of UoWitt's Littlo Euily nisei h, the famous little pills for constipation, biliousness and all stomach and liver troubles. C. L. Cot- ting. BUFFALO CREEK. Farmers aro most through plowing corn. Wo have hud one nice week of corn weather. Mr. Dickcrson is helping Mr. Guthrie plow corn. Wo are glad to hear that Mrs. Ilea- ton Is improving. Mrs. SI be it is visiting her daughter in Bed Cloud this week. Preaching next Sunday nt dlstiiet 70 by Mr. Ilavou nt 11 o'clock. Mr. England's little boys nre having quite a timu with tho whooping cough. Tho Sunday school nt dlstrtct 70 was vory interesting and tho preaching good. Miss Mollie Roes who has been homo for some tiino returned to Cora again to work. Wo aro having quite a livoly time in this neighborhood. Mr. Doran had throe run-a-ways last week. A Reader. There is a Class of People wbo are Injured by the use of eoffee. Recently there bi beeu placed in all the grocery etorei a new preparation called QRA1M-0, made of pure grain, that takes the place ef coffee. The most delicate stomach recches It without di ireu, ana nut few can tell It from coffee. It does not coit over one-fourth ai much. Chll uren may drink It with great benefit. ISe and 25c per package Try It. Aik for CHAIN O. Wo sell beer at wholesale aud you can got nny quantity from ono keg up. at tho South Side Sample Boom. John Polnicky, Proprietor. Monoy to Loan. In nny amount at 5 per cent for 6 ycats on western town nud farm property. H. J. Wilcox & Co., Bank kers nud Brokers, :53 Broadway, Now York City. Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure It. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics aud cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheums tuna, wkica the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I iwas soon able to move my right arm; before loag I could walk across the room, aad wkta I had finished one dosen bottles was care completely and am as well as ever. I aew weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy 8.S.S. cures Scrofula. Cancer. Eczem. and any form of blood troubles. If vou have a mood disease, take a blood medl. cine S.S.S. (gttatanteed purely vegeta table) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended lor notblncr else. It forccn out the poison matter permanent ly, we win send to anyone our valuable books. Address Swift Specific Co,, A Unit in, Ga. sss .aJrBamAS fonsumplioD m AND ZT CU&S Xo m Editor i I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By Hs timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already penmacntly cured. So proof-positive am I of Its power that I consider H my duty to $md Am bottUt fn$ to those of your readers who htvt OmsumptknlThroatl Bronchial or Lung Troublt, If they wM write me their express and pottoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. absent at. ft, in read It, aew Terfc. ST The EAHorbl aa BaelaaM Miuimiit of --aw va - a Vnpimkttam BLADE1T. A tine, refreshing rain foil Wednes day evening. C. E. Hicks and family drovo over toCowlos Wednesday. Frank Toothacre has chat go of D. Byrne's store diiriughis absence. Miss Walker of St. Louis is spending a fow days with her uncle C. E. Hicks. W.J.Davis, Wm. McDonald, J. E. Yost and Tlios. Snyder drove over to Blue Hill Sattmhy. W. E. Thorne and V. S. Hall ttans acted business at Red Cloud Wednes day. W. C. Moore has erected a coal houso and will handlo coal In connec tion with his grain. C. E. Hicks and family and Miss Graco Walker spent Sunday with friends nt Campbell. Died Tuesday evening, July 20th, of 8iininier complaint, the infnnt sou of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Riggins. Harry and David Byrne lett Friday evening for a two week's sojourn In Deliver, Cripple creek and vicinity. J. E. Yo3t lias been engaged by Gund & Co. to buy grain for them at this place. J. Stabenow will go to Blue Hill. Charles Caldwell delivered the first now wheat in this market Monday for which he received lifty cents per bush el. Tho yield is good anil tho borry first class. In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Amorica, the five great continents, Shaker medicines aro being used by sulTcting humanity for the cm oof sick ness and disease. Never was theio such a universal de mand never such wuiuleiful results. Shaker Digestive Cordial, a cute for indigestion, is prepared from herbs and roots, and is a natural remedy, which cures by aiding nature and not by fighting her. