The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 09, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    W yr.r.
zJmMMM&U3J xniaxT A.xr
i ITT" T C ...
OT MVWitfAft
. . 1IH !( II I '" lf lf'"
reSiK3SSS '
BMi'iMBiiiii i'i'i " i" '"" ' ' ""'
And Up I'nilmlily VtVnt tip for the I7uat
Thlrtr Par.
Just outside the police court bulldlntf
tlio other morning the Free Prcs crlnv
Innl reporter found his way blocked by
an old woman with anxious fnee, wlic
lifted up her hands at night of hint
nnd exclaimed:
"81rl Whatdo you think? They've
got Daniel In tkere thin moralng with
thereat of the era will"
"Who's Daniel?"
"Who's Daniel! You Irrln' here In
Detroit and don't know who Daniel Isl"
"Hut there are a groat muny Daniels
In Detroit."
"No, sir; there Isn't. Thoro l only
ono Daniel ns anybody over honril of,
nnd he's my own husband. Why, sir,
when I henrd that he wna nr routed I
couldn't holluvo a word of Itl I felt that
oslotilshcd tlmtyou could have knocked
me down with a fe.nthnrl"
"Well, what's Daniel been dolnif?"
"Not thu first blessed tiling, slrl It's
either n (Treat mistaWa or It's spite
"lint wlmCs the charge?"
"Drunk and disorderly; but It'a aa
'awful ahnaae to charge Daalel with
'that He couldn't oe made draak, air,
'and he's the peacefulleat aaaa ia all
If Icalgaa. Are yon a lawyarf
"No, sta'um."
"I wan la hop yarn waa aad that
you'd tutca this two dollar aad go la
ad talk for Daalel. Yea eoald say
'Mutt yarn had known him for tway
.yaara, and that ho avr fat draak
ear aa oloetioa day. Yoa oaU atalta
the jvdff m that a great wroag had
aeon done, and a'd b only too glad
todiaeharge DanWL Ara jroaaaaMor
Baaar "No, raa'aav"
"Too bod! If yon only waa yoa ooald
jgo In and tall hi, honor that Daalal
wan on of the bast aatMeal werai
la this ward. Daring aa laat oaav
palgn, air, Daalal wa oat ovory abjht
for fnurtoea atratffht atf ata. If hi
honor knew that ha'daasaead aaateao
at oneo Have you got a pull with tha
"I'm nfraid not"
"A hi there It ia again. Aa you oast
lip the stops I thought you looked like
a mun who had. You ooald go down
to headquarter uudaay to 'eat that
Daniel waa a frieud of youra and gath
ered In by mistake, and they'd have
hint out hero in Ave tnlnntes. Poor
Daaioll lie's aalttlng there aad a
watching and expecting, and hero I'm
not able to tlnd anyone to do the first
thing for hiav Doa't you work ia tha
ity hall?"
"No, ma'aa."
"Nor belong to any caty department?"
"No. raa'ant."
"And yoa don't kaow the atayor
right waHf
"No, ma'aav"
"Whatluekl Whatlaokl Aht Mow
I have Itl Yen are one ' theta report
are a eoea for lata to 111 aa the 9a-
"Thank ef eavaaaa I taasMed to
n, aa DaaWlaaya. New aaaa, yea fa
fa. Yaa'Uaa Daalal la aha aaaj
dayoawiaka Mala cheer hlaa ua.
laaayamgaoTertoaJehoajer aadtaey
that Uwaa all a aiUlahe The aaaa
they wasted c4 away. Tajl alea daa
H'will he a greet mwor to yea, .aal
Oat If ae wane a ate Utile am la
aha aaaa he aaall hate, 11 MH he
tar aa triad to ahUga ye aad let Basrfel
fa. Will y do ttr
"Medasa, I oaalda'i."
'Not to help a poor womaat"
"Then, air, you're a mean maa and
an good, aad when .my Daniel gets eat
I'll put him oa to you, and he'll make
theui heels o' youra break your aeok
afore the week U out Heat! I want
nothing more to aay to one who's got a
cobblestone in the place bin heart
kbit's- ui' Dotrolt tfree I'raaa.
A Miserable Condition.
Dootora Could Not Itelleve.
OUIIKD by Oue Battle.