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes those fat, who liavo becomo thin by not digesting their food. It restores tho spirits and tho nppe tito of thoso who are dejected and faggoit out from the wearing effects dT indigestion. It reliovos the symptoms of dyspop sin, and, after using for a leasonablo time, finally cures the complaint. Sold by drugglsu. Trial bottlo 10 cents. m m STATE LINE. A good rain Is greatly needed. Miss Lucy Toland is working for Mr. Collins. Mr. Stafford's wore visiting Mr. Ar rant's Sunday. Next Saturday and Sunday will bo quarterly mooting at Maple Grove. Miss Ncllio Haworth is visiting her uncle, Win. Haworth, of this placo. Aftor a year ot life in Washington county Miss Jessio A. Pearson has ro turned homo for a visit. Nonia aud Loron Wells started Sun day morning for tho Solomon river valley to work during harvest. 1). II. Dillon, J. W. Booiuau, A. W. Cllno, Alva Stanton and Perry Hadloy attended tho C. E. convention at Web ber. Maukato normal is over and among thoso who passed tho examination tiro Viola Hadloy, May Rinnrd, Grace Davis, Lucy E. Toland and I.oreu C. Stanley. "Last summer one of our grand ohildion was sick with asovero bowel trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of Froderickson, Mo. "Our doctor's remedy had failed, thon wo tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy relief. For salo by H. E. Grlce, Druggist. BATIN. Mr. and Mrs. Marker dluod nt J. C. Brooks' last Sunday. J. C. Wilson took somo fat hogs to Red Cloud Saturday. Some of tho leading sports went to tho Republican river to fish last Satur day. Wm. aud John Bretthauer attended tho Sunday school rally at Inavale Suuday. Thoro was a fight between two young men Suuday ovoning aftor church iu district 14. Everett Bean and family and Mrs. Paxton of Lincoln were visiting with Rev. Bonn Tuesday, Tho Infant child of Mr, mid Airs. Chi is, Hansen died Sunday uightaiid 11sbnund Moiulity at 3 o'clock in tho tiinseu runii'ti'iy Stunnkic. .Jr. Prlcfl's Cream linking Powder WorkTafrtlrlllghcstMedaUad Diploma. LESTER. Besie Cockiell Is home again. Ida Baker is visiting iu Bed Cloud. 1 A pleasant lain visited this suction Mondayi C, C. Cox is home from a trip to tho mountains. Tho social was well attended Wed nesday evening. J. W. Saladen was doing business ic Cowles Tuesday. John Barns of Bostwick was here tho last of tho weok. Walter Cox and a conductor from McCook wero hero last Tuesday. Misses Hayes and Pottit of Guldo Rock were guests of Mrs. C.H. Frisble. "I crave but Ono Minute," said tho publio speaker iu a husky voice; and then ho took a dose of Ono Minuto Cough Cure, and proceeded with his oratory. Ono Minute Cough Cure is uiirquallnd for throat and lung troubles, C. L. Cutting. COWLES. Hat vest operations are iu full swing. Both wheat and oats aro a hotter sam ple than last year. John Waller's steam thresher is kept busy. D. Best was here on a visit circula ting among his old friends last week. Little Miss Mary Waller mot with a seiious accident a week ago. She was rldinir ono of Ted's buiros and some how got thiowu, badly injuring her arm. The Sunday school rally at the Burr school houso last Sunday was ti de cided success. At the close, 1111 organi zation was formed which promises to work well. Corn Is doing well now. The rain list Monday evening came just in time to help most things. Our Union Christian Endeavor soci ety is going to meet with tho Eckley Epworth league next Sunday evening by special invitation. Miss Chlou Fuller started this week for 1111 extended visit iu Iowa and Illi nois. Our enterprising postmaster, C. E. Putnam bus lilted up the loom west of Fuller & Goods stoioso that it makes 11 veiy convenient postolllco. Don't iiiiuseutu jour .stomach with luu and bitter hot us, bin legulale jour liver and nu:k headache by using thoso famous little pills known as Do Witt's Little Early Rkeis. C. L. Cot ling. Rev.W.M. Slaughter, OF WEST VIRQINIA. Writes Of the Benefits Received From Or. Miles' Restorative Nervine. o B. MILES' Bestorative Nervine is particularly adapted to tho restora tion of boalth lirokon down by hard mental work. Iter. W. M. Slaughter of New narcn, W.Va., writes: "I suffered with ex tromo norvousnesji, dizziness, dull and ner vous hcadacuos and sleoplcesnegs. My heart camo to troubling mo, I was short of breath from tho luobt exertion, and suffered much pain lu my left sldo. Medlclno and physi cian! ruto me no re lief. I procured Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, New Heart Cure nud Nervo and Liver I'll Is, and I am Dr." MlleV Nervine : fUatorca Health , sure no words of com-. mondatlon as to tho results can bo too strong. I sloop well, the dlzzluess and confused feel lug have disappeared, my heart troubles me no mora and I feel perfectly well." Or. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug glsta under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book oa Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DR. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Lauah it the Sun nwifi moKSZlKeeD wmammmmi , a, ,w oourytooi-unm HIRES footbeerj Vf Heeo Well-Drim HIRES aotbeeyyoiwtMrse HIRES loottiecK, T?vjisi;s xitjVxjbis: oiX DEVLKIth IN ItlljMBER and COM, Building JVIateriol, Etc. ked cloud, - Nets ! Nets ! ! Special - Sale - on -Nets. FROM JUNE 19 to JUNE 26. We will a special Inducement for all to get fly nots at a low price. Wo have n large and elegant lino to select from. ALSO SPECIAL SALE OF OTHER GOODS IN THE HARNESS LINE. Repairing and trimming done neatly on short notice. J. O. BUM, BR, Prop. eity Dray and ROSS & RIPE, PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the. Charges as low as the Lowest. CITY AGENTS FOR.'ADAmS EXPRESS CO. SHERWOOD CROG6RS BOOTS AND SHOES. AGKNTb FOR Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. JAS. PETEJRSOX, DEALER IN 13 a. r m. 1 n g - I m pie m ents OUR SPECIALITE5 FOR '97 McCormlolv: - aiacl - buckeye 7WVOinER3 KND BIND6RS, EAGLE LISTERS and FAMOUS OHIO Sulky or Walking CULTIVATOR. C07WtPL.ETE L1N6 OP LERDINC COODS; mmmMMMMMMSMMMSS m The Kalby Shoe Co. Successors to A. H. KALBY. See Our Ox Blood and Chololate Oxfords and Shoes. Wehve Bargain in Black or Tan Oxfords at $1.00. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Shoes. All kinds of repairing neatly done. Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store. BWMSwSKmWSMMmmSM J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates. POHCELAIN INLAY And oil Hie latest ImproTemeuila iluuul mecn an Urn TIME TABLE. BAM. B.Y BED CLOUD, NEBR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO ST. JOE KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS and all points east and HOUth. DENVER HELENA BUTTE SALT LAKE C'Y PORTLAND SAM FRAXCISC0 and all povili west. TRAINS LB ATS AI FOLLOW! ! No. 6. Freight, dalljr except Bundar for Wjrmore aad all point east 8:00 a.m. No. 18. raweucer, dally for St. Joe, Kanaaa dT. AtcaUon. St. Louli and all oointa eaaiand south -.. . 10 :00a.m. No. 148, Aecotamodatlon, dally except Sunday, uaaunn, urino ii- lvnd. Black Hllii and all points in tne nonnweH..... o. 141. Accommodation, dally except -.. l:S6p.m. Hunday, Obcrlln, Kaniai, and intermeoiaie iwuoqi, via ue nuhllRmn... U:0op.m, 61. Freight, dally, Wymore and 8L Joe and Intermediate junction junction points . ..-..lSUOp.m. No. 3. Fretgnt, uaiiy ror nepunuraii Orleans, Oxford and oil points west.... 10:30a.m. No. 15. 1'usscnger. dally. Denver, all points lu Colorado, Utah and California ..... . ..... 8:40p.m. bltepliifr, dlnliiK, nud rccllnlna clinlr cars' (sests frcui on tlironuli trains. Tickets suld nud tiMgKHKO cni'iUd t" any polnl lu the I'nllcd Suites or I'uimdfi , i'orliiforiiml'oil time tubles, limps or tickets Mill on or Mddrrts A Conn'i'r A-cuit It i lmnl. Xulir or J F'awls. (if urnl t'r ' u, , I Agent Omuliu, Ncbrusta, - Nebraska.1 Nets ! 1 ! Express lime. & ALBRIG-HT, Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND tu PRINCIPAL CITIES OP TEXAS. WMHU IUFFET SUEPEIS AND FREE RECLINING KATY GHAII CURS DINING STATIONS 2HSSSH0 "Y THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, FIFTY CENT& llfnnnrl In M Who caa think WanillKII Ull IIIH utmammi &ffi$$0yl ISP .jjs BaBnaTiflnBBBaaaaBaBB0 Protect your Idraii tbsy may brlS ou vrV.Uhl Write JOll.V (VEUlicuilUllN "& CCJI'alcnt Ittor. uJ list of mo hundred Invent)"" ulir mpl A , --r t u ' !' v s ' T :C r'WA. -2!SSS Tasatessr'