V-In law I bad been aaUctod with
a as
iuvui aiiraooia, utciufllag pain la
kldaj. ,ad bladder . trouble
koaa. I loat lih . k..
ailiauMs aaat I could met areuad. In
tela Hamuli eeadltloa 1 aoHshtthaaldof
aa esalaaataayatclau. but h did aot sa to
1" iwnaa a raaaeoj uat would nwh
am I received neoMUl
rlfsaaUrtsedtp.wj your Kidna
ware. 1 re bettwr th Irat
aaataalar lu
1 use. Wttnla three
aMrh Imi
ttfewas tafien I waa whofry r
lea retain etew tooatas later
reae-aalf beaiaoof saate." Wow
ica uevier ana a
the. time one
wa wholly relieved.
return slace.
AW nnmwiwns
XlelfyearoMMr' "'c,a parnoes for Hie
(Jwuf the eenafal fund fortalarle. S00: for
ft.'.1i,on,.l?,Ca".our' ,,'! 'Of ball rnc MOO: lot
ttr55st,i,l; lncMeuu, PW Wi 'or
!):aSfeSMSSd fM W'otlnleri
glMbr.Wr, tot waiejrcomatwlousr. .
Out of ooeupatlon fund tot repair 6n Mrwu.
W0: for lucideaui expeq. asuo. tarytnti
.fT.IT. 0.rtlBoe 11 l( ITict from Dint
iu,.i: US0.4. WAIinrN..UTnr.
WaV! aA I
frnfrnanr of Moikc CaUlilns', Hbavlncantf
A ahort time 11 ,'(, an I walked throagh
the hall leading to my boardlng-houfic
bedroom, I wna atirprlsed to 6ce the
door open and n mun on his knees in
the comer. I Inquired of the chamber
maid why he wan there.
"Oh, lip's all right," she answered.
"He's Prof. Wllklns."
"Why did you hrlng him up here?" I
BAki'd. "I always wish to have caller
wait for me In the parlor."
"Oh," giggled the girl, "what would
he 1ms in the parlor for? He's Prof.
Wjlklns, the inmine man. Some of tho
biHii'durn complained thcro was mice in
the liouM. und he's looking for thcml"
When I Interviewed Prof. Wilktns, he
informed mo that he was a professor
of rod'nto!ogy, nnd I found that his
mind 11 ally hud 11 sclcntlilo turn. Ho
gnvu mo siiinn Interesting facts in con
nection with the mouso-cutctilnK bust
Hess. One talc was of a lady w ho was
sued by bar maid for damnges because.
In her terror at discovering a mouse in
a sugar basin, she had flung mouse,
sugar and basin at the girl's head.
Anotlw story Illustrated the lnflu
enoe of certain conditions of dream.
The professor assured me that one of
hla customer dreamed of mice when
ever ahe ate chreael
Ob the register of a hotel in a west
ern town 1 read "Prof. Pekkins aad
staff. " A geelegieal survey was la
progress. Probably, I refleeted, Prof.
Pekklae waa eeaductlag it
That night, through the transom of
my door, I heard aa aausually peae
tratlag voice mstrnctlag a class, bat
the subject waa aot geology. The
eeraager was flrlag polata to hfe
ageate oa setting forth tha merit of a
eerUia soap. The principal point waa
the parity of the iagredleato. Tha
ail used was of such a quality that la
tho aoap faetery, at the luach hour,
the opetatlvea left the butter provided
for them, preferring to dip their bread
in the aweet and delicate oil. This was
o reflection on the butter, which was
oeat uruumery.
1 was so Interested In this strange?
that 1 Inquired of the clerk: "Who has
the room opposite mine?"
"Prof. Pekkins and two of his staff."
Prof. Pekkins was a professor of
Prof. Null, tonsorial artist, lives
across the border. Shortly after hla
marriage, walking with his dark
skinned bride, he met a customer one
of the Four Hundred of his olty. "Mis
tah Blanktns," he exclaimed, blocking
the way of the astonished man, "Mis
tah mankind, pahmit me to ihtahduce
Mr. Profesaah Null. Mr. Professah
Null, Nistah Mlankia." Rate Field's
rreef rHlve.
Cemplimeatary Frlead Very strik
ing woman, Mrs. Van Snort
Mr. Vaa Hnert-Yea; ahe hit me for
tea this moralng. Judge.
m a
Tbero ia a time for eveivthina-: and
the time to attend to a oold ia when it
Mart. Don't wait until you bnve con
tumplion but prevent it by mine; One
Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
and all throat nnd lung 'roubles. C.
L. Cutting.
John Griffln, of Znnesrill, O., says:
"F iiwor llv'd a day for thirty jchi-k
without sufTuring ngoay. uutll a. box of
ilto Witt's Witch HbtscI Salvo ouroil my
piles " ror pih'M and rrotal tntiiblcs
cnts, lirtiUcfl, suiatriH, vcxeiim Hint all
sklu tfotiMoiJ Do WlU's Witch HubkI
Halve Ih uiH'qu).lli. O. U. C.ttlinn-
JSntaal aarrocy About the ramMf-
no in a iiaw York noma.
There is a young and handsome
oouple in New York city whose names
are constantly in the society columns
of the newspapers. They are extrava
gant beyond their means and they are
both wealthy by Inheritance. They
glvo entertainment aud dinners, and
keep a stable fit for chase.
One day, two years ago, John Druck
er, u diamond broker, was visited by
the husband, who explained the object
of his call by producing his wife's dia
mond necklace, with a request that
the real stones be purchaaed for two
thousand dollars and imitations substi
tuted. No one, he said, would ever bo
the wleer; hla position and wealth
would banian the suspicion of fraud,
i2v T n,POu,lly money starred.
The dealer aaltuJ k a ...u.
reUinlng the neeklaee. Ia the later
ai ae lam the ease before the wlee'e
mother, a wcalthv and .bJuIm. -
an, aad asked her advice nn ih. .4-
ter. ihe. at oace gave him ,, tell
tnsr nim to hui ih iia.u.ii.i
band, giving him at the same tune the
iu ihw ror toe imitations. Thla
aouree wa aoeordlBl f.i.j .j
ya- aband "bUw the money
" m mji grace,
Mx meatha afUrward the wife called
"TtS.' WtS dealer,
and, like a female Aatoay, asked tar
the leaa Ir arapoaiUea waa
the aal at the diamoaas ia horaech
laee for tt.UO, aad their substitution
by false stones. She waa a little
"short" aad needed ready money.
A day's time waa token to eoaaldar
this matter, and a visit waa paid aa be
fore to the mother. Tha eM Tlady tar
nished the money, whieh waa paU to
!he 7' kni th mmIw returned a
rhe wlfa etlU ween that aoeklaee to
reeeption aad theater, aadUeBalr
have each a dead aeeret uakaowito
ofjt ia ImiUUea dUmaadelT Y.
"Last sumrnrr ono of our grand
ohililien was sick with nsevrro bowel
1 1 on Mi-," says Mrs. E. . Gregory, of
I'Vi'ilorlitkim, Mo. "Our doctor's
lemi-ily IiimI failed, then wn u-i,.h
Oli3iitlr1ninf Colic, Cholera and
DntiTlioea (leniedy, wbicii gavo very
Hpfrdy rulUjf. Far sale by U. 1,
Giicii, DrugglRi,
Are much In little 1 alwAys
I rearty, efBelent, satlsfae
toryipreveutaeoldor feter,
jnvll llv Ilia alV ft..,.
1 wlie, JannHltf, conMlpallon, tie. 1'rlo rnl.
. .w ..w ...., p.vm .nu-
tim only run to take with lleod't HuntMillla.
False Reports.
Sonio mlicieiint who lias nothing
No to do, Is trying to make a living by
suiiilliiK icpoits of hot winds lu Nn
hraska nnd KnnsiiN to ensteni impui.i.
Thu fncli arc hu tliuiilil himiiI ii'pojti of
(Mi much rain, Instead of dniutb and
lull wind, t'sppt'lally for tliU section
whi'iT It ho wet mint ot thu time
that faniifirs cannot jjot Into thn lleUU
to plow corn or cut Renin. Ni'vit hus
thiii stain or Kuiiina had a bolter pin,
peel for a crop than nt prexunt ml
hot winds nru lomothitiK that hiive not
been heard of so far thlo year. Thu
person, whoever hu Is, Is certainly not
vity woll posted or hasn't thu senso of
a inv bird. '
Thcro in more catarrh in thii section
of the country than all other diseases
put together and until tho last few
years was supposed to bo incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treat
ment, pronouueed it incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to bo a constitu
tional disease, and tbeiefore requires
constitutional treatruouU Hall's Ca
tarrh Cum, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure ol the market.
It is Inkco internally in doses from 10
drops to a teiispoouful. It acts directly
011 thu blood and mucous surfaces of
tho systuni. They offer one hundred
dollars for any ease it falls to on id.
Send for circular and testimonials.
K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, ()
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall Family Pills arc thu best.
The wild jungle oat of southern
India are tall, leag-legged, bold aad
dangerous aalmals. One of them wa
prevented from dotag sarlou Injury to
Gen. Hamiltea by the skill he had ac
quired la eatehiag erlcket ball. The
oat eeme lata the eaatoament, prowl
lag after fowl. The dog ware sat ea
its amok, aad far tim thara waa
aa eaeiUng eaaee aasaagat the hedge
whUh divided wa edseero' quarter.
Thea there easae a laafeaeck, the aaaa
havaag loot tha aaaat. RamUtoa at
laat seated aaaeatHtiaf ia a aeaW
aadeallaataaiemm waataapaia
aa nbm aawa asm aagaa eaai
aaa-aataawaaf at
H aa aaa would a
I." aava lm
rraaaatraaf eejaeaaa. aa4. to
titodaaja. Taa aat aj ammv iu
Hod it ia a lmg.-Yjth
Tamaw-Jtaaa la a aeeat saaat aataai
Jahaay-RaaM What aU a hemd
ahoasaaker da, Pd ma to amaw?
Yasamy-I meea aa eaald aaaka ha
vtaialo patches all right aou,i salsa
A rffiral AyaUrj.
The Chinese, Japanese and Siamese
are people skillful at botanical feet.
One of their wonderful achlevementa
ia known aa the "changeable rose."
This bloom Ih white In the shade and
red in the sunlight. After night or la
a dark room the eurloslty of the rose
family is a Dure, waxv white bloasom.
When transferred to the open air the
transiormation immediately steps in,
the time of the entire change of
the flower from whtta to th mmi
sanguine of aanguine hues depending
on tne degree of sunlight nnd warmth.
First the petals take on a kind of
washed or faded blue color, and rapid
ly chanre to a faint bluah of nlnU.
The plak gradually deepen In hne un
til you nna teat your lily whlto roae of
aa hour before is as red as the reddest
peoay that ever bloomed. Chicago
Piron, the French poet aud satirist,
wrote a whole book of epigram agalaat
Do FoBtalB, because the latter mu
tilated a complimaatary meatiaa ad
him made by Keaaeaa.
Ladi Can Wear 8boe
Ono 1k loialler after uaing Alleu't Koot Bano,
a pewder lo be ibaken Into tho thoci. 'Umko
tlgbt or aew iboe lit eay strive lntlant relief
lo corn aad buulonn. It'Rtbo Kroalnt com fori
llicovery of tha age. ifures aad prevent!
woolen fee), bMtttti, calloui and tore tpala.
Allen's Fool Bane It a evrlalu cure for iweatlDjr.
hot,acbln( feet. At all ilrungliui and ihoe
lorsp, S5e. Trial packaa free by MAIL. Ad
drew, Allen 8. Olmitead, te Koy, N. Y.
Tetter. Salt-Rheam aad lfianm
Tha laarnme Itching and smarting laoi
Van ..,
have been permaaently eared by it. It
"j j uou u
w equaiiy emoieav ror itoblng pile and
i!? ttfaT w re nipples:
chapped hand, ohilblains, frosfbitefl
mu (Muwaao sore eyas, jjo eta . per box.
aav aaii'i rwini .j. .
just what a hone seed whea la' bad
vuuuiwo. awc, Dtooa portlier and
medicine aad, the beet In use to put n
cenw per package.
TryOraJn-OI TryOrain-Ot;
Ak your trocar today to ihow von nih
of aRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the
place of coffee. Tba ehtldreo may drink H a
well at the adult without injury. ATI who try It
like It. OKAINO ha that rich eal browu or
Mocha amd Java, but It la made from pure
I rain, and the raoit delicate tiomacH reoelrc
II without dhtreaa, n tlte price of coffoa. 15c
auume rrpaekf. Sold by all groetai. ,
deatto basse diaeasea is instantlyaUayed
RcMona Why Chamborlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-
ody in tho boat.
1. Beeaiio itafroids itliunn intiint
relief in casu of pain in the stonmch,
eoUoaiid eholera tnoibii.
2, Uecatiso It is the only remedy
that never fails In thu inoit si-vim
cases of dysentery and diarrhoea.
8. Because It is tho only remedy
that will euro ohroiilo diarrhoea.
4. llccniiso It Is thn only remedy
that will prevent bilious nollo.
r. Uecausu If is tho only remedy '
that will prevent epidemical dysentery. ;
0. Hecause It Is tim only remedy
that can ulwnys bu dcpcmleil upon In
cincs of cholera Infantum. '
7. Uecauif it is the most prompt
and most tollable medicine in use for
bowel complaint. .
8. HccaiiBO it produces no bad n
suits. J
0. Hucauso it is pleasant anil safe to 1
10. Because it hns saved the lives of
nioro people than any other remedy hi
tho world.
The 25 and JJOc sizes for mile by H. E.
Grice, Druggist.
Bpworth Leaguera.
Enroute to the third international
conference to be held at Toronto, July
15-18, should purchase tickets via the
Burlington Route, whieh has been
designated tne official line. Special
sleeping and chair car will be attach
ed to the Burlington' "Vestibuled
Flyer," leaving Omaha 5:05 p.m., Tues
day, July 13th. '
Tickets to Toronto and return atone
fare for the round trip will be on sale
July 11, 12, 13 And 14 aud (if extended
at Toronto) will be good lo return un
til August 12th. Berths reserved on
application to any B. & M. R. R. agent.
J. Frnncln, G. P. A., Omaha, Nebr.
To California Comfortably.
Every Thursday afternoon, a tourist
tfliu.nliifT nut for K',ll I ..!.. IMi U..i.
Fiaucisco and Los Angeles luuvos
Omaha aud Lincoln via the Burlington
Route. It is carpeted, uphnlstcied in
rattan, hns spring seats anil backs uiiil
is provided with curtains, bedding,
towels, soup, tto,. An experienced ex
cursion conductor aud a uniformed
Pullman porter accompany it through
u tun i nuiiiu uuusi. n nuu ucuuer so i
expensively unisneu uor so line 10 iouk
at m the palace sleeper, it is just aa
good to ride in. Second class tickets
are accepted for passage and the price
of a berth, wide enousbaud biseunusb
for two, is only 15. ror fouldcr giving
inn particulars, can at nearest Bur
lington ticket office, or write to J,
Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route,
Omaha, Neb.
To Care Constipation forever.
Take Caacareu Candy CuOharUt toe or fM.
liBCC fall to cure, druggUt' rtlunJ uoucy.
fMarato Vour ItitwnW With C'lSftrrrr.
UHFiuy t'liilmrili'. I'ure (HinlraMi'-t foifl-r-.
I0c,'J5i-. fli,iliv:iriKrlfi.,lni.)ii.-..v
Hotloe to Buildan.
Notice is herepy given that the board
of county commissioners of Webster
county, Nebraska, will receive bids for
the building of n Poor House on tho
Poor Farm in Seetion C, Town 3, Range
11, in Webster county, Nebraska, ac
cording to plans und specifications on
tile in the county clerk's office Said
bids to be iiled in the office of the
County Clerk on or before thu 10th day
of July, 1807, said bid to bo uccoim
ptinifd by n good and sufficient bond.
The board reserves the right to reject
any and nil bids.
Dnted at Red Cloud, Nebraska, J111111
S2d, 1807.
L. II. Foht, County Clerk.
Mr. C. L. liashrnuck, a drugghd- at
Moiidou, Midi., ny all of tho good
testimonials that have been published
by the manufacturers of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
could he duplicated In that town For
sili- by II. K. (iiice, Druggist.
Kvervbody Says Ho.
IVjonrets Candy Cutluirtfc, the iwrt won
uorful medical diicovcrv of tlio afro, p en
atit mill rcfrealilnir to tho tacto, not pci.Hy
and positively on kliliic). liver nnd Imweln
fleanalntr tho enllro arstm, dispel itM
cure Imadnolio, fever, habitual eoiinliinllor.
anil Wllotmness. Plnum bny and trvu lm
ot (J. (J. C. to-duy; 10, s!.. Ml eonts. tlu'ii auu
guaranteed to cure by all ilrairKlAt.
liun't robarvo HpU and tiauke lair Ufr Aef.
To gult tobacco easily and forever, be tang
oetlc, full or lllo, nerve und vlor. take N'oTo
Uno, tlio wonder-worker, that make weak men
strong. All druguUtH, BOoorJI. Cure guaran
teed, llooklct and sample free. Address
Storllng Itcmcdy Co., Ctilcauo or New York
T11 Cure CotwtluistluB Foniiiw.
..vfV? v.Macl t-auuycutnartlc. toe
If C. C. O. full to eure, druwlHU rotund
k itki
X SPRAINS St, Jacobn Oil the foiL usT
sa aff A at bbW Tat 7 ".""5 AB F
X aAIIN5 X al' but that is something sure. X
aal Vb aaaV a aaaaaaaaa aal
aaat ' sBHsbPHBsi SBaaW aaaaV .itsf'aaaaa aaam 'aaVBBaA VbbW
Oili mid i-itiiiij iMll" pniupiH ;mi
Mind diii oi 'ilgbi
Ort'icK ovku 1 'orri.Hu's Duuii Stuiik.
J maw aa aal mm aaml aV a aaa mmii
Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat
entbutinru conducted (or Modcratc Ftia.
oun orricc ia oppobitc U, b. f'ATtNTOrf ict
ana vrccan&ecurc Daieniia icu urns man m
and we cantecure patent
remote Irom waimneton.
mote from Wash neton.
Send model, driwin? or cholo.. teilh ilrvtln.
tton. We advise. If natentabla or not. free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
A PAmnatT, " How t Obtain Patents," with
cost ot sane In the U. S. and foreign countries
icni irea. Aaarets,
opt. Fhtmht mot, WaaNiNavoN. a. c.
Wanted-n Idea 2
! W1H6S,
California Brandies.
w imnu nmxwr
n 111 11
Special attention to Commercial and
Probate Litigation.
toon BLOCK,
Crown I Britge Work or Tetk Wm fklei
And all (be Iftleil Improff mm la denial mccfa
B M. B.Y
nil jiaints cittt and
and nil point
No. trt. I-'relslit, dally exeept aundif)-
for Wjiaore and all point oatt 7:(
No, lit. 1'NKi.aiiKcr, dally fur Si. Joe.
Kaiifai Clt. AUhlaon, St
l.o u l aud all point cant and
youth -........ .,..... 10 MX) a m.
Nn. If.' Accouiiuodatlou, dally except
sunnily, iiantiini. uranu n
Innd. Ulnck
and all
nomm lu the nortbt
aolul lu the nortl
wet. 1:96 p.m.
o, Ml
Aconmmodmlun. dally exuept
Sunday. Obwlln, Kanwm, aud
latermcaiato awuoii, via lie
iiut)Mran.... ........t2:00p.ra.
. Frelalit, dally, Wynoro aud
No. ftl.
Ml. Joe and intermediate
Inaction iiotat . . 13:iup.m.
I-'retuht, dally for ltcpublloaii
No. .!.
()rleauii,OxroTd and all point
, wcit . .t0:.ina.m.
15. PaxaeiiRer. dally, Ueuvar, aft
iioltita In Colorado, utau and
California..... . . 8:40 p.m.
etliepliiK. dining;, aud recMnlua chair ear'
(feat free) oa through trail. TWtkelw Hold nod
banuagc abecked to any polpt In the United
HIoni or Canada.
Vor in formation, time table, map or tlckaU
oull oh or addret A. Conover, Aunt, Red
Cloud, Nobr. or J. fraud. Oeuera) I'MMmger
Agent Omaha, NsUaika.
Kit mule toar Bowel With Cuaeareta.
Unniiy rnthartlc. cure constipation forever.
10c. O. tr a O. O. full. drugKiatH refund nianey.
wrtgioay .TMaaTiara IEHSJEBl
aflsHBasaaaaaaUaaaaaaa" nnMslsTlBTe
In the PMret I nut of Hie Ttiiih Judieidi
DMrlct In and for Welxier runnir, NetrdBkn.
Waller II t'olllii tl all
rlnl'itKT- 1
fifo. W II .uvliin. Kllu J
llniii'lilii. innl 111111 1
TlllllllI'MjU. I
licfiMi.lniiln I
tiiiin 'rliniiiM)iid fi.-iiilAiitiil.ovi- iinnic-l will
like null ellial -lie In Jollied lrf mlnnt la an
I'.etloii eni1lii! In llu- hIii-m- iiullleii uoiirt be
KUlibjr Waller II t.'ollln lliiiijniiilit Colli i. nnd
Klioda 1 judJ- lliiTfl.i in the '.Mil ilnv of Ku
InkVkkhImkI lii-r-ell itiil llieotlii-r aliovj iiHCieil
cli'lmnlrt' In Hie ul.Jei'l wleu'of n loiitlletlhe
llll..,..lllU.ll. 1... ... .. .1. ." ...
ii. I- ...iiiiiiri h..--i iinii.' .11 nn minnf-i'i
liiHitcr'nuilllieiioitlii.iiKi iiimli-r ut lln norm
I wt( iiiutier ill clloll luciii) ilx. Iuwiidmp
lone, raiuietcn. ftof lliu nlxlli prliieliial tne-
rillnii WcliMcr riiiiiiir. Ne)irat. in ald
t'lnliitllTH free mul i-leiirnf nil Iriruuibrnntc-i ami
; for rvemcr) or rem for die ne llicroir.
llcfciidnnl lrutilni lu miMicr or i-lend lo
tin- I't'llltdii or lilnln llli- on or liefnre die idlh
iIh) 11 .iiilyiMi, or die xiwe lll lie taken m
triio innl lU-crre pHf-nl Hicunlliit-lj.
I W.M.TKII 11. t'(II.I.IN,
IIksj.mi foi.tiN.
I Hasiioi.i'11 MiNitt l'lilii-ir.' Altorney
iimViIIF i!!".rli'' ,L'"'Ur ."f ,,IC .Tt,,ll, JM'llclnl
III irlei, lu and for Veliler eohnt, .Velimcka.
.vclni)ler UiiIboii. 1
I'lnlmin' j '
M. )
Vlricitlrt WhIkoii, (
Ocfi'liilnlit J
1 lie alMive uaiued dHffiiidaut will luko notice
dial on ibo wih day of .May. iw, .llniitniVn
ii iK'itlon In thu aboe I'liildcd outlaw i"i
ber alien in? their marrlaye and die ilVwrtlon
by defendaiit or iho pUiuutr tor mure lliaii two
JtfjtrM laat arl. ami raylii for a deeieaof ill
votpo f urn the bomU orinaiiluioiiy,
llf. nilaiit Ik required lo auawcr or plead lo
wld iH'lllloii on or U-fore the IBlli day or July,
orktnie will be taken to be true aiid decree
pawed aecordlnilT. s, Wto.
llAMiioLnt McNiit, Atlornt).
meriws sale.
'ihPTr.MWj.0 f"f tBe DUtrict Court of
die 'lenih Judicial Dtitrlct. wllbln ami ror ,
..i'i.Kf.'.VJ ,hiM,B. wherein JUter K.
'.& J'eni,nKI.i5" uStr tot aala at public
ItW": it" ,'UDe"t b,M'r tvt caah in
hand, at th et door of the eourt
bmire, at Ked Cloud, lu raid Uebilei roatity.
tltVUil'- Vh.lJm "" the "UlldlnK wherein iho
ffi oernS.StMid ff "ilS"." "ff . -W'h
aalil day, ihe falluwlns deerlbcd iroiperu to
The koiiiIi hair of die hoiiiU wen iiimrler abd
till, irnlllh hulf uf ,l.u ....l. - ' .. ....
- ... .:: . "" """m c"i 'iiiarier, ui
coilon two 12) Iti lownMilp four (4) norlh of
inoiuiillncnui 1IIH IJIII f ,M. Ill Well tr
eouiity, Nebraska
"n1 '"""""tny liaiiil ttil- Ulli day of July,
,, , ,,.'. y. iiuNciiKv.shuiir
Hour T. 1'oni.u. l'lalnlll Ainuney.
NotlieMiereb KeiiMiat under and by vir
tue uf nn order of ale liiert from th ofllc e of
.nine lliitdcu elerk or the lllmrlel Court irf die
Tenth -liullcla! IlUtrlet. wlihlu and ror Web
aU-reoiinty Nebrafka, uw adeereelnanactlon
pt-ndltiK tlicreln, wherein Nebraska Loaii ,t
Triiniinpany l Plalnllflfaiid awlnM A.M.
Walloi. e.iiiViilUrM Ids wire, Wlflliun A Wat
klna.A. M. Vtalklna hla wife. C. Koehlerfal)
name unknown. -Koehler Ida wife llmtname
tin known, and John Doe, real name unknown,
defendant, ahall offer for alo at pubilo Ten
due, to the hlgheat blddor for caili in hand
at the Rant door of the court house, at Hed
Clou-!, Mabnuka, (that being the bulldlnr
wherein the laat term of mid court waa
bolden) on the Midi day of July. A. J. 18U7.
V one 'oI-ni.of aaldday, the fnllowr
derrlked property. towH:
The Northenvt quarter () of section elghtaen
(18) In tpwnihlp (4) north mnje nine () weet of
eth J'. M. In WeBstercoaoar. tfabratk.
Olvennnder my band thl nta day of Jnn
A. D. 167.
- .V.W. Roaxaar. Sheriff.
Oso. K.Woaa,PlaInrAlDraey.
Hotloe Is btrebfalvajo that wadatand by lraie
of aa order of aato Tnnd froaa the oflee of J.
narden. Clark of the Dhfirlot court of too Tenth
.IndlcUiDlawtav within and for Webster county.
Mabntaka, mwDadaoree In an aetloa Hadlar
tlitrawi. whoreta Bdward F. Browning i
nlalnMff and again caarlaaH. Brown.i Fhebo
J. Browa. IlaaHUoM Loan Trust Coaipaay, W.
geaijo. s. J. Whitati, w. p. aWihSTti. X.
WoraaenasdW.F. n. Mills are defcodant. i
sbaH offer for ale at public vendue to the hbib
at bidder fcroub In hand, at the atdoorof
the ort bouse, at Ked cloud, la aM Web
tcr county. Nebraska, (Ohat being theballdlnc
whereto thu last term of aald court wa holuou)
on the 80th day of July A. I 19B7, at ono
o'clock, p. u( ot ald day, the following da
acrlbcd property, to wit:
Tbe weat half of tbe cast half or section (4)
and die east half of the norlh net quarter, and'
the north half of tho vouthweat quarter, nnd thu
north half of the southeast itiartor, and tbo
outhwct quarter of the houthcit quarter, aeo
don live (5) all In towahlp No. four (-1) north of
raiiKO nluo (U) wont of tnoOlb P. M. lu Webster
roniiy. Nehraiita. coutalntiis- IIUucwk,
Olven aiujer my hand this 17th day of
June, A. I)., It07.
.1. W. RuNcnuT.Stierltr.
0IM)Hr, -V O'Havmx ami McNitt.
(lley llrookK. di-itiidmit. vHl lake uoMetlmt
on the Ibllidayof Jun, MI7, llraiv (i. Uiooka.
plaintiff, (lied her petition tn Ihe dixtrft-t tourr
or Wulntur roiuit), NtJirunkn, uiiliit khI1 de
'endaut, the object and pritrpr or which arcto
Kocuiu a divii'i-e from vaiil defendant, hhi! diu
rwiorallon of plalntHTH iiialden uaiue.
Snld defenSiint la rfqulrcil to anf-wei aald
tltlouoBorlireretliajeih Hay ot .laly, 1K7
dated June IN 1HW7.
Oiuce (J, llnoaiM.
II) ). M.C'iurriN, heratlKiriiey.
(FlMt llihlicatton Jiimu fit, 1HH7 )
Through Skrvice
vraniun MEALS,
A.J' yft t.J) sit M
' .'
Lk4i4 '
ill&l